Intro To Anthro. Meaning and Scope

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Indian Journal of Research in Anthropology

Review Article Volume 5 Number 2, July – December 2019


An Introduction to Anthropology: Meaning and Scope

Vinod Siyag

Author Affiliation: Assistant Professor, Department of Yoga and Science of Living, Jain Vishav Bharti Institute, Ladnun,
Rajasthan 341306, India.
Corresponding Author: Vinod Siyag, Assistant Professor, Department of Yoga and Science of Living, Jain Vishav Bharti Institute,
Ladnun, Rajasthan 341306, India.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received on 04.10.2019; Accepted on 27.11.2019

How to cite this article:

Vinod Siyag. An Introduction to Anthropology: Meaning and Scope. Indian J Res Anthropol. 2019;5(2):79–83.


Anthropology may be considered as a recipe of arts and science in equal proportion. It is an adolescent branch
of science that’s why bulk of science community is not properly familiar with this. At present anthropology is the
only branch of science, which deals with the man and his work including his physical, cultural and social activities
as whole. It is concerned with human species and behavior in all adolescent from emergence to present study with
evolutionary phases. Anthropology never concerned with particular person as such but it focus on men in “group”,
with races and peoples and their work and emotions. So anthropology may be defined briefly as the “science of group
of men”. Anthropology has two main branches Physical Anthropology and Cultural Anthropology. The physical
anthropologists study only Homo sapiens out of the wide range of living organisms. By making comparative study
on different group of human and his near relatives known as primates, the physical anthropologist classify the
man’s position in animal kingdom. Cultural Anthropology deals with learned behavioral characteristics of the
past, present and future of human societies. Now, the main fields of studies under Cultural Anthropology are:
Prehistoric archaeology, ethnology and ethno-linguistics. The human beings are the ruler of this planet at present
due to his wisdom, intellectual ability and communication skills. With the help of anthropological studies that
is actually the past and present experience we can able to make proper adaptation and acclimatization with the
community, nature and environment that leads to our bright and better future otherwise we will also extinct from
the earth as like many other species. To save our long lasting existence development of anthropology at its full
swing is mandatory for us.
Keywords: Civilization; Evolution; Paleontology; Stratigraphy; Radio-carbon dating, Prehistoric Archaeology; Swots;
linguistics; Neoliberalism.

Introduction this. As usually misinterpreting anthropology

is neither nugatory nor it is study of offbeat
The study of human and his diversified features predaceous or harrow for the remnants of primitive
in relatively a fresh venture has been called civilization.
anthropology. It may be considered as a recipe It fundamentally reviews the human beings own
of arts and science in equal proportion. It is an lives. It is a well defined brand of science which
adolescent branch of science that’s why bulk of deals with the life of man in all aspects from the
science community is not properly familiar with time of his dawn till now. It cuddles a huge area
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80 Vinod Siyag

of research which perspective man from various known as primates, the physical anthropologist
slants. At present anthropology is the only branch classify the man’s position in animal kingdom.
of science which deals with the man and his work That’s why there is a close relationship between
including his physical, cultural and social activities physical anthropologist and study of other living
as whole. beings.
Human Evolution: Study of human evolution is
Meaning of anthropology
the main objective of physical anthropology. It is
still not very clear that under what conditions life
Anthropology also known as” the science of man had appeared on earth. But from scientific proof it
and his work and behavior”, because it has been has been established that the first living organism
originated from two Greek words, Anthropos that had appeared on earth consisted one cell
means man and Logus means study/science of only, which is known as a unicellular organism
man. Anthropology is concerned with human converted into multi cellular and finally a complex
species and behavior in all adolescent from form of animal known as man had emerge and
emergence to present study with evolutionary this total progression from amoeba to man is
phases. Other branches of science concerned called evolution. All living forms of humanity
with their related single aspect of study like today belong to the single genus species on Homo
hematology, microbiology, sociology, psychology,
sapiens. Man is said to have emerged during
psychiatry etc. but the anthropology deals with the
the quaternary epoch of Cenozoic era. As time
multiple aspects of human and human behavior.
proceeds, variation of man had evolved from the
Anthropology never concerned with particular
date of his origin. Anatomy and paleontology are
person as such but it focus on men in “group”, with
the key subjects in analysis of human evolution.
races and peoples and their work and emotions.
Anatomy gives us important information for study
So anthropology may be defined briefly as the
“science of group of men”. The anthropologist of racial differences and paleontology find and the
concentrate on a community consist of different age of fossils.
races or people with tracking their former and Human Variation: The physical anthropologist after
current lives. In this regard anthropology means having studies the origin, development and place
total study of man. It may be called integrated or of evolution of man focuses his attention on the
universal field or a science of “man in it’s totally.
study of the different varieties of man. Outwardly
Anthropology is a fusion of social and biological
through they appear different, all men have some
science. It not only deals with human as a member
common characteristics and belong to the species–
of animal kingdom but also concerned with man’s
Homo-sapiens. However, it is generally found
behavior as a member of society of society. Growth
that the common hereditary does not resemble
of civilization and structural evolution of mankind
those of other groups in various ways. Each of
both are studied from their dawn to the present.
these groups is designated as race. So, in Physical
Anthropology the different aspects of race are
Scope of Anthropology studied. Somatology– Somato-scopic observation
and anthropometry is useful for this purpose.
Anthropology has two main branches:
Human Genetics: In recent times the attention
A. Physical Anthropology and of physical anthropologist has been diverted to
B. Cultural Anthropology. Genetics a branch of biology, which deals with
Physical Anthropology deals mainly with: descent, variation and heredity. They now study
the blood types, difference in musculature etc. They
• Human biology also study the group differences in time of sexual
• Human evolution maturation, in growth rates and various disease
• Human variation and immunities. The physical anthropologist studies
also the influences of the natural environment on
• Human genetics. man and trees to find out whether the physical traits
Human Biology: The physical anthropologist study of man are affected by environment. Moreover,
only Homo sapiens out of the wide range of living he studies the problems associated with physical
organisms. By making comparative study on changes, effects of food and mode of life on racial
different groups of human and his near relatives and physical characteristics.
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An Introduction to Anthropology: Meaning and Scope 81

Other Studies of Physical Anthropology Technology: In order to satisfy his wants and to live
by adjusting with the natural environment, man
Another aspect of study of Physical Anthropology had to make some material objects such as tools and
is demography which is directly related to fertility implements, weapons, utensils, clothes, houses,
and mortality. There are various factors including canoes etc. This is called the material culture of the
heredity and environment that influence fertility people. The study of the techniques of making these
and mortality. objects of material culture is known as Technology.
This aspect of culture in the past is being studied
There is another subject called pedagogical with the help of Prehistoric Archaeology.
anthropology which is directly concerned with
education. In various educational fields pedagogical
studies are utilized by many advanced countries. Ethnology
On the whole, the Physical Anthropology is highly
a specialized branch of Anthropology. Ethnology interprets the facts and emphasizes
the theory of culture on data collected through
Scope of Cultural Anthropology ethnographic studies, classifies them and
formulates principles with regards to the nature
of human behavior, evolution and functioning of
In order to understand culture one must know the culture.
steps by which mankind has transformed itself from
an instinct dominated anthropoid into a cultural
adaptive human being. Cultural Anthropology Ethnography
deals with learned behavioral characteristics of
the past, present and future of human societies. Ethnography is the study of the culture of the living
Now, the main fields of studies under Cultural peoples of the planet through direct and indirect
Anthropology are: Prehistoric archaeology, observation of behavior. It involves the collection
ethnology and ethno-linguistics. Under ethnology of data only, the raw materials for scientific
again economic anthropology, social anthropology, anthropologist to know the links between the
ethnography, religion, art, musicology, recreation, different culture and the principles escort the socio
folklore etc. are studied. culture system.

Prehistoric Archaeology Economic Anthropology

It is now a specialized branch of Cultural The anthropologist swots different features of

Anthropology. The pre historians tell us about production, distribution and consumption of
the extinct peoples and their cultures and the past material goods and their relationships with other
phases of living peoples. They enlighten us with aspects of the socio-cultural complex. It is a field
how the prehistoric people coped with the natural that attempts to explain human economic behavior
setting by making tools and implements, weapons in its widest historic, geographic and cultural scope.
and other necessary equipments in order to serve He also analyses how far the economic factors are
their biological and psychological needs such as responsible to the growth of socio-cultural system
food, clothing, art etc. Prehistoric archaeology has of a people. It mainly focuses on exchange economy.
also been established the sequence of culture and
dating the past by adopting the various methods
Social Anthropology
such as Stratigraphy, Radio-carbon methods, etc.

Man is a gregarious animal and lives in a society. So

he has to adapt to the social environment and learn to
live in social cohesion. A man is born is a family, the
There is another scientific discipline called smallest unit of a society. He is socialized through
paleontology which is closely associated with this unit. As a society is a web of social relationships,
prehistory and helpful to make a study on the a man is tied to the society with various strings of
extinct races from their fossilized forms. It tells us social relationships. Man is also involved in social
how the modern races have evolved from those institutions such as marriage, government, law etc.
extinct fossil races. So in adjusting with social environment and to keep

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82 Vinod Siyag

the society in continuity, one has to abide by the of the common people. But also folk tales, songs,
various laws and customs formulated by the society. legends, myths, proverbs, riddles, folk music and
But society has got intimate relationship with culture folk dance as well as folk drama belong to the
which is created by man. Culture exists to make the sphere of folklore”.
society survive but without the existence of society
culture has no entity. So the social anthropologist Ethnolinguistics
studies various aspects of society in keeping with the
cultural development.
Ethnolinguistics is a field of linguistics which studies
the relationship between language and culture,
Religion and the way different ethnic groups perceive the
world. It is the combination between ethnology and
The man is curious “wise man” and at present he linguistics. It is the study of human speech and of
govern the entire earth but still either he could not the various dead and living languages and dialects
explain or control many natural phenomenon. This of the different groups of people of the world. By
situation made him think and believe that there studying these anthropologist tries to find out the
were some super natural powers in the background origin and development of the languages and their
by the action of which there phenomenon’s had interrelationships. Then they are classified.
come in to being. So the religion is a combination
of psychic reaction and acclimatization of man to Other Specialties of Cultural Anthropology
the super natural world. In order to appease those
super natural powers he did same megico-religious
activities called rituals. Thus the anthropologists Ethno-ecology: This is a special sub-field of
study the varieties of rituals connected with different anthropological study which deals with adaptation
beliefs and practices found among different groups of human beings to their total environment.
of people living in different parts of the world and
how they are related to their day to day activities Urban Anthropology
which make them survive peacefully.
It is a subset of anthropology concerned with study of
Art, Musicology, Recreation urban cultures and issues of urbanization, poverty,
urban space, social relations, and neoliberalism.
By adapting to the natural, social and supernatural Urban anthropology is heavily influenced by
environments in order to satisfy his biological, sociology, especially the Chicago School of Urban
social and spiritual needs man wants to undertake Sociology. The traditional difference between
such other activities as would give him some sociology and anthropology was that the former
satisfaction and relaxation. That is why man took was traditionally conceived as the study of
to art and recreation such as songs and dances, civilized populations, whilst anthropology was
folk tales, poetry, play, art and various other approached as the study of primitive populations.
intellectual pursuits. With a view to improving the In addition sociologist would normally study a
standard of life man takes to spiritual pursuits like large population sample while anthropologists
morality, nurses and values of life. So the cultural relied on fewer informants with deeper relations.
anthropologist includes these topics to make a
comparative study. Political Anthropology

Folklore Political anthropology developed as a discipline

concerned primarily with politics in stateless
Folklore may be treated as one of the branches of societies, a new development started from the
Cultural Anthropology. But it has also been treated 1960s, and is still unfolding: anthropologists started
as a separate discipline. It is a science “which deals increasingly to study more “complex” social settings
with the survivals of archaic beliefs and customs in in which the presence of states, bureaucracies and
civilized peoples. It embraces everything relating markets entered both ethnographic accounts and
to ancient observances and customs, to the notions, analysis of local phenomena
beliefs, traditions, superstitions and prejudice

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An Introduction to Anthropology: Meaning and Scope 83

Applied Anthropology and Action Anthropology of laborers are studied earlier with the help of the
cultural anthropologists.
Nowadays, there are various applications of
Anthropology. Mentioned below are some of its Action Anthropology
It has been coined by Sol Tax. According to him
Anthropometry an action anthropologist is to study the processes
of change in the society and help the people to
overcome the adverse effects of change and guide
Anthropometry is the science of measuring the
planning in such a way that the people do better in
different limbs of the body. It is an inevitable part
the process of change.
of Physical Anthropology, and with its help various
measurements of the limbs of the body are taken
so as to know the proportions of the limbs. With Conclusion
this knowledge the physical anthropologists can
give advice in respect of sitting arrangements in Anthropology give us knowledge regarding
aeroplanes, railways, class rooms, offices etc. It also human society in there all aspects from origin to
helpful in determining the limb length discrepancy current status including their evolution, work
disorders and there management planning. and emotions, so we can understand our past and
Physical Anthropology is also useful in detecting present very well.
criminals. With the knowledge of foot and hand The human beings are the ruler of this planet
prints it becomes easier to detect criminals as the at present due to his wisdom, intellectual ability
types of foot and hand prints are never changed and communication skills. With the help of
during man’s life time. Similarly analyses of hair anthropological studies that is actually the past
texture and blood groups also help in detecting and present experience we can able to make
criminals. The physical anthropologist can also proper adaptation and acclimatization with the
advise with regard to finding out the father of the community, nature and environment that leads to
son born to an unmarried mother. our bright and better future otherwise we will also
The population explosion is a great problem in extinct from the earth as like dinosaurs. To save our
India, Bangladesh and North Africa. Population long lasting existence development of anthropology
explosion has become a menace to the whole at its full swing is mandatory for us.
mankind. Two-pronged strategy to produce more
food as well as to control human population by way of References
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