PA Micro Electric Rope Hoist Instructions
PA Micro Electric Rope Hoist Instructions
PA Micro Electric Rope Hoist Instructions
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Thank you for purchasing the mini electric hoist in
our company, We hope it can bring the convenience in you need
Please ~ead and_ understand this manual carefully before you
make the tnstallation and operation of mini electric hoist.
especially the "SAFE OPERATION" and to ensure everyone who use
the mini electric hoist before to read and understand this part.
~::tl" soo 10 12
'PA1000 Sia(llr 12M 20%--!0win
hook 1000 s 6
Insulated class: B; Protection grades: IP40; working system:
Continuing cycle work.(for examplc:S3 25%-lOmin)
_ :....,1-
SAFE OPERATION PROCEDURES hitch the ob.,ic:ct suspended, otherwise it win damage trcvokcd . he
please follow this procedures and notice the safety rope. so p"leasc use other appropriate rope to hitch the object
when you use the mini electric hoist: ·
I .'Pleaseread and understand this manual carefully bef- ore 10. Limit device is as a safety device configuration, it can
you apply the mini electric hoist. The installation location Mini make sure when hook rose to limit position be shut off when
electric hoist must be chosen to meet the needs and to facilitate
the operation . We must check regularly the installation of micro-
electric hoist and confirm it is solid or not. I I .Don't use mini electric hoist hook someone or use for
manned elevator. this mini electric hoist is not to be used lifting.
2. The capacity of the mini electric hoist is limited, pleasedorlt
overloading use .And don't use it when you don't know the weight
of the objects (including hanging pull buried stowage, cables , 12.Mini electric hoist installation positions must be sure the
inclined condole)! Overloading might damage the mini electric warning sign and tell1ale marks in striking state, because we need
hoist or the rope, and also increase unsafe factors of the operation
process . We suggest to use the pulley to operate when you hook 13 . Ensure the operation of micro -electric hoist to operate
clog, this method can make the load to reduce by50% . without any barrier · · ·
14.please do not operation Mini electric hoist In drinking,
3.Mini electric hoist is designed according 3-20% ( 25% )-
lOmin(namely it works 2min and need have to rest 8min) Please
don't long time use continuous. Using continuous may increases 15.Pleasc don't below th~ mini electrit hoist afounu when it.
unsafe factors during operating: seriously will damage the motor. works.
16. Please use thefixed attachment of the mini electric hoist
4 .Please don't"pull"suspendedobjects when the mini electric provided, or you are insecure.
hoist was working, otherwise. it will increases load of the mini r, F; =
electric hoist, and made mini-electric hoist and wire rope in 17. Don't optional re~onstrucl o·r· welimini electric hoist
overloading condition.
18.With •the mini:elect.r,ic,. ~oi!it .~ook o,~ Jcc t, make sure rope .
5.Kecp mini electric hoist working area clean and tidy.Don't cylinder on retained for alleast 3 laps wire rope, in orderto
let other personnel near and contact taut wire rope, forbid anyone prevent the wire rope is too stress ftom rope cylinder on shedding.
standing on the below in operation state of mini electric hoist.
6.As the need tochange the wire rope, its type spec-
ification must be consistent with the original wire rope INSTALLA1 ION
?.Please put thick leather gloves on and don't allow wire rope Warning: Qpen box. Be sure to op<;n and take paper tape
fro~ your hand across when Wire rope in working. o therwi se the wrapped around the rope drum, orily after that can test mach!nc, if
lesaons of wire rope might stab your ha nd . test machines, may caus~ r~.p,e rewind and crash aircraft. .
8 .At the end of the operatin g please put w re rope inb canister The location hoist installation is according
and do not use hand directly to lead and array wire rope. · to operational 11eeds. Be proposed to install in a special bracket
for mini-electric hoist. and solid and reliable.
r # .' .·. ' .I .'
. 9: Do not use hooks hook ro pe itself, do no t use micro-rope
hoist he,
othert~~~·rt av_oid wire rope_ wtth aqd limit rack direct contact
electric hoist istlJ c, ausekJhe hmtt switch failure, causing mi cro:
For P~_tqq9n~~l,-\f ~resJ}~f.i~u~i~n\ slo~ switch". Then
no wor ing properly mtm electric -hoifr :eteitric 'nfotor rises' cti~c:!-01', drop loop arc
soak~~i~0 w~oernotht let th e,m.ini-e lectric hQist be exp9s~d Jo r~n or disconnected_,,press "-~-sing_~~itch"' "falling s~itf~ " electri,c
. . • e pro 1cct1on c 1ass of m1cro-elecfnc hoist IP40
w Mm, e~ectric hoist needs to use the fixed hex bolts. flat hoist are not 'running.' ·b~ reset "urgent stop switch", ability
ashers. spnng washers etc. ensure proper installation of all makes mini electric hoist working normally .
compo~~nts, an~ tighten "bolts with torque wrench, enclosed
anne~ 1nstallat10n . map . Ensure that the fixed ring (or other
substitute) firmly press the mounting pole (round rod or square
bar). so as the micro-electric hoist body not to move or rotate
1. Warning: 1. If mini electric hoist has absence of operatio,n
Power installation the power should be cut off and good isolation measure s_hould ~e
Mini electric hoist the standard of work is. s_ingle-phasc a~ taken . It is a prohibition that heavy objects are hange~ m the atr
fo r a long time ,so as to prevent permanent deformation or any
power source 220V 150 (Hz), and must be used contain grounding accident.
Warning: ensure all cables and mini electric hoist on rotational or Regular inspect fixed mini electric hoist the bolts and the'
fever parts maintain proper distance. power cord, seasonable clear accumulation in electric hoist online
of dust and corrosive li4uid.
2.lf the efoct~·tc hoist in decline state, electric hoist reel last
coated with red paint of wire rope cannot release three laps . If
OPERATION continue tc decline switch, wire rope according to that would
pour around the rope canisier, make the electric hoist up and down
switch operation conversed, such limit switches will lose action.
Not to operate the switch, "rising switch", falling switch"
in "disconnect" form, "urgent stop switch" (only for PAIOOO) in
•"make up" slate, mini electric hoist motor power d.isconnected,
mini electric hoist in braking. Press the "rising switch" (near cable
Buying a new miniature electric hoist inside note have
side). the "rising switch" in the "make up" condition, mini electric lifelong maintenance lubricant. In operating mini electric hoist.
there may be little oozy, especially in the first operation. This is
hoist motor rises loop the power is connected, mini electric hoist normal, do not need to refuel for the mini electric hoist . · ·
is in motion state. At the same time hook is rising status. Click
Wire rope
"falling switch" , "falling switch " in the "make up"
Mini electric hoist need to periodic inspect and replace
condi tion , mini el ectrk h isl motor decline loop the power frequently the rope. If the wire rope frayed. should be replaced
is connec!ed r"lini el~1,;tr1c b" ::.. :s an motion state.and hook falling immediately.
sta te.
-4- -s- ·
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Brake failure
or slide down Pleasecontact us orthe sales
lar,:e 11mo1111t units ..
1. Bad lubrication 1. Add the ,.reose
2. Or ,:ear beariu,. dama,:e 2. Check cxch1111,.e or Jr,Cllr
Excessive bcarinJ!,S
noi,e 3. Tear open after 3 . Check assembly all pnrts
assembly bad or lcuocka,.ainsr and repair C.tshinJ!, or
bumpiu,: them parts
I . GrouudiuJr, fitilure
or no Jr,rouudiu,. I. checkaudrepairthe,.rouu8
ChArJl.ed 2. Internal couduci 2. Check nud repair internal
ors and chusis wires
Limit mechauisn
fai~ure and ,.ro11ndi11,. Case rises, make the hook
111S ruclJOIIJ l11_1µroper operation of decline switch wir erope end
1111 execution 1111d comµletely off the tube.
wire rope Around iu
~~¥,~!~ reverse cau~ed cylinder nnd rhen be,.au to work
rC$U)t properly
= quan
,/ 17 Hex screws MS • 45 1 61
- 9 -.