Pervasive Computing Issues, Challenges and Applications: WWW -
Pervasive Computing Issues, Challenges and Applications: WWW -
Pervasive Computing Issues, Challenges and Applications: WWW -
International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science ISSN:2319-7242
Volume 2 Issue 12, Dec.2013 Page No. 3337-3339
Abstract-This paper describes about the recent research topic pervasive computing which focus on the characteristics, architecture, issues
and challenges. The pervasive architecture relates how the end-user interacts with the pervasive network using the middleware support.
Finally it describes about the future focus for the pervasive computing through the real time applications.
1. Introduction
Pervasive Computing is the latest computing
technology which is available in all over the place where the
communication taken place. In this pervasive environment any
device from any where can access by the user. In here the user
can interact with the system by using laptops, tablets,
terminals, mobile phones and smart phones. The major
technologies such as internet, advanced middleware, operating
systems, sensors/actuators, microprocessros, and mobile
protocols are used to give support for this pervasive
Pervasive network presumes an altogether different
vision. A device can be a portal into an application-data space,
not a repository of custom software that a user must manage.
An application is a means by which an end user can performs
a task, not software written to exploit a devices capabilities.
And a computing environment is information enhanced
physical space, not a virtual environment that exists to store
and run software. [2].
Lathies Bhasker ,T IJECS Volume 2 Issue 12, Dec. 2013, Page No.3337-3339
Page 3337
3.1 Devices
The ubiquitous environment consists of many different types
of input and output devices. Some of the system devices such
as keyboard, mouse, touchpad ,wireless mobile devices,
sensors, pagers, mobile phones and smart phones these
systems can be used as a input device for a pervasive
In that the sensors automatically collect the information about
the environment and feed this input directly to the pervasive
3.2 Networking
All the Pervasive devices are connected with other pervasive
or any other communication devices through the distributed
network. Why this pervasive device connected through
distributed network means, because of the global accessibility
of the device. The pervasive devices can be connected through
the Local Area Network (LAN) or through Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN) or through Wide Area Network (WAN) for
the global availability.
3.3 Middleware
In order to make a communication between a end-user and a
system the pervasive network should need a middleware
"kernel. The middle either may be a web application (Web
Page) or set of software-bundle. The software-bundle is
executing in client-server mode or peer-to-peer mode. [2].
Due to the distributed and ad hoc nature of the pervasive
computing environment, this system is open to several
unique vulnerabilities and suffers from quite a number of
well-known problems whose reputed solutions are not
applicable here.
Location Detection
In this surrounding and because the number of devices
can be really vast, it is very hard to detect the physical
device with which I am interacting. For this we need a
secure communication channel along with device
authentication. Again the request for establishing this trust
channel is flowing through the shared, unreliable wireless
Access Control
3.4 Applications
The Pervasive computing is more environment-centric than
web-based or mobile computing. The data which are collected
through pervasive environment will be processed by the
middleware software and the output will generated based on
the present environmental inputs.
In case of privacy two issues come up with equal priority:
1) Is privacy of the user being maintained?
2) Is privacy of the data being maintained?
Unlike distributed computing, pervasive computing likes
to take user information and consider it as important
contextual information. Though this contextual
information plays an important role in updating the
system dynamically, it sometimes poses some risk to the
Lathies Bhasker ,TIJECS Volume 2 Issue 12, Dec. 2013, Page No.3337-3339
Page 3338
Data Communication
Privacy of the data encompasses two aspects. First, it has
to ensure that data being shared or communicated is not
being hacked by any active or passive attackers. As an
initial thought, we consider several encryption and
decryption techniques. But at the same time we need to
think about the other side of the coin which reminds us
about the memory, battery power and other limitations.
Along with that, the users in pervasive computing
environment have much more elasticity and sovereignty
in mobility. This includes a large variety of domains
ranging from well protected environments to totally open
unprotected situations which makes the data protection
issue worse. Secondly, how can it be guaranteed that the
user data which is being collected almost obviously will
not be used maliciously? Or how we can ensure wit
certainty that the complicated data is not being processed
by any unauthorized user
In order to overcome several constraints, mutual
cooperation, interconnectedness and inter dependability
have been exposed as the obvious uniqueness of pervasive
computing environment. Along with these occurs the
issue of trust. If data is shared with an unwarranted device,
the probability of data security reduces automatically. [8].
5. Conclusion
As we have seen, today the pervasive/ubiquitous
computing is a fertile source of challenging problems in
computer systems. In this Paper we have gathered the
information about the pervasive computing technologies,
architecture, applications, issues and challenges. In future we
focus our research for creating applications such as smart
home or office or university etc..without any technical
challenges by using the advanced embedded systems or by
efficient soft computing techniques.
2) Debashis Saha and Amitava Mukherjee pervasive
computing: A Paradigm for 21st century Published
by the IEEE Computer Society,March 2003, 00189162.
3) Federal office for information security Pervasive
computing:Trends and Impacts SBN 3-922746-764 ., ,2006.
pdf ,2003.
5) Munirul Haque and Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed Security
in Pervasive Computing: Current Status and Open
Lathies Bhasker ,TIJECS Volume 2 Issue 12, Dec. 2013, Page No.3337-3339
Page 3339