Topic: Politeness Maxims
1. What is Politeness Maxims? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)
2. What is Positive Face? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)
3. What is Positive Politeness? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)
4. What is Negative Face? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)
5. What is Negative Politeness? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)
6. Describe concepts, example and analysis of example of each type of politeness maxims:tact maxims, generosity maxim, praise
maxims, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, sympathy maxims, consideration maxim
c praise maxims Approbation maxim refers to your shoes are from the example the praise maxim is
minimize dispraise of others very nice, where speaker avoid minimize dispraise of
and maximize praise of to buy dispraise of others others and maximize
others. This maxim is used to and maximize praise praise of others.
avoid saying unpleasant of others.
things about others,
especially to the hearer
d modesty Modesty maxim refers to I am so stupid the speaker modesty maxim is
maxim minimize praise of self and that I don't minimize praise of minimize praise of self
maximize dispraise of self. understand the self and maximize and maximize
Both approbation maxim and explanation dispraise of self by dispraise of self.
modesty maxim concern with from the saying im so stupid
the degree of good or bad lecturer, can I
evaluation of other or self that borrow your
is performed by the speaker. notes
However, this maxim usually
occurs in apologizing
e agreement agreement maxim refers to right, I agree. from the example the agreement maxim is
maxim minimize the expression of However, .... speaker minimize minimize the
disagreement between self the expression of expression of
and other and maximize the disagreementand disagreement between
expression of agreement maximize the self and other and
between self and other. The expression of maximize the
disagreement in this maxim is agreement expression of
usually expressed by regret or agreement
partial agreement.
f sympathy Sympathy maxim refers to I am sorry for from the example the sympathy maxim is
maxims minimize antipathy between the tragedy that speaker maximize minimize antipathy
self and other and maximize befell you sympathy and maximize
sympathy between self and sympathy between self
other. In this case, the and other
achievementbeing reached by
other, for instance, must be
appreciated and evaluated.
On other hand, the calamity
happens to other must be
given sympathy or
g consideration
7. Why do we need to consider politeness maxims in doing interaction? (elaborate the reasons by showing the example and its
Because if we don’ doing this in the interaction, maybe we can make some hard, because we don’t no about polite and unpolite if
we are talking to someone