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 Leadership is the ability to persuade other seeks defined goals enthusiastically. It is a

human factor which binds group together and motivates towards goals. The objective of
leadership is to influence so that important goals is achieved. Leaders are people who can
influence the behaviors of others without having rely on force. One cannot be the leader
unless there are people followers. Management is responsible for various functions such
as planning, organizing, leading and controlling which are related to the total
organization. On the other hand, leadership is the ability to influence the group in
achieving the goals set by the management. Good leadership practice provides proper
training and development program, support and opportunity to their subordinates which
helps to increase their potential. Leaders may adopt various leadership styles at different
times and different situations. Leadership style is the behavior that ass leader uses to
influence employees to achieve organizational goals. It is the behavioral pattern of
leaders in directing the behavior of members. Self- awareness, motivating employee,
effective communication, negotiating skills are strengths of a good leadership whereas
continuous criticism, dishonesty and lack of integrity are weakness of good leadership.
1. Introduction of Leadership

Leadership is the act of guiding and influencing the individual or group of individuals in an
organization to achieve the predetermine goals. Leadership plays vital role to provide direction to
the organization and its employees. Leadership is the capabilities to develop the vision the
encourage employees to achieve the common goals of the organization. Leadership is likely to
influences other behavior. Leadership is the important factor for making an organization
successful in market. Leadership and leaders play vital role in development of any organization.
Leaders should maintain the good interpersonal relation with his/her subordinates to achieve the
common goal. Leadership is the group process the includes the followers and leaders. A leader
cannot lead without followers. Leaders always thinks about the development of the organization.
A good leader always recognizes the effort of the employees and should describe their role
clearly. A leader must be good communicator so the he/ she can explain the rule, policies,
procedures to the followers or subordinates. A leader should have the capabilities to understand
the need of the subordinates and encourage them by fulfilling their needs. All managers can be
the leaders but all leaders cannot be the managers.

Leadership is the important function of an organization to maximize efficiency and to achieved

the common goals. It is required in every level of management. In top level management,
leadership focuses in formulating the policies and plan in the organization. In middle level
management, leadership is required for the explanation and implementation of the plan and
policies. And in lower level management, leadership is required to motivate the employee to
achieve the common goal of the organization. Leader must acknowledge the purpose behind the
establishment of the organization and what it wants achieve. Leaders needs to enlighten and
communicate about organization mission and vision to his/hers subordinate or followers. A good
leadership can help organization to remined focused at the time of crisis and encourage their
followers to achieve the goals.

Leaders represent as the organization in the market. Leader present in the concern in seminars,
conference, general meeting as the organization. A leader role is to communicate about principle
of organization to its customer. Leader must be able to combine the personal goals of employees
with the organizational predetermine goals. Leader should have the capabilities to understand
his/her emotion and needs of his/ her subordinates. Understanding the employees needs and
emotion helps to builds the good personal relation with them.

2. Leadership practices in an organization

It required strong leadership quality in order to achieve the organizational goals and make it
successful in the market. A strong leader who can manage the his/her followers or subordinate
effortlessly to increase the efficiency out of them. Leadership practice are the activity and plan,
leader will take and put it in action in order to help them for better performance and achieve the

 Good leadership practice can go to any extent to provide proper training and development
program, support and provide opportunity to their subordinates which helps to increase
their potential.
 A good leadership practice inspires to build good working environment and relationship
among the employees of the organization. A good relationship among the employees will
help in team building and grow the efficiency of the organization.
 It encourages and motivates its subordinates to take up the challenging and new task.
 In a good leadership practice, a leader should have the ability to see the subordinate
ability and skill rather than the educational background.
 In a good leadership practice, a leader must be able to provide their feedback to their
subordinate on the basis of their performance. Maybe it’s positive feedback or negative
feedback. Positive feedback helps the subordinate to work mor effectively and negative
feedback help the subordinates to improve their t drawbacks.
 A good leader must have knowledge about the organization core value so that judging the
subordinate’s performance become easier and quicker.
 In a good leadership practice, a leader must have faith in their team member to complete
the task assigned to them.
 In a good leadership practice, a leader shouldn’t be the control freak. A good leader must
let their subordinate to their task independently. Controlling employee to an extent may
rigid their performance.
 A good leader must be honest, true and straight to their followers to earn their respect and
 A good leader must treat their team member as they wanted them to be treated by their
team member. Being as a leader you cannot treat their team member rudely and superior
 A leader must be confident to work with any team member even if they are older to them.

3. Leadership style

Leadership style is the leaders traits and behaviors which managing , guiding, encouraging the
subordinate to performed the assigned task and achieve common goal. In other words, leadership
style is methods imposed by leader for managing, guiding and motivating the team member.
There are various tyle of leadership style imposes by leaders in an organization to manage the
team members. Some of them are given below:

3.1 Autocratic leadership style

Autocratic leadership style leader tells of the common goal of the organization and how
to achieve them. Under autocratic leadership style, leader decides everything by
themselves. There is no input from subordination. Decision are taken by the leader and
they are informed to the subordination. Subordinate are not involved in decision making
process. Subordinates are informed what kind they need to performed, goal to achieved.
For example: a student being ordered by teacher to perform the assignment. Under
autocratic leadership, level of creativity is very less. It is used in those situations where
decision should be taken in less time period. It is undertaken on those place decisions
should be take quickly. The advantage of autocratic leadership help to increase the
productivity, for proper and direct communication, reduced team member stress by
decision making. The drawback of this leadership style create pressure to leader for
making effective decision. It also lacks the flexibility.

3.2 Participative or Democratic Leadership style

Participative or Democratic Leadership style involve the participation of team member in
decision making process. Under this leadership style, leaders collect the input from their
team member so that effective decision can be taken for the accomplishment of the
organization goals. Participative leadership style is known for higher level of employees
involvement and satisfaction. This leadership style create good working environment
were team members can provide feedback to their leader regard certain situation in
The advantage of such type of leadership style is the employee feels that are ideas,
knowledge and feedback are being valued. It helps to boost the employees confident to
work more effectively and efficiently. Participative leadership lowers the employee
turnover in the organization. This style is flexible in nature than autocratic leadership
The disadvantage of democratic or participative leadership is that it is very time
consuming. Collecting ideas, view from team member delay the decision making, and
communicating the taken decision to their employee. It is more costly than autocratic
leadership style.

3.3 Laissez-faire Leadership style

Laissez-faire leadership style is completely opposite of autocratic leadership style. Under
this type leadership style, leaders believe in delegating the task to their team member and
don’t provide any supervision to perform the task. This kind of leadership is used when
the team member is highly experience and need little supervision in their field. The
power of decision making is provided to the team member rather than the leader. The
leader provides the required information and resource to achieve the common goal of the
organization. These leaders provide freedom to their subordinate to take required decision
but also provide guidance even ever it required. The main advantage of laissez-faire
leadership style provides relaxed working environment. It also creates the sense of
accountability within team member to accomplishment the required goal. This style also
decreases the employee turnover. The disadvantage of such tyle leadership style is for
new employee who required proper guidance to perfume the task.
3.4 Couch Leadership style
Couch leadership style where leaders involve in identifying the team member strength
and weakness. It provides the facility of self-improvement after knowing the strength and
weakness. Such type of leadership style provides regular feed back to their subordinates
so that they perform complex task as well. This leadership style is beneficial for both
leader and team member. But it is one of unutilized leadership style. It encourages the
expansion of new skill. Leaders are considered as the valuable mentor. The disadvantage
of couch leadership style is that it is time consuming. In the fast-phased environment
dealing with one to one time with employee become very tedious.

3.5 Transformational leadership style

Transformational leadership is a positive approach that creates valuable and inspirational

change in the followers with the ultimate goal of developing followers into leaders. It
enhances the motivation, morale and performance of followers through the different
mechanism followed. It is a management method that is outlined to amplify the creativity
of the employee, overview to the future and find solutions to old problems. Employees
on this track are prepared to become transformational leaders themselves through
guidance and training.

4. Strength and Weakness of the leadership style

A leader must know their leadership strengths as well as their leadership weakness. They
must have their good access to themselves so can be clear about the leadership quality
they need to implement.

4.1 Strength of leadership style

 Self-awareness is the key leadership quality every leader should possess. You can
only be a good leader if you know yourself in all ways.
 A leader should know what is happening around them, this is a sign of congenital
leadership quality. It is important to know about the things happening around the
organization and business world as a whole. Situational awareness is a quality
every great leader should possess.
 Communication is a key to everything. Great leaders are great communicators. If
you are excellent communicator, you can successfully manage and direct the
employee within the organization. Possessing this skill will help in avoiding
conflicts and make you more respected among others.
  Great leaders have effective negotiation skills. Being able to negotiate business
terms is important to any business institution. It increases the chance of getting
the desired outcome and create a win-win situation. Negotiation skill is one of
the vital leadership qualities one must have in order to climb the corporate
ladder and be placed in a top management position. 
 A good leader is someone who is determined. Running a business will invite
inevitable setbacks, but a truly determined person won’t get stopped by them and
will push themselves to become a ultimate leader.

4.2 Weakness of leadership style

 New leaders try micromanaging or try doing every task by themselves because of
the trust issues they have with their team. In order to ensure the task gets done,
they mistake their role as taskmaster instead of leader and focus their shift from
outcome. They should trust their employee and team with the task instead of
micromanaging everything by themselves which also helps in avoiding conflicts
among the team.
 To ensure the work gets done their way, sometimes leaders become overly
critical. They might thing this as the constructive way but the continuous criticism
creates lack of motivation and negative mindset which may even lead to losing
their employee.
 Communication is key everything but keeping constant check on the employee
may create displeasure and anxiousness in the workplace. Requiring continuous
communication from team members can also be another leadership weakness.
 Dishonesty and a lack of integrity can lead employees to lose respect and faith in their
leaders.  When a leader acts without integrity or is misleading with their
communications, it can bring a lasting impact on how their teams perceive them.
Honesty and integrity are most essential characteristic of a great leader.
 Clear expectations and boundaries are to be set in a team to do any work effectively.
Failing to set clear expectations of tasks that need to be completed will lead to a
misunderstanding of what employees are expected to be doing. This will lead team less
motivated and less productive.

5. Major Finding

 Leadership is personal quality of an individual

 Leadership is the ability to influence and motivate the team member to
achieve the common goals.
 A good leadership impose various quality like dynamic personality,
intellectual capacity, vision and foresight, flexibility, sense of responsibility
and self-confidence.
 A manager must a leader but a leader may be or may not be the manager.
 There are various type leadership style like autocratic leadership, democratic
or participative leadership, laissez faire leadership, coach leadership and
transformational leadership style.
 All leadership style have different ways of working in different situation.
 A good leadership style must provide the different kind of trainings and
development programs to uplift the team member’s confidence and achieve
the common goal.
 A good leader should have access to all the happenings within the
 A good leader should have a great communication skill but when the leader
tries to keep constant track on their employee, it create displeasure and
anxiety on the work place.

6. Conclusion
We can conclude that, leadership is the capability of an individual to guide and motivate their
team member to accomplished the predetermine goal of an organization. Organization need both
management and leadership if they are to effective. Leadership in necessary to create change and
management is necessary to achieve orderly results. Management in conjunction with leadership
can produce orderly change and leadership in conjunction with management can keep the
organization properly aligned with its environment. A manager cannot manage effectively unless
he/she can lead his subordinates effectively. Hence, a leader ma or may not be a leader but a
successful manager must be a leader. As a leader, manager has not only to show the way but also
lead the group towards common goal. In others words, leader are those who have the ability to
influence the behavior of others without the use of force.

7. Recommendation for Organization

Organizational leadership is emphasizing on setting strategic objective for an organization while

also encouraging team member within it to meet their own goals in order to successfully carry
out a greater mission. Practice and experience are two of the best ways for an organization to
improve the their capabilities. For those organization who want to improve their organizational
leadership skills, formal education in the area can develop the key competencies that are needed
in the evolving workforce. Programs that emphasize experimental learning offers the unique
skills to apply to real-world situations so that they can be prepared to make an impact on their
own organizations. 

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