Understanding The Self Module

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The document discusses an instructional module about understanding the self from various philosophical and psychological perspectives.

The main topics covered include philosophical, psychological, social, physical, material, spiritual, political and digital aspects of the self.

Some of the philosophical perspectives discussed include those of Socrates, Plato, Kant, Descartes, Locke and Hume.

Gen. Ed.



Instructional Module

To those who love themselves and those who don’t…

I hope this module helps you see the value of a person and those who have the potential to be.
Most importantly I hope this gives you the much needed time to get to know yourself and
eventually find your value as you evolve together with the ever changing times. It is in
understanding yourself that you will understand others too. You before them. Problems could
arise when they are interchanged.

Take time to read. Understand yourself right. And enjoy discovering the person in you in the
hope that you may better understand others too.

The only person to live your life is you. It goes without saying that the most important person in
the world should have been you. And yet, we go around asking people to take care of us, be
kinder and more understanding of us, to love us and stay with us. This symbiotic nature of man
demands a better understanding of oneself first before others. Failure to do so will lead to
dangers of mind, body and soul. Drug addictions, alcoholism, self-harming tendencies are few
of the examples that could happen if we place others before ourselves.

This book will help you create a path that will lead to you and from you to others. To get to
know you will help you gain a better understanding of how others think and feel too.
Table of Contents

Unit 1 The self from various perspectives

A. Philosophical view of the self

1. Socrates
2. Plato
3. Kant
4. Descartes
5. Locke
6. Hume

B. Psychological view of the self

1. William James and the Me-Self and I-Self
2. Carl Roger’s Real Self and Ideal Self Concepts
3. True vs False selves
4. Sigmund Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory
a. Id, Ego, Superego
b. Defense Mechanism
5. Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory
6. Carl Jung
a. 4 main archetypes
b. Self-realization

C. The social and cultural point of view of the self

1. The self as a product of modern society among other

2. Social Construction of the self
3. Mead and the social self
4. Cooley’s Looking Glass Self
5. Festinger’s Social Comparison Theory
6. Tajfel and Turner Social Identity Theory
7. Individualism vs Collectivism
Influence of culture on self-concept
Unit 2 Unraveling the Self

A. The physical/
1. Physical Self
a. Factors affecting biological and physical changes
b. Importance to self
2. The self as impacted by the body
a. The concept of beauty
b. Body image
i. Positive body image
ii. Negative body image
iii. Body image issues
iv. Body image disorder
c. The impact of culture on body image and self-esteem
The influence of Mass Media on
the concept of beauty
e. Body Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction
3. Sexual Self
a. Sexual Development
i. Freud’s Psychosexual Stages of Development
ii. Human Reproductive System
iii. The Sexual response Cycle
iv. Basic biology of sexual behavior
b. The diversity of sexual behavior
i. Gender and Sexuality
ii. Five circles of sexuality
c. STD
d. Contraception

B. The material/
economic self
1. The Material Self according to William James
2. The role of consumer culture on our sense of self and identity

C. Social Self
1. Socialization
2. Self-presentation and Reputation management
3. Influencing and Conforming
4. Liking and Loving
5. Helping and Altruism
6. Aggression
7. Working Groups: Performance and Decision-Making
8. Stereotypes, Prejudice and Discrimination
9. Gender and Sexuality (gender issues)
10. Competition and Cooperation
11. Understanding Diversity

D. The spiritual self

1. The concept of spirituality
a. The Spirit and the Soul
b. The Filipino understanding of the soul
c. Relationship between religion and spirituality
2. The practice of Religion
a. Rituals
b. Magic
c. Witchcraft
3. Viktor Emil Frankl’s Finding and creating meaning
E. The political self
1. The Political Self
a. Democracy and Democratic Culture
b. Article IV- Citizenship
2. Who is a Filipino?
3. Duties and responsibilities of Filipino citizens
4. Filipino Values and Traits

F. The digital self

1. Who are you online?
2. The Digital World
a. Digital Footprint
b. Digital Identities
3. Selective Self-presentation and Impression Management Online
4. Extended self in a digital world
5. Boundaries of the self online
a. Private vs. Public
b. Personal/individual vs. Social Identity
c. Gender and Sexuality Online
6. Cyberbullying
a. Forms of cyberbullying
b. How to prevent/avoid cyberbullying
Digital Responsibilities
Unit 3 Managing and Caring for the Self

A. Learning to be a better learner

1. What happens during learning? Brain and behavior changes
2. Metacognition and study strategies
3. Managing your own learning: self-regulated learning

B. Setting goals for success

1. Importance of goals
2. Bandura’s Self-efficacy Theory
3. Locke’s Goal-Setting Theory

C. Taking care of one’s health

1. Stressors and responses
2. Coping mechanisms
3. The need for self-care and compassion
Unit 1

The self from various perspectives

Getting started …
Answer the question in the picture in no more than 10 sentences.
After completing this module, you
should be able to:
Ready… Explain the different philosophical
perspectives about self
How much do you know others? ___%
How much do you know yourself? ___% Illustrate each philosophical
perspective about self, using actual and
Do you have your own philosophy about you? real examples.
Decide which philosophical
perspective resonated to you the most


Let’s get to know six philosophers and their philosophical perspectives about self and see if one
of them resonated to you.

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