Reducing Falls Installing Roof Trusses Factsheet
Reducing Falls Installing Roof Trusses Factsheet
Reducing Falls Installing Roof Trusses Factsheet
For more information on the requirements for a PFAS, refer to 29 CFR 1926.502(d). Remember that for fall arrest systems, workers must use full-body harnesses. Body belts can cause serious injury during a fall and so OSHA prohibits their use as part of fall arrest systems.
If a worker falls while using a single truss as an anchor point, the whole truss assembly can collapse. Such a structural failure puts workers lives and entire buildings at risk.
Ladders: For certain truss-setting jobs, platform and stepladders can provide a stable work platform for workers. They can be particularly helpful when set up inside a building. Workers should always use a ladder safely by following the requirements spelled out in 29 CFR 1926 Subpart X, Stairways and Ladders. Spreader: An engineered spreader, when installed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions, distributes the force of a PFAS across multiple trusses. The roof trusses do not need to be sheathed to use a spreader. These engineered anchorage devices are reusable and can be uninstalled and reinstalled quickly. A qualified person should decide if the spreader is suitable for use as an anchor. After a Complete Truss Section Is Fully Installed Once the assembled truss section has been set and secured, it can be used as an attachment point for an anchorage device. From this point on, PFAS can be used to protect workers while they install additional trusses and roof sheathing. Truss Section Multiple (typically four) individual trusses that are interconnected and fully sheathed. A truss section that has been restrained, braced and sheathed in accordance with the manufacturers instructions can provide a suitable structure to establish an anchor point. Anchors: Fixed anchors provide a secure point where workers can tie off their lifelines as part of a PFAS. Anchors for a PFAS must meet the 5,000pound strength requirement or maintain a safety factor of at least two under the supervision of a qualified person 29 CFR 1926.502(d)(15). See
29 CFR 1926 Subpart M, Fall Protection for more information and additional requirements. Different types of anchors for these systems include, but are not limited to: Peak anchors Strap anchors Bolt-on anchors Once a group of trusses has been properly restrained and braced, a roof peak anchor can provide a usable tie-off point for a lifeline. Multiple peak anchors and lifelines can protect several workers. After confirmation from the manufacturer, some peak anchors may be strong enough to serve as tie-off points for two lifelines. Peak anchors can also be useful for fall protection during later roofing tasks or while setting another truss section.
Compliance Guidance for Residential Construction STD 03-11-002 (dated 12/16/2010) Available online at document?p_table=DIRECTIVES&p_id=4755 State Plan Guidance: States with OSHA-approved State Plans may have additional requirements for Residential Roofing within State Plans. For more information on these requirements, please visit: html. Help for Employers: OSHAs On-site Consultation Program offers free and confidential advice to small and medium-sized businesses in all states across the country, with priority given to highhazard worksites. On-site Consultation services are separate from enforcement and do not result in penalties or citations. Consultants from state agencies or universities work with employers to identify workplace hazards, provide advice on compliance with OSHA standards, and assist in establishing safety and health management systems. To locate the OSHA On-site Consultation Program nearest you, call 1-800-321-6742 (OSHA) or visit index.html
This is one in a series of informational fact sheets highlighting OSHA programs, policies or standards. It does not impose any new compliance requirements. For a comprehensive list of compliance requirements of OSHA standards or regulations, refer to Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations. This information will be made available to sensory-impaired individuals upon request. The voice phone is (202) 693-1999; teletypewriter (TTY) number: (877) 889-5627.