Integration of Mobile Computing With Grid Computing: A Middleware Architecture
Integration of Mobile Computing With Grid Computing: A Middleware Architecture
Integration of Mobile Computing With Grid Computing: A Middleware Architecture
Abstract— In this paper we present a proposal of a This middleware integrates the tools of grid
middleware to integrate mobile computing with grid computing – e.g., data communication, directory and
computing. We describe the support to be provided by service distribution, security, resource discovery,
the combination of the two technologies, propose a and resource allocation – providing the developer a
middleware to support the development and management of
mobile grids, and discuss how this scenario contributes to
set of reusable and homogeneous resources.
the development of a new age of mobile service This paper is organized as follows: Section II provides
applications. the background of the problem. Section III proposes
system architecture and shows how it solves the problem.
I. INTRODUCTION The paper concludes with section IV.
Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology (COIT-2008)
RIMT-IET, Mandi Gobindgarh. March 29, 2008
computing, as described before. For instance, mobile Gridbus [10], developed by the Grid
computing requires solutions for service discovery in a Computing and Distributed Systems (GRIDS) Laboratory
dynamic environment, establishment of data from University of Melbourne, is a open source grid
communication channels between devices and service software package for the development of grids for
providers, development tools that allow the integration eScience and eBusiness. It uses several other
of devices and distributed resources, and security, middleware, such as Globus, Unicore [12], Alchemi
such as confidentiality of data and authentication. We [15], and others. Its support for mobile services
suggest that grid computing technology provide the tools characteristics is found in collaboration, resource
necessary for the implementation of these systems. allocation, and dynamic environments, provided by lower
level middleware or core middleware, such as the
Initially, we will analyze grid computing software e ones described before.
discuss the solutions provide by them when applied in the
development of mobile applications. This analysis Legion [11] is a middleware developed by a
will help in the identification of the shortcomings of the project at University of Virginia, and is defined as a
existent solutions and position our contribution. meta-system based on objects (resources) with billions
of hosts and trillions of objects linked together by high-
III. RELATED WORK speed networks, workstations, and supercomputers in a
system that can aggregate different architectures,
Grid computing technology offers support operating systems, and physical locations. The support
for the implementation of mobile services for provided by Legion for mobile service characteristics is
decision support systems. There are several seen in collaboration, in which the binding system makes
software packages for the implementation of grid possible the collaboration through tuples such as that
computing services. In this sub-section we will present supply object addressing (LOID) and
the ones most known by the community and discuss their management (LOA). There also exists resource allocation,
support for the creation of mobile services. provided by LOA (Legion Object Addresses) that
incorporates a physical address as the IP and can
As described in [6], the development of decision distribute these resources through multicast.
support mobile services needs the support of:
collaboration, user interface, context-awareness, and a UNICORE (UNIform Interface to Computer
inference process that allows the development of Resources) [12] is a middleware that integrates grid
systems beyond the purely reactive. In an environment of computing resources through a graphical interface
limited resources, applications must be aware of the developed in Java. Its support for mobile service
computational resources limitations, unreliable and characteristics can be found in collaboration provided
intermittent communication networks, energy supply through the UNICORE servers after the client/user
limitations, mobility, dynamic environments, and reduced authentication. The collaboration is achieved by the
user interfaces. These limitations are inherent to the servers sending jobs to peer Unicore gateways, which
environment and will be soothed, and not execute the jobs and respond. The support of resource
superseded, by future technological developments [7]. allocation is achieved by the Abstract Job Object (AJO),
Based on the requirements described before, we which is an object that sends and receives jobs
evaluated the existent grid middleware in terms of Table I summarizes the support provided by
collaboration support; context-awareness support; the middleware packages for the development of
resource allocation support; dynamic environments mobile computing services. From the related work
support; and execution on mobile devices support. analysis we conclude that the existent packages do
not satisfy the requirements for the creation of mobile
Globus [3] is a open source software package developed
services, such as the support of collaboration,
by the Globus Alliance which offers a application
context awareness, resource allocation, dynamic
development and grid computing systems toolkit. Its
environments, and execution on mobile devices.
support for mobile service characteristics is found in
collaboration through resource layer protocols which can Therefore, we identify the need for the creation of a
obtain information and also control jobs, Middleware for Mobile Devices that provides the
promoting collaboration and resource distribution. necessary functionality to support the development of
Also there is resource allocation provided through mobile service applications.
the resource manager (Globus Resource Allocation
Manager – GRAM) which supplies a job sending and
monitoring interface.
Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology (COIT-2008)
RIMT-IET, Mandi Gobindgarh. March 29, 2008
Proceedings of 2nd National Conference on Challenges & Opportunities in Information Technology (COIT-2008)
RIMT-IET, Mandi Gobindgarh. March 29, 2008
* Middleware API: Methods
Generals Methods
- registerNode(nodeName, nodeType);