Model-Based Securitty For Development Context-Aware Mobile Applicatipons Based Uml Salahideen M. Alhaj
Model-Based Securitty For Development Context-Aware Mobile Applicatipons Based Uml Salahideen M. Alhaj
Model-Based Securitty For Development Context-Aware Mobile Applicatipons Based Uml Salahideen M. Alhaj
Salahideen M. Alhaj
CIS, IT&S, Jordan
[email protected]
Design and development of context-aware applications is particularly complex. Context acquisition is not an
easy process. Context is changing rapidly in rich information environment .The adaptation process can be based
on different types of mechanisms depending on the required dynamism and may be related to the semantics of
the application. Consequently, context-aware applications need specific development mechanisms. However,
developing secure context-aware applications is currently a challenging task due to the specific demands and
technical constraints of mobile applications. This paper introduces model based security engineering (MBSE)
approach as a framework driver for secure context-aware mobile application development (SCAMAD).Utilizing
UMLsec which is an extension of unified modelling language (UML).
Jürjens in [17, 18, 19, 20] developed Model-
Based Security Engineering (MBSE) as a soundly
based approach for developing security critical
Figure 2: Context-Aware Systems Architecture Styles software.
One can use MBSE within first constructs a model of
If a device needs to get other device‟s context the system. Then, the implementation is derived from
information, the device queries the centralized server the model, generate test sequences from the model to
and gets the result. In this architecture, every establish conformance of the code regarding the
communication is performed by querying the context model. For security-critical systems, this approach
server, so the communication protocol can be allows one to consider security requirements from
relatively simple than distributed architecture. By early on in the development process.
using a computationally powerful device as a
Part of the MBSE approach is the UML extension
centralized server, many applications which require
UMLsec for secure systems development. The
high resources and cost can be performed. However,
UMLsec extension is given in form of a UML profile
there is a disadvantage of this approach in that it is
using the standard UML extension mechanisms. The
crucial if the centralized server fails or bottleneck
UMLsec can be used to specify and implement
problem occurs.
security patterns, and is supported by dedicated
4.2 Handling Dynamicity secure systems development processes, in particular
Handling dynamicity is one of important an Aspect-Oriented Modeling approach which
considerations to make a context-aware system separates complex security mechanisms from the
possible to process sophisticated context-aware core functionality of the system in order to allow a
applications. Entities varying from simple sensors, security verification of the particularly security-
resource-poor mobile devices to central server with critical parts, and also of the composed model [21].
high performance participate to process context- Sommerville in [22] stress on challenges that
aware applications. At the same time, connections software developers have to take care on
and disconnections of many entities may implementing Aspect-Oriented Development (AOD),
dynamically occur. A context-aware system should which mainly; the degree of aspects independency
be able to discover and deal with dynamically and the software testing process (with aspect
changing heterogeneous entities and resources. environment) which not yet defined well.
Unfortunately, the pace of required change affects
4.3 Privacy Protection developers‟ ability to establish and maintain
Privacy protection is one of the important desirable levels of quality of systems. Author will
considerations to step forward to successful focus on these subtitles ; Model Driven Architecture,
implementation of context-aware systems. Context- Model-Based Security, UMLsec since they are
aware systems autonomously gather information establishing the playing ground for successfulness
from the users, so some of the users may feel approach:
uncomfortable in that the system can use or open
5.1 Model Driven Architecture (MDA)
their information without any notice. Thus, a
context-aware system should let users to express Model Driven Architecture (MDA) is a
their privacy needs. Context-aware systems are software development lifecycle that uses models as
Figure 3: OMG Model Driven Architecture Model 5.2 Model-Based Security (MBS)
Firstly you build a Computation Independent Jürjens and Yu, in [25], the following
Model (CIM). Then you build a Platform framework and analysis regard the MBS. The usage
Independent Model (PIM). To create the PIM you of the framework as illustrated in Figure 4.
use UML, MOF and CWM (Figure 3). And then you
automatically create a Platform Specific Model
(PSM) out of the PIM. The interesting thing is that
you can fully concentrate the development on the
functionality and behaviour of the software and leave
technology on the side. When you‟re finished with
the PIM you can transform your PIM in any
proprietary platform you want (e.g. CORBA, J2EE,
.NET, XMI/XML). This is the step of automatic
code generation from PIM to PSM. The specific
code can be for: Pervasive services, Security, Events,
Transactions, Directory, and more. From there you
have the base to go to every domain you like
(finance, e-commerce, telecom, healthcare,
transportation, space, manufacturing, and more).
MDA offers you also platform interoperability, Figure 4: Tool-flow of the MBSE suite [25]
portability, platform independence and productivity.
If you once have completed your PIM, you can Proceeds as follows: The developer creates a model
switch to another technology by regenerating the and stores it in the UML 1.5 /XMI 1.2 (we have
code from it. There are four principles that underlie UML 2.0 now) file format. The file is imported by
the OMG‟s MDA approach: the verification framework into the internal Metadata
1. Models expressed in a well-defined notation are a Repository (MDR). MDR is an XMI-specific data-
cornerstone to system understanding for enterprise- binding library which directly provides a
scale solutions. representation of an XMI file at the abstraction level
2. Building systems can be organized around a set of of a UML model through Java Metadata Interfaces
models by imposing a series of transformations (JMI). This allows the developer to operate directly
between models, organized into an architectural with UML concepts, such as classes, state charts, and