Determining The Benefits of Using Profanity in Expressing Emotions of Grade 12 Students in FCIC
Determining The Benefits of Using Profanity in Expressing Emotions of Grade 12 Students in FCIC
Determining The Benefits of Using Profanity in Expressing Emotions of Grade 12 Students in FCIC
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1 author:
Dominic Libres
University of the Philippines Open University
All content following this page was uploaded by Dominic Libres on 26 February 2019. 80
10th International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (ASSHIS-17) Dec. 17-18, 2017 Manila (Philippines)
When a person feels extremely stressed and frustrated, he can B. Research Design
avoid physical aggression by swearing and by avoiding physical This study is in a form of descriptive research design because
aggression, he can also avoid consequences brought by it. our study is concerned with investigating the cause of why
Stephens, Atkins, and Kingston (2009) found out that the students practice profanity. Also it deals with measuring and
students can tolerate more pain using swear words than using describing the factors that cause this phenomena as well as the
neutral words. benefits of profanity in terms of emotional and social stability.
B. Approaches To (Im)Politeness C. Research Instrument
Most people who are engage in this behavior are often get The questionnaire used by the researchers in gathering
into trouble, because sometimes it‘s not just the words itself adequate information in regards to answering the objectives of
utter by the speaker is the issue but the way the hearers perceive this study was adapted from the paper entitled ―The
the word. The pressure and threats the utterance carries to the Relationship between Profanity and Honesty‖ by (Feldman,
hearer. (Bousfield, 2010). n.d.).
Based on what Culpeper and Brown said, we cannot control
each other‘s actions towards each other and we cannot predict D. Research Procedure
each other‘s intentions but as interlocutors and interactants we First, the researchers gathered the data by approaching and
must always work on respecting each other‘s‘ mindsets, asking permission from the Grade 12 students who practice
viewpoints and having only polite intentions to pursue better profanity. Next, the researchers gave the adapted questionnaire
understanding and to pursue a better way of approaching with to the respondents and let them answer it. After testing the
politeness. questionnaire, the data was gathered and had undergone data
TABLE I: analysis.
Gender Verbal Non-Verbal In Secret The data was analyzed by the researchers through the use of
Male 6.67% 20% 13.33% tables to clearly understand the data gathered. Simple statistical
Female 6.67% 20% 26.67% tool such as percentages was used when interpreting the data
C. Effect of Profanity in Social Conditions from the tables. The percent rate is equal to the amount of
respondents over the total population.
If an excessive swearer is in a culture wherein swearing is
prohibited, this will lead to the Johnson and Lewis' TABLE II:
‗expectancy-violations explanation,‘ in which the individuals FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE THE GRADE 12 SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN
who swear are perceived negatively. Thus, swearing negatively
affect that person‘s social status and how other people look up Parents Peers Relatives Neighbors Social Media
to him as a person. And by nature, we strived to be accepted that 6.67% 96.67% 13.33% 33.33% 43.33%
is why we try our best to prohibit ourselves from swearing.
D. Gender Usage of Profanity
According to Jay et al., (2006), men swear more than women
and men learn swear words earlier than women (Johnson &
Lewis, 2010). Thus, men know more swear words and use more
swear words (Jay, 2000). According to Johnson & Lewis IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
(2010), women are reported to swear less than men and consider In this chapter, the discussion and interpretation of the data
using swear words on newspapers or in televisions as less gathered is presented.
appropriate. After the conduct of the adapted questionnaire, data were
gathered obtaining and showing the following results.
III. METHODOLOGY Table I shows the frequency of using profanity by Grade 12
Senior High School students. According to Jay et al., (2006),
This part discusses about the participants, research design,
men swear more than women and men learn swear words earlier
instruments and research procedure.
than women but this research doesn't coincide with this
A. Research Participants conclusion because in terms of using profanity verbally, 6.67%
This study, ―Determining the Benefits of Using Profanity in of the 2 genders uses profanity too often.
Expressing Emotions of Grade 12 Students in In using profanity non-verbally, 20% of both male and female
FCIC‖ was conducted in Franciscan College of the uses profanity too often and in using profanity secretly, only
Immaculate Conception Inc., Grade 12 Senior High School 13.33% of the males use it too often and for the females, 26.67%
department. The population of this study included Grade 12 of them uses profanity too often surprisingly, which leads to the
students. There were 5 respondents per strand— a total of 30 contradiction of what Johnson and Lewis said that women are
respondents. reported to swear less than men. This suggests that stereotyping
between men and women should be avoided because as what the
result has shown, women are found to be using profanity more 81
10th International Conference on Arts, Social Sciences, Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies (ASSHIS-17) Dec. 17-18, 2017 Manila (Philippines)
than men and gender should not be used as a basis to validate wrong. In terms of using profane words verbally and
someone to use profanity. non-verbally, men and women stands the same. But when in
Table II shows the factors that influences a person to use secret, the women are more likely to use profane words. Lastly,
profanity. It is believed that a child solely acquire his behavior the common factors that people may think of in terms of
and attitude because it is in home where a child learns his firsts influences that cause this mannerism are the friends/peers but
but according to our research, only 6.67% of the students said the results say that the exposure of Social Media had also greatly
that parents were the ones who influenced them. Ironically, affected the spread of using profane words next to friends/peers.
96.67% of them said peers/friends where majority of a child's
B. Recommendation
time is being spent with, 13.33% of them said relatives. This
includes his/her cousins that could also influence a child to The researchers recommend the following:
adopt the mannerism. 33.33% of them said neighbors where a People who uses profanity should never be judged right
child is prone to be influenced by the attitude of the people away because we never know the reasons how they were able
around him and 43.33% of them pointed out that social media, to adapt this mannerism.
which most of all the people are being exposed upon. There is a need to break the stereotype. It doesn't mean that
Table III reveals the top 3 benefits of using profanity: (1) if a person is a male, then he is qualified to curse or use bad
Profanity allows us to express anger, disgust or pain, or indicate words and just because a person is a female, then she can‘t use
to someone that they need to back off without having to resort to profanity because it violates the feminine code.
physical violence. Another study that will focus more on the disadvantages or
non-beneficial effects of using profanity with regards to the
TABLE III: emotional and social status of young people.
Benefits Mean Ranking
Profanity allows us to express anger, First and foremost, we would like to express our gratitude to
disgust or pain, or indicate to someone our Almighty God who give us all the energy, knowledge, time,
2.97 1st
that they need to back off without having safety and guidance needed for carrying out of our research. The
to resort to physical violence. success of this research only lies in Your Mighty hands and
Profanity helps us to communicate power, Lord. This is all for You.
effectively in stating our emotional 2.47 3rd To Mr. Dominic Libres who was always there for us, guiding
response to something.
us all the way in creating this research paper.
Swearing can increase tolerance to pain. 2.57 2nd
To our Research Adviser, Ms. Catherine Villamor for
According to Rassin & Muris (2005), this effect is said to be allotting her time in reviewing the errors made in our manuscript
one of the top reason why most people swear. sAs a human and for giving us corrections that made this research paper
being, it is our nature to find an outlet to at least vent our possible.
negative emotions that can also prevent us from resorting to Credits also to Ms. Leandra Margrett Paderes, where we got
physical violence and using profanity is the most convenient the inspiration of having profanity as our topic.
way to opt to. (2) Swearing can increase tolerance to pain. This To Mr. Elpedio Vesera for serving as our pillar of knowledge
coincides with what Stephens, Atkins, and Kingston (2009) because through him, we were introduced about research.
conclusion that the students can tolerate more pain using swear To our parents, who were very supportive financially, morally
words than using neutral words. A person using profanity may and academically.
experience personal problems and he finds profanity to be a And to our respondents who are very considerate in
machine that can increase pain tolerance or at least minimize the dedicating their small amount of time in answering our given
impact of the pain towards the user, and (3) Profanity helps us questionnaires and contributed greatly in completing this
to communicate effectively in stating our emotional response to research.
something. This helps in enabling the speaker to impart his
thoughts or response towards something and in order also for REFERENCES
the listeners to determine the intensity the speaker is feeling.
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