India Map Physiographic Divisions of India

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Physiographic Divisions of India

Physiography of India

India can be divided into following physical divisions viz.

The Northern Mountains

The North Indian Plain

The Peninsular Plateau

Great Indian Desert

The coastal Regions


The Northern Mountains / Himalayan Mountains

Young and structurally fold mountains stretch over thenorthern borders of India
Run in a west-east direction fromthe Indus to the Brahmaputra formed by the tectonic collision
of the Indian plateau with the Eurasian plateau
Loftiest and one of the most rugged mountain barriers of the world
form an arc, which covers a distance of about 2,400 Km in length with varying width from 400
Km in Kashmir to 160 Km Arunachal Pradesh
The altitudinal variations are greater in the eastern part than in the western

The Trans Himalayas

Himalayan Ranges immediately to the north of the The Great Himalayan Range are called the
Trans Himalayas.

Most of the part of this Himalayan range lies in the Tibet and hence also called Tibetan
The Zaskar, K2 (Godwin austin), the Ladakh, the Kailash and the Karakoram are the main
ranges of the trans Himalayan system

Greater or Inner Himalayas / Himadri

Most continuous range consisting of the loftiest peaks with an average height of 6,000 metres
Contains all the prominent Himalayan peaks with core of this part of Himalayas is composed of

Perennially snow bound, and a number of glaciers descend from this range

Prominent Ranges include Mt. Everest, Kamet, Kanchenjunga, Nanga Parbat, Annapurna

The Lesser Himalaya or Himachal

Altitude varies between 3,700 to 4,500 metres and the average width is of 50 Km

While the Pir Panjal range forms the longest and the most important range, the Dhaula Dhar &
the Mahabharat ranges are also prominent ones

Consists of the famous valley of Kashmir and the Kangra & Kullu Valley in Himachal Pradesh
(Majority of hill stations lies in this range)

The Shiwaliks

The altitude varies between 900 to 1100 km and the width varies between 10 to 50 km
The longitudinal valleys lying between the Himachal and Shiwaliks are called Dun for ex.
DehraDun, Kotli Dun and Patli Dun

Eastern hills and mountains

The Brahmaputra marks the eastern border of the Himalayas. Beyond the Dihang gorge, the
Himalayas bend sharply towards south and form the Eastern hills or Purvanchal.

These hills run through the north eastern states of India & are mostly composed of sandstones
for ex. Patkai Hills, Naga Hills, Manipuri Hills and Mizo Hills

Himalayan Regions from East to West

This part lies between the Indus and Sutlej 560 km

From west to east, this is also known as Kashmir Himalaya

and Himachal Himalaya; respectively.


Karakoram, Ladakh, Pir Panjal, Zaskar and Dhaola Dhar

are the main ranges of this section
This part lies between Sutlej and Kali rivers 320 km

Its western part is called Garhwal Himalaya while the

eastern part is known as Kumaon Himalaya

The general elevation is higher as compared to Panjab


Nanda Devi, Kamet, Trisul, Badrinath, Kedamath, Gangotri

are important peaks.

The sources of sacred rivers like the Ganga and the

Yamuna are located in the Kumaon Himalayas


Nainital and Bhimtal are important lakes

This part lies between the Kali and Tista rivers 800 km

This is the tallest section of the Himalayas and is crowned

by several peaks of perpetual snow

Importantpeaks include Mount Everest, Kanchenjunga,

Lhotse I, Makalu, Dhaula Giri and Annapurna


Kathmandu is a famous valley in this region

This part lies between the Tista and Dihang rivers 750


Has elevation much lesser than that of the Nepal


The southern slopes are very steep but the northern

slopes are gentle

Important peaks of this region are Namcha Barwa, Kula

Kangri and Chomo Lhari


The Northern Plain

Formed by the interplay of the three major river systems, namely the Indus, the Ganga and
the Brahmaputra along with their tributaries

Composed of alluvial soil which has been deposited over millions of years, about 2400 km long
and about 240 to 320 km broad.

With a rich soil cover combined with adequate water supply and favourable climate it is
agriculturally a very productive part of India
Divided into three sections, viz. the Punjab Plain, the Ganga Plain and the Brahmaputra Plain.


Form the western part of the northern plain & formed by the
Indus and its tributaries with major portion of this plains in


Extends between Ghaggar and Tista rivers. The northern states,

Haryana, Delhi, UP, Bihar, part of Jharkhand and West Bengal lie
in the Ganga plains.

a Plains

This plain forms the eastern part of the northern plain and lies in

Based on the relief features; the northern plain can be divided into four regions, viz. bhabar, terai, bhangar and khadar.

After descending from the mountains, the rivers deposit

pebbles in a narrow belt.

The width of this belt is about 8 to 16 km; lies parallel to the



All the streams disappear in this region

The terai region lies towards south of the bhabar belt.

In this region, the streams reappear and make a wet, swampy

and marshy region

Bhangar is the largest part of the northern plain and is

composed of the oldest alluvial soil.



They lie above the flood plains & resemble terraces.

The soil of this region is locally known as kankar and is
composed of calcareous deposits

The floodplains formed by younger alluvium are called khadar.


The soil in this region is renewed every year and is thus highly

The Peninsular Plateau

The peninsular plateau is triangular in shape & surrounded by hills, composed of the oldest
rocks as it was formed from the drifted part of the Gondwana land
Broad & shallow valleys and rounded hills are the characteristic features of this plateau.

The plateau can be broadly divided into two regions, viz. the Central Highlands and the Deccan

The Central Highlands

The Central Highlands lies to the north of the Narmada River & covers the major portion of the
Malwa plateau.

The rivers in this region flow from southwest to northeast; which indicates the slope of this

It is wider in the west and narrower in the east.

Bundelkhand and Baghelkhand mark the eastward extension of this plateau.

The plateau further extends eastwards into the Chhotanagpur plateau

The Deccan Plateau

Largest plateau in India, making up most of the southern part of the country, lies to the south
of the Naramada River & shaped as downward-pointing triangle.
It is located between two mountain ranges, the Western Ghats and the Eastern Ghats.

Each rises from its respective nearby coastal plain almost meet at the southern tip of India.

The average elevation of Western Ghats is 900 1600 metres; compared to 600 metres in case
of Eastern Ghats.

It is separated from the Gangetic plain to the north by the Satpura and Vindhya Ranges, which
form its northern boundary

Home of thick dark soil (called regur), suitable for cotton cultivation

The Indian Desert

The Indian desert lies towards the western margins of the Aravali Hills.
This region gets scanty rainfall which is less than 150 mm in a year, Hence they climate is arid
and vegetation is scanty.
Luni is the only prominent river but some streams appear during rainy season.

The Coastal Plains

The Peninsular plateau is flanked by stretch of narrow coastal strips which run along the Arabian Sea on the west and along the
Bay of Bengal on the east.

Western Coastal Plains

The Western Coastal Plainsis a thin strip of coastal plain 50 kilometres in width, much less
than its eastern counterpart, between the west coast of India and the Western Ghats hills, which
starts near the south of river Tapi
The plains begin at Gujarat in the north and end at Kerala in the south including the states
of Maharashtra, Goa and Karnataka

The Gulf of Kutch and the Gulf of Khambat lie on the northern part

Western coastal plane is mainly divided into following sections

Kathiawar Coast Kutch to Daman (Tapti, Narmada, Sabarmati & Mahi river deposit huge load of
sediments in the Gulf of Cambay & form estuaries)
Konkan Coast Between Daman & Goa
Kannada Coast Between Goa to Cannanore
Kanyakumari Coast Between Cannanore to Cape Camorin
Malabar coast Kannada Coast + Kanyakumari Coast

Eastern Coastal Plains

Refer to a wide stretch of landmass of India, lying between the Eastern Ghats and the Bay of

These plains are wider and level as compared to the western coastal plains.

It stretches from Tamil Nadu in the south to West Bengal in the north.
Eastern coastal plane is mainly divided into following sections

Utkal coast Deltaic plains of Ganga to Mahanadi delta (Famous Chilka lake is located in this plain)
Andhra Coast Utkal plains to Pulicat lake (Contains deltas of Godavari & Krishna Rivers, & famous
Kolleru lake)

Northern Circars Utkal Coast + Andhra Coast (Between Mahanadi & Krishna)

Coromandal Coast Between Krishna & Kanyakumari (Consist of Kaveri Delta)

The Islands

Total 247 islands in India 204 islands in Bay of Bengal and 43 in the Arabian Sea

Few coral islands in the Gulf of Mannar also

Andaman and Nicobar Islands in Bay of Bengal consist of hard volcanic rocks

The middle Andaman and Nicobar Islands are the largest islands of India

Lakshadweep islands in the Arabian Sea are formed by corals

The southern most point of India is in Nicobar Island, known as Indira Point

Formerly Indira point was called Pygmalion Point, it is submerged now, after 2004 Tsunami

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