College ME Syllabus
College ME Syllabus
College ME Syllabus
The following scheme is the revised BTech Teaching scheme and curriculum applicable
from 2018 admission onwards.
It has been proposed to have a 07 letters alpha numeric code for each course – XXYY-
ABB. Wherein the first four letters are alphabets and next 03 are numerals.
Departmental Codes
Course Codes
B. Tech. 2ndYear Semester III
B. Tech. 3rdYear Semester VI
S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-302 Fluid Machinery 3 0 0 3
2 MEPC-304 Industrial Automation 3 0 0 3
3 XXOE-XXX Open Elective-I 3 0 0 3
4 MEPE-3XX Programme Elective-I 3 0 0 3
5 MEPC-306 Design of Machine Elements-II 3 0 0 3
6 MEPC-308 Numerical Methods in Mechanical Engineering 3 0 0 3
7 MEPC-310 Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery Lab 0 0 2 1
8 MEPC-312 Industrial Automation & Mechatronics Lab 0 0 2 1
9 MEPC-314 Design of Machine Elements-II Lab 0 0 2 1
10 MECI-300 Minor Project, Phase-II 0 0 2 2
Total Credits 18 0 8 23
B. Tech. 4 Year Semester VII
S. No. Course Code Course Title L T P C
1 MEPC-401 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 3 0 0 3
2 MEPC-403 Vibrations and Control 3 0 0 3
3 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-II 3 0 0 3
4 MEPE-4XX Programme Elective-III 3 0 0 3
5 XXOE-XXX Open Elective-II 3 0 0 3
6 MECI-411 Industrial Lecture* 1 0 0 1
7 MECI-400 Major Project ( Phase –I) 0 0 4 0**
8 Refrigeration and Air Conditioning 0 0 2 1
9 MEPC-407 Vibrations and Control Lab 0 0 2 1
10 MECI-413 Industrial Practical Training 0 0 0 2#
Total Credits 17 0 8 20
* Minimum 04 Industrial lectures to be organised by department in final year of study. Grades to be
awarded based upon Quiz test on the same day of lecture
** Major Project, to be allotted in beginning of 7 th Semester, evaluation at the end of 8th Semester
# Industrial Practical Training will be held during summer vacation after sixth semester
B. Tech. 4thYear Semester VIII
21 MEPE-421 Numerical Control for Machine Tool 3 0 0 3
22 MEPE-422 Numerical Heat Transfer 3 0 0 3
23 MEPE-423 Robotics: Mechanics and Control 3 0 0 3
24 MEPE-424 Solar Thermal Process 3 0 0 3
25 MEPE-425 System Design 3 0 0 3
26 MEPE-426 Theory of Elasticity 3 0 0 3
27 MEPE-427 Theory of Plasticity 3 0 0 3
28 MEPE-428 Tool Design 3 0 0 3
29 MEPE-429 Unconventional Methods of Machining 3 0 0 3
30 MEPE-430 Vibro-Acoustics 3 0 0 3
31 MEPE-431 Welding and Allied Processes 3 0 0 3
List of Minor Electives for B Tech Minor degree courses for other branch students.
1 MEMI-201 Thermo-Fluidics 3 0 0 3
Total Credit 18 0 0 18
5 MEOE-355 Product Design and Development 3 0 0 3
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
L T P Credit
PHCI-101 Applied Physics-A Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO1 After completing the course students should know about the need of quantum
mechanics. They should know about dual character of radiations as well as
matter, about the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, the concept of wave
function and about Schrodinger wave equation and its applications to simple
one dimensional potential problem.
CO2 Student should know basics of vector calculus and how to use that in electricity
and magnetism. They should have knowledge of four Maxwell equations and
their Physical significance.
CO3 Students are expected to know about the special theory of relativity and how it
is different from Newtonian theory. They should have knowledge about various
interesting consequences of special theory of relativity and about Einstein mass
energy relationship.
CO4 Student should know different types of crystal system, about Miller indices and
their use and about different types of defects in the crystals.
CO5 Students will learn about the strength of materials, the processes leading to
failure in materials and creep mechanism.
CO6 Student will be familiar with the laws of thermodynamics, difference between
classical and quantum statistical mechanics, application of statistical mechanics
to calculate the specific heats of solids and for free electron gas.
Detailed Syllabus
Quantum Theory: Need of Quantum theory, Photoelectric effect, The Compton effect;
matter waves, group and phase velocities; Uncertainty principle and its application; time
independent and time dependent Schrödinger wave equation; Eigen values and Eigen
functions, Born‟s interpretation and normalization of wave function, orthogonal wave
functions; applications of Schrödinger wave equation for particle in one dimensional infinite
potential well.
(08 Lectures)
Electromagnetism: Gradient of a scalar, divergence and curl of a vector; electric potential
due to arbitrary continuous charge distribution, multipole expansion; dielectrics: polarization,
Gauss law in dielectrics, electric displacement, susceptibility & permittivity; continuity
equation, derivation of integral and differential forms of Maxwell equations and their
physical significance; EM waves in free space.
(10 Lectures)
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
Theory of Relativity: Galilean transformations, Galilean Invariance, concept of ether;
Michelson-Morley experiment; Einstein‟s postulates and Lorentz transformation equations,
Consequences of Special Theory of relativity: length contraction, Time dilation, and
simultaneity of events, addition of velocity, variation of mass with velocity, mass-energy
relation, energy-momentum relation. (08 Lectures)
Crystal Structure: Fundamental concepts, Crystal systems, Closed packed structures,
Crystallographic planes and directions, Miller indices, Crystal defects. (06 Lectures)
Mechanical Properties: The elastic properties, model of elastic behavior, plastic
deformation tensile stress-strain curve, shear strength of perfect and real crystals, mechanical
failure, fatigue and fracture, creeps: mechanism of creep, characterization of creep curves.
(06 Lectures)
Thermal Physics: Seebeck effect, Peltier effect, Thomson effect, Kelvin relationships,
Wiedemann-Franz law, Thermal equilibrium, Entropy, The laws of thermodynamics, thermal
conductivity of bulk materials, Phonons: lattice vibration heat transfer, specific heat of solids,
classical, Einstein and Debye Model, Ideal quantum gases: Maxwell-Boltazmann, Bose-
Einstein, Fermi-Dirac statistics, Carnot efficiency. (06 Lectures)
Books Recommended:
1. A. Beiser, “Concepts of Modem Physics”, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 6th Ed. (2002).
2. K S Krane, “Modern Physics”, John Wiely & Sons, Inc., 3rd Ed. (2011).
3. Raymond A Serway“Modern Physics”, Thomson, 3rd Ed.
4. D. J. Griffiths, “Introduction to Electrodynamics”, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2nd
Ed. (1998).
5. H K Malik & A K Malik, “Engineering Physics”, McGraw Hill Education, 2nd Ed.
6. Callister W.D. “Material Science and Engineering”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York,
7. V. Raghavan “Introduction to Material Science and Engineering”, Prentice Hall of India.
8. Daneil V Schroedar, “Introduction to Thermal Physics”, Pearson, India (2014).
9. Stephen J. Blundell and Katherine M. Blundell, “Concepts in Thermal Physics”, Oxford,
Indian Ed. (2014).
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
CO1 Emphasis laid upon the principles and fundamentals involved in the inter-
conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy and vice versa.
The subject also offers a birds eye-view to all students about the common
CO2 engineering materials finding vide application in Mech. Engg. Industry and
about their strength and other related vital aspects.
CO3 Understand the basic concepts of fundamental of fluid mechanics and
CO4 To understand basic principle of engineering mechanics to design and
analyze various types of structural elements.
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended
1. Engg. Thermodynamics by P.K Nag, Tata McGraw- Hill education, 01- April- 2005.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
L T P Credit
CSCI-101 Computer Programming Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Develop simple applications in c using basic constructs
CO 2 Design and implement applications using arrays and strings
CO 3 Develop applications in c using functions, pointers and structures.
Detailed Syllabus
Basics of C Programming
Introduction to programming paradigms, Structure of C program, C programming: Data
Types, Storage classes, Constants, Enumeration Constants, Keywords, Operators: Precedence
and Associativity, Expressions, Input/Output statements, Assignment statements, Decision
making statements, Switch statement, Looping statements, Pre-processor directives,
Compilation process
Structure, Nested structures, Pointer and Structures, Array of structures, Example Program
using structures and pointers, Self-referential structures, Dynamic memory allocation, Singly
linked list typedef.
File Processing
Files, Types of file processing: Sequential access, Random access, Sequential access file,
Example Program: Finding average of numbers stored in sequential access file, Random
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
access file, Example Program: Transaction processing using random access files, Command
line arguments
L T P Credit
MACI-101 Applied Mathematics-I Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To develop skill of higher derivative, expansion of functions in ascending
power of variable & value of the function in neighboured of some points.
To determine limits of indeterminate function applicable to already word
CO 2 problems & engineering problems.
CO 3 To gain the knowledge to solve differential equation arising in different
Engineering branch and able to form mathematical & physical interpretation of
its solution which place important role in all branches of engineering.
CO 4 To demonstrate the basic concepts in Fourier series, properties, parseval‟s
CO 5 To apply the concepts of Fourier and integral transform.
CO 6 To develop the concepts of Laplace transformation & inverse Laplace transform
with its property to solve partial differential equation and ordinary differential
equation with given boundary conditions which is helpful in all engineering &
research work.
CO 7 To develop the concepts of Z-Transform and its application.
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
Fourier series of periodic functions, even and odd functions, half range expansions and
Fourier set of different wave forms, complex form of Fourier series and practical harmonic
Fourier transforms, Fourier integral theorem. Fourier sine.Cosine integrals and transforms.
Fourier transforms of derivatives of a function, convolution theorem. Parseval‟s indentity.
Books Recommended:
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
Detailed Syllabus
Projection of Lines: Parallel to both H P and V P, Parallel to one and inclined to other,
Contained in profile plane, Other typical cases: three view projection of straight lines, true
length and angle orientation of straight line: rotation method and auxiliary plane method,
Distance between two non-intersecting lines, trace of line.
Projection of Planes: Difference between plane and lamina, Projection of lamina, Parallel to
one and perpendicular to other, Perpendicular to one and inclined to other, Inclined to both
reference planes, Plane oblique to three reference planes, application of auxiliary planes,
trace of planes.
Projection of Solids: Definition of solids, types of solids, and elements of solids, Projection
of solids in first or third quadrant, Axis parallel to one and perpendicular to other, Axis
parallel to one inclined to other, Axis inclined to both the principle plane, Axis perpendicular
to profile plane and parallel to both H P and V P, visible and invisible details in the
projection, Use of rotation and auxiliary plane method.
Development of Surface: Purpose of development, Parallel line, radial line and triangulation
method, Development of prism, cylinder, cone and pyramid surface for both right angled and
oblique solids, Development of surface.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
1. Bhatt N.D., “Engineering Drawing”, 53rd Ed., Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
Gujarat (2017).
2. Gill P.S., “Engineering Drawing”, 2013 Ed., S.K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 2013.
3. Frederick E. Giesecke, Shawna Lockhart, Marla Goodman, Cindy M. Johnson,
4. “Technical Drawing with Engineering Graphics”, 15th Ed., Prentice Hall, USA, 2016.
5. M.B. Shah, B.C. Rana, “Engineering Drawing”, 3rd Ed., Pearson Education, New
Delhi, 2009.
6. Kirstie Plantenberg, “Engineering Graphics Essentials-Text and Digital Learning”, 5th
Ed., SDC Publications, USA (2016).
L T P Credit
PHCI-102 Applied Physics-A Lab Core Course
0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Students will learn about the application and working of basic semiconductor
CO 2 Students will learn about various aspects of waves.
CO 3 Students will learn about the thermal properties of materials.
CO 4 Students will learn how to experimentally calculate some of the quantities
related to quantum physics.
CO 5 Students will learn about basics of experimental electromagnetism.
CO 6 Students will learn to use experimental set-up to calculate the elastic constants
of materials and to study their mechanical properties.
List of Experiments
1. To verify the laws of vibrating strings by Melde‟s experiments that is to show that λ2/T
2. To determine the impedance of A.C. Circuits.
3. To study the characteristic of PN diode and Zener diode.
4. To find out the intensity response of a solar cell/Photo diode.
5. To analyze the suitability of a given Zener diode as a power regulator.
6. To determine the band gap of a semiconductor.
7. To study the effect of voltmeter resistance on voltage measurement.
8. To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of a circular coil
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester I
Books Recommended:
1. R S Sirohi “Practical Physics” Wiley Eastern, New Delhi.
2. C L Arora “B.Sc. Practical Physics”, S Chand & Company
L T P Credit
CSCI-102 Computer Programming Lab Core Course
0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To introduce the concepts of structured Programming language.
To introduce the concepts of pointers and files
CO 2
CO 3 To introduce the concepts of primitive Data Structures.
List of Experiments
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
L T P Credit
CYCI-101 Applied Chemistry-A Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To understand the solid state chemistry of the materials along with the
distribution of solvents and their application in solvent extraction.
To understand the phase transitions of different compositions of the elements,
CO 2 alloys and interpret the phase diagram of phases present.
CO 3 To study the spectra of compounds and propose the structures of the
compounds along with applications of the spectroscopy in various fields.
CO 4 To study the reaction mechanisms of the various reactions and use of various
reagents. To understand the shape and structure, stability, magnetic properties,
and applications of coordination complexes.
CO 5 To examine the role of metals in biology, the study biological processessuch as
respiration, oxygen transport, role of Myoglobin and Hemoglobin and metal
properties in biological chemistry.
CO 6 To understand the basic concept of Nanochemistry along with fabrication,
characterization and application of nanomaterials.
CO 7 To identify and formulate the conducting polymers and their applications in
different fields.
Detailed Syllabus
Phase Equlibria & Distribution Law: Phase diagram for single component system, carbon
dioxide system, sulphur system, carbon system, helium system, Two component systems:
Pb-Ag system, Bi-Cd system, Kl-H2O system, Iron Carbon Equilibrium diagram, Iron
Allotropy, Micro Constituents of Iron and Steel
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Fuels & Lubricants: Classification of fuels, Calorific values, Comparison between solid,
liquid and gaseous fuels, Bomb calorimeter, Calorific value of gaseous fuel, Theoretical
calculation of calorific value of a fuel, Wood, Coal, Classification of coal by rank, Selection
of coal, analysis of coal, Natural Gas, Producer gas, water gas, Non-Conventional sources of
Friction and wear, Lubricants, Mechanism of lubrication, classification of lubricants,
lubricating oils, Greases or Semi-Solid lubricants, Solid lubricants, Synthetic lubricants,
Lubricating emulsions, Properties of lubricating oils, Properties of greases, Cutting fluids,
Selection of lubricants.
Water treatment: Introduction, Hardness of water, Disadvantages of hard water, Scale and
Sludge formation in boilers, Caustic Embrittlement, Boiler corrosion, Priming and foaming,
softening methods, Drinking water or municipal water.
Cement, Refractions, Glass & Ceramics, Optical Fibers: Inorganic cementing materials,
Gypsum plaster, cement, Manufacture of Portland cement, Chemical composition of cement,
chemical constitution of Portland cement, setting and hardening of Portland cement, heat of
hydration of cement, special cements, concrete and RCC, Decay of concrete, Glasses and
ceramics, Types of glasses, Optical fibers.
Books Recommended:
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
12. Engineering Chemistry (16th Edition) Jain, Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publishing
L T P Credit
MACI-102 Applied Mathematics-II Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To understand the theory of matrices for solving linear system of algebraic
equations, eigen value problems and its application to system of ordinary
differential equations.
CO 2 To attain knowledge of the concepts of partial differentiation, maxima and
minima, power series expansion of function of several variables.
CO 3 To understand and apply the knowledge of double and triple integrals for
evaluation of area, surface area and volume.
CO 4 To analyse the physical interpretation of gradient, divergence and curl of
various scalar and vector fields.
CO 5 To understand the basics of vector integration and theorems related to line,
surface and volume integrals.
CO 6 To solve linear, non-linear, homogeneous, non-homogeneous partial
differential equations which arise in many branches of science and engineering.
Detailed Syllabus
Linear dependence of vectors and rank of matrices, linear transformations and inverse of
matrices, reduction to normal form, bilinear form and quadratic form, consistency and
solution of linear algebraic system of equations, eigen values, eigen vectors and their
applications to system of ordinary differential equations, Cayley Hamilton Theorem,
orthogonal, unitary, hermitian and similar matrices.
Double and triple integrals, change of order of integration, change of variables, applications
to evaluation of area, surface area and volume.
Scalar and vector fields; differentiation of vectors, velocity and acceleration, vector
differential operators Del, Gradient, Divergence and Curl and their physical interpretations,
formulae involving these operators, line, surface and volume integrals, solenoidal and
irrotational vectors, Green‟s theorem, Gauss divergence theorem, Stoke‟s theorem and their
Formulation and classification of partial differential equations, solution of first order linear
equations, standard forms of non-linear equations, Charpit‟s method, linear equations with
constant coefficients, non-homogeneous linear equations, Monge‟s method for
nonhomogeneous equations of second order; separation of variables method for solution of
heat, wave and Laplace equation.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Books Recommended
1. E Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”. 8th Ed. John Willey, Singpore
(2001) 2. R K Jain and S R K lyengar, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, 2nd Ed.
Narosa Publishing house, New Delhi (2003).
2. I A N Sneddon, “Elements of Partial Differential Equations “Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
3. B S Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”, Thirty-fifth edition, Khanna
Publishers, Delhi.
L T P Credit
ICCI-101 Basic Electrical Science Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 After completing this course the student is expected to solve and analyze
various simple electrical networks (both ac and dc) using network laws and
CO 2 The student will be learning basic concepts of ac circuits and is expected to
solve simple single phase and three phase ac circuits.
CO 3 He will also learn the principle and working of basic electrical measuring
instruments and devices so that he can understand the behavior and
performance of them.
Detailed Syllabus
Network Laws and Theorems: Network Laws for D.C. networks- Kirchhoff‟s laws, Node
voltage and mesh current methods, Delta-Star and Star-Delta conversion, Classification of
network elements, Principle of Superposition, Thevenin‟s and Norton‟s Theorems, Maximum
Power Transfer Theorem.
Single Phase A.C. Circuits: Single-phase EMF generation, Effective and Average values of
sinusoids and determination of form factor, Phasor diagram, Symbolic notation, phasor in
polar, rectangular and exponential form. Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive circuits, A.C.
series and parallel circuits. Analysis of simple RLC-series circuits, Solution of parallel
circuits - resonance, Q factor.
Three Phase A.C. Circuits: Three -phase EMF generation, Delta and star connection, Line
and phase quantities and relations, Solution of 3-phase circuits – balanced voltage and
balanced load, Phasor diagrams, Measurement of power in three-phase circuits.
Magnetic Circuits and Transformers: Analogy between electric and magnetic circuits,
Magnetic Circuits, B-H Curve, Hysteresis Loop, Solutions of simple problems, Inductances
in series and parallel, Hysteresis and Eddy current losses, Transformers- constructional
details, EMF equation, rating and phasor diagrams on no-load and full-load, Equivalent
circuits, Regulation and efficiency, Open-circuit and short-circuit tests.
Electrical Machines: Basic principles of EMF generation, three phase Induction motors and
their applications.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Books Recommended
1. Hughes E, Smith IM, Hiley J and Brown K, “Hughes Electrical &
ElectronicTechnology”, 8/e, Pearson Education India
2. Del Torro, “Electrical Engineering Fundamentals”, 2/e, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Reference Books:
1. Kothari DP and Nagrath IJ, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Nagsarkar TK and Suhija MS, “Basic Electrical Engineering”, Oxford Univ. Press
3. Bell DA, “Electrical Circuit” 6th Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Syllabus
Communication: [6 Lectures]
Meaning, Significance, Process, Verbal, Non-Verbal, Types, Formal, Informal Channels,
Functions, Barriers to Communication, Miscommunication, Effective Communication
Strategies, Ethical & Legal Communication, Role of Communication in Society, Technology-
Enabled Communication: Tools, Positive and Negative Impact of Technology-Enabled
Communication, Appropriate & Effective Technology- Based Communication.
Phonetics: [7 Lectures]
Organs of Speech, Mechanism of Sound Production, Different Kinds of Sounds, Consonant
Sounds, Place of Articulation, Manner of Articulation, Vowels Sounds, Syllable Division and
Word Stress – Rules of Stress, Intonation – Pitch, Tone Shapes, Rising Tone, Falling Tone.
Basic Applied Grammar and Usage: [6 Lectures]
Transformation of Sentences, Word Used as Different Parts of Speech, One Word
Substitution, Abbreviations, Technical Terms, Foreign Expressions, Sentence: Kinds of
Sentences, Simple & Complex Sentences, Interrogative, Assertive, Affirmative & Negative,
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Recommended Books
1. Rodriques. M. V., “Effective Business Communication”, Concept Publishing Company
New Delhi, 1992 reprint (2000)
2. Sharma. R. C., Mohan. Krishna, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing- A
practical approach to business and technical communication” Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
3. Bhattacharya. Indrajit., “An Approach to Communication Skills”, Dhanpat Rai &
Co.,(Pvt.) Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Wright. Chrissie, “Handbook of Practical Communication Skills”, Jaico Publishing
House. Mumbai.
5. Gartside. L., “Modern Business Correspondence”, Pitman Publishing London.
6. Gimson. A.C., “An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”, ELBS. (YP)
7. Bansal. R. K. & Harrison. J.B., “Spoken English”, Orient Longman Hyderabad.
8. Eckersley. C. E., “A Comprehensive English Grammar” Orient Longman Hyderabad.
9. Carter. Ronald and McCarthy. Michael., “Cambridge Grammar of English”. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
10. Chaturvedi. P. D. & Chaturvedi. Mukesh., “Business Communication- Concepts, cases &
applications, Pearson Publications.
11. Swan. Michael., Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
L T P Credit
IPCI-101 Manufacturing Processes Core Course
2 0 0 2
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Ability to clear basic fundamental concepts of machining, welding, casting,
CO 1 forming and list of major metal, nonmetal, alloy and their physical
CO 2 Selecting or suggesting suitable manufacturing processes to achieve the
required products with the aim of avoiding material and time wastage.
CO 3 Recommend appropriate part manufacturing processes when provided a
set of functional requirements and product development constraints.
CO 4 Developing manufacturing processes and tools for typical applications in the
Detailed Syllabus
Manufacturing: Introduction to manufacturing processes, Basic terminology used
Economical and technological considerations.
Fitting: Introduction, Tools used in fitting, measuring and marking tools, the process of
making sawing, Filling, Tapping and die, Introduction to drills.
Welding: Introduction, Various welding processes with brief introduction, Electric Arc
welding, Arc welding procedure, List of equipment for electric arc welding, Gas welding
process and equipment, Soldering and Brazing process.
Smithy: Introduction, Types of forging, Equipment used in the smithy shop, Smithy tools,
Black smith‟s hearth, Hand forging operations.
Metal cutting: Introduction, Classification of machine tools and cutting tolls, Basic
operations on lathe, Drilling, Shaper, Milling, Cutting tool material, Work-holding devices,
Cutting parameters i.e. speed, feed and depth of cut.
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Books Recommended
1. Schey A J, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill Book Company,
New York (1987).
2. Sharma P C, “Production Technology”, S Chand & Co, (2003)
3. DeGarmo E Paul, “Materials & Processes in Manufacturing”, Wiley, 9th Edition.
4. Parmar R S, “Welding Processes & Technology”, Dhanpat Rai Publishers.
5. Juneja B L, “Fundamentals of Metal Cutting & Machine Tools”, New Age
International (1998)
Detailed Syllabus
Business Letters:
Structure of Business Letters, Language in Business Letters, Letters of Enquiry & Their
Places, Sales Letters, Memorandum, Quotations, Tenders, Bank Correspondence,
Applications and Appointment Letters, Resume, Bio data, Curriculum Vitae.
[6 lectures]
Essay Writing:
Definition of Essay, Types of Essay, Essay writing for Engineers/Professionals, Use of Essay
Writing, Dimensions of Essay Writing: Literary, Scientific, Sociological, Contemporary,
Problem Solving Essays, Horizons of Essay Writing: Narrative Essays, Descriptive Essays,
Reflective Essays, Expository Essays, Argumentative and Imaginative Essays. [4 lectures]
Introduction to Phonetics:
Organs of Speech, Mechanism of Sound Production, Different Kinds of Sounds, Consonant
Sounds, Place of Articulation, Manner of Articulation, Vowels Sounds, Syllable Division and
Word Stress- Rules of Stress, Intonation- Pitch, Tone Shapes, Rising Tone, Falling Tone.
[6 lectures]
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Books Recommended
1. Rodriques. M. V., “Effective Business Communication”, Concept Publishing Company
New Delhi, 1992 reprint (2000)
2. Sharma. R. C., Mohan. Krishna, “Business Correspondence and Report Writing- A
practical approach to business and technical communication” Tata McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi.
3. Bhattacharya. Indrajit., “An Approach to Communication Skills”, Dhanpat Rai & Co.,
(Pvt.) Ltd. New Delhi.
4. Wright. Chrissie, “Handbook of Practical Communication Skills”, Jaico Publishing
House. Mumbai.
5. Gartside. L., “Modern Business Correspondence”, Pitman Publishing London.
6. Gimson. A.C., “An Introduction to the Pronunciation of English”, ELBS. (YP)
7. Bansal. R. K. & Harrison. J.B., “Spoken English”, Orient Longman Hyderabad.
8. Eckersley. C. E., “A Comprehensive English Grammar” Orient Longman Hyderabad.
9. Carter. Ronald and McCarthy. Michael., “Cambridge Grammar of English”. Cambridge
University Press, Cambridge.
10. Chaturvedi. P. D. & Chaturvedi. Mukesh., “Business Communication- Concepts, cases &
applications, Pearson Publications.
11. Swan. Michael., Practical English Usage. Oxford University Press.
L T P Credit
CYCI-103 Applied Chemistry-A Lab Core Course
0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To understand the mechanism of synthesis of polymers and their applications.
CO 2 To understand the concept of water purification through ion exchange, COD
etc techniques.
CO 3 To study the partition coefficient and distribution of solute in different
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
List of Experiments
1. Preparation of Urea-formaldehyde resins.
2. Determine the viscosity of test liquids with the help of Ostwald viscometer.
3. Find out the Rf value of the given amino acid by thin layer chromatography (TLC) and
identify the amino acid present in a given mixture by TLC
4. Isolation of caffeine from Tea leaves.
5. To determine the molecular weight of an organic compound by depression in freezing
point (Rast Camphor method).
6. Find out the ion–exchange capacity of a cation exchanger (Dowex -50).
7. To prepare phenol formaldehyde resin (Bakelite).
8. To determine the ion-exchange capacity of a given anion exchange resin.
9. To synthesize Paracetamol and determine the percentage yield of the product.
10. Determine the equivalent weight of a given acid.
11. Determination of total (temporary and permanent) hardness in water sample using EDTA
as standard solution (Complexometric Titration).
12. Separation of Metal ions by paper chromatography.
13. To estimate the nickel content in the given sample using dimethyl glyoxime.
14. To determine the strength of given acid using pH titrations.
15. To determine the strength of given acid using conductometric titrations.
16. To determine the average molecular weight of a polymer.
17. Determine the surface concentration of 1-butanol in aqueous solution.
18. Determine the amount of sodium carbonate and sodium hydroxide in a mixture by
19. Determination of ferrous ions using potassium dichromate by internal indicator.
20. To Purify Common organic solvents by distillation.
21. To Determine the Acid Value of Fat.
22. To prepare the pure sample of phthalimide.
23. Isolation of Casein Protein from Milk.
24. Synthesis of cis- and trans- potassiumdioxalatodiaquochromate (III)
25. Preparation of a conducting polymer.
26. To determine concentration of trace metals by atomic absorption spectrophotometer.
L T P Credit
CYCI-104 Environmental Studies Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
Detailed Syllabus
Unit 3: Ecosystems
• Concept of an ecosystem.
• Structure and function of an ecosystem.
• Producers, consumers and decomposers.
• Energy flow in the ecosystem.
• Ecological succession.
• Food chains, food webs and ecological pyramids.
• Introduction, types, characteristic features, structure and function of the following
ecosystem: -
a) Forest ecosystem
b) Grassland ecosystem
c) Desert ecosystem
d) Aquatic ecosystems (ponds, streams, lakes, rivers, oceans, estuaries)
(6 lectures)
Unit 4: Biodiversity and its conservation
Introduction – Definition: genetic, species and ecosystem diversity.
Biogeographical classification of India
B. Tech. 1st Year Semester II
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Books Recommended:
1. Environmental Studies, Benny Joseph, 3rd Addition, McGraw Hill Education
(India) Private Limited, 2018.
2. Environmental Studies, Deeksha Dave, S.S. Katewa, Cengage Learning India Pvt.
Ltd., 2012.
3. Environmental Chemistry, 7th Addition, A.K. DE, New Age International (P)
4. Environmental Science, Anubha Kaushik, C.P. Kaushik, New Age International
(P) Limited, 2011.
5. Environmental Studies,Reach Bharucha, 2004.
L T P Credit
MEPC-201 Strength of Materials Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites:Elements of Mechanical Engineering (MEX-102).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To establish an understanding of the fundamental concepts of mechanics of
deformable solids.
CO 2 To provide students with exposure to the systematic methods for solving
engineering problems in solid mechanics.
CO 3 To understand the basic mechanical principles underlying modern
approaches for design of various types of structural members subjected to
axial load, torsion, bending, transverse shear and combined loading.
CO 4 To build necessary theoretical background for further structural analysis and
design course.
Detailed Syllabus
Simple stresses and strains: Concept of stress and strain: St. Venants principle of stress and
strain diagram, Hooke‟s law, Young‟s modulus, Poisson ratio, stress at a point, stresses and
strains in bars subjected to axial loading, Modulus of elasticity, stress produced in compound
bars subjected to axial loading, Temperature stress and strain calculations due to applications
of axial loads and variation of temperature in single and compound walls.
Compound stresses and strains: Two dimensional system, stress at a point on a plane,
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr‟s circle of stress, ellipse of stress and
theirapplications, Two dimensional stress-strain system, principal strains and principal axis of
strain,circle of strain and ellipse of strain, Relationship between elastic constants.
Bending moment and shear force diagrams: Bending moment and shear force diagrams,
SFand BM definitions. BM and SF diagrams for cantilevers, simply supported and fixed
beams withor without overhangs and calculation of maximum BM and SF and the point of
contraflexureunder Concentrated loads, Uniformity distributed loads over the whole span or
part of span,combination of concentrated loads (two or three) and uniformly distributed loads,
uniformlyvarying loads, application of moments.
Slope and deflection: Relationship between moment, slope and deflection, Moment area
method, Macualay‟s method, Use of all these methods to calculate slope and deflection for
the determinant beams.
Torsion: Derivation of torsion equation and its assumptions. Applications of the equation of
the hollow and solid circular shafts, torsional rigidity, combined torsion and bending of
circular shafts, principal stress and maximum shear stresses under combined loading of
bending and torsion, analysis of close-coiled-helical springs.
Thin cylinders and spheres: Derivation of formulae and calculations of hoop stress
longitudinal stress in a cylinder, and sphere subjected to internal pressures increase in
Diameter and volume.
Columns and struts: Columns under uni-axial load, Buckling of Columns, Slenderness ratio
and conditions. Derivations of Euler‟s formula for elastic buckling load, equivalent
length,Rankine Gordon‟s empirical formula.
Books Recommended
1. Pytel A H and Singer F L, “Strength of Materials”, 4th Edition, Harper Collins, New
2. Beer P F and Johnston (Jr) E R, “Mechanics of Materials”, SI Version, Tata McGraw
Hill,India (2001).
3. Popov E P, “Engineering Mechanics of Solids”, SI Version 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall
ofIndia, New Delhi (2003).
4. Timoshenko S P and Young D H, “Elements of Strength of Materials”, 5th Edition,
EastWest Press, New Delhi (1984).
5. Jindal U C, “Introduction to Strength of Materials”, 3rd Edition, Galgotia Publishing
PrivateLimited New Delhi (2001).
L T P Credit
MEPC-203 Theory of Machines Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the concepts of machines, mechanisms and related
CO 2 Analyze planar mechanism for displacement, velocity and acceleration
CO 3 Analyze various motion transmission elements like gears, gear trains, cams,
belt drives and rope drives.
CO 4 Utilize analytical, mathematical and graphical aspects of kinematics of
machines for effective design.
CO 5 Perform the kinematic analysis of a given mechanism.
Detailed Syllabus
Basic Concepts: Kinematics of machine, Kinematic link and their different types, types
ofkinematic pair, kinematic chain, mechanism and inversions of four bar chain and slider
crankmechanism. Degree of freedom, synthesis of linkages – number synthesis, Grashof‟s
riterionand introduction to dimensional synthesis.
Velocity Analysis: Motion of a link, velocity of a point on a link by relative velocity method,
velocities of slider crank mechanisms, rubbing velocity at a pin joint, velocity of a point on a
link by instantaneous center method, properties and types of I-Center, Kennedy theorem
andmethods of locating I-centers in a mechanism.
Cams and Follower: Types of cams and followers, cam terminology, types of motion of
thefollower, analysis of motion of the follower, analysis of motion of the follower for cams
withspecified contours.
Gear Trains: Definition of simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains, velocity
ratio of epicyclic gear trains.
Belt, Rope and Chain Drive: Types of belt drives, velocity ratio, law of belting, length of
belt, ratio of friction tensions, power transmitted, effect of centrifugal tension on power
transmission, condition for maximum power transmission, concept of slip and creep. Chain
drive, chain length and angular speed ratio.
Governors: Different types of centrifugal and inertia governors: hunting, isochronism,
stability, effort and power of governor, controlling force.
Note: In addition to the tutorials several studies related to mechanism, mechanism trains
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Books Recommended
1. Bevan T, “The Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition CBS Publishers and Distributors
2. Shigley J E and Vickar J J, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism”, 2nd Edition,
McGrawHill, New Delhi (1995).
3. Wilson C and Sadler J, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
4. Ratan S S, “Theory of Machines”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1993).
5. Rao J S and Dukkipati R V, “Mechanism and Machine Theory”, 2nd Edition, New
AgeInternational (P) Limited, Delhi (1992).
L T P Credit
MEPC-205 Machine Drawing Core Course
1 0 6 4
Pre-requisites:Engineering Graphics (MEX-101)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Recognize to use modern engineering tools, software and equipment to analyse
different drawings for Design & manufacturing.
CO 2 Identify the elements of a detail drawing and prepare Engineering Drawing
using orthographic projections and sectional views.
CO 3 Recognition of the need and an ability to engage in self-education and life-long
An Ability to understand and apply the knowledge of machine drawing as a
CO 4 system of Communication in which ideas are expressed clearly and all
information fully conveyed.
Detailed Syllabus
Boiler Mountings: steam stop valve, feed check valve safety valve, blow off cock valve.
Introduction to Computer Aided Drafting: Students may be given some drawing problems
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Books Recommended
1. Gill P S, “Machine Drawing”, 17th Edition, S K Kataria and Sons, New Delhi (2002).
2. Bhatt N D, “Machine Drawing”, 26th Edition, Charotar Publishing House, Anand
3. Sidheshwar N, Kannaiah P and Sastry V V S, “Machine Drawing”, 27th Reprint,
TataMcGraw Hill, New Delhi (2003).
4. Luzadder W J, “Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing”, PHI, New Delhi, 9th
5. Bertoline G R, Wiebe E N., Miller C L, and Mohler J L, “Technical
GraphicsCommunication”, 2nd Edition, IRWIN McGraw Hill, New York (1997).
Core L T P Credit
MEPC-207 Applied Thermodynamics-I
Course 3 1 0 4
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understanding of properties of the steam, Rankine cycle, reheating,
regeneration, Binary vapour cycle.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Detailed Syllabus
Steam Generators: Review of steam generation process. Classification, Fire and water tube
boilers, Description of Cochran, Locomotive, Lancashire Babcock and Wilcox boilers and
Sterling Boiler, mountings and accessories: Economizer, super heater etc. Modern high
pressure boilers, Characteristi
cs of high pressure boilers, Advantages of forced circulation, steam accumulators, boiler
performance, equivalent evaporation, boiler efficiency, Boiler Trial.
Working Cycles: Simple Rankine cycle, methods of improving efficiency: Feed water
heating (Bleeding), reheat cycle, combined reheat and regenerative cycle, Ideal working fluid
– Binary vapour cycle, combined power and heating cycles. Introduction to Steam Engine
with brief discussion.
Nozzle: Types of nozzles and their utility, Flow of steam through nozzles, Critical pressure
and discharge, Area of throat and exit for maximum discharge, Effect of friction on Nozzle
efficiency, Supersaturated flow.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Books Recommended
1. Yunus Cengel& John Cimbala,” Fluid Mechanics: Fundamentals and Applications”,
2ndreprint 2007, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi.
2. F M White, “Fluid Mechanics”, 6th ed., McGraw Hill, New York.
Detailed Syllabus
Structure of Crystalline Solids:Crystal structure and crystal systems, closed packing, some
prominent crystal structures, Miller indices, determination of crystal structure, reciprocal
Imperfections in Solid: Points imperfections and their equilibrium concentration, edge and
screw dislocations, Burgers vector and the dislocation loop, stress field and energy of
dislocation, Dislocation multiplication.
Mechanical Testing: Tension test, Hardness tests, Torsion test, Impact Test, Creep &
Fatigue Testing.
Iron Carbon Diagram: Allotropic forms of carbon, solid and liquid state reactions, types of
steels, types of cast irons, microstructures at various carbon percentages, properties as a
function of microstructures, significance of IC diagram. Cooling curves and equilibrium
diagrams for brass and aluminum alloys.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Effect of Alloying Elements: Effect on strength and hardness, effect on hardenability, effect
on transformation temperature.
Books Recommended
1. Lakhtin Yu, “Engineering Physical Metallurgy & Heat Treatment”, Mir Publishers
2. Dieter E G, “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill Book Company (1988).
3. Shackelford F J, Murlidhara K M, “Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers”,
Pearson Education (2007).
4. Askerland RD, Phule P, “The Science & Engineering of Materials”, Thomson
5. Van Vlack L.H, “Elements of Material Science and Engineering”, Addison Wasley
Publishers (1989).
6. Smith W F, “Principles of Material Science and Engineering”, McGraw Hill, New
L T P Credit
MEPC-211 Fluid Mechanics-I Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To make the student understand the utility of studying the course of Fluid
CO 1 Mechanics in understanding the physical phenomenon involving fluids
either at rest or in motion.
CO 2 To enable the students understand the theoretical aspect of solving different
physical problems involving fluids at rest or in motion.
To discuss with the students different modeling techniques for writing the
CO 3 mathematics (e.g., differential and integral formulations) for fluid mechanics
To make students understand about the different techniques used for
CO 4 analyzing the theoretical, flow visualization and experimental solutions of
problems pertaining to fluid mechanics.
To make students understand key contributions by various scientists for
CO 5 development of theoretical understanding of major issues related to fluid
mechanics physics.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
To discuss with the students some bench mark analytical solutions available
CO 6 for fluid mechanics and problems and general procedure for solving
theoretical models equations and limitations of analytical solution
Detailed Syllabus
The Concept of a Fluid, The Fluid as a Continuum, Dimensions and Units, Physical
Properties of the fluids, Velocity Field, Thermodynamic Properties of a Fluid, Viscosity and
other Secondary Properties, History and Scope of Fluid Mechanics Basic Physical Laws of
Fluid Mechanics, Uncertainty of Experimental Data, Basic Flow-Analysis Techniques;
Problem-Solving Techniques, the Engineering Equation Solver.
Fluid Statics
Hydrostatic Pressure Distributions, Application to Manometry, Hydrostatic Forces on Plane
Surfaces, Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces, Hydrostatic Forces in Layered Fluids,
Buoyancy and Stability, Meta- centre and Meta-centric height, Pressure Distribution in Rigid-
Body Motion
Fluid Kinematics
The Acceleration Field of a Fluid, the Differential Equation of Mass Conservation, The
Differential Equation of Linear Momentum, The Differential Equation of Angular
Momentum, The Differential Equation of Energy, Boundary Conditions for the Basic
Equations, the Reynolds Transport Theorem, Formulation of equations for Conservation of
Mass, Linear Momentum, Angular-Momentum and Steady Flow Energy Equation (SFEE)
from the Theorem, Frictionless Flow: The Bernoulli Equation, The Stream Function,
Vorticity and Irrotationality, Frictionless Irrotational Flows. Flow Patterns: Streamlines,
Streaklines, Pathlines and Timelines.
Viscous Flow: Navier-Stokes equation of motion, relationship between shear stress and
pressure gradient, two-dimensional laminar flow between two fixed parallel planes and pipe
flow, plain Couette flow and its application to hydro-dynamic theory of lubrication, Flow in
Noncircular Ducts, Minor Losses in Pipe Systems, Multiple-Pipe Systems, Experimental
Duct Flows: Diffuser Performance, Fluid Meters.
Flow Around Immersed Bodies: Concept of friction, pressure, wave and induced drag- lift
and drag coefficients; variation of drag coefficient with Reynolds number for two
dimensional bodies (flat plate, circular cylinder); Vortex shedding from cylindrical bodies,
effect of streamlining; drag coefficient versus Reynolds number for flow past axisymmetric
bodies (sphere); Terminal velocity, lift of an airfoil, airfoil of finite length-effect on drag and
lift, downwash and induced drag.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester III
Books Recommended
1. Çengel, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA.
2. Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th
Ed., Wiley, New York, NY, 2002.
3. White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill 2003.
4. Kundu, P. K., and Ira M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed., Academic Press,
2007/Elsevier, 2008. ISBN-10: 0123737354, ISBN-13: 978-0123737359.
5. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1991.
6. Currie, I.G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1993.
7. Panton, R.L., Incompressible Flow, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
8. Fay, J. A., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994.
ISBN: 0262061651
9. Chevray, R. and J. Mathieu, Topics in Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
List of Experiments
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
7. Preparation of specimen for hardness test & testing of prepared specimens for Brinell
hardness, Rockwell hardness & Vickers Hardness.
8. To study the behaviour of steel and aluminum specimen under torsion.
9. Analyzing the microstructure of steel and cast iron using Metallurgical Microscope.
10. Determining the grain size of the given specimen using Metallurgical Microscope.
11. Hardening of ferrous specimen by quenching in oil bath &Analyzing the
microstructure using Metallurgical Microscope.
12. Annealing of ferrous specimen by slow cooling in the furnace &Analyzing the
microstructure using Metallurgical Microscope.
Core L T P Credit
MEPC-215 Theory of Machines Lab*
Course 0 0 2 1
List of Experiments
1. Kinematics of Four Bar, Slider Crank, Crank Rocker, Double crank, Double rocker,
Oscillating cylinder Mechanisms.
2. Experimental study of velocity ratios of simple, compound, Epicyclic and differential
gear trains.
3. Determination of Mass moment of inertia of Fly wheel and Axle system.
4. Study of gyroscopic effect and couple in motorized gyroscope.
5. Determination of range sensitivity, effort etc., for Watts, Porter, Proell, and Hartnell
6. Cam profile drawing, Motion curves and study of jump phenomenon
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
Core L T P Credit
MEPC-202 Applied Thermodynamics-II
Course 3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites:Applied Thermodynamics-I (MEPC-207)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Apply mass, momentum, energy and entropy balances to compressible flow
and use compressible flow tables and relations to solve problems involving
compressible flow in a nozzle and diffuser.
CO 2 Apply the principles of thermodynamics to evaluate the performance of
Rotary, Centrifugal and Axial Air compressors,
CO 3 Design the bladeing, study the velocity triangles and estimate the performance
of centrifugal and axial flow compressors.
Understand the ideal and real thermodynamic cycles of air-breathing
CO 4 engines and Industrial gas turbines Gas Turbines incorporating intercooling,
reheat, regeneration, afterburning, etc.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Stagnation properties, sonic velocity and Mach number, Mach waves, Flow
through Nozzles and diffusers,Metastable state and super saturated flow, thrust function.
Flow through variable area, isentropic flow, adiabatic flow with friction; Flow through
constant area with friction (Fanno Flow), Frictionless Flow through a constant area duct with
heat transfer (Rayleigh Flow), Isothermal flow through a constant area duct, normal shock
waves, Rankine Hugoniot equation, Strength of shock waves, application of gamma function
to specific flow process.
Axial Flow Compressor: Components of axial flow compressor, aerofoil blading, angle of
attack, coefficients of lift and drag, turbine versus compressor blades, velocity vector
diagrams, thermodynamic analysis and power calculations. Modes of energy transfer in rotor
and stator blade flow passages. Work done factor, Degree of reaction and Blade efficiency,
isentropic polytropic and Isothermal Efficiencies. Surging, choking and stalling in axial flow
compressors, characteristic curves for axial flow compressor, flow parameters of axial flow
compressor pressure coefficient, flow coefficient, work coefficient and temperature rise
coefficient, specific speed etc. Comparison of axial flow compressor with centrifugal
compressor and reaction turbine.Application of axial flow compressors.
Gas Turbines: Classification, Open and closed cycle and their comparison. Application of
gas turbine.Position of gas turbine in power industry.Thermodynamic analysis-Brayton cycle,
calculation of net output, work ratio, and thermal efficiency, Operating variables and their
effects on thermal efficiency and work ratio.Gas turbine cycle with regeneration,
intercooling, multistage compression and expansion. Closed and semi closed gas turbine
cycle, requirements of a gas turbine combustion chamber, types of combustion chambers,
Pressure losses in heat exchangers and combustion chambers. Gas turbine fuels.
Books Recommended
1. Shepherd D G, “An Introduction to Gas Turbine”, Von Nastrand, New York (1949).
2. Stodola A, “Steam and Gas Turbines”, McGraw Hill Book Company, (1970).
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
L T P Credit
MEPC-204 Dynamics of Machines Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites:Theory of Machines (MEPC-203).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Able to do static and dynamic force analysis on different mechanism.
CO 2 Able to demonstrate the torque analysis on any kind of fly wheel i.e., either
on engine fly wheel or machine fly wheel.
CO 3 Understand and avoid/suppress certain common dynamical problems a
machinery may undergo.
CO 4 Understand the fundamentals of machine design for desired kinematic or
dynamic performance.
CO 5 Understand the fundamentals of mechanical vibrations.
Detailed Syllabus
Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of brakes, principle and function of various types of
brakes, problems to determine braking capacity, different types of dynamometers.
Static Force Analysis: Static equilibrium, equilibrium of two-force and three-force members,
members with two forces and a torque, free body diagram, principle of virtual work, friction
in mechanisms.
Balancing: Static and dynamic balancing, balancing of several masses in different planes,
Balancing of reciprocating masses, balancing of locomotive, partial balancing, direct and
reverse crank method, balancing of inline engines and V-Engines, balancing machines.
Lower Pairs: Pantograph, straight line mechanisms, engine indicators, automobile steering
gears, Hooke‟s joint and Double Hooke‟s joint.
Flywheels: Turning moment diagram for steam engine and four-stroke internal combustion
engine and for multicylinder engines, fluctuation of energy and speed in flywheels, size of
flywheel and flywheel for punching press.
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
Books Recommended
1. Bevan T, “The Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition CBS Publishers and Distributors
2. Shigley J E and Vickar J J, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism”, 2nd Edition,
McGrawHill, New Delhi (1995).
3. Wilson C and Sadler J, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
4. Ratan S S, “Theory of Machines”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1993).
5. Rao J S and Dukkipati R V, “Mechanism and Machine Theory”, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (P) Limited, Delhi (1992).
Detailed Syllabus
Strain energy: Energy of dilation and distortion, resilience stress due to suddenly applied
loads, Castigliano‟s theorem, Maxwell‟s theorem of reciprocal deflection.
Theories of Failure: Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory,
maximum strain energy theory, maximum shear strain energy theory, graphical representation
and derivation of equation for each and their application to problems relating to two
dimensional stress systems only.
Distribution of Shear Stress in Beams: Derivation of general formula and its application to
rectangular, triangular, I, C, T, L, circular and hollow sections.
Springs: Closed and open coiled helical springs: Derivation of formula and application
fordeflection and rotation of free end under the action of axial load and or axial couple; flat
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
spiralsprings – derivation of formula for strain energy, maximum stress and rotation. Leaf
spring,deflection and bending stresses
Books Recommended
1. Timoshenko, S P, James M and Gere,” Mechanics of Materials”, 2nd Edition,
CBSPublishers, New Delhi (1998).
2. Boresi A P, Schmidt R J and Sidebottom O M, “Advanced Mechanics of Materials”,
JohnWiley and sons Inc, New York (1993).
3. 3. Ryder GH, “Strength of Materials”, 3rd Edition English Language Book Society /
Macmillan Hongkong (2002).
4. Hibbeler, Russel C, “Mechanics of Materials”, 4th Edition, Prentice Hall (2000).
5. Dieter G.E. “Mechanical Metallurgy”, McGraw Hill, New York (1996).
L T P Credit
MEPC-208 Production Processes Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: Manufacturing Process (IPCI-101).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Analyze and calculate forging loads using slab model plane rolling, extrusion
and wire drawing and sheet metal forming processes.
CO 2 Suggesting the simplified manufacturing processes with the aim of cost
reduction and material wastage.
CO 3 Selecting the appropriate methods and tooling for typical applications in the
industries to produce critical design components.
CO 4 Ability to clear the fundamental concepts of powder metallurgy, casting,
welding, forming and the advance manufacturing processes.
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
Metal Casting: Casting alloys, solidification of metals, melting and pouring, casting
processes, finishing processes, designs for casting.
Forming Processes: Rolling, Drawing, Extrusion, Forging, Press working and die design and
High Velocity Rate Forming.Powder metallurgy: Process details, component and die design
Jigs and Fixtures: Introduction, Production Devices, Advantages of Jigs and Fixtures,
Elements of Jigs and Fixtures, Principles of Location and Clamping.
Books Recommended
1. Schey A J, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill Book Company,
New York (1987).
2. Sharma P C, “Production Technology”, S Chand & Co, (2003).
3. DeGarmo E Paul, “Materials & Processes in Manufacturing”, Wiley, 9th Edition.
4. Parmar R S, “Welding Processes & Technology”, Dhanpat Rai Publishers.
5. Juneja B L, “Fundamentals of Metal Cutting & Machine Tools”, New Age
L T P Credit
MEPC-210 Fluid Mechanics-II Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: Fluid Mechanics-I (MEPC-211)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To enable the students to appreciate the happening in the nature due to fluid
CO 1 flow motions and their causes and effects.
To enable the students to learn about the mathematical modeling techniques
CO 2 for fluid mechanics problems.
To understand the phenomenon of flow turbulence and its mathematical
CO 3 modeling.
CO 4 To enable the students to understand the importance of analytical approximate
CO 5 To enable the students to learn about various other solution techniques of
mathematical modeled equations using computational methods.
Detailed Syllabus
Potential Flows
Revisit of fluid kinematics, Stream and Velocity potential function, Circulation, Irrotational
vortex, Basic plane potential flows: Uniform stream; Source and Sink; Vortex flow, Doublet,
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
Superposition of basic plane potential flows, Flow past a circular cylinder, Magnus effect;
Kutta- Joukowski lift theorem; Concept of lift and drag.
Boundary Layer
Salient features of flow pattern in a boundary layer, Velocity and shear stress distribution
alongthe boundary, similarity solutions, Von-Karman momentum integral equation,
ApproximateMethods, quantitative correlations for boundary layer thickness, local skin
friction coefficientand drag coefficient in laminar, turbulent and laminar turbulent combined
boundary layer flowson a flat plate without pressure gradient, flow over a curved surface
boundary layer separationand its control.
Turbulent Flow
Introduction, Fluctuations and time-averaging, General equations of turbulent flow, Reynolds
averaging, Turbulent boundary layer equation, Flat plate turbulent boundary layer, Turbulent
pipe flow, Prandtl mixing hypothesis, Turbulence modeling, Free turbulent flows.
Compressible Flows
Speed of sound and Mach number, Basic equations for one dimensional flows, Isentropic
relations, Normal-shock wave, Rankine-Hugoniot relations, Fanno and Rayleigh curve, Mach
waves, Oblique shock wave, Prandtl-Meyer expansion waves, Quasi-one dimensional flows.
Books Recommended
1. Çengel, Y.A. and J.M. Cimbala, Fluid Mechanics, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. Web link.
2. Munson, B.R., D.F. Young, and T.H. Okiishi, Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed.,
Wiley, New York, NY, 2002
3. White, F. M., Fluid Mechanics, Fifth Edition, McGraw Hill 2003.
4. Kundu, P. K., and Ira M. Cohen, Fluid Mechanics, 4th ed., Academic Press 2007.
5. White, F. M., Viscous Fluid Flow, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1991.
6. Currie, I.G., Fundamental Mechanics of Fluids, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill 1993.
7. Panton, R.L., Incompressible Flow, 2nd Ed., John Wiley & Sons, 1996.
8. Fay, J. A., Introduction to Fluid Mechanics Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1994. ISBN:
9. Chevray, R. and J. Mathieu, Topics in Fluid Mechanics, Cambridge University Press,
10. Schlichting, H., Boundary Layer Theory, McGraw-Hill, 1968.
11. Batchelor, G.K., An Introduction to Fluid Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1967.
12. Aris, R., Vectors, Tensors, and the Basic Equations of Fluid Mechanics, Prentice-Hall,
13. Bird, R.B., W.E. Stewart, and E.N. Lightfoot (1960), Transport Phenomena, Wiley, New
14. Stefan Popes, Turbulent Flows, McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA.
15. Yahya, S.M., Fundamentals of Compressible Flow, New Age International Publisher,
16. Anderson, J. D., Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Higher Education; 6th
edition (1 April 1995).
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
L T P Credit
MACI-201 Mathematics-III Core Course
3 1 0 4
Pre-requisites: Applied Mathematics-II (MACI-102)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 In analyzing of real to complex numbers and apply them whenever the problem
arises in real analysis and calculus.
CO 2 To understand path and contour integrals.
CO 3 To apply different theorems of integral formulae.
CO 4 To evaluate some standard integrals using contour integrals.
CO 5 To evaluate the real integrals using special functions.
CO 6 To know the complex variable techniques and knowledge of mapping and
transforms play a major role in several areas of engineering.
Detailed Syllabus
Limit and derivation of a complex function, analytic, functions and Cauchy Riemann
equations, line integral of elementary functions, Cauchy‟s integral theorem, Cauchy‟s
Integral formula and derivatives of analytic functions, Taylor and Laurent series, zeros and
singularities, residues and residue theorem, evaluation of real improper integrals, conformal
mapping, linear fractional transformations and mapping by elementary functions.
Series solution of differential equations, Bessel‟s differential equation and Bessel functions
and their properties, differential equations reducible to Bessel‟s differential equations,
Legendre‟s differential equation, Legendre‟s polynomials and their properties, Fourier-
Legendre expansion of a functions.
Book Recommended:
1. B S Grewal, “Higher Engineering Mathematics”. 35th ed., Khanna Publsihers, Delhi.
2. L E Elsgole, “Calculus of Variations”, Addison-Wisley Publishing Company.
3. J B Conway, “Functions of One Complex Variables”, Narosa Pblishing House, 1980.
L T P Credit
MEPC-214 Production Processes Lab Core Course
0 0 2 1
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Students will be conversant with the software‟s like Auto Cad, Solid Works etc.
CO 2 To be able to understand the application of the different joining techniques, and
B. Tech. 2nd Year Semester IV
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Core L T P Credit
MEPC-301 Design of Machine Elements-I
Course 3 0 0 3
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Analysis of Selection of materials for different mechanical component.
CO 2 Use the knowledge of other subject like mathematics, science and material
science for designing purpose.
CO 3 Design the individual component for the mechanical system.
CO 4 Practical approach for designing and analysis of component of machine.
Detailed Syllabus
Scope and meaning of Design with special reference to machine Design, Design process.
Fasteners and joints: Screws and screw jack, bolts, preloaded bolts subjected to shear, and
torsion. Bolted, Welded and Riveted joints, eccentrically loaded welded and riveted joints,
Cotter and cotter joints, pin fasteners, Knuckle joints.
Transmission shafts: Design of shaft subjected to static loading: pure torsion, simple
bending, combined bending and torsion, combined bending torsion and axial loads. Design of
shaft for fluctuating loads.
Keys: Different types of keys and splines, representations and use in Couplings.
Rigid couplings: Sleeve couplings, Flange couplings, Flexible couplings: Bush pin type,
Universal type.
Gaskets, seals, Pipe joints: Oval, circular and square pipe joints.
Brakes and Clutches: Brakes: Design consideration of brakes, Flat plate, and conical plate
Books Recommended
1. Norton L R, “Machine Design an Integrated Approach”, Pearson Education Asia,
IstIndian Reprint, 2001.
2. Sharma P C and Aggrawal D K, “A text book on Machine Design”, S K Kataria & sons,
9th ed.,2000.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
L T P Credit
MEPC-303 Heat Transfer Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites:Applied Thermodynamics-I (MEPC-207), Applied Thermodynamics-II
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To enable the students to understand the physics of different modes of heat
CO 1 transfer and importance of the subject of heat transfer in day to day life and
in engineering applications.
CO 2 To enable the students to take up different problems related to heat transfer
and write the corresponding mathematical models for them.
To make students appreciate that the theoretical solutions are convenient
CO 3 ways to solve physical problems and also aware the students about the
limitations of the theoretical solutions.
To develop a competence in the students to solve heat transfer problems
CO 4 analytically by incorporating appropriate approximations in the complex
To make the students understand the importance information of fluid
CO 5 mechanics in solving the coupled problems involving fluid flow and heat
To make the students understand the importance of studying the course of m
CO 6 athematics in solving complex engineering problems theoretically with
special reference to the problems on heat transfer in various modes.
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Concept of heat transfer, Difference between the subject of "Heat Transfer"
and its parent subject "Thermodynamics". Different modes of heat transfer: conduction,
convection and radiation.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
along with some practical cases of heat conduction like heat transfer through underground
electrical cables, simple model of heat conduction through piston crown and case of nuclear
fuel rod with cladding. Influence of variable thermal conductivity on conduction,
Introduction to unsteady heat transfer; Newtonian heating and cooling of solids; lumped
capacitance method, semi-infinite solid technique for transient heat conduction solutions.
Theory of Fins: Straight rod type fins of uniform cross-section; Straight fins with varying
cross-sectional area and having triangular or trapezoidal profile area, circumferential fin of
rectangular cross-section provided on the circumference of a cylinder; optimum design
ofstraight fin of rectangular and triangular cross-sections; fin effectiveness and fin efficiency;
Application of fins in temperature measurement of flow through pipes and determination of
error in its measurement.
Convection: Free and forced convection, derivation of three dimensional mass, momentum
and energy conservation equations (with introduction to Tensor notations). Boundary layer
formation, laminar and turbulent boundary layers (simple explanation only and no
derivation). Theory of dimensional analysis as applied to free and forced convective heat
transfer. Analytical formula for heat transfer in laminar and turbulent flow; flow over vertical
and horizontal tubes and plates; Newton's law of cooling; Overall coefficient of heat transfer;
Different design criterion for heat exchangers; Log mean temperature difference for
evaporator and condenser tubes, parallel and counter flow heat exchangers; Calculation of
number and length of tubes in a heat exchanger.
Convection with Phase Change: (Boiling and Condensation) Pool boiling, forced
convection boiling, heat transfer during pool boiling of a liquid. Nucleation and different
theories of nucleation, different theories accounting for the increased values of heat transfer
coefficient during nucleate phase of boiling of liquids; different phases of flow boiling
(theory only)
Books Recommended
1. Theodore L. Bergman, Frank P. Incropera, David P. DeWitt, Adrienne S. Lavine,
“Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer”, John Wiley & Sons, 2012.
2. Çengel, Y.A., “Heat and Mass Transfer- A Practical Approach”, McGraw-Hill,
Boston, MA.
3. Holman J P, “Heat Transfer”, McGraw Hill Book Company (1997).
4. McAdam W H, “Heat Transmission”, McGraw Hill Book Company, New York
5. Drake R M and Eckert E R G, “Heat and Mass Transfer”, McGraw Hill, Kogakusha
6. Kreith F, “Principles of Heat Transfer”, PWS Publishing Company, Boston (1997).
7. Rao Y V C, “Heat Transfer”, University Press, Hyderabad (2001).
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Detailed Syllabus
Working of IC Engines: Working of 4 stroke SI and CI Engines and their valve timing
diagram, working of 2-stroke SI and CI engines and their valve timing diagrams, Comparison
of two stroke and four stroke Engines, Fuel Air Cycles and their analysis: Composition of
cylinder gases, variable specific heats, Dissociation, Effect of number of moles, Air standard
versus fuel air cycles, Effect of operating variables like compression ratio, fuel air ratio.
Actual engine cycles and losses: Comparison between Actual, Fuel- Air cycle, Air standard
cycles for S.I. and C.I engines.
IC Engine Fuels: Requirements of fuel in I C engines, Type of Fuels- Solid, Liquid and
Gaseous fuels, Chemical structure of petroleum, petroleum refining process, Important
qualities of SI and CI engine fuels and their ratings. Combustion of Fuels: Heating values of
Fuels, Theoretical determination of heat of reactions of fuel, Combustion equation for
Hydrocarbon fuels, Determination of minimum air required for combustion, conversion of
volumetric analysis to mass analysis, Determination of air supplied from volumetric analysis
of Dry flue gases, Determination of excess air supplied, Determination of percentage of
carbon from exhaust gas composition.
Mixture Preparation Systems: Fuel supply system and fuel pumps, Simple carburetor and
its working, approximate analysis of single jet carburetor, Actual Air fuel calculation of
single jetcarburetor, Ideal requirements from an ideal carburetor, limitations of single jet
carburetor, Different devices used to meet the requirements of an ideal carburetor, Different
modern carburetors, Petrol injection. Fuel Injection systems for CI Engines: Classification of
Injection Systems, Injection Pump, Fuel Injector, Nozzle, and Injection in SI Engines.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Abnormal combustion and knocking, control and measurement of knock, Anti knock agents,
combustion chambers of S I engines.
Measurement and Testing: Measurement of Friction Power, Brake Power, indicated Power,
Measurement of Speed, Air consumption, fuel consumption, heat Balance Sheet for engine,
governing of IC Engines. Performance Characteristics of IC Engines: Performance
parameters, performance of SI engines, performance of C.I. engines, Engine performance
Emission and Control:Emission of various pollutants from the engine, kinetics of NOx
formation,NO formation in S.I.engines, NOx formation in C.I.engines, Emission of carbon
monoxide, HC emission in S.I.engine and hydrocarbon emission in C.I engine, particulate
emissions in S I engine ,characteristics of diesel particulates, Soot formation fundamentals,
Exhaust gas treatment: Catalytic convertors, Thermal reactors, Particulate traps.
Books Recommended
1. Heywood J B, “Internal Combustion Engine Fundamentals”, McGraw Hill, Publication,
New Delhi (1988).
2. Taylor C F, “The Internal Combustion in Theory and Practice”, Volume I and II, MIT
Press, Cambridge, Mass (1968).
3. PulkRabek W W, “Engineering Fundamentals of Internal Combustion Engine”, Pearson
Education, New Delhi (2003).
4. Stone R, “Introduction to Internal Combustion Engines”, 2nd Edition, Macmillan (1993).
5. Milton B E, “Thermodynamics, Combustion and Engines”, Champman and Hall (1995).
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Detailed Syllabus
Static and Dynamic Characteristics of Instruments: Range and span, accuracy and
precision, Calibration, hysterics and dead zone, sensitivity and linearity, threshold and
resolution, speed of response, lag, fidelity, and dynamic errors, dead time and dead zone.
Sources of errors in measurements, Basic concepts of measurement methods, Processing of
experimental data, curve fitting. regression analysis and Uncertainty analysis.
Force, Torque and Power Measurement: Vibration Reed tachometer, Stroboscope, Proving
Ring, Mechanical and Hydraulic Load cell, Torque on rotating shafts, Absorption,
transmission and driving dynamometers.
Data Sampling and Data Acquisition: Sampling concepts, Data Acquisition systems and its
Books Recommended
1. Holman J P, “Experimental Methods for Engineers”, 6th Edition, McGraw Hill Inc
2. Doeblin E O, “Measurement System Application and Design”, 5th Edition, Mcgraw Hill,
Singapore (2004).
3. Beckwith T G, Marangoni R D and Lienhard J H, “Mechanical Measurements”, 5th
Edition, Pearson Education India, (1993).
4. Jain R K, “Engineering Metrology”, 3rd Edition Khanna Publishers, Delhi (1998).
5. Figloila RS and Beasley D E, “Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements”, 2nd
Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York (1995).
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
L T P Credit
MEPC-309 Mechatronics Core Course
3 0 0 3
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Understanding of the Mechatronics approach; Binary arithmetic and Boolean
CO 1 Logic; Formulate automation problems based on Boolean Logic; Design,
simplify and optimize circuits for automation problems.
Ability to develop Mechatronic products for automation in industry
CO 2 conceptually.
Understand and apply concepts of Digital and Analog domains; Design
CO 3 mechatronic devices based on Digital input, Digital output, Digital to Analog
and Analog to Digital.
CO 4 Mini project work based on 8-bit microcontrollers with a view to develop ability of
self-learning, working in a team.
CO 5 Understand and apply detailed concepts relating to actuators, sensors, and their
integration with drives and signal conditioning.
CO 6 Develop ability and competence in modeling, simulation and control of
Mechatronic systems in multi-energy domains.
Detailed Syllabus
Sensors and actuators: Strain gauge, resistive potentiometers, Tactile and force sensors,
tachometers, LVDT, Piezo electric accelerometer, Hall effect sensor, Optical Encoder,
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Books Recommended
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
Course Outcomes
The students will be able to develop and demonstrate entrepreneurial abilities both at
work place and at their ventures.
The students will be able to manage their own enterprises effectively through creative
thinking, innovation and leadership.
Books Recommended
List of Experiments
1. To conduct a load test on a single cylinder, 4 stroke petrol engine and study its
performance under various loads.
2. To conduct a load test on a single cylinder high speed diesel engine to study its
performance under various loads.
3. To conduct a performance test of a single cylinder high speed diesel engine and to study
its performance under different loads.
4. To conduct the experiment on two stroke air compressor and to find out its volumetric
efficiency and isothermal efficiency.
5. To study the effect of forward curved, backward, curved and radial vanes in a centrifugal
compressor and to find out the overall efficiency of the compressor.
6. To determine the volumetric and isothermal efficiency of two stage air compressor.
7. To study the performance of axial flow fan.
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
List of Experiments
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
Books Recommended
1. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E. Shigley, C.R. Mischke & R.G. Budynas,
McGraw Hill.
2. Machine elements in Mechanical Design by R.L. Mott, Prentice Hall.
3. Mechanical Design by P. Childs, Elsevier.
4. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design by R. C. Juvinall & K. M. Marshek, Wiley.
5. Machine Design by R.L. Norton.
L T P Credit
MEPC-315 Heat Transfer Lab* Core Course
0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites:Applied Thermodynamics-I (MEPC-207), Applied Thermodynamics-II
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To make students understand of experimental procedure to solve heat transfer
CO 1 problems by selecting some physical situations pertaining to different modes of
heat transfer.
CO 2 To make students understand the measurement procedure for monitoring the
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester V
List of Experiments
1. To study and compare temperature distribution, heat transfer rate, overall heat transfer in
parallel flow and counter flow heat exchanger.
2. To study the heat transfer and counter flow heat exchanger.
3. To find the thermal conductivity using two slab guarded ho plate method.
4. To determine heat transfer coefficient in natural convection.
5. To determine heat transfer coefficient in forced convection for air flowing in a tube.
6. To determine heat transfer coefficient in drop wise and film wise condensation.
7. To determine the emissivity of a given plate at different temperatures.
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
List of Experiments
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
L T P Credit
MEPC-302 Fluid Machinery Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Impulse momentum theorem, Analysis of Impact of jets on different types of
vanes, Jet propulsion.
CO 2 Study of hydraulic turbines like Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines
including their performance analysis, cavitations in turbines, similarity
CO 3 Study of different types of pumps like centrifugal pumps and reciprocating
pumps, including its performance analysis.
CO 4 Study of hydraulic devices like hydraulic intensifier, hydraulic press, torque
convertor, hydraulic accumulator, etc.
Detailed Syllabus
General Concepts: Impulse momentum principle, jet impingement on stationary and moving
flat plates, and on stationary or moving vanes with jet striking at the center and tangentially at
one end of the vane, calculations for force exerted, work done and efficiency of jet. Basic
components of a turbomachine and its classification on the basis of purpose, fluid dynamic
action, operating principle, geometrical features, path followed by the fluid, Euler's equation
for energy transfer in a turbomachine and specifying the energy transfer in terms of fluid and
rotor kinetic energy changes.
Pelton Turbine: Components and its operation, velocity triangles for different runners, work
output, Effective head, available power and efficiency; design aspects such as mean diameter
of wheel, jet ratio, number of jets, number of buckets with working proportions. Francis and
Kaplan Turbines: Components and operation, velocity triangles and work output; working
proportions and design parameters for the runner; Degree of reaction, draft tubes – its
function and types. Function and brief description of commonly used surge tanks.
Centrifugal Pumps: Layout and installation; Main elements and their functions, Various
types and classification, Pressure changes in a pump - suction, delivery and manometric
heads, vane shape and its effect on head-capacity relationships, Departure from Euler's theory
and losses, pump output and efficiency, Minimum starting speed and impeller diameters at
the inner and outer periphery, Priming and priming devices, Multistage pumps - series and
parallel arrangement; submersible pumps. Construction and operation, Axial and mixed flow
pumps, Troubleshooting - field problems, causes and remedies. Similarity Relations and
Performance Characteristics: Unit quantities, specific speed and model relationships, scale
effect, cavitation and Thoma‟s cavitation number; Concept of Net Positive Suction Head
(NPSH) and its application in determining turbine / pump setting.
Reciprocating Pumps: Components parts and working, pressure variations due to piston
acceleration, acceleration effects in suction and delivery pipes, work done against friction,
maximum permissible vacuum during suction stroke, Air vessels.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
Hydraulic Devices and Systems: Construction, operation and utility of simple and
differential accumulator, intensifier, fluid coupling and torque converter, Air lift and jet
pumps; introduction to gear, vane and piston pumps.
Books Recommended
1. Daughaty R L, “Hydraulic Turbines”, McGraw Hill Book Company (1965).
2. Jagdish Lal, “Hydraulic Machines”, Metropolitan Book Company Private Limited, New
Delhi, (2000).
3. Stepanoff A J, “Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps”, John Wiley and Sons (1970).
4. Binder R C, “Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery”, Prentice Hall (1966).
5. Nechleba M, “Hydraulic Turbine”, Constable and Company (1957).
L T P Credit
MEPC-304 Industrial Automation Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Characterize the architecture of Hydraulic Systems, Pneumatic Systems,
Mechanization, Industrial Robots.
CO 2 Apply the knowledge gained to design and simulate hydraulic and
pneumatic circuits.
CO 3 Analyze the application of Mechanization systems and Industrial Robots
for various applications.
CO 4 Propose a suitable automation solutions meeting the requirements.
Detailed Syllabus
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
of parts – active and passive devices, Mechanical feeders – computation and operational
details, feed tracks, Escapement devices. Product design for high-speed automatic assembly,
examples of design modifications.
Books Recommended
1. Anthony Esposito, “Fluid Power with Application”, 5th Edition, Pearson Education
2. Majumdar S R, “Oil Hydraulic System”, Tata McGraw Hill (2001).
3. Bolton W, “Mechatronics”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi (1999).
4. Necsulelscu Dan, “Mechatronics”, Pearson Education, New Delhi (2002).
5. Geoffrey Boothroyd, “Assembly Automation and Product Design”, Marcel Dekker In
Detailed Syllabus
Spur Gears: Terminology, Forces analysis, Beam strength of spur gear tooth. Lewis
Equation and form factor, Design for strength, Dynamic Load and wear load.
Worm Gears: Terminology, Forces analysis, efficiency of worm and worm gear, worm gear
strength, Thermal capacity of worm gear sets.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
Springs: Types of Springs, terminology – Stresses in Helical coil springs of circular and non-
circular cross sections. Concentric springs, springs under fluctuating loads, - Energy stored in
springs, torsion, Belleville springs. Leaf Springs: Stresses in leaf springs, Nipping. Equalized
Lubrication: Lubricants and their properties, Modes of Lubrication (Hydrodynamic &
Rolling Contact Bearings: Types & classification, Terminology- Life, Static & dynamic
load capacity, equivalent load, Load-life relationship, Design – finding Life, selection from
manufacturer‟s catalogue.
Books Recommended
1. Design of Machine Elements - V.B.Bhandari, 2nd Edn 2007,TataMcgrawhill
2. Mechanical Engineering Design: Joseph E Shigley and Charles R. Mischke, 6th Edition
2003 Tata McGraw-Hill
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
Detailed Syllabus
Finite differences, interpolation and numerical differentiation, forward, backward and central
differences, Newton‟s forward, backward and divide difference interpolation formulas,
Lagrange‟s Interpolation formula, Stirling‟s and Bessel‟s central difference interpolation
formulas numerical differentiation using Newton‟s forwarded and backward difference
formulas and numerical differentiation using Stirling‟s and Bessel‟s central difference
interpolation formulas.
Numerical integration, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‟s one-third rule and numerical double
integration using Trapezoidal rule and Simpson‟s one-third rule.
Taylor‟s series method, Euler‟s and modified Euler‟s methods, Runge-Kutta fourth order
methods for ordinary differential equations, simultaneous first order differential equations
and second order differential equations.
Boundary value problems, finite difference methods for boundary value problems.
Partial differential equations, finite difference methods for elliptic, parabolic and hyperbolic
Books Recommended:
1. S S Sastry, Introductionary Methods of Numerical Analysis, 3 rd Edition, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Lrd., New India-1999.
2. S C Chopra and R P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, 2nd Edition, McGraw
Hill Book Company, Singapore 1990.
3. B S Grewal, “Numerical Methods”, Khanna Publishers. Delhi.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
List of Experiments
1. Flow through Orifice
a) Constant Head Method and Variable Head Method
2. Determine the coefficient of discharge of notch (V or rectangular type).
3. Flow through Venturimeter
4. Determine the metacentric height of a floating body.
5. Flow through Pipes
6. Verification of Bernoulli‟s Apparatus
7. Determine the coefficient of impact of vanes (momentum theorem application) in an
impact of jet apparatus.
8. To draw characteristics of Francis turbine.
9. To draw the characteristics of Pelton Turbine.
10. To draw the characteristics of Kaplan Turbine.
11. To draw the various characteristics of Centrifugal pump.
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
List of Experiments
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
1. Study of various pneumatic components and Assembly and operation of some basic
pneumatic circuits using pneumatics transfer package.
2. Study of various electro-pneumatic Components and Assembly and operations of some
basic and advanced electro-pneumatic, PLC controlled pneumatic circuits using
pneumatics trainee package.
3. Study of various components in hydraulic circuits. Assembly and operation of some
basic hydraulic and electro-hydraulic circuits.
4. Study the basic geometry motions of Jointed Arm Robot. Teach Pendant programming
of the robot using various basic and advanced programming techniques i.e. WAIT
commands etc.
5. Study the operation of Hydraulic circuit simulation software and using the same for
drawing and simulating some hydraulic circuits.
6. Study the operation of pneumatic circuit simulation software and using the same for
drawing and simulating some pneumatic circuits.
7. Study the basic features of a PLC. Programming of the ABB, PLC for various logic and
regulated decisions.
8. Study the basic features of a programmable motion controller programming of the DC
servo motion controller and its accessories for simple programs.
9. Study the operation of a Robotics simulation software and simulation of some basic
robot configuration using Industry specific language.
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
List of Experiments
1. Design of Spur gear set.
2. Design of Helical Gear set
3. Design of Worm Gears Set
4. Design of Bevel Gears Set
5. Design of springs.
6. Selection of Sliding Contact Bearings:
7. Selection of rolling Contact Bearings:
8. Design project involving multiple machine components: The project should expose the
students to some aspects of system design such as selection and configuration of the
machine elements involved considering different alternatives to developing a final system
with dimensions using MATLAB software.
B. Tech. 3rd Year Semester VI
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
1. Mechanical Engineering Design by J.E. Shigley, C.R. Mischke & R.G. Budynas,
McGraw Hill.
2. Machine elements in Mechanical Design by R.L. Mott, Prentice Hall.Mechanical Design
by P. Childs, Elsevier.
3. Fundamentals of Machine Component Design by R. C. Juvinall & K. M. Marshek, Wiley.
4. RudraPratap , “Getting started with MATLAB: A quick introduction for scientists and
engineers”. Oxford Series.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VII
Detailed Syllabus
Bell Coleman Cycle and Aircraft Refrigeration: Bell Coleman Cycle and its analysis;
optimum COP and pressure ratio, necessity of air craft refrigeration – air cycle refrigeration
systems and their comparison.
Vapour Compression Refrigeration Cycle: Vapour compression cycle on P-V, P-H and T-
diagrams, deviation of actual cycle from theoretical cycle, compressor capacity and
volumetric efficiency, analysis of theoretical and actual vapour compression cycles, effect of
suction pressure, discharge pressure, sub-cooling, super heating and pressure drop in valves
on performance and cooling capacity.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VII
Air Conditioning: Concept and Applications, Psychometric properties of air, Dry bulb, wet
bulb and dew point temperatures; Relatives and specific humidity; degree of saturation,
adiabatic saturation temperature, enthalpy of air and water vapours, psychometric chart.
Human requirements of comforts, effective temperature and comfort charts, Industrial and
comfort air conditioning.
Books Recommended
1. Arora C P, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, 19th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi
2. Pradad M, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, 2nd Edition, New Age International
Private Limited, Delhi (2002).
3. Dossat, R J, “Principles of Refrigeration”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education (Singapore),
India, (2002).
4. Mcquiston F G, Parker J D and Spilter J D, “Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning”,
5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York (2001).
5. Jordan and Priester, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, Prentice Hall of India (1998).
6. Ananthanarayan, “Basic Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”,3rd Edition, Tata McGraw
L T P Credit
MEPC-403 Vibrations and Control Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Ability to mathematical model and analyze 1- DOF: (i) undamped free and
forced, damped forced, and free vibratory system,(ii) for vibration isolation
(vibration control) and transmissibility.
CO 2 Ability to mathematical model and analyze 2-DOF damped and undamped free
vibratory system, Understand the static, dynamic and dissipative coupling.
CO 3 Basic understanding of methods of prediction of natural frequency and mode
shapes for multi degree freedom vibratory system.
CO 4 Ability to model and analyze whirling of shafts.
CO 5 Continuous System: Ability to analyze longitudinal, torsional free vibrations of
circular bar, and transverse free vibration of beam.
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Basics of vibration, its effects, Harmonic and non-harmonic motions, kinetic
and potential energy, Conservative non-conservative system in reference to vibrations.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VII
Single Degree Freedom System: Free vibrations of systems without damping, equilibrium
and energy methods, Rayleigh‟s method, equivalent system, systems with compound springs,
shafts of different diameters, free vibrations with viscous damping, logarithmic damping,
coulomb and structural damping etc., Forced vibration with viscous damping, equivalent
viscous damping, impressed force due to unbalanced masses and excitation of supports, jump
phenomenon, vibration isolation, Transmissibility, commercial isolators.
Two Degree Freedom Systems: Free undamped vibrations, static and dynamic coupling,
principal modes of vibration dynamic vibration absorber, centrifugal absorber, and friction
damper, vehicle suspension system response.
Multi degrees Freedom System: Holzer‟s analysis for multimass and multi inertia systems,
simple geared systems; Dunkerlay‟s methods, Stodla method.
Whirling of shafts: Whirling and its implications, whirling of light flexible shaft with a
unbalance disc at the center, uniform shaft with and without unbalance - Rayleigh‟s method.
Continuous System: Free longitudinal vibrations, tortional vibrations of circular shaft, and
transverse vibration of beam.
Books Recommended
1. Rao S S, “Mechanical Vibrations”, Pearson Education, Delhi (2004).
2. Roger A A, “Fundamentals of Vibrations”, Amerind Publisher Company Private
Limited, New Delhi (1999).
3. Srinivas P, “Mechanical Vibration Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill Company Limited, New
Delhi (1990).
4. Mallik A K, “Principles of Vibrations Control”, Affiliated East West Press Private
Limited, New Delhi (2000).
5. Daniel J Inman, “Engineering Vibration”, Prentice Hall, New Jersey (2001).
L T P Credit
MECI-400 Major Project (Phase-I) Core Course
0 0 4 0
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Students will demonstrate the ability to discern the assignment‟s intended
audience and objectives and respond appropriately.
Students will demonstrate the ability to identify the disciplinary context for
CO 2 different kinds of writing, including both formal and informal writing.
Students will demonstrate the ability to construct a paper consistent with
CO 3 expectation of the discipline, including an appropriate organization, style,
voice and tone.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VII
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Demonstrate knowledge and application of basic concepts and terminology.
Demonstrate by performing experiments, the working of basic refrigeration
CO 2 machines such as window air conditioner, Ice Plant, Mechanical Heat Pump.
CO 3 Demonstrate knowledge and application of various controls in HVACR systems.
CO 4 Demonstrate knowledge of refrigeration and its application in troubleshooting and
servicing HVACR systems.
CO 5 Demonstrate an understanding of the mathematics and science involved in the
operation of HVACR systems.
List of Experiments
1. To find out the coefficient of performance of vapour compression refrigeration test rig
Using (a) Capillary tube as an expansion valve. (b) Thermostatic expansion valve.
2. To find out the EPR (Energy Performance Ratio) of a Mechanical Heat Pump based
on vapour compression refrigeration cycle.
3. To study the working of Electrolux vapor absorption refrigeration systems using three
4. To study the window type air conditioning test rig and performing the experiments
related to basic air conditioning processes.
5. To study the ice plant test rig.
6. To study the effect of variation of brine concentration on the formation of ice.
7. To study the cut sections of reciprocating compressor of window type air conditioner.
8. To study the working of window air conditioner.
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
Vibrations and Control L T P Credit
MEPC-407 Core Course
Lab* 0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
List of Experiments
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VIII
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
L T P Credit
MEPC-402 CAD/CAM Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To be familiar with CAD/CAM Hardware and software.
CO 2 To be familiar with types of geometric modelling and parametric
representation of curves, surfaces and solids.
CO 3 Enables to select, design and use of numerical controlled technology for the
manufacturing applications.
Surfaces: Algebraic and Geometric form, Tangent and Twist Vectors, Normal, Parametric
space of a surface, Blending Functions, Reparametrization of a surface patch, subdividing,
Sixteen Point form, Four Curve Form, Pl ane surface, Cylindrical Surface, Ruled surface,
Surface of Revolution. Bezier Surface, B-Spline Surface
Solid Modelling Fundamentals: Topology of Closed Paths, Piecewise flat surfaces,
topology of closed curved surfaces, Generalized Concept of boundary, Set theory, Boolean
operators, Set-membership Classification, Euler operators, Formal Modelling Criteria.
Solid Model Construction: Graph Based methods, Boolean models, Instances and
Parameterized Shapes, Cell Decomposition and spatial-Occupancy Enumeration, Sweep
Representation, Constructive Solid Geometry, Boundary Representation. Assemble
Data transfer formats: Neutral data format, IGES, STEP and XML. Applications of Solid
Models: Rapid Prototyping, FEM, Medical Applications.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VIII
Books Recommended
1. Michael E. Mortenson, “Geometric Modelling”, John Wiley, 2006
2. Roger and Adams, “Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill, 1994.
3. Groover and Zimmers, “CAD / CAM: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi (1994).
4. Ramamurthi V, “Computer Aided Mechanical Design and Analysis”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Co Ltd (1998).
5. Ibrahim Zeid, “CAD - CAM Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd
6. Steave Krar and Arthur Gill, “CNC Technology and Programming”, McGraw-Hill
Publishing Company (1990).
7. Radhakrishnan P, Subramanyam S, Raju V ,“CAD/ CAM/CIM”, New Age International
Publishers (2000).
L T P Credit
MECI-400 Major Project (Phase-II) Core Course
0 0 8 4
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Ability to demonstrate understanding of a broad range of subjects.
CO 2 Ability to analyze problems and model appropriate solutions.
CO 3 Ability to organize and manage information and knowledge.
CO 4 Ability to interact effectively with peers and superiors.
CO 5 Ability to understand the financial aspect of a solution.
CO 6 Ability to demonstrate behaviors that are consistent with the code of
professional ethics and responsibilities.
L T P Credit
MEPC-404 CAD/CAM Lab* Core Course
0 0 2 1
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Design a part or assembly of parts using Computer-Aided Design software.
CO 2 Use motion and interference checking to ensure that parts will not interfere
throughout their complete range of motion.
CO 3 Use CAD software collaboratively when designing on a team.
CO 4 Communicate effectively the geometry and intent of design features.
B. Tech. 4th Year Semester VIII
*Apart from above experiments Numerical problem / assignment may also be taken up
during Lab session.
Books Recommended
1. RudraPratap ,“Getting started with MATLAB: A quick introduction for scientists and
engineers”. Oxford Series.
2. Michael E. Mortenson, “Geometric Modelling”, John Wiley, 2006
3. Roger and Adams, “Mathematical Elements of Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill, 1994.
4. Groover and Zimmers, “CAD / CAM: Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”,
Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi (1994).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
CO1 Interpret and distinguish between the different types of conventional and non-conventional
CO2 Demonstrate the utilization of synthetic and substitute fuels for practical applications
CO3 Describe various parameters that are utilized to characterize alternative fuels and its combustion
CO4 Solve renewable energy related problems with knowledge in fossil fuels and alternative fuels
CO5 Demonstrate knowledge in production methods of different alternative fuels
CO6 Select from different alternative fuels available for specific potential applications
CO7 Understand the socio-economic, environmental impacts, limitations and applications of
alternative fuels.
Hydrocarbon fuels: Crude petroleum oil and its refining, products of refining, availability of
hydrocarbon fuels and their impact on environment.
Ethanol and Methanol: Benefits of using ethanol, methanol as fuel, their method of
production, properties of ethanol, methanol, methods of using ethanol, methanol in diesel
engines: Fumigation, solutions, Spark injection, dual injection, ignition improvers, surface
ignition, low heat rejection.
Gaseous Fuels: LPG, LNG and CNG Composition, combustion characteristics, dispensing
methods, emission studies. Hydrogen, its combustion characteristics, flashback control
technique, safety aspects and system development.Biogas, producer gas, their method of
preparation, their use as an engine fuel.
Books Recommended:
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Review of Computer Aided Design and Drafting (CADD): The design processes,
advantages and applications of CAD, computer hardware system, computer programming
languages, model storage and data structure, CADD software packages – AutoCAD,
orthographic projections.
Machine Tool Control: Elements of the NC Systems, Types of Control Systems, NC Part
Programming, Computer Aided Part Programming, Machining Centers.
Group Technology (G T): Part families, parts classification, machine group/cell, cad/cam
and GT, applications.
Books Recommended
1. Rao P N, Tewari N K and Kundra T K, “Computer Aided Manufacturing”, Tata
2. Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1993).
3. Rehg J A, “Introduction to Robotics – A System Approach”, Prentice Hall
International, Englewood Cliffs, New Jerrey (1985).
4. Tercholz E, “CAD/CAM Handbook”, McGraw Hill, New York (1984).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-303 Lubrication and Wear
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: Fluid Mechanics-I and II (MEX-212; MEX-302)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Be familiar with the adhesion theories and effect of adhesion on friction and
CO 2 Have a knowledge of surface topography and know how to model a rough
engineering surface.
CO 3 Have a knowledge of friction/lubrication mechanisms and know how to
apply them to the practical engineering problem.
Detailed Syllabus
Friction and Wear: Role of friction laws of static friction, Causes of friction, Adhesion
theory, Laws of rolling friction, friction of metals and non-metals, friction measurement.
Definition of wear, mechanism of wear, factors effecting wear, wear measurement, wear of
metals andnonmetals.
Functions of lubricants: Types of lubricants and their industrial uses, Properties of liquid
and grease lubrications. Lubricant additives, general properties and selection.
Special Topics: Bearing design, selection of bearings and lubrications, Bearing maintenance,
diagnostic maintenance of tribological components.
Books Recommended
1. O‟Conner and Boyel, “Standard Handbook of Lubrication Engineering”, McGraw
Hill Company, New York (1968).
2. Bharat Bhushan, “Principles and Applications of Tribology”, 1st edition, Wiley-
Interscience (1999).
3. Raymond O Gunther, “Lubrication”, Bailey Bros and Swinten Limited (1971).
4. Rowe William Brian, “Hydrostatic and Hybrid Bearing Design”, Butter worth-
5. Barwell P T, “Bearing Systems, Principles and Practice”, 1st Edition, Oxford
University Press, New York (1980).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended
1. Jones R M, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Scripta Book Company (1975).
2. Herkovic C T, “Mechanics of Fibres Composites”, University of Virginia, John
Wiley andSons, Inc (1998).
3. Tsai Stephen W, “Introduction to Composite Materials”, Technomic Publishing
CompanyInc (1980).
4. Gibson R F, “Principles of Composites Materials Mechanics”, McGraw Hill
InternationalEdition, New York (1994).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Safety: Meaning & need for safety. Relationship of safety with plant design, equipment
design and work environment. Industrial accidents, their nature, types and causes.ssessment
of accident costs; prevention of accidents. Industrial hazards, Hazard identification
techniques, Accident investigation, reporting and analysis.Safety and economics, safety and
productivity.Employees participation in safety. Safety legislation.
Noise and Vibrations: Continuous and impulse noise. The effect of noise on man.Noise
measurement and evaluation of noise.Noise isolation.Noise absorption techniques. Silencers
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Books Recommended
1. Krishnan N V, “Safety management in Industry”, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi
2. Kocurek Dianna and Woodside Gayle, “Environment, Safety, and Health
Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1997).
3. McCormick J, “Human Factors in Engineering and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1979).
4. Willie Hammer, Dennis Price, “Occupational Safety Management and Engineering”,
5th Ed., Pearson Education (2000).
5. David Goetsch, “The Safety and Health Handbook”, Pearson Education (1999).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-306 Operation Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Analysis of System concepts: Classification of systems Organizations as
CO 2 Definition, objectives, functions and scope of operations management.
CO 3 Industrial management – relationship of operations management with the areas
of industrial management.
CO 4 Types of productive systems and their characteristic features – Continuous and
intermittent systems.
CO 5 Decision making in production systems: Scientific process Characteristics of
decisions Framework for decision making.
Detailed Syllabus
Materials Management and Inventory Control: Inventory concepts, Scope, function and
objectives of Inventory, Inventory costs, Determination of E.O.Q., ERP, MRP-I, MRP-II, Just
in time, Concept of Zero Inventory.
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Quality Control: Meaning of Quality Control and its Impact, Functions of Quality Control,
Introduction to SQC, Japanese Contribution to Quality Control, Managing Quality,
Introductory Concept of Six Sigma, Introduction to ISO 9000 and 14000, Specific Case
Books Recommended
1. Buffa and Sarin, “Modern Production / Operation Management”, 8th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons (1987).
1. Adam and Ebert, “Production and Operations Management”, 5th Edition, Prentice Hall
of India, New Delhi (2000).
2. Krajenski and Ritzman, “Operations Management Strategy and Analysis’’, 6th Edition,
Pearson Education, New Delhi (2002).
3. Mazda Fraidoon, “Engineering Management”, 3rd Reprint, Pearson Education (2000).
4. Besterfiled, “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education (2003).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-307 Operations Research
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Illustrate the need to optimally utilize the resources in various types of
CO 2 Apply and analyze mathematical optimization functions to various
CO 3 Demonstrate cost effective strategies in various applications in industry.
Detailed Syllabus
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Sequencing Models: Processing n jobs through two machines, processing n jobs through
three machines, processing two jobs through m machines, processing n jobs through m
machines, Travelling salesman problem.
Inventory Control: Purchase model with instantaneous replenishment and with and without
shortages, Manufacturing model with and without shortages, Quantity discount.
Queueing Theory: Introduction, Terminologies of queueing system, Empirical queueing
Game Theory: Introduction and terminologies of game theory, games with pure and mixed
CPM and PERT: Basics steps in PERT and CPM, PERT and CPM computations, Cost
analysis, Contracting and Updating, Resource Scheduling.
Books Recommended:
1. Panneerselvam R, “Operations Research”, PHI, 2002.
2. Tulsian P.C., Pandey Vishal, “Quantitative Techniques”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Wagner, “Principles of Operations Research”, Prentice-Hall India, 2000.
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-308 Power Plant Engineering
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To be familiar with basics of power plant and functioning of thermal, gas
CO 1 turbine and hydro power plant along with various components and their
To be able to analyze different types of steam cycles and operating procedure
CO 2 of thermal power plant as well as estimate efficiencies in a steam power plant.
CO 3 To be familiar with basic working principles of gas turbine and hydro power
plant and define the performance characteristics and components of such power
To be familiar with types, principles of operations and applications of steam
CO 4 turbines, steam generators, condensers, feed water and circulating water
CO 5 To be able to define terms and factors associated with power plant economics.
Estimate the cost of producing power per kW.
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Power plant, classification, steam power plant, gas turbine, based, I C Engine
based, nuclear power based, hydropower.
Steam Power Plant: Components of steam power plant, carnot cycle, Rankine cycle,
Different methods to improve the efficiency of steam power plant, regeneration, reheating of
Programme Electives 3rd Year
steam, regenerative feed water heating. Supercritical pressure cycle, cogeneration of power
and process heat.
Combined cycle power generation: Binary vapour cycles, coupled cycles, gas turbine –
steam turbine power plant, MHD – Steam power plant, thermionic steam power plant. Fuels
and Combustion: Various types of fuels, coal, fuel oil, natural and petroleum gas, synthetic
fuels, biomass, combustion process, combustion equipments like cyclone furnace, fluidized
bed combustion.
Steam Generators: Classification, fire tube boiler, water-tube boilers, economizers, super
heaters, air prehater, deaeraton, boiler blowdown, air handling system, electrostatic
Condensers: Direct contact condensers, surface condensers, cooling towers, cooling tower
Gas Turbine Power Plant: Components of gas turbine based power plant, open cycle and
closed cycle, methods to increase the efficiency of gas turbine plant like intercooling,
reheating and regeneration.
Hydro Power Plant: Classification of water turbines, construction and working of Pelton
Francis and Kaplan turbines.
Economics of Power Generation: Load duration curves, power plant economics, location,
Indian energy scenario.
Books Recommended
1. Wiesman J and Eckart R, “Modern Power Plant Engineering”, Prentice Hall,New
Delhi (1985).
2. Nag P K, “Power Plant Engineering”, Tata McGraw Hill,New Delhi (1998).
3. Kostyuk.A and Frolov V, “Steam and Gas Turbines”, Mir Publishers, Moscow
4. Aschner F S, “Planning Fundamentals of Thermal Power Plants”, John Wiley
5. Eastop T D and McConkey, “Applied Thermodynamics”, Longman Scientific and
Technical (1986).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Product Planning and Identifying Customer Needs-Product Planning process, Interpret raw
data in terms of customers need, organize needs in hierarchy and establish the relative
importance of needs, review of the process. Product Specifications-Establish target
specifications, setting final specifications.
Books Recommended:
1. Ulrich K. T, and Eppinger S. D, Product Design and Development, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Otto K, and Wood K, Product Design, Pearson
3. Engineering of creativity: introduction to TRIZ methodology of inventive Problem
Solving, By Semyon D. Savransky, CRC Press
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-310 Production Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Understand the core features of the operations and production management
CO 1 function at the operational and strategic levels specifically the relationships
between people, process, technology, productivity and quality improve an
organizations performance.
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Work Study: Productivity and the standard of living, reducing work content and ineffective
time, the human factor in the application of work-study, Working conditions and the working
Method Study: Introduction of method study and the selection of jobs, Methods and
movements at the workplace.
Work Measurement: Introduction, Work sampling, Time Study, equipment, timing the job,
rating, Calculation of standard time, Setting time standard for works and machines,
Predetermined time standards, Standard data and its use. Specific case studies.
Value Engineering: Types and concept of value engineering, phases of value engineering
studies, application of value engineering.
Job Design: Traditional engineering dimensions of job design, Concepts of job enlargement,
Job enrichment, Job rotation, effective job design in relation to technological and behaviour
Books Recommended
1. Barnes M R, “Motion and Time Study”, John Wiley and Sons (2002).
2. Oborne D J, “Ergonomics at Work”, John Wiley and Sons (1985).
3. Miles, “Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill
4. Ulrich Cart T and Eppinger Steven D, “Product Design and Development”, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1995).
5. Hicks, “Industrial Engineering and Management”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi (1994).
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Function of PPC: Routing: concept, procedure, route sheet, routing in job order, Scheduling:
objectives, factors affecting scheduling, master scheduling, production, Machine loading:
objectives, adjustments, Dispatching: centralized and decentralized dispatching, Production
Control: concept, objectives, progress reporting, correction actions, Types of Production
Forecasting Techniques: Concept and purpose of sales forecasting and production volume
forecasting, Market Potential, Basic elements, Delphi methods, Moving average technique,
Correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, Forecast error, Costs and accuracy of
Process Planning: Framework for Process Engineering, Process and equipment selection,
machine requirements, Machine outputs, Manpower planning, Combined Operations,
Computer Aided Process Planning, Problems.
Supporting PPC Activities: Group Technology: group layout, stages, benefits and problems,
Lean Manufacturing, Agile manufacturing, JIT, Supply Chain Management, Role of
Database Management System in PPC, Lean Manufacturing, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Books Recommended:
1. Production Planning and Control: Samuel Eilon
2. Production and Operations Management: Adam Ebert
3. Production Planning & Inventory Control: Narsimhan
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Stability Criteria:
Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Liapunov stability criteria.
Pole-placement method, Proportional Integral and Derivative feedback.
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Simulation and case studies:Computer simulation of Dynamic Systems using Bond graphs.
Books Recommended
1. Karnopp, Margolis, Rosenberg, System Dynamics: Modeling and Simulation of
Mechatronic Systems, Fourth Edition, Wiley (Higher education), 2005.
2. Karnopp, Margolis & Rosenberg, System Dynamics: A Unified Approach, Wiley,
3. Amalendu Mukherjee & R. Karmakar, Modeling & Simulation of Engineering
Systems through Bond Graphs, Narosa, 2000.
4. Amalendu Mukherjee, Ranjit Karmakar and Arun Kumar Samantaray, Bond Graph in
Modeling, Simulation and Fault Identification, I. K. International Publishing House
Pvt. Ltd, 2006.
5. Eronini Umez-Eronini, System Dynamics & Control, Brooks/ Cole Publishing
Company, 1999.
6. B. C. Kuo, Feedback Control Systems, Prentice Hall.
7. K. Ogata, Modern Control Engineering, Prentice Hall.
8. Bernard Friedland, Control Systems Design, McGraw-Hill.
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-313 Total Quality Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Select and apply appropriate techniques in identifying customer needs, as
well as the quality impact that will be used as inputs in TQM methodologies.
CO 2 Measure the cost of poor quality and process effectiveness and efficiency to
track performance quality and to identify areas for improvement.
CO 3 Understand proven methodologies to enhance management processes, such as
benchmarking and business process reengineering.
CO 4 Choose a framework to evaluate the performance excellence of an
organization, and determine the set of performance indicators that will align
people with the objectives of the organization.
Detailed Syllabus
Concept and definition of quality: Total quality control (TQC) and Total Quality
Management (TQM), salient features of TQC and TQM. Total Quality Management Models,
benefits of TQM.
Just-in-Time (JIT): Definition: Elements, benefits, equipment layout for JIT system,
Kanban system, MRP (Material Requirement Planning) vs JIT system, Waste elimination,
workers involvement through JIT: JIT, cause and effect chain, JIT implementation.
Programme Electives 3rd Year
Problem solving: Defining problem, problem identification and solving process, QC tools.
Quality Systems: Concept of quality system standards, Relevance and origin of ISO 9000,
Benefits, Elements of ISO 9001, ISO 9002, ISO 9003.
Books Recommended
1. Besterfield and Besterfield, “Total Quality Management”, 2nd Edition, Pearson
1. (Singapore) P Ltd, India (2001).
2. Sunder Raju, “Total Quality Management A Primer”, 3rd Edition, Tata McGraw
Hill, Delhi (2001).
3. Zairi M, “Total Quality Management for Engineers”, 2nd Edition, Aditya Books,
Delhi, (1995).
4. Hradesky J L, “Total Quality Management Handbook”, McGraw Hill (1994).
5. Dalela S and Saurabh, “A manual of ISO 9000 Quality System”, 2nd Edition, S
Chand & Company Ltd, Delhi (1999).
Programme Electives 4thYear
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-401 Automobile Engineering
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Develop chassis and identify suitable engine for different applications and
formulate steering, braking and suspension systems.
CO 2 Select a suitable conventional and automatic transmission system.
CO 3 Identify the usage of electrical and hybrid vehicles.
CO 4 Use of ANSYS software.
Detailed Syllabus
Automotive Electric and Electronic Systems: Electric and electronics principles, systems,
and circuits, automotive batteries, construction, and operation, starting system, charging
system, operation and service, ignition system, electronic ignition and fuel control, engine
management, electric vehicles.
Automotive Drive Trains: Clutches, manual and automotive transmission and transaxles,
drive shafts, universal joints, drive axles.
Automotive Chassis: Suspension system, steering system, wheel alignment, brakes, wheels
and tyres.
Books Recommended
1. Crouse W H and Anglin D N, “Automotive Mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 10th Edition,
Singapore (1993).
2. Bosch, “Automotive Handbook”, SAE Publication (2000).
3. Tom Denton, “Automobile Electrical and Electronics Systems”, Butterworth-
Heinemann (2003).
4. Layne Ken, “Automotive Engine Performance: Tune up, Testing and Service”,
Englewood Prentice Hall of India (1986).
5. Tom Denton, “Advanced Automobile Fault Diagnosis”, Butterworth-Heinemann
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Generation and nature of pollutants from various combustion sources, their effects on health
and the environment.Emission indices.Thermo-chemistry of pollutant formation,
stoichiometry, chemical thermodynamics, kinetics.Pollutants from I.C. engines, power plants,
domestic and other sources.Meteorology and dispersion of pollutants, instruments for
pollutant measurement and monitoring.Legislation and emission standards.
Books Recommended
1. Edward f. Obert, Internal Combustion Engine and air pollution, Intent Education
2. John B.Heywood, Internal Combuston Engine Fundamentals, Mc Graw Hill Book, 1988.
3. Crouse William, Automotive Emission Control, Gragg Division/Mc Graw Hill, 1980.
4. Ernst S.Starkman, Combustion Generated air pollution, Plenum Press.
1. George Springer and Donald J.Patterson, Engine Emissions, Pollutant formation and
measurement, Plenum press.
5. Obert.E F, IC Engines and air pollution, Intent Education publishers.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Review of basic fluid mechanics and the governing Navier-Stokes equations, Techniques for
solution of PDEs – finite difference method, finite element method and finite volume method,
Finite volume (FV) method in one-dimension, Differencing schemes, Steady and unsteady
calculations, Boundary conditions, FV discretization in two and three dimensions, Simple
algorithm and flow field calculations, variants of SIMPLE, Turbulence and turbulence
modeling, illustrative flow computations, Commercial softwares such as FLUENT and CFX
– grid generation, flow prediction and post-processing.
Books Recommended:
1. S V Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, McGraw Hill, NY, (2005).
2. John Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Publication, 1st edition
(February 1, 1995).
3. W M Kays and M E Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill,
New York (1993).
4. F M White, Viscous Fluid Flow by, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, 2nd Ed. (1991).
5. Robert Siegel and John Howell, Thermal radiation Heat Transfer, 4th Ed., Taylor and
Francis NY, (2002).
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to automatic controls. Modeling of flow, heat transfer and electrical, pneumatic
and vibration systems. Block diagram and transfer function. Modeling of continuous
systems.Extraction of reduced order models. Transient and frequency response evaluation
using Laplace transform. Characteristics of hydraulic controller, pneumatic, electronic
controller, electro-hydraulic and electro-pneumatic controllers.PID control.Stability.Gain and
phase margins. Control system design using root and compensation. Application to Machine
tool, Boiler, Engine Governing, Aerospace, Active vibration control, etc.Auto-
tuning.Sequence control, Logic diagram.Introduction to digital control, Implementation using
computer.Introduction to control of MIMO systems. State Space modeling. Tutorials for
control problems in these areas using MATLAB.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Books Recommended:
1. Gopal M, “Modern Control System Theory”, John Wiley & Sons (16 May 1984)
2. Gopal M and Nagrath I.J, “Control Systems Engineering”, New age international
publishers (2007)
3. Ogata K, “Modern Control Engineering (5th Edition)”, Prentice Hall International UK
London (1997)
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-405 Cryogenics
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: Refrigeration and Air Conditioning (MEX-401)
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Describe various methods to produce low temperature and phenomena‟s at
cryogenic temperature.
CO 2 Understand the working principle of different cryogenic refrigeration and
liquification system.
CO 3 Understand the functions and working principles and various low
temperature measuring and storing device.
Detailed Syllabus
Cryogenic Liquefaction System: Refrigeration and liquefaction cycles, ideal cycle, actual
liquefaction cycles.
Cryogenic Refrigeration Systems: Joule Thompson, striling, Gifford – McMahon, magnetic
refrigeration system.
Air Separation System: Linde and Claude system for air liquefaction.
Books Recommended
1. Barron R F, “Cryogenic Systems”, Oxford (1983).
2. Jacobsen T R, “Thermodynamics Properties of Cryogenic Fluids”, Plenum, London
3. Thomas M, “Cryogenic Engineering”, (1997).
4. HeselDen G G, “Cryogenic Fundamentals”, Academic Press, London (1971).
5. Flynn T M, “Cryogenic Process Engineering”, Plenum (1989).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-406 Design for Production
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Product Design: Definition of product design, design by evolution, innovation and imitation,
product life cycle, consumption cycle, types of products. Design process steps, morphology
of design, relationship of innovation to design, management of research and development in
the organization, role of technology transfer in innovation, problem solving and decision
making techniques used in design, models used in design- physical and analytical, prototypes.
Standardization, simplification and specialization in design, factors affecting product
specifications and range, design for manufacturability, consideration of safety and reliability
in design, economic analysis, time value of money, cost comparison, break-even analysis and
cost benefit analysis. Role of value engineering, ergonomics and computers in design.
Books Recommended
1. Karl T Ulrich and Steven D Eppinger, “Product design and Development”, McGraw-
Hill Inc (2000).
2. George E Dieter, “Engineering Design”, McGraw-Hill Inc (2000).
3. R S Bridger, “Introduction to Ergonomics”, McGraw-Hill Inc (1995).
4. Mark S Sandeer and Ernert J Mc Cormick, “Human Factors in Engineering
andDesign”, McGraw-Hill Inc (1993).
5. Kelvin Otto and Kristen Wood, “Product Design”, Pearson Education, Delhi (2001).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-407 Energy Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Reference Books:
1. Energy Management Handbook, Wayne C. Turner, Steve Doty, Taylor and Francis
2. Energy Management and Conservation, K. V. Sharma and P. Venkataseshaiah, Paperback
3. Energy Management, W R Murphy, Paperback Edition
4. Energy Conservation Building Code (ECBC, 2016), Bureau of Energy Efficiency, India
Detailed Syllabus
Basic Elasticity: Laws of stress transformation, principal stresses and principal planes.
Cauchy‟s stress quadric strain analysis, strain equations of transformation, stress-strain
Programme Electives 4thYear
Three dimensional photo elasticity: Newman‟s strain optic relationship, stress freezing in
model materials for three dimensional photo elasticity, shear difference method for stress
Birefringence coatings: sensitivity, reinforcing effects, thickness of birefringence coatings.
Brittle coatings: Introduction, coating stresses and failure theories, different types of crack
patterns, crack detection, composition of brittle coatings, coating cure, influence of
atmospheric conditions, effects of biaxial stress field.
Books Recommended
1. Dally J E and Rilley W P, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill,
New Delhi (1991).
2. Dove R C and Adams P H, “Experimental Stress Analysis and Motion
Measurement”, McGraw Hill, New York (1978).
3. Holister C S, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, 5th Edition, Cambridge University
Press (1987).
4. Dally J E and Rilley W P, “Introduction to Photomechanics”, Prentice Hall Inc, NJ
5. Mubeen A, “Experimental Stress Analysis”, 1st Edition Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New
Delhi (1997).
Fundamentals of Department L T P Credit
Combustion Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understanding of basic dimensional units applied in the analysis of
combustion systems.
CO 2 Understanding of the basics of equilibrium processes that impact on
CO 3 Understanding of the basics of combustion kinetics and mechanisms.
CO 4 Understanding of how fuel/waste characteristics affect important system
behaviour and operational parameters
CO 5 Application of combustion engineering analysis principles to waste, boilers,
burners, etc.
CO 6 Application of kinetic principles in the analysis of combustion systems.
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended:
1. Stephen R. Turns, An Introduction to Combustion: Concepts and Applications, 2nd
Edition, Mc-Graw Hill, (2005).
2. Kenneth Kuan-yun Kuo, Principals of Combustion, John Wiley and Sons, NY (2005).
3. Charles E Baukal Jr., Industrial Burners Hand Book, CRC Press, Boca Raton, New
York (2004).
4. Charles E Baukal Jr., Heat Transfer in Industrial Combustion, CRC Press, Boca
Raton, New York Ed. (2005)
5. N H Afgan and J M Beer, Heat Transfer in Flames, Scripta Book Co., Washington D
C (1974)
Detailed Syllabus
Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method, discritization of the domain, one-two and three
dimensional elements and interpolation functions, local and global coordinates, properties of
interpolation functions, compatibility and completeness requirements, Assembly and
boundary conditions; Formulation for FEM solutions.Application to solid mechanics,
vibrations, plates and shell problems.
Books Recommended
1. Desai and Abel, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, East West, CBS Delhi (1987).
2. Zienkiewicz O C, “Finite Element Method”, McGraw Hill (1989).
3. Krishnamurthy C J, “Finite Element Method – Analysis Theory and Programming”, Tata
McGraw Hill (1994).
4. Bathe k J, “Finite Element Procedures”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New
Delhi, (1996).
5. Belegundu Ashok D and Chandrupatla T, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, PHI
Private Limited, New Delhi (2003).
Programme Electives 4thYear
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-411 Materials and Environment
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
CO 1 Understand the importance of materials and interrelationship between
Materials, Energy, Emissions and Environment
CO 2 Carryout Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Eco Audits using various methods
CO 3 Understand the importance of materials selection in the Mechanical Design
process and use Material property charts, Material Indices for selecting
materials for various types of mechanical systems
CO 4 Introduce the concept of Ecological Selection of Materials.
Detailed Syllabus
Resource Consumption & its drivers: Resource consumption, Exponential growth and
doubling times, Reserves, the resource base, and resource life, Summary and conclusion.
The Materials Life Cycle: The material life cycle, Life-cycle assessment: details and
difficulties, Streamlined LCA, The strategy for eco-selection of materials.
End of First Life- A Problem or a resource: What determines product life, End-of-first-life
Options, The problem of packaging, Recycling: resurrecting materials.
Eco Data-Values, Sources, precision: Data precision- recalibrating expectations, The eco-
attributes of materials, Energy and CO2 footprints of energy,transport, and use, Exploring the
data: property charts.
Eco Audits & Eco Audit Tools: Introduction and synopsis, Eco-audits, Computer-aided eco-
auditing, Case Studies.
Selection Strategies: Introduction, The selection strategy: choosing a car, Principles of
materials selection, Selection criteria and property charts, Resolving conflicting objectives:
tradeoff methods.
Eco-Informed Material Selection: Which bottle is best? Selection per unit of function,
Crash barriers: matching choice to purpose, Deriving and using indices: materials for light,
strong shells, Heating and cooling, Transport.
Books Recommended:
1. Ashby M, “Materials& the Environment- Eco-Informed Material Choice” , Butterworth-
Heinemann (2019)
2. Ashby M, “Materials and Sustainable Development”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2016)
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Resource Consumption & its drivers: Resource consumption, Exponential growth and
doubling times, Reserves, the resource base, and resource life, Summary and conclusion.
The Materials Life Cycle: The material life cycle, Life-cycle assessment: details and
difficulties, Streamlined LCA, The strategy for eco-selection of materials.
Eco Data-Values, Sources, precision: Data precision- recalibrating expectations, The eco-
attributes of materials, Energy and CO2 footprints of energy,transport, and use, Exploring the
data: property charts.
Eco Audits & Eco Audit Tools: Introduction and synopsis, Eco-audits, Computer-aided eco-
auditing, Case Studies.
Materials Supply chain risk: Emerging constraints on materials sourcing and usage, price
volatility risk, monopoly of supply and geo political risk, conflict risk, legislation &
regulation risk, other risks.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Case Studies on Sustainable development: Bioploymers to replace oil based plastics, Wind
Farms, Electric Cars, Solar PV for Low Carbon power, Bamboo as sustainable building
Books Recommended:
1. Ashby M, “Materials and Sustainable Development”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2016)
2. Ashby M, “Materials & the Environment- Eco-Informed Material Choice” , Butterworth
Heinemann (2019)
3. Ashby M, “Materials Selection in Mechanical Design”, Third Edition, Elsevier, Indian
Edition, (2005)
4. Ashby M and Johnson K, “Materials & Design, 2nd Edition- The Art & Science of Material
Selection in Product Design”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2009)
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Materials in design, evolution of engineering materials, Design tools and
materials data, Function, material, shape and process. Review of properties of Engineering
materials and nomenclature of materials.
Material Selection: Introduction, displaying material properties, material property charts
Basics concerning material selection, selection strategy, property limits and material indices,
selection procedure and structural index. Material selection –case studies
Selection of Materials and Shape: Shape factor, efficiency of standard sections, materials
for shape factors, material indices, microscopic or micro-structural shape factor and co-
selecting material and shape. Shape case studies.
Multiple constraints and compound objectives selection by successive application of property
limits and indices, methods of weight factors, methods using fuzz logic, systematic methods
for multiple constraints, compared objectives, exchange constrains and value functions. Case
Materials processing design: Processes and their influence attributes, systematic process
selection, screening process selection diagrams, Ranking – process cost, supporting
information. Case studies related to processing design.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Materials and Environment: Introduction, The material life cycle, Material and energy-
consuming systems, The eco-attributes of materials, Eco-selection, case studies.
Books Recommended:
1. Ashby MF, “Materials Selection in Mechanical Design”, Third Edition, Elsevier-
Butterworth Heinemann, (2005).
2. Budinski KG, “Engineering Materials: Properties & Selection”, 6th Edition, Prentice
Hall, (1999).
3. Dieter GE, “Engineering Design: A materials & Processing Approach”, 3rd Edition,
McGraw Hill, (2000).
4. Ashby MF, Johnson K, “Materials & Design- The Art and Science of Materials
Selection in Product Design”, Butterworth Heinemann, (2002).
Detailed Syllabus
Tool Wear and Cutting Fluids: Cutting Fluids, Types of Cutting Fluids, Selection of
Cutting Fluids, Methods of Applying Cutting Fluids, Kinds of Tool Damage, Tool Wear
Equation, Tool Life Equations, Tool Life Tests.
General Purpose Machine Tools and Operations: Lathe and turning operations, Lathe and
its accessories, Lathe specifications, lathe cutting tools, Classification of milling machines,
specifications of milling machine, milling machine operations, indexing methods: simple and
compound indexing. Shaper and Planes, Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Mechanisms for rectilinear motion: Methods for producing rectilinear motion in machine
tools, Rack and pinion drives, rotary and materials uses for pinions and racks, worm and rack
drives, materials used, lead screw and nut drives, materials used for bad screws and nuts.
Structural Features of Machine Tools: Beds, Bases columns, material for beds, bases and
columns typical constructions of beds, bases and columns, machine tool columns, Housings,
Tables cross rails and carriages.
Speed and Feed Gear Boxes: Speed gearboxes in machine tools, types of speed gearboxes,
feed gearboxes, types of feed gearboxes.
Installation and maintenance of machine tools: Machine Tool installation and maintenance
safety in machine tools, reconditioning of machine tools, trouble shooting.
Books Recommended
1. Devris W R, “Analysis of Material Removal Processes”, Springer – Verlag (1992).
2. Panday P C and Shan H S, “Modern Machining Processes”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1980).
3. Schey A John, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York (1987).
4. HMT Bangalore, “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1980).
5. Acherkan N, “Machine Tool Design”, Volume 1 to 4, MIR Publishers, Moscow
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-415 Metal Forming
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 The students should learn and understand the necessity of forming process
compared with other manufacturing techniques.
CO 2 The learning of various forming methods gives an idea for the selection of
process for different materials.
CO 3 Students will be able to analyse the stresses and yield criteria used for the
deformation analysis of the different metal forming process.
CO 4 Students should be able to select the process, load required and possible reason
the formation defects for the forged, rolled, extruded components.
CO 5 The students should have the knowledge to identify production of wire, rod ,
tubes using different process and problems occurred in the process.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Stress and strain analysis, yield conditions, stress strain relation in elastic and plastic
deformations, hardening, formulations of elastic and plastic problems, methods of solution,
slab method, slip line and Extremum Principles, applications of theory of plasticity to metal
working operations like wire drawing, extrusion, rolling, forging, deep drawing, spinning etc.
Friction in metal working, recent developments in technology and theory.
Books Recommended:
1. Harris J N, “Mechanical Working of Metals: Theory and Practice”, 1st Edition,
Pergamon, New York (1983).
2. Mielnik E M, “Metal Working Science and Engineering”, McGraw Hill (1991).
3. Wagoner H Robernt, Chenot Iean-Loup, “Fundamentals of Metal Forming”, Wiley Text
Books (1996).
4. Proceedings of the Conference, “Mechanical Working and Steel Processing 20th”, Iron
and Steel Society (1983).
5. Kumar S, “Principles of Metal Working”, Oxford and IBH Publishing Company, New
Delhi (1985).
Programme Electives 4thYear
CO3 Design the FRF for Single and multi-degree of freedom systems
Understand the modal-model, response model, spatial models, mobility skeletons and
CO4 system models. Learn the application of experimental modal analysis on mechanical
Detailed Syllabus
Modal Parameter Extraction Methods: Preliminary checks of FRF data, SDOF modal
analysis, methods, MDOF modal analysis in the frequency domain (SISO), global modal
analysis in the time domain, modal analysis of non-linear structures, concluding comments.
Books Recommended:
1. Ewins D J, “Modal Testing: Theory and Practice” Research Studies Press Ltd 1985.
2. He and fu “Modal Analysis” Elsevier Science & Technology 2001.
3. J M M Silva & N M M Maia “Modal Analysis and Testing” Kluwer Academic Publishers
Group 1999.
4. G Conciauro, M Guglielmi, R Sorrentino “Advanced Modal Analysis” John Wiley &
Sons 2000.
Next Generation L T P
Department Credit
MEPE-418 Automotive Mobility
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Awareness towards Future Mobility Solutions, Motor Vehicles Act, Emission Norms, Safety
and Sustainability Issues.Passenger, Commercial and Recreational vehicles.
Role of Onboard Diagnostics and Control.
Understanding of Internal Combustion Engine, Electric Motor and Fuel cell Driven Vehicles.
Knowledge of Structure, Suspension, Transmission and Vehicle Dynamics.
Battery Power Packs, Lead Acid, Li Ion and Super capacitors and their combination.
Charging Stations, Normal, Fast and Ultra-Fast.
Understanding and Application of Computer Aided Engineering Hardware and Software.
Use of vehicles as Power Plants.Application of Renewable Energy in Next Generation
Autonomous and Smart Vehicles.
Job Opportunities and Entrepreneurial aspects leading to self-employment.
Books Recommended
1. Crouse, William H., and William Harry Crouse. Automotive Mechanics. Tata McGraw-
Hill Education, 10th Ed., 2007
2. Bosch, Robert. Automotive Electrics, Automotive Electronics. Wiley, 2007.
3. Agarwal A., Gupta J., Sharma N., Singh A. (eds) Advanced Engine Diagnostics. Energy,
Environment, and Sustainability. Springer, Singapore.
4. Ehsani, Mehrdad, Yimin Gao, Stefano Longo, and Kambiz Ebrahimi. Modern Electric,
Hybrid Electric, and Fuel Cell Vehicles. CRC press, 2018.
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-419 Noise Engineering
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
CO1 Learn the basics of noise and acoustics. Understand and correlate the vibration with noise.
Understand the noise measurement system
CO2 Predict the noise generated by various vibration sources
CO3 Learn the active and passive noise control system
Detailed Syllabus
Course contents:
Introduction to Engineering acoustics, review of normal mode analysis, random vibration and
spectral analysis, wave approach to sound, noise measurement and instrumentation standards,
sound pressure, power and intensity, noise radiation from vibrating bodies, noise source
Programme Electives 4thYear
identification, noise in machines and machine elements, fan and flow noise, combustion
noise, noise in piping systems, industrial noise, jet noise, response of structures to noise,
active and passive noise control, human factors in noise engineering.
Books Recommended:
1. Fahy F, and Gardonio P, “Sound and structural vibration, radiation, transmission and
response”, Academic Press (1985)
2. Norton M.P., “Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis for Engineers”,
Cambridge University Press (2003)
3. Ambekar A. G., “Mechanical Vibrations and Noise Engineering”, PHI Learning
4. David A. B., Colin H., Carl H., “Engineering Noise Control”, CRC press (1992)
5. Michael M. “Engineering Acoustics: An introduction to noise control”, Springer
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-420 Non-Conventional Energy
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To make the students aware about the present energy scenario and
importance of non conventional energy resources.
CO 2 To know about the various prevalent, non conventional energy resources
and their respective worldwide with specific to India.
CO 3 To acquire the knowledge related to various energy conversion technologies,
Direct and Indirect.
CO 4 To develop an ability for design and analysis of various energy conversion
systems and devices.
CO 5 Introduce students to societal catalysts and challenges regarding renewable
energy implementation.
CO 6 To enhance a student‟s ability to communicate in written form.
Detailed Syllabus
Wind Energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion, wind data and energy estimation,
site selection considerations, basic components of a WECS, classification of WECS system,
application of wind energy.
Energy from Ocean: Ocean thermal electric conversion, methods of ocean thermal elective
power generation, energy from tides, basic principal of tidal power, components of tidal
Programme Electives 4thYear
power plant, methods of utilization of tidal energy ocean waves and introduction and wave
energy conversion devices.
Fuel Cell: Design and principle of operation of fuel cell, classification of fuel cells.
Books Recommended
1. Rai G D, “Non-Conventional Energy Sources”, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. Rao S and Paruleka B B, “Energy Technology”, 1st Edition Khanna Publishers, Delhi
3. Abbasi S A and Abbasi Narsema, “Renewable Energy Sources and their Environmental
Impact”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi (2001).
4. Kothari,D.P,Singal,K.C. & Ranjan, Rakesh, “ Renewable Energy sources and Emerging
Technologies”, Ist Edition Prentice Hall of India(2008).
Detailed Syllabus
Programme Electives 4thYear
Books Recommended
1. Zeid Ibraham, “CAD/CAM Theory and Practice”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company (1999).
2. Chris McMohan, “CAD/CAM:Principles: Practice and Manufacturing
Management”, Pearson Education India (1998).
3. Groover M, “Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing”, Pearson Education India
4. Rao P N, “CAD/CAM”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company (1999).
5. Bedworth D and Henderson M R, “Computer Integrated Design and
Manufacturing”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company (1998).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-422 Numerical Heat Transfer
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
To enable the students to understand the physics of different modes of heat
CO 1 transfer and importance of the subject of heat transfer in day to day life and
in engineering applications.
CO 2 To enable the students to take up different problems related to heat transfer
and write the corresponding mathematical models for them.
To develop a competence in the students to solve heat transfer problems
CO 3 analytically by incorporating appropriate approximations in the complex
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction.1-, 2- and 3-D heat conduction for steady state and transient conditions.Initial
and boundary conditions, implementation and solution methods. Diffusion and advection heat
transports. Discretization methods.Grid generation.Convection in incompressible
flows.Staggered grid.SIMPLE and SIMPLER pressure-velocity coupling methods.External
and internal flow simulations.
Books Recommended
1. S. V. Patankar, Numerical heat transfer and fluid flow, CRC press, (1980).
2. Tucker, P. G., Advanced computational fluid and aerodynamics, Cambridge University
Press. (2016).
3. D. Anderson, et al. Computational fluid mechanics and heat transfer, CRC Press, (2016).
A. Sharma, Introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics: Development,
4. Application and Analysis, John Wiley & Sons. (2016).
5. P.S. Ghoshdastidar Computer Simulation Of Flow And Heat Transfer, Tata Mcgraw Hill,
6. H. K. Versteeg, W. Malalasekera, An Introduction To Computational Fluid
7. Dynamics: The Finite Volume Method, (2nd Edition), Prentice Hall.
8. S.M. Ghiaasiaan, Convective heat and mass transfer, ghiaasiaan SM, Cambridge press,
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to Robotics:
Kinematics and Dynamics of Robotic linkages (open ended type manipulators):
Frames, Transformations: Translation and rotation, Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, Forward
and Inverse Kinematics, Jacobian, Dynamics: Equations of motion, Newton-Euler
Control of Manipulators:
Feedback control of II order Linear systems, Joint control, Trajectory control, Controllers,
PID control.
Books Recommended
1. John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, Addison-Wesley, 2005.
2. Tsuneo Yoshikawa, Foundations of Robotics, MIT Press, 1990.
3. Saeed B. Niku, Introduction to Robotics: Analysis, Systems, Applications, Pearson
Education Inc., 2001
4. Spong M. W., and Vidyasagar M., Robot Dynamics and Control, John Wiley & Sons,
5. Murray R. M., et al, A Mathematical Introduction to Robotic Manipulation, CRC Press,
6. Waldron K. J., and Kinzel G. L., Kinematics, Dynamics and Design of Machinery, John
Wiley & Sons, 2004.
Programme Electives 4thYear
7. Eronini Umez-Eronini, System Dynamics & Control, Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company,
8. Amalendu Mukherjee, Ranjit Karmakar and Arun Kumar Samantaray, Bond Graph in
Modeling, Simulation and Fault Identification, I. K. International Publishing House Pvt.
Ltd, 2006.
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-424 Solar Thermal Process
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Study of the Solar radiation on the earth surface and its characteristics,
instruments used to measure solar radiation, solar radiation data, solar
radiation geometry.
CO 2 Analysis of Flat plate collectors, principles of energy conversion into heat,
energy balance equation, collector efficiency.
CO 3 Study of Solar energy storage like scribble heat storage, latent heat storage,
thermo chemical heat storage.
CO 4 Understanding and designing Solar water heating system, pressurized and
non pressurized, space heating and cooling.
Detailed Syllabus
Solar Radiation: Solar radiation outside the earth‟s atmosphere, solar radiation at the earth‟s
surface, instruments for measuring solar radiation and sunshine, solar radiation data, solar
radiation geometry, solar radiation on tilted surfaces.
Solar Energy Collection: Flat – Plate collectors: Transmissivity of cover system, physical
principles of conversion of solar radiation into heat, energy balance equation and collector
efficiency, concentrating collectors: Focusing type, selective absorber coating.
Thermal Energy Storage: Scribble heat storage, latest heat storage, thermo-chemical heat
Solar Water Heating Systems: Natural circulation water heater; (pressurized and non-
pressurized) Forced circulation solar water heater, space heating and cooling.
Solar Crop Drying: Working principle: Open sun drying, direct solar drying, and indirect
solar drying.
Solar Distillation and Solar Pond and other Applications: Worming Principle, principle
and description of solar pond and operational problem, collection – cum storage water heater,
Green house, solar cooker, heating of biogas plant by solar energy.
Books Recommended
1. Sukhatme S P, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”, 2nd
edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi (1997).
Programme Electives 4thYear
L T P Credit
MEPE-425 System Design Core Course
3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: Design of Machine Elements (MEX-301).
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Apply Statics, Dynamics and Strength of materials to machine component
CO 2 Ability to perform selection of size, design and analysis of mechanical
components/ systems.
Ability to select the material, thermo-mechanical condition and configuration
CO 3 of a variety of machine elements and drives under a variety of environmental
and service conditions.
To enable students to learn how to identify and quantify the specifications
CO 4 for selection and application of components those are used in the design of
mechanical systems.
Detailed Syllabus
System Design involves preparing of complete design of system, production drawings for
selected projects in power drive, engines, machine tools, mechanical handling equipment etc.
Books Recommended
1. Norton L R, “Machine Design an Integrated Approach”, Ist Indian Reprint, Pearson
Education Asia (2001).
2. Sharma P C and Aggrawal D K, “A text book on Machine Design”, 9th Edition, S K
Kataria and sons (2000).
3. Shigley J E and Mischke C R, “Mechanical Engineering Design” Tata Mcgraw Hill,
New Delhi, (2003).
4. Acherkan N, “Machine Tool Design”, Volume 1 to 4, MIR Publishers, Moscow
5. Burr H and John B Cheatham, “Mechanical Analysis and Design”, PHI Private
Limited, New Delhi (2001).
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-426 Theory of Elasticity
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites:Advance Solid Mechanics
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Programme Electives 4thYear
CO1 Be able to derive the governing equations for 2D and 3D elastic problems.
CO2 Be able to analysis of stress and deformation.
To apply the basic field equations of linear elastic solids in various boundary value
CO3 problems.
CO4 To solve these problems with various solution methodologies.
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended
1. Mathematical Theory of Elasticity by I. S. Sokolnikoff.
2. Advanced Mechanics of Materials by Boresi.
3. Theoretical Elasticity by A. E. Green and W. Zerna.
4. Theory of Elasticity, Timoshenko, S.P., and Goodier, J.N., McGraw-Hill
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-427 Theory of Plasticity
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites:Advance Solid Mechanics and Theory of Elasticity
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Programme Electives 4thYear
Be able to define stress and strain in 3D system for plastic region with related laws and
CO1 problems
Be able to describe mechanism of plastic deformation from fundamentals of material
CO2 science
CO3 To calculate true stress and strain in plastic deformation
To understand the physical interpretation of material constants in mathematical
CO4 formulation of
constitutive relationship
CO5 To solve analytically the simple boundary value problems with elasto-plastic properties
CO6 Be able to illustrate slip line field theory and their geometry and property
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to plasticity: Resolved shear stress & strain, Lattice slip systems, Hardening,
Yield surface, Flow rule, Micro to Macro plasticity. Stresses and Strains: The Stress–Strain
Behaviour, Analysis of Stress, Mohr‟s Representation of Stress, Velocity gradient and rate of
deformation, Kinematics of large deformation, The Criterion of Yielding, Yielding of
materials under complex stress state, Choice of yield function.
Non-Hardening & Elastic-Perfect Plasticity: Classical theories and its application to
uniform & non uniform stress states, Hencky vs. Prandtl-Reuss, Elastic–Plastic Torsion and
Bending of Beams, Thick walled cylinders.
Theory of the Slipline Field: Formulation of the Plane Strain Problem, Properties of Slipline
Fields and Hodographs, Stress Discontinuities in Plane Strain, Construction of Slipline Fields
and Hodographs, Analytical and Matrix Methods of Solution, Explicit Solutions for Direct
Problems, Some Mixed Boundary-Value Problems, Superposition of Slipline Fields.
Limit Analysis: Collapse of Beams & Structures, Transverse loading of circular plates.
The Flow Curve: Uniaxial tests, Torsion tests, Compression tests, Bulge test, Equations to
flow curve, Strain & work hardening hypothesis.
Plasticity with Hardening: Isotropic hardening, Non associated flow rules, Prandtl-Reuss
flow theory, Kinematic hardening.
Plastic Instability: Inelastic buckling of struts, Buckling of plates, Tensile instability,
Circular bulge instability, Plate stretching.
Books Recommended
1. Theory of Plasticity: J. Chakrabarty.
2. Basic Engineering Plasticity: DWA Rees.
3. The Mathematical theory of plasticity: R.Hill.
4. Continuum Theory of Plasticity: S. Huang.
5. Fundamentals of the Theory of Plasticity: L.M. Kachanov.
6. Plasticity for Engineers: Theory and Applications: C. R. Calladine.
7. Plasticity: Fundamentals and applications, P. M. Dixit and U. S. Dixit
8. Nonlinear Solid Mechanics, D. Bigoni
Programme Electives 4thYear
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-428 Tool Design
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the fundamental principles of conventional machine tools and
CNC machine tools for the desired machining purpose.
CO 2 Develop the ability to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems by
applying knowledge of machine tool design.
CO 3 An ability to use techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary
for engineering practice.
Detailed Syllabus
Tool Design Methods: Introduction, The Design Procedure, Drafting Practice, Drawing
Tool Making Practice: Introduction, tools of the toolmaker, hand finishing and polishing,
screws and dowels, jig boring practice, punch and die manufacture, electrodischarge
machining for cavity applications.
Design of Cutting Tools: The basic requirements of a cutting tool, general considerations for
metal cutting, design of single point cutting tools, milling cutters, drills and drilling, reamers
taps, carbide tools.
Sheet Metal Dies: Blanking and piercing die construction, press work materials, strip layout,
bending dies, forming dies, drawing operations, single and double action draw dies.
Principles of Tool Design for Forging, Extrusion and Dies Casting: Introduction, general
Tool Design for Numerically Controlled Machine Tools: Need for numerical control,
fixture design for numerically controlled machine tools, cutting tools for numerical control,
tool-holding methods for numerical control, automatic tool changers and tool positioners,
tools presetting.
Books Recommended
1. Donaldson Cyril, Lecain George H, Goold V C, “Tool Design”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1993).
2. Battacharayya A and Ham L, “Design of Cutting Tools”, SME, Dearborn, Mich
3. Paquin J R, “Die Design Fundamentals”, The Industrial Press, New York (1962).
4. Wilson F W, “Fundamentals of Tool Design”, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N J
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction: Mechanical Processes, Material removal theories, Fundamental principles,
Process parameter characteristics, Metal removal rate analysis, Principles and Mechanism of
Water jet machining, Abrasive jet machining, Ultrasonic machining.
Electric Discharge Machining: Basic Principles and Scheme Circuitrary controls, Metal
removal rate, Machining Accuracy Optimization, Selection of Tool Material, Dielectric,
Analysis of the Process.
Laser Beam Machining & Electron Beam Machining: Introduction, Production of Laser,
Machining by Laser and its other applications: Electrons Beam action, Process controls, and
Special Methods: Plasma Arc machining and Ion Implantation. High Velocity Forming of
Metals, Explosive forming principles and various applications.
Books Recommended
1. Mishra P K, “Non-Conventional Machining” Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi
2. Panday P C and Shan H S, “Modern Machining Processes” 5th reprint, Tata Mc
Graw Hill, New Delhi (1998).
3. Ghosh Amitabha and Malik A K “Manufacturing Science” East West Publication,
New Delhi (1985).
Programme Electives 4thYear
4. Code No. 244 “Non Traditional Machining Processes” All India Council for
Technical Education (CEP) Bangalore (October 1992).
5. Code No. 308 “Advance Machining Process” All India Council for Technical
Education (CEP) Bangalore.
Department L T P Credit
MEPE-430 Vibro-Acoustics
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended:
1. M. C. Junger, D. Feit, Sound, Structures and Their Interaction, The MIT Press (December
30, 1972).
2. F. J. Fahy, Sound and Structural Vibration: Radiation, Transmission and Response,
cademic Press (January 28, 1987).
3. L. Cremer, M. Heckl, B.A.T. Petersson, Structure-Borne Sound: Structural Vibrations and
Sound Radiation at Audio Frequencies, Springer, 3rd ed. edition (March 14, 2005).
4. R. H. Lyon, R. G. Dejong, Theory and Application of Statistical Energy Analysis, R.H.
Lyon Corp (January 1, 1995).
5. R.H. Lyon, Machinery Noise and Diagnostics. Boston:Butterworths (1986)
6. E. Skudrzyk, Simple and Complex Vibratory Systems (Hardcover), Univ of Pennsylvania
Press (June 1968).
Programme Electives 4thYear
Detailed Syllabus
Power sources for arc welding: Power sources for arc welding, classification of power
sources, characteristic curves
Welding consumables: Fluxes, gases and filler materials for various welding processes.
WeldingProcesses and their Applications: SMAW, SAW, GTAW and related processes,
GMAW and variants, PAW, Gas welding, Soldering, Brazing and diffusion bonding,
Thermal cutting of metals, Surfacing and spraying of metals, Resistance welding processes:
spot, seam, butt, flash, projection, percussion etc, Thermit welding, Electro-slag and electro-
gas welding, Solid-state and radiant energy welding processes such as EBW; LBW; USW,
Explosive welding; Friction welding etc, Welding of plastics, Advances, challenges and
bottlenecks in welding.
Books Recommended
1. Lancaster J F, “The Physics of Welding”, Pergamon Press (1984)
2. Little R F, “Welding and Welding Technology”, Mc Graw Hill Co (2001)
3. Nadkarni S V, “Modern Arc Welding Technology”, Ador Welding Ltd (2008)
4. Davies A C, “Welding”, Cambridge University press, (2005)
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Minor L T P Credit
MEMI-201 Thermo-Fluidics
Elective 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Apply mass, momentum, energy and entropy balances to compressible flow
and use compressible flow tables and relations to solve problems involving
compressible flow in a nozzle and diffuser.
CO 2 Apply the principles of thermodynamics to evaluate the performance of Rotary,
Centrifugal and Axial Air compressors,
CO 3 To enable the students to understand the physics of different modes of heat
transfer and importance of the subject of heat transfer in day to day life and in
engineering applications.
Basics: Laws of thermodynamics, Carnot Cycle, Concept of available energy, Exergy
analysis, Entropy, Pure substances, Thermodynamic property relations, Properties of
mixtures, Fuel and Combustion.
Working Cycles:Simple Rankine cycle, Binary vapour cycle, Vapor compression cycle, Air
standard cycles, methods of improving efficiency of the cycles, combined power and heating
Fluid Mechanics
Fluid Statics:Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces, Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces,
Pressure Distribution in Rigid-Body Motion
Fluid Kinematics:Differential Equation for Conservation of Mass, Linear Momentum,
Angular Momentum and Energy. Streamlines, Streaklines, Pathlines and Timelines Reynolds
Transport Theorem and its transformation into differential conservation equations, The
Bernoulli Equation, Navier-Stokes equation of motion, Simplified solutions of Navier Stokes
equation, Flow through pipes, Minor Losses in Pipe Systems, Multiple-Pipe Systems, Flow
losses in pipes, Darcy equation for head loss due to friction, Fluid Meters. Salient features of
flow pattern in a boundary layer, Velocity and shear stress distribution along the boundary,
similarity solutions, Von-Karman momentum integral equation, flow over a curved surface,
boundary layer separation and its control.
Heat Transfer
Conduction:Fourier's law of heat conduction, coefficient of thermal conductivity, effect of
temperature and pressure on thermal conductivity of solids, liquids and gases and its
measurement. Three- dimensional general heat conduction equation in rectangular,
cylindrical and spherical coordinates. Solutions of simple one dimensional steady state heat
conduction problems with electrical analogy of the heat transfer, Introduction to unsteady
heat transfer, Newtonian heating and cooling of solids; Analysis of single fin and array of
fins, fin effectiveness and fin efficiency.
Convection:Free and forced convection, derivation of three dimensional mass, momentum
and energy conservation equations (with introduction to Tensor notations). Boundary layer
formation, laminar and turbulent boundary layers (simple explanation only and no
derivation). Theory of dimensional analysis as applied to free and forced convective heat
transfer, Boiling and Condensation, Nucleation and different theories of nucleation.
Radiation:Fundamentals of thermal radiation, basic laws governing thermal radiation process,
Intensity of Radiation, radiation density, irradiation, radiosity and radiation shields, radiation
exchange and enclosure analysis.
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Books Recommended
Minor L T P Credit
MEMI-202 Strength of Materials
Elective 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Stresses and strains: Fundamental of Stress and strain, stress-strain relationship and elastic
constants, principal stresses and principal planes, Mohr's circle for plane stress and plane
strain, thermal stresses.
Bending moment and shear force diagrams: For cantilevers, simply supported and fixed
beams with or without overhangs and calculation of maximum BM and SF.
Bending and shear stresses in Beam: Simple bending theory, derivation of formula for
Bending and shear stresses, its application to beams. Distribution of Shear Stress in beam of
crosssection: rectangular, triangular, I, C, T, L, circular and hollow sections.
Slope and deflection in Beam: Relationship between moment, slope and deflection, Moment
area method, Macualay‟s method.
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Bending Stress in curved beams: Derivation of bending Stress in curved beams: crane or
chain hooks, rings of circular section and trapezoidal section and chain links with straight
sides, Deflection of curved bars and rings.
Torsion: Derivation of torsion equation, it‟s application hollow and solid circular shafts.
Springs: Closed and open coiled helical springs: Derivation of formula and application for
deflection and rotation of free end under the action of axial load and or axial couple; flat
spiral springs – derivation of formula for strain energy, maximum stress and rotation. Leaf
spring, deflection and bending stresses.
Thin cylinders and spheres: Derivation of formulae and calculations of hoop stress
longitudinal stress in a cylinder, and sphere subjected to internal pressures increase in
Diameter and volume.
Theories of Failure: Maximum principal stress theory, maximum shear stress theory,
maximum strain energy theory, maximum shear strain energy theory, graphical representation
and derivation of equation for each and their application to problems relating to two
dimensional stress systems only.
Rotational stresses: Discs and rims, discs of uniform strength.
Books Recommended
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
To review thermodynamics and thermal systems engineering and develop
CO 1 understanding of vapor compression and heat-driven refrigeration systems.
CO 2 To understand the components of vapour compression refrigeration system.
CO 3 To develop familiarity with refrigerants from the performance and environment
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
point of view.
CO 4 Learn to classify different types of internal combustion engines and their
applications, Demonstrate a basic understanding of engine function,
performance, fuels for IC engines and design methodology.
CO 5 Analyze thermodynamic cycles for Otto, Diesel cycles, striling, Carnot and
duel cycle, Given an engine design specification, predict performance and fuel
economy trends with good accuracy.
CO 6 Determine and understand the effects of spark timing, valve timing, A/F ratio,
engine geometry, fuel type, and manifold tuning on engine performance and
emissions, Understanding of the performance and emission analysis of internal
combustion engine and after treatment devices.
Natural and Mechanical Refrigeration, Application of refrigeration, Bell Coleman Cycle and
its analysis; Vapour compression cycle and its analysis, Vapour Compression Refrigeration
with Multiple Evaporators and Compressors, Principle of absorption system and its
components, Lithium Bromide–water absorption system, Comparison between absorption
and compression system, Classification and nomenclature of refrigerants, Desirable
thermodynamic, chemical and physical properties of refrigerants, comparative study of
commonly used refrigerants and their fields of application; Brief description of compressors,
condensers and evaporators and expansion devices, Cooling towers. Concept and
Applicationsof Air Conditioning, Psychometric properties of air, psychometric chart, Human
requirements of comforts and comfort charts, Industrial air conditioning.
Books Recommended
1. Arora C P, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, 19th Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
Delhi (1985).
2. Pradad M, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, 2nd Edition, New Age International
Private Limited, Delhi (2002).
3. Dossat, R J, “Principles of Refrigeration”, 4th Edition, Pearson Education (Singapore),
India, (2002).
4. Mcquiston F G, Parker J D and Spilter J D, “Heating, Ventilating, and Air
Conditioning”, 5th Edition, John Wiley and Sons Inc, New York (2001).
5. Jordan and Priester, “Refrigeration and Air Conditioning”, Prentice Hall of India
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Minor L T P Credit
MEMI-302 Theory of Machines
Elective 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the concepts of machines, mechanisms and related
CO 2 Analyze planar mechanism for displacement, velocity and acceleration
CO 3 Analyze various motion transmission elements like gears, gear trains, cams,
belt drives and rope drives.
CO 4 Utilize analytical, mathematical and graphical aspects of kinematics of
machines for effective design.
CO 5 Perform the kinematic analysis of a given mechanism.
Basic Concepts: Kinematics of machine, Kinematic link and their different types, types of
kinematic pair, kinematic chain, mechanism and inversions of four bar chain and slider crank
mechanism. Degree of freedom, synthesis of linkages – number synthesis, Grashof‟s criterion
and introduction to dimensional synthesis.
Velocity Analysis: Motion of a link, velocity of a point on a link by relative velocity method,
velocities of slider crank mechanisms, rubbing velocity at a pin joint, velocity of a point on a
link by instantaneous center method, properties and types of I-Center, Kennedy theorem and
methods of locating I-centers in a mechanism.
Cams and Follower: Types of cams and followers, cam terminology, types of motion of the
follower, analysis of motion of the follower, analysis of motion of the follower for cams with
specified contours.
Gears: Classification of gears, terminology used in gears, law of gearing, velocity of sliding,
forms of teeth, construction and properties of an involute, construction and properties of
cycloidal teeth, effect of variation of center distance on the velocity ratio of involute profile
tooth gears, length of path of contact, arc of contact, number of pairs of teeth in contact,
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
interference, minimum number of teeth, interference between rack and pinion, undercutting,
terminology of helical and worm gears.
Gear Trains: Definition of simple, compound, reverted and epicyclic gear trains, velocity
ratio of epicyclic gear trains.
Belt, Rope and Chain Drive: Types of belt drives, velocity ratio, law of belting, length of
belt, ratio of friction tensions, power transmitted, effect of centrifugal tension on power
transmission, condition for maximum power transmission, concept of slip and creep. Chain
drive, chain length and angular speed ratio.
Brakes and Dynamometers: Types of brakes, principle and function of various types of
brakes, problems to determine braking capacity, different types of dynamometers.
Static Force Analysis: Static equilibrium, equilibrium of two-force and three-force members,
members with two forces and a torque, free body diagram, principle of virtual work, friction
in mechanisms.
Lower Pairs: Pantograph, straight line mechanisms, engine indicators, automobile steering
gears, Hooke‟s joint and double Hooke‟s joint.
Flywheels: Turning moment diagram for steam engine and four-stroke internal combustion
engine and for multicylinder engines, fluctuation of energy and speed in flywheels, size of
flywheel and flywheel for punching press.
Books Recommended
1. Bevan T, “The Theory of Machines”, 3rd Edition CBS Publishers and Distributors (2002).
2. Shigley J E and Vickar J J, “Theory of Machines and Mechanism”, 2nd Edition, McGraw
Hill, New Delhi (1995).
3. Wilson C and Sadler J, “Kinematics and Dynamics of Machine”, 3rd Edition, Prentice
Hall (2002).
4. Ratan S S, “Theory of Machines”, 1st Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1993).
5. Rao J S and Dukkipati R V, “Mechanism and Machine Theory”, 2nd Edition, New Age
International (P) Limited, Delhi (1992).
Minor L T P Credit
MEMI-401 Fluid Machines
Elective 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Study of hydraulic turbines like Pelton, Francis and Kaplan turbines
including their performance analysis, cavitations in turbines, similarity
CO 2 Study of different types of pumps like centrifugal pumps and reciprocating
pumps, including its performance analysis.
CO 3 Apply the principles of thermodynamics to evaluate the performance of
Rotary, Centrifugal and Axial Air compressors
CO 4 Study the main elements and their functioning of pumps.
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
General Concepts: Basic components of a turbomachine and its classification on the basis of
purpose, fluid dynamic action, operating principle, geometrical features, path followed by the
fluid , Euler's equation for energy transfer in a turbomachine and specifying the energy
transfer in terms of fluid and rotor kinetic energy changes. Impulse momentum principle,
calculations for force exerted, work done and efficiency of jet.
Power Turbines:
Steam Turbines : Classification; Impulse & Reaction Steam turbines, description of
components , Pressure and velocity compounding, Velocity diagram and work done, Effect of
blade friction on velocity diagram, Stage efficiency and overall efficiency, Reheat factor and
condition curve. Degree of reaction, blade efficiency and its derivation; calculation of blade
height, backpressure and extraction turbines and cogeneration; losses in steam turbines,
Governing of steam Turbines.
Gas Turbines:Classification, Open and closed cycle and their comparison. Application of gas
turbine.Position of gas turbine in power industry.Thermodynamic analysis-Brayton cycle,
calculation of net output, work ratio, and thermal efficiency, Operating variables and their
effects on thermal efficiency and work ratio.Gas turbine cycle with regeneration, inter-
cooling, multistage compression and expansion. Closed and semi closed gas turbine cycle.
Air Compressors:
Use of compressed air in industry, Classification of air compressors, Operation of single
stage reciprocating compressors, Work input and the best value of index of compression,
Effect of clearance and volumetric efficiency,Classification of rotary compressors,
comparison with reciprocating compressors, working of rotary compressors and
determination of total work done for compressors, energy loss in internal friction,
Thermodynamic analysis of centrifugal compressor, velocity vector diagrams for centrifugal
compressors, power calculation, Degree of reaction and its derivation, Derivation of Non-
dimensional parameters for plotting compressor characteristics, surging and choking in
centrifugal compressors, Components of axial flow compressor, velocity vector diagrams,
thermodynamic analysis and power calculations, Stalling in axial flow compressors,
characteristic curves for axial flow compressor.
Layout and installationof Centrifugal Pumps; Main elements and their functions, Various
types and classification, pump output and efficiency, Priming and priming devices,
Multistage pumps - series and parallel arrangement; submersible pumps, Axial and mixed
flow pumps, Performance Characteristics: Unit quantities, specific speed and model
relationships, scale effect, cavitation and Concept of Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) and
its application in determining turbine / pump setting,Components parts and workingof
Reciprocating Pumps, pressure variations due to piston acceleration, acceleration effects in
suction and delivery pipes, work done against friction, maximum permissible vacuum during
suction stroke, Air vessels.
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Books Recommended
1. D.S. Kumar, “Engineering Thermodynamics”, Publisher: S.K. Kataria & Sons; Reprint
2013 edition (2012).
2. R. Yadav, “Applied Thermodynamics” Central Pub House-Allahabad (2011).
3. Mahesh Rathore, “Thermal Engineering” McGraw Hill Education; 1 edition (5 April
4. H.I.H. Saravanamuttoo, G.F.C. Rogers, H. Cohen, Paul Straznicky, “Gas Turbine
Theory”, Pearson Education Canada; 6th edition (September 1, 2008) (7th Edition).
5. P R Khajuria, S P Dubey, “Gas Turbines And Propulsive Systems”, Dhanpat Rai
6. S.M Yahya, “Turbines, Compressors and Fans”, McGraw Hill Education; 4 edition (1
July 2017).
7. Daughaty R L, “Hydraulic Turbines”, McGraw Hill Book Company (1965).
8. Jagdish Lal, “Hydraulic Machines”, Metropolitan Book Company Private Limited, New
Delhi, (2000).
9. Stepanoff A J, “Centrifugal and Axial Flow Pumps”, John Wiley and Sons (1970).
10. Binder R C, “Advanced Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machinery”, Prentice Hall (1966).
11. Nechleba M, “Hydraulic Turbine”, Constable and Company (1957).
12. S.K. Som, Gautam Biswas, “Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Fluid Machines”
Publisher : McGraw Hills.
Minor L T P Credit
MEMI-402 Design of Machine Elements
Elective 3 0 0 3
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Analysis of Selection of materials for different mechanical component.
CO 2 Use the knowledge of other subject like mathematics, science and material
science for designing purpose.
CO 3 Design the individual component for the mechanical system.
CO 4 Practical approach for designing and analysis of component of machine.
Fasteners and joints: Bolts, preloaded bolts subjected to shear, and torsion. Bolted, Welded
and Riveted joints, eccentrically loaded welded and riveted joints, Cotter and cotter joints, pin
fasteners, Knuckle joints.
Transmission shafts: Design of shaft subjected to static loading: pure torsion, simple
bending, combined bending and torsion, combined bending torsion and axial loads.
Keys: Different types of keys and splines, representations and use in Couplings.
B. Tech. Minor Degree Electives
Rigid couplings: Sleeve couplings, Flange couplings, Flexible couplings: Bush pin type,
Universal type.
Brakes and Clutches: Brakes: Design consideration of brakes, Flat plate, and conical plate
IC engine parts: Cranks, flywheels, piston.
Books Recommended
Open Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Books Recommended
1. Jones R M, “Mechanics of Composite Materials”, Scripta Book Company (1975).
2. Herkovic C T, “Mechanics of Fibres Composites”, University of Virginia, John
Wiley and Sons, Inc (1998).
3. Tsai Stephen W, “Introduction to Composite Materials”, Technomic Publishing
Company Inc (1980).
4. Gibson R F, “Principles of Composites Materials Mechanics”, McGraw Hill
International Edition, New York (1994).
Open Electives 3rd Year
Detailed Syllabus
Safety: Meaning & need for safety. Relationship of safety with plant design, equipment
design and work environment. Industrial accidents, their nature, types and causes.ssessment
of accident costs; prevention of accidents. Industrial hazards, Hazard identification
techniques, Accident investigation, reporting and analysis.Safety and economics, safety and
productivity.Employees participation in safety. Safety legislation.
Open Electives 3rd Year
Noise and Vibrations: Continuous and impulse noise. The effect of noise on man.Noise
measurement and evaluation of noise.Noise isolation.Noise absorption techniques. Silencers
vibrations: Effect, measurement and control measures. Measurement and mitigation of
physical and mental "fatigue" Basics of environment design for improved efficiency and
accuracy at work.
Books Recommended
1. Krishnan N V, “Safety management in Industry”, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi
2. Kocurek Dianna and Woodside Gayle, “Environment, Safety, and Health
Engineering”, John Wiley and Sons, New York (1997).
3. McCormick J, “Human Factors in Engineering and Design”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1979).
4. Willie Hammer, Dennis Price, “Occupational Safety Management and Engineering”,
5th Ed., Pearson Education (2000).
5. David Goetsch, “The Safety and Health Handbook”, Pearson Education (1999).
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-353 Operation Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Analysis of System concepts: Classification of systems Organizations as
CO 2 Definition, objectives, functions and scope of operations management.
CO 3 Industrial management – relationship of operations management with the areas
of industrial management.
CO 4 Types of productive systems and their characteristic features – Continuous and
intermittent systems.
CO 5 Decision making in production systems: Scientific process Characteristics of
decisions Framework for decision making.
Detailed Syllabus
Materials Management and Inventory Control: Inventory concepts, Scope, function and
objectives of Inventory, Inventory costs, Determination of E.O.Q., ERP, MRP-I, MRP-II, Just
in time, Concept of Zero Inventory.
Open Electives 3rd Year
Quality Control: Meaning of Quality Control and its Impact, Functions of Quality Control,
Introduction to SQC, Japanese Contribution to Quality Control, Managing Quality,
Introductory Concept of Six Sigma, Introduction to ISO 9000 and 14000, Specific Case
Books Recommended
1. Buffa and Sarin, “Modern Production / Operation Management”, 8th Edition, John
Wiley and Sons (1987).
1. Adam and Ebert, “Production and Operations Management”, 5th Edition, Prentice
Hall of India, New Delhi (2000).
2. Krajenski and Ritzman, “Operations Management Strategy and Analysis’’, 6th
Edition, Pearson Education, New Delhi (2002).
3. Mazda Fraidoon, “Engineering Management”, 3rd Reprint, Pearson Education
4. Besterfiled, “Total Quality Management”, Pearson Education (2003).
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-354 Operations Research
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Illustrate the need to optimally utilize the resources in various types of
CO 2 Apply and analyze mathematical optimization functions to various
CO 3 Demonstrate cost effective strategies in various applications in industry.
Detailed Syllabus
Sequencing Models: Processing n jobs through two machines, processing n jobs through
three machines, processing two jobs through m machines, processing n jobs through m
machines, Travelling salesman problem.
Inventory Control: Purchase model with instantaneous replenishment and with and without
shortages, Manufacturing model with and without shortages, Quantity discount.
Queueing Theory: Introduction, Terminologies of queueing system, Empirical queueing
Game Theory: Introduction and terminologies of game theory, games with pure and mixed
CPM and PERT: Basics steps in PERT and CPM, PERT and CPM computations, Cost
analysis, Contracting and Updating, Resource Scheduling.
Books Recommended:
1. Panneerselvam R, “Operations Research”, PHI, 2002.
2. Tulsian P.C., Pandey Vishal, “Quantitative Techniques”, Pearson Education, 2002.
3. Wagner, “Principles of Operations Research”, Prentice-Hall India, 2000.
Detailed Syllabus
Product Planning and Identifying Customer Needs-Product Planning process, Interpret raw
data in terms of customers need, organize needs in hierarchy and establish the relative
importance of needs, review of the process. Product Specifications-Establish target
specifications, setting final specifications.
Open Electives 3rd Year
Books Recommended:
1. Ulrich K. T, and Eppinger S. D, Product Design and Development, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Otto K, and Wood K, Product Design, Pearson
3. Engineering of creativity: introduction to TRIZ methodology of inventive Problem
Solving, By Semyon D. Savransky, CRC Press
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-356 Production Management
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None.
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Understand the core features of the operations and production management
function at the operational and strategic levels specifically the relationships
between people, process, technology, productivity and quality improve an
organizations performance.
CO 2 Develop an integrated framework for strategic thinking and decision making
to analyze the enterprise as a whole with a specific focus on the wealth
creation processes.
CO 3 Able to communicate effectively through discussion in seminars, teamwork
and writing in discussion board, and a project report by gather evidence,
data and information to make decisions.
CO 4 Utilize Tools viz. Value analysis, TPM and their contribution towards
current production and operations management.
Detailed Syllabus
Work Study: Productivity and the standard of living, reducing work content and ineffective
time, the human factor in the application of work-study, Working conditions and the working
Open Electives 3rd Year
Method Study: Introduction of method study and the selection of jobs, Methods and
movements at the workplace.
Work Measurement: Introduction, Work sampling, Time Study, equipment, timing the job,
rating, Calculation of standard time, Setting time standard for works and machines,
Predetermined time standards, Standard data and its use. Specific case studies.
Value Engineering: Types and concept of value engineering, phases of value engineering
studies, application of value engineering.
Job Design: Traditional engineering dimensions of job design, Concepts of job enlargement,
Job enrichment, Job rotation, effective job design in relation to technological and behaviour
Books Recommended:
1. Barnes M R, “Motion and Time Study”, John Wiley and Sons (2002).
2. Oborne D J, “Ergonomics at Work”, John Wiley and Sons (1985).
3. Miles, “Techniques of Value Analysis and Engineering”, 2nd Edition, McGraw Hill
4. Ulrich Cart T and Eppinger Steven D, “Product Design and Development”, Tata
McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1995).
5. Hicks, “Industrial Engineering and Management”, 2nd Edition, Tata McGraw Hill,
New Delhi (1994).
Detailed Syllabus
Open Electives 3rd Year
Function of PPC: Routing: concept, procedure, route sheet, routing in job order, Scheduling:
objectives, factors affecting scheduling, master scheduling, production, Machine loading:
objectives, adjustments, Dispatching: centralized and decentralized dispatching, Production
Control: concept, objectives, progress reporting, correction actions, Types of Production
Forecasting Techniques: Concept and purpose of sales forecasting and production volume
forecasting, Market Potential, Basic elements, Delphi methods, Moving average technique,
Correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, Forecast error, Costs and accuracy of
Process Planning: Framework for Process Engineering, Process and equipment selection,
machine requirements, Machine outputs, Manpower planning, Combined Operations,
Computer Aided Process Planning, Problems.
Supporting PPC Activities: Group Technology: group layout, stages, benefits and problems,
Lean Manufacturing, Agile manufacturing, JIT, Supply Chain Management, Role of
Database Management System in PPC, Lean Manufacturing, Enterprise Resource Planning.
Books Recommended:
1. Production Planning and Control: Samuel Eilon
2. Production and Operations Management: Adam Ebert
3. Production Planning & Inventory Control: Narsimhan
Open Electives 4th Year
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-451 Automobile Engineering
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Develop chassis and identify suitable engine for different applications and
formulate steering, braking and suspension systems.
CO 2 Select a suitable conventional and automatic transmission system.
CO 3 Identify the usage of electrical and hybrid vehicles.
CO 4 Use of ANSYS software.
Detailed Syllabus
Automotive Electric and Electronic Systems: Electric and electronics principles, systems,
and circuits, automotive batteries, construction, and operation, starting system, charging
system, operation and service, ignition system, electronic ignition and fuel control, engine
management, electric vehicles.
Automotive Drive Trains: Clutches, manual and automotive transmission and transaxles,
drive shafts, universal joints, drive axles.
Automotive Chassis: Suspension system, steering system, wheel alignment, brakes, wheels
and tyres.
Books Recommended
1. Crouse W H and Anglin D N, “Automotive Mechanics”, McGraw Hill, 10th Edition,
Singapore (1993).
2. Bosch, “Automotive Handbook”, SAE Publication (2000).
3. Tom Denton, “Automobile Electrical and Electronics Systems”, Butterworth-
Heinemann (2003).
4. Layne Ken, “Automotive Engine Performance: Tune up, Testing and Service”,
Englewood Prentice Hall of India (1986).
5. Tom Denton, “Advanced Automobile Fault Diagnosis”, Butterworth-Heinemann
Open Electives 4th Year
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 To enable the students to understand different problem solving techniques
theoretically and appreciate the importance of mathematics in engineering
problem solutions.
CO 2 To illustrate different techniques to solve continuous formulations in
differential form and transform them to discrete formulations using different
discretization techniques like, FDM, FEM and FVM.
CO 3 To make students understand that FVM is most appropriate technique for
developing discrete formulations and discuss the same technique in detail.
CO 4 To make students aware of different algorithms to solve numerically the
fluid dynamics problems.
CO 5 To make students understand the utility of using commercial codes like,
FLUENT and CFX and compare the competence of these codes with the
dedicated codes written for engineering problems.
Detailed Syllabus
Review of basic fluid mechanics and the governing Navier-Stokes equations, Techniques for
solution of PDEs – finite difference method, finite element method and finite volume method,
Finite volume (FV) method in one-dimension, Differencing schemes, Steady and unsteady
calculations, Boundary conditions, FV discretizationin two and three dimensions, Simple
algorithm and flow field calculations, variants of SIMPLE, Turbulence and turbulence
modeling, illustrative flow computations, Commercial softwares such as FLUENT and CFX
– grid generation, flow prediction and post-processing.
Books Recommended:
1. S V Patankar, Numerical Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, McGraw Hill, NY, (2005).
2. John Anderson, Computational Fluid Dynamics, McGraw-Hill Publication, 1st edition
(February 1, 1995).
3. W M Kays and M E Crawford, Convective Heat and Mass Transfer, McGraw Hill, New
York (1993).
4. F M White, Viscous Fluid Flow by, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, 2nd Ed. (1991).
5. Robert Siegel and John Howell, Thermal radiation Heat Transfer, 4th Ed., Taylor and
Francis NY, (2002).
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-453 Finite Element Methods
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Review the mathematical knowledge studied in previous semester.
CO 2 To understand the advantage of discreatization of the object.
CO 3 To develop familiarities with FEM software.
CO 4 To develop program for solving the problems.
Open Electives 4th Year
Detailed Syllabus
Fundamentals of the Finite Element Method, discritization of the domain, one-two and three
dimensional elements and interpolation functions, local and global coordinates, properties of
interpolation functions, compatibility and completeness requirements, Assembly and
boundary conditions; Formulation for FEM solutions.Application to solid mechanics,
vibrations, plates and shell problems.
Books Recommended
1. Desai and Abel, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, East West, CBS Delhi (1987).
2. Zienkiewicz O C, “Finite Element Method”, McGraw Hill (1989).
3. Krishnamurthy C J, “Finite Element Method – Analysis Theory and Programming”, Tata
McGraw Hill (1994).
4. Bathe k J, “Finite Element Procedures”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New
Delhi, (1996).
5. Belegundu Ashok D and Chandrupatla T, “Introduction to Finite Element Method”, PHI
Private Limited, New Delhi (2003).
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-454 Materials and Environment
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
CO 1 Understand the importance of materials and interrelationship between
Materials, Energy, Emissions and Environment
CO 2 Carryout Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Eco Audits using various methods
CO 3 Understand the importance of materials selection in the Mechanical Design
process and use Material property charts, Material Indices for selecting
materials for various types of mechanical systems
CO 4 Introduce the concept of Ecological Selection of Materials.
Detailed Syllabus
Resource Consumption & its drivers: Resource consumption, Exponential growth and
doubling times, Reserves, the resource base, and resource life, Summary and conclusion.
The Materials Life Cycle: The material life cycle, Life-cycle assessment: details and
difficulties, Streamlined LCA, The strategy for eco-selection of materials.
End of First Life- A Problem or a resource: What determines product life, End-of-first-life
Options, The problem of packaging, Recycling: resurrecting materials.
Eco Data-Values, Sources, precision: Data precision- recalibrating expectations, The eco-
attributes of materials, Energy and CO2 footprints of energy,transport, and use, Exploring the
data: property charts.
Open Electives 4th Year
Eco Audits & Eco Audit Tools: Introduction and synopsis, Eco-audits, Computer-aided eco-
auditing, Case Studies.
Selection Strategies: Introduction, The selection strategy: choosing a car, Principles of
materials selection, Selection criteria and property charts, Resolving conflicting objectives:
tradeoff methods.
Eco-Informed Material Selection: Which bottle is best? Selection per unit of function,
Crash barriers: matching choice to purpose, Deriving and using indices: materials for light,
strong shells, Heating and cooling, Transport.
Books Recommended:
1. Ashby M, “Materials & the Environment- Eco-Informed Material Choice” , Butterworth-
Heinemann (2019)
2. Ashby M, “Materials and Sustainable Development”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2016)
3. Ashby M, “Materials Selection in Mechanical Design”, Third Edition, Elsevier, Indian
Edition, (2005)
4. Ashby M and Johnson K, “Materials & Design, 2nd Edition- The Art & Science of
Material Selection in Product Design”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2009)
Detailed Syllabus
Resource Consumption & its drivers: Resource consumption, Exponential growth and
doubling times, Reserves, the resource base, and resource life, Summary and conclusion.
The Materials Life Cycle: The material life cycle, Life-cycle assessment: details and
difficulties, Streamlined LCA, The strategy for eco-selection of materials.
Eco Data-Values, Sources, precision: Data precision- recalibrating expectations, The eco-
attributes of materials, Energy and CO2 footprints of energy,transport, and use, Exploring the
data: property charts.
Open Electives 4th Year
Eco Audits & Eco Audit Tools: Introduction and synopsis, Eco-audits, Computer-aided eco-
auditing, Case Studies.
Materials Supply chain risk: Emerging constraints on materials sourcing and usage, price
volatility risk, monopoly of supply and geo political risk, conflict risk, legislation &
regulation risk, other risks.
Case Studies on Sustainable development: Bioploymers to replace oil based plastics, Wind
Farms, Electric Cars, Solar PV for Low Carbon power, Bamboo as sustainable building
Books Recommended:
5. Ashby M, “Materials and Sustainable Development”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2016)
6. Ashby M, “Materials & the Environment- Eco-Informed Material Choice” , Butterworth
Heinemann (2019)
7. Ashby M, “Materials Selection in Mechanical Design”, Third Edition, Elsevier, Indian
Edition, (2005)
8. Ashby M and Johnson K, “Materials & Design, 2nd Edition- The Art & Science of Material
Selection in Product Design”, Butterworth-Heinemann (2009)
Detailed Syllabus
Machining of Metals: Mechanics of metal cutting, Cutting Tool Nomenclature, Orthogonal
and Oblique Cutting, Tool Angle Specification Systems, Effect of Cutting Parameters on
Open Electives 4th Year
Tool Wear and Cutting Fluids: Cutting Fluids, Types of Cutting Fluids, Selection of
Cutting Fluids, Methods of Applying Cutting Fluids, Kinds of Tool Damage, Tool Wear
Equation, Tool Life Equations, Tool Life Tests.
General Purpose Machine Tools and Operations: Lathe and turning operations, Lathe and
its accessories, Lathe specifications, lathe cutting tools, Classification of milling machines,
specifications of milling machine, milling machine operations, indexing methods: simple and
compound indexing. Shaper and Planes, Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines.
Mechanisms for rectilinear motion: Methods for producing rectilinear motion in machine
tools, Rack and pinion drives, rotary and materials uses for pinions and racks, worm and rack
drives, materials used, lead screw and nut drives, materials used for bad screws and nuts.
Structural Features of Machine Tools: Beds, Bases columns, material for beds, bases and
columns typical constructions of beds, bases and columns, machine tool columns, Housings,
Tables cross rails and carriages.
Speed and Feed Gear Boxes: Speed gearboxes in machine tools, types of speed gearboxes,
feed gearboxes, types of feed gearboxes.
Installation and maintenance of machine tools: Machine Tool installation and maintenance
safety in machine tools, reconditioning of machine tools, trouble shooting.
Books Recommended
1. Devris W R, “Analysis of Material Removal Processes”, Springer – Verlag (1992).
2. Panday P C and Shan H S, “Modern Machining Processes”, Tata McGraw Hill
Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi (1980).
3. Schey A John, “Introduction to Manufacturing Processes”, McGraw Hill Book
Company, New York (1987).
4. HMT Bangalore, “Production Technology”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi (1980).
5. Acherkan N, “Machine Tool Design”, Volume 1 to 4, MIR Publishers, Moscow
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-457 Non-Conventional Energy
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
Open Electives 4th Year
CO 1 To make the students aware about the present energy scenario and
importance of non conventional energy resources.
CO 2 To know about the various prevalent, non conventional energy resources
and their respective worldwide with specific to India.
CO 3 To acquire the knowledge related to various energy conversion technologies,
Direct and Indirect.
CO 4 To develop an ability for design and analysis of various energy conversion
systems and devices.
CO 5 Introduce students to societal catalysts and challenges regarding renewable
energy implementation.
CO 6 To enhance a student‟s ability to communicate in written form.
Detailed Syllabus
Wind Energy: Basic principle of wind energy conversion, wind data and energy estimation,
site selection considerations, basic components of a WECS, classification of WECS system,
application of wind energy.
Energy from Ocean: Ocean thermal electric conversion, methods of ocean thermal elective
power generation, energy from tides, basic principal of tidal power, components of tidal
power plant, methods of utilization of tidal energy ocean waves and introduction and wave
energy conversion devices.
Fuel Cell: Design and principle of operation of fuel cell, classification of fuel cells.
Open Electives 4th Year
Books Recommended
1. Rai G D, “Non-Conventional Energy Sources”, 4th Edition, Khanna Publishers, Delhi
2. Rao S and Paruleka B B, “Energy Technology”, 1st Edition Khanna Publishers, Delhi
3. Abbasi S A and Abbasi Narsema, “Renewable Energy Sources and their
Environmental Impact”, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi (2001).
4. Kothari,D.P,Singal,K.C. & Ranjan, Rakesh, “ Renewable Energy sources and
Emerging Technologies”, Ist Edition Prentice Hall of India(2008).
Detailed Syllabus
Introduction to Robotics:
Kinematics and Dynamics of Robotic linkages (open ended type manipulators):
Frames, Transformations: Translation and rotation, Denavit-Hartenberg parameters, Forward
and Inverse Kinematics, Jacobian, Dynamics: Equations of motion, Newton-Euler
Control of Manipulators:
Feedback control of II order Linear systems, Joint control, Trajectory control, Controllers,
PID control.
Books Recommended
1. John J. Craig, Introduction to Robotics: Mechanics and Control, Addison-Wesley,
Open Electives 4th Year
Department L T P Credit
MEOE-459 Solar Thermal Process
Elective 3 0 0 3
Pre-requisites: None
Course Assessment Method: Both continuous and semester end examination.
Topics to be covered: All.
Course Outcomes: At the end of the course the student will be able to:
CO 1 Study of the Solar radiation on the earth surface and its characteristics,
instruments used to measure solar radiation, solar radiation data, solar
radiation geometry.
CO 2 Analysis of Flat plate collectors, principles of energy conversion into heat,
energy balance equation, collector efficiency.
CO 3 Study of Solar energy storage like scribble heat storage, latent heat storage,
thermo chemical heat storage.
CO 4 Understanding and designing Solar water heating system, pressurized and
non pressurized, space heating and cooling.
Detailed Syllabus
Solar Radiation: Solar radiation outside the earth‟s atmosphere, solar radiation at the earth‟s
surface, instruments for measuring solar radiation and sunshine, solar radiation data, solar
radiation geometry, solar radiation on tilted surfaces.
Solar Energy Collection: Flat – Plate collectors: Transmissivity of cover system, physical
principles of conversion of solar radiation into heat, energy balance equation and collector
efficiency, concentrating collectors: Focusing type, selective absorber coating.
Thermal Energy Storage: Scribble heat storage, latest heat storage, thermo-chemical heat
Solar Water Heating Systems: Natural circulation water heater; (pressurized and non-
pressurized) Forced circulation solar water heater, space heating and cooling.
Solar Crop Drying: Working principle: Open sun drying, direct solar drying, and indirect
solar drying.
Open Electives 4th Year
Solar Distillation and Solar Pond and other Applications: Worming Principle, principle
and description of solar pond and operational problem, collection – cum storage water heater,
Green house, solar cooker, heating of biogas plant by solar energy.
Books Recommended
1. Sukhatme S P, “Solar Energy: Principles of Thermal Collection and Storage”, 2nd
edition, Tata McGraw Hill, Delhi (1997).
2. Tiwari G N, “Solar Energy: Fundamentals, Design, Modeling and Applications”, 1st
Edition, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi (2003).
3. Rai G D, “Non-Conventional Sources of Energy”, 4th Edition, Khanna Publisher, Delhi
4. Agarwal M P, “Solar Energy” S Chand & Sons, New Delhi (1989).
5. Garg H P and Parkash J, “Solar Energy: Fundamentals and Applications”, Tata McGraw
Hill, Delhi (2003).