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DepEdRO8 QAD F33(CY2018-v01-r00)

Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Government Center, Candahug, Palo, Leyte



Part I: Introduction
The SBM-PASBE validation tool is guided by the four principles of ACCESs (A Child- and Community-Centered Education System). The indicators of SBM practice are
used in validating and giving technical assistance by the Regional Coordinating Team before the recommendation for application for PASBE Accreditation.

Part II: Basic School Learning Center (LC) Information:

School Learning: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Region/Division: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Name of School Head/LC Head: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: ______________________________________________________________________________________________
Part III: Instruction to the Users:
Please indicate using check mark the extent of SBM practice for each indicator listed below (numbered) based on the validation team’s consensual agreements after
systematic D-O-D (Document Analysis-Observation—Discussion). On the other hand, for indicators with no evidence just indicate zero.

Part IV: Rating Scale

1- No evidence
2- Evidence indicates developing structures and mechanisms are in place to demonstrate ACCESs
3- Evidence indicates planned practices and procedures are fully implemented and aligned to ACCESs
4- Evidence indicates practices and procedure satisfy quality standard
A network of leadership and governance guides the education system to achieve its shared vision, mission and goals making them responsive and relevant to the
context of diverse environments.
Indicators 1 2 3
1. In place is a Development Plan The development plan guided The development plan is evolved The development plan is
(e.g. SIP) developed collaboratively by by the school’s vision, mission through the shared leadership of enhanced with the community
and goal (VMG) is developed the school and community performing the leadership roles
through the leadership of the stakeholders. and the school providing
school and the participation of technical support.
some invited community
the stakeholders of the school and

Evidence: Evidence: Evidence:

 Approved/Accepted  Approved/Accepted SIP/Dev’t Plan  Approved /Accepted SIP & Enhanced

SIP/Development plan with the following documents Dev’t Plan with the following
with the following documents  MOA/MOU by the school and documents:
 Letter of Invitation of the school to community stakeholders (as  Invitation of the stakeholders to other
some community stakeholders re: parties) re: formulation of SIP/Dev’t stakeholders and the school for the
formulation of SIP/Dev’t Plan Plan enhancement of the SIP/Dev’t Plan
 Program of activities and minutes  Program of activities, minutes of
 ACR with pictorials of workshop or ACR (with workshop & ACR (with pictorials)
pictorials)  Any other document proving that
 Any other documents proving that  Any other documents proving that there was enhancement of SIP/Dev’t
SIP was developed through the SIP/Dev’t Plan was developed Plan & such activity was led by the
leadership of the school and through the shared leadership of community & technical assistance
participated in by some community the school and the community was provided by the school

Other observations:

Indicators 1 2 3
2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is The school leads the regular The school and community The community stakeholders
regularly reviewed by the school review and improvement of the stakeholders working as full lead the regular review and
community to keep it up responsive development plan. partners, lead the continual improvement process; the
and relevant to emerging needs, review and improvement of the school stakeholders facilitate
challenges and opportunities development plan. the process.
Evidence: Evidence: Evidence:

 Improved /Adjusted SIP/Dev’t  Improved /Adjusted SIP/Dev’t  Improved /Adjusted SIP/Dev’t

Plan With the following Plan with the following: Plan with the following:
 Letter of invitation of the  MOA/MOU by the school & the  Invitation of community
school to the stakeholders re: community stakeholders (as stakeholders re: regular review &
Review & Improvement of the parties) re: Partnering for improvement of the Dev’t Plan
Dev’t Plan continual review &  ACR (with pictorials)
 ACR (with pictorials) improvement of the Dev’t Plan  Any other document
 Any other documents  ACR (with pictorials) (printed/electronic) proving that
(printed/electronic) proving  Any other documents the community stakeholders led
that the Dev’t Plan as (printed/electronic) proving to the regular review &
reviewed and improved that the school and the improvement process & the
through the leadership of the community stakeholders school facilitated the process
school worked as full partners which
led to the continual review &
improvement of the Dev’t Plan

Other observations:

Indicators 1 2 3
3. The school is organized by a clear The school defines the The school and community Guided by an agreed
structure and work arrangements that organizational structure, and the collaboratively define the structure organizational structure, the
promote shared leadership and roles and responsibilities of and the roles and responsibilities of community stakeholders lead in
governance and define the roles and stakeholders. stakeholders. defining the organizational
responsibilities of the stakeholders. structure and the roles and
responsibilities; school provides
technical and administrative
Evidence: Evidence:
School developed Organizational Structures Organizational structures w/ TORs/identified Evidence:
with TORs/ identified roles and roles and responsibilities bearing names of  Minutes of Meetings
responsibilities of school stakeholders. community and school stakeholders as part  Resolutions/MOAs/MOUs
of the definition and formulation of the  Programs/Matrices/Pictorials
organizational structure (Reflecting names of community and
school stakeholders leading/initiating
the formation of organizational
structure with defined roles and
4. A leadership network facilitates The network actively provides The network allows easy
A network has been
communication between and among stakeholders information for exchange and access to
collaboratively established and
school and community leaders for making decisions and solving information sources beyond the
is continuously improved by the
informed decision-making and solving learning and administrative school community.
school community.
of school-community wide-learning Evidence: problems. Evidence:
problems Evidence:  Year End School Accomplishment
 Principals Report on the Progress  SIP/AIP Implementation Plan and Report Cards widely disseminated to
of SIP/AIP Implementation. progress on SIP implementation, stakeholders.
 Transparency board suggestion reported to the Brgy. Officials or  School Paper showing Year End
box Municipal Executives reflecting SARCs widely disseminated to
 log sheets/log books or any easy disclosure of information stakeholders
information network (MIS/SIS/s, about decisions to learning and  On line accounts or any
etc.) established functionally in administrative problems. functional/operational school
school communication program showing
regular and easy access to school

Other observations:

Indicators 1 2 3
5. A long term program is in operation Developing structures are in Leaders undertake training Leaders assume responsibility
that addresses the training and place and analysis of the modes that are convenient to for their own training and
development needs of school and competency and development them (on-line, off-line, modular, development. School
community leaders. needs of leaders is conducted; group, or home-based) and community leaders working
result is used to develop a long which do not disrupt their regular individually or in groups, coach
term training and development functions. Leaders monitor and and mentor one another to
program. evaluate their own learning achieve their VMG.
 NCBTS-NCBSSH TDNA Result Evidence: Evidence:
 Professional Development Profile  Training Design & ACR/PTS/on-  ACR on Training and Development
of teachers/ non teaching going Professional Training and Activities
personnel Development Program with self  Implementation Plans
 Any document which would prove assessment and upgrading  Barangay/Municipal
that there is likewise a program for scheme and shared by teachers Resolutions(Reflecting school T&D
community stakeholders and community leaders initiated/led by the school community
leaders with Job Embedded Learning
 And any other supporting (JEL)
documents:  And any other supporting documents:

Other observations: Recommendations:

SCORE: Total Score =


Validated by:


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