Rock Mechanics

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Rock Mechanics and Tunneling

Professor Debarghya Chakraborty

Department of Civil Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur
Lecture 14
Topic - Physical properties (Continued)

(Refer Slide Time: 0:38)

Hello everyone, I welcome all of you to the 3rd lecture of Module 3. So, we were discussing
about the physico-mechanical properties of rock in Module 3. In our previous two classes, we
have discussed about the physical properties. In this lecture also, we will continue our discussion
with that. Hopefully we will finish the discussion related to physical properties today only, and
from our next lecture we will start the mechanical properties.
(Refer Slide Time: 1:04)

In the last lecture, we have discussed about the porosity. So, let us quickly revise this part
because the next property is permeability which is related to the.

We have learnt from the previous lecture that the storage capacity of rock depends on its
porosity. The reason is very clear from this diagram as we can see that here these are the grains
and in between these grains, pores or voids are there. Now, we can see, some of the pores are
isolated, i.e., the pores a not connected with others. Whereas, these pores are interconnected, and
these are the isolated pores.
The pores or voids may be or may not be interconnected and it significantly affects the
permeability of the rock sample. As we know that in general, the igneous and metamorphic rocks
are having lesser porosity as compared to sedimentary rock. Porosity depends on the grain size,
grain shape, and orientation of the grains and the degree of cementation of the grain also has a
significant effect on the porosity.

(Refer Slide Time: 3:10)

And we also have seen some of the typical values of porosity of some common types of rocks,
e.g., for sandstone, it is 15 %, whereas for granite, it is 1%. So, up to this, we have discussed in
our previous class.
(Refer Slide Time: 3:26)

Now, we will gain some knowledge about permeability, which is very much connected to the
porosity. So, permeability is the property of porous rock or soil that allows the fluid usually
water to flow through its interconnected pores under certain driving force.

The driving force is basically originated by the hydraulic gradient. Then we can say that the
coefficient of permeability of intact rocks is quite low, and it is determined in the laboratory.

We generally bring the intact rock sample to the laboratory and there we test it and it is found to
be quite low. Whereas coefficient of permeability of in-situ rock mass is often much higher due
to the presence of fractures and joints. So, if we consider the rock mass, different types of joints,
fractures, and discontinuities are there which most likely increases the permeability of the rock

So, basically as we know if we consider this rock mass and if there are suppose different joints
are present fractures joint, different discontinuities are there like this suppose, suppose like these
different joint sets are present. If we consider only the intact rock sample and if we test it to find
out its permeability, it is expected to be quite low as compared to that of the in-situ rock mass as
these fractures and joints also take part in case of rock mass. Because of that the coefficient of
permeability of in-situ rock mass is generally much higher as compared to the intact rock.

(Refer Slide Time: 6:03)

As we know that the constant head test is generally performed for highly permeable material, and
the falling head test is for less permeable material.

The field tests are very important as the coefficient of permeability of in-situ rock mass is much
higher because of the presence of fractures and joints which reflects the real scenario at a
particular site. There will be some discontinuity present in the rock mass and that is why in-situ
tests are very important.

Packer test is generally used to find out the coefficient of permeability of in-situ rock mass. This
test is also known as the Lugeon test. Other than that pumping tests are also there. So, these are
mainly the different laboratory and in-situ test that we perform to find out the permeability of
intact rock and rock mass.
(Refer Slide Time: 7:46)

Now, the table shows some of the typical values of coefficient of permeability of various rock
samples. We can see that the coefficient of permeability of sandstone as expected is in the order
of 10-6. Whereas, for granite, it is 10-10, and for basalt, it is in the order of 10-11.

So, these values clearly indicates that which rock is how much permeable. As we can observe
that for igneous rock, the permeability is relatively less. Hence, the coefficient of permeability is
in the order of 10-10 - 10-11.
(Refer Slide Time: 9:00)

Now, next physical properties are the electrical resistivity and electrical conductivity. Electrical
resistivity it is a fundamental property of material. Since it is a fundamental property of material,
we can use it to identify different type of rocks.

So, now the resistance in ohm between opposite faces of unit cube which we actually try to find
out and in laboratory. In laboratory, the two electrode method is generally used to find out the
electrical resistivity of rock samples. In our next module, we will discuss about the in-situ
electrical resistivity determination procedure to some extent in detail.

In laboratory, two electrode method is generally used where simple arrangement is required but a
little bit of complicated arrangement is used in field. So, the unit of the electrical resistivity is
(Refer Slide Time: 10:52)

Along with the electrical resistivity, another physical property is there known as the electrical
conductivity. So, the electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity. Since
resistivity is a fundamental property and the conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity. Hence, a
particular type of rock mass can also be identified using the electrical conductivity.

Now, let us know about the factors affecting the electrical resistivity. The electrical resistivity
depends on quite a few things from which the first one is the mineralogical composition. It is
expected that different minerals are having different resistivity or conductivity.

In case of a particular rock sample, which type of mineral is more present, depending on that its
resistivity also varies. Then, it also depends on the degree of saturation. It also depends on the
type of fluid is present there in the rock sample.

As we know that if it is saline water, its conductivity will increase. Thus, we can say that the
electrical resistivity depends on the type of fluid present in the sample. Other than that, porosity,
joints, fracture or discontinuities significantly affects the electrical conductivity and resistivity.

(Refer Slide Time: 13:44)

The typical values of the electrical resistivity of some of the common rocks are provided in the
table. Different ranges have been provided for different types of rocks. For granite, it is from
5  10 3  3  10 6 , whereas for sandstone, it is from 8  4  10 3 . The electrical resistivity values for
limestone is quite different from others. The highest order of resistivity for limestone is 102.

Whereas for marble, it is 108; for quartzite also, it is 108. These values are quite different from
each other. Hence, by performing this electrical resistivity test we can get some basic insight into
the type of rock mass or rock sample. For example, in the case of marble, it is varies in a wide
range, i.e., from 102 – 108.

For limestone, the electrical resistivity is in the order of 102. For granite, it is in the order of 106.
So, they are quite different from each other. At least, we can get some idea that if the electrical
resistivity is in the order of suppose 108, the rock sample may not be limestone, shale or
sandstone or granite. We can get these kind of basic idea from this electrical resistivity test. So,
this is one of the important physical properties.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:40)

Now, similar to the electrical resistivity and conductivity, we have another important properties
of rock such as thermal properties which include the thermal resistivity and thermal conductivity.
As we have discussed that the electrical conductivity is the reciprocal of electrical resistivity,
similarly, the thermal conductivity is the reciprocal of thermal resistivity.

It should be mentioned that the cracks may develop in the rock sample due to anisotropic
expansion or contraction. Another important parameter related to thermal property is the
coefficient of thermal expansion. Different materials are having different coefficients of thermal
expansion and that depends on different factors.

The coefficient of thermal expansion generally presented as α, and the unit is /οC or /οF or /K. So,
the thermal resistivity or conductivity of different rock samples will be different from each other
as we have seen for electrical resistivity or conductivity. So, with the help of thermal properties
also, we can identify a particular type of rock.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:47)

Strain induced in rock due to the change in temperature: Suppose, the initial length of the
rock sample is about L0 at a temperature of T0. If the temperature is increases to T, where T = T0
+ δT, the length of the rock sample will also increase due to the increase in the temperature. If
the length of the sample increases by δL, the δL can be expressed as εL0. ε is the induced strain in
rock sample.

Now, the strain ε can be obtained very easily. So,     (T  T0 )    T , where T  T  T0 .

We also know that   . So, the coefficient of thermal expansion (α) and temperature
difference are known, the strain induced in the rock sample can be easily calculated and when
the stain is evaluated, the increase in length of the sample δL can be evaluated, where δL = εL0.

Thus, thermal property is a very essential as it has been stated for anisotropic expansion or
contraction, cracks may develop. So, it may help to estimate the probable chance of developing
crack in the rock sample.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:20)

Now, we will discuss about the factors affecting the thermal resistivity. There are three prime
factors that have a significant effect on the thermal resistivity. These factors are (a) rock density,
(b) presence of joints, and (c) moisture content.

The thermal resistivity decreases as the rock density increases. Since the thermal resistivity
decreases, the thermal conductivity will obviously increase. With the increase in number of
joints the thermal resistivity increases, and the thermal resistivity decreases as the moisture
content of the sample increases.

(Refer Slide Time: 24:12)

Now, next is the thing is the velocity of seismic wave that we have learnt in the previous module
(Module 2). However, one slide on this topic has been demonstrated here for the sake of
completeness. As we know that the velocity of seismic waves will be different for different type
of rocks.

The typical values of p wave velocities of some common rocks are provided in the table. So, as
we can see, for granite, it is in the range of 5800 – 6100 m/s; whereas, for shale, it is in the range
of 1800 – 4900 m/s. In the case of gabbro, it is quite higher, i.e., 7200 m/s. In the case of
unconsolidated sandstone, the lower range is about 4600 m/s, whereas the upper range is 5200

So, with the help of these values, we can get some basic idea about the type of rock and that is
why this velocity of different seismic waves can be quite useful physical property.

(Refer Slide Time: 26:30)

Now, we will discuss another physical property that is the durability of rock. Durability is
defined as the resistance to the destruction. If a rock is said to be more durable which indicates
that the rock sample will sustain for longer periods under the different loading condition that.
Hence, determination of durability is very important when we try to construct any structure with
that rock or on that rock or in that rock. So, it is very much essential to check the durability of
the rock.
Now, this durability of rock depends upon nature of the environment, means the climate of the
area, variation in day to day weather, whether it is very hot weather or very cold weather,
depending on these aspects, the durability of the rock is actually determined. Hence, the nature of
environment is very important as far as durability of rock mass is concerned.

Now, an index known as the ‘Slake durability Index’ is generally used to describe the durability
of rock. So, the Slake durability Index will be discussed in the next module. So, just for the time
being it should be remembered that the Slake durability Index is used to describe durability of

For the slake durability test, a special type of equipment is there which is used to determine the
slake durability index, which will be discussed in the next module.

(Refer Slide Time: 29:00)

In the part of the physical properties part, we started with the weight – volume relationship
which is very important.

So, we have solved a couple of problems related to that and we have discussed in detail about
different weight volume relationships. Then, we have discussed one by one about different
physical properties starting from porosity, permeability, electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity, then this seismic wave, then durability. We have discussed all these things.
And some of the test procedure we will learn as I have stated in our next module. From our next
lecture we will start discussing about the mechanical properties of rock sample or rock mass or
intact rock which is extremely important for our engineering design purpose. Thank you.

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