Research Journal Elcano's Group
Research Journal Elcano's Group
Research Journal Elcano's Group
Filipinos are found to be very creative when the town liar. People tend to stay away from
it comes to storytelling. The way they talk and tsismosa, but love them at the same time. It’s human
describe. Sharing experiences from the places nature to want to know the nitty-gritties of a person.
they’ve been, food that they have tasted for the first What makes Filipino gossip wrong is the fact that it
time, what did their neighbor do to them and such as is usually filled with envy which could be attributed
more even what’s their breakfast. Sometimes it is to the close-minded nature of the Filipinos. It is a
their past time. Story telling can be sometimes passive-aggressive way of inflicting harm to other
occupies a sensitive issue. It includes fake people. Gossip is typically used to hurt the
news/hoax or/and sometimes they call “dagdag- reputation of an individual, bring down a person or
bawas”. They’re adding some information to the judge their sins and character. The most common
story without any proof makes their story more form of tsismis involves daring subjects such as sex,
exciting or/and sometimes confusing. They’re also pregnancy out of wedlock, homosexuality, and
eliminating some part of the story that they don’t adultery, but could also range from simple topics
know or/and sometimes they just don’t want to such as financial status or academic standing.
share. Using social media accounts is one of (PhilippineOne; Julinda Gallego) Dubai: ‘Once a
Filipino means by sharing information. Spreading gossip, always a gossip,’ is a phrase you often hear
news about what are happening in their community about a person who is known to spread anything
country, sharing thoughts and comments about from news, facts, or rumors about others. Just as
certain thing. They are easily convinced on what Rico Blanco’s song “Tsismis” says, gossiping is the
towards them, or a mother warning a child about increased absenteeism. The presence of gossip and
potential danger when she knows that a peer rumors within a school creates an environment of
engages in inappropriate behaviors, said Dr Brown. fear and intimidation for not only victims but also
On the other hand, some people find themselves bystanders who observe such incidences. Students
gossiping to serve their one interest at the expense who are severely bullied are likely to regard school
as a negative setting and ultimately avoid certain standing up for them or befriending them. As it is so
places or people within the school or avoid school important for adolescents to feel they belong to a
completely (Gilmartin, as cited in Batsche & Knoff, group they will not risk being isolated because they
1994). It is obvious that becoming withdrawn stand up for the victim. Overall the consequences of
during class or skipping school will have bullying of girls learning are endless. Not only does
detrimental effects on those students’ educational bullying directly affect students’ performance in
outcomes and lead to poor academic performance. terms of withdrawal from school but indirectly
Olweus (as cited in Batsche & Knoff, 1994) found through anxiety and social implications. This
that victims of bullying had “somewhat lower highlights the importance of teacher awareness of
grades than their peers”. Perry (as cited in Batsche the issue and reducing incidences of gossiping and
& Knoff, 1994) also found a considerable, negative rumors within the school. ()
association between intelligence and level of
Education section 1-4 students of Don gossiping affect the academic performance among
were given questionnaires for the 1. The future researchers can use this research
researchers to arrive in the different for their reference or related studies.
findings. 2. The school administration must conduct a
seminar about the possible ways on how to
The study determines the following: overcome the effects of gossiping to the
1) the profile of the respondents which academic performance among the students
includes their age and their gender, 2) of BSE 1-4.
effects of gossiping and how it affects their 3. The students must not combine personal
academic performance. matters to academic matter so that it won’t
affect their academic performance in school.
After consolidating all the 4. The future researchers can use this research
questionnaires, the result of the study are as to find out how does gossiping affect the
follows: Bachelor of Secondary Education Section 1-
4 students of Don Mariano Marcos 73j0i22i10i30j0i13j0i13i30j0i13i
Memorial State University-South La Union
Campus to their academic performance.
C. REFERENCE a-society-1.2267450
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