An Context-Aware Management and Control Mechanism in A Mobile
An Context-Aware Management and Control Mechanism in A Mobile
An Context-Aware Management and Control Mechanism in A Mobile
Qi Liu1, Nigel Linge2, Jin Wang1, Sai Ji1 and Ting Huai Ma1*
Jiangsu Engineering Center of Network Monitoring, Nanjing University of
Information Science & Technology, Nanjing, 210044, China
Computer Networking and Telecommunications Research Centre, University of
Salford, Salford, Greater Manchester, M5 4WT, UK
[email protected]
Complete integration and interaction of network objects can be achieved in a mobile ad-
hoc environment. Yet, the dynamic nature of free movement and interaction among these
objects also brings challenges on information representation, processing and communication.
This paper presents a context-aware mechanism, which is able to implement efficient
information exchange and management between nodes in a mobile ad-hoc network (MANET).
Rejoining and information loop issues happened heavily in a mobile ad-hoc environment has
been discussed in this paper. According to the simulation results, our approach to context-
aware management and control makes the information loop problem well controlled.
Keywords: Information Loop Control, Context Awareness, Rejoining Control, Mobile Ad-
Hoc Networks
1. Introduction
Recent research on context-aware middleware brings rapid growth in the number of mobile
applications, where a device’s context information has been explored including its location,
type, technical capability, functions, nearby devices and more general information about the
physical environment [1]. For ad-hoc networks there too is a requirement to be able to detect,
share and respond to contextual information. However, the unpredictability and dynamically
changing topology, especially when one introduces mobility, present particular challenges for
the reliable and timely dissemination of context information.
This paper introduces a new method to manage and control context exchange within an ad-
hoc network. The framework comprises two components, a context information database that
provides context representation and storage, and a communication protocol called CiComm
used for exchanging context information. In such environment, efficient management
strategies are established in order to eliminates potential problems arisen by random node
movement, e.g. information loops, rejoining, etc.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Related work on context awareness
and its application for ad-hoc networks is presented in Section 2. Section 3 introduces our
framework with its features and functions. Simulation results are discussed in Section 4 and
Section 5 concludes the paper and evaluates the framework.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
2. Related Work
The concept of context awareness to a mobile ad hoc network is implemented and
applied using two main categories. Some prefer context information as integrated
components to provide internal application program interfaces for the invocation of
upper and lower layers. In these applications, environmental information and relevant
properties are regarded and recorded as context information. Alternatively, complete
frameworks have been also considered and designed to provide a comprehensive
context awareness based solution. In this section, the applications of context aware are
firstly reviewed, followed by both categories mentioned above. After that, service
discovery protocols are also discussed compared with information discovery in context -
aware applications.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
forwarding route considering a node’s battery level, mobility and co-location etc. [14,
15], a context sensitive binding mechanism for better service migration [1 6], and a
decision support engine based on a general Bayesian network approach [17].
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
timeout value is deduced by one every time when the heart-beat occurs; whereas the value is
reset/renown when a new Beacon_HB frame is received from the corresponding mobile
device. The mechanism therefore actively controls neighbors’ movements i.e. their departure
and rejoining.
Figure 1. Lease Control within a Local Repository. When Node B moves out of
the communication range of Node A, its beacon cannot reach Node A, and
hence its relevant context information is removed from Node A
4.1. Scenario One: Copping with Information Loops and Dead Loops
In this scenario, two simulations are designed to examine the potential loop back and dead
loop issues. Here a loop means same information is shared back to the source device via one
or more intermediate devices. A dead loop means two or more devices continuously send the
same request and response packets to each other. The scenario settings are shown in Table 1,
whereas the topology is shown in Figure 2.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
The list of total UPGRADE packets generated in Simulation 1 is captured and shown in
Figure 3. Four columns are created in the list; they are, from left to right, the receiving time,
the source and destination CiB address, the source and destination MAC address, and the
packet body.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
The reason that only UPGRADE packets are displayed is because context information is
only looped back via this type of CiComm packets. Through the list, it can be seen that six
UPGRADE packets were generated. The device identity shown within the curly brackets in
each packet body is different from the corresponding destination address in the MAC Address
field, which proves that no packets are looped back to original devices. The CiComm protocol
in each device always checks the destination that it is sending a packet to. An UPGRADE
packet is only transmitted to those devices that are not the same as those drawn within the
curly brackets of the packet body.
Figure 4 summarizes the REQUEST packets generated in Simulation 2. According to
Figure 2(b), dead loops in this scenario happen only if context information of an intermediate
device is requested and there are two active routes to that device. In this figure, the four
entries shown in red are REQUEST packets that acquire context information from indirect
devices. This can be seen through the fact that their CiB destination addresses are different
from their MAC destination addresses. The limited number of REQUEST packets generated
for indirect context information proves that no dead loops happen within the simulation. In
this scenario, there are two active routes between device 0 and 3.
It is also noticed in Figure 4 that before requesting context information from Device 3 and
Device 0, Device 2 requested their information from other devices. In the figure, Device 2
sent a REQUEST packet to Device 1 containing Device 3’s context information “3.1.1” at
1.5318 seconds. This happened again at 1.5403 seconds but containing Device 0’s
information via Device 3 at that time. After these events, Device 2 then sent REQUEST
packets directly to Device 3 at 1.5395 seconds and Device 0 at 1.5952 seconds respectively.
Such situations happened due to actual reception order of Device 2. That is, before the
reception of context information directly from the original device (in this case, Device 3 at
1.5318 seconds), the destination received forwarded packets via other indirect device(s) (i.e.
Device 1).
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
Through Figure 4 and 5, it can be seen that late reception of context information from
directly connected devices can generate redundant CiComm packets, but this traffic does not
result in dead loops. Having received SHARE packets from Device 3 (at 1.5384 seconds) and
Device 0 (at 1.5943 seconds), Device 2 updated its local CiB with direct context information
and stopped requesting context from the intermediate device, i.e. Device 1. In addition,
Device 0 and 3 requested context from each other via Device 1 and no dead loop was created.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
According to the movement of Device 1, it enters and leaves communication range with
Device 0 three times, as shown in Table 2. Because the speed of Device 1 is constant (8
metres per second), the duration that it stays in the communication range of Device 0 is
always 1.5 seconds.
In this scenario, three different lease timers are configured to demonstrate how the lease
timer controls potential redundant contextual traffic generated because of frequent rejoining
events. In Figure 7, SHARE packets transmitted between two devices are listed. These
packets can be separated into three groups according to the time stamps; these are transmitted
at about 6.5, 8.5 and 11.5 seconds respectively. The lease timer was set to 1 second, so every
time when the devices lost contact with each other, their context information was removed
from the local CiBs. As a result, when Device 1 joined into Device 0’s communication range
for the second and third time, more contextual packets had to be exchanged for their
registration in each other again.
Figure 7. Results of Scenario 2. Six SHARE packets were captured. The lease
timer was set to 1 second.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
When the lease timer was set to 2 seconds, the first leaving period (from 7.125 to 7.875
seconds in Figure 8) was ignored by Device 0 and Device 1. This is because during this
period, the devices only checked their lease timer once (at 7.5 seconds), so that when Device
1 rejoined at 7.875, both devices still had neighbors’ context information. Therefore, there are
no SHARE packets generated during the first and third joining periods.
Figure 8. Results of Scenario 2. Four SHARE packets were captured. The lease
timer was set to 2 seconds.
When the lease timer is set to 4 seconds, according to Table 5.9, the lease timer is longer
than both leaving periods, i.e. from 7.125 to 7.875 seconds and from 9.375 to 10.625 seconds.
Therefore, there is only one pair of SHARE packets being transmitted, which is when the two
devices communicate with each other at 6.5023 seconds.
Figure 9. Results of Scenario 2. Only two SHARE packets were captured. The
lease timer was set to 4 seconds.
According to the simulation results in the second scenario, the longer the lease timer, the
less contextual packets are generated. When the lease timer is set as 4 seconds, no rejoining
communication is needed since the context information of each device is kept until both
devices meet again.
Raising the lease timer in the CiComm protocol can reduce the number of redundant
contextual packets that result from frequent leaving and rejoining events. However, a trade-
off is required to set the lease timer since a large lease timer can also bring other issues. For
example, if the lease timer is extended, the updating of context information will be delayed,
which hence renders it out-of-date. In addition, it also causes more CiB resources to be
wasted through a reliance on out-of-date context. In the remaining simulations the lease timer
is set to be twice as long as the HB timer.
5. Conclusion
In this paper, a new approach to information management of mobile devices in a MANET
is discussed. The approach uses a context-aware framework to represent, store and exchange
relevant information of mobile devices, where dead loops and rejoining issues are effectively
eliminated. This is mainly achieved by setting up appropriate heart-beat timer and lease timer.
However, a trade-off is required to set the lease timer since a large lease timer can also bring
other issues. The update of context information can be delayed with the extension of the lease
timer, which hence renders it out-of-date.
International Journal of Grid and Distributed Computing
Vol. 5, No. 4, December, 2012
This work was supported by A Project Funded by the Priority Academic Program
Development of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. It was also funded by The Project
Sponsored by the Scientific Research Foundation for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars,
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Qi Liu
BSc (2002), MSc (2006), PhD (2010) is an appointed Professor at the
Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. His research
interests include context-awareness, data communication in MANET and
WSN, smart home and energy efficiency. He also devotes time to WSN
solutions on intelligent agriculture in protected field. He is a member of
Nigel Linge
BSC (1983), PhD (1987) is a Professor of Telecommunications at the
University of Salford. He is an electronic engineer by profession and has
research interests in network design, context aware information systems,
communication protocols, mobile systems and practical applications of
networking technology in areas such as energy and building monitoring.
He also devotes time to the preservation and dissemination of the history
of telecommunications and provides external advice to organization on
their heritage strategies. He is a Fellow of the IET and BCS.