Context Aware Computing Systems: A Survey: Ms. Pooja S. Gandodhar, Research Scholar, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune
Context Aware Computing Systems: A Survey: Ms. Pooja S. Gandodhar, Research Scholar, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune
Context Aware Computing Systems: A Survey: Ms. Pooja S. Gandodhar, Research Scholar, SKNCOE, SPPU, Pune
Dr. S.M. Chaware , PhD Guide, SPPU, Pune
Context aware systems used variety of contexts like location, Fig. 1. The data collected from input sensors are preprocessed
environment, and device. A user’s current location to a device and forwarded to knowledge acquisition module. Next the data
was considered as context [10]. Ambient environmental generated in previous steps are submitted to rule based
context includes the profile of an environment [11]. Systems classifier. Then data mining algorithms are applied over
modeling device context includes adjusting screen brightness training datasets to generate classifiers. These classifiers will
based on the available battery power [12]. User context make context aware decisions
includes her physical activity, her mode of transport and user
activity logs, usage styles for commute and shopping The following set of steps enlists procedure for converting
references etc. contextual information into intelligent actions.
In context aware systems, context can be, raw data and also
meaningful information used to draw decisions. Data can 1. Create computational models for context acquisition with
come from various sources. For defining context data need to respect to tasks
be preprocessed. When the data is diverse, it has to be 2. Generalization of contextual characteristics based on the
normalized and aggregated[13]. tasks
For assisting users in decision making from the context 3. Aggregation of gathered information to generate an
inferences gathered data analytics techniques are of great help abstraction of context
[8]. 4. Make choice of the algorithm or a set of algorithms to use.
The features extracted here are sent to machine learning 5. Perform context recognition and derive inferences
algorithms-supervised and unsupervised to generate training 6. Derive conclusions and assist the user with most suitable
data sets and construct a classification model. decision acoordingly.
Table 1 listed various context modeling schemes out of which 6 Probabil Collect data from Need to
ontology based modeling seems to be well suited for defining istic different sources. explore with
context. However it as data size increases the retrieval of Logic It is commonly combining
context from this would be time consuming [14] [16]. used for activity multiple
recognition of contexts
Sr. Type of Scope Limitation applications such
No scheme s as situation
1 Supervis Training examples Training recognition in a
ed are collected and process will smart home
Learnin labelled according define Table 2. Comparison of Context Reasoning Schemes
g to the expected efficiency
targets or results. Table 2 listed various context reasoning schemes for assisting
Generalization users based on context inferences [16]. The most appropriate
function scheme is supervised learning as training data sets are labeled
Widely used in according to expected targets. Also probabilistic logic scheme
mobile phone is suitable for context activity recognition and resolving
sensing and conflicts between different sources of data.
The context aware applications can be found in many different
2 Unsuper It is not provided Learning application domains as below which are gaining intensive
vised with the expected time attentions worldwide.
Learnin results during the increases
g training process. with 1. Location based services
Due to no training hierarchical Physical services (multiplexes, gardens ...)
data, there is no learning Electronic services (scanners, routers ...)
error or reward 2. Using location to improve (network) services
signal to evaluate a Rerouting of incoming or outgoing communications
potential solution. 3. Using location to provide information
City tours
3 Rule Rules are usually generalizatio Nearby business advertisements
based structured in an IF- n and 4. Making others aware of user location
scheme THEN-ELSE numbers of Presence (individual)
format for rules Popularity, movement (group)
generating of high- 5. Security
level context User access grants based on location
information from 6. Location Recommendations in Location based social
low-level context. networks
Recommend locations using a user’s location histories
4 Fuzzy Usage of language Complicated and community opinions
Logic variables and the systems may Location bridges gap between physical world & social
ability to deal with require networks
vague systems several 7. Existing Solutions
iterations to Based on item/user collaborative filtering
find a set Similar users give the similar ratings to similar items
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