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Topic: Politeness Maxims

Answer the following questions 

1. What is Politeness Maxims? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)

No Experts (year) Description Indicators Examples Analysis of example

1 Yule(1996: According to Yule(1996: 60),
60), politeness in an interaction,
can then be defined as the
means employed to show
awareness of another person’s
face. In this sense, politeness
can be acomplished in
situations of social distance
or closeness.
2 Wikipedia Wikipedia (2015) explain that For example, when Someone speak with us
(2015) politeness is an attempt to someone speaks to we must respect the
phrase things and as to show listener, and the listener speaker whotalk with
respect and esteem for the respects to the speaker, it us, and must politness
face of others throughout is kind of politeness.
social interchange.
3 Yule (1996:61) Yule (1996:61) explains that Showing The first type might be
politeness can be defined as awareness for found in a student‘s
the means employed to show another person‘s question to his teacher,
awareness of another person face when that shown above :
face. In this sense, politeness other seems a. Excuse me, Mr.
can be accomplished in socially distant Buckingham, but can I
situations as social distance is often talk to you for a minute ?
or closeness. described in
terms of respect b. Hey, Bucky, got a
or deference. minute ?
Showing the
awareness when
the other is
socially close is
often described
in terms of
camaraderie, or

2. What is Positive Face? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)

No Experts (year) Description Indicators Examples Analysis of example

1 (Brown and Positive face is adequate only . Positive face is Yule also stated
Levinson, if certain interpretations are the need to be (2005:120) there are two
1987:62). borne in mind. First of all, the connected, to kinds of face, negative
wants that a member wants belong, to be a and positive face, for
others to find desirable may member of the example (let‘s do this
actually have been satisfied; group, it will together.....).
that is, they may now be past show solidarity
wants represented by present and draw
achievements or possessions attention to a
common goal
2 Brown and Within politeness theory At some point,
Levinson: ‘face’ is best understood as 'face' can be a
1978 every individual’s feeling of teacher, best
self-worth or self-image; this friend,
image can be damage, adversary, or
maintained or enhanced other roles that
through interaction with are often
others. Face has two aspects- encountered in
‘positive’ and ‘negative’. life.
3 Positive face is the need to be A person’s For example is your you think, I better take
accepted, even liked by positive face is friend asks for a ride to him, because I want
others, to be treated as a the need to be the airport. Based on that him to like me, and I
member of the group and to accepted, even example it can explain want the reputation of
know that his or her wants are liked, by others, that Positive face needs; being a reliable person.
shared by others. to be treated as a In conclusion, we can
member of the say that negative face is
same group, and the need to be
to know that his independent and
or her wants are positive face is the need
shared by to be connected.
Summary Positive face is an aspect of person who shows the wants to be accepted by the others.

3. What is Positive Politeness? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)

No Experts (year) Description Indicators Examples Analysis of example

1 Brown Positive politeness is a type A positive  How about
and Levinson of politeness strategies politeness letting me use
proposed by Brown and strategy leads your pen?
Levinson whose orientation is the requester to  Hey, buddy, I’d
the positive face of the appeal to appreciate it if
hearer. In the positive common goal, you’d let me use
politeness strategy, the face and even your pen.
threatening act is minimized friendship, via
by implicating that the expressions
speaker likes some of the
hearer’s wants. In so doing
this, the positive-face wants
of the hearer will be fulfilled
and the hearer will believe
that the speaker is in the same
group with him/her.
2 Brown dan Positive politeness strategies the hearer Are you okey? the speaker conveyed
Levinson seek to minimize the threat to positive face with the aim of showing
(1987) the hearer positive face. concern
These strategies are used to
make the hearer feel good
about themselves.. their
interest or possessions, and
are most usually used in
situations where the audience
know each other fairly well,
or an individuals positive face
needs, or self worth, have to
be met.
Positive politeness is to show familiarity and make the hearer of positive face feel good about

4. What is Negative Face? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)

No Experts (year) Description Indicators Examples Analysis of example

1 negative face is an aspect of a A person’s bs’ friend ask for a ride from the exaple the
person whose wants is to be negative face is to the airport spekaer preserves,
free and not to be imposed. the need to be b: you think, this is not rights to non distraction
independent, to favorable, i don’t feel
have freedom of like driving this guy to
action, and not the airport. I have other
to be imposed stuff that i could be doing
on by others. like sleeping or saving
the gasoline in my car.
He can find his own ride
2 (Thomas: While an individual’s 
1995) negative face is reflected in
the desire not be impeded or
put upon, to have the freedom
to act as one chooses
3 (Brown Negative face: the want of
and Levinson every ‘competent adult
1987: 62) member’ that his/her
actionsbe nimpeded by
Summary negative face is the need to have a freedom of action and not to be impossed by the others

5. What is Negative Politeness? (summarize your own conclusion after reviewing at least three experts' ideas)

No Experts (year) Description Indicators Examples Analysis of example

1 Elvi Syahrin actions taken to make up for not disturbed I don't know if you like from the example the
the negative face of the and are not fried rice or noodles. speaker gives a choice
interlocutor and the speaker's constrained. to the interlocutor and
desire to be free from burdens is not pushy
with the intention that his
actions and intentions are not
disturbed and are not
2 Agwin Degaf politeness directed at the negative face I leave the decision to from the example the
other person's negative face is you speaker authorizes the
called negative politeness interlocutor to make his
3 Brown dan Negative politeness strategies want to maintain sorry to bother, I want to from the example a
Levinson are oriented toward the hearer claims of ask about this issue word sorry here admits
(1987) negative face and emphasize territory and self that this bothers the
avoidance of imposition on determinatlon. other side
the hearer. By attempting to
avoid imposition from the
speaker, the risk of face-
threat to the hearer is reduce.
These strategies presume that
the speaker will be imposing
on the listener and there is a
higher potential for
awkwardness or
embarrassment than in bald
or record strategies and
positive politeness strategies
Summary Negative politeness is actions taken to make up for the negative face of the interlocutor and the
speaker's desire to be free from burdens and emphasize avoidance of imposition on the hearer.

6. Describe concepts, example and analysis of example of each type of politeness maxims:tact maxims, generosity maxim, praise
maxims, modesty maxim, agreement maxim, sympathy maxims, consideration maxim

No Types of Concept & Indicators Examples Analysis of example Conclusion

a Tact Maxims Tact maxim refers minimize If you don't the speaker tact maxim is
cost to other and maximize mind, please minimizes the cost minimize cost to other
the benefit to other. In this come to my (and correspondingly and maximize the
maxim,. house maximizes the benefit to other
benefit) to the
b generosity Generosity maxim refers to mother please from the example the generosity maxim is
maxim minimize benefits to self and rest, let me wash speaker minimize minimize benefits to
maximize cost to self. This the dishes benefits to selfand self and maximize cost
maxim is self oriented while maximize cost to self to self
tact maxim is directed to washing the dishes
other (focuses on the speaker
and says that others should be
put first instead of the self).

c praise maxims Approbation maxim refers to your shoes are from the example the praise maxim is
minimize dispraise of others very nice, where speaker avoid minimize dispraise of
and maximize praise of to buy dispraise of others others and maximize
others. This maxim is used to and maximize praise praise of others.
avoid saying unpleasant of others.
things about others,
especially to the hearer
d modesty Modesty maxim refers to I am so stupid the speaker modesty maxim is
maxim minimize praise of self and that I don't minimize praise of minimize praise of self
maximize dispraise of self. understand the self and maximize and maximize
Both approbation maxim and explanation dispraise of self by dispraise of self.
modesty maxim concern with from the saying im so stupid
the degree of good or bad lecturer, can I
evaluation of other or self that borrow your
is performed by the speaker. notes
However, this maxim usually
occurs in apologizing
e agreement agreement maxim refers to right, I agree. from the example the agreement maxim is
maxim minimize the expression of However, .... speaker minimize minimize the
disagreement between self the expression of expression of
and other and maximize the disagreementand disagreement between
expression of agreement maximize the self and other and
between self and other. The expression of maximize the
disagreement in this maxim is agreement expression of
usually expressed by regret or agreement
partial agreement.

f sympathy Sympathy maxim refers to I am sorry for from the example the sympathy maxim is
maxims minimize antipathy between the tragedy that speaker maximize minimize antipathy
self and other and maximize befell you sympathy and maximize
sympathy between self and sympathy between self
other. In this case, the and other
achievementbeing reached by
other, for instance, must be
appreciated and evaluated.
On other hand, the calamity
happens to other must be
given sympathy or

g consideration

7. Why do we need to consider politeness maxims in doing interaction? (elaborate the reasons by showing the example and its

Because if we don’ doing this in the interaction, maybe we can make some hard, because we don’t no about polite and unpolite if
we are talking to someone

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