Request For Proposals For Payroll / HR Software System

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Issued By:

Patricia Jelinek
2001 South Medford Drive
Lufkin, Texas 75901

Phone (936) 633-5607 * Fax (936) 639-0905

[email protected]

Date of Issue: January 26, 2015

Due Date / Time: February 5, 2015 by 5:00 p.m.
Payroll / HR Services RFP


The intent of this proposal is to obtain Human Resource/Payroll Software systems in an amount not to exceed
$75,000 annually. One – time startup expenses are not included in this cap. Bids priced at more than
$75,000 annually are not within Burke’s financial scope of conducting business and will not be reviewed.

Burke provides a variety of community behavioral healthcare services in the Deep East Texas area. We have
approximately 350 full-time employees; 300 part-time employees and 150 client workers. For more
information, visit


Proposals will be received by Burke located at 2001 South Medford Drive, Lufkin, Texas 75901,
Attention: HR Department – Patricia Jelinek until 5:00 p.m., Thursday, February 6, 2014, for: Payroll / HR
Services. Proposers shall take careful notice of the following conditions of this Request for Proposal:

Late submissions will not be accepted under any circumstances. Submissions may be submitted via
email to [email protected], hand delivered, or through regular mail.

 Submitters may withdraw and / or replace proposals at any time until the deadline for submission of

 All questions received by 4:00pm, Friday, January 30, 2015, will be considered. Questions will not be
answered over the phone. Questions must be E-mailed to [email protected].


Proposals can be hand delivered, mailed or emailed to:

Burke HR Department
Attention: Patricia Jelinek
2001 South Medford Drive
Lufkin, Texas 75901
[email protected]

Submitters are fully and completely responsible for the labeling, identification and delivery of their
proposals. B ur k e will not be responsible for any mislabeled or misdirected submissions, nor those
handled by delivery persons, couriers or the U. S. Postal Service.

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Payroll / HR Services RFP


The following documents and forms in the following arrangement must accompany each submission:

Cover Page This is to be used as the first page of the submission. This form must be fully completed and
signed by an authorized officer of the firm.

Executive Summary This part of the response to the RFP should be limited to a brief narrative highlighting the
proposer’s qualifications and experience. Typically, this section should not exceed 2-3 pages. This section
should include general information such as basic corporate information; average client size, and how you
distinguish yourself from the competition.

Firm Information / Organization The Proposer must identify the Account Manager who will be working
directly with and engaged in managing the work. Resumes must be included which reference the individual’s
qualifications and experience in managing similar projects. List relevant projects worked on, dates showing
length of time spent on each project and the specific duties responsibilities for each project.

Identify the responsibilities of the key individuals, other than the Account Manager, who will be assigned to the
proposed contract, and who will have major responsibilities for performance of the services required. Include
resumes that list relevant projects worked on, dates showing length of time spent on each project and the
specific duties and responsibilities for each project.

Burke reserves the right to approve or disapprove any change to the successful Proposer’s Account Manager.
Personnel changes that impact the contract may result in the cancellation of the contract.

Firm Experience The Proposal shall include references from past or current government entity clients for
similar types of payroll services:

o Client (contact person, address, telephone #, fax # and email)

o Date contract started to date completed (if applicable)
o Nature of work for each contract (include all applicable modules / work processes)

Cost Proposal The Cost Proposal must provide a detailed fee schedule including itemized services. The
proposal must state clearly whether the costs are for a monthly subscription type product (ASP model) or in-
house software including (but should not be limited to) the following:

o Monthly rates for regularly scheduled activities and help desk support.
o Labor costs, administrative costs, equipment and materials, and sub-consultant or
consultant team costs.
o Center staff training and implementation costs.
o A fee schedule for emergency and / or after-hours service calls is also required.
o Specify price structure breakdown (e.g., 1–50 employees, 51–100 employees, 101–200
employees, etc.) as well as the cost per employee.
o If a specific requested service, function, or option is not offered / available please indicate.
o Indicate the frequency of cost (e.g., per payroll process, monthly, annually, as required).
o Provide any one-time costs or costs that are not based on the number of employees.
o Include any general comments on pricing, or different levels of service.
o List licensing fees (per workstation / location) for product software if applicable.
o List charges for “special payroll reports” created by the vendor if applicable.
o It is expected that all proposers responding to this RFP will offer government or comparable
most favorable rates. Any and all discounts offers must be clearly delineated.

Cost proposal shall list each module / function separately and should include all purchase and implementation
costs. Burke may choose to implement all modules, one module, or any combination thereof. While the
proposer may choose to offer additional discounts or cost savings for the initial purchase of all modules /

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Payroll / HR Services RFP

functions combined, Burke reserves the right to purchase modules / functions individually. In addition, all
prices must be firm and fixed for at least one (1) year following the notice of award. If the purchase /
implementation of a module / function occurs after such period of time, proposer shall indicate the manner in
which future pricing is calculated and / or price increases are applied. The separate modules / functions are:

o Human Resources Information Systems (HRIS)

o Payroll Processing
o Time and Attendance

Vendor Questionnaire Answers to questionnaire will be used in Burke’s evaluation of proposal.

Firm’s Current Workload and Schedule Provide information supporting firm’s ability to perform in a timely
fashion. Present workload of key personnel assigned to this project. Indicate that the personnel listed in the
submittal shall be available for and assigned to Burke based on illustrated workload. Indicate firm’s ability to
meet budget and schedule. It will be important to limit response to similar projects based on current and near
future workload.

Sub-consultants / Subcontractors Contractor shall submit a list of sub-consultants and subcontractors. No

substitutions shall be made without prior written approval by Burke.

Intangibles Describe any significant or unique accomplishments or awards for work performed for similar
agencies. Provide any additional information which may be relevant to the evaluation of your submission
relative to Burke’s project.

Litigation Please list any past and / or pending litigation or disputes relating to the work described herein, that
the firm has been involved in within the last five (5) years. List shall include project name, nature of litigation
and outcome of litigation (if resolved).

Licenses. Firm shall submit proof of licensing as may be required by local, state, or federal agencies to
perform the required work.

Proposal Forms:

o Exceptions or Deviations Form.

o Submitter Certification / Addenda Acknowledgement Form.
o IRS W-9 Form.


 Each vendor shall carefully examine the Specifications and other applicable documents, and inform himself /
herself thoroughly regarding any and all conditions and requirements that may in any manner affect cost,
progress or performance of the work to be performed under the Contract. Ignorance on the part of the
Contractor will in no way relieve him / her of the obligations and responsibilities assumed under the Contract.
 Should a vendor find discrepancies or ambiguities in, or omissions from the Specifications, or should he / she
be in doubt as to their meaning, he / she shall at once notify Burke, in writing by email to [email protected].

Burke reserves the right to order changes in the scope of work and resulting contract. The successful Proposer
has the right to request an equitable price adjustment in cases where modifications to the contract under the
authority of this clause result in increased costs to the contractor. Price adjustments will be based on the unit
prices proposed by the Contractor in response to this solicitation. Any contract resulting from this solicitation
may be modified upon written and mutual consent of both parties.

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Upon receipt of the proposals, the Selection Committee shall first determine and identify those persons or
organizations that are qualified to perform the services based on price factor and shall be ranked as such.

Second, negotiations shall be undertaken to include but not be limited to price factor and completed demonstrations
of product to ensure Center needs can be met.

The resulting contract will be approved by Burke Board of Directors.


Payments shall be made 30 days from the receipt of invoice, and follow all Center policies promulgated

The successful Proposer must fully indemnify Burke. Such indemnification will be documented in the contract

Burke reserves the right to reject any and / or all proposals, reserve the right to waive any informalities or
irregularities in the proposal or examination process, reserve the right to select low proposal per item, and
reserve the right to award proposals and / or contracts in the best interest of Burke.


No additional terms and conditions included with the proposal response shall be evaluated or considered and
any and all such additional terms and conditions shall have no force and effect and are inapplicable to this
proposal. If submitted either purposefully through intent or design or inadvertently appearing separately in
transmitting letters, specifications, literature, price lists or warranties, it is understood and agreed the general
and special conditions in this solicitation are the only conditions applicable to this proposal and the Proposer’s
authorized signature affixed to the proposal attests to this.

Responses to this Request for Proposals, upon receipt by Burke, become public records. If any proposer
believes that any portion of all of the response is confidential and proprietary, proposer shall clearly assert
such exception and the specific legal authority of the asserted exemption. Such designation of an item as a
trade secret may be challenged in court by any person. By the proposer’s designation of material submitted to
Burke as a “trade secret”, the proposer agrees to hold harmless Burke for any award to a plaintiff for damages,
costs or attorney’s fees and for costs and attorney’s fees incurred by Burke by reason of any legal action
challenging the proposer’s “trade secret” claim.

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Payroll / HR Services RFP



Name of Firm, Entity or Organization:

Federal Employer Identification Number (EIN):

State of Texas License Number (If Applicable):

Name of Contact Person:


E-Mail Address:

Mailing Address:

Street Address (if different):

Center, State, Zip:

Telephone: Fax:
Organizational Structure – Please Check One:

Corporation Partnership Proprietorship Joint Venture Other

If Corporation:
Date of Incorporation: State of Incorporation:

States Registered in as Foreign Corporation:

Authorized Signature:

Print Name:




This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal.

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Payroll / HR Services RFP


Note: Proposer must sign the appropriate statement below as applicable.

( ) Proposer understands and agrees to all terms, conditions, requirements and specifications
stated herein.



( ) Proposer takes exceptions to terms, conditions, requirements or specifications stated

herein. (Proposer must itemize each exception below and return with the Proposal



Proposer should note that any exceptions taken from the stated terms and / or specifications may, but not
necessarily will be cause for their submittal to be deemed “non-responsive”, risking rejecting of the submittal.
Attached are ____________ additional pages.

This document must be completed and returned with your Submittal

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Payroll / HR Services RFP

Proposer must include in response to questions complete information about proposer’s company and its ability
to perform the requested services as described in the Scope of Work.

General Information
1. Estimated completion period for this project
2. What is your average client size?

Solution Overview
1. Product Type Cloud Base
(ASP) or In-House Hosted
2. What services do you offer?
3. Describe how you are investing in your current and future product lines

1. For pre-processing activities, does the system provide pre-edit reports based on user-defined
parameters for gross-to-net pay calculations?
2. Describe the audit process for each payroll.
3. What processes are in place to make corrections to payroll errors?
4. We have hourly payroll that is bi-weekly and a monthly salary payroll; does your system allow for more
than one payroll at time.
5. We do not get our SUTA rate in March; thus it has to be recalculated to change amounts in payroll and
the general ledger. How does your system handle this function?
6. We have client workers who do not pay SUTA; we currently have them in a separate payroll system.
Does your system allow for this type situation?
7. We opt out of Social Security and a handful of employees do not pay Medicare tax. Does your system
handle this automatically or do we have to change manually.

Payroll General
1. What tax updates, if any, are provided and how are these updates received?
2. Does the application allow for the allocation of costs to any level of detail?
3. How does the payroll application handle multiple General Ledger account numbers for the same
4. Are there start- and stop-dates for deductions?
5. Does the system have the ability to set-up deductions with appropriate future effective date?
6. Can batch input screens for hours and earnings be customized or user defined?
7. Can mass increases be generated?

Time & Attendance

1. Does the system allow direct entry of employee time over the Internet using a standard Web browser?
2. Does the system allow for input of atypical schedules?
3. Does the system allow for accruals of atypical PTO?
4. Please be prepared to s how in detail the management hierarchy / levels permitted to review / edit
/ sign off on time and attendance.
5. How do you keep current with ACA requirements and does the system help us monitor ACA guidelines
regarding who is or is not eligible?

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Year End
1. Describe the vendor / client responsibilities for the year end and/or year begin process.
2. Does the system maintain all federal and state regulations for garnishment processing?
3. How does your system handle manual checks?
4. Can the user sort reports by name, classification, gender, position, etc.?

1. How are adjustments handled?
2. What type of tax reports are generated each pay period?
3. What are three frequent reasons payroll customers select your company over your competition?
4. What is your process for quality control?
5. Can a year be held "open" while continuing to process the New Year’s taxes?
6. Do you provide tax updates to load into the system or do they have to be keyed in?

Human Resources
1. What major enhancements to your system have you planned for the next three years?
2. Does the system track safety and worker's compensation information?
3. Can the solution prohibit setting up an employee if a position does not appear as "vacant" in position
4. Does the system support employees with multiple positions and departments?
5. Does the system have an employee evaluation system(Performance Management)? If so, please
6. Describe the system’s process for vacancies, applications, etc.

1. Does the payroll system integrate with benefits?
2. Can benefit plans be set up so only a specific group of employees are eligible for them?
3. Can benefit cost changes be future dated for a future year within the current year?
4. Are premiums automatically updated for age and salary benefit calculations?
5. Are insurance amounts automatically adjusted when a salary increases?
6. Can you automatically enroll a certain group of people in a benefit plan?
7. Do Employee Benefit Statements include the company's cost of benefits?
8. Do you offer online benefit enrollment?
9. Does the system have the ability to handle calendar / fiscal benefit plans?
10. Does the system calculate arrears on their benefits while on disability?
11. Does the system include benefit premium reports?
12. What is the benefits enrollment process?
13. Will benefit election changes update payroll deductions?
14. Is there a computation for vacation accrual in hours and cost?
15. Can the vacation accrual be automatic based on specific number of years worked?

1. Are new hourly rates automatically calculated when salary increases are made?
2. Can employee earnings be split between multiple departments on an on-going basis?
3. Describe multiple compensation programs by employee type, geography, and other factors.
4. What compensation management functions does the system support?

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5. Can the mass increase be given to a specified subset of employees by location?

6. Does the system provide an on-line view of the employee's total compensation package?
7. Can your system process supplemental payrolls at any time?
8. Can your system allow for multiple direct deposit destinations per employee?

1. Who has responsibility for maintaining customization changes?
2. Will our customizations be overwritten in an upgrade?

History / Record Keeping

1. Will the system maintain unlimited history for each employee?
2. Are on-line help screens available for all screens and processes?
3. Can corrections be made to historical, current, and future records?
4. Can search definitions be stored?
5. Can the system accommodate effective dating for future or past dates?
6. Can the system process multiple transactions for an employee with the same effective date?
7. Can the system store scanned documents or picture images?
8. Can your system setup non-employees or those who are non-paid?
9. Define the type of data available on your system for inactive employees.
10. Describe how your solution supports workflow and electronic approvals.
11. Describe HR / PR product's simulation / what-if capabilities provided with the package.
12. Does the system have data archiving capabilities for inactive employees?
13. Does the system provide flexibility in establishing organizational and payroll hierarchies?
14. Does your system have the ability to roll back to a specific date in time?
15. How long does the system maintain pay history for current and former customers?
16. How many years of pay history can the employee readily access?

Application Security
1. Describe the overall security scheme.
2. How can you prevent users from viewing and / or editing data at the field level?
3. Describe what happens when the system is accessed by someone without rights.
4. What password authentication controls are utilized?

1. Does the system provide an integrated ad hoc report writing tool?
2. Does the system allow generation of reports on all fields that exist in the data dictionary?
3. Does the system provide flexibility for defining selection criteria, data ranges, sorting and grouping
options, and report output, enabling users to tailor information to their specific needs?
4. Does the system provide both historical and point-in-time reporting capabilities?
5. Discuss how a non-technical user can obtain reports from the system without assistance. Does the
system have the ability to handle consolidated reporting across companies/organizations?
6. Does the system have the ability to handle consolidated reporting across payroll and HR data?
7. Does the system have the ability to produce headcount reports using a user-defined FTE formula?
8. Does the system provide standard report capabilities?
9. Does the system provide the ability to schedule standard reports?
10. Does the system provide the ability to set up and run batch reports?
11. Does your system create dynamic organizational charts?

12. Can queries be saved "globally" as well as "personally" so that users are not inundated with a
barrage of queries in the drop down list?
13. Can the user sort reports by name, classification, gender, and other similar views?
14. Does the reporting tool have charting capabilities? Please explain.

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Technical Overview
1. Describe the integration between your HR / Payroll solutions and other systems and applications,
such as GL, recruiting or time and attendance. What types of interfaces are involved?

Hosted Services, if Applicable

1. Who provides your Internet access? At what level is the service?
2. Is site hosting internally or externally managed?
3. Where is your data center or hosting facility located?
4. Describe your software development lifecycle for ASP.
5. Describe the data security / accessibility of your hosted services center. Do you utilize SSL
6. What is the migration process in upgrading to new versions and how does the upgrade process affect
7. What is the standard rule base for incoming / outgoing traffic enforced by the Firewall?
8. What password authentication controls are utilized?
9. What Virus detection / scanning mechanisms are in place?
10. Do you have an off-site backup facility? If so, where is it located?

Service & Support

1. What is your customer service model?
2. How many payroll clients and individuals do you serve?
3. What is your payroll customer retention rate?
4. What is the average tenure of your payroll customers?
5. Do you use your Web site as a mechanism to provide support to your clients?
6. Describe your procedure for escalating support issues.
7. Will we be assigned a single, dedicated Service Representative, or is it a Call Center with different
representative answering our questions?

1. Does the system allow for the importing of initial payroll data?
2. Please explain your project management implementation process.
3. Please provide a sample payroll implementation project plan.

1. What types of payroll training do you offer customers?
2. What training materials do you provide?
3. What training options are available above and beyond basic payroll training?

Please respond to each question or refer to page # in company documents that address the question.

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