Research Journal Elcano's Group

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Filipino Gossiping: The Effects of Gossiping information and source as a proof of legitimacy.

among the BSE 1-4 Students and How it Affects

their Academic Performance Filipinos love to gossip just like every other nation.

However, gossiping has a more negative

INTRODUCTION connotation in the Philippines compared to other

countries. In the country, when someone is known

A. Situation Analysis for being a tsismosa, that means they’re branded as

Filipinos are found to be very creative when the town liar. People tend to stay away from

it comes to storytelling. The way they talk and tsismosa, but love them at the same time. It’s human

describe. Sharing experiences from the places nature to want to know the nitty-gritties of a person.

they’ve been, food that they have tasted for the first What makes Filipino gossip wrong is the fact that it

time, what did their neighbor do to them and such as is usually filled with envy which could be attributed

more even what’s their breakfast. Sometimes it is to the close-minded nature of the Filipinos. It is a

their past time. Story telling can be sometimes passive-aggressive way of inflicting harm to other

occupies a sensitive issue. It includes fake people. Gossip is typically used to hurt the

news/hoax or/and sometimes they call “dagdag- reputation of an individual, bring down a person or

bawas”. They’re adding some information to the judge their sins and character. The most common

story without any proof makes their story more form of tsismis involves daring subjects such as sex,

exciting or/and sometimes confusing. They’re also pregnancy out of wedlock, homosexuality, and

eliminating some part of the story that they don’t adultery, but could also range from simple topics

know or/and sometimes they just don’t want to such as financial status or academic standing.

share. Using social media accounts is one of (PhilippineOne; Julinda Gallego) Dubai: ‘Once a

Filipino means by sharing information. Spreading gossip, always a gossip,’ is a phrase you often hear

news about what are happening in their community about a person who is known to spread anything

country, sharing thoughts and comments about from news, facts, or rumors about others. Just as

certain thing. They are easily convinced on what Rico Blanco’s song “Tsismis” says, gossiping is the

they read online w/o double checking the

country’s national drug. It is a part of the Filipino of others. This can be defined as ‘bad’ gossip.
“Gossip can be used to capitalize on others’
misfortunes and to use these against them during a
“Generally, good gossip typically serves the time of vulnerability in order to advance the self’s
interests of the group and not those of the individual interest,” explained Dr Brown. Gossip is also a
doing the gossiping,” said Dr Brown. He explained useful ‘political tool’ in organizations/institutions or
that gossip can also orientate newcomers in the social structures where people are competing for
group to the rules and norms of the group. It can status or are attempting to remove someone out of a
also be used as a tool for reminding group members social group. This widespread bad habit can also be
of group values and as a means of punishing those used as a bullying tactic where rumors are spread in
that are not adhering to group norms. Gossiping can organizations, families or more widely, on social
also facilitate bonding, especially on an individual media. “Some people engaging in bad gossip derive
front. This can occur if the information is shared pleasure from shaming and slandering others and
with someone who you trust will not use it against telling humiliating stories or using others’
you at another time. ‘Good’ gossip can also be used misfortune for comic relief or to elevate the self,”
to warn someone of the potentially harmful said Dr Brown. Unfortunately, most gossip takes
behaviors of others, said Dr Brown. “Some would this critical form. (Gulf News; Jumana Khamis Staff
argue that gossip about others’ negative attitudes Reporter; 2018)
and behaviors may motivate the listener to regulate
their own similar behaviors and helps them act in a It is reasonable to assume that victims of
more socially appropriate manner should they gossiping and rumors would be anxious and afraid
recognize some of the gossip patterns within in an environment where this form of bullying takes
themselves,” added Dr Brown. The majority of
place. Often victims will respond by becoming
people tend to gossip with friends, family and
withdrawn and avoiding particular environments or
people they trust and like, which indicates
groups of people (Batsche & Knoff 1994). For girls
closeness. Some examples of good gossip can
who are the victim of rumors or gossip in the school
include talking about how well a colleague or
environment this may mean withdrawing in class
family member did on a project or exam, warning a
friend if there is concerning behavior directed situations such as discussions and group work or

towards them, or a mother warning a child about increased absenteeism. The presence of gossip and

potential danger when she knows that a peer rumors within a school creates an environment of
engages in inappropriate behaviors, said Dr Brown. fear and intimidation for not only victims but also
On the other hand, some people find themselves bystanders who observe such incidences. Students
gossiping to serve their one interest at the expense who are severely bullied are likely to regard school
as a negative setting and ultimately avoid certain standing up for them or befriending them. As it is so
places or people within the school or avoid school important for adolescents to feel they belong to a
completely (Gilmartin, as cited in Batsche & Knoff, group they will not risk being isolated because they
1994). It is obvious that becoming withdrawn stand up for the victim. Overall the consequences of
during class or skipping school will have bullying of girls learning are endless. Not only does
detrimental effects on those students’ educational bullying directly affect students’ performance in
outcomes and lead to poor academic performance. terms of withdrawal from school but indirectly
Olweus (as cited in Batsche & Knoff, 1994) found through anxiety and social implications. This
that victims of bullying had “somewhat lower highlights the importance of teacher awareness of
grades than their peers”. Perry (as cited in Batsche the issue and reducing incidences of gossiping and
& Knoff, 1994) also found a considerable, negative rumors within the school. ()
association between intelligence and level of

The stress and anxiety students feel as a B. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM

result of gossiping and rumors consequently inhibits
This research study sought to answer the
their ability to focus on their school work. These
effects of gossiping among Bachelor of Secondary
students typically have low self-esteem and feel
Education Section 1-4 students of Don Mariano
useless, and therefore do not work to their full Marcos Memorial State University-South La Union
potential. The constant stress and worry these Campus and how it affects their academic
students feel makes it difficult for them to learn and performance.
retain new information. Research suggests bullying
1. Does gossiping harm the respondents?
plays a serious role in school retention and further 2. How does gossiping affect their
education. academic performance in school?

Students who are constantly the victim of gossip

and rumors “feel insecure and are unable to relax or
Chapter II
trust” (Halverstadt, n.d). This affects their ability to
make friends and socialize with peers and METHODOLOGY

consequently affects social learning. Additionally,

peer pressure and the exclusion from peers because
the victim is ‘different’ stops other children
questionnaire must be standardized and
The research study used Qualitative anonymity of respondents is assured. At last,
research design as a guide in formal respondent’s complete questionnaire items
interpretation for the Effects of gossiping at their leisure so response are carefully
among Bachelor of Secondary Education provided.
Section 1-4 and how it affects their
academic performance.

B. POPULATION AND LOCALE The participants of this study was

mainly the Bachelor of Secondary Education
The participants of this study was Section 1-4 students of Don Mariano
mainly the Bachelor of Secondary Education Marcos Memorial State University-South La
Section 1-4 students of Don Mariano Union Campus. The researchers used
Marcos Memorial State University-South La random sampling method to determine the
Union Campus. The researchers used respondents of the study.
random sampling method to determine the
respondents of the study


One of the most important
components of a research design is the
research instrument because it gathers data The questions given to the respondents
or information. This research instrument is a was formulated by the researchers that was
way of gathering data. Without them, data approved by the research adviser. After the
would be impossible to put in hand. approval of the questionnaire, the researchers
made a letter of request to conduct the survey
C. RESEARCH INSTRUMENT and was signed by the research adviser.
Afterwards, the questionnaire were given to the
Questionnaire is the commonly used selective respondents. The questionnaire was
instrument for the data collection. Some composed of 5 questions answered by yes or no.
known people cited a number of advantages The content of the questions will help the
of questionnaire as relatively economical researcher to know the effects of gossiping and
and sample can be obtained from a wide how it affects the academic performance among
area. It is also said that questions of the the selective respondent
After floating the questionnaire, 100% of conversation. The gathered data on the survey
the copies are expected to retrieve. The conducted shows that in the five (5) questions
researchers tabulated the gathered data for one answered by the respondents relating to the
day. interpretation to the effects of gossiping. All of the
respondents have been involved in gossiping,
destructed by gossiping and affects the way they
Chapter III think and perceive things. Most of the students
answered that gossiping doesn’t affect their
academic performance in school.

It can be difficult, especially for teens who

may be more likely to feel pressure to fit in and
be liked, to handle being the subject of gossip.
Being the target of gossip can be humiliating and
isolating, and the mental health effects of rumors
and gossip can be significant. Seeking support
from friends and family (as well as a qualified
mental health professional, when necessary) can 1. Have you ever been
be beneficial to those coping with the effects of involved in gossiping?
gossip. Connecting with friends can remind a
person they have a support network, regardless of
the gossip, and can prevent them from feeling
2. Does gossiping destruct
ostracized. People who engage in gossip might
also desire to take steps to stop it. While it is
common to gossip from time to time—in fact,
engaging in gossip can provide a sense of
camaraderie and connection—it is important to 3. Does it affect how you
keep in mind that sharing personal information think and perceive
about others can be extremely hurtful. things?
Remembering this can be a helpful way to resist
spreading malicious or confidential information.
Standing up to people who are gossiping can also 4. Have you ever tried
be beneficial. While it can be intimidating to being the cause of
confront people who are gossiping, doing the gossiping?
right thing can help an individual to feel better
about themselves. For those who do not feel
comfortable confronting others, the best course of
action may be to avoid participating, change the
topic, or simply walk away from the
5. Does gossiping affects 1. Most of the students have been involved
your academic to gossiping
performance? 2. Most of the students think that gossiping
is a way of expressing their thoughts and
a way of entertainment.
3. This research proves that gossiping
won’t be harmful if it would be just for
some entertainment and won’t affect

Chapter V their academic performance because

personal necessities or things not related
to their studies should be separated with
academic matter.
The study endeavored in identifying
how does gossiping affects the Bachelor of B. RECOMMENDATION
Secondary Education section 1-4 students of
With the findings and conclusion given the
Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State
following recommendations were raised:
University their academic performance. The
10 respondents from Bachelor of Secondary The future researchers must find how Filipino

Education section 1-4 students of Don gossiping affect the academic performance among

Mariano Marcos Memorial State University the students of BSE 1-4.

were given questionnaires for the 1. The future researchers can use this research
researchers to arrive in the different for their reference or related studies.
findings. 2. The school administration must conduct a
seminar about the possible ways on how to
The study determines the following: overcome the effects of gossiping to the
1) the profile of the respondents which academic performance among the students
includes their age and their gender, 2) of BSE 1-4.
effects of gossiping and how it affects their 3. The students must not combine personal
academic performance. matters to academic matter so that it won’t
affect their academic performance in school.
After consolidating all the 4. The future researchers can use this research
questionnaires, the result of the study are as to find out how does gossiping affect the
follows: Bachelor of Secondary Education Section 1-
4 students of Don Mariano Marcos 73j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i
Memorial State University-South La Union
Campus to their academic performance.

C. REFERENCE a-society-1.2267450
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(2) student-learning
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41i71j0i131i67j0i67j0j0i131j0i2 html

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