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Man wonders over the restless sea, the flowing waters, the sight of the
sky, and forgets that of all wonders Man himself is the most wonderful.
- Augustine.
When he emerged from his animal ancestry man was gifted with some
special features such as:
1) His erect posture, for which he would walk on feet.
2) His free moving arms and hands with which he could make tools and
implements to help him survive.
3) His brain capable of keen perception, fine judgment and decisions.
When the brain was developed he could think and evolve ways and
means to adjust with his environment.
4) His power of speech by which he could exchange and communicate
ideas with his fellow beings.
5) His sharp focusing eyes, by which he could have a distant view.
The combinations of these gifts that are partly found in his near relations
- monkeys and apes made a man unique and helped him to adapt himself
to the physical environment and become master over the earth. The
study of this wonderful creature and his varied aspects is comparatively
a recent endeavour and has been known as Anthropology. It may be
called a subject of half science and half arts. It is a young science which
is yet to be intimately familiar with the students of science.
Meaning of Anthropology:
The word anthropology has been derived from two Greek words,
anthropos (man) and logus (study or science). Anthropology is, thus, the
science of man. This etymological meaning, of course, is too broad and
general. More precisely, anthropology may be called the science of
man and his works and behaviour.
Scope of Anthropology:
Anthropology has two main branches - a) Physical Anthropology and
b) Cultural Anthropology. But in Europe except in England, U.S.A.,
Australia and other English speaking countries including India,
Anthropology means both physical and cultural anthropology and the
term ethnology is rarely used for cultural anthropology. Ethnography has
been known as merely a descriptive study of human culture.
a) Physical Anthropology:
Physical Anthropology deals mainly with :-
i) Human biology
ii) Human evolution
iii) Human variation and
iv) Human genetics.
Human Biology:
The Physical anthropologist studies human biology as he is interested in
Homo sapiens alone. He studies man out of the vast range of creatures
that claim the attention of the general biologists. Therefore, there is close
relationship between the Physical Anthropology and the study of other
living beings. The Physical anthropologist tells about the mans place in
the animal kingdom by making a comparative study on the different
groups of man and his near relations like apes, monkey, etc. whom we
call primates.
Human Evolution:
Another object of Physical Anthropology is to deal with human
evolution. Like other creatures man is also a living organism. It is
difficult to explain under what conditions life had appeared on earth. But
from the geological and palaeontological evidences it has been known
that the first living organism that had appeared on earth consisted of one
cell only, which is known as a unicellular organism or amoeba. In course
of time this simple homogeneous organism through the process of
changes attained the heterogeneous form at various stages. Ultimately, a
complex form of animal called man had emerged. All living forms of
humanity today belong to the single genus and species of Homo sapiens.
Man is said to have emerged during the quaternary epoch of Cenozoic
era. As time elapsed varieties of man had evolved from the date of his
Human Variation:
The physical anthropologist after having studies the origin, development
and place of evolution of man focuses his attention on the study of the
different varieties of man. Outwardly through they appear different, all
men have some common characteristics and belong to the species -
Homo-sapiens. However, it is generally found that the common
hereditary does not resemble those of other groups in various ways.
Each of these groups is designated as race. So, in Physical Anthropology
the different aspects of race are studied. Somatology - Somatos-copic
observation and anthropometry is useful for this purpose.
Human Genetics:
The methodology of Physical Anthropology has now been changed. The
days of descriptive stage are gone and the analytical stage has taken its
place. The classical Physical Anthropology was mainly interested in the
classification and not in the interpretation. For example, a Negro has
platyrrhine nose whereas the European has the leptorrhine nose.
Previously it was not interpreted why these two groups of people had
different types of noses. Now, explanations are being put forward why
they have different types of noses.
There is another subject called
pedagogical anthropology which
is directly concerned with
education. In various educational
fields pedagogical studies are
utilised by many advanced
On the whole, the Physical
Anthropology is highly a
specialised branch of
b) Cultural Anthropology:
There are almost as many definitions of culture as there are scholars. In
order to understand culture one must know the steps by which mankind
has transformed itself from an instinct dominated anthropoid into a
cultural adaptive human being. Cultural Anthropology deals with
learned behavioural characteristics of the past, present and future of
human societies.
Prehistoric Archaeology:
It is now a specialised branch of Cultural Anthropology. The
prehistorians with their pick and shovel have been contributing much to
get the first hand knowledge about the extinct peoples and their cultures
and the past phases of living peoples. They enlighten us with how the
prehistoric people coped with the natural setting by making tools and
implements, weapons and other necessary equipments in order to serve
their biological and psychological needs such as food, clothing, art etc.
Prehistoric archaeology has also been helpful in finding out the sequence
of culture and dating the past by adopting the various methods such as
Stratigraphy, Radio-carbon methods, etc.
There is another scientific discipline called palaeontology which is
closely associated with prehistory and helpful to make a study on the
extinct races from their fossilized forms. It tells us how the modern races
have evolved from those extinct fossil races.
In order to satisfy his wants and to live by adjusting with the natural
environment, man had to make some material objects such as tools and
implements, weapons, utensils, clothes, houses, canoes etc. This is called
the material culture of the people. The study of the techniques of making
these objects of material culture is known as Technology. This aspect of
culture in the past is being studied with the help of Prehistoric
Ethnology is another field of study under Cultural Anthropology. It
made its appearance as a recognised branch in about 1840 and it
developed very greatly during the next hundred years. It makes a
comparative study of the cultures of the world and emphasises the theory
of culture. It is often called Cultural Anthropology and sometimes used
as synonym for Anthropology also.
Ethnologic studies are essential for a cultural anthropologist to know the
links between the different cultures and the principles guiding the socio-
cultural systems. Ethnology includes in its fold Economic Anthropology,
Social Anthropology, Religion, Art, Musicology and Recreation,
Folklore etc. As a matter of fact Ethnology interprets the facts on data
collected through ethnographic studies, classifies them and formulates
principles with regard to the nature of human behaviour and the
evolution and functioning of culture. Ethnography is the study of the
cultures of the living peoples of the world through direct and indirect
observation of behaviour. Ethnography is not the study of races, which is
the work of the physical anthropologist. It involves the collection of data
only, the raw materials for scientific analysis.
Economic Anthropology:
The anthropologist studies under Economic Anthropology the different
means of subsistence of man. He studies different features of production,
distribution and consumption of material goods and their relationships
with other aspects of the socio-cultural complex. Thus, the
anthropologist studies what man produces, how he produces, what and
how he consumes and what and how he distributes or exchanges. He
also analyses how far the economic factors are responsible to the growth
of socio-cultural system of a people.
Social Anthropology:
Man is a gregarious animal and lives in a society. So he has to adapt to
the social environment and learn to live in social cohesion. A man is
born is a family, the smallest unit of a society. He is socialized through
this unit. As a society is a web of social relationships, a man is tied to
the society with various strings of social relationships. He is a member
of different kinship groups such as the family, the lineage, the clan, the
phratry, the moiety etc. as well as he may be a member of various non
kin groups or associations viz. boys club, secret society, village council
It is a product of psychic reaction and adjustment of man to the
supernatural world. Man could not explain why there exist the earth, the
sun, the moon, the stars,
fire, water, air, other etc.
Man also did not know what
were the causes of storm
and thunder, earthquake and
volcano, drought and floods,
life and death, etc. He most
often questioned why man
suffers from diseases.
Similarly he was curious
about many other natural
phenomena. These made
him think and believe that
there were some
supernatural powers in the background by the action of which these
phenomena had come into being. Thus religious ideas and beliefs
seemed to have arisen out of these situations. Man believed that of these
supernatural powers, some
were benevolent and some
harmful. So he did some
performances in order to
propitiate those powers.
With these were associated
some rituals which represent
the various techniques that
are applied as a means of
controlling or influencing
the supernatural world.
These techniques were
generally used by some specialists called shamans and priests who were
known as religious practitioners. The shaman deals with spirits. He may
have power either to cure or to do harm. The priest worships gods for the
welfare of men and acts as an intermediary between gods and men.
Thus the anthropologists study the varieties of rituals connected with
different beliefs and practices found among different groups of people
living in different parts of the world and how they are related to their
day to day activities which make them survive peacefully.
Another branch of Cultural Anthropology is the Ethnolinguistics which
is highly specialised. It is the study of human speech and of the various
dead and living languages and dialects of the different groups of people
of the world. By studying these anthropologist tries to find out the origin
and development of the languages and their interrelationships. Then they
are classified. The linguist also helps to unveil the mens past and the
diffusion of their culture.
Political Anthropology:
Since World War II and the consequent emergence of independent
developing countries from the erstwhile empire holdings in Asia and
Africa, the economics and political science have become actively
interested in studying the indigenous cultures of these parts of the world.
The study of primitive and the colonial system of politics has been
undertaken since 1950.
Applied Anthropology and Action Anthropology:
Nowadays, there are various applications of Anthropology. Mentioned
below are some of its applications.
Anthropometry is the science of measuring the different limbs of the
body. It is an inevitable part of Physical Anthropology, and with its help
various measurements of the limbs of the body are taken so as to know
the proportions of the limbs. With this knowledge the physical
anthropologists can give advice in respect of sitting arrangements in
aeroplanes, railways, class rooms, offices etc.
Physical Anthropology is also useful in detecting criminals. With the
knowledge of foot and hand prints it becomes easier to detect criminals
as the types of foot and hand prints are never changed during mans life
time. Similarly analyses of hair texture and blood groups also help in
detecting criminals. The physical anthropologist can also advise with
regard to finding out the father of the son born to an unmarried mother.
Action Anthropology :
It has been coined by Sol Tax. According to him an action
anthropologist is to study the processes of change in the society and help
the people to overcome the adverse effects of change and guide planning
in such a way that the people do better in the process of change.