4 - Unit 1 - UTS
4 - Unit 1 - UTS
4 - Unit 1 - UTS
• Sigmund Freud believed that the self is divided into the Id, Ego, and
Super Ego.
• For Freud, the self is unified by these three distinct components.
• For Kenneth Gergen, post modern theorist,
he believes that the self has multiple self.
• We tend to react to the situation we are
brought in, hence we adapt. For him, having
Only one self-concept maybe unhealthy.
• Donald Winnicott - the self is composed of true self and false self
• The function of false self is to hide and protect the true self
• Albert Bandura (2001) – humans through their agency are perceived as
proactive agents of experiences.
• Agency embodies: endowments, belief systems, self-regulatory,
capabilities, and distributed structures and functions through which
personal influence is exercised, rather than reside as a discrete entity.
• Intentionality refers to acts done intentionally. Intentions center on plans of action with the
anticipation of possible outcomes.
• Forethought enables the person to anticipate the likely consequences of prospective actions.
Through the exercise of forethought, people are guided in their actions in the anticipation of
future event.
• Reactiveness involves making choices and choosing appropriate course of action as well as
motivating and regulating them.
• Reflectiveness gives the person the ability to reflect upon and the adequacy of one’s thoughts
and actions.
• Efficacy beliefs are the foundation of human agency. Plays a role in
self-regulation, which is the ability on an individual to control his or
her behavior without having to rely on others for help.
• Self efficacy refers to the individuals belief that he or she is capable
to perform a task which influences whether he or she will think
pessimistically or optimistically and in in ways that are self-enhancing
or self-hindering.
• Mind is composed of 3 structures through which personality is formed:
• ID –need to satisfy basic urges and desires. It’s the pleasure-seeking, impulsive, child-like, and
demands gratification
• EGO – operates on the reality principle and controls the ID. Can conform with existing societa
• SUPER EGO – refers to the conscience and moral judge of one’s conduct. Strives for perfection
rather than pleasure.
• Ego strength – refers to the ego’s ability to resolve the conflict between the 3 structures. If
conflict is unresolved, personality problems may arise.
1. Oral stage –birth to 1st year, derives pleasure from oral activities like sucking and
biting. Overindulgence of oral needs may lead to oral incorporative personality
disorder (e.g overeating, smoking, & alcoholism,) while dissatisfaction may lead to
oral aggressive personality disorder (e.g sarcasm & tactlessness).
2. Anal stage – 2nd yr of life, derives pleasure from the elimination of body wastes.
Through toilet training, child learns the basic rules of society. Anal fixations can
lead to anal retentive personality disorder such as having obsession with
cleanliness or anal expulsion personality disorder such as clumsiness.
3. Phallic stage – ages3-6 year old, derives pleasure from examining, touching, fondling, or
displaying their genitals. Curious about the difference of man and woman. Sex curiosity remain
high during the elementary years and tend to asks questions on anatomical structure of sex,
and how babies are made. Fixations may lead to abnormal sex behaviors in later life.
4. Latency stage – 7 to 12 years old, sexual energy is repressed because children are
preoccupied with school.
5. Genital stage – starts from adolescence to adulthood, derives pleasure genital area and
individuals seek to satisfy their sexual drives from sexual relationships. Sexual problems may
result a consequence of inappropriate sex behaviours.
• Adolescence is a period of identity development
• One must create a vision of the self that is authentic which is
anchored on the meaning of his or her goals for the future sense of
having hold of one’s destiny in an effort to reach goals that are
personally meaningful.
• Individuals go through 8 Psychosocial stages of development
1. Trust vs. mistrust (1st yr)– develop trusts if properly cared for
2. Autonomy vs. shame and doubt (up to 3rd yr)– assert independence of thought/confidence
3. Initiative vs. guilt (3-5 yrs) – develop sense of responsibility
4. Industry vs. inferiority (elem yrs) – develop knowledge/skills and are encouraged in their efforts
5. Identity formation vs. identity confusion (adolescenyrs) – finding self, roles & responsibilities
6. Intimacy vs. isolation (adulthood) – develop intimate relationships
7. Generativity vs. stagnation (middle adulthood) – desire to contribute
8. Integrity vs. despair. (old age) – self-reflection on life and important events in life