BTech (ME) Curriculum-2022-26 Batch 22745

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(2022 Admitted students)

B Tech in Mechanical Engineering: Revised Teaching Scheme



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The following scheme is the revised B Tech Teaching scheme and curriculum applicable
from 2018 admission onwards.

It has been proposed to have a 07 letters alpha numeric code for each course – XXYY-
ABB. Wherein the first four letters are alphabets and next 03 are numerals.

XX, Code for Department which is offering course

YY Code regarding the type of course
A-Code representing the year in which the course is offered
BB- Code representing the course

Departmental Codes

S. No. Department Code

1 Bio Technology BT
2 Civil Engineering CE
3 Chemical Engineering CH
4 Computer Science & Engineering CS
5 Electrical Engineering EE
6 Electronics & Communication Engineering EC
7 Information Technology IT
8 Instrumentation & Control Engineering IC
9 Industrial & Production Engineering IP
10 Mechanical Engineering ME
11 Textile Engineering TT
12 Chemistry CY
13 Humanities & Management HM
14 Mathematics MA
15 Physics PH
16 Student Welfare SW

Course Codes

S. No. Type of Courses Code

1 Common Institute requirement CI
2 Programme Core PC
3 Programme Elective PE
4 Open Elective OE
5 Minor Elective MI


B Tech in Mechanical Engineering Course Structure (2022 Admission)

B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C

1 PHCI-101 Applied Physics-A 3 1 0 4
2 MECI-101 Elements of Mechanical Engineering 3 1 0 4
3 CSCI-101 Computer Programming 3 0 0 3
4 MACI-101 Applied Mathematics-I 3 1 0 4
5 HMCI-101 Management, Principles & Practices 3 0 0 3
6 MECI-102 Engineering Graphics and CADD 1 0 4 3
7 PHCI-102 Applied Physics-A Lab 0 0 2 1
8 CSCI-102 Computer Programming Lab 0 0 2 1
Total Credits 16 3 8 23

B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 CYCI-101 Applied Chemistry-A 3 1 0 4
2 MACI-102 Applied Mathematics-II 3 1 0 4
3 ICCI-101 Basic Electrical Science 3 1 0 4
4 HMCI-102 English Communication& Report 3 0 0 3
5 IPCI-101 Manufacturing Processes 2 0 0 2
6 IPCI-102 Product Realization through 0 0 4 2
Manufacturing Laboratory
7 HMCI-103 English Communication Lab 0 0 2 1
8 CYCI-103 Applied Chemistry-A Lab 0 0 2 1
9 CYCI-104 Environmental Studies 3 0 0 3
Total Credits 17 3 8 24
Basic Engineering Courses Selected
1. MECI-101 Elements of Mechanical Engineering
2. ICCI-101 Basic Electrical Science

B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-201 Strength of Materials 3 1 0 4
2 MEPC-203 Theory of Machines 3 1 0 4
3 MEPC-205 Machine Drawing 1 0 6 4
4 MEPC-207 Applied Thermodynamics-I 3 1 0 4
5 MEPC-209 Material Science and Metallurgy 3 0 0 3
6 MEPC-211 Fluid Mechanics-I 3 1 0 4
Strength of Material and
7 MEPC-213 0 0 2 1
Material Characterization Lab
Total Credits 16 4 8 24

B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester - IV

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-202 Applied Thermodynamics-II 3 1 0 4
2 MEPC-204 Dynamics of Machines 3 1 0 4
3 MEPC-206 Mechanics of Deformable Bodies 3 1 0 4
4 MEPC-208 Production Processes 3 0 0 3
5 MEPC-210 Fluid Mechanics-II 3 1 0 4
6 MACI-201 Mathematics-III 3 1 0 4
7 MEPC-214 Production Processes Lab 0 0 2 1
Total Credits 18 5 2 24

B Tech 3rd Year Semester V

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-301 Design of Machine Elements-I 3 0 0 3
2 MEPC-303 Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
3 MEPC-305 Internal Combustion Engines and Emission 3 0 0 3
4 MEPC-309 Mechatronics 3 0 0 3
5 MEPC-319 Computer Aided Design (CAD) 3 0 0 3$
6 HMCI-202 Entrepreneurship Development and 3 0 0 3
7 MEPC-323 Applied Thermal and e-Mobility Engineering 0 0 2 1#
8 MEPC-313 Design of Machine Elements-I Lab 0 0 2 1
9 MEPC-315 Heat Transfer Lab 0 0 2 1
10 MEPC-321 Computer Aided Design (CAD) Lab 0 0 2 1$
11 MECI-300 Minor Project, Phase-I 0 0 2 0*
Total Credits 18 0 10 22

* Minor Project, to be allotted in beginning of 5th Semester, evaluation at the end of 6th Semester
Course code, course name & syllabus has been modified in 14th Board of Studies held on May 26, 2023
Theory course & laboratory shifted in V semester from VIII semester in 13th Board of Studies held on July 19,

B Tech 3rdYear Semester VI

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C

1 MEPC-302 Fluid Machinery 3 0 0 3
2 MEPC-304 Industrial Automation 3 0 0 3
3 XXOE-XXX Open Elective-I 3 0 0 3
4 MEPE-3XX Programme Elective-I 3 0 0 3
5 MEPC-306 Design of Machine Elements-II 3 0 0 3
6 MEPC-307 Mechanical Measurement & Metrology 3 0 0 3*
7 MEPC-310 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Lab 0 0 2 1
8 MEPC-312 Industrial Automation & Mechatronics Lab 0 0 2 1#
9 MEPC-314 Design of Machine Elements-II Lab 0 0 2 1
10 MEPC-317 Mechanical Measurement & Metrology Lab 0 0 2 1*
11 MECI-300 Minor Project, Phase-II 0 0 2 2
Total Credits 18 0 10 24
Theory course & laboratory shifted in VI semester from V semester in 14th Board of Studies held on May 26,
Syllabus has been modified in 14th Board of Studies held on May 26, 2023

B. Tech. 4thYear Semester VII

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-401 Refrigeration and Air 3 0 0 3
2 MEPC-403 Vibrations and Control 3 0 0 3
3 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-II 3 0 0 3
4 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-III 3 0 0 3
5 XXOE-XXX Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3
6 MECI-411 Industrial Lecture* 1 0 0 1
7 MECI-400 Major Project (Phase –I) 0 0 4 0**
8 Refrigeration and Air 0 0 2 1
9 MEPC-407 Vibrations and Control Lab 0 0 2 1$
10 MECI-413 Industrial Practical Training 0 0 0 2#
Total Credits 16 0 8 20

* Minimum 04 Industrial lectures to be organized by department in final year of study. Grades
to be awarded based upon Quiz test on the same day of lecture
** Major Project, to be allotted in beginning of 7th Semester, evaluation at the end of 8th Semester
#Industrial Practical Training will be held during summer vacation after sixth semester
Syllabus has been modified in 14th Board of Studies held on May 26, 2023

B. Tech. 4thYear Semester VIII*

S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C

1 MEPEX-4XX Programme Elective-IV 3 0 0 3
2 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-V 3 0 0 3
3 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-VI 3 0 0 3
4 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-VII 3 0 0 3
5 XXOE-XXX Open Elective-III 3 0 0 3
6 MECI-400 Major Project ( Phase –II) 0 0 8 4
Total Credits 15 0 8 19
Industrial training in 8th semester will carry 12 credit equivalent to 4 elective subjects
*Teaching Scheme for Eight semester has been modified in 13th Board of Studies held on July 19, 2022
Note: Industrial training in 8th semester will carry 12 credit equivalent to 4 elective subjects

DETAILED CURRICULUM for 2nd year courses

B Tech 2nd Year Semester-III

Course Title : Strength of Materials
Course Code : MEPC-201 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes & Assignments
Pre-requisites: Elements of Mechanical Engineering
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to
CO 1 Understand the theoretical concepts of mechanics of solids.

CO 2 Apply the systematic methods for solving engineering problems such as calculations
of stresses, strains, shear forces, bending moments etc.
CO 3 Evaluate the tensile/compressive/bending/shear stresses and combination of these in
beams, shafts, composite-sections, columns etc including calculations of slope and
CO 4 Assess the combined loading for the design of Industrial components and machine
Course Details:
Simple stresses and strains: Concept of stress and strain: St. Venant’s principle, Stress and strain
diagram, Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus, Poisson ratio, stress at a point, stresses and strains in bars
subjected to axial loading, Modulus of elasticity, stress produced in compound bars subjected to axial
loading, Temperature stresses and strain calculations due to applications of axial loads and variation of
temperature in single and compound walls.
Compound stresses and strains: Two dimensional system, stress at a point on a plane, principal
stresses and principal planes, Mohr’s circle of stress, ellipse of stress and their applications, Two
dimensional stress-strain system, principal strains and principal axis of strain, circle of strain and
ellipse of strain, Relationship between elastic constants.
Bending moment and shear force diagrams: Bending moment and shear force diagrams, SF and BM
definitions. BM and SF diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported and fixed beams with or without
overhangs and calculation of maximum BM and SF and the point of contraflexure under Concentrated
loads, Uniformity distributed loads over the whole span or part of span, combination of concentrated
loads (two or three) and uniformly distributed loads, uniformly varying loads, application of moments.
Theory of bending stresses: Assumptions in the simple bending theory, derivation of formula: its
application to beams of rectangular, circular and channel sections, composite/fletched beams, bending
and shear stresses in composite beams. Unsymmetrical Bending, Combined bending and torsion,
bending and axial loads etc.
Slope and deflection: Relationship between moment, slope and deflection, Moment area method,
Macaulay’s method, Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection for the determinant
Torsion: Derivation of torsion equation and its assumptions. Applications of the equation of the hollow
and solid circular shafts, torsional rigidity, combined torsion and bending of circular shafts, principal
stress and maximum shear stresses under combined loading of bending and torsion.

Columns and struts: Columns under uni-axial load, Buckling of Columns, Slenderness ratio and
conditions. Derivations of Euler’s formula for elastic buckling load, equivalent length, Rankine
Gordon’s empirical formula.
List of Extended Activities:
1. Solving problems for axial assemblies, beams, shafts, column members etc. via MDSolids
2. Solving problems for Mohr’s circle analysis via MDSolids software.
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Gere J and Goodno B J, “Mechanics of Materials”, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, Toronto,
Canada (2009).
2. Beer P F and Johnston (Jr) E R, “Mechanics of Materials”, SI Version, Tata McGraw Hill, India
3. Hearn E.J., “Mechanics of Materials 1”, 3rd Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, Linacre House,
Jordan Hill, Oxford, Woburn, UK.
4. Jindal U C, “Introduction to Strength of Materials”, 3rd Edition, Galgotia Publishing Private
Limited New Delhi (2001).
5. Popov E P, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, SI Version 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall of India,
New Delhi (2003).
6. Timoshenko S P and Young D H, “Elements of Strength of Materials”, 5th Edition, East West
Press, New Delhi (1984).
7. Pytel A H and Singer F L, “Strength of Materials”, 4th Edition, Harper Collins, New Delhi
Online Resources:

Course Title : Machine Drawing

Course Code : MEPC-205 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 1 T- 0 P- 6 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : 40% Assignments in the form of drafting (software based) exercises
(Suggested) 30% Mid Term Evaluation
30% End Term Evaluation

Pre-requisites: Engineering Graphics & CADD (MECI-102) (1 0 4 3)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Interpret the conventions/ Standardized representation used in development of
CO 1
part and assembly drawings.
Create part/assembly drawings of standard Mechanical components using
CO 2
drafting/design software.

Create and Analyse three dimensional models of Mechanical

CO 3
Assemblies/components using drafting/design software.

Apply tolerance, machining, processing and surface finish symbols in relation to

CO 4
few Industrial components.

Course Details:

Review of Principle of Orthographic Projections, Sectioning, dimensioning, Standardized

representation of screw threads, screw fasteners, welds, bearings, springs and related components.
Introduction to limits, fits and tolerances, dimensional and geometric tolerances, surface finish
Generation of part and assembly drawings including sectioning and bill of materials. Detailing of
components involving shafts, couplings, bearing, pulleys, gears, machine tool parts and
miscellaneous components.
Note: First angle projection to be used. BIS codes for various applications in Machine Drawing.
Drawings should contain bill of materials and illustrate the use of its tolerances and surface finish
The syllabus given above indicates the broad outlines and the scope of the subject to be covered.
List of Extended Activities:
• Solid modelling of Screw jack, drill press vice, connecting rod, eccentric.
• Solid modelling of Lathe tail stock, tool post.
• Solid modelling of incorporating assembly constraints for animation of motion of machine
components such as shafts, couplings, bearings, pulleys, gears assemblies.
Suggested Textbooks:
1. French T E, Vierck C J, and Foster R, “Engineering Drawing and Graphic Technology”,
14th Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2003.
2. SP 46: 1988, “Engineering Drawing Practice for Schools and Colleges”, Bureau of Indian
3. Bhatt N D, “Machine Drawing”, 26th Edition, Charotar Publishing House, Anand
4. Gill P S, “Machine Drawing”, 17th Edition, S K Kataria and Sons, New Delhi (2002).
5. Goetsch David L, Chalk W, Nelson John A, “Technical Drawing (Drafting and Design)”
Delmar Publishers, 2000.
6. Lakshminarayanan, V., and Mathur, M.L., “Text Book of Machine Drawing (with
Computer Graphics)”, 12th Ed., Jain Brothers, 2007.
7. Online Resources
8. Sidheshwar N, Kannaiah P and Sastry V V S, “Machine Drawing”, 27th Reprint,
TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi (2003).

Online resources:

B Tech 2nd Year Semester-III

Course Title : Applied Thermodynamics-I

Course Code : MEPC-207 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least
(Suggested) two) (15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Use the properties of the steam to solve Rankine cycle, reheating, regeneration and
Binary vapour cycle
CO 2 Solve for Boiler performance and boiler draught applicable to Thermal Power
CO 3 Analyse the flow of steam through different types of nozzles, steam injector and
calculate Nozzle efficiency.
CO 4 Apply the principles of thermodynamics and evaluate the performance of various
types of steam turbines.
CO 5 Evaluate the cooling load in a different type of steam condensers .
CO6 Solve and analyse the isothermal efficiency and performance of reciprocating air
Course Details:
Fundamentals: Pure substances, Thermodynamic property relations, Properties of mixtures,
Fuel and Combustion.
Steam Generators: Review of steam generation process. Classification, Fire and water tube
boilers, Description of Cochran, Locomotive, Lancashire Babcock and Wilcox boilers and
Sterling Boiler, mountings and accessories: Economizer, super heater etc. Modern high
pressure boilers, Characteristics of high pressure boilers, Advantages of forced circulation,
steam accumulators, boiler performance, equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, Boiler
Working Cycles: Simple Rankine cycle, methods of improving efficiency: Feed water heating
(Bleeding), reheat cycle, combined reheat and regenerative cycle, Ideal working fluid
– Binary vapour cycle, combined power and heating cycles. Introduction to Steam Engine
with brief discussion.
Nozzle: Types of nozzles and their utility, Flow of steam through nozzles, Critical pressure
and discharge, Area of throat and exit for maximum discharge, Effect of friction on Nozzle
efficiency, Supersaturated flow.
Steam Turbines: Classification; Impulse & Reaction Steam turbines, description of

components, Pressure and velocity compounding, Velocity diagram and work done, Effect of
blade friction on velocity diagram, Stage efficiency and overall efficiency, Reheat factor and
condition curve. Degree of reaction, blade efficiency and its derivation; calculation of blade
height, backpressure and extraction turbines and cogeneration; Economic assessment.
Method of attachment of blades to turbine rotor, losses in steam turbines, governing of steam
turbines, Labyrinth packing.
Condensers: Function, Elements of condensing plant, types of condensers, Dalto’s law of
partial pressure applied to condenser problems, condenser and vacuum efficiencies. Cooling
water calculations. Effect of air leakage, Methods to check and prevent air infiltration.
Description of air pump and calculation of its capacity.
Reciprocating Air Compressors: Use of compressed air in industry. Classification of air
compressors, Operation of single stage reciprocating compressors, Work input and the best
value of index of compression. Isothermal and polytropic efficiency. Effect of clearance and
volumetric efficiency, Multistage compression and its advantages. Optimal multistaging,
work input in multistage compression, Reciprocating air motors.

List of Extended Activities:

1. Study of various boilers with the help of models.
2. Visit to some Thermal Power Generation Plant to understand the actual steam generation by
boiler and power generation by steam turbine.

Suggested Textbooks:
1. Yunus A Cengel, Michael A Boles, “Thermodynamics: An Engineering Approach”,
Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. P.K. Nag, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, McGraw Hill
3. R. Yadav, “Applied Thermodynamics”, Central Publishing House

Online Resources:

Course Title : Materials Science and Metallurgy

Course Code : MEPC-209 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit : 3
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Semester Exam (50%), Quizzes (Minimum
2)- 15%, Assignments (5%)

Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to-
CO 1 Relate between “Structure-Process-Property- Performance” of materials.

CO 2 Interpretation of Phase Diagrams, various strengthening mechanisms in metals and alloys and
utilize these for improvement in mechanical properties.
CO 3 Interpret the effect of cooling rate using TTT and CCT diagrams on the microstructure
and properties of materials.
CO 4 Understand the origin of various properties of materials and apply various heat treatment
processes for development of desirable properties in materials.
CO 5 Design alloys, heat treatment processes for improvement in properties of metals and alloys.

Course Details:
Structure of Crystalline Solids: Crystal structure and crystal systems, closed packing, some prominent
crystal structures, Miller indices of Directions and planes, determination of crystal structure using X-Ray
Imperfections in Solids: Point, line and surface defects, Berger’s vector, Slip and plastic deformation,
Importance of defects and their effect on properties of materials, Strengthening Mechanisms, Grain
Boundaries and deformation, effect of grain size on properties, determination of grain size.
Phase Diagrams- Phases & Phase Diagram, Solubility & Solid Solutions, Unlimited & Limited Solid
Solubility, Solid Solution Strengthening, Binary Isomorphous Phase Diagrams, Equilibrium and non-
equilibrium Solidification of solid solutions, Eutectic Phase Diagrams, Principle of Dispersion
Iron Carbon Diagram: Allotropic forms of carbon, Eutectic & Eutectoid Reactions, types of steels, types
of cast irons, microstructures at various carbon percentages, properties as a function of microstructure.
Phase Transformations & Heat Treatment Processes: Kinetics of Phase Transformations, Isothermal
Transformation Diagrams, Continuous Cooling Transformations, mechanism of various transformations,
and significance of TTT diagram in heat treatments. Designation & Classification of steels, Isothermal heat
Treatments, Quench & Temper Heat Treatments, meaning of hardenability, tests of hardenability, factors
affecting hardenability, Effect of Alloying Elements on strength and hardness, effect on hardenability, effect
on transformation temperature, Introduction to chemical heat treatment, mechanism and methods of
carburizing, nitriding, cyaniding, introduction to flame hardening.
Origin of Properties & their manipulation- Origins of Density, Young’s Modulus, strength, ductility,
toughness and their manipulation through various routes, microstructure sensitive and insensitive properties.
High performance alloys- Aluminium Alloys, Magnesium & Beryllium Alloys, Copper Alloys, Nickel &
Cobalt Alloys, Titanium Alloys, Age Hardening and its uses
Extended Activities:
1. Determination of crystal structure using X-Ray Diffractometer.
2. Determination of grain orientation using EBSD.
3. Use ANSYS- GRANTA Edupack software to explore Heat Treatment Process – Mechanical Property

Suggested Textbooks:
1. Askeland R D, Phule P P, “The Science and Engineering of Materials”, 5th Edition, Indian Reprint,
Thomson Learning, Canada, (2007).
2. Callister D W, “Callister’s Materials Science and Engineering”, Indian Adaptation, Wiley India P
Ltd, New Delhi, (2011).
3. Avner H S, “Introduction to Physical Metallurgy”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill , New Delhi .
4. Asvhby M, Shercliff H and Cebon D, “Materials: Engineering, science, processing and design”,

3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK (2014).
Online resources:
2.NPTEL- Introduction to materials science and engineering,
3.Teaching Materials- HKDH Bhadhesia, Cambridge University,

Course Title : Fluid Mechanics-I

Course Code : MEPC-210 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least two)
(Suggested) (15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)
Pre-requisites: Elements of Mechanical Engineering (MEPC-101).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the physical properties of a fluid, calculating the pressure distribution
for incompressible fluids in static condition and the formulation of the problems
on static fluid and solve them.
CO 2 Describe the principles of motion for fluids, describe the velocity and acceleration.
Derivation and application of the equation of the conservation of energy.
CO 3 Derive of general governing equations of fluid mechanics, application the equation
of the conservation of mass, apply the equation of the conservation of momentum
in constrained flow
CO 4 Understand the use of the dimensional analysis and derivation of the dimensionless
numbers, apply the similitude concept and set up the relation between a model and
a prototype.
CO5 Understand the mechanics of flow about immersed boundaries, profile drag, drag
coefficients and the determination of drag forces.
Course Details:
Fluid and their properties: Concept of fluid, difference between solids, liquids and gases; ideal and real
fluids; properties of fluid, Newtonian and non‐Newtonian fluids.
Fluid Statics: Pressure and its measurement, Pascal’s law and its engineering applications, Hydrostatic
force on a plane and curved submerged surfaces, resultant force and center of pressure, Buoyancy and
flotation, stability of floating and submerged bodies, metacentric height and its determination, pressure
distribution in a liquid subjected to constant horizontal/ vertical acceleration, rotation of liquid in a
cylindrical container.
Fluid Kinematics: Classification of fluid flows, velocity and acceleration of fluid particle, local and
convective acceleration, normal and tangential acceleration, streamline, path line and streak line, continuity
equation; Rotational flows, rotation velocity and circulation, stream and velocity potential functions, flow
Fluid Dynamics: Euler’s equation, Bernoulli’s equation and steady flow energy equation; applications of
Bernoulli’s equation, impulse momentum equation, flow along a curved streamline, free and forced vortex
Flow measurements: Pitot tube, Siphon, Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Mouthpiece, Weirs and notches
Viscous Flow: Navier-Stokes equation of motion, relationship between shear stress and pressure gradient,
two-dimensional laminar flow between two fixed parallel planes and pipe flow, plain Couette flow, Minor
Losses in Pipe Systems, Multiple-Pipe Systems, Experimental Duct Flows: Diffuser Performance, Fluid
Dimensional Analysis and Similitude: Fundamental and derived units and dimensions, dimensional

homogeneity; Rayleigh’s and Buckingham’s Pi method for dimensional analysis; Dimensionless numbers
and their significance; model studies.
Flow Around Immersed Bodies: Concept of friction, pressure, wave and induced drag- lift and drag
coefficients; variation of drag coefficient with Reynolds number for two dimensional bodies (flat plate,
circular cylinder); Vortex shedding from cylindrical bodies, effect of streamlining; drag coefficient versus
Reynolds number for flow past axisymmetric bodies (sphere); Terminal velocity, lift of an airfoil, airfoil of
finite length-effect on drag and lift, downwash and induced drag
List of Extended Activities:
1. Determination of Floating condition of body
2. Verification of Bernoulli’s Theorem
3. Use of ANSYS-FLUENT for fluid Mechanics Problem
Suggested Textbooks:
5. Çengel, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA.
6. Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th Ed.,
Wiley, New York, NY, 2002.
7. White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill 2003.
8. Fluid Mechanics – V L Streeter and E B Wylie, McGraw Hill
9. Currie, I.G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1993.
10. Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines – R K Rajput, S chand& Co. Ltd.
11. Mechanics of Fluids – I H Shames, McGraw Hill .
12. Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Power Engineering – D.S. Kumar, S.K. Kataria and Sons
13. Kundu, P. K., and Ira M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed., Academic Press,
2007/Elsevier, 2008. ISBN-10: 0123737354, ISBN-13: 978-0123737359.
14. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1991.
15. Panton, R.L., Incompressible Flow, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
16. Chevray, R. and J. Mathieu, Topics in Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
Online Resources:

Course Title : Strength of Materials and Material Characterization Lab

Course Code : MEPC-213 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 0 T- 0 P- 2 Credit : 1
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Internal Examination (50%), End Sem Examination & Viva (50%)
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Get exposure of testing and characterization facilities for finding various
mechanical properties such as tensile, compressive, impact, hardness etc.

CO 2 Compare the theoretical topics via experimental practices such as shear force,
bending moment, torsion, deflection, fatigue etc.
CO 3 Examine the nature, microstructure of different materials and their
interpretation by using metallurgical microscope.

CO 4 Analyze & plan their project work by utilizing these testing facilities.

List of Experiments:
Experiment 1: To determine the Young’s modulus, Yield strength, Ultimate tensile strength,
percentage elongation and percentage reduction in area for mild steel specimen on Universal
Testing Machine (UTM). Also plot the stress-strain curve for these tested specimens.
Experiment 2: To determine the compressive strength for the cast iron specimen on Universal
Testing Machine (UTM).
Experiment 3: Impact Test
a) To determine the Impact strength of the given specimen using Charpy impact testing
b) To determine the Impact strength of the given specimen using Izod impact testing
Experiment 4: Shear Force Apparatus
a) To determine the variation of shear force with an increasing point load.
b) To examine how shear force varies at the cut position of beam for various loading
Experiment 5: Bending Moment Apparatus
a) To study the variation of bending moment at a point with an increasing point load.
b) To study how bending moment varies at the cut position of beam for various loading
Experiment 6: Hardness Test
a) To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Rockwell hardness tester.
b) To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Brinell hardness tester.
c) To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Vickers hardness tester.
Experiment 7: To perform the bending test on a mild steel specimen using Universal testing
machine and determination of deflection and verification of beam formula in bending.
Experiment 8: To determine modulus of rigidity and angle of twist of given specimen using
torsional testing machine.
Experiment 9: To analyse the microstructure of steel and cast iron using metallurgical microscope.
Experiment 10: Research Based Experiment
To study and plot mechanical hysteresis curve of metal and polymer composite materials using the
MTS servo-hydraulic universal testing machine.

B Tech 2nd Year Semester-IV
Course Title : Applied Thermodynamics-II
Course Code : MEPC-202 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B Tech
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes or
(Suggested) practical problems Assignment with project (at least two) (15%),
and Assignments (5%)
Pre-requisites: Applied Thermodynamics-I (MEPC-207)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1: Apply mass, momentum, energy and entropy balances to compressible flow and use
compressible flow tables and relations to solve problems involving compressible flow in a nozzle
and diffuser.
CO 2: Apply the principles of thermodynamics to evaluate the performance of Rotary, Centrifugal
and Axial Air compressors,
CO 3: Design the bladeing, study the velocity triangles and estimate the performance of centrifugal
and axial flow compressors.
CO4: Understand the ideal and real thermodynamic cycles of air-breathing engines and Industrial
gas turbines Gas Turbines incorporating intercooling, reheat, regeneration, afterburning, etc.

Course Details:
Introduction: Stagnation properties, sonic velocity and Mach number, Mach waves, Flow
through Nozzles and diffusers, Metastable state and super saturated flow, thrust function. Flow
through variable area, isentropic flow, adiabatic flow with friction; Flow through constant area
with friction (Fanno Flow), Frictionless Flow through a constant area duct with heat transfer
(Rayleigh Flow), Isothermal flow through a constant area duct, normal shock waves, Rankine
Hugoniot equation, Strength of shock waves, application of gamma function to specific flow

Rotary Compressors: Classification of rotary compressors, comparison with reciprocating

compressors, working of rotary compressors like Roots blower, Lysholm Compressor and
Vanetype Blower. Determination of total work done for compressors, energy loss in internal
friction.Isentropic, polytropic and isothermal efficiencies of compressor.

Centrifugal Compressors: Thermodynamic analysis of centrifugal compressor: Stage,

polytropic, isentropic and isothermal efficiencies, velocity vector diagrams for centrifugal
compressors, power calculation, pre-guided vanes, pre-whirl, Slip factor, power input factor.
Modes of energy transfer in impeller and diffuser. Degree of reaction and its derivation, energy
transfer in backward, forward and radial vanes, Derivation of Non-dimensional parameters for
plotting compressor characteristics, surging and choking in centrifugal compressors. Various
losses occurring in centrifugal compressors and application of centrifugal compressors.

Axial Flow Compressor: Components of axial flow compressor, aerofoil blading, angle of
attack, coefficients of lift and drag, turbine versus compressor blades, velocity vector diagrams,

thermodynamic analysis and power calculations. Modes of energy transfer in rotor and stator
blade flow passages. Work done factor, Degree of reaction and Blade efficiency, isentropic
polytropic and Isothermal Efficiencies. Surging, choking and stalling in axial flow
compressors, characteristic curves for axial flow compressor, flow parameters of axial flow
compressor pressure coefficient, flow coefficient, work coefficient and temperature rise
coefficient, specific speed etc. Comparison of axial flow compressor with centrifugal
compressor and reaction turbine.Application of axial flow compressors.

Gas Turbines: Classification, Open and closed cycle and their comparison. Application of gas
turbine. Position of gas turbine in power industry. Thermodynamic analysis-Brayton cycle,
calculation of net output, work ratio, and thermal efficiency, Operating variables and their
effects on thermal efficiency and work ratio. Gas turbine cycle with regeneration, intercooling,
multistage compression and expansion. Closed and semi closed gas turbine cycle, requirements
of a gas turbine combustion chamber, types of combustion chambers, Pressure losses in heat
exchangers and combustion chambers. Gas turbine fuels.

Jet Propulsion: Principle of jet propulsion, Performance characteristics of different propulsion

systems, Application of various propulsion systems.
Extended Activity:
Application of Matlab to analyse the performance of Axial Flow Compressor, Centrifugal
Compressor, Gas Turbine, Compressible Flow and Jet Propulsion
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Shepherd D G, “An Introduction to Gas Turbine”, Von Nastrand, New York (1949).
2. Stodola A, “Steam and Gas Turbines”, McGraw Hill Book Company, (1970).
3. Shapiro A M, “Dynamics and Thermodynamics of Compressible Fluids”, Ronald‟s Press,
New York (1953).
4. Benson R W, “Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics”, Pergamon Press, London
5. Cohen H, Rogers G F C and Saravanamuttoo H I H, “Gas Turbine Theory”, Orient
Longman Limited, New Delhi (1996).

Resources: NPTEL

Course Title : Mechanics of Deformable Bodies

Course Code : MEPC-206 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Semester Exam (50%), Quizzes
(Minimum 2)- 15%, Assignments (5%)
Pre-requisites: Elements of Mechanical Engineering, Strength of Materials
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to learn
CO 1 3-D stress analysis: Analytical and graphical methods (Mohr’s circle) understanding and
problem solving

CO 2 Basic concept of strain energy for 2-D and 3-D state of stress.

CO 3 Theories of Failure: Ability solve problem related to maximum stress, maximum strain, and
strain energy theory of failure.
CO 4 Thin & Thick Cylinders: Basic concept of design of thin & thick cylinders and problem solving.
CO5 Bending of curved beams: Basic concepts and problem solving
CO6 Springs: Analysis of closed and open coiled helical, flat spiral, and leaf springs. Problem solving
related to mentioned topics.
CO7 Indeterminate systems: Basic concept of indeterminate structures and problem solving
CO8 Distribution of shear stress in beams: Derivation of general formula and its application to
rectangular, triangular, I, C, T, L, circular and hollow sections and problem solving.
Course Details:
Strain energy: Energy of dilation and distortion, resilience stress due to suddenly applied loads,
Castigliano’s theorem, Maxwell’s theorem of reciprocal deflection.
Theories of Failure: Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory, maximum strain
energy theory, maximum shear strain energy theory, graphical representation and derivation of equation
for each and their application to problems relating to two-dimensional stress systems only.
Distribution of Shear Stress in Beams: Derivation of general formula and its application to
rectangular, triangular, I, C, T, L, circular and hollow sections.
Springs: Closed and open coiled helical springs: Derivation of formula and application for deflection
and rotation of free end under the action of axial load and or axial couple; flat spiral springs – derivation
of formula for strain energy, maximum stress and rotation. Leaf spring, deflection and bending stresses
Thin Cylinders and Sphere: Derivation of formulae and calculations of hoop stress longitudinal stress
in a cylinder, and sphere subjected to internal pressures increase in diameter and volume.
Thick Cylinders: Derivation of Lame’s equations, calculation of radial longitudinal and hoop stresses
and strains due to internal pressure in thick cylinders, compound cylinders, hub shrunk on solid shafts.
Bending of curved beams: Calculation of stresses in crane or chain hooks, rings of circular section
and trapezoidal section and chain links with straight sides, Deflection of curved bars and rings.
Statically Indeterminant Systems: Force Method, Displacement method, Method of superposition
and Analysis by differential equation of the deflection curve.
Unsymmetrical bending: Shear center for angle, channel and Z sections.
Rotational stresses: Discs and rims, discs of uniform strength.
3 D stress analysis: Analytical and graphical methods (Mohr’s circle).

List of Extended Activities:

Use of Matlab for solving problems related to:

1. 3D stresses (Mohr’s circle)
2. Failure theories
3. Shear stresses in beams
4. Statically indeterminate systems
5. Thin and thick cylinders (Lame’s line solution)
Suggested Textbooks:
17. Gere J and Goodno B J, “Mechanics of Materials”, 7th Edition, Cengage Learning, Toronto,
Canada (2009).
18. Beer P F and Johnston (Jr) E R, “Mechanics of Materials”, SI Version, Tata McGrawHill,
India (2001).
19. Popov E P, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, SI Version 2nd Edition, Prentice Hallof

India, New Delhi (2003).
20. Timoshenko S P and Young D H, “Elements of Strength of Materials”, 5th Edition,East
West Press, New Delhi (1984).
21. Pytel A H and Singer F L, “Strength of Materials”, 4th Edition, Harper Collins, New Delhi
22. Hearn E.J., “Mechanics of Materials 1”, 3rd Edition, Butterworth-Heinemann, Elsevier, Oxford
U.K., 1997.
Online Resources:
1. Prof. S.K. Bhattacharyya, IIT Kharagpur
2. Prof. S.K. Maiti, IIT Bombay
3. Prof. K. Ramesh, IIT Madras
4. Prof. Ajeet Kumar, IIT Delhi

Course Title : Production Processes

Course Code : MEPC-208 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 0 P- 0 Credit : 3
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least
(Suggested) two) (15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)
Pre-requisites: Manufacturing Process (IPCI-101).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO To impart knowledge and skills in the field of manufacturing and production
1 processes. It deals with different processes that are used in several industries.
CO Suggesting the simplified manufacturing processes with the aim of cost reduction
2 and material wastage.
CO Ability to clear the fundamental concepts of machining, casting, molding,
3 welding, powder metallurgy, forming and holding devices.
CO Selecting the appropriate methods and tooling for typical applications in the
4 industries to produce critical design components.
Course Details:
Attributes of Manufactured Products: Mechanical properties, physical properties, chemical
properties, geometric attributes, material selection.
Machining and Machine Tools: Elements of machining, classification of machine tools, concept
of orthogonal metal cutting.
Metal Casting: Casting alloys, solidification of metals, melting and pouring, casting processes,
finishing processes, designs for casting.
Welding Processes: Survey of welding processes, Weldability of Steels, Cast irons, aluminium
and Copper alloys, Joint Design and specifications, Inspection of welds.
Forming Processes: Rolling, Drawing, Extrusion, Forging, Press working and die design and
High Velocity Rate Forming.
Powder metallurgy: Process details, component and die design considerations.
Processing of Plastics: Introduction and types of plastics, Properties of plastics, Materials
required for processing plastics, Forming and Shaping of plastics, Comparison of plastic forming

Jigs and Fixtures: Introduction, Production Devices, Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures, Elements
of Jigs and Fixtures, Principles of Location and Clamping.
Process Planning: Definitions of process planning, contents of process planning, process
operations, steps of process planning.
Extended activities: Use Ansys-Fluent software and CFD codes to explore physics of: Welding,
Casting and Forming processes.
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Groover, M. P., “Fundamentals of modern manufacturing: materials, processes, and
systems”, John Wiley & Sons (2020).
2. Schey A J, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill Book Company,
New York (1987).
3. Sharma P C, “Production Technology”, S Chand & Co. (2003).
4. Black, J. T., & Kohser, R. A, “DeGarmo's materials and processes in manufacturing”,
John Wiley & Sons (2017).
5. Khan, M. I, “Welding science and technology”, New Age International (2007).
6. Juneja B L, “Fundamentals of Metal Cutting & Machine Tools”, New Age International
Online resources

Course Title : Fluid Mechanics-II

Course Code : MEPC-201 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least two)
(Suggested) (15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)

Pre-requisites: Fluid Mechanics-I (MEPC-211).

Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the general phenomenon of inviscous flow (Potential flow) of fluid
CO 2 Derive the general equation of boundary layer problem and solve by analytical modeling
techniques of fluid mechanics.
CO 3 Derive of general governing equations of turbulence, turbulent flow through pipe and
its mathematical modeling and their solution of the turbulent problems.
CO 4 Describe the compressible flow, Mach number, Shock waves and the formulation of the
general equations of compressible flow. Solution of the compressible flow problem.
CO5 Understand the basic of various other solution techniques of mathematical modeled
equations using computational methods.

Course Details:
Potential Flows
Revisit of fluid kinematics, Stream and Velocity potential function, Circulation, Irrotational vortex, Basic

plane potential flows: Uniform stream; Source and Sink; Vortex flow, Doublet, Superposition of basic plane
potential flows, Flow past a circular cylinder, Magnus effect; Kutta- Joukowski lift theorem; Concept of
lift and drag.
Boundary Layer
Salient features of flow pattern in a boundary layer, Velocity and shear stress distribution along the
boundary, similarity solutions, Von-Karman momentum integral equation, Approximate Methods,
quantitative correlations for boundary layer thickness, local skin friction coefficient and drag coefficient in
laminar, turbulent and laminar turbulent combined boundary layer flows on a flat plate without pressure
gradient, flow over a curved surface boundary layer separation and its control.
Turbulent Flow
Introduction, Fluctuations and time-averaging, General equations of turbulent flow, Reynolds averaging,
turbulent boundary layer equation, Flat plate turbulent boundary layer, turbulent pipe flow, Prandtl mixing
hypothesis, turbulence modeling, Free turbulent flows.
Compressible Flows
Speed of sound and Mach number, Basic equations for one dimensional flows, Isentropic relations, Normal-
shock wave, Rankine-Hugoniot relations, Fanno and Rayleigh curve, Mach waves, Oblique shock wave,
Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves, Quasi-one dimensional flows.
Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
Boundary conditions, Basics of discretization – Introduction to Finite Difference Method, Finite Volume
Method and Finite Element Method
List of Extended Activities:
1. Use of ANSYS-FLUENT for Fluid Mechanics Problem
2. Solving of basic problem of Turbulent on Ansys-Fluent
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Çengel, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. Web
2. S. K. Som and G. Biswas, Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Machines, McGraw
3. White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill 2003.
4. W. P. Graebel, Advanced Fluid Mechanics, Academic Press, Elsevier.
5. Kundu, P. K., and Ira M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed., Academic Press 2007.
6. Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
7. Stefan Popes, Turbulent Flows, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA.
8. Yahya, S.M., Fundamentals of Compressible Flow, New Age International
Publisher, 2005.
9. Anderson, J. D., Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Higher Education;
6th edition (1 April 1995).
10. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1991.
11. Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot (1960), Transport Phenomena, Wiley,
New York.
12. Panton, R.L., Incompressible Flow, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
13. Chevray, R. and J. Mathieu, Topics in Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University
Press, 1993.
14. Fay, J. A., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994.
ISBN: 026206165.
Online Resources:

Course Title : Production Processes Lab
Course Code : MEPC-214 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 0 T- 0 P- 2 Credit : 1
Program/Semeste : B. Tech.
Evaluation : Lab Work (50%), End Sem Exam/Viva (50%)
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To enable the students to make 3D part drawing, assembly and
animation of the engineering components using appropriate CAD
CO 2 To enable the students to understand the production processes.
CO 3 To enable the students to apply theoretical knowledge of production
processes in the production of a job.
CO 4 To enable the students to analyze different production processes
through product development.
Course Details:
A small project covering the various aspects of Engineering from Design to Fabrication
comprising of the following:
Part A:- Product development on CAD software
1. Hand on training on CAD software like Solidworks/Pro-e for 3D parts, assembly and
2. Assignments in term of 3D part drawings that must include assembly and animation to
be completed on CAD software.
3. Use CAD software for design and analyses of a 3D part drawing as a laboratory project.
Part B:- Execution of laboratory project on conventional production machines
1. Use of Lathe machine: external and internal threading (Vee, Square or Acme threads),
taper turning, grooving, knurling, drilling operations on lathe.
2. Use of Milling machine: Spur gear.
3. Use of welding machines in the completion of laboratory project through welding
operations like, LAP, BUTT, Edge, Outside Corner and T joints.
Part C: - Execution of laboratory project on conventional production machines
1. CNC programming for Milling jobs.
2. Product development on 3D printer, designed on CAD software during continuous
training and learning in laboratory.

Weightage for evaluation in the laboratory:

(i) Preparation of Engineering Drawings on any CAD software – Weightage 30%.
(ii) Laboratory Assignments and Tests - Weightage 20%.
(iv) Completion of Project- Weightage 50%.

NOTE: Group size of minimum of 2 students and maximum of 4 students shall be used.

Course Title : Theory of Machines
Course Code : MEPC-203 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least two)
(15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to-
CO 1 Understand the concepts of machines, mechanisms and related
CO 2 Analyze planar mechanism for displacement, velocity and acceleration graphically.

CO 3 Analyze various motion transmission elements like gears, gear trains, cams, belt drives
and rope drives.
CO 4 Utilize analytical, mathematical and graphical aspects of kinematics of machines for
effective design.
CO 5 Perform the kinematic analysis of a given mechanism.

Course Details:
Basic Concepts: Kinematics of machine, Kinematic link and their different types, types of
kinematic pair, kinematic chain, mechanism and inversions of four bar chain and slider crank
mechanism. Degree of freedom, synthesis of linkages – number synthesis, Grashof’s criterion and
introduction to dimensional synthesis.
Velocity Analysis: Motion of a link, velocity of a point on a link by relative velocity method,
velocities of slider crank mechanisms, rubbing velocity at a pin joint, velocity of a point on a link
by instantaneous center method, properties and types of I-Center, Kennedy theorem and methods
of locating I-centres in a mechanism.
Acceleration Analysis: Acceleration of a point on a link, acceleration in slider crank mechanism,
Coriolis component of acceleration, Quick-return mechanism.
Cams and Follower: Types of cams and followers, cam terminology, types of motion of the
follower, analysis of motion of the follower, analysis of motion of the follower for cams with
specified contours.
Gears: Classification of gears, terminology used in gears, law of gearing, velocity of sliding, forms
of teeth, construction and properties of an involute, construction and properties of cycloidal teeth,
effect of variation of center distance on the velocity ratio of involute profile tooth gears, length of
path of contact, arc of contact, number of pairs of teeth in contact, interference, minimum number
of teeth, interference between rack and pinion, undercutting, terminology of helical and worm gears.
Gear Trains: Definition of simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains, velocity ratio of
epicyclic gear trains.
Belt, Rope and Chain Drive: Types of belt drives, velocity ratio, law of belting, length of belt,
ratio of friction tensions, power transmitted, effect of centrifugal tension on power transmission,
condition for maximum power transmission, concept of slip and creep. Chain drive, chain length
and angular speed ratio.
Governors: Different types of centrifugal and inertia governors: hunting, isochronism, stability,
effort and power of governor, controlling force.
List of Extended Activities:

1. Kinematic analysis of planar 4-bar mechanism using MATLAB.
2. Kinematic analysis of slider-crank mechanism using MATLAB.
3. Kinematic analysis of Watt mechanism using MATLAB.
4. Kinematic analysis of Stephenson mechanism using MATLAB.
5. Design of cam and follower using MATLAB.
6. Design and kinematic analysis of gears using MATLAB.
7. Velocity and acceleration diagrams using MATLAB.

Suggested Textbooks:
1. Ratan S S, “Theory of Machines”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (2017).
2. Bevan T, “The Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition CBS Publishers and Distributors
3. Shigley J E and Vickar J J, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism”, 2nd Edition,
McGrawHill, New Delhi (1995).
4. Wilson C and Sadler J, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
5. Russell K, Shen Q and Sodhi R S, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems”,
2nd Edition, CRC Press, (2019).

Online Resources:

Course Title : Dynamics of Machines

Course Code : MEPC-204 Course Type : Core
Contact Hours : L- 3 T- 1 P- 0 Credit : 4
Program/Semester : B. Tech.
Evaluation Scheme : Mid Sem Exam (30%), End Sem Exam (50%), Quizzes (at least two)
(15%), and Assignment/Project (5%)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to-
CO 1 Able to do static and dynamic force analysis on different mechanism.

CO 2 Able to demonstrate the torque analysis on any kind of fly wheel i.e., either on engine
fly wheel or machine fly wheel.
CO 3 Understand and avoid/suppress certain common dynamical problems a machinery may
CO 4 Understand the fundamentals of mechanical vibrations.

CO 5 Understand the fundamentals of machine design for desired kinematic or dynamic


Course Details:
Static Force Analysis: Static equilibrium, equilibrium of two-force and three-force members,

members with two forces and a torque, free body diagram, principle of virtual work, friction in
Dynamic Force Analysis: D‟ Alembert Principle, dynamic analysis of four-link mechanisms and
slider-crank mechanisms, analytical and graphical method, velocity and acceleration of piston,
angular velocity and angular acceleration of connecting rod, piston and crank effort, inertia of
connecting rod, inertia force in reciprocating parts.
Balancing: Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of several masses in different planes, Balancing
of reciprocating masses, balancing of locomotive, partial balancing, direct and reverse crank method,
balancing of inline engines and V-Engines, balancing machines.
Flywheels: Turning moment diagram for steam engine and four-stroke internal combustion engine
and for multicylinder engines, fluctuation of energy and speed in flywheels, size of flywheel and
flywheel for punching press.
Lower Pairs: Pantograph, straight line mechanisms, engine indicators, automobile steering gears,
Hooke’s joint and Double Hooke’s joint.
Gyroscope: Effect of gyroscopic couple on supporting and holding structures of machines.
Gyroscopic effect on naval and air ships and automobiles.
Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of brakes, principle and function of various types of brakes,
problems to determine braking capacity, different types of dynamometers.
List of Extended Activities:

1. Static force analysis of planar 4-bar mechanism using MATLAB.

2. Static force analysis of Watt mechanism using MATLAB.
3. Dynamic force analysis of planar 4-bar mechanism using MATLAB.
4. Dynamic force analysis of Watt mechanism using MATLAB.
5. Solve balancing problems using MATLAB.
Suggested Textbooks:
1. Ratan S S, “Theory of Machines”, 4th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (2017).
2. Bevan T, “The Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition CBS Publishers and Distributors
3. Shigley J E and Vickar J J, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism”, 2nd Edition,
McGrawHill, New Delhi (1995).
4. Wilson C and Sadler J, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
5. Russell K, Shen Q and Sodhi R S, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Mechanical Systems”,
2nd Edition, CRC Press, (2019).

Online Resources:

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