[3rd to 8th Semester]
PCC- ME 306: Dynamics of Machinery 59-61
PCC-ME 307: Manufacturing Technology 62-63
PCC-ME 308: Design of Machine Elements 64-65
PCC-ME401: Internal Combustion Engines 66-67
(v) Professional Elective Courses 68
PEC-MEL 321: Process Planning and Cost Estimation 69
PEC-MEL 322: Mechatronic Systems 70-71
PEC-MEL 323: Microprocessors in Automation 72-73
PEC-MEL 324: Composite Materials 74
PEC-MEL 325: Power Plant Engineering 75-76
PEC-MEL 421: Automation in Manufacturing 77-78
PEC-MEL 422: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 79-80
PEC-MEL 423: Computer Aided Design 81-82
PEC-MEL 424: Finite Element Analysis 83-84
PEC-MEL 425: Automobile Engineering 85-86
PEC-MEL 431: Principles of Management 87
PEC-MEL 432: Design of Transmission Systems 88
PEC-MEL 433: Total Quality Management 89
PEC-MEL 434: Energy Conservation and Management 90
PEC-MEL 435: Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion 91
(vi) Open Elective Courses 92
OEC - ME201 Renewable Energy Systems 93-94
OEC - ME202 Operations Research 95
OEC - ME203 Computational Fluid Dynamics 96
OEC - ME204 Safety Management 97
OEC - ME205 Non-Conventional Manufacturing 98
(vii) Internship and Summer Training 99
(viii) Project Work 100
(ix) MOOCs & SWYAM 101
3 Appendix-A A Guide to Induction Program 99
4 AICTE Vol. II Common courses (Physics, Chemistry, Biology & Mathematics)
5 AICTE Vol. II MC :Model Curriculum for Mandatory Non-credit courses
6 AICTE Vol. II Virtual Laboratories for various disciplines
General, Course structure & Theme
Semester-wise credit distribution
A. Definition of Credit:
1 Hr. Lecture (L) Per Week 1 Credit
1 Hr. Tutorial (T) Per Week 1 Credit
B. Range of credits-A range of credits from 150 to 160 for a student to be eligible to get Under
Graduate degree in Engineering. A student will be eligible to get Under Graduate degree with Honors
or additional Minor Engineering, if he/she completes an additional 20 credits. These could be acquired
through MOOCs.
C. Structure of Undergraduate Engineering program:
Suggested Breakup
Sl. of Credits
No. Category (Total 160)
1 Humanities and Social Sciences including Management courses 12*
2 Basic Science courses 30*
Engineering Science courses including workshop, drawing, basics of
3 electrical/mechanical/computer etc 24*
D. Credit distribution in the First year of Undergraduate Engineering program:
Total Credits: 24
Total Credits: 12
Total Credits: 21
Total Credits: 18
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4-year Curriculum structure
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II. Semester-wise structure of curriculum and Credit Distribution:
[L= Lecture, T = Tutorials, P = Practical & C = Credits]
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Semester III [Second year]
Branch/Course: Mechanical Engineering
Sl. Hours per week Total
Category Code Course Title contact
No. L T P hours Credits
Basic Science Mathematics III
1 BSC 202 3 1 0 4 4
Courses (PDE, Probability & Statistics)
Basic Science
2 BSC 203 Biology 2 1 0 3 3
3 ESC 201 Basic Electronics Engineering 3 1 0 4 4
Science courses
4 ESC 202 Engineering Mechanics 3 0 2 4 4
Science courses
5 PCC- ME 201 Thermodynamics 3 1 0 4 4
Core courses
6 PCC-ME 202 Machine Drawing 0 0 4 4 2
Core courses
Summer Inter/Intra Institutional
7 INST-ME 203 Activities Four Week 4
(Summer Vacation after 2nd Sem.)
Employability Professional Courses
8 -- 12 0
Enhancement (Spoken Tutorial, KYP, etc.)
Total credits: 25
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Semester VII [Fourth year]
Branch/Course: Mechanical Engineering
Hours per week Total
Category Code Course Title contact Credits
No. L T P hours
1 PCC- ME 401 Internal Combustion Engines 3 0 3 6 4.5
Core courses
Professional PEC- MEL
2 Elective III 3 0 3 6 4.5
Elective courses 421– 425
Professional PEC- MEL
3 Elective-IV 3 0 3 6 4.5
Elective courses 421 - 425
Open Elective OEC-ME
4 Open Elective- III 3 0 0 3 3
courses 201-205
5 Project PROJ-ME 403 Project-I 0 0 12 12 6
6 INST-ME 401 Innovation/Entrepreneurship
th Six Week 6
Internship (Summer Vacation after 6 sem)
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16 | P a g e
17 | P a g e
BSC102 MATHEMATICS 1 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
(Calculus and Linear Algebra)
Module 1: Calculus (6 lectures)
Evolutes and involutes; Evaluation of definite and improper integrals; Beta and Gamma functions and
their properties; Applications of definite integrals to evaluate surface areas and volumes of revolutions.
1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson, Reprint,
2. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2006.
3. Veerarajan T., Engineering Mathematics for first year, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi,2008.
4. Ramana B.V., Higher Engineering Mathematics, Tata McGraw Hill New Delhi, 11th Reprint,
5. D. Poole, Linear Algebra: A Modern Introduction, 2nd Edition, Brooks/Cole,2005.
6. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications,
7. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010.
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Course Outcomes:
The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in calculus,
multivariate analysis and linear algebra. It aims to equip the students with standard concepts and tools
at an intermediate to advanced level that will serve them well towards tackling more advanced level of
mathematics and applications that they would find useful in their disciplines.
The students will learn:
• To apply differential and integral calculus to notions of curvature and to improper integrals.
Apart from some other applications they will have a basic understanding of Beta and Gamma
• The fallouts of Rolle’s Theorem that is fundamental to application of analysis to Engineering
• The tool of power series and Fourier series for learning advanced Engineering Mathematics.
• To deal with functions of several variables that is essential in most branches of engineering.
• The essential tool of matrices and linear algebra in a comprehensive manner.
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BSC104 MATHEMATICS II 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
(Calculus, Ordinary Differential
Equations and Complex Variable)
Module 1: Multivariable Calculus (Integration): (10 lectures)
Multiple Integration: Double integrals (Cartesian), change of order of integration in double integrals,
Change of variables (Cartesian to polar), Applications: areas and volumes, Center of mass and Gravity
(constant and variable densities); Triple integrals (Cartesian), orthogonal curvilinear coordinates,
Simple applications involving cubes, sphere and rectangular parallelepipeds; Scalar line integrals,
vector line integrals, scalar surface integrals, vector surface integrals, Theorems of Green, Gauss and
1. G.B. Thomas and R.L. Finney, Calculus and Analytic geometry, 9th Edition, Pearson, Reprint,
2. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
3. W. E. Boyce and R. C. DiPrima, Elementary Differential Equations and Boundary Value
Problems, 9th Edn., Wiley India,2009.
4. S. L. Ross, Differential Equations, 3rd Ed., Wiley India,1984.
5. E. A. Coddington, An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations, Prentice Hall india,
20 | P a g e
6. E. L. Ince, Ordinary Differential Equations, Dover Publications,1958.
7. J. W. Brown and R. V. Churchill, Complex Variables and Applications, 7th Ed., Mc-Graw
8. Hill, 2004.
9. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications,
10. B.S. Grewal, Higher Engineering Mathematics, Khanna Publishers, 36th Edition, 2010.
Course Outcomes:
The objective of this course is to familiarize the prospective engineers with techniques in multivariate
integration, ordinary and partial differential equations and complex variables. It aims to equip the
students to deal with advanced level of mathematics and applications that would be essential for their
The students will learn:
• The mathematical tools needed in evaluating multiple integrals and their usage.
• The effective mathematical tools for the solutions of differential equations that model
physical processes.
• The tools of differentiation and integration of functions of a complex variable that are used in
various techniques dealing engineering problems.
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21 | P a g e
BSC202 Mathematics III 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
(PDE, Probability & Statistics)
1. To introduce the solution methodologies for second order Partial Differential Equations with
applications in engineering
2. To provide an overview of probability and statistics to engineers
Module 1: (14 lectures)
Definition of Partial Differential Equations, First order partial differential equations, solutions of first
order linear PDEs; Solution to homogenous and non-homogenous linear partial differential equations of
second order by complimentary function and particular integral method. Second-order linear equations
and their classification, Initial and boundary conditions, D'Alembert's solution of the wave equation;
Duhamel's principle for one dimensional wave equation. Heat diffusion and vibration problems,
Separation of variables method to simple problems in Cartesian coordinates. The Laplacian in plane,
cylindrical and spherical polar coordinates, solutions with Bessel functions and Legendre functions.
One dimensional diffusion equation and its solution by separation of variables.
1. Erwin Kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 9thEdition, John Wiley & Sons, 2006.
2. N.P. Bali and Manish Goyal, A text book of Engineering Mathematics, Laxmi Publications.
3. P. G. Hoel, S. C. Port and C. J. Stone, Introduction to Probability Theory, Universal Book Stall.
4. S. Ross, A First Course in Probability, 6th Ed., Pearson Education India,2002.
22 | P a g e
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to solve field problems in engineering involving
PDEs. They can also formulate and solve problems involving random variables and apply statistical
methods for analyzing experimental data.
23 | P a g e
BSC203 Biology 2L:1T:0P 3 credits
2 (one hour) lectures and one (one hour) tutorial
per week. Only lecture hours are shown
24 | P a g e
Module 5: Enzymes (4 lectures)
Purpose: To convey that without catalysis life would not have existed on earth.
Enzymology: How to monitor enzyme catalysed reactions. How does an enzyme catalyze reactions?
Enzyme classification. Mechanism of enzyme action. Discuss at least two examples. Enzyme kinetics
and kinetic parameters. Why should we know these parameters to understand biology? RNA catalysis.
1. Biology: A global approach: Campbell, N. A. ; Reece, J. B.; Urr y, Lisa; Cain, M, L.; Wasser
man, S. A. ; Minorsk y, P. V.; Jackson, R. B. Pearson Education Ltd
2. Outlines of Biochemistry, Conn, E.E; Stumpf, P.K; Bruening, G; Doi, R.H. John Wiley and
3. Principles of Biochemistry (V Edition), By Nelson, D. L.; and Cox, M. M.W.H. Freeman and
4. Molecular Genetics (Second edition), Stent, G. S.; and Calender, R. W.H. Freeman and
company, Distributed by Satish Kumar Jain for CBS Publisher
5. Microbiology, Prescott, L.M J.P. Harley and C.A. Klein 1995. 2nd edition Wm, C. Brown
25 | P a g e
Course Outcomes:
After studying the course, the student will be able to:
Describe how biological observations of 18th Century that lead to major discoveries. Convey that
classification per se is not what biology is all about but highlight the underlying criteria, such as
morphological, biochemical and ecological Highlight the concepts of recessiveness and dominance
during the passage of genetic material from parent to offspring Convey that all forms of life have the
same building blocks and yet the manifestations are as diverse as one can imagine Classify enzymes
and distinguish between different mechanisms of enzyme action. Identify DNA as a genetic material in
the molecular basis of information transfer. Analyse biological processes at the reductionistic level
Apply thermodynamic principles to biological systems. Identify and classify microorganisms.
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ESC 201 Basic Electronic Engineering 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
To provide an overview of electronic device components to Mechanical engineering students
Module 1: (10 lectures)
Semiconductor Devices and Applications: Introduction to P-N Junction Diode and V-I
characteristics, Half wave and Full-wave rectifiers, capacitor filter. Zener diode and its characteristics,
Zener diode as voltage regulator. Regulated power supply IC based on 78XX and 79XX series,
Introduction to BJT, its input-output and transfer characteristics, BJT as a single stage CE amplifier,
frequency response and bandwidth.
Module 2: (8 lectures)
Operational amplifier and its applications: Introduction to operational amplifiers, Op-amp input
modes and parameters, Op-amp in open loop configuration, op-amp with negative feedback, study of
practical op-amp IC 741, inverting and non-inverting amplifier applications: summing and difference
amplifier, unity gain buffer, comparator, integrator and differentiator.
Module 3: (6 lectures)
Timing Circuits and Oscillators: RC-timing circuits, IC 555 and its applications as table and mono-
stable multi-vibrators, positive feedback, Barkhausen's criteria for oscillation, R-C phase shift and
Wein bridge oscillator.
Module 5: (8 lectures)
Electronic Communication Systems: The elements of communication system, IEEE frequency
spectrum, Transmission media: wired and wireless, need of modulation, AM and FM modulation
schemes, Mobile communication systems: cellular concept and block diagram of GSM system.
28 | P a g e
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Understand the principles of semiconductor devices and their applications.
2. Design an application using Operational amplifier.
3. Understand the working of timing circuits and oscillators.
4. Understand logic gates, flip flop as a building block of digital systems.
5. Learn the basics of Electronic communication system.
29 | P a g e
ESC 202 Engineering Mechanics 3L:0T:2P 4 credits
The primary purpose of the study of engineering mechanics is to develop the capacity to predict the
effects of force and motion while carrying out the creative design functions of engineering.
Module 1: (7 lectures)
Statics: Force System, Moment of a force about a point and an axis; Equivalent force and moment
Module 2: (6 lectures)
Equilibrium: Free body diagram; equations of equilibrium; problems in two and three dimension; plane
frames and trusses.
Module 3: (8 lectures)
Friction: Laws of Coulomb friction, impending motion problems involving large and small contact
surfaces; square threaded screw; principle of virtual work and stability.
Module 4: (6 lectures)
Dynamics: Kinematics and kinetics of particles dynamics in rectangular coordinates cylindrical
coordinates and in terms of path variables.
Module 5: (8 lectures)
Properties of areas: Center of mass; Moments of inertia; kinematics of rigid bodies;Chasle’s Theorem,
concept of fixed vector, velocity and acceleration of particles in different frames of references. General
plane motion.
Module 6: (7 lectures)
Work & Energy and impulse and Momentum methods for particles and rigid bodies: Conservation of
momentum, coefficient of restitution, moment of momentum equation.
1. Practical based on mechanical advantage of different machines.
2. Verification of triangle law & parallelogram law of forces
3. Verification of polygon law of forces
4. Determination of moment of inertia of a flywheel
5. Crank Lever apparatus
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6. Verification of support reactions of a simply supported beam
7. Verification of condition of equilibrium of a system of forces
8. Verification of axial forces in the members of a truss
9. Verification of equilibrium of three dimensional forces.
10. Determination of coefficient of friction between two surfaces
11. Verification of centroid of different laminae
12. Verification of Newton’s laws of motion
* At least 6 experiments should be performed from above list.
Course outcomes:
Students will be able to articulate and describe:
1. Relative motion. Inertial and non-inertial reference frames.
2. Parameters defining the motion of mechanical systems and their degrees of freedom.
3. Study of the interaction of forces between solids in mechanical systems.
4. Centre of mass and inertia tensor of mechanical systems.
5. Application of the vector theorems of mechanics and interpretation of their results.
6. Newton’s laws of motion and conservation principles.
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32 | P a g e
HSMC 02 Education, Technology and Society 3L: 0T: 0P 3 Credits
The goal of the proposed course is to enable students:
1 To explore the various ways in which technology has and may in future affect not only the
mode of delivery of education but also the very nature of education.
2 To understand the requirement of education:
a. For becoming an effective member of the society
b. To fulfill the potential of a learner to the fullest without too much thought of an
individual's responsibility towards the contemporary society.
Course Topics:
Unit 2: Nature and scope of education (Gurukul to ICT driven), Emotional intelligence Domains of
learning, Approaches to learning, Learning outcomes
Unit 5: Ethical and value implications of education and technology on individual and society
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of this course, the students will be able to integrate their technical education
for betterment of society as well motivates them to lead a good human life.
1 Education and Social order by Bertrand Russel
2 Theories of learning by Bower and Hilgard
3 Technology and Society by Jan L Harrington
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HSMC03 ECONOMICS 3L: 0T: 0P 3 Credits
Objective: The objective of this course is to give the working engineer an overview of the economics
principles often employed in effective engineering decisions as related to the designing, planning and
implementation of successful civil engineering projects.
34 | P a g e
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply the concept of opportunity cost
2. Employ marginal analysis for decision making
3. Analyze operations of markets under varying competitive conditions
4. Analyze causes and consequences of unemployment, inflation and economic growth
35 | P a g e
By the end of the course, students should be able to:
1. State the uses and users of accounting information;
2. Explain and apply accounting concepts, principles and conventions;
3. Record basic accounting transactions and prepare annual financial statements; and
4. Analyze, interpret and communicate the information contained in basic financial statements and
explain the limitations of such statements.
Module 1: (3 lectures)
Various definitions of Economics: Nature of Economic Problem, Relation between science,
Engineering. Technology & Economics.
Module 2: (5 lectures)
Meaning of demand, Law of Demand, Elasticity of demand, Practical importance & application of the
concept of elasticity of Demand.
Module 3: (5 lectures)
Meaning of Production and factor of Production: Land, labor, Capital, Entrepreneur & Organization
their Characteristics law of variable Proportion. Return to Scale.
Module 4: (5 lectures)
Cost Analysis: Various concepts of cost, Cost function, Short & Long run cost. Concept of Revenue,
Break-Even Analysis.
Module 5: (7 lectures)
Meaning of Market: Type of market –Perfect completion, Monopoly, Oligopoly, Monopolistic
competition, Main feature of these market), Meaning of Supply and Law of Supply, R ole of Demand
& Supply in price in prime determination imperfect t competition.
Module 6: (7 lectures)
Engineering Economy: Simple and compound interest, Annuities, Basic methods For making
economy Studies, Present worth method, Future worth method, I.R.R method, Comparison of
alternative – (i) Present worth method, (ii) Future Worth method (iii) I.R.R method.
Module 7: (9 lectures)
Accounting: Meaning Scope and Role of accounting, Accounting concept & Convention. Accounting
as information System. Recording of transaction in journal and Ledgers. Trial –Balance, Preparation of
final Account.
36 | P a g e
Text Book/Reference Books:
1. Modern Micro Economics by Theory -H.L.Ahuja-S.Chand
2. Advance Economic Theory by M .L.Jhingan-Konark Publication
3. Engineering Economics by Degarmo , Sullican & Canada –McMillan
4. Double Entry Book Keeping by T.S.Grewal –S .Chand
5. Stonier & Hague by A test book of Economic Theory-Pearson
6. Industrial Organization and Engg. Economics by Banga & Sharma
This course is intended to introduce the basic theory, concepts and practice of financial accounting and
to enable students to understand information contained in the published financial statements of
companies and other organisations. It includes the preparation of accounting statements, but their uses
and limitations will also be emphasized.
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38 | P a g e
PCC-ME 201 Thermodynamics 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
1. To learn about work and heat interactions, and balance of energy between system and its
2. Surroundings
3. To learn about application of 1st law to various energy conversion devices
4. To evaluate the changes in properties of substances in various processes
5. To understand the difference between high grade and low grade energies and 2nd law limitations
on energy conversion
Module 1: (5 lectures)
Fundamentals - System & Control volume; Property, State & Process; Exact & Inexact differentials;
Work-Thermodynamic definition of work; examples; Displacement work; Path dependence of
displacement work and illustrations for simple processes; electrical, magnetic, gravitational, spring and
shaft work.
Module 2: (5 lectures)
Temperature, Definition of thermal equilibrium and Zeroth law; Temperature scales; Various
Thermometers- Definition of heat; examples of heat/work interaction in systems- First Law for Cyclic
& Non-cyclic processes; Concept of total energy E; Demonstration that E is a property; Various modes
of energy, Internal energy and Enthalpy.
Module 3: (8 lectures)
Definition of Pure substance, Ideal Gases and ideal gas mixtures, Real gases and real gas mixtures,
Compressibility charts- Properties of two phase systems - Const. temperature and Const. pressure heating of
water; Definitions of saturated states; P-v-T surface; Use of steam tables; Saturation tables; Superheated tables;
Identification of states & determination of properties, Mollier’s chart.
Module 4: (5 lectures)
First Law for Flow Processes - Derivation of general energy equation for a control volume; Steady state steady
flow processes including throttling; Examples of steady flow devices; Unsteady processes; examples of steady
and unsteady I law applications for system and control volume.
Module 5: (5 lectures)
Second law - Definitions of direct and reverse heat engines; Definitions of thermal efficiency and COP; Kelvin-
Planck and Clausius statements; Definition of reversible process; Internal and external irreversibility; Carnot
cycle; Absolute temperature scale.
Module 6: (8 lectures)
Clausius inequality; Definition of entropy S ; Demonstration that entropy S is a property; Evaluation of
Entropy for solids, liquids, ideal gases and ideal gas mixtures undergoing various processes;
Determination of entropy from steam tables-Principle of increase of entropy; Illustration of processes
39 | P a g e
in T-s coordinates; Definition of Isentropic efficiency for compressors, turbines and nozzles-
Irreversibility and Availability, Availability function for systems and Control volumes undergoing
different processes, Lost work. Second law analysis for a control volume. Exergy balance equation and
Exergy analysis.
Module 7: (4 lectures)
Properties of dry and wet air, use of psychometric chart, processes involving heating/cooling and
humidification/dehumidification, dew point.
Text Books:
1. Sonntag, R. E, Borgnakke, C. and Van Wylen, G. J., 2003, 6th Edition, Fundamentals of
Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Jones, J. B. and Duggan, R. E., 1996, Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India
3. Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., 1999, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Yunus A. Cengel; Michael A. Boles, Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach, McGraw-
5. Nag, P.K, 1995, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing this course, the students will be able to apply energy balance to systems and
control volumes, in situations involving heat and work interactions
2. Students can evaluate changes in thermodynamic properties of substances
3. The students will be able to evaluate the performance of energy conversion devices
4. The students will be able to differentiate between high grade and low grade energies.
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PCC-ME202 Machine Drawing 0L:0T:4P 2 Credits
The student will acquire a knowledge of fastening arrangements such as welding, riveting the different
styles of attachment for shaft. The student also is enabled to prepare the assembly of various machine
or engine components and miscellaneous machine components.
Module 1: (2 Lectures)
Introduction to full section, half section, revolved-section off-set section.
Module 2: (3 Lectures)
Nut Bolts, Riveted joints, Thread profiles, Screw jack.
Module3: (3 Lectures)
Bushed bearing, pedestal, bearing, foot step bearing.
Module 4: (2 Lectures)
Flanged coupling, flexible coupling, solid coupling.
Module5: (2 Lectures)
Engine parts - Stuffing box, Connecting rod, Atomizer, spark plug, etc.
Module 6: (2 Lectures)
Module 7: (2 Lectures)
Cross Head.
Module 8: (2 Lectures)
Assembly of dissembled parts. disassembly of assembly parts.
Text Books:
1. Dhawan, R.K., A Text Book of Machine Drawing, S. Chand & Company, 1996.
2. Ostrowsky, O., Engineering Drawing with CAD Applications, ELBS, 1995.
3. Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and Colleges SP: 46- 19
4. Engineering Drawing by ND Bhatt
Course Outcomes:
On successful completion of the course, the student will be able to,
1. Identify the national and international standards pertaining to machine drawing.
2. Apply limits and tolerances to assemblies and choose appropriate fits.
3. Recognize machining and surface finish symbols.
4. Explain the functional and manufacturing datum.
41 | P a g e
PCC-ME 203 Fluid Mechanics 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
To learn about the application of mass and momentum conservation laws for fluid flows
To understand the importance of dimensional analysis
To obtain the velocity and pressure variations in various types of simple flows
To analyze the flow in water pumps and turbines.
Module: 1 (8 lectures)
Definition of fluid, Units and dimensions, Newton’s law of viscosity, Properties of fluids, mass,
density, specific volume, specific gravity, viscosity, surface tension and capillarity, vapor pressure,
compressibility and bulk modulus. Hydrostatics; fluid force on plane and curved surfaces,
manometers, buoyancy, uniformly accelerated motion.
Module: 2 (4 lectures)
Kinematics of fluid flow: Generalized continuity equation, Irrotational motion and solution to Laplace
equation. Concept of stream lines, Equipotential Lines, Flow Nets.
Module: 3 (6 lectures)
Dynamics of fluid flow: Control volume and control surface, application of continuity equation and
momentum equation, Bernoulli’s equation and its applications.
Module: 4 (4 lectures)
Concept of boundary layer, boundary layer thickness, Displacement thickness, momentum thickness,
energy thickness.
Module: 5 (8 lectures)
Laminar viscous flow through circular conduits, Couette and Poisuielle flow, Turbulent flow through
pipes, Darcy Weisbach equation, friction factor for smooth and rough pipes, Moody’s diagram.
Module: 6 (6 lectures)
Need for dimensional analysis, methods of dimension analysis, Similitude and types of similitude,
Dimensionless parameters, application of dimensionless parameters Model analysis.
Module: 7 (6 lectures)
Forces on immersed bodies, concepts of separation, drag force, circulation and lift force.
Text Books:
1. Frank M. White, Fluid Mechanics (Sixth Edition), Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi (2008).
2. J. O. Wilkes, Fluid Mechanics for Chemical Engineers, Prentice Hall (1999).
3. Som and Biswas; Fluid Mechanics and machinery; TMH
4. Cengal; Fluid Mechanics; TMH
5. Modi & Seth; Fluid Mechanics; Standard Book House, Delhi
42 | P a g e
1. Determination of density & viscosity of oil.
2. To determine the meta-centric height of a floating body.
3. Measurement of Coefficient of Discharge of given Orifice and Venturimeter
4. To determine the coefficient of discharge of Notch (V and Rectangular types)
5. To determine the friction factor for the pipes.
6. To verify the Bernoulli’s Theorem.
7. To find critical Reynolds number for a pipe flow.
8. To determine the minor losses due to sudden enlargement, sudden contraction and bends.
9. To show the velocity and pressure variation with radius in a free and forced vortex
*Atleast 8 experiments should be performed from above list
Course Outcomes:
1. State the Newton’s law of viscosity and explain the mechanics of fluids at rest and in motion by
observing the fluid phenomena.
2. Compute force of buoyancy on a partially or fully submerged body and analyze the stability of a
floating body.
3. Derive Euler’s Equation of motion and deduce Bernoulli’s equation.
4. Examine energy losses in pipe transitions and sketch energy gradient lines.
5. Evaluate pressure drop in pipe flow using Hagen-Poiseuille’s equation.
6. Distinguish the types of flows.
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PCC-ME 204 Applied Thermodynamics 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
1. To learn about of I law for reacting systems and heating value of fuels
2. To learn about gas and vapor cycles and their first law and second law efficiencies
3. To understand about the properties of dry and wet air and the principles of psychometric
4. To learn about gas dynamics of air flow and steam through nozzles
5. To learn the about reciprocating compressors with and without intercooling
6. To analyze the performance of steam turbines
Module 1: (8 lectures)
Introduction to solid, liquid and gaseous fuels–Stoichiometry, exhaust gas analysis- First law analysis
of combustion reactions. Heat calculations using enthalpy tables. Adiabatic flame temperature.
Chemical equilibrium and equilibrium composition calculations using free energy.
Module 3: (6 lectures)
Vapor power cycles: Basic Rankine cycle, Rankine cycle with superheat, reheat and regeneration,
exergy analysis. Super- critical and ultra-super-critical Rankine cycle.
Module 4: (8 lectures)
Basics of compressible flow. Stagnation properties, Isentropic flow of a perfect gas through a nozzle,
choked flow, subsonic and supersonic flows- normal shocks- use of ideal gas tables for isentropic flow
and normal shock flow- Flow of steam and refrigerant through nozzle, super saturation- compressible
flow in diffusers, efficiency of nozzle and diffuser.
Module 5: (5 lectures)
Analysis of steam turbines, velocity and pressure compounding of steam turbines.
Module 6: (5 lectures)
Reciprocating compressors, staging of reciprocating compressors, optimal stage pressure ratio, effect of
intercooling, minimum work for multistage reciprocating compressors.
44 | P a g e
Text Books:
1. Sonntag, R. E, Borgnakke, C. and Van Wylen, G. J., 2003, 6th Edition, Fundamentals of
Thermodynamics, John Wiley and Sons.
2. Jones, J. B. and Duggan, R. E., 1996, Engineering Thermodynamics, Prentice-Hall of India
3. Moran, M. J. and Shapiro, H. N., 1999, Fundamentals of Engineering Thermodynamics, John
Wiley and Sons.
4. Nag, P. K, 1995, Engineering Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co. Ltd
1. After completing this course, the students will get a good understanding of various practical
power cycles and heat pump cycles.
2. They will be able to analyze energy conversion in various thermal devices such as combustors,
air coolers, nozzles, diffusers, steam turbines and reciprocating compressors.
3. They will be able to understand phenomena occurring in high speed compressible flows.
45 | P a g e
PCC-ME 205 Strength of Materials 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
To understand the nature of stresses developed in simple geometries such as bars, cantilevers,
beams, shafts, cylinders and spheres for various types of simple loads.
To calculate the elastic deformation occurring in various simple geometries for different types
of loading.
Module :1 (8 lectures)
Deformation in solids- Hooke’s law, stress and strain- tension, compression and shear stresses- elastic
constants and their relations- volumetric, linear and shear strains- principal stresses and principal
planes- Mohr’s circle, theories of failure,
Module :2 (8 lectures)
Beams and types transverse loading on beams- shear force and bend moment diagrams- Types of beam
supports, simply supported and over-hanging beams, cantilevers. Theory of bending of beams, bending
stress distribution and neutral axis, shear stress distribution, point and distributed loads.
Module :3 (8 lectures)
Moment of inertia about an axis and polar moment of inertia, deflection of a beam using double
integration method, computation of slopes and deflection in beams, Maxwell’s reciprocal theorems.
Module :4 (8 lectures)
Torsion, stresses and deformation in circular and hollow shafts, stepped shafts, deflection of shafts
fixed at both ends, stresses and deflection of helical springs.
Module :5 (8 lectures)
Axial and hoop stresses in cylinders subjected to internal pressure, deformation of thick and thin
cylinders, deformation in spherical shells subjected to internal pressure.
Text Books:
1. Egor P. Popov, Engineering Mechanics of Solids, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi,2001.
2. R. Subramanian, Strength of Materials, Oxford University Press, 2007.
3. Ferdinand P. Been, Russel Johnson Jr. and John J. Dewole, Mechanics of Materials, Tata
GrawHill Publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi2005.
46 | P a g e
1. Hooke’s Law
2. Hardness Test: Rockwell, Brinell, Vicker
3. Izod & Charpy Impact Test
4. Bending Test
5. Torsion Test
6. Shear test
7. Compressive strength test
8. Fatigue Test
9. Verification of Maxwell’s reciprocal theorem
10. Continuous beam deflection test
11. Strain Measurement
*Atleast 8 experiments should be performed from above list
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students should be able to recognize various types loads
applied on machine components of simple geometry and understand the nature of internal
stresses that will develop within the components
The students will be able to evaluate the strains and deformation that will result due to the
elastic stresses developed within the materials for simple types of loading
47 | P a g e
PCC-ME 206 Engineering Materials 3L:1T:0P 4 Credits
1. Understanding of the correlation between the internal structure of materials, their mechanical
properties and various methods to quantify their mechanical integrity and failure criteria.
2. To provide a detailed interpretation of equilibrium phase diagrams and Learning about different
phases and heat treatment methods to tailor the properties of Fe-C alloys.
Module:1 (6 lectures)
Crystal Structure: Unit cells, Metallic crystal structures, Ceramics. Imperfection in solids: Point, line,
interfacial and volume defects; dislocation strengthening mechanisms and slip systems, critically
resolved shear stress.
Module:2 (8 lectures)
Alloys, substitutional and interstitial solid solutions- Phase diagrams: Interpretation of binary phase
diagrams and microstructure development; eutectic, peritectic, peritectoid and monotectic reactions.
Iron Iron-carbide phase diagram and microstrctural aspects of ledeburite, austenite, ferrite and
cementite, cast iron.
Module:5 (8 lectures)
Alloying of steel, properties of stainless steel and tool steels, maraging steels- cast irons; grey, white,
malleable and spheroidal cast irons- copper and copper alloys; brass, bronze and cupro-nickel;
Aluminium and Al-Cu – Mg alloys- Nickel based superalloys and Titanium alloys.
48 | P a g e
Text Books:
1. W. D. Callister, 2006, “Materials Science and Engineering-An Introduction”, 6th Edition, Wiley
2. Kenneth G. Budinski and Michael K. Budinski, “Engineering Materials”, Prentice Hall of India
Private Limited, 4th Indian Reprint, 2002.
3. V. Raghavan, “Material Science and Engineering’, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, 1999.
4. U. C. Jindal, “Engineering Materials and Metallurgy”, Pearson, 2011.
Course Outcomes:
1. Student will be able to identify crystal structures for various materials and understand the defects in
such structures
2. Understand how to tailor material properties of ferrous and non-ferrous alloys
3.How to quantify mechanical integrity and failure in materials
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PCC-ME 207 Instrumentation and Control 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
1. To provide a basic knowledge about measurement systems and their components
2. To learn about various sensors used for measurement of mechanical quantities
3. To learn about system stability and control
4. To integrate the measurement systems with the process for process monitoring and control
Module: 2 (8 lectures)
Instrumentation system elements -sensors for common engineering measurements. Transducers based
on variable resistance, variable induction, variable capacitance and piezo-electric effects, Displacement
Module: 3 (6 lectures)
Signal processing and conditioning; correction elements- actuators: pneumatic, hydraulic, electric.
Module :5 (6 lectures)
System models, transfer function and system response, frequency response; Nyquist diagrams and their
Text Books:
1. Instrumentation and control systems by W. Bolton, 2nd edition, Newnes, 2000
2. Thomas G. Beckwith, Roy D. Marangoni, John H. Lienhard V, Mechanical Measurements (6th
Edition) 6th Edition, Pearson Education India, 2007
3. Gregory K. McMillan, Process/Industrial Instruments and Controls Handbook, Fifth Edition,
McGraw-Hill: New York,1999.
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to understand the measurement of various
quantities using instruments, their accuracy & range, and the techniques for controlling devices
50 | P a g e
PCC-ME 301 Heat Transfer 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
1. The aim of the course is to build a solid foundation in heat transfer exposing students to the
three basic modes namely conduction, convection and radiation.
2. Rigorous treatment of governing equations and solution procedures for the three modes will be
provided, along with solution of practical problems using empirical correlations.
3. The course will also briefly cover boiling and condensation heat transfer, and the analysis and
design of heat exchangers.
Module: 1 (12 lectures)
Introduction to three modes of heat transfer, Derivation of heat balance equation- Steady one
dimensional solution for conduction heat transfer in Cartesian, cylindrical and spherical geometry,
concept of conduction and film resistances, critical insulation thickness, lumped system approximation
and Biot number, heat transfer through pin fins- Two dimensional conduction solutions for both steady
and unsteady heat transfer-approximate solution to unsteady conduction heat transfer by the use of
Heissler charts.
Module: 2 (8 lectures)
Heat convection, basic equations, boundary layers- Forced convection, external and internal flows-
Natural convective heat transfer- Dimensionless parameters for forced and free convection heat
transfer-Correlations for forced and free convection- Approximate solutions to laminar boundary layer
equations (momentum and energy) for both internal and external flow- Estimating heat transfer rates in
laminar and turbulent flow situations using appropriate correlations for free and forced convection.
Module: 3 (8 lectures)
Interaction of radiation with materials, definitions of radiative properties, Stefan Boltzmann’s law,
black and gray body radiation, Calculation of radiation heat transfer between surfaces using radiative
properties, view factors and the radiosity method.
Module: 4 (6 lectures)
Types of heat exchangers, Analysis and design of heat exchangers using bothLMTD and ε-NTU
Module: 5 (3 lectures)
Boiling and Condensation heat transfer, Pool boiling curve.
Module: 6 (3 lectures)
Introduction mass transfer, Similarity between heat and mass transfer
51 | P a g e
Text Books:
1. Bejan, Heat Transfer John Wiley,1993
2. J.P.Holman, Heat Transfer, Eighth Edition, McGraw Hill,1997.
3. F.P.Incropera, and D.P. Dewitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, John Wiley, Sixth
4. MassoudKaviany, Principles of Heat Transfer, John Wiley,2002
5. Yunus A Cengel, Heat Transfer : A Practical Approach, McGraw Hill,2002
1. Determination of Thermal Conductivity of a Metal Rod.
2. Determination of Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient of a Composite wall.
3. To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct natural convective condition and plot
temperature distribution along its length.
4. To find the effectiveness of a pin fin in a rectangular duct under forced convective and plot
temperature distribution along its length
5. Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a free Convection on a vertical tube.
6. Determination of Heat Transfer Coefficient in a Forced Convention Flow through a Pipe.
7. Determination of Emissivity of a Surface.
8. Determination of Stefan Boltzmann’s Constant.
9. Determination of LMDT and Effectiveness in a Parallel Flow and Counter Flow Heat
Course Outcomes:
1. After completing the course, the students will be able to formulate and analyze a heat transfer
problem involving any of the three modes of heat transfer
2. The students will be able to obtain exact solutions for the temperature variation using analytical
methods where possible or employ approximate methods or empirical correlations to evaluate
the rate of heat transfer
3. The students will be able to design devices such as heat exchangers and also estimate the
insulation needed to reduce heat losses where necessary.
52 | P a g e
PCC-ME 302 Fluid Machinery 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
The objective is to present the mathematical and physical principles in understanding the linear
continuum behavior of solids.
Module: 1
Introduction – Classification of fluid machinery. (Lectures: 2)
Module: 2
Dynamic action of fluid jet – Impact of fluid jet on fixed and moving flat places, impact of jet on fixed
and moving curved vanes, flow over radial vanes, jet propulsions. (Lectures: 4)
Module: 3
Euler’s fundamental equation, degree of reaction. (Lectures:2)
Module: 4
Hydraulic turbines, introduction, classification, impulse turbine, construction details, velocity triangles,
power and efficiency calculations, reaction turbines; constructional details, working principle, velocity
triangles, power and efficiency calculations, draft tube, cavitation, governing. (Lectures: 10)
Module: 5
Principle of similarity in fluid machinery; unit and specific quantities, testing models and selection of
hydraulic turbines. (Lectures: 3)
Module: 6
Positive displacement pumps: Reciprocating pump; working principle, classification, slip, indicator
diagram, effect of friction and acceleration, theory of air vessel, performance characteristics gas gear
oil pump and screw pump. (Lectures: 4)
Module: 7
Rotodynamic pumps: Introduction, classification, centrifugal pump; main components, working
principle velocity triangle, effect of shape of blade specific speed, heats, power and efficiency,
calculations minimum steering speed, multi stage pumps, performance characteristic, comparison with
reciprocating pump. (Lectures: 7)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able understand the deformation behavior of solids
under different types of loading and obtain mathematical solutions for simple geometries.
Text Books:
1. G. T. Mase, R. E. Smelser and G. E. Mase, Continuum Mechanics for Engineers, Third
Edition, CRC Press,2004.
2. Y. C. Fung, Foundations of Solid Mechanics, Prentice Hall International,1965.
3. Lawrence. E. Malvern, Introduction to Mechanics of a Continuous Medium, Prentice Hall
4. Hydrantic Machine by Jagdish Lal
5. Hydraulics & Hydraulic Machines by Vasandari
6. Hydrantic Machine by RD Purohit
53 | P a g e
1. Performance on hydraulic turbines:
a. Pelton wheel
b. Francis turbine
c. Kaplan turbine.
2. Performance on hydraulic pumps:
a. Single stage and multi stage centrifugal pumps
b. Reciprocating pump.
3. Performance test of a two stage reciprocating air compressor
4. Performance test on an air blower
1. Visit to hydraulic power station/Municipal water pump house and case studies.
2. Demonstration of cut section models of hydraulic turbines and pumps.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
54 | P a g e
PCC-ME 303 Manufacturing Processes 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
To motivate and challenge students to understand and develop an appreciation of the processes in
correlation with material properties which change the shape, size and form of the raw materials into the
desirable product by conventional or unconventional manufacturing methods
Conventional Manufacturing processes: Casting and Moulding: Metal casting processes and equipment,
Heat transfer and solidification, shrinkage, riser design, casting defects and residual stresses.
Introduction to bulk and sheet metal forming, plastic deformation and yield criteria; fundamentals of
hot and cold working processes; load estimation for bulk forming (forging, rolling, extrusion, drawing)
and sheet forming (shearing, deep drawing, bending) principles of powder metallurgy.
Metal cutting: Single and multi-point cutting; Orthogonal cutting, various force components: Chip
formation, Tool wear and tool life, Surface finish and integrity, Machinability, Cutting tool materials,
Cutting fluids, Coating; Turning, Drilling, Milling and finishing processes, Introduction to CNC
machining. (Lectures8)
Joining/fastening processes: Physics of welding, brazing and soldering; design considerations in
welding, Solid and liquid state joining processes; Adhesive bonding.
Additive manufacturing: Rapid prototyping and rapid tooling (Lectures5)
Machine Tools:
(a) Lathe : Principle, types, operations, turret/capstan, semi/automatic, Tool layout.
(b) Shaper, slotted, planer, operation, drive.
(c) Milling, Milling cutter, up & down milling, dividing head indexing, Max chip thickness,
power required.
(d) Drilling and boring, reaming tools, Geometry of twist drill, Grinding, Grinding wheel,
Abrasive, cutting action, grinding wheel specification, Grinding wheel wear, alterations,
wear, fracture wear, dressing and trimming. Max chip thickness and guest criteria, Flat
and cylindrical grinding, Centerless grinding, Super finishing, Honing lapping, Polishing
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to understand the different conventional and
unconventional manufacturing methods employed for making different products
55 | P a g e
Text Books:
1. Kalpakjian and Schmid, Manufacturing processes for engineering materials (5th Edition)-Pearson
India, 2014
2. Mikell P. Groover, Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, and Systems
3. Degarmo, Black & Kohser, Materials and Processes in Manufacturing
Minimum of 10 Experiment need to be performed
I. Metal Casting Lab:
1. Pattern Design and making – for one casting drawing.
2. Sand properties testing (strengths and permeability)
3. Moulding, Melting and Casting
II. Welding Lab:
1. ARC Welding Lap & Butt Joint
2. Spot Welding
3. Gas Welding
III. Mechanical Press Working:
1. Blanking & Piercing operation and study of simple, compound and progressive press tool.
2. Bending and other operations
IV. Machining Lab:
1. Cutting operation (Orthogonal & Oblique) on lathe machine
2. Bolt making on lathe machine
3. Facing, plain turning and step turning knurling
4. Boring and internal thread cutting.
5. Finishing of a surface on surface –grinding machine
6. Gear cutting on milling machine (Spur Gear).
7. Machining a block on shaper machine.
8. Drilling holes on drilling machine
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PCC-ME 304 Kinematics of Machinery 3L:1T:0P 4 credits
To understand the kinematics and rigid- body dynamics of kinematically driven machine
To understand the motion of linked mechanisms in terms of the displacement, velocity and
acceleration at any point in a rigid link
To be able to design some linkage mechanisms and cam systems to generate specified output
To understand the kinematics of gear trains
Module 1
Introduction: Classification of mechanisms: -Basic kinematic concepts and Definitions-Degree of
freedom, mobility-Grashof’s law, Kinematic inversions of four bar chain and slider crank chains.
(Lectures 5)
Module 2
Kinematic analysis of plane mechanism: Displacement, velocity and acceleration analysis of simple
mechanisms, graphical velocity analysis using instantaneous centers, kinematic analysis of simple
mechanisms- slider crank mechanism dynamics- Coriolis component of acceleration.
(Lectures 6)
Module 3
Friction devices: Belt drive, Clutch, Shoe brakes, Band and block brakes. (Lectures 6)
Module 4
Gear:gear terminology, Involute and Cycloidal gear profiles, gear parameters, fundamental law of
gearing and conjugate action, spur gear contact ratio and interference/undercutting.
Gear Train: Analysis of simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear train with problems.
(Lectures 10)
Module 5
Balancing of rotating masses: Balancing of rotating masses in the same plane by a single revolving
mass. Balancing of several rotating masses in the same plane. Balancing of several rotating masses in
different planes by two revolving masses in suitable planes. (Lectures8)
Module 6
Governors: Watt, Porter, Proel & Hartnell Governors, Effect of friction, controlling force, governor
effort and power, sensitivity and isochronisms. (Lectures 6)
Course Outcomes:
After completing this course, the students can design various types of linkage mechanisms
forobtaining specific motion and analyse them for optimal functioning
57 | P a g e
Text Books:
[1.] Thomas Bevan, Theory of Machines, 3rd edition, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2005.
[2.] CleghornW.L. , Mechanisms of Machines, Oxford University Press, 2005.
[3.] Robert L. Norton, Kinematics and Dynamics of Machinery, Tata McGrawHill, 2009.
[4.] Ghosh A. and Mallick A.K., Theory of Mechanisms and Machines, Affiliated East-West Pvt.
Ltd, New Delhi, 1988.
58 | P a g e
PCC-ME 306 Dynamics of Machinery 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
1. To equip the student with fundamental knowledge of dynamics of machines so that student can
appreciate problems of dynamic force balance, transmissibility of forces, isolation of systems,
2. Develop knowledge of analytical and graphical methods for calculating balancing of
reciprocating masses.
3. Develop understanding of vibrations and its significance on engineering design.
4. Develop understanding of dynamic balancing, flywheel analysis, gyroscopic forces and
Module: 1
Force analysis of mechanism: Dynamics of plane motion of a rigid body, dynamically equivalent two
mass system, correction torque, forced in mechanism and machines. (Lectures 3)
Module: 2
Turning moment diagram: Fluctuations of crankshaft speed and energy in a direct acting engine
mechanism, flywheels. (Lectures 5)
Module: 3
Cams: Classification of cams and followers, types of follower and retardation, cam profile and
generation of concentric and offset radial cam profiles by graphical method. Cams with specified
contours tangent cam with roller follower, circular arc cam with flat follower. (Lectures 8)
Module: 4
Analysis of gyroscopic motion : Principle of gyroscope, gyroscopic couple and gyroscopic reaction
couple, Gyroscopic effects on the movement of ships, aeroplanes, two wheeled and four wheeled
vehicles, gyrostabilizers. (Lectures 6)
Module: 5
Effects of inertia of reciprocating masses on engine frame: Unbalanced primary and secondary forces
and couples, balancing of primary and secondary forces, partial balancing of locomotives, balancing of
multicylinder in line and radial engines, direct and reverse cranks methods for balancing of radial
engines. (Lecture 8)
Module: 6
Mechanical vibrations : Basic concepts degree of freedom, types of damping and viscous damping;
natural free, damped free and damped forced vibrations of a single degree of freedom spring mass
system, reciprocating and rotating unbalance, vibration isolation and transmissibility, whirling of shaft,
elementary treatment of two degree of freedom systems torsional vibrations of single rotor and two
rotor systems, transverse vibration of simply supported beam energy method, Rayleigh’s and
Dankerley method. (Lecture 12)
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Course outcomes:
Upon successful completion of this course the student should be able to:
1. Analyze stabilization of sea vehicles, aircrafts and automobile vehicles.
2. Compute frictional losses, torque transmission of mechanical systems.
3. Analyze dynamic force analysis of slider crank mechanism and design of flywheel.
4. Understand how to determine the natural frequencies of continuous systems starting fromthe
general equation of displacement.
5. Understand balancing of reciprocating and rotary masses.
Text/References Books:
1. Theory of Machines / S.S Ratan/ Mc. Graw Hill Publ.
2. Mechanism and machine theory by Ashok G. Ambedkar, PHI Publications.
3. Mechanism and Machine Theory / JS Rao and RV Dukkipati / New Age.
4. Theory of Machines / Shiegly / MGH
5. Theory of Machines / Thomas Bevan / CBS Publishers
6. Theory of machines / Khurmi / S.Chand.
Minimum of 10 Experiment need to be performed
1. To study various types of Links, Pairs, Chain and Mechanism
2. To study inversion of Four Bar Mechanism
3. To study velocity diagram for Slider Crank Mechanism.
4. To study various kinds of belts drives.
5. To study and find coefficient of friction between belt and pulley.
6. To study various types of Cam and Follower arrangement.
7. To plot follower displacement Vs cam rotation graph for various cam follower arrangement.
8. To study Different types of Gears.
9. To study Different types of Gear Trains.
11. To Perform Experiment on Watt, Porter, Proell and Hartnell Governors and prepare
Performance Characteristic Curves also analyze Stability & Sensitivity
12. To study gyroscopic effects through models.
13. To determine gyroscopic couple on Motorized Gyroscope.
14. To perform the experiment of Balancing of rotating parts and find the unbalanced couple and
15. To study Dynamically Equivalent System.
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16. Determine the moment of inertial of connecting rod by compound pendulum method and trifler
suspension pendulum.
17. To study the various types of dynamometers.
18. To find out critical speed experimentally and to compare the Whirling Speed of a shaft with
theoretical values
61 | P a g e
PCC-ME 307 Manufacturing Technology 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
(i) To provide knowledge on machines and related tools for manufacturing various components.
(ii) To understand the relationship between process and system in manufacturing domain.
(iii) To identify the techniques for the quality assurance of the products and the optimality of the
process in terms of resources and time management.
Course Contents:
Tooling for conventional and non-conventional machining processes: Mould and die design, Press
tools, Cutting tools; Holding tools: Jigs and fixtures, principles, applications and design; press tools –
configuration, design of die and punch; principles of forging die design. (Lectures 10)
Metrology: Dimensions, forms and surface measurements, Limits, fits and tolerances; linear and
angular measurements; comparators; gauge design; interferometry; Metrology in tool wear and part
quality including surface integrity, alignment and testing methods; tolerance analysis in manufacturing
and assembly. Process metrology for emerging machining processes such as microscale machining,
Inspection and workpiece quality. (Lectures 10)
Assembly practices: Manufacturing and assembly, process planning, selective assembly, Material
handling and devices. (Lectures 6)
Unconventional Machining Processes: Abrasive Jet Machining, Water Jet Machining, Abrasive Water
Jet Machining, Ultrasonic Machining, principles and process parameters. Electrical Discharge
Machining, principle and processes parameters, MRR, surface finish, tool wear, Dielectric, power and
control circuits, wire EDM; Electro-chemical machining (ECM), etchant & maskant, process
parameters, MRR and surface finish. Laser Beam Machining (LBM), Plasma Arc Machining (PAM)
and Electron Beam Machining (Lectures 14)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will be able to the tooling needed for manufacturing, the
dimensional accuracy and tolerances of products, assembly of different components and the application
of optimization methods in manufacturing.
Text Books:
1. Kalpakjian and Schmid, Manufacturing processes for engineering materials (5th Edition)-
PearsonIndia, 2014.
2. Taha H. A., Operations Research, 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India, 2003.
3. Shenoy G.V. and Shrivastava U.K., Operations Research for Management, Wiley Eastern, 1994.
62 | P a g e
1. Measurement of angle using Sine Center / Sine bar / bevel protractor
2. Measurement of alignment using Autocollimator / Roller set
3. Measurement of cutting tool forces using
a. Lathe tool Dynamometer
b. Drill tool Dynamometer.
4. Measurement of Screw Threads Parameters using Two wire or Three-wire method.
5. Measurements of Surface roughness, Using Tally Surf/Mechanical Comparator
6. Measurement of gear tooth profile using gear tooth Vernier/Gear tooth micrometer
7. Calibration of Micrometer using slip gauges
8. Measurement using Optical Flats
63 | P a g e
PCC-ME 308 Design of Machine Elements 3L:1T:2P 5 Credits
This course seeks to provide an introduction to the design of machine elements commonly encountered
in mechanical engineering practice, through 1. A strong background in mechanics of materials based
failure criteria underpinning the safety-critical design of machine components 2. An understanding of
the origins, nature and applicability of empirical design principles, based on safety considerations 3. An
overview of codes, standards and design guidelines for different elements 4. An appreciation of
parameter optimization and design iteration 5. An appreciation of the relationships between component
level design and overall machine system design and performance
Course Contents:
Module: 1
Introduction to design: Steps in design process, design factors, practical considerations in design,
selection of materials, strength of mechanical elements, impact load, shock load, fatigue loading,
effects of surface, size, temperature and stress concentration, consideration of creep and thermal stress
in design. (Lectures8)
Module: 2.
Design of shafts: stresses in shafts, design of static loads, combined stresses, reversed bending and
steady loads, design of shafts based on deflection and strength, critical speed of shafts. Analysis and
design of sliding and rolling contact bearings, (Lectures10)
Module: 3
Riveted joint: Stresses in riveted joint, design of riveted joints with central and eccentric loads, boiler
and tank joints, structural joints.
Bolt Joints: Stresses in bolt joint, design of bolt joints with central and eccentric loads.
Welded joints: types of welded joints, stresses, design of welded joints subjected to axial, torsional and
bending loads, welds subjected to fluctuating loads. (Lectures8)
Module : 4
Design of Clutches: Friction clutches, uniform wear and uniform pressure assumptions, centrifugal
Brakes: Design of internal expansion elements, assumptions, design of external contraction elements,
band type brakes. (Lectures6)
Module : 5
Design of transmission elements: spur, helical, bevel and worm gears;
Springs: stresses in helical springs, deflection of helical compression and tension springs, springs
subjected to fatigue loading, concentric and helical torsion spring, critical frequency of springs, leaf
springs, and design of automotive leaf springs. (Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview of the design methodologies employed
for the design of various machine components.
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Data books allowed for Examination:
1.Mahadevan & Balaveera Reddy : Design Data Hand Book
2.Dr. Linghaigh & Prof. Narayana Iyengar, Vol.1 & 2 : Design Data Hand Book
3.P.S.G. Tech : Design Data Hand Book
Text Books:
[1] Shigley, J.E. and Mischke, C.R., Mechanical Engineering Design, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill
International; 1989.
[2] Deutschman, D., Michels, W.J. and Wilson, C.E., Machine Design Theory and Practice, Macmillan,
[3] Juvinal, R.C., Fundamentals of Machine Component Design, John Wiley, 1994.
[4] Spottes, M.F., Design of Machine elements, Prentice-Hall India, 1994.
[5] R. L. Norton, Mechanical Design – An Integrated Approach, Prentice Hall, 1998
1. To study the design procedure of Knuckle & Cotter joint.
2. Design of shafts subjected to torsion, bending moment and combined bending and torsion.
3. Design of flat and square key
4. Design and drawing of riveted joints
5. Design and drawing of screw jack
6. Journal Bearing Test Rig
65 | P a g e
PCC-ME 401 Internal Combustion Engines 3L:0T:3P 4.5 Credits
1. To familiarize with the terminology associated with IC engines.
2. To understand the basics of IC engines.
3. To understand combustion, and various parameters and variables affecting it in various types of
IC engines.
4. To learn about various systems used in IC engines and the type of IC engine required for
various applications
Course Contents:
Basics of IC Engines, Engine components and classification: Two strokes, four stroke (SI and CI)
engines, engines parts, engines working principle and valve timing diagram. Ideal cycles and Fuel-air
cycles. (Lectures 6)
Module: 2
Engine performance-test: purpose and types, measurement of power, Engine system & performance
parameters evaluation. (Lectures 4)
Module: 3
Combustion in SI and CI engines: Stages of combustion in SI engines, abnormal combustion and
knocking in SI engines, factors affecting knocking, effects of knocking, control of knocking,
combustion chambers for SI engines, Stages of combustion in CI engines, detonation in C.I. engines,
factors affecting detonation, controlling detonation, combustion chamber for SI and CI engine.
(Lectures 7)
Module: 4
Fuel supply systems in SI and CI engines, carburetors, Port fuel injection, Direct injection and
Common rail injection. (Lectures 6)
Module: 5
Ignition system: Battery and magneto ignition system, spark plug, firing order, quality, quantity & hit
and miss governing.
Lubrication system and Cooling system: Lubrication of engine components, Lubrication system –
wet sump and dry sump, crankcase ventilation, Types of cooling systems – liquid and air cooled,
comparison of liquid and air cooled systems. (Lectures 7)
Module: 6
Measurement and Testing of IC engines: Measurement of indicated power, brake power, fuel
consumption and emission, Measurement of friction power by Willan’s Line Method and Morse Test,
calculation of brake thermal efficiency, brake power and brake specific fuel consumption of IC
Engines, variable compression ratio engines, heat balance sheet of IC Engines.
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Engine Emission and their control: Air pollution due to IC engines, constituent and types of emission
HC, CO and NOx emission, catalytic convertor. Advanced IC Engine concepts. (Lectures 8)
Module: 7
Super charging, engine lubrication and cooling. (Lectures 4)
Text Books:
1. Obert E. F, “Internal Combustion Engines and Air Pollution”, Harper and Row Publication Inc. NY,
2. Heisler H, “Advanced Engine Technology”, Edward Arnold, 1995.
3. Heywood J. B, “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill Book Co. NY, 1989
4. Heldt P. M, “High Speed Combustion Engines”, Oxford & IBH publishing Co. India, 1985.
5. Stockel M W, Stockel T S and Johanson C, “Auto Fundamentals”, The Goodheart, Wilcox Co.
6. Inc., Illinois, 1996.
Course Outcomes:
Students who have done this course will have a good idea of the basics of IC engines and how different
parameters influence the operational characteristics of IC Engines
1. To study the cross-sectional view of I.C. engine.
2. Determination of the calorific value of a given fuel and its flash & fire points.
3. To study the actual valve timing diagram of 4-stroke engine.
4. To prepare the heat balance sheet by conducting performance test on a single cylinder 4-stroke
diesel engine.
5. To prepare the heat balance sheet by conducting performance test on a single cylinder 4-stroke
petrol engine.
6. Performance evaluation of multi cylinder Diesel Engine.
7. Conduct the Morse test on a multi cylinder petrol engine and find out the friction power.
67 | P a g e
68 | P a g e
Process Planning and Cost
PEC-MEL 321 3L:0T:0P 3 Credits
To introduce process planning concepts to make cost estimation for various products
Module : 1
Introduction of Process Planning- methods of process planning, drawing interpretation, material
evaluation, steps in process selection, production equipment and tooling selection. (Lectures 8)
Module : 2
Process planning activities- process parameter calculation for various production processes, selection of
jigs and fixtures, selection of quality assurance methods, documents for process planning, economics of
process planning, case studies. (Lectures 8)
Module : 3
Introduction to cost estimation- importance of costing and estimation, methods of costing, elements of
cost estimation, types of estimates, estimating procedure, estimation of labor cost, material cost,
allocation of overhead charges, calculation of depreciationcost. (Lectures 10)
Module : 4
Machining time estimation- importance of machine time calculation, machining time for different lathe
operations, drilling and boring time calculations, Machining time calculation for Milling, Shaping,
Planing and Grinding. (Lectures 8)
Module : 5
Production costs- different production processes for different jobs, estimation of forging cost,
estimation of welding cost, estimation of foundry cost, estimation of machining cost. (Lectures 6)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to use the concepts of process planning and
cost estimation for various products
Text Books:
1. Peter Scalon, Process Planning, Design/ Manufacture Interface, Elsevier Sci.&Tech.2002.
2. Ostwaal P.F. and Munez J., Manufacturing Processes and Systems, 9thed., John Wiley1998.
3. Chitale A.V. andGuptaR.C.,ProductDesignandManufacturing,2nded.,PrenticeHall2002.
69 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 322 Mechatronics Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
1. To understand the structure of microprocessors and their applications in mechanical devices
2. To understand the principle of automatic control and real time motion control systems, with the
help of electrical drives and actuators
3. To understand the use of micro-sensors and their applications in various fields
Course Contents:
Module: 1
Introduction: Definition of Mechanical Systems, Philosophy and approach; Systems and Design:
Mechatronics approach, Integrated Product Design, Modeling, Analysis and Simulation, Man- Machine
Interface; (Lectures 10)
Module: 2
Sensors and transducers: classification, Development in Transducer technology, Opto-electronics-
Shaft encoders, CD Sensors, Vision System, etc. (Lectures 8)
Module: 3
Drives and Actuators: Hydraulic and Pneumatic drives, Electrical Actuators such as servo motor and
Stepper motor, Drive circuits, open and closed loop control; Embedded Systems: Hardware Structure,
Software Design and Communication, Programmable Logic Devices, Automatic Control and Real
Time ControlSystems; (Lectures 12)
Module: 4
Smart materials: Shape Memory Alloy, Piezoelectric and Magnetostrictive Actuators: Materials, Static
and dynamic characteristics, illustrative examples for positioning, vibration isolation, etc.
(Lectures 8)
Module: 5
Micromechatronic systems: Microsensors, Microactuators; Micro-fabrication techniques LIGA
Process: Lithography, etching, Micro-joining etc. Application examples; Case studies Examples of
Mechatronic Systems from Robotics Manufacturing, Machine Diagnostics, Road vehicles and Medical
Technology. (Lectures 12)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will get an overview of mechatronics applications and the use
of micro-sensors and microprocessors.
70 | P a g e
Text Books:
1) Mechatronics System Design, Devdas Shetty & Richard A. Kolk, PWS Publishing Company
(Thomson Learning Inc.)
2) Mechatronics: A Multidisciplinary Approach, William Bolton, Pearson Education
3) A Textbook of Mechatronics, R.K.Rajput, S. Chand & Company Private Limited
4) Mechatronics: Electronic Control Systems in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,
William Bolton, Prentice Hall
71 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 323 Microprocessors in Automation 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To introduce the basic concepts of Digital circuits, Microprocessor system and digital controller
Course Contents:
Module : 1
Number Systems, codes, digital electronics: Logic Gates, combinational circuits design, Flip-flops,
Sequential logic circuits design: Counters, Shift registers.
Introduction to 8085 Functional Block Diagram, Registers, ALU, Bus systems, Timing and control
signals. (Lectures 8)
Module : 2
Machine cycles, instruction cycle and timing states, instruction timing diagrams, Memory interfacing.
(Lectures 6)
Module : 3
Assembly Language Programming: Addressing modes, Instruction set, simple programs in 8085;
Concept of Interrupt, Need for Interrupts, Interrupt structure, Multiple Interrupt requests and their
handling, Programmable interrupt controller; Interfacing peripherals: Programmable peripheral
interface (8255). (Lectures 6)
Module : 5
Interfacing Analog to Digital Converter & Digital to Analog converter, Multiplexed seven segments
LED display systems, Stepper Motor Control, Data Communication: Serial Data communication
(8251), Programmable Timers (8253); 8086/8088 Microprocessor and its advanced features,
(Lectures 10)
Module : 6
Introduction to Digital Control: Sampling theorem, Signal conversion and Processing, Z-Transform,
Digital Filters, Implementation of Digital Algorithm. (Lectures 6)
Course Outcomes:
Students who have done this course will have a good idea of the use of microprocessors for automation.
72 | P a g e
Text Books:
1) Digital Electronics: An Introduction to Theory and Practice, William H. Gothmann, PHI
Learning Private Limited
2) Digital Computer Electronics: An Introduction to Microcomputers, Albert Paul Malvino, Tata
McGraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd.
3) Microprocessor Architecture, Programming, and Applications with the 8085, Ramesh
Gaonkar, PENRAM International Publishers.
4) Digital Control Systems, Benjamin C. Kuo, Oxford University Press ( 2/e, Indian Edition,
5) Microcomputer Experimentation with the Intel SDK-85, Lance A. Leventhal, PrenticeHall
73 | P a g e
EC-MEL 324 Composite Materials 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
1. To understand the mechanical behaviour of composite materials
2. To get an overview of the methods of manufacturing composite materials
Module : 1
Definition and applications of composite materials, Fibers-glass, carbon, ceramic and aramid fibers;
Matrices-polymer, graphite, ceramic and metal matrices; characteristics of fibers and matrices. Lamina-
assumptions, macroscopic viewpoint, generalized Hookes law, reduction of homogeneous orthotropic
lamina, isotropic limit case, orthotropic stiffness matrix, commercial material properties, rule of
mixtures, transformation matrix, transformed stiffness. (Lectures 10)
Module : 2
Manufacturing of composite materials, bag moulding, compression moulding, pultrusion, filament
welding, other manufacturing processes. (Lectures 6)
Module : 3
Basic assumptions of laminated anisotropic plates, symmetric laminates, angle ply laminates, cross ply
laminates, laminate structural moduli, evaluation of lamina properties, determination of lamina stresses,
maximum stress and strain criteria, von Mises Yield criterion for isotropic materials,
(Lectures 8)
Module : 4
generalized Hill’s criterion for anisotropic materials, Tsai-Hill’s criterion for composites, prediction of
laminate failure, thermal analysis of composite laminates. (Lectures 6)
Module : 5
Analysis of laminated plates- equilibrium equations of motion, energy formulation, static bending
analysis, buckling analysis, free vibrations, natural frequencies. (Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will have an overview of the mechanical behaviour and
application of composite materials
Text Books:
1. Gibson R.F. Principles of Composite Material Mechanics, second edition, McGraw Hill, 1994.
2. Hyer M.W., Stress Analysis of Fiber- Reinforced Composite Materials, McGraw Hill,1998.
74 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 325 Power Plant Engineering 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To provide an overview of power plants and the associated energy conversion issues
Module : 1
Coal based thermal power plants, basic Rankine cycle and its modifications, layout of modern coal
power plant, super critical boilers, FBC boilers, turbines, condensers, steam and heating
rates. Sub systems of thermal power plants, fuel and ash handling, draught system, feed water
treatment, binary cycles and cogeneration systems. (Lectures 8)
Module : 2
Gas turbine and combined cycle power plants, Brayton cycle analysis and optimization, components of
gas turbine power plants, combined cycle power plants, (Lectures 4)
Module : 3
Basics of nuclear energy conversion, Layout and subsystems of nuclear power plants, Boiling Water
Reactor (BWR), Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR), CANDU Reactor, Pressurized Heavy Water
Reactor (PHWR), Fast Breeder Reactors (FBR), gas cooled and liquid metal cooled reactors, safety
measures for nuclear power plants. (Lectures 8)
Module : 4
Hydroelectric power plants, Hydrological cycle, Rainfall & run-off measurement & plotting of various
curves for estimating stream flow, site selection, classification, comparison with other types of power
plant, typical layout and components, principles of wind, tidal, solar PV and solar thermal, geothermal,
biogas and fuel cell power systems. (Lectures 8)
Module : 5
Energy, economic and environmental issues, power tariffs, load distribution parameters, load curve,
capital and operating cost of different power plants, pollution control technologies including waste
disposal options for coal and nuclear plants, Geothermal power plants, Ocean thermal electric
conversion,, M.H.D power generation. (Lectures 6)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, the students can understand the principles of operation for different
power plants and their economics.
75 | P a g e
Text Books:
[1] Power Plant Engineering, 5th Edition,, Laxmi Publications(P) Ltd
[2] Nag P.K., Power Plant Engineering, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.
[3] El Wakil M.M., Power Plant Technology, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.
[4] Elliot T.C., Chen K and Swanekamp R.C., Power Plant Engineering, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill, 1998.
76 | P a g e
PCC-ME421 Automation in manufacturing 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
1. To understand the importance of automation in the of field machine tool based manufacturing
2. To get the knowledge of various elements of manufacturing automation – CAD/CAM, sensors,
pneumatics, hydraulics and CNC
3. To understand the basics of product design and the role of manufacturing automation
Course Contents:
Module: 1
Introduction: Why automation, Current trends, CAD, CAM, CIM; Rigid automation: Part handling,
Machine tools. Flexible automation: Computer control of Machine Tools and Machining Centers, NC
and NC part programming, CNC-Adaptive Control, Automated Material handling. Assembly, Flexible
fixturing. (Lectures12)
Module: 2
Computer Aided Design: Fundamentals of CAD - Hardware in CAD-Computer Graphics Software and
Data Base, Geometric modeling for downstream applications and analysis methods; Computer Aided
Manufacturing: CNC technology, PLC, Micro-controllers, CNC-Adaptive Control. (Lectures12)
Module: 3
Low cost automation: Mechanical & Electro mechanical Systems, Pneumatics and Hydraulics,
Illustrative Examples and case studies. (Lectures8)
Module: 4
Introduction to Modeling and Simulation: Product design, process route modeling, Optimization
techniques, Case studies & industrial applications. (Lectures8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will get a comprehensive picture of computer based
automation of manufacturing operations
Text Books:
1. Mikell P. Groover, Automation, Production Systems, and Computer-integrated Manufacturing,
2. Serope Kalpakjian and Steven R. Schmid, Manufacturing – Engineering and Technology,7th
edition, Pearson
3. YoramKoren, Computer control of manufacturing system, 1stedition
4. Ibrahim Zeid , CAD/CAM : Theory & Practice, 2ndedition.
77 | P a g e
Atleast 10 experiment should be performed.
1 Case study on automated system of any industry.
2 Practice programming on manual part program.
3 Practice programming on APT.
4 Demonstration on robot.
5 Performance on robot.
6 Demonstration on CNC lathe.
7 Performance on CNC lathe.
8 Performance and simulation with CNC lathe software.
9 Demonstration on CNC milling.
10 Performance on CNC milling.
11 Performance and simulation with CNC milling software.
12 Case study on computer aided process planning
13 Case study on part coding and group technology
14 Case study on computer aided quality control
15 Case study on flexible manufacturing system
78 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 422 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
1. To familiarize with the terminology associated with refrigeration systems and air conditioning
2. To understand basic refrigeration processes
3. To understand the basics of psychometric and practice of applied psychometrics
4. To acquire the skills required to model, analyses and design different refrigeration as well as
air conditioning processes and components.
Course Content:
Module: 1
Air refrigeration system: Refrigeration machine, heat pump, coefficient of performance, ideal
refrigeration cycle, Bell – Coleman, refrigeration cycle, open and closed systems, application of air-
refrigeration in air-crafts. (Lectures 6)
Various compression systems: Simple vapour compression refrigeration cycle, merits and
Refrigerants demerits of this system over air refrigeration system, factors affecting the performance of
a vapour compression refrigeration system, sub cooling and superheating of vapour, wet and dry
compression, multistage vapour compression system, intercooler, flash chamber, accumulator and heat
exchanger. (Lectures 8)
Vapour absorption system: Simple and modified vapour absorption refrigeration system, Electrolux
refrigerator, COP of heat operated refrigeration system. (Lectures 5)
Special refrigeration system, absorption, cascade, vortex, thermoelectric and steam jet refrigeration
system. (Lectures 4)
Module: 5
Refrigerants: classification and nomenclature of refrigerants, primary and secondary refrigerants,
properties of some common refrigerants, physical, chemical and thermodynamics properties, selection
of refrigerants, leakage of refrigerants and methods of detection.
(Lectures 3)
Psychometry: Properties of air vapour mixture, wet bulb, dew point & dry bulb temperatures,
humidity, specific humidity, humidity ratio, degree of saturation, relative humidity, total heat
psychometric relation, psychometric charts and its uses, psychometric processes evaporative cooling.
(Lectures 5)
79 | P a g e
Module: 7
Air conditioning: General principle and requirement for comfort and air conditioning,
thermodynamics of human body, estimation of heating and cooling loads, capacity of cooling coils,
humidification and dehumidification unit and conditioner, central air conditioner, year around air
condition, humidity and temperature control, industrial application of air conditioning system
( Lectures 10)
Concept of enthalpy potential - Air washers, Cooling towers, Evaporative condensers, Cooling and
dehumidifying coils. ( Lectures 4)
Course Outcomes:
A student who has done the course will have a good understanding of the working principles of
refrigeration and air-conditioning systems.
Text Books:
1. Gosney, W.B, Principles of Refrigeration, Cambridge University Press, 1982.
2. Stoecker, W.F. and Jones, J.W., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, 1986.
3. Arora, C.P., Refrigeration and Air conditioning, Tata McGraw Hill, 2nd Edition, 2000.
4. Kuehn, T.H., Ramsey, J.W. and Threlkeld, J.L., Thermal Environmental Engineering, 3rd
Edition,Prentice Hall, 1998.
1. Determination of the COP of a vapour compression system.
2. Determination of the COP of vapour absorption apparatus.
3. Determination of the COP of a heat pump.
4. To find the performance parameter of cooling tower.
5. To study various components of room air conditioner and determine its performance for
different psychometric condition.
6. Determination of COP of an Electrolux refrigerator.
7. To study the compressor and throttling valve used in refrigerator.
80 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 423 Computer Aided Design 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
To provide an overview of how computers can be utilized in mechanical component design
Module: 1
Fundamentals of Computer Graphics- Product cycle, sequential and concurrent engineering, Computer
Aided Design, CAD system architecture, computer graphics, Coordinate systems, 2D and 3D
transformations, viewing transformation. (Lectures 10)
Module: 2
Geometric Modeling- representation of curves, Hermite curves, Bezier curves, B-spline curves, rational
curves, Techniques of surface modelling, surface patch, Coons and bicubic patches, Bezier and B-
spline surfaces, Solid modelling techniques, CSG and B-rep. (Lectures 10)
Module: 3
Visual realism- hidden line-surface-solid removal algorithms, shading, colouring, computer animation.
(Lectures 8)
Module: 4
Assembly of parts- assembly modelling, interferences of positions and orientation, tolerance analysis,
mass property calculations, mechanism simulation and interference checking
CAD standards- Graphical Kernel System (GKS), standards for vexchange images, Open Graphics
Library (OpenGL), Data exchange standards- IGES, STEP, CALS etc., Communication standards.
(Lectures 12)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students can use computer and CAD software for modelling
mechanical components
Text Books:
1. Ibrahim Zeid, Mastering CAD CAM, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co.2007.
2. C. McMohan and J. Browne, CAD/CAM Principles, II edition, Pearson Education,1999.
3. W. M. Neumann and R.F. Sproul, Principles of Computer Grahics, McGraw Hill,1989.
4. D. Hearn and M.P. Baker, Computer Graphics, Prentice Hall Inc.,1992.
81 | P a g e
1. Initiating the Graphics Package; Setting the paper size, space; setting the limits, units; use of
snap and grid commands.
2. Drawing of primitives (Line, arc, circle, ellipse, triangle etc.)
3. Drawing a flange.
4. Drawing a bushing assembly.
5. Dimensioning the drawing and adding text.
6. Setting the layers and application of layers.
7. Isometric and Orthographic projections.
8. Viewing in three dimensions.
9. Removal of hidden lines – Shading and Rendering.
82 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 424 Finite Element Analysis 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
1. To illustrate the principle of mathematical modeling of engineering problems
2. To introduce the basics and application of Finite Element Method
Module: 1
Historical Background, Mathematical modeling of field problems in engineering, governing equations,
discrete and continuous models, boundary and initial value problems, Weighted Residual Methods,
Variational formulation of boundary value problems, Ritz technique, Basic concept of Finite Element
Method. (Lectures 8)
Module: 2
One dimensional second order equation, discretization, linear and higher order elements, derivation of
shape functions, Stiffness matrix and force vectors, assembly of elemental matrices, solution of
problems from solid mechanics and heat transfer, longitudinal vibration and mode shapes, fourth order
beam equation, transverse deflections and naturalfrequencies. (Lectures 12)
Module: 3
Two dimensional equations, variational formulation, finite element formulation, triangular elements-
shape functions, elemental matrices and RHS vectors; application to thermal problems, torsion of non-
circular shafts, quadrilateral and higher order elements. Plane stresses and plane strain problems, body
forces and thermal loads, plate and shell elements. (Lectures 12)
Module: 4
Natural coordinate systems, isoparametric elements and shape functions, numerical integration and
application to plane stress problems, matrix solution techniques, solution of dynamic problems,
introduction to FE software. (Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of the course, students will understand the FEM formulation and its application to
simple structural and thermal problems
Text Books:
1. Reddy J.N., An Introduction to Finite Element Method, 3rd ed., Tata McGraw Hill,2005.
2. Seshu P., Text Book of Finite Element Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Delhi,2007.
3. Rao S.S., The Finite Element Method in Engineering, 3rded., Butterworth Heinemann, 2004.
4. Chandraputla & Belegundu, Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, 3rd ed., Prentice Hall,
83 | P a g e
Use these software for experiments: ANSYS, SIMULIA, ABAQUS, MATLAB etc
1. Force and stress analysis using link elements in Trusses, cables etc.
2. Stress and deflection analysis in beams with different support conditions.
3. Stress analysis of flat plates and simple shells.
4. Stress analysis of axi-symmetric components.
5. Thermal stress and heat transfer analysis of plate.
6. Thermal stress analysis of cylindrical shells.
7. Vibration analysis of spring-mass systems.
8. Model analysis of beams.
84 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 425 Automobile Engineering 3L:0T:3P 4.5 credits
To understand the construction and working principle of various parts of an automobile
Module : 1
Types of automobiles, vehicle construction and layouts, Car body Style, chassis, frame and body,
vehicle aerodynamics, IC engines-components, function and materials, variable valve timing (VVT),
Front engine front wheel drive, Front engine Rear wheel drive, foure wheel drive.
(Lectures 6)
Module : 2
Engine auxiliary systems, electronic injection for SI and CI engines, unit injector system, rotary
distributor type and common rail direct injection system, transistor based coil ignition & capacitive
discharge ignition systems, turbo chargers (WGT, VGT), engine emission control by 3-way catalytic
converter system, Emission norms (Euro & BS). (Lectures 6)
Module : 3
Transmission systems, clutch types, cone clutch, Single plate, multi plate, diaphragm spring &
centrifugal clutch, electromagnetic clutch & construction, gear boxes- manual and automatic gear shift
mechanisms, over drive principles, transfer box, Transaxles, flywheel, torque converter, propeller shaft,
slip joints, universal joints, differential and rear axle, Hotchkiss drive and Torque tube drive.
(Lectures 8)
Module :4
Steering geometry and types of steering gear box, power steering, types of front axle, types of
suspension systems, constructional details & characteristics of Leaf spring, pneumatic and hydraulic
braking systems, antilock braking system (ABS), electronic brake force distribution (EBD) and traction
control. (Lectures 8)
Module: 5
Caster, Camber, King pin inclination Toe in Toe out, Full Floating, three quarter floating &semi
Floating rear axles. (Lectures 5)
Module: 6
Alternative energy sources, natural gas, LPG, biodiesel, bio-ethanol, gasohol and hydrogen fuels in
automobiles, modifications needed, performance, combustion & emission characteristics of alternative
fuels in SI and CI engines, Electric and Hybrid vehicles, application of Fuel Cells. (Lectures 7)
85 | P a g e
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, students will understand the function of each automobile component
and also have a clear idea about the overall vehicle performance.
Text books:
1. Kirpal Singh, Automobile Engineering, 7th ed., Standard Publishers, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Jain K.K. and Asthana R.B., Automobile Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Heitner J., Automotive Mechanics, 2nd ed., East-West Press, 1999.
4. Heisler H., Advanced Engine Technology, SAE International Publ., USA, 1998.
1. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Clutches.
2. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Transmission systems.
3. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Drive Lines & Differentials.
4. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Multi-cylinder: Diesel and Petrol Engines.
5. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Fuels supply systems.
6. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Engine cooling & lubricating Systems.
7. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Suspension Systems.
8. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Steering Systems.
9. To study and prepare report on the constructional details, working principles and operation of the
Automotive Brake systems.
86 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 431 Principles of Management 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To understand the principles of management and their application to the functioning of an organization
Module: 1
Definition of management, science or art, manager vs entrepreneur; Types of managers- managerial
roles and skills; Evolution of management- scientific, human relations, system and contingency
approaches; Types of Business Organizations, sole proprietorship, partnership, company, public and
private enterprises; Organization culture and environment; Current trends and issues in management.
(Lectures 8)
Module: 2
Nature and purpose of Planning, types of Planning, objectives, setting objectives, policies, Strategic
Management, Planning Tools and Techniques, Decision making steps & processes. (Lectures 6)
Module: 3
Nature and purpose of Organizing, formal and informal organization, organization structure, types, line
and staff authority, departmentalization, delegation of authority, centralization and decentralization, job
design, human resource management, HR planning, Recruitment selection, Training & Development,
Performance Management, Career planning and Management. (Lectures 10)
Module: 4
Directing, individual and group behavior, motivation, motivation theories, motivational techniques, job
satisfaction, job enrichment, leadership, types & theories of leadership, effective communication.
(Lectures 8)
Module: 5
Controlling, system and process of controlling, budgetary and non-budgetary control techniques, use of
computers and IT in management control, productivity problems and management, control and
performance, direct and preventive control, reporting. (Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will get a clear understanding of management functions in
an organization
Text Books:
1. Robins S.P. and Couiter M., Management, Prentice Hall India, 10th ed.,2009.
2. Stoner JAF, Freeman RE and Gilbert DR, Management, 6th ed., Pearson Education,2004.
3. Tripathy PC & Reddy PN, Principles of Management, Tata McGraw Hill,1999.
87 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 432 Design of Transmission Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To learn about the design procedures for mechanical power transmission components
Module : 1
Flexible transmission elements- design of flat belts & pulleys, selection of V-belts and pulleys,
selection of hoisting wire ropes and pulleys, design of chains and sprockets. (Lectures 4)
Module : 2
Gear transmission- speed ratios and number of teeth, force analysis, tooth stresses, dynamic effects,
fatigue strength, factor safety, gear materials; Design of straight tooth spur gear and parallel axis helical
gears based on strength and wear considerations, pressure angle in the normal and transverse plane;
equivalent number of teeth and forces for helical gears. (Lectures 10)
Module : 3
Straight bevel gear- tooth terminology, tooth forces and stresses, equivalent number of teeth.
Estimating the dimensions of a pair of straight bevel gears; Worm gear, merits & demerits,
terminology, thermal capacity, materials, forces & stresses, efficiency, estimating the size of worm gear
pair. Cross helical gears, terminology, helix angles, sizing of a pair of helical gears. (Lectures 10)
Module : 4
Gear box- geometric progression, standard step ratio; Ray diagram, kinematics layout; Design of
sliding mesh gear box- Design of multi-seed gear box for machine tool applications; constant mesh
gear box, speed reducer unit; Variable speed gear box; Fluid couplings, Torque converters for
automotive applications. ( Lectures 10)
Module : 5
Cam design, types: pressure angle and undercutting base circle determination, forces and surface
stresses; Design of plate clutches, axial clutches, cone clutches, internal expanding rim clutches;
Electromagnetic clutches; Band and Block brakes, external shoe brakes, internal expanding shoe brake.
(Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completing this course the students will be able to design transmission systems for engines and
Text Books:
1. Shigley J., Mischke C., Budynas R. and Nisbett K., Mechanical Engineering Design, 8thed., Tata
McGraw Hill,2010.
2. Jindal U.C., Machine Design: Design of Transmission System, Dorling Kindersley,2010.
3. Maitra G. and Prasad L., Handbook of Mechanical Design, 2nd ed., Tata McGraw Hill,2001.
88 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 433 Total Quality Management 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To facilitate the understanding of total quality management principles and processes
Module : 1
Introduction, need for quality, evolution of quality; Definitions of quality, product quality and service
quality; Basic concepts of TQM, TQM framework, contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby.
Barriers to TQM; Quality statements, customer focus, customer orientation & satisfaction, customer
complaints, customer retention; costs toquality. (Lectures 8)
Module : 2
TQM principles; leadership, strategic quality planning; Quality councils- employee involvement,
motivation; Empowerment; Team and Teamwork; Quality circles, recognition andreward,performance
appraisal; Continuous process improvement; PDCE cycle, 5S, Kaizen; Supplier partnership, Partnering,
Supplier rating & selection. (Lectures 8)
Module : 3
The seven traditional tools of quality; New management tools; Six sigma- concepts, methodology,
applications to manufacturing, service sector including IT, Bench marking process; FMEA- stages,
types. (Lectures 8)
Module : 4
TQM tools and techniques, control charts, process capability, concepts of six sigma, Quality Function
Development (QFD), Taguchi quality loss function; TPM- concepts, improvement needs, performance
measures. (Lectures 8)
Module : 5
Quality systems, need for ISO 9000, ISO 9001-9008; Quality system- elements, documentation,;
Quality auditing, QS 9000, ISO 14000- concepts, requirements and benefits; TQM implementation in
manufacturing and servicesectors. (Lectures 8)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to use the tools and techniques of TQM in
manufacturing and service sectors.
Text Books:
1. Besterfield D.H. et al., Total qualityManagement, 3rd ed., Pearson Education Asia,2006.
2. Evans J.R. and Lindsay W.M., The management and Control of Quality, 8th ed., first Indian
edition, Cengage Learning,2012.
3. Janakiraman B. and Gopal R.K., Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall India,2006.
4. Suganthi L. and Samuel A., Total Quality Management, Prentice Hall India,2006.
89 | P a g e
Energy Conservation and
PEC-MEL 434 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
To understand the energy data from industries and carry out energy audit for energy savings
Module : 1
Introduction to energy & power scenario of world, National Energy consumption data, environmental
aspects associated with energy utilization; Energy Auditing- need, types, methodology and barriers,
role of energy managers, instruments of energyauditing. (Lectures 8)
Module : 2
Components of EB billing, HT and LT supply, transformers, cable sizing; Concept of capacitors, power
factor improvement, harmonics; Electric motors- motor efficiency computation, energy efficient
motors; Illumination- Lux, Lumens, types of lighting, efficacy, LED lighting and scope of energy
conservation in lighting. (Lectures 10)
Module : 3
Thermal systems, Boilers, Furnaces and Thermic Fluid heaters- efficiency computation and energy
conservation measures; Steam distribution and usage, steam traps, condensate recovery, flash steam
utilization; Insulation & Refractories. (Lectures 10)
Module : 4
Energy Conservation in major utilities, pumps, fans, blowers, compressed, air systems, Refrigeration &
Air Conditioning system, Cooling Towers, DG sets. (Lectures 6)
Module : 5
Energy Economics- discount period, payback period, internal rate of return, net present value; Life
Cycle costing- ESCO concept. (Lectures 6)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to perform of energy auditing for the energy
consumption ofindustries.
Text Books:
1. Witte L.C. , Schmidt P.S. and Brown D.R., Industrial Energy Management and Utilization,
Hemisphere Publ., Washington,1988..
2. Callaghn P.W., Design and Management for Energy Conservation, Pergamon Press, Oxford, 1981.
3. Murphy W.R. and McKay G., Energy Management, Butterworths, London,1987.
4. Energy Manager Training Manual , Bureau of Energy Efficiency (BEE) under Ministry of
Power, GOI, 2004 (available at
90 | P a g e
PEC-MEL 435 Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
1. To understand the features of compressible isentropic flows and irreversibility like shocks.
2. To provide a basic knowledge of jet and rocket propulsion technologies.
Module : 1
Compressible flow, definition, Mach waves and Mach cone, stagnation states, Mass, momentum and
energy equations of one-dimensional flow, Isentropic flow through variable area ducts, nozzle s and
diffusers, subsonic and supersonic flow I variable area ducts, choked flow, Area-Mach number
relations for isentropic flow. (Lectures 12)
Module : 2
Non-isentropic flow in constant area ducts, Rayleigh and Fanno flows, Normal shock relations, oblique
shock relations, isentropic and shock tables. (Lectures 8)
Module : 3
Theory of jet propulsion, thrust equation, thrust power and propulsive efficiency, Operating principle
and cycle analysis of ramjet, turbojet, turbofan and turboprop engines. (Lectures 10)
Module : 4
Types of rocket engines, propellants & feeding systems, ignition and combustion, theory of rocket
propulsion, performance study, staging, terminal and characteristic velocity, space flights.
(Lectures 10)
Course Outcomes:
Upon completion of this course, the students will be able to apply gas dynamics principles to jet and
space propulsion systems.
Text Books:
1. Ahmed F. El-Sayed, Aircraft Prpoulsion and Gas Turbine Engines, CRC Press,2008.
2. H.S. Mukunda, “Understanding Aerospace Chemical Propulsion”, Interline Publishing, 2004.
3. Hill P. and Peterson C., Mechanics & Thermodynamics of Propulsion, Addison Wesley, 1992.
4. Zucrow N. J., Aircraft and Missile Propulsion, Vol.I& II, John Wiley,1975.
5. Sutton G.P., Rocket Propulsion Elements, John Wiley, New York,1986.
91 | P a g e
Note: -
1. Out five Open Elective, Open Elective- I & V must be done through MOOCs (Massive Open
Online Courses) or SWAYAM.
2. It must be a certificate course of required credit.
3. Open Elective-I should be selected from Humanities, Social Sciences or Management course.
4. Open Elective-V should be selected from any Engineering discipline available at MOOCs
92 | P a g e
OEC-ME 201 Renewable Energy Systems 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Module: 3
Photovoltaic generation: Introduction, The silicon p–n junction, Photon absorption at the junction, solar
radiation absorption, Maximizing cell efficiency, Solar cell construction, Applications, Problems.
(Lectures 4)
Module: 4
Hydro-power: Introduction, Principles, Assessing the resource for small installations, An impulse
turbine Reaction turbines, Hydroelectric systems,The hydraulic ram pump, Problems. (Lectures 6)
Module: 5
Power from the wind: Introduction, Turbine types and terms, Linear momentum and basic theory,
Dynamic matching, Blade element theory, Contents Characteristics of the wind, Power extraction by a
turbine, Electricity generation, Mechanical power, Problems. (Lectures 6)
Module: 6 Biomass and Biofuels: Introduction, Biofuel classification, Biomass production for energy
farming, Direct combustion for heat, Pyrolysis (destructive distillation), Further thermochemical
processes, Alcoholic fermentation, Anaerobic digestion for biogas, Wastes and residues, Vegetable oils
and biodiesel, Problems. (Lectures 8)
93 | P a g e
Text/Reference Books:
1. Renewable Energy Resources by Johan Twidell and Tony Weir, Taylors and Francis
2. Solar Energy by G N Tiwari, Narosa Publication
3. Green Power: The Eco-Friendly Energy Engineering by Nikolai V.Khartchenko, Tbi
4. Duffie J. A. & Beckman W.A., Solar engineering of thermal processes, Wiley- international
5. Solar Energy principal of thermal collector and storage by SP Sukhatme and JK Nayak, TMH
6. Renewable Energy Resources by G N Tiwari and M K Ghosal, Narosa Publication
7. Bansal Keemann, Meliss, Renewable energy sources and conversion technology, Tata Mc Graw
8. Kothari D.P., Renewable energy resources and emerging technologies, Prentice Hall of India
Pvt. Ltd.
94 | P a g e
OEC-ME 202 Operations Research 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Pre-requisite: NIL
Objective: To enable students to understand and apply operations research techniques in industrial
operations for obtaining optimized solutions.
Outcome: Determination of optimal or near optimal solution to complex decision making problems.
Introduction: Features of Operations Research (OR), Methodology of OR, Scopes and Objectives of
OR, models in OR. (Lectures 4)
Inventory classification, Different cost associated to Inventory, Economic order quantity, Inventory
models with deterministic demands, ABC analysis
Introduction and assumptions of LPP, Mathematical formulation of LPP, Graphical Method, Simplex
Method. (Lectures 9)
Module :3
Transportation Problems: Introduction, North – West Corner Method, Least Cost Method, Vogel’s
Approximation Method, Test for Optimality. Assignment Problems: Introduction, Hungarian
Assignment Method, Unbalanced Assignment Problems. (Lectures 8)
Module :4
Sequencing: Introduction, Formulation of Sequencing Problem, Johnson’s Rule. Network Analysis:
Introduction, PERT and CPM, Time – Cost Trade-off (Project Crashing), Resource Leveling.
(Lectures 7)
Module :5
Dynamic Programming: Introduction, Deterministic Dynamic Programming, Probabilistic Dynamic
Programming. Simulation: Introduction, Monte Carlo Simulation, Simulation of Inventory and Queuing
System. (Lectures 7)
Module :6
Queuing Theory: Introduction, General Structure of Queuing System, Operating Characteristics of
Queuing System, Queuing Models. Replacement Theory: Introduction, Replacement Policies:
Gradually Deteriorating Equipments, Items that Fail Suddenly. (Lectures 7)
Text/Reference Books:
1. Operations research – An Introduction, Hamdy A Taha, 8th Edition, Pearson Education.
2. Introduction to Operations Research, Hillier and Lieberman, 8th Edition, TMH.
3. Operations Research, R Panneerselvan, 2nd Edition, PHI.
4. Quantitative Techniques in Management, N D Vohra, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill.
95 | P a g e
OEC-ME 203 Computational Fluid Dynamics 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Text/Reference Books:
1. John D. Anderson, Jr. “Computational Fluid Dynamics”, McGraw-Hill, Inc.
2. Date, A. W., “Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
3. Sengupta, T. P. “Fundamental of Computational Fluid Dynamics”, Orient Longman, Hyderabad,
India, 2004.
96 | P a g e
OEC-ME 204 Safety Management 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Objectives: This course is directed towards creating safety awareness, identifying hazards and
mitigation of accidents along with introduction of legal requirements and following up action.
Outcome: After reading the course an engineer may develop confidence of over safe operations.
Module :1
Need, Modern safety concepts, OSHA norms. (Lectures 3)
Module :2
Safety Management function, Cost analysis of accidents, system safety analysis. (Lectures 6)
Module : 3
Hazards identification and control. Pressure hazard, fire hazard and Electrical hazard. (Lectures 12)
Module : 4
Hazard in construction industry, Hazard due to acceleration and fall, Mechanical hazard, Hazard due to
heat and temperature. (Lectures 11)
Module : 5
Safe practices rules, Personal protective equipment. (Lectures 4)
Module :6
Ergonomics. (Lectures 6)
Text/Reference Books:
1. Safety Management - John V. Grimaldi& Rollin H Simmands.
97 | P a g e
OEC-ME 205 Non-Conventional Manufacturing 3L:0T:0P 3 credits
Objective: To understand how the material removal by using various energy and to know how the new
materials and complex parts are produced with high accuracy by using new technology.
Introduction: Historical background of non-conventional machining processes, Classification, Basic
fundamentals of various process and related comparison. (Lectures 4)
Module: 2
Mechanical Machining Process: Principle and working and applications of mechanical machining
processes such as ultrasonic machining, water jet cutting. (Lectures 7)
Module: 3
Thermal and Chemical Machining Process: Principle and working and applications of thermal and
chemical machining processes such as electro-discharge machining, electro-chemical machining.
(Lectures 7)
Module: 4
Non-conventional welding process: Principle and working and application of non-conventional welding
processes such as laser beam welding, electron beam welding, ultrasonic welding, plasma arc welding.
explosive welding, cladding. under water welding, metallising. (Lectures 10)
Module: 5
Non-conventional forming process: Principle, working and applications of high energy forming
processes such as explosive forming, electro-magnetic forming, electro-discharge forming, water
hammer forming, explosive compaction. (Lectures 10)
Module :6
Introduction to Micro Manufacturing: Micro manufacturing fundamentals, significance, application of
NCMPs for micro manufacturing, Micro to Nano finishing processing information. (Lectures 4)
98 | P a g e
Major Head Credits Period Total Sub Activity Head Proposed Document Evaluated Performance
of Activity (Max.) (Max.) Duration As Evidence by
Inter/ Intra Institutional Workshop/ Programme Satisfactory/
Training Head Good/Excellent
Working for consultancy/ research Programme Satisfactory/
project Head Good/Excellent
INST-ME 203 During Festival Events Programme Satisfactory/
Inter/Intra summer (Technical/Business/ Others) Head Good/Excellent
4 4 Week
Institutional vacation after Contribution in Incubation/
Cell Satisfactory/
Activities 2d sem. Innovation/Entrepreneurship Certificate
In-charge Good/Excellent
Cell/Institutional Innovation Council
Learning at Departmental
Cell In- Satisfactory/
Lab/Tinkering Lab/Institutional Certificate
charge Good/Excellent
Participation in innovation related
Faculty Satisfactory/
competition for eg. Certificate
Mentor Good/Excellent
Hackathons etc.
Development of new product/
Business Plan/ registration of start-
INST-ME 305 During up Participation in all the
Innovation summer activities of Institute’s Innovation Programme Satisfactory/
6 6 Week Certificate
/ IPR / vacation after Council for IPR workshop/ Head Good/Excellent
entrepreneurship 4th/sem Leadership Talks/ Idea/Design/
Innovation/ Business Completion/
Technical Expos etc.
Work experience at Satisfactory/
Certificate Convener of
family business Good/Excellent
99 | P a g e
PROJ-ME 403 (Project I) & PROJ-ME 404 (Project II)
It is intended to start the project work early in the seventh semester and carry out both design and
fabrication of a mechanical device whose working can be demonstrated. The design is expected to be
completed in the seventh semester and the fabrication and demonstration will be carried out in the
eighth semester.
100 | P a g e
A massive open online course (MOOCs) is an online course aimed at unlimited participation and open
access via the web. In addition to traditional course materials, such as filmed lectures, readings, and
problem sets, many MOOCs provide interactive courses with user forums to support community
interactions among students, professors, and teaching assistants, as well as immediate feedback to
quick quizzes and assignments. MOOCs are a recent and widely researched development in distance
education, first introduced in 2006 and emerged as a popular mode of learning.
SWAYAM is a programme initiated by Government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal
principles of Education Policy viz., access, equity and quality. The objective of this effort is to take the
best teaching learning resources to all, including the most disadvantaged. SWAYAM seeks to bridge
the digital divide for students who have hitherto remained untouched by the digital revolution and have
not been able to join the mainstream of the knowledge economy.
This is done through an indigenous developed IT platform that facilitates hosting of all the courses,
taught in classrooms from 9th class till post-graduation to be accessed by anyone, anywhere at any
time. All the courses are interactive, prepared by the best teachers in the country and are available, free
of cost to the residents in India. More than 1,000 specially chosen faculty and teachers from across the
Country have participated in preparing these courses.
The courses hosted on SWAYAM are in 4 quadrants – (1) video lecture, (2) specially prepared reading
material that can be downloaded/printed (3) self-assessment tests through tests and quizzes and (4) an
online discussion forum for clearing the doubts. Steps have been taken to enrich the learning
experience by using audio-video and multi-media and state of the art pedagogy / technology. In order
to ensure best quality content are produced and delivered, nine National Coordinators have been
appointed: They are AICTE for self-paced and international courses, NPTEL for engineering, UGC for
non-technical post-graduation education, CEC for under-graduate education, NCERT & NIOS for
school education, IGNOU for out of the school students, IIMB for management studies and NITTTR
for Teacher Training programme.
101 | P a g e