Topography of Odisha by Odia Pathasala
Topography of Odisha by Odia Pathasala
Topography of Odisha by Odia Pathasala
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Topography of odisha
by prabhu sir
Odia Pathasala
Topography of odisha
Odisha is one of the States of India.It is located between
the parallels of 17.49'N and 22.34'N latitudes and meridians
of 81.27'E and 87.29'E longitudes. It is bounded by the Bay
of Bengal on the east; Madhya Pradesh on the west and
Andhra Pradesh on the south. It has a coast line of about
450 kms. It extends over an area of 155,707 square kms.
Accounting about 4.87 of the total area of India. According
to the 1991 census, it has a total population of 31,512,070
(3.73 percent of the total population of India) out of which
about 16,237,000 are male and 15,275,070 are female.
On the basis of homogeneity, continuity and physiographic
characteristics, Odisha has been divided into five major
morphological regions : the Odisha Coastal Plain in the
east, the Middle Mountainous and Highlands Region, the
Central plateaus, the western rolling uplands and the
major flood plains.
Odia Pathasala
Topography of odisha
his region stretches from the West Bengal border, i.e. from
the River Subarnarekha in the north to the River
Rushikulya in the south.
Odia Pathasala
Topography of odisha
part of the ancient landmass of the Gondwanaland.The
major rivers of Odishawith their tributaries have cut deep
and narrow valleys. This region mostly comprises the hills
and mountains of the Eastern Ghats which rise abruptly
and steeply in the east and slope gently to a dissected
plateau in the west running from north-east (Mayurbhanj)
to north-west (Malkangirig). This region is well marked by
a number of interfluves or watersheds. The Eastern Ghats
is interrupted by a number of broad and narrow river
valleys and flood plains. The average weight of this region
is about 900 meters above the mean seal level.
Odia Pathasala
Topography of odisha
Odia Pathasala