Integrating Technology in The Classroom Unit Chaz Burton Middle School EDUB 528
Integrating Technology in The Classroom Unit Chaz Burton Middle School EDUB 528
Integrating Technology in The Classroom Unit Chaz Burton Middle School EDUB 528
I. Introduction
I teach at English at Jingyo Middle School and Jingyo High School, and my students range
from grades 7 to grade 12. Jingyo is a small rural town in Gyeongnam Province in the
southern part of South Korea. All are Korean and speak virtually exclusively in Korean. My
classroom is arranged in groups of four, to maximize student interaction. The technology
that I use regularly is the classroom computer and large screen, the Smart Board, YouTube
and other videos I have taken in the classroom or around the school, Microsoft PowerPoint
and Word, and various educational websites, such as,,,,, and others. And I
have gradually begun to experiment with and use other forms of technology, such as Skype,
Audacity and Google Earth, all of which you will see in this unit.
We have been working mostly on speaking skills, utilizing dialogues, video and audio clips, and
simple partner/group conversations. Part of the dialoguing has included using Skype to connect
with some of my friends and family, and with other students, from as close as the high school
students across the street and as far away as my sister’s students in the suburbs of San
Francisco. I have also used Google Earth to generate interest and excitement and to facilitate
greater understanding of and connection with the interconnectedness of the world. I have
been seeking ways of incorporating both Skype and Google Earth more into my lessons, and
was pleased to find an idea on the internet using Google Earth and Skype simultaneously. Since
I only see the students once each week, this is a three week unit.
2. Students will identify features of maps and globes on Google Earth and will work with the
measuring tools, legends, and interactive features of the program.
3. Students will become familiar with and utilize terminology associated with maps, globes and
Google Earth.
4. Students will create and practice a dialogue about their homes in relationship to their local
Integrating Technology in the Classroom Unit
4. Students will share their dialogues with students at the High School using Skype.
3. Introduce Google Earth, and its tools. Introduce Key Terms: Key, cardinal directions,
location, place mark, etc.
4. Show Jingyo Middle School and the surrounding town. Have two or three students
come up and find their houses.
5. Students will use Google Earth to find and creates place marks for their homes.
6. Students will then create a simple dialogue with a partner. (see Cloze Worksheet below)
9. Students call a High School class using Skype, and share their Google Tour and Audacity
creative thinking,
knowledge, and
develop innovative
products and
processes using
collaborate, and
Create original publish with peers,
works as a means experts, or others
of personal or employing a variety
group expression of digital
environments and
Communication media
Use critical thinking
skills to plan and Communicate
conduct research, information and
manage projects, ideas effectively to
solve problems, multiple audiences
and make informed using a variety of
decisions using media and formats
appropriate digital
tools and resources
Integrating Contribute to
Critical Thinking, project teams to
Identify and define Problem Google produce original
works or solve
authentic problems Solving, and Earth and problems
and significant
Decision Making Skype
questions for
Advocate and
practice safe, legal,
5. Digital
and responsible use
of information and Citizenship
Exhibit a positive
attitude toward
using technology
that supports
collaboration, Buy SmartDraw!- purchased copies print this
learning, and document without a watermark .
Visit or call 1-800-768-3729.
Integrating Technology in the Classroom Unit
Korea has no Standards that I have access to, so I’m using State and National Standards that
seem to best apply.
Content Standards:
SS(K) Self and Family 7: Identify representations of Earth using technology, maps, and globes.
SS(1) Exploring Our Community and State 6: Identify land masses, bodies of water, and other
physical features of Earth on maps and globes.
SS(2) Exploring Our Nation and World: People and Places 8: Identify continents, oceans, and the
equator using technology, maps, and globes.
III. Matrix
Week 1 Week 2 Week 3
1. Students will use Students will record their Students will share their
Google Earth to explore dialogues using Audacity. dialogues with students
their local community. at the High School using
Objective Skype.
2. Students will also
identify features of maps Students will self-
and globes on Google evaluate using a rubric.
Earth and will work with
the measuring tools,
legends, and interactive
features of the program.
“Who wants to see my “Who wants to learn how Connect with the High
house in California from to record and listen to School classroom via
Opener space?” their dialogue?” Skype
Integrating Technology in the Classroom Unit
Activity #2 Introduce Google Earth, Choose a pair to come up As they return to their
and its tools. Introduce and demonstrate desks, they complete the
Key Terms: Key, cardinal recording their dialogue self-evaluation using the
directions, location, place for the class. Rubric.
mark, etc.
Students practice
dialogues with their
Activity #5 partners.
Student journals, Student journals with Student journals with their dialogues,
pen/pencils. their dialogues, pen/pencils, Audacity, and Skype
Materials pen/pencils, Audacity.
CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Participation I was fully I was somewhat I was often often I was a
engaged and engaged and off-task and distraction to my
contributing to contributing to contributed little partner and the
the process and the process and to the process class.
project. project. and project.
Written Accuracy My writing My writing My writing My writing is
closely follows somewhat shows little signs incomprehensibl
the prompt, is follows the of following the e and/or illegible.
grammatically prompt, has only prompt, has
correct, and my a few numerous
handwriting is grammatical grammatical
neat. errors, and my errors, and my
handwriting is handwriting is
relatively neat. sloppy.
Verbal Fluency My speaking was My speaking was My speaking was My speaking was
very clear and somewhat clear sometimes most often
correct, my and correct, my unclear and unclear and
pronunciation pronunciation incorrect, my incorrect, my
was accurate, was somewhat pronunciation pronunciation
and the rate and accurate, and was sometimes was most often
tone were the rate and inaccurate, and inaccurate, and
natural. tone were the rate and the rate and tone
somewhat tone were were most often
natural. sometimes unnatural.
Cloze Worksheet
Google Earth:
Integrating Technology in the Classroom Unit