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The document covers topics related to configuring industrial automation systems including creating configurations, configuring resources, communication protocols, and compiling and loading program code.

The main topics covered include creating configurations, configuring resources, resource-related functions, communication between HIMA PESs, communicating with external systems, and generating and loading program code.

Communication between HIMA PESs can be configured using different protocols for safety-related and non-safety related transfer. Data interchange is configured by defining variables and configuration of hardware, redundancy, and protocols.

PC-based Systems


Resource type

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG



1 Creating a configuration ...................................1

1.1 Properties; Buses......................................................... 1

1.1.1 Editing HIBUS.......................................................................2

1.1.2 PES Masters .........................................................................7

2 Configuring the resource..................................9

2.1 Instancing a program type to the resource.............. 11

2.2 Configuring a resource.............................................. 12

2.2.1 Editing Cabinet layout .......................................................13

2.2.2 Resource properties ..........................................................19

3 Resource-related functions in the Editor ......29

3.1 Assigning system variables ...................................... 30

3.2 Creating Events .......................................................... 31

3.2.1 Variables for transmission with HIPRO............................31

3.2.2 Variables for transmission to external systems..............33


4 Communication between HIMA PESs ............37

4.1 Protocols..................................................................... 37

4.1.1 Safety-related transfer: HIPRO-S ......................................37

4.1.2 Non-safety related transfer: HIPRO-N ..............................37

4.2 HIBUS Hardware......................................................... 37

4.3 Redundancy................................................................ 38

4.4 Configuring data interchange ................................... 38

4.4.1 Safety-related data transfer: HIPRO-S..............................38

4.4.2 Non-safety related data transfer: HIPRO-N......................39

4.4.3 Variables declaration .........................................................39

4.5 Configuring data interchange to ELOP slaves ........ 40

4.5.1 Configuration in ELOP.......................................................41

4.5.2 Bus configuration ..............................................................41

4.5.3 Resource configuration.....................................................42

4.5.4 Variables declaration .........................................................42

5 Communicating with external systems .........43


5.1 BUSCOM Communication ......................................... 43

5.2 3964R Communication............................................... 45

6 Generating the program code (compiling) ....49

6.1 Code generator ........................................................... 49

6.2 Compiling and loading PES masters........................ 49

6.3 Loading the program into the controller .................. 50

6.4 Download/Reload ....................................................... 52

6.4.1 OS Download......................................................................53

7 Online Test........................................................53

7.1 Starting the online test............................................... 53

7.2 Explanation of the OLT window ................................ 54

7.2.1 Operating buttons ..............................................................55

7.2.2 Program structure tree ......................................................56

7.3 Functions in the ONLINE test.................................... 57

7.3.1 Meanings.............................................................................57


7.3.2 Forcing variables ...............................................................58

8 Documentation in the configuration ..............63

8.1 Documentation functions of the configuration ....... 63

8.1.1 Bus docu.............................................................................64

8.1.2 PES Master Docu ...............................................................65

8.1.3 CFG Docu............................................................................66

8.2 Documentation functions of the resource ............... 66

8.2.1 CRF Docu............................................................................67

8.2.2 RES Docu............................................................................68

8.2.3 RES Docu (generated) .......................................................69

8.2.4 RES Docu (loaded).............................................................70

9 Safety related functions ..................................71

9.1 Building an application.............................................. 72

9.1.1 Create the logic diagrams .................................................72

9.1.2 Code generation.................................................................72

9.1.3 Download ............................................................................72


9.1.4 Function check of the PES ................................................72

9.2 Modification of an application................................... 73

9.2.1 Modification of logic diagrams .........................................73

9.2.2 Code generation.................................................................73

9.2.3 Download ............................................................................74

9.2.4 Function check of the PES ................................................74

10 HIMA Standard Blocks ....................................75

11 H8-STA-3 ...........................................................77

11.1 Function information ................................................. 78

11.2 General block information......................................... 78

11.3 GENERAL.................................................................... 78

11.3.1 Block assignment ..............................................................78

11.4 Notes on assigning inputs/outputs .......................... 79

11.4.1 Bus-No. Rack Pos. .............................................................79

11.4.2 Bus-No. Rack Pos. Group Amplifier .................................79

11.4.3 Bus-No. Rack Pos. red. group amp. .................................79


11.4.4 Control Group Relay ..........................................................79

11.4.5 Cont. red. Group Rel. .........................................................79

12 H8-UHR-3 ..........................................................81

12.1 Function information ................................................. 82

12.2 General block information......................................... 82

12.3 GENERAL.................................................................... 82

12.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs ............ 83

12.4.1 Year......................................................................................83

12.4.2 Month ..................................................................................83

12.4.3 Day.......................................................................................83

12.4.4 Enter date............................................................................83

12.4.5 Hour.....................................................................................83

12.4.6 Minute..................................................................................83

12.4.7 Second ................................................................................83

12.4.8 Enter time............................................................................83

12.4.9 Minute pulse .......................................................................84


12.4.10 Hour pulse ..........................................................................84

12.4.11 Day pulse ............................................................................84

12.4.12 Year......................................................................................84

12.4.13 Month ..................................................................................84

12.4.14 Day.......................................................................................84

12.4.15 Hour.....................................................................................84

12.4.16 Minute..................................................................................84

12.4.17 Second ................................................................................84

12.4.18 Millisecond..........................................................................85

12.4.19 Minute pulse .......................................................................85

12.4.20 Hour pulse ..........................................................................85

12.4.21 Day pulse ............................................................................85

13 HA-LIN-3 ...........................................................87

13.1 Function information ................................................. 88

13.2 General block information......................................... 88

13.3 GENERAL.................................................................... 88

13.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs ............ 89


13.4.1 Measurement 1...4 ..............................................................89

13.4.2 Faulty measurement 1...4 ..................................................89

13.4.3 Lower range limit in deci ×C .............................................89

13.4.4 Sign start/type of sensor ...................................................89

13.4.5 Range in deci ×C ................................................................90

13.4.6 Lower range limit digital (bool) .........................................90

13.4.7 Upper range limit digital (bool) .........................................91

13.4.8 Lowest permitted analog value (underflow) ....................91

13.4.9 Highest permitted analog value (overflow)......................91

13.4.10 Ref. temp./Line resistance.................................................91

13.4.11 Measurement 1...4 (0...1000)..............................................92

13.4.12 Measurement 1...4 in deci ×C ............................................92

13.4.13 Sign measurement 1...4 .....................................................92

13.4.14 Faulty measurement 1...4 ..................................................92

13.5 Programming notes and example............................. 93

13.5.1 Programming with negative input values ........................93

13.5.2 Assignment of the block when using PT100 sensors with

F 6215 ..................................................................................94


14 HA-PID-3 ...........................................................95

14.1 Function information ................................................. 96

14.2 General block information......................................... 96

14.3 GENERAL.................................................................... 97

14.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs ............ 97

14.4.1 Actual-value controlled variable.......................................97

14.4.2 Setpoint controlled variable ..............................................97

14.4.3 PID structure (PID=111;PD=101) .......................................98

14.4.4 P gain in % ..........................................................................98

14.4.5 I reset time in ds (TN).........................................................98

14.4.6 D rate time in ds (TV) .........................................................98

14.4.7 Scan time in ds (TA) ...........................................................99

14.4.8 Enter k, TN, TV, TA .............................................................99

14.4.9 Processing pulse ...............................................................99

14.4.10 Correcting parameter (0,1,2,3) ..........................................99

14.4.11 Manual setpoint correcting variable...............................100

14.4.12 TRUE=Manual (PID=0) .....................................................100


14.4.13 TRUE Manual compensating...........................................100

14.4.14 Min. correcting deviation.................................................100

14.4.15 Max. correcting variable ..................................................100

14.4.16 Max. correcting deviation................................................101

14.4.17 Correcting variable ..........................................................101

14.4.18 Position display................................................................101

14.4.19 Correcting deviation sign................................................101

14.4.20 Correcting deviation value ..............................................101

14.4.21 System deviation sign .....................................................101

14.4.22 System deviation value ...................................................101

14.4.23 P component sign ............................................................101

14.4.24 P component value ..........................................................102

14.4.25 I component sign .............................................................102

14.4.26 I component value............................................................102

14.4.27 D component sign............................................................102

14.4.28 D component value ..........................................................102

14.4.29 Max. correcting variable achieved..................................102

14.4.30 Max. correcting deviation achieved ...............................102


15 HA-PMU-3 .......................................................103

15.1 Function information ............................................... 103

15.2 General block information....................................... 104

15.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 104

15.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 106

15.4.1 Input value 1...8 ................................................................106

15.4.2 1=4...20mA; 0=0...20mA ...................................................106

15.4.3 1=analog values; 0=per mil value ...................................106

15.4.4 8=8 bit; 12=12 bit analog value .......................................106

15.4.5 Damping (0=none; 1=damping) ......................................107

15.4.6 Output values 1...8 ...........................................................107

15.4.7 Error 1...8 ..........................................................................107

16 HA-RTE-3 ........................................................109

16.1 Function information ............................................... 110

16.2 General block information....................................... 111

16.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 111


16.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 111

16.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305)......................................... 111

16.4.2 Bus No. BT Pos. red. module ..........................................112

16.4.3 Assigned channels ..........................................................112

16.4.4 Permitted difference red. values in per mil....................112

16.4.5 0=none; 1=attenuation.....................................................112

16.4.6 Permitted time difference red. input in ds .....................112

16.4.7 Module test switch ...........................................................113

16.4.8 Test switch red. module...................................................113

16.4.9 Maximum test time in min ...............................................113

16.4.10 Test 4 channels with 1 switch (1,0).................................113

16.4.11 0=available, 1=safe reaction............................................113

16.4.12 Output in event of error ..................................................114

16.4.13 1=4...20 mA, 0=0...20 mA .................................................115

16.4.14 0=conversion to per mil, 1=no conversion ....................115

16.4.15 Max. underflow in per mil (1000 = 20 mA)......................115

16.4.16 Value 1...4..........................................................................115

16.4.17 Error value 1...4 ................................................................116


16.4.18 Change error code pulse .................................................116

16.4.19 Error ..................................................................................116

16.4.20 Module error code............................................................117

16.4.21 Error code red. module....................................................117

17 HB-BLD-3........................................................119

17.1 Function information ............................................... 119

17.2 General block information....................................... 120

17.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 120

17.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 120

17.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g.1305)..........................................120

17.4.2 Mode channel 1...8 (0/1/2)................................................121

17.4.3 ...................................... Max. time inrush current in ms121

17.4.4 ........................................................... Error channel 1...8122

17.4.5 Pulse on error...................................................................122

17.4.6 Error ..................................................................................122

17.4.7 ........................................................................ Error code122


18 HB-BLD-4........................................................125

18.1 Function information ............................................... 126

18.2 General block information....................................... 126

18.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 126

18.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 127

18.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305).........................................127

18.4.2 ..................................... Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module127

18.4.3 Mode channel 1...8 (0/1/2)................................................127

18.4.4 Max. time inrush current in ms, module ; red. module.128

18.4.5 Error channel 1...8............................................................128

18.4.6 Pulse on error...................................................................129

18.4.7 Error ..................................................................................129

18.4.8 Error code module or red. module .................................129

19 HB-RTE-3 ........................................................131

19.1 Function information ............................................... 132

19.2 General block information....................................... 132


19.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 132

19.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 133

19.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305).........................................133

19.4.2 Bus No. BT Pos. red. module ..........................................133

19.4.3 Assigned channels ..........................................................133

19.4.4 1=1of2; 2=2of2 shutdown ................................................134

19.4.5 Permitted error time in min .............................................134

19.4.6 Permitted time difference red. inputs in ds ...................134

19.4.7 Output 1...8 .......................................................................135

19.4.8 Channel error mask .........................................................135

19.4.9 Error code change, pulse ................................................135

19.4.10 Error ..................................................................................135

19.4.11 Error code module ...........................................................136

19.4.12 Error code red. module....................................................136

20 HK-AGM-3.......................................................137

20.1 Function information ............................................... 138

20.2 General block information....................................... 138


20.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 138

20.4 Notes on assigning the inputs/outputs .................. 139

20.4.1 Central module (1,2).........................................................139

20.4.2 Coprocessor module (1, 2, 3)..........................................139

20.4.3 0=no func. 1=DC 2=safety-rel. 3=DC+safety-rel. ...........139

20.4.4 Current. funct. copro. mod. .............................................139

20.4.5 Error in coprocessor module..........................................139

20.4.6 Function counter..............................................................139

20.4.7 Bus cycle time in ms........................................................140

20.4.8 Error mask bus 1, BTN 1 - 16 ..........................................140

20.4.9 Bus 1, BTN 17 - 31............................................................140

20.4.10 Error mask red. bus, BTN 1 - 16......................................140

20.4.11 red. Bus, BTN 17 - 31 .......................................................140

21 HK-LGP-3........................................................141

21.1 Function information ............................................... 142

21.2 General block information....................................... 142


21.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 142

21.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 143

21.4.1 Stop event printout ..........................................................143

21.4.2 FALSE=LGP, TRUE=MODBUS.........................................143

21.4.3 Output emergency message texts (1,0) .........................143

21.4.4 Response to day change (0,1,2) .....................................143

21.4.5 Printer error ......................................................................144

21.4.6 Printer offline ....................................................................144

21.4.7 Printer buffer overflow.....................................................144

21.4.8 No paper............................................................................144

21.4.9 Printer cover open ...........................................................144

21.4.10 Printer conn. lost..............................................................144

21.4.11 Event in buffer ..................................................................144

21.4.12 Buffer overflow.................................................................145

21.4.13 Printout active ..................................................................145

21.4.14 Message counter..............................................................145

21.5 Program example ..................................................... 146


22 HK-MMT-3 .......................................................149

22.1 Function information ............................................... 150

22.2 General block information....................................... 150

22.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 151

22.3.1 Potential applications ......................................................151

22.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 153

22.4.1 Central module interface (1,2).........................................153

22.4.2 Telephone number ...........................................................153

22.4.3 Type of call establishment (0,1,2) ...................................153

22.4.4 Enable, TRUE....................................................................154

22.4.5 Slave number (target bus stn.)........................................154

22.4.6 Modbus function code.....................................................154

22.4.7 Relative address 1st var. master ....................................154

22.4.8 No. 1st event in master....................................................155

22.4.9 Number var. (BOOL).........................................................155

22.4.10 Relative address 1st var. slave .......................................155

22.4.11 Modbus function code.....................................................155


22.4.12 Relative address 1st var. master ....................................155

22.4.13 Number var. (UINT)...........................................................156

22.4.14 Relative address 1st var. slave .......................................156

22.4.15 Max. slave answer time in ms .........................................156

22.4.16 Establishment delay in s .................................................157

22.4.17 Modem error code............................................................157

22.4.18 Error code transmission..................................................157

22.4.19 Modbus error code transmission ...................................157

22.4.20 Error code transmission..................................................158

22.4.21 Modbus error code transmission ...................................158

22.4.22 No connection ..................................................................158

22.4.23 Task active ........................................................................158

22.4.24 Task counter .....................................................................158

22.5 Applications.............................................................. 159

22.5.1 Input of the telephone number .......................................159

22.5.2 Entering events ................................................................160

22.5.3 Time consideration ..........................................................163


23 HZ-DOS-3........................................................167

23.1 Function information ............................................... 167

23.2 General block information....................................... 168

23.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 168

23.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 169

23.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1306).........................................169

23.4.2 Error code .........................................................................169

24 HZ-FAN-3 ........................................................171

24.1 Function information ............................................... 171

24.2 General block information....................................... 172

24.3 GENERAL.................................................................. 172

24.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs .......... 172

24.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1306).........................................172

24.4.2 Error code .........................................................................172

24.4.3 Error ..................................................................................173


24.5 Applications.............................................................. 174

25 Resource Types .............................................175

25.1 Current Resource Types .......................................... 175

25.2 Predecessor Resource Types ................................. 176

26 Subracks.........................................................176

26.1 Current subracks...................................................... 177

26.2 Old subracks............................................................. 177

27 Modules ..........................................................178

27.1 Current modules....................................................... 178

27.2 Old modules.............................................................. 179

28 Supported IEC Functions and Data Types ..180

28.1 Supported data types............................................... 180

28.2 Supported functions and function blocks ............. 181

29 System Variables ...........................................184


29.1 READ System variables of the BOOL type ............ 185

29.1.1 I/O Error.............................................................................185

29.1.2 HIBUS.Resource-Name.error ..........................................185

29.1.3 SYSTEM.Force individual switch outputs......................185

29.1.4 SYSTEM.Force individual switch inputs ........................186

29.1.5 SYSTEM.Force main switch outputs ..............................186

29.1.6 SYSTEM.Force main switch inputs ................................186

29.1.7 SYSTEM.Prohibited access.............................................186

29.1.8 SYSTEM.Single-channel ..................................................186

29.1.9 SYSTEM.normal ...............................................................186

29.2 WRITE System variables of the BOOL type ........... 186

29.2.1 I/O Error acknowledgment ..............................................186

29.2.2 SYSTEM.Logic emergency stop .....................................186

29.3 READ System variables of the UINT/WORD type.. 187

29.3.1 HIBUS.Resource-Name.Receive counter .......................187

29.3.2 SIO Receive Counter........................................................187

29.3.3 I/O.Error code 2nd I/O bus...............................................188


29.3.4 I/O.Error position 2nd I/O bus .........................................189

29.3.5 I/O.Error code 1st I/O bus................................................189

29.3.6 I/O.Error position 1st I/O bus ..........................................190

29.3.7 SYSTEM.RAM/EPROM .....................................................190

29.3.8 SYSTEM.Runversion........................................................190

29.3.9 SYSTEM.Codeversion......................................................191

29.3.10 SYSTEM.Number of prohibited accesses ......................191

29.3.11 SYSTEM.Errormask2 .......................................................191

29.3.12 SYSTEM.Errormask1 .......................................................192

29.3.13 SYSTEM.Errorcode ..........................................................192


Creating a configuration Configuration


1 Creating a configuration
Configurations are the highest-level structuring tools, and group together
the PESs (Programmable Electronic Systems) of a complete system or
subsystem. For each of these PESs they contain a resource that complies
with IEC 61131-3. A configuration can be visualized as a bus system to
which the PESs are connected. Configurations contain:
• Resources
• Global variables
• Libraries
• Structuring folders
• Connections

1.1 Properties; Buses

Once you have defined the resources of your configuration you can iden-
tify the main buses and their communication parameters. You can then ac-
cess the bus parameters when configuring the serial interfaces of the
You will need at least one bus for communicating between the PADT (Pro-
gramming and Debugging Tool = programming unit) and the resources for
loading and for online operations!
To define a bus, click on ´Properties´ in the context menu of the configu-

Configuration properties window, ´Buses´ tab

Previously defined buses are listed in this dialogue box. Columns in the
index display the main bus data in table form:

Configuration Creating a configuration

• Name: Name of the bus

• Type: Type of communication system (currently HIBUS only)
• Commentary: any comments on the bus

Command buttons
You can add new buses, edit and delete existing buses and open a dia-
logue box to compile and download the PES masters of all buses.
• ´Add´: Add a communication system

Dialogue box ´Add communication system´

Give the bus a unique name and select the type of communication system
(only the ´HIPRO´ type is currently available). Confirm your choice with
´OK´ to open a dialogue box as described below under ´Edit´.
• Edit: Edit a bus configuration
Mark the bus you want to edit and click on ´Edit´. You will see a dia-
logue box in which you can enter comments about the bus, define
the bus stations and set up the bus communication parameters
(See “Editing HIBUS” on page 2.).
• Delete: Delete a bus configuration
Mark the bus you want to delete and click on ´Delete´. The bus will
be deleted without a confirm prompt.
• PES Masters: Compile and download PES masters
you will see a dialogue box listing all the defined PES masters for
compiling and downloading (See “PES Masters” on page 7.).

1.1.1 Editing HIBUS

HIBUS is used to transmit data between individual HIMA PESs and for
communication between the PESs and the PADT (Programming and De-
bugging Tool: programming unit in IEC, the PC with ELOP II-NT) or with
external systems.
The protocols used for communication between individual PESs are
based on the master/slave principle, and several masters can be connect-
ed to a bus as well as several slaves. If more than one master is connected
to a bus then they share control over the bus cyclically. Each station is
identified by a user-defined bus station number (BSN). Up to 31 logic bus
stations can work on a bus, whether as slaves or as masters.
The redundant central modules of a PES are addressed with a bus station
number (BSN).
The following can be used as master systems:
• Programming units (PADT)

Creating a configuration Configuration

• Coprocessor modules (CM) in the H51 or H51q systems as PES

The following can be used as slave systems:
• HIMA-PES type A1, H11, H41 and H51 programmed with ELOP
• HIMA-PES type A1, H11, H41, H51, also H41q and H51q pro-
grammed with ELOP II-NT
When you add or edit a bus you will see a dialogue box in which you can
enter a description of the HIBUS, the stations and the bus communication
parameters. The dialogue box offers ´Stations´ and ´Parameters´ tabs for
this purpose.
Stations tab

Dialogue box ´Edit HIBUS´, ´Stations´ tab

The ´Stations´ index lists previously defined bus stations. Columns in the
index display the main bus station data in table form:
• Name: Name of the bus station
• Type: Type of bus station
• BSN: Bus station number
• CU: Assigned central module of the PES master
1 left CU, 2 = right CU
• CM: Coprocessor module in which the PES master runs
1.3 = first to third CM according to the slot next to the CU
Command buttons
You can add new bus stations and edit or delete existing stations.
• Add: Add a bus station
You will see a dialogue box as described under ´Edit´.
• Edit: Edit a bus station
Mark the bus station you want to edit and click on ´Edit´. You will
see a dialogue box in which you can enter the name and type of the
bus station and any parameters. See “HIPRO Stations” on page 5.

Configuration Creating a configuration

• Delete: Delete a bus station

Mark the bus station you want to delete and click on ´Delete´. The
bus station will be deleted without a confirm prompt.
Parameters tab
The ´Parameters´ tab in the ´Edit HIBUS´ dialogue box is used to define
the communication parameters of the bus.

Dialogue box ´Edit HIPRO´, ´Parameters tab

You can set the baud rate, the number of stop bits and the parity of the
serial bus communication here. These parameters can then be accessed
when the serial interfaces of the bus stations are configured. Subsequent
changes to bus parameters will be automatically entered and can be made
centrally. HIBUS stations

Clicking on the ´Add´ or ´Edit´ command button in the ´Edit HIBUS´ dia-
logue box opens another dialogue box in which you can enter the name,
type and bus station number (BSN) of the station.

Creating a configuration Configuration

´HIBUS stations´ dialogue box

• Type: Type of the bus station
• Slave: PES programmed with ELOP II-NT
• ELOP Slave: PES programmed with the ELOP firmware (See “Con-
figuring data interchange to ELOP slaves” on page 40.)
• PC master: PADT
• PES masters: Coprocessor modules (CM) in the H51 or H51q sys-
tems as PES masters
• Name: Name of the bus station
The name of a previously defined resource can be selected from
the list box for ´slave´ type stations. For bus stations of the ´PC
master´ or ´PES master´ type you must enter the name yourself.
The name may not be more than 8 characters long and should begin with
a letter. Many special characters such as ´umlauts´ cannot be mapped in
the controller and are therefore replaced by question marks.
• BSN: Bus station numbers
station number for PESs is set by hardware switches on the central
module and must be the same as the number entered here. The
BSN must be unique.
• ELOP Slave: Project file name of the ELOP Slave
the path and file name of the ELOP project are entered here for

Configuration Creating a configuration

´ELOP Slave´ type bus stations. You can open a dialogue box to
select the project folder by clicking on the ´Search...´ command but-

´Search for ELOP project´ dialogue box

Projects created with the ELOP firmware are usually stored in the
[Drive]:\HIMA\ELOP.DAT folder.
• PES master parameters: Parameters for ´PES master´ type bus
• CU: Central module which the PES master is next to.
1 left CU, 2 = right CU
• CM: Coprocessor module containing the PES masters.
1.3 = first to third CM according to the slot next to the central mod-
• Time master: Activate time master function
PES master can synchronize the time of all PESs connected to the
bus by periodically transmitting the time of the central module
assigned to it to all other bus stations. Here you can define whether
the created PES master will be a time master
• Redundant bus:
The PES master uses a reserve bus to handle data traffic if the nor-
mal bus fails
• Increase time delay (ms):
For communications over modem or satellite links this setting can
be increased to allow for the delay due to the carrier
• Increase time interval (ms):
For communications over modem or satellite links this setting can
be used to increase the interval between receiving the last trans-
mission and starting the next one
• Restricted holding time of settings on call failure:
Here you can define the response of the PES master if it cannot
export data from this controller because a call to a PES has failed.
This setting is only active when the HIPRO-N protocol is used (PES
master as data centre).
If this control box is highlighted, the values of the failed controller
are held by the PES master for all the other PESs in the data inter-
change for the preset time (in seconds). When the holding time
times out the values are written to FALSE or 0 if no new call to the
failed controller has been made in that time.

Creating a configuration Configuration

If the control box is not highlighted then values are frozen until a
new call is made.
If you want the target controllers to detect when values are frozen then this
must be included in the design, e.g. by transmitting a constantly changing

1.1.2 PES Masters

PES masters are coprocessor modules of the H51 and H51q systems
which have a program for controlling the transfer of data between the
PESs (slaves). A PES master is always assigned to a PES and can ser-
vice up to 31 slaves.
You can open a dialogue box for compiling the PES master programs and
downloading the compiled programs to the coprocessor modules by using
the ´PES masters´ option in the context menu of the configuration, or by
clicking on the ´PES masters´ command button in the ´Buses´ tab in the
properties window of the configuration.


Command buttons
You can compile and download PES masters, update the data in the list
boxes and open a cross-reference window in which the variables transmit-
ted by the PES masters are documented.
• ´Execute´ under the ´Compile´ list box: Compile the PES masters
Highlight the PES master(s) you wish to compile and click on ´Exe-
cute´. The selected PES masters will be compiled. The error status
display opens and shows you how the compile routine is progress-

Error status display after running the PES master code generation
• ´Execute´ under the ´Download´ list box: Transfer the PES masters
to the coprocessor modules
Highlight the PES master(s) you wish to load and click on ´Exe-
cute´. You will see a dialogue box in which you can enter the PADT

Configuration Creating a configuration

communication parameters.

Dialogue box ´Communication parameters

Select the name of the required PC master from the list box and define the
serial interface of the PC that will be used for transmitting data. Click on
´OK´ to transmit the selected PES masters. The error status display opens
and shows you how the PES master download is progressing.

Error status display after running the PES master download

When the download is complete you will see a dialogue box containing in-
formation about the status of the transfer.
• ´Update´: Update data in both lists
Action is possible when the code generator for a resource is run-
ning while the ´PES master´ dialogue box is open. Instead of quit-
ting the dialogue box and opening it again when the code generator
run is complete, you can call ´Update´.
• ´Cross-reference´: Output documentation of the data transmitted by
the PES masters.

Configuring the resource Configuration


2 Configuring the resource

Resources structure the configuration of a system in the next stage. Each
resource symbolizes a PES and contains one or more programs that are
run under the controller by zero or more tasks. Resources are created with
the context menu of the configuration (´New´ option in the ´Resource´ sub-
menu) and they can contain the following objects:
• Program instances
• Type instances
• Tasks
• Global variables
• Libraries
• Structuring folders
• Connections
A newly generated resource is not yet standardized (“generic“) and does
not yet possess any special, manufacturer-specific properties. You only
define the hardware of the target PES when you assign a resource type.
In this way the resource is given the properties and functions of a certain
controller type which are associated with the resource type.
To assign a resource type, proceed as follows:
Click on the resource with the right-hand mouse button and point the
mouse pointer to ´RT Assignment´ in the context menu which now ap-
pears. Now click on the desired resource type in the following submenu.
Alternatively you can assign a resource type interactively by selecting the
´Search´ submenu option:

Configuration Configuring the resource

Dialogue box RT assignment

Once a resource type has been assigned the ´RT Assignment´ option in
the context menu of the resource changes to the option.
You can change an assigned resource type at any time:
Click on the resource with the right-hand mouse button and point the
mouse pointer to ´Hardware change <Resource Type>´ in the context
menu which now appears. Now click on the desired new resource type in
the following submenu, or start the ´RT assignment´ dialogue from the
´Search´ submenu option. You are prompted to confirm your choice be-
fore the action is executed:

Dialogue box ´Start HW change ...´

When you confirm by clicking on ´Yes´ the error status display opens and
shows you how the hardware change is progressing.

Configuring the resource Configuration

Error status display after running a hardware change

When the conversion is complete you will see a dialogue box containing
information about the status of the resource type change.

2.1 Instancing a program type to the resource

Program instances execute the functionality that is defined in an associat-
ed program type declaration on the PES of your resource. They do not
move or copy anything - they merely create an instance (an example) of
the program type declaration. After instancing you can continue editing the
program instance by double clicking. Whereas the program type declara-
tion describes the functionality of a specific controller, in the program in-
stance the properties of the target PES can be accessed as well.
Several instances of a program type can be created in different resources.
To create a program instance select the ´New´ option from the context
menu of the appropriate resource, then select the ´Program instance...´
submenu. A dialogue box now opens in which you can select the program
type to which to assign the program instance.

Configuration Configuring the resource

Dialogue box ´Assign program type´

To assign the program type, highlight the assignment target in the project
structure window, and the name will be immediately matched under the
´Program type´ input box. The program type will be instanced to the re-
source when you confirm with ´OK´.
IEC 61131-3 allows a resource to contain a number of program instances
that are run by zero or more tasks in the PES. This option is not available
with the current PESs of HIMA, i.e. only one program instance can be con-
You can assign another program instance to a resource at any time by de-
leting the program instance in the resource using its context menu, and
then repeating the steps described above.

2.2 Configuring a resource

If the resource has been assigned a resource type, you can access the
special properties and functions of the Programmable Electronic System
(PES) which it defines.
You can use the ´Edit cabinet´ option in the context menu of the resource
to define which modules are installed in your PES, and where. You can
also set up parameters for the modules you use (See “Editing Cabinet lay-
out” on page 13.).
You can configure your resource with the ´Properties´ option in the context
menu of the resource. The tabs described below are displayed for the
HIMA PESs as well as the default properties of all objects. See “Resource

Configuring the resource Configuration

2.2.1 Editing Cabinet layout

To define the modules of your PES click on the resource with the right-
hand mouse button. Now click on the ´Edit cabinet´ option in the context
menu which now appears. A dialogue box opens with a schematic of the
cabinet and you can define and parameterize the modules to be used.

Dialogue box ´Edit cabinet´

The subracks are shown at the top of the dialogue box. A symbol on the
left indicates the subrack type, and on the right are the subrack slots. All
available modules and subracks are listed in the lower part of the dialogue
box and can be selected by index pages.
You can enter comments about the PES in the ´Name´ input box on the
first line next to the resource type, e.g. you can enter the name of the cab-
inet where the PES is installed. The subrack at the top symbolizes the cen-
tral unit. Wildcard symbols for 16 I/O subracks are shown under the central
unit for the H51 and H51q systems. The numbers beneath the wildcard de-
scribe the subrack addressing (e.g. 1-3: I/O bus/ cubicle 1, I/O subrack 3)
that must be set using the coding switch on the connecting module. The
numbers 1...21 under the module slots correspond to the physical ar-
rangement of the slots in the subrack. To use an I/O subrack, select a sub-
rack from the ´Subracks´ or ´Old subracks´ index page and drag it to a
subrack wildcard symbol with the ´Drag&Drop´ feature. You can enter a
commentary (e.g. a location code) about the selected subrack in the input
box beneath it.
The subrack address you assign here will also be used to display errors in

Configuration Configuring the resource

the central module display. To assist fault-finding you should use address-
es that correspond to the physical code number of the subrack in the cu-
You can now select the modules you wish to use from the ´Modules´ or
´Old modules´ index page and use Drag&Drop to move them to a module
slot in the subrack. Module information can also be entered in the com-
mentary box.
If you drag a module to an assigned slot, the data of the original module
will be accepted (if possible). In this way you can change the type of a pre-
viously placed module without having to enter new data.
Context menu
You can open a context menu for the corresponding object above a com-
mentary box, a positioned subrack or a positioned module.

Context menu

Editing modules
Double clicking on a central module, a coprocessor module or an I/O mod-
ule, or selecting the ´Edit´ option from the context menu of the module
opens a module-specific dialogue box for you to configure the module´s
CU properties, CM properties
A dialogue box opens for central or coprocessor modules for you to con-
figure the communication parameters of the module´s two serial interfac-

Configuring the resource Configuration

Dialogue box ´CU properties´

Dialogue box ´CM properties´

There are three modes of parameter selection for configuring a serial in-

Configuration Configuring the resource

• Manual:
Set up all the parameters yourself (baud rate, stop bits, parity)
• By bus configuration:
´Enter parameters from bus´ selection box is activated. When you
select a bus from the list, the system will enter the parameters of
that bus, and any subsequent changes to the bus configuration will
then be entered automatically.
• Hardware presetting:
Serial interface is not configured by ELOP II, and the parameters
set by switch S1 on the central module are used instead.
A special communication protocol for the interfaces of the central module
can also be selected using the small control box in the ´SIO reservation´
• 3964R communication:
Reserved interface communicates as a slave system with protocol
• Lcl printer:
Printer for logic plan controlled logging (Lcl) is connected to this
interface. This is only available for central module interface 2.
In a redundant central unit the left and right hand halves of the unit can be
regarded as a single logic system so they have the same parameters. It is
therefore irrelevant whether the parameters on the left hand CU/CMs or
right hand CU/CMs are configured.
Editing the tag name
Each I/O module consists of inputs and/or outputs to which you can assign
symbolic names (tag names). As soon as you have assigned tag names
to the I/O modules, variables of the program instance can be assigned to
those tag names. In this way you can define I/O addresses for the vari-
There are two basic methods for assigning addresses:
First define the I/O modules of the PES, then create the logic func-
• Edit the cabinet
• Define the I/O modules to be used
• Create tag names for the I/O channels
• Create the program type
• Instance the program type to the resource
• Edit the program instance
• Assign the defined tag names to the variables of the program
First create the logic functionality of the PES, then define the I/O
• Create the program type
• Instance the program type to the resource
• Edit the cubicle
• Define the I/O modules to be used
• Define tag names for the I/O channels and assign the defined vari-

Configuring the resource Configuration

ables of the program instance to them.

Double clicking on an I/O module or selecting the ´Edit´ option from the
context menu of the I/O module opens a module-specific dialogue box for
you to assign tag names to the channels of the I/O module.

Dialogue box ´Edit tag name´

This dialogue box contains the individual I/O channels of the module and
the tag names which have already been assigned. Details of the subrack
and module are listed above the index. Columns in the index display the
main data of the I/O channels of the module in table form:
• No.: Channel number of the I/O module
• Type: I/O type of the channel
´Input´ or ´Output´
• Data type: The data type of the channel
´Digital´ for assigning single-bit variables (variables of the BOOL
data type), ´Analog´ for assigning multiple-bit variables (variables of
the WORD, INT or UINT data type)
• Name: tag name of the channel
• Variable: assigned variable of the program instance of the resource
• Comment: A commentary on the tag name or long name of the
assigned variable
• Ext. comment: any additional commentary
Editing tag names
Double clicking on a module channel opens a dialogue box in which you
can edit the tag data:

Configuration Configuring the resource

Dialogue box ´Edit tag´

You can give a module channel an tag name, a commentary and an addi-
tional commentary, and assign the I/O channel a variable from the pro-
gram instance of the resource.
• Name: Enter an tag name
Quick method:
• In the previous dialogue box ´Edit tag name´, highlight the channel
number you wish to edit.
• Click in the ´Name´ column of the module channel.
• Enter the tag name in the text box.
• Press ENTER.
If you use identical symbolic identifiers for the tag names and for the vari-
ables of the program instance, then tag names and variables can be as-
signed automatically.
• Commentary: Your comments about the tag name
• Extra commentary: additional comments on the tag name
Quick method:
• In the previous dialogue box ´Edit tag name´, highlight the channel
number you wish to edit.
• Click in the ´Extra comment´ column of the module channel.
• Enter your extra comments in the text box.
• Press ENTER.
• Assign variable:
If a program type is instanced in the resource, then the variables of
this program instance can be accessed. Assigning a variable to an
tag name defines the I/O address of that variable.
• Click on the ´Assign variable´ control box.
• Double click on a variable name in the list box.
• The variable name will appear in the ´Assigned variable´ box, and
the ´Comment´ box displays the long name of the variable.

Configuring the resource Configuration

• Click on command button ´<<´ if you want to use the variable name
as the tag name.

2.2.2 Resource properties

You can configure your resource with the ´Properties´ option in the context
menu of the resource. The tabs described below are displayed for the
HIMA PESs as well as the default properties of all objects. I/O parameters

Resource properties window, ´IO parameters´ tab

This tab is used to define the response of the PES to I/O faults.
• Noise blanking (cycles):
The comprehensive tests of all components detect any deviation
from the specification. The operating system tolerates transient
faults with its integrated noise blanking feature. In addition, this
input box defines the number of cycles for which I/O faults will be
tolerated. The value 0 activates integrated noise blanking.
The system limits the number of noise blanking cycles to (safety time/
watchdog time)-2.

Example 1 2 3

Cycle time 100 ms 200 ms 200 ms

Watchdog time 300 ms 500 ms 500 ms
Safety time 1s 2s 1s
Max. number of 1 2 0*
blanking cycles

Table 1: Noise blanking

*Integrated noise blanking is active in this case.

Configuration Configuring the resource

The response of the controller to a fault in a testable output amplifier can

be defined by one of 3 different parameters depending on safety and/or
• Display only:
Faulty modules are shut down by the integral safety shutdown fea-
ture. If a module does not permit shutdown, then the shutdown of
the subrack by the connection module is not safety-related. When
an H8-STA-3 function block is used (see also the description of the
function block) all the modules entered on the block are shut down
by the integrated safety shutdown if a module is faulty.
• Emergency stop:
General shutdown (emergency stop) of the PES in the event of a
fault in an output amplifier or an I/O bus fault. If the PES has a
redundant I/O bus, only the central module which has the fault in its
I/O bus shuts down.
• Normal operation:
Equal ´Display only´, but the connecting module is shut down
safety-related by the shutdown of the watchdog signal. Redundancy (H41/H51 systems only)

Resource properties window, ´Redundancy´ tab

On this tab you can define the response of a redundant PES in the event
of failure by a central unit (not for H41q and H51q systems). Depending
on the required level of safety and/or availability you can specify the re-
dundancy loss mode by one of four different parameters:
• Emergency stop
Emergency stop trips (general system shutdown) immediately
when central unit fails.
• Timer limit
One central unit fails, the other central unit runs on for the time in
minutes specified in the ´Max. time in single channel operation´
box. When the timer times out a general PES shutdown is per-
formed. If the faulty module is replaced by a functional module in
the remaining time, then redundant mode is resumed and there is
no further time restriction.

Configuring the resource Configuration

• Repeated time limit

As for timer mode, but each time the ACK button is pressed on the
central module the time in the ´Max. time 1-channel´ box is
uploaded again and the shutdown is delayed.
• Unlimited mode:
Unlimited 1-channel operation.
• Max. time in single channel operation (min):
n minutes for single-channel central unit operation until general
shutdown, valid for ´Time limit´ and ´Repeated time limit´. This time
is process-dependent and must be agreed with the accepting
authority. Safety

Resource properties window, ´Safety´ tab

This tab is used to define safety-critical parameters and to specify the per-
mitted actions with the PADT during safety-related operation of the PES.
The assignments that are possible during safety-related operation are not
rigidly bound by any particular class of requirements but they must be
agreed with the approving authority responsible for each use of the PES.
• ´Parameters change online´:
The changes to the safety parameters specified on this tab are dis-
abled if the control box is deactivated.
• Safety time (s) (H41/H51only):
Self-tests of a PES are divided into foreground and background

Configuration Configuring the resource

tests. Foreground tests are used to detect dangerous first faults

and are performed within a cycle or within the safety time (in sec-
onds) that is specified in this input box. Background tests are addi-
tional test routines used to detect faults that can have adverse
safety-technical effects in conjunction with other faults. Background
tests are performed in a longer time interval. Shortening the safety
time therefore increases the cycle time. With long safety times
some tests are spread over several cycles. The safety time must be
matched to suit the controlled process.
• Watchdog (ms):
Input box shows the cycle monitoring time for the system in milli-
seconds. It must not be more than half the safety time.
• Requirements class (to DIN V 19250):
The safety-related use of the PES, this input box indicates the
safety requirement (requirement classes 0 to 6 to DIN V 19250).
• Constants:
Constants (VAR CONST) and system parameters cannot be
changed online by the PADT unless the control box is activated.
• Variables:
Variables cannot be changed (forced) online unless the control box
is activated.
• Forcing IO:
Force main switch and individual switches for the inputs and out-
puts of the PES cannot be set unless the control box is activated.
• Test mode
Deactivating the control box disables execution of the following
PADT commands:
Start (if the PES is in RUN mode; the command is always executed
in STOP)
Continue AP
• Hot start/Cold start:
Deactivating the control box disables execution of all start com-
mands of the PADT if the PES is in RUN mode; the commands are
always executed in STOP.
• Reload:
Reload cannot be executed in the Reload mode when the control
box is deactivated.

Configuring the resource Configuration PADT (PC)

Resource properties window, ´Programming Unit´ tab

You can use this tab to define how you communicate with the PADT to the
controllers. To do this, select the bus, the name of the PC master and the
serial interface of the PC which you wish to use. If you use a telephone
modem you can configure additional communication parameters for trig-
gering the modem.
• Bus:
Select a previously defined bus for your communication. See “Prop-
erties: Buses” of the configuration
• PADT (PC master):
With which PC master you want to access the selected bus.
• PC interface:
Select the communication interface by which the PC is connected
to the bus
If using an interface converter e.g. H7505 please note that ELOP II-NT is
not switching the DTR Signal for control of the conversion direction as a
standard. An RS485 interface is recommended.
• Activate telephone modem:
The PC master is connected to the selected bus via a modem, then
highlight this control box. The DTR signal will then be switched first
when operation starts.
• Time delay (ms):
Communicating via a telephone modem this time can be increased
to allow for the delay in response by the bus stations caused by the

Configuration Configuring the resource

• Initializing time (ms):

the time needed by the modem for dialing here. Lcl Texts

Logic controlled logging (Lcl) is used to record events (Boolean signal
changes with time of day) on the central module and to print off the events
- with interpretation - on a connected printer. You can define a page head-
er for this report printout on this tab. A print preview of the Lcl page header
is displayed in the ´Page header for Lcl output´ box.

Resource properties window, ´Lcl´ tab

Click on the ´Edit´ command button to start interactive header creation.

Dialogue box ´Lcl text editor for page header´

Configuring the resource Configuration

The dialogue is divided in two parts: you enter the texts and wildcards for
the page header in the top half, and the bottom half displays a print pre-
view. The following wildcards can be used:
• %CR: word wrapping (carriage return)
• %DATE: current date in format YY-MM-DD
• %PAGE: current page number of the printout Code generator

The user program is translated into machine code (code generation) once
you have entered the complete function, variables and resource declara-
tion. The machine code required for the PES is generated depending on
the selected resource type. After the code is generated the user program
can be loaded into the PES memory
Here you are able to configure the codegenerator settings
• Acknowledge start of code generator
Start of the code generator must be explicitly confirmed again if this
option is selected
• Create reloadable code
A reloadable code must be generated before online changes can
be made.
A reloadable code cannot always be generated. This is not possible when
modules or communication variables are inserted or deleted.
• SLP in RAM
The SLP area that is normally stored in the flash EPROM can be
stored in the RAM if required. This will then enable variables to be
changed during operation.
In resources H41q/H51q the following options for safety related revision
control and code generation are available on top of these. These options
are certified by TÜV Product Service (further Information in the chapter
´Procedure for safety related PES´).
• Start target code comparator
By selecting this option the target code is generated in two sepa-
rate tasks and compared afterwards. Random errors of the hard-
ware platform would be detected this way.
• Generate code compare image
The code compare image is needed for a later safety related revi-
sion check.
• Start code comparator
By selecting this option changes within a resource will be detected.
You need to select a resource to compare with. This could be
exactly the same resource or a backup of an earlier revision.

Configuration Configuring the resource

Resource properties window, ´Code generator´ tab for H41q/H51q family

Next you see the properties for the PES A1, A1dig, H11, H41, H51. The
options for the safety related codegeneration and revision check are not
available. The option ´RWP in RAM´ is deleted, since there is no other op-
tion in these systems.
Instead it is necessary to configure a memory area for reload data, since
there is only a restricted area available. The default of 1024 bytes is a
good compromise between program size and sufficient space for online

Resource properties window, ´Code generator´ tab for systems A1, H11, H41/H51 family Address conflicts

If address conflicts occur during code generation, you can use this func-
tion to select a response. The same basic address (0) is specified as de-
fault for communication via 3964R and for BUSCOM, which is why there
can be address conflicts:
• Move 3964R basic address

Configuring the resource Configuration

If this option is selected the 3964R basic address is automatically

moved to a value that will avoid conflict with BUSCOM addresses
used at the same time.
• Move BUSCOM basic address
If this option is selected the BUSCOM basic address is automati-
cally moved to a value that will avoid conflict with 3964R addresses
used at the same time.
• Generate error
If this option is selected, addresses will not be moved automatically
and instead you will see an error message during compiling which
draws your attention to the conflict. You must then make a manual

Resource properties window, ´Addressing errors´ tab HIPRO-S
The HIPRO-S protocol is used for safety-related communication between
two or more PESs. The controllers communicate across the configured
communication system.
For each resource it must be configured with which other resources safety
related data exchange is performed. The variables for the data exchange
are configured in the variables declaration editor of the program instance
(See “Safety-related data transfer: HIPRO-S” on page 38.)

Resource properties window, ´HIPRO-S´ tab

Configuration Configuring the resource BUSCOM protocol

Resource properties window, ´BUSCOM´ tab

Here you can enter the basic addresses for BUSCOM, e.g. for READ and
WRITE of Variables by a MODBUS master:
• Export
Here are the basic addresses starting from which a MODBUS mas-
ter can export variables of the PES with function code 1 (digital
(bool)) or 3 (analog (word)).
• Import
Here are the basic addresses starting from which a MODBUS mas-
ter can import variables of the PES with function codes 5 and 15
(digital (bool)) or 6 and 16 (analog (word)).
• Export/Import
Some control systems are unusual in that they immediately re-
export the variables that they import. They only change the function
code without changing the basic address, so a separate memory
area must be reserved for write/read accesses of this type.
For H41q/H51q systems the valid address range for BUSCOM is 0 to 2048
and 4096 to 8192.

Resource-related functions in the Editor Configuration 3964R Protocol

Resource properties window, ´3964R´ tab

The data blocks and data words required for communication via the 3964R
protocol can be entered here.

3 Resource-related functions in the Editor

Once a program has been instanced to a resource, a number of resource-
related items can be configured as you edit the program instance in the

Configuration Resource-related functions in the Editor

3.1 Assigning system variables

Variable properties window, ´Variable´ tab

To access the dialogue shown above, call the context menu of a variable
used in the logic and then select the ´Properties´ option.
You will see different system variables in the selection window depending
on the type of variable you have clicked on (BOOL or UINT). The system
information is available after you click on ´Assign hardware´ and select a
system variable.

Resource-related functions in the Editor Configuration

3.2 Creating Events

Variable properties window, ´Events´ tab

All necessary data of the variables that are needed for the HIMA commu-
nication protocol (time stamp) is created for the variable when you select
the ´Event-driven option.

3.2.1 Variables for transmission with HIPRO

HIPRO-N and HIPRO-S are the non-safety related and safety-related pro-
tocols used for data interchange between HIMA PESs. They work on the
master/slave principle, and several masters can be connected to a bus as
well as several slaves.
A maximum of 255 bus stations can be addressed on a HIPRO-N/S.
Because up to 8 bus stations per controller are possible in PESs that be-
long to the H41/H51 and H41/H51q family (2 CPUs and 6 coprocessor
modules), this maximum number must be divided by 8 to arrive at the
number of bus stations.
Up to 31 bus stations in the H41/H51 and H41q/ H51q family can therefore
be connected to a HIPRO-N/S as master or slave.
Every bus station on the HIPRO-N/S is identified by a user-defined bus
station number (BSN) that is set on the system´s central module by means
of DIP switches. Since every master/slave in a bus station can be connect-
ed to a separate bus, each bus station can be connected to up to 8 buses.
The number of controllers that can interchange safety-related data on the
HIPRO-S is limited to 6 in the H41/H51 family and 64 bus stations in the
H41q/H51q family.

Configuration Resource-related functions in the Editor

Functions of the PES master

• PES masters as data centre for HIPRO-N
With this type of data transfer the PES master acts as the data cen-
tre, reading the data of the connected slaves, compiling the trans-
mission and then sending it to the appropriate PESs.
If data cannot be exported from a PES because of a failed connec-
tion during PES master operation, the PES master writes the data
from this PES to the other PES to FALSE or, if configured, holds
the data at its last value prior to the connection failure for a speci-
fied time or until the connection is restored.
If changes to the user program of a resource are made in the con-
figuration, then only the user program of the affected PES and PES
master need to be re-compiled and re-loaded.
• PES master for starting safety-related transmissions
The PES Master does not act as the data centre for safety-related
transmissions via the HIPRO-S between different PESs, it only
starts the transmissions. The necessary configurations for the PES
master are made in the settings of the resource.
The variables of the sending controller are transmitted directly to
the receiving controller. Notionally, this type of transfer is like a
point-to-point connection, except that it runs via the HIPRO-S. Indi-
vidual transmissions are protected by codes and signatures.
All variables that are exported to another resource must be the
same as the variables imported from that resource.

Variable properties window, ´HIPRO-N´ tab

In this tab you can define by which PES master the variables should be
transferred non safety-related.
The data of the resource just edited can either be imported from a PES
master (´Import from PES master´) or exported to several other PES mas-
ter (´Export to PES master´).
You can only specify one PES master for ´Import from PES master´ be-
cause only a single master can access the variables for importing, where-
as with ´Export to PES master´ several masters can be specified as

Resource-related functions in the Editor Configuration

different masters can be permitted to access variables for export.

Variable properties window, ´HIPRO-S´ tab

In this tab you can define two PESs between which data will be transferred
safety-related. All resources on the HIPRO-S from which data can be im-
ported or to which data can be exported are displayed under ´Available re-
You can only specify one resource for ´Import from resource´ because the
currently edited resource may only take data directly from another (point-
to-point connection), whereas several resources can be specified for ´Ex-
port to resources´ because the currently edited resource may send its data
to several resources.

3.2.2 Variables for transmission to external systems

In the following tabs you can define options for access by external systems
(MODBUS master, OPC Server, Profibus-DP master or 3964R master) to
the HIMA PES variables.

Configuration Resource-related functions in the Editor

Variable properties window, tab

In the BUSCOM communication tab you can define whether a variable will
be exported, imported or im- and exported by the master. Selecting one of
these points activates the option of defining a relative address.
If you do not use the option of defining relative addresses manually, then
all BUSCOM variables will be sorted in alphanumeric order and addressed

Resource-related functions in the Editor Configuration

Variable properties window, ´3964R´ tab

Manual settings for the 3964R protocol can be made here similar to the
configuration of BUSCOM variables.

Configuration Resource-related functions in the Editor

Communication between HIMA PESs Communication


4 Communication between HIMA PESs

The communication system must be configured for communication with
the programming unit (PDAT) or for communication between HIMA PESs
and between a HIMA PES and the HIMA OPC server.
Only HIBUS is currently available as the communication system, and this
requires a bus configuration (See “Creating a configuration” on page 1.)
The bus configuration contains all the PESs, PES masters and PADTs
that are connected to the bus and which can therefore interchange data.
The PES master in a coprocessor module controls the communication.
The BUSCOM configuration is used for communicating on the Ethernet.

4.1 Protocols
Data transfer between HIMA PESs can be both safety-related and non-
safety related.

4.1.1 Safety-related transfer: HIPRO-S

The PES master only controls data traffic. Data is exchanged directly be-
tween two PESs. Safety-related communication between HIMA PESs is
certified according to AK6.

4.1.2 Non-safety related transfer: HIPRO-N

The PES master acts as the data centre. A PES master reads and writes
the interchanged data which is buffered in the PES master.

4.2 HIBUS Hardware

There is a range of system components available for setting up a HIBUS
between HIMA PESs (terminals for DIN rail mounting, converters and
standard cables). You will find data sheets and wiring options in the sys-
tem catalogue for H41q/H51q.
The coprocessor module in which a PES master is loaded must be con-
nected to the HIBUS. This will also connect the PES (slave) to the HIBUS.
A separate connection is not permitted.

Communication Communication between HIMA PESs

4.3 Redundancy
The HIBUS can be connected redundantly to the PESs and the PES mas-
ter. Only one free interface is required for this in the PESs; the redundant
bus connection of the PES master must be configured in the bus configu-
ration accordingly.
The PES master performs a continuous connection check on both buses.
If there is no connection to a PES on the main bus (the bus that is connect-
ed to the first interface of the PES master), then communication with that
PES is routed via the reserve bus (the bus on the second interface of the
PES master).
The same name must be used in the bus configuration for redundant PES
masters. Full redundancy is achieved when two PES masters are used in
different PESs.

4.4 Configuring data interchange

Different configurations must be made depending on the type of data
transmission (safety-related or not).

4.4.1 Safety-related data transfer: HIPRO-S

Safety-relate data transfer takes place between two PESs, so for each re-
source you must configure which of the PESs on the bus will be used to
transfer data.

Properties resource

In this tab you can add, edit or delete a resource. Up to 64 resources can
be specified in PES H41q/H51q. This number is limited to 6 in PES H41/

Communication between HIMA PESs Communication

Add resource
• ´Resource´
The resources contained in the bus configuration are available here
in a selection list.
• ´PES master´
Here enter the PES master that will control data traffic to this
resource. All the PES masters contained in the bus configuration
are available in a selection list.
• ´Monitoring time´
If no data are written from the resource inside this time, then they
are reset.
Now activate the settings with the ´OK´ button. System variables will now
be automatically generated for each resource.

Error-Status-Display after closing the properties dialog

For each resource, the data to be transmitted is configured within the pro-
gram instance in the variables declaration.

4.4.2 Non-safety related data transfer: HIPRO-N

For each resource, the data to be transmitted is configured within the pro-
gram instance in the variables declaration.

4.4.3 Variables declaration

In the HIPRO tab you can specify where each variable will be imported
from or exported to. The resource must be declared for safety-related data
transfer and the PES master for non-safety related data transfer.
The resources and PES masters configured in the bus configuration are

Communication Communication between HIMA PESs

available for selection.

Variable declaration HIPRO

For each imported variable there must be precisely one variable that is ex-
ported. With safety-related data interchange this creates a 1:1 relation-
ship, for non-safety related data interchange the relationship is 1:n, as an
exported variable can be imported into several resources because the
PES master acts as the data centre.

4.5 Configuring data interchange to ELOP slaves

It is not only possible to transfer data between PES programmed with
ELOP II-NT, but also with PES programmed with ELOP (DOS based pro-
gramming software from HIMA). The protocol HIPRO-S is also used for
this data transfer. By this way there is no data transfer between PES pro-
grammed with ELOP.

Communication between HIMA PESs Communication

4.5.1 Configuration in ELOP

First of all you need to add a network (area 3-8) in the project in ELOP and
configure the variables (please refer to the ´ELOP manual: Programming,
Monitoring, Documentation). All blocks need to be filled with 16 variables
(no empty entry).

Name coordination: network system in ELOP

4.5.2 Bus configuration

In the bus configuration the PES programmed with ELOP need to be con-
figured as ´ELOP Slave´ (See “HIBUS stations” on page 4.) The project
name is automatically used for the resource name after configuration of
the project file.

Bus configuration with ELOP slave

Communication Communication between HIMA PESs

4.5.3 Resource configuration

The safety related data transfer is done between two PES. Therefore in
the ELOP II-NT resource the PES programmed with ELOP needs to be
added in the register ´HIPRO-S´.

Properties resource

4.5.4 Variables declaration

The safety related transfer requires identical names in the source and tar-
get PES. Since the variable names in ELOP are restricted to 8 characters
and ELOP has no import function, the variables should be configured first
of all in ELOP (as described before).
The variables can then be imported in ELOP II-NT.
In the context menu of the variables declaration select ´ELOP Import´.

Context menu of the program instance

Next you have to select the n-file of the ELOP project. You find this file in
the ELOP project directory:

Communicating with external systems Communication

Select ELOP project (n-file)

The variables configured in ELOP will then be imported. The HIPRO con-
figuration is added automatically. The binary variables in ELOP are con-
figured as data type BOOL and the digital variables are configured as data
type UINT.
After loading the PES master the safety related data transfer is starting.

5 Communicating with external systems

Different protocols can be used to communicate with external systems. The
BUSCOM definition is used for the configuration

5.1 BUSCOM Communication

The tab ´BUSCOM´ is used for the setting of base addresses for bus com-
munication. The settings are used for MODBUS, OPC and fieldbuses.

Communication Communicating with external systems

Properties resource

The HIMA PES have implemented the MODBUS function codes 1, 3, 5, 6,

8, 15 and 16
• ´Export´: Digital
• Function code 1: Variable is exported to the external system
• ´Export´: Analog
Function code 3: Variable is exported to the external system
• ´Import´: Digital
Function code 5/15: Variable is imported from the external system
• ´Import´: Analog
Function code 6/16: Variable is imported from the external system
• ´Export/Import´: Digital
Function code 1 and 5/15: Variable is exported to and imported
from the external system
• ´Export´: Analog
Function code 1 and 6/16: Variable is exported to and imported
from the external system
The variables that are available for data transfer are configured in the vari-
ables declaration. The relative addresses can be assigned either automat-
ically (in alphanumeric order) or manually

Communicating with external systems Communication

HW assignment, BUSCOM

5.2 3964R Communication

HIMA PESs support the 3964R protocol. The data blocks can be defined
individually for exporting and importing

Communication Communicating with external systems

Properties resource

The variables and their relative addresses are configured in the variables

Communicating with external systems Communication

HW Assignment

Communication Communicating with external systems

Generating the program code (compiling) Program Code

Program Code

6 Generating the program code (compiling)

Once you have created the program and have function tested it with off-
line simulation, you must generate the program code before you can load
the program into the PES.

6.1 Code generator

The code generator is started from the context menu of the resource in
which the program will be loaded. All error and status messages generat-
ed during the compile run will be displayed in a separate window.
After the compile run, the version numbers of the project will be shown in
this window.
• Code version
Changes when the code is changed
• Program version
• Data version
Changes only when variables are changed
• Area version
Changes only when the I/O level is changed
• Run version
Changes when the code and parameters are changed.

6.2 Compiling and loading PES masters

Having defined variables for data interchange and generated code for the
resources, you must now generate the code for the PES masters. To do
this, select ´PES masters´ [´PES-Master´] in the context menu of the con-
figuration. You will see the defined PES masters:

PES master Compile and Download

Program Code Generating the program code (compiling)

All the defined PES masters are listed in the ´Compile´ list box. The PES
masters which still have to be compiled are highlighted in grey.
The ´Download´ list box contains all the PES masters that have already
been compiled. The grey highlighted PES masters are the ones which are
not currently loaded in the coprocessor module.
You can now compile and download the PES masters, update the data in
the list boxes and open a cross-reference window showing the variables
transferred by the PES masters.
• ´Execute´ under the Compile list box:
Codes generated for the selected PES masters.
• ´Execute´ under the Download list box:
Selected PES masters are loaded. A dialogue window opens to
allow you to specify the communication parameters of the PADT.

Communication parameter

Here you select the PES master you want from a list box and define the
PC interface you wish to use for data transfer.

6.3 Loading the program into the controller

The Control Panel is used to load the program into the controller and to
operate the PES. You start it from the context menu of the appropriate re-
source or you can find it in an additional project properties tab.
The name of the configuration and of the resource are shown as an over-
view. You will also see the system time, cycle time of the PES, the status
of the communication and the status of the PES as will be displayed later
in the online test.

Generating the program code (compiling) Program Code

Control panel

The ´Status display´ box summarizes functions for different information

about the program, the PES and the bus.
The ´Status change´ box contains functions for downloading the generat-
ed program code, changing the system time of the PES and resetting the
computed system time.
The ´Online change´ box shows functions for setting and resetting force
switches, displaying and editing the force information for all variables and
for displaying and editing the system parameters.
The ´Tools´ box contains functions for uploading the program code, creat-
ing a file for EPROM programming (for H41/H51 only) and for downloading
the operating system (H41q/H51q only).
The operating buttons have the following meaning

Program Code Generating the program code (compiling)

Button Meaning

Initializing the communication after a connection


Acknowledge of denied actions

Stop the PES. Outputs can be held or reset.

Start the PES. Coldstart, Warmstart or Hotstart


Continue after a break point occurred in the PES

Cycle step of the PES (only in Stop mode). You

can execute precisely one cycle for test purpose.

Quit the control panel

Online help for the control panel

Table 2: Buttons inside the control panel

6.4 Download/Reload
Click on the ´Download/Reload´ button to open a window in which you can
select which central module will be loaded in which mode.


Online Test Program Code

6.4.1 OS Download
You can update the operating system in PES H41q/H51q with this menu
option. You will need an updated operating system file to do this.

OS-Download, H41q and H51q

7 Online Test

7.1 Starting the online test

Start the online test by clicking the right-hand mouse button once on the
resource in the configuration. You will now see the resource´s context
menu. In the third section of the context menu, click the left-hand mouse
button on ONLINE Test.

Program Code Online Test

Context menu of the resource

You will now see the online test window.

7.2 Explanation of the OLT window

Online test

The OLT window displays the following information

• name of the configuration

Online Test Program Code

• name of the resource

• time and date of the PES
• cycle time of the PES (current, minimum, average, maximum)
• communication status (OK, no connection)
• status of the PES (see table 3)
Display Meaning
No connection No connection to the PES, data
interchange is interrupted
Mono PES is in RUN mode, but a central
module has gone down in the redun-
dant controller
RUN PES is in RUN mode
PGSTOP, outputs on LOW PES was stopped by the ELOP II-
NT station and the outputs were
PGSTOP, outputs held PES was stopped by the ELOP II-
NT station, outputs not reset
Break point, outputs held A break point was reached during
program run, the system was
stopped and the outputs not reset
ERROR STOP PES was stopped by the operating
system because of an error and all
outputs have been reset
Table 3: Status

7.2.1 Operating buttons

Explanation of the buttons from left to right.

Button Meaning

Initializing the communication after a connection


Acknowledge of denied actions

Stop the PES. Outputs can be held or reset.

Start the PES. Coldstart, Warmstart or Hotstart


Continue after a break point occurred in the PES

Cycle step of the PES (only in Stop mode). You

can execute precisely one cycle for test purpose.

Quit the online test

Online help for the online test

Program Code Online Test

Table 4: Operating buttons

7.2.2 Program structure tree

The program structure tree is used to open the online test of the program
or of individual blocks.

Online test

Select the program (green symbol) or the desired block (yellow symbol for
a function block, blue symbol for a function) with the mouse, then double-
click on the symbol.

Online Test Program Code

7.3 Functions in the ONLINE test

Online test opened

7.3.1 Meanings
The status of a BOOL type variable is indicated by the color of the inter-
connecting lines.
Blue means FALSE and red means TRUE.
The status of a variable can also be displayed in an OLT box that can be
generated. An OLT box is always needed to display values (all data types
except BOOL).
You can generate OLT boxes at any node or directly on a variable. Posi-
tion your mouse pointer on the desired node or variable and call the con-
text menu by clicking the right-hand mouse button once.

Create OLT Field

Now select ´Generate OLT box´ with the left-hand mouse button. Drag the
OLT box to the desired position and click the left-hand mouse button. The
OLT box is now ready to display the value or status.

OLT Fields and value displays

The right display is generated by pressing ALT and left mouse button.

Program Code Online Test

7.3.2 Forcing variables

In the online test you can force all variables that are defined as physical
input or outputs, or local variables that are not overwritten by the program.
When an input variable is forced, then this forced value will be used
throughout the logic.
When an output variable is forced however, only the physical output is
forced. If the output is interrogated in the logic, then the value defined by
the logic will be used.
Forcing can be done directly in the logic with the OLT box, or it can also
be done using the Force graphic in the Control Panel (CP). Forcing IO in the OLT box

The OLT box for the IO is divided up into two columns and two lines. The
left hand column contains a square. An empty square means that the force
main switch is off. A filled square means that the force main switch is on.
A square on the first line means the variable is not forced. A (filled) square
on the second line means the variable is forced.
The value of the variable of the input or output is shown on the second col-
umn, first line.

OLT field

The force value is shown on the second line.

Online Test Program Code Forcing IO in the Force graphic

Call the Force graphic with the Control Panel´s ´Force image´ button.

Control Panel

The Force graphic shows all variables that are combined with an I&C
name. The Force graphic consists of the following columns: tag name,
data type, Force switch, Force value, variables and I&C position.
You can toggle the Force switch between FALSE and TRUE simply by
double clicking with the mouse.
The digital (Boolean) force values can be changed in the same way. Dou-
ble click on an analog (word) force value to change it, then confirm with

Program Code Online Test


Force image Function buttons and functions in the Force graphic

Explanations of the individual buttons are given in the table below:

Button Meaning

This button opens a Force graphic which has

been previously saved.

Save: when you are making changes to a Force

graphic and want to save them, save the graphic
with this button.
Save As: use this button to save your Force
graphic under a new name

Delete: this button deletes a previously saved

Force graphic which is no longer needed

Online Test Program Code

Button Meaning

Reset Force values: this button is used to set all

Force switches in the graphic to FALSE, the
Force values of the digital (Boolean) variables to
FALSE and of the analog (word) variables to 0.
Download: use this button to transfer your Force
graphic from the ELOP II station to the PES.

Upload: use this button to load the currently

active Force graphic from the PES to the ELOP
II station.
Help: activate this button to call online help

Table 5: Buttons of the force image

Program Code Online Test

Documentation in the configuration Documentation


8 Documentation in the configuration

You will find in the context menu of the configuration and the resource
apart from the base functions contents and print (refer to the base manual)
an additional item documentation.

8.1 Documentation functions of the configuration

In the context menu of the configuration you will find in documentation the
following items:
• BUS docu
• PES master docu
• CFG docu

Context menu of the configuration

Documentation Documentation in the configuration

8.1.1 Bus docu

Bus documentation of the configuration

Bus Docu is an online documentation that provides information about your

bus definitions. The table below gives explanations about the 7 columns
that are displayed:

Column Meaning

Bus Name of the bus overview, the display can be in

ascending or descending alphabetical order.
Bus version The system creates a version number with your bus
overview. This version number changes when you
make changes to your bus overview.
BSN Bus station number: each system that is connected
to the bus is assigned a bus station number. This
number can only occur once on the bus.
Name Name of the connected system. The resource name
must be used for the PES.
Type System type. There are 3 types: Slave, PC master
and PES master.
CU No. Number (1 or 2) of the central module assigned to
the PES master. Left central module = 1 and right
central module = 2.
CM No. Number of the coprocessor module used as the PES
master. Slot 1, 2 or 3 next to the central module.
Additional Extra information.
Table 6: Key to column

Documentation in the configuration Documentation

8.1.2 PES Master Docu

PES master documentation of the configuration

PES Master Docu is an online documentation that gives you information

about your bus definitions. The table below gives explanations about the
10 columns that are displayed:

Column Meaning

PES Master Name of the PES master project. The display is in

ascending or descending alphabetical order
BSN Bus station number of the PES master
CU Number of the central module assigned to the PES
master. 1 = Left central module, 2 = right central
CM Slot of the PES master (coprocessor module), 1, 2 or
Variable Name of the variable transmitted from one HIMA
PES to another HIMA PES.
Data type Type of the variable (BOOL, WORD or UINT)
Source Resource name of the source PES
Target Resource name of the target PES
Safety Flags whether variable transmission is safety related
or non-safety related
Error Error information:
No source available
Several sources available
No target available
Table 7: Key to columns

Documentation Documentation in the configuration

8.1.3 CFG Docu

CFG documentation of the configuration

CFG documentation consists of:

• Bus list, this bus list is the same as the bus documentation
• RS232, transfer parameters such as baud rate, stop bits, parity
• PES master CRF, same as PES Master Docu
• PES master error, error information of the PES Master Docu
In the CFG docu the following actions can be performed:

Button Meaning

Close the CFG docu

Export the CFG docu in an ASCII file

Print CFG docu

Start help for CFG docu

Table 8: Function keys in the CFG docu

8.2 Documentation functions of the resource

In the context menu of the resource you will find in documentation the fol-
lowing items:
• CRF docu
• RES docu (current)
• RES docu (generated)
• RES docu (loaded)

Documentation in the configuration Documentation

Context menu of the resource

8.2.1 CRF Docu

CRF Docu

CRF Docu is an online documentation that gives you information about the
inputs and outputs. It comprises 11 columns. The table below contains fur-
ther information:

Column Meaning

Tag name Name of the input/output in the hardware assignment,

or the name of the system variable
Table 9: Explanations of CRF Docu

Documentation Documentation in the configuration

Position Position and channel of the input/output. The first digit

is the cabinet and next digit is the subrack for H51 and
H51q systems, followed by the slot, and finally the
channel. 0 is always output for cabinet and subrack for
H41, H41q, H11 and A1.
Variable Name of the variable as defined in the program. May
differ from the tag name, but is usually the same.
I/O type This indicates whether it is an input, an output or a
system variable (internal).
Data type I/O data types can be digital (Boolean variables) and
analog (UINT variables).
Data types for system variables are BOOL and UINT
Commentary Shows the long name from the variable declaration
Ext. Com- Shows the commentary from the variables declaration
Lcl Flags whether I/O is used for Lcl
E for Event
P for Logging Lcl
HIPRO-N/-S Flags that I/O is transmitted by HIPRO
-/E HIPRO-N Export to PES master
-/I HIPRO-N Import from PES master
IS/- HIPRO-S Import from PES master
ES/- HIPRO-S Export to PES master
BUSCOM Flags that I/O is transmitted via BUSCOM
R master reads variable
W master writes variable
3964R Flags that I/O is transmitted by 3964 R
Table 9: Explanations of CRF Docu

8.2.2 RES Docu

RES Docu

RES Docu consists of:

• Cabinet
the documentation of the cabinet contains the cabinet number and
the subrack number of the used subrack, the short name (column
rack) and the name (input in edit cabinet)

Documentation in the configuration Documentation

• Rack
the documentation of the rack contains the cabinet number, the
subrack number, the position of the used subracks and modules,
the short names and names.
• Module
the documentation of the module contains all subrack, modules and
• Parameters (system parameters)
the documentation of parameters contains all settings of the system
the documentation of BUSCOM contains all variables which are
transferred via a bus system, currently MODBUS and the
• 3964R
the documentation of 3964R contains all variables which are trans-
ferred via a bus system with the protocol 3964 R and the
the documentation of HIPRO contains all variables which are trans-
ferred via HIPRO with the concerning PES master
• Lcl
the documentation of Lcl contains all variables which are printed via
Lcl with the text for status TRUE and FALSE.
• CRF (tag name, position, variable name, I/O type, data type, com-
mentary, extra commentary, Lcl, HIPRO, BUSCOM, 3964R)
You can perform the following actions in RES Docu:

Button Meaning

Close the RES Docu

Export the RES Docu to an ASCII document

Print off RES Docu

Call online help

Table 10: Function buttons in RES Docu

RES Docu displays your current project status. This may well be different
from RES Docu (generated) or RES Docu (loaded).

8.2.3 RES Docu (generated)

RES Docu (generated) is based on the resource data with which the code
was generated.
CG Error is output in addition to RES Docu. CG Error is the same as the

Documentation Documentation in the configuration

“Program.ERR” file. This file contains the code generator messages.

All other points are the same as for RES Docu.

8.2.4 RES Docu (loaded)

RES Docu (loaded) is the same as RES Docu, but is based on the re-
source data that was loaded into the PES.

Safety related functions Safety aspects

Safety aspects

9 Safety related functions

ELOP II-NT has safety related functions, which guarantee for the system
family H41q/H51q that
• the programming system (PS) works correctly, i.e. no error occurs
on the programming system
• the PS is used correctly, which means that user error are excluded
During the first start up of a safety related PES (programmable electronic
system) a complete function test is necessary to proof the safety of the
After modification of an application it is only necessary to perform a func-
tion test for the modifications. A complete function test is not required.
The important functions for this in ELOP II-NT are:
• C-code comparator
• target code comparator
• proven GNU-C-compiler
The C-code comparator detects changes in the application program. The
target code comparator compares two target codes, which have been
generated by the proven GNU-C-compiler in two different tasks. By this er-
rors of the non safety related PC can be detected.

User specification

Backup data Input data documents


Target code Target code


Target code
PES comparator

Principle scheme for the code generation.

Safety aspects Safety related functions

9.1 Building an application

In this chapter you will find a basic overview on the procedure to build an
application. Please also refer to the safety manual for the system family

9.1.1 Create the logic diagrams

The program is built based on a specification for the application, which
should be available as specification or function requirements. First the ba-
sic functions are programmed in ELOP II-NT using POU’s function and
function block. Using these basic function you then built more complex
functions which are used to build up the program. Application parts which
function do not depend on each other have to be separated in different
functions or function blocks.
The main targets building your application should be:
• Easy to understand
• Easy to follow up
• Easy to modify
ELOP II-NT provides several non safety related functions such as version
management, revision control in the documentation object and off-line
simulation to assist in the design of logic diagrams. After a modification the
user name (=user in Windows NT) and the date are stored automatically
(see also ´revision service´).

9.1.2 Code generation

After the program is assigned to the resource, you should check the set-
tings for the code generator (see “Code generator” on page 25.). To avoid
random errors of the not safety related PC, please activate the target code
comparator. To allow the safety related determination of future modifica-
tions please select to generate a code compare image.
Of course you should check also the other settings of the resource espe-
cially the safety parameter (see “Safety” on page 21.)

9.1.3 Download
For the download it is important that you select the bus configuration which
matches the real bus connection. By this a download to the wrong PES is
avoided, due to the bus station number.

9.1.4 Function check of the PES

After downloading the program to the resource a complete function test
must be performed in order to check the correct design according to the
original specification. Again it is helpful to check the base function first and
afterwards the more complex functions.
The function test should be carried out by a person which was not involved
in the program design. The check can be documented by selecting ´Is
checked´ in the context menu of the program instance for each page. The
user name (=user in Windows NT) and the date are stored automatically

Safety related functions Safety aspects

(see also ´revision service´).

Do not forget to backup the data.

9.2 Modification of an application

In this chapter you will find a basic overview on the procedure to modify
an application. Please also refer to the safety manual for the system family

9.2.1 Modification of logic diagrams

The program is modified according to specification for the application,
which should be available as specification or function requirements. You
have to follow the basic rules on how to build a logic, especially the sepa-
ration of application parts which function do not depend on each other in
different functions or function blocks.
The check should be carried out by a person which was not involved in the
program modification. The modification and the check rest. the release
must be documented. ELOP II-NT provides the non safety related func-
tions revision control in the documentation object and revision service for
that purpose.

9.2.2 Code generation

In the resource properties you need to select a resource for code image.
This can be either a backup of the project on another drive or exactly the
same resource. With this setting the system will determine safety related
the changes between the current and the code image.
In order to be able to perform the safety related comparison, it is neces-
sary to generate a code image before during code generation (see “Code
generator” on page 25.).
The modifications are displayed per POU.

Safety aspects Safety related functions

Output of the code comparator

All POU’s are listed and the POE designed by the user are clearly marked.
In ´changed´ you will find the modifications per POU (C: code has been
modified; D: Data has been modified, e.g. modification of variables). Mod-
ifications are also shown for variables, global variables, external variables,
constant variables and variables with IO assignment are listed in separate
tabs. To display all variables please select ´Expand all´ in the context

9.2.3 Download
For the download it is important that you select the bus configuration which
matches the real bus connection. By this a download to the wrong PES is
avoided, due to the bus station number.

9.2.4 Function check of the PES

After downloading the program to the resource the modifications need to
be checked in order to prove a correct design.
The function test should be carried out by a person which was not involved
in the program modification. The check can be documented by selecting
´Is checked´ in the context menu of the program instance for each page.
Do not forget to backup the data.

HIMA Standard Blocks Blocks


10 HIMA Standard Blocks

HIMA standard blocks are the blocks that are contained in ELOP-LIB.
They are:
• H8-STA-3, grouping of safety-relevant testable outputs
• H8-UHR-3, date and time
• HA-LIN-3, temperature linearization
• HA-PID-3, PID controllers
• HA-PMU-3, configurable transducers
• HA-RTE-3, watchdog for analog (word) testable input modules
F 6213 and F 6214
• HB-BLD-3, modules and line diagnosis of testable outputs
• HB-BLD-4, modules and line diagnosis of testable redundant out-
• HB-RTE-3, watchdog for testable input modules F 3235, F 3237
and F 3238
• HK-AGM-3, H51, H51q PES master supervision
• HK-LGP-3, Lcl evaluation and configuring
• HK-MMT-3, MODBUS master with telephone modem
• HZ-DOS-3, diagnosis without safety
• HZ-FAN-3, error display of testable I/O modules

Please refer to the following block data sheets for further particulars.

Blocks HIMA Standard Blocks

H8-STA-3 (9832)

Grouping of safety relevant output modules

Input Type
Bus No. BT Pos. UINT
Bus No. BT Pos. group amp. UINT
Bus No. BT Pos. group amp. UINT
Trigger group rel. BOOL
Trigger red. group rel. BOOL
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 11: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 77

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
H8-STA-3 (9832)

11.1 Function information

Grouping of digital (boolean) testable output groups for group shutdown

11.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Special features Block may only be used in the
program type
Reload (load program), change Not permitted
Use in safety controllers with TÜV Permitted
Assignment rule None
table 12: General block information

The block is used to configure grouping within the safety-oriented / high-
availability PES types H41, H51, H41q/ H51q.

One H8-STA-3 block is used per shutdown group.

11.3.1 Block assignment Modules without integrated safety shutdown

The associated positions of the testable output and group amplifier mod-
ules and the names of the group amplifier channels are output for each
group. Modules with integrated safety shutdown

As well as specifying the positions of the testable output modules with in-
tegral safety shutdown, one of the Bus No. BT Pos. group amp. and Bus
No. BT Pos. red. group amp. inputs must be assigned. One of the inputs
must be assigned a dummy position of a group amplifier. This dummy po-
sition may not exist in the system, i.e. you must use a subrack and a mod-
ule position which does not exist but which is possible. Operation
In systems with group amplifiers, when the system is activated the group
amplifier channels are triggered first and then the logic signals of the safe-
ty-relevant output amplifiers are turned off 0.3 s later (in the next cycle).
If a safety-relevant output amplifier fails, the associated group amplifiers
are reset, and this resets all the modules in the group.
For modules with integrated safety shutdown, the system resets the asso-

H8-STA-3 (9832)

ciated modules with the integrated safety shutdown.

A general shutdown (emergency stop) is initiated if no group amplifier is
assigned. A general shutdown is also initiated if a group amplifier and an
output amplifier fail together (systems without integrated safety shutdown
When the faulty output amplifier has been replaced the system is activated
during operation by pressing the reset button.

Please refer to the Safety Manual for possible applications of the group
shutdown and its implementation.

11.4 Notes on assigning inputs/outputs

11.4.1 Bus-No. Rack Pos.

Type: UINT
The positions of the testable output amplifiers with integrated safety shut-
down are shown as 4-digit decimal numbers according to the position of
the board in the CABINET program section.

Example: Cabinet (1- 2): 1

Subrack (1- 8): 3
Board position (1-16): 6

Position of the unit: 1306

Up to 10 output modules can be combined to form a group.

11.4.2 Bus-No. Rack Pos. Group Amplifier

Type: UINT
The position of the group amplifiers is shown as a 4-digit decimal number
according to the position of the board in the CABINET program section
(see Bus-No. Rack Pos.).

11.4.3 Bus-No. Rack Pos. red. group amp.

Type: UINT
see input Bus No. Rack Pos. group Amplifier

11.4.4 Control Group Relay

Type: BOOL
Names of the group amplifier channels. Further programming in the logic
of the user program is not required.

11.4.5 Cont. red. Group Rel.

Type: BOOL
see output Trigger group rel.

H8-STA-3 (9832)

H8-UHR-3 (9832)

Date, time

Inputs Type
Month UINT
Enter date BOOL
Minute UINT
Second UINT
Enter time BOOL
Minute pulse BOOL
Hour pulse BOOL
Day pulse BOOL
Month UINT
Minute UINT
Second UINT
table 13: Input and Ouput specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 81

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
H8-UHR-3 (9832)

Millisecond UINT
Minute pulse BOOL
Hour pulse BOOL
Day pulse BOOL
Function information Short information about the block
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 13: Input and Ouput specification

12.1 Function information

Used to set and change the date and time of the PES

For synchronising the time with external systems

12.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS11 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Special features May only be programmed once in
the user program. Block may only
be used in the program type.
Reload (load program), change Permitted
Use in safety controllers with TÜV Permitted
Assignment rule If one of the first four inputs is
assigned, then all four must be
assigned. This also applies to the
next four inputs. The date and
time must always be complete.
table 14: General block information

The block is used to externally set or change the date and time of the PES.
The date and time can therefore be set as boolean variables.

It is also possible to synchronise the time for event recording for external

The block’s outputs carry the current date and time and the minute, hour
and day pulses.

H8-UHR-3 (9832)

12.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

12.4.1 Year
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a date input is assigned.
Value of the year number to be read in (2-digit). Range 0...99

12.4.2 Month
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a date input is assigned.
Value of the month number to be read in. Range: 1...12

12.4.3 Day
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a date input is assigned.
Value of the day number to be read in. Range: 1...31

12.4.4 Enter date

Type: BOOL
This input must be assigned if a date input is assigned.
The values present at the Year, Month and Day inputs are read in when
a positive-going edge change occurs. The date is not entered if invalid val-
ues are present.

12.4.5 Hour
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a time input is assigned.
Hour value to be read in. Range: 0...23

12.4.6 Minute
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a time input is assigned.
Minute value to be read in. Range: 0...59

12.4.7 Second
Type: UINT
This input must be assigned if a time input is assigned.
Second value to be read in. Range: 0...59

12.4.8 Enter time

Type: BOOL
This input must be assigned if a time input is assigned.
The values present at the Hour, Minute and Second inputs are read in
when a positive-going edge change occurs. The time is not entered if in-
valid values are present.

H8-UHR-3 (9832)

12.4.9 Minute pulse

Type: BOOL
The minutes are synchronised when a rising trigger occurs. If the second
value is less than 30 it is set to equal 0. If the second value is greater than
or equal to 30 it is set to equal 0 and the minute value is incremented by 1.

12.4.10 Hour pulse

Type: BOOL
The hours are synchronised when a rising trigger occurs. If the minute val-
ue is less than 30, the minute and second values are set to equal 0. If the
minute value is greater than or equal to 30, the minute and second values
are set to equal 0 and the hour value is incremented by 1.

12.4.11 Day pulse

Type: BOOL
The days are synchronised when a rising trigger occurs. If the hour value
is less than 12, the second, minute and hour values are set to equal 0. If
the hour value is greater than or equal to 12, the second, minute and hour
values are set to equal 0 and the day value is incremented by 1.

12.4.12 Year
Type: UINT
Current year of the controller as a 2-digit number (0...99).

12.4.13 Month
Type: UINT
Current month of the controller as a 2-digit number (1...12).

12.4.14 Day
Type: UINT
Current day of the controller as a 2-digit number (1...31).

12.4.15 Hour
Type: UINT
Current hour of the controller as a 2-digit number (0...23).

12.4.16 Minute
Type: UINT
Current minute of the controller as a 2-digit number (0...59).

12.4.17 Second
Type: UINT
Current second of the controller as a 2-digit number (0...59)

H8-UHR-3 (9832)

12.4.18 Millisecond
Type: UINT
Current millisecond of the controller as a 3-digit number (0...999).

12.4.19 Minute pulse

Type: BOOL
A TRUE signal with t = 1 cycle time is output for each full minute, when the
second value = 0.

12.4.20 Hour pulse

Type: BOOL
A TRUE signal with t = 1 cycle time is output for each full hour, when the
second value = 0 and minute value = 0.

12.4.21 Day pulse

Type: BOOL
A TRUE signal with t = 1 cycle time is output for each full day, when the
second value = 0, minute value = 0 and hour value = 0.

H8-UHR-3 (9832)

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

Evaluation of temperature measurement

Inputs Type
Measurement 1...4 UINT
Faulty measurement 1...4 BOOL
Lower range limit in deci °C UINT
Lower limit sign/type of sensor UINT
Range in deci °C UINT
Lower range limit, digital (bool) UINT
Upper range limit, digital (bool) UINT
Lowest permitted analog value UINT
Highest permitted analog value UINT
Ref. temp./line resistor UINT
Measurement 1...4 (0...1000) UINT
Measurement 1...4 in decidegrees UINT
Sign, measurement 1...4 BOOL
Faulty measurement 1...4 BOOL
Function information Short information
table 15: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 87

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HA-LIN-3 (9832)

Block information General block information

General Description of block function
Programming note
table 15: Input and output specification

13.1 Function information

Conversion of thermocouple voltages into temperatures in deci °C (tenths
of a degree).

Conversion of resistance values of resistance thermometer (PT 100)

into temperatures in deci °C.

Fault monitoring of the measurement.

13.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change Permitted
Use in safety controllers with TÜV Permitted
Assignment rule The inputs for defining the measu-
rement range must be assigned.
Input ‘lower range limit’ in d °C to
input ‘upper range limit’ digital
table 16: General block information

The HA-LIN-3 block is used to convert voltages of thermocouples or resis-
tance values of resistance thermometers (PT 100) to the equivalent tem-
perature in deci-degrees Celsius, within a user-defined range. Values are
converted on the basis of the tables in the following standards:

• DIN IEC 584 Part 1 Thermocouples, January 1984

• DIN 43710 Electrical temperature sensors, December 1985
• DIN IEC 751 Industrial platinum resistance thermometers, Decem-
ber 1990

Universal applications

The block can be used for all A/D converters of the HIMA PES that are pro-

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

vided for Pt100 elements and thermocouples. The user can define the
conversion range by means of two fixed points according to plant require-
ments. A series logic will be required for processing negative input values
(see application example).

13.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

13.4.1 Measurement 1...4

Type: UINT
Measurements 1...4 as analog values. Input values are processed as
signless integers. If the value contains a sign, it must be processed by a
series logic (see programming notes).

13.4.2 Faulty measurement 1...4

Type: BOOL
An appropriate signal at these inputs marks the measurement as valid or
TRUE Measurement invalid (fault)
FALSE Measurement valid (no fault)

13.4.3 Lower range limit in deci °C

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned
Initial value of temperature range in deci °C.

13.4.4 Sign start/type of sensor

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
Sign of the lower range limit. The 1st digit of the valued to be entered in-
dicates the sign.
0 plus
1 minus

The 2nd to 5th digit of the value to be entered indicates the type of mea-
surement sensor:
0001 Platinum resistance thermometer (Pt100)
DIN IEC 751, 12.90
-200 °C ... +850 °C (+18.49 Ω... +390.26 Ω)

0002 Thermocouple: Platinum - 13% Rhodium/Platinum

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: R
-50 °C ... +1769 °C (-226 µV ... +21121 µV)

0003 Thermocouple: Platinum - 10% Rhodium/Platinum

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: S
-50 °C ... +1769 °C (-236 µV ... +18709 µV)

0004 Thermocouple: Platinum - 30% Rhodium/Platinum -

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

6% Rhodium
Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: B
+40 °C ... +1820 °C (0 µV ... +13814 µV)

0005 Thermocouple: Iron/Copper - Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: J
-210 °C ... +1200 °C (-8096 µV ... +69536 µV)

0006 Thermocouple: Copper/Copper - Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: T
-270 °C ... +400 °C (-6258 µV ... +20896 µV)

0007 Thermocouple: Nickel - Chrome/Copper - Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: E
-270 °C ... +1000 °C (-9835 µV ... +76358 µV)

0008 Thermocouple: Nickel - Chrome/Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: K
-270 °C ... +1372 °C (-6485 µV ... +54875 µV)

0009 Thermocouple: Copper - Copper/Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: U
-200 °C ... +600 °C (-5700 µV ... +34310 µV)

0010 Thermocouple: Iron - Copper/Nickel

Code letter to DIN IEC 584, 1.84: L
-200 °C ... +900 °C (-8150 µV ... +53140 µV)

The ranges (°C, µV) for types 2 to 10 relate to a reference temperature of

0 °C. This also applies to the values from the DIN tables.


10005 minus analog (word) lower range limit

Iron/Copper - Nickel thermocouple

13.4.5 Range in deci °C

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
Range of the analog values in deci °C.
Lower range limit + range = upper range limit

13.4.6 Lower range limit digital (bool)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
Digital value corresponding to the temperature at the ‘Lower range limit’
input in deci °C.

Lower range limit digital (bool) = DOFF + UDIN * DEW / UEW

UDIN Voltage corresponding to the temperature at the

‘Lower range limit’ input in deci °C.
The voltage must be taken from the appropriate
DIN table.
UEW Voltage upper range limit. This should be taken from the

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

hardware description of the transducer used

(Analog signal upper limit).
DEW Digital upper range limit of the transducer used
(dual upper limit), see hardware description.
DOFF DOFF must be set equal to DEW if negative
voltages are processed. If only positive voltages
are processed, then DOFF = 0

13.4.7 Upper range limit digital (bool)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
Digital upper limit corresponding to the upper temperature according to
lower range limit + upper range limit. Calculated according to ‘Lower range
limit’ digital (bool) formula.

13.4.8 Lowest permitted analog value (underflow)

Type: UINT
Limit for the underflow of a measurement. The value entered must be less
than or equal to the value at the Lower range limit digital (bool) input. If
the measurement is between the value defined here and the value at the
Lower range limit digital (bool) input, the value configured at the Lower
range limit in deci °C input is output at the corresponding measurement
output. If the measurement is less than the value defined here, the corre-
sponding output ‘Fault measurement 1...4’ is set, and 0 is output as the
measurement. If the input is set to 0 or is not assigned, it is set equal to
the Lower range limit digital (bool) input.

13.4.9 Highest permitted analog value (overflow)

Type: UINT
Limit for the overflow of a measurement. The value entered must be great-
er than or equal to the value at the Upper range limit digital (bool) input.
If the measurement is between the value at the Upper range limit digital
(bool) input and the value defined here, the upper range limit is output at
the corresponding measurement output. If the measurement is greater
than the value defined here, the corresponding output ‘Fault measurement
is set, and 0 is output as the measurement. If the input is set to 0 or is not
assigned, it is set equal to the Upper range limit digital (bool) input.

13.4.10 Ref. temp./Line resistance

Type: UINT
Reference temperature / line resistance: Correction value for the mea-
surement. The correction value is added or subtracted depending on the
configured type (input type sensor). The unit of the value also depends on
the sensor type:

Type 1 Line resistance in dΩ.

For 2-wire circuits allowing for the trimming resistor.
For 3-wire circuits twice the line resistance must be
given unless the transducer compensates the line
resistance itself.
4-wire resistor: 0

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

Compensates the line resistance by a subtraction

from the input value.
Types 2 - 10 Reference temperature in d°C. Compensates the
voltage value of the reference temperature by an
addition to the input value. The reference temperature
is the temperature of the compensation point
(isothermal block).

If the reference temperature is greater than 0, there is a shift in the lower

temperature limit of the DIN tables.

Thermocouple Type J
Reference temperature 0°C : -210°C ... 1200°C
Reference temperature 25°C : -160°C ... 1200°C
210°C = -8096 µV
25°C = 1277 µV
Lower limit: -8096 µV + 1277 µV = -6819 µV = -160°C

13.4.11 Measurement 1...4 (0...1000)

Type: UINT<R>
Linearized values in ‘per mil’ depending on the data at the inputs for the
measurement range. 0 per mil is the lower range limit and 1000 per mil the
upper range limit. Because a defined reference temperature >0 can be
corrected by addition, the conversion result can be greater than 1000 per
mil. In the event of a fault, 0 is output for the measurement concerned.

13.4.12 Measurement 1...4 in deci °C

Type: UINT
Linearized values in deci °C depending on the data at the inputs for the
measurement range. In the event of a fault, 0 is output for the measure-
ment affected.

13.4.13 Sign measurement 1...4

Type: BOOL
Sign of the measurements at ‘Measurement 1...4 in deci °C’ outputs.

TRUE positive
FALSE negative

In the event of a fault, the affected output for the sign is written to FALSE.

13.4.14 Faulty measurement 1...4

Type: BOOL
If the measurement is faulty, the corresponding output is written to TRUE.
A fault exists when:

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

• the corresponding input carries faulty measurement TRUE.

• there is a configuration error (meaningless entries at the inputs for
the measurement range:´range in deci °C =0
lower range limit + Range > DIN table range
lower range limit digital (bool) >= upper range limit digital (bool)
underflow > lower range limit digital (bool)
oerflow << upper range limit digital (bool)
• Input value < underflow
• Input value > overflow
• Conversion result > 65535
• Input value < lower range limit digital (bool) and underflow not assi-
gned or equal to 0

13.5 Programming notes and example

13.5.1 Programming with negative input values

An additional ELOP logic is required for negative input values.

Necessary ELOP logic for negative input values

Measurement_Hardware = Hardware measurement (value of the
Measurement_SoftwareSoftware measurement (value
at HA-LIN-3)
Constant_4095Resolution (2Bit-1)
Negative_Maximumnegative maximum (resolution + 1+
digital upper limit)
Constant_3840positive maximum (digital upper limit)
(See the hardware description of the transducer for re-
solution, negative maximum and positive maximum)
Fault Fault (fault input at HA-LIN-3)

HA-LIN-3 (9832)

13.5.2 Assignment of the block when using PT100 sensors with

F 6215
Information from hardware description and DIN table:
• Temperature range -200 °C ... +850 °C
• Upper resistance range limits 18.49 Ω to 390.26 Ω
• Digital upper range limit 3840 corresponds to 1 V
• Constant current PT100 IK= 2.5 mA (1V: 2.5 mA = 400 Ω)

Calculating lower and upper range limit digital (bool)

For PT100 sensors, the resistance values must be used for calculation
and not the voltages required in the formula.


= 0 + 18.49 * 3840/400
= 177.5
N.B.:DOFF= 0 as negative resistances are
not processed.
=0 + 390.26 * 3840/400
= 3746.5

The example below assumes that the line resistance is compensated by

other measures (3-wire circuit and compensation by transducer (HIMA
standard), 4-wire circuit).

Assignment of the block when using PT100 sensors

HA-PID-3 (9832)

PID Controllers

Inputs Type
Controlled variable UINT
Reference variable UINT
PID structure (PID=111;PD=101) UINT
P gain in % (k) UINT
I reset time in ds (TN) UINT
D rate time in ds (TV) UINT
sampling period in ds (TA) UINT
Enter k, TN, TV, TA BOOL
Processing pulse BOOL
Parameter (0, 1, 2, 3) BYTE
Manual setpoint correcting varia- UINT
TRUE=Manual (PID=0) BOOL
TRUE=Manual compensating BOOL
Min. correcting deviation UINT
Max. correcting variable UINT
Max. correcting deviation UINT
table 17: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 95

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HA-PID-3 (9832)

Correcting variable UINT
Position display UINT
Correcting deviation sign BOOL
Correcting deviation value UINT
System deviation sign BOOL
System deviation value UINT
P component sign BOOL
P component value UINT
I component sign BOOL
I component value UINT
D component sign BOOL
D component value UINT
Max. correcting variable achieved BOOL
Max. correcting deviation achie- BOOL
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 17: Input and output specification

14.1 Function information

This block contains a digital (boolean) controller that can be operated in
the P, I, D, PI, PD and PID modes by parameterising.

14.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change Not permitted
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test

HA-PID-3 (9832)

Assignment rule The following inputs must be assi-

Actual-value controlled variable
Setpoint controlled variable
PID structure (PID=111;PD=101)
Scan time in ds (TA)
Read in k, TN, TV, TA
Processing pulse
Correcting parameter (0, 1, 2, 3)
Max. correcting variable
Plus one of these inputs:
P gain in % (k)
I reset time in ds (TN)
D rate time in ds (TV)
table 18: General block information

The block contains a digital (boolean) controller that can be operated in
the P, I, D, PI, PD and PID modes by setting the appropriate parameters.
Options are provided for parameter changes for the P, I and D compo-
nents and for switching from Auto to Manual mode.
Controller algorithm
Y = Yo + (k * en) + k * TA / TN * (e1 + ... + en) + k * TV / TN * (en - en-1)
Y = Yo + P component + I component + D component
The calculation error is less than 0.4 %

Y Correcting variable at the block output

Yo Initial correcting variable when switching from Manual to
Auto: last manual value
k Gain
en System deviation, most recent value
en-1 System deviation, one scan time before en
e1 System deviation, first (oldest) value
TN Reset time
TV Rate time
TA Scan time

14.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

14.4.1 Actual-value controlled variable

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
The actual value is entered at this input.

14.4.2 Setpoint controlled variable

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
The setpoint is entered at this input.

HA-PID-3 (9832)

14.4.3 PID structure (PID=111;PD=101)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
The numerical value at the input defines the controller structure according
to the following table:

Value Controller function

001 D controller
010 I controller
011 ID controller
100 P controller
101 PD controller
110 PI controller
111 PID controller

The input therefore makes it possible to change the structure of the con-
troller. Entering the value ‘zero’ at a position causes the corresponding
structure component to be turned off.
Only the above values may be created.

14.4.4 P gain in %
Type: UINT
Gain P corresponds with k in the control algorithm. The value is given as
a percentage of k = 1.
If this input is not assigned, k = 1 is set in the algorithm for the I and D com-

14.4.5 I reset time in ds (TN)

Type: UINT
Corresponds with TN in the control algorithm. The value is input in incre-
ments of 0.1 second. Integral saturation: A limiter for the integral compo-
nent is provided in the block.

The total of the system deviations in the I component is limited

upwards by: e1 + ... + en = (Ym-Yo) / k * TN / TA
downwards by: e1 + ... en = -Yo / k * TN / TA

Ym = maximum correcting variable defined by the Max. correcting vari-

able input.

The calculation of the I component limit is initiated by entering the control

parameters or by switching to Manual.

The upper saturation limit may not be greater than 65535, and the lower
not less than 65535.

14.4.6 D rate time in ds (TV)

Type: UINT
Corresponds to TV in the control algorithm. The value is entered in incre-
ments of 0.1 second.

HA-PID-3 (9832)

14.4.7 Scan time in ds (TA)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
Corresponds to TA in the control algorithm. The value is entered in incre-
ments of 0.1 second.
The scan time must agree with the time intervals of processing pulses at
the Processing pulse input.

14.4.8 Enter k, TN, TV, TA

Type: BOOL; This input must be assigned.
The control parameters are entered with TRUE at this input. They should
be entered by a pulse to optimise the block time.

14.4.9 Processing pulse

Type: BOOL; This input must be assigned.
With TRUE at this input the controlled variable is entered and the value of
the correcting variable is computed with the control algorithm. External
processing pulses should be generated and their time interval must agree
with the scan time at the Scan time in ds (TA) input.
When several controllers are used, a cyclical staggering of the processing
pulses is recommended to achieve shorter cycle times.

14.4.10 Correcting parameter (0,1,2,3)

Type: BYTE; Values 0,1,2 and 3 only as permitted; this input must be
The correcting parameter controls inverting in relation to the maximum
value of the correcting variable. The table below gives the assignments
depending on the input values:

Vue Yo Y Ya
0 Yw Yn Yn
1 Yw Ym - Yn Yn
2 Ym - Yw Ym - Yn Ym - Yn
3 Ym - Yw Yn Ym - Yn
table 19: Calculating the controlling variable

Ya Position display
Yw Correcting variable: Value
Yn Correcting variable computed internally according to
the algorithm
This input may only be assigned values 0, 1, 2, 3.

The following consideration applies provided that the reference variable is

the controlled variable:

Parameter Application example

0 Valve must open, closes by spring force
1 Valve must open, opens by spring force
2 Valve must close, closes by spring force
3 Valve must close, opens by spring force

HA-PID-3 (9832)

14.4.11 Manual setpoint correcting variable

Type: UINT
Input for manual setpoint.
The correcting variable is influenced independently of the control algo-
rithm in conjunction with the inputs for manual mode (the next 2 inputs). If
one of the next two inputs carries a TRUE, the system switches over to the
manual setpoint.

If this input is not assigned, the value 0 is used.

14.4.12 TRUE=Manual (PID=0)

Type: BOOL
The controller is changed over to manual with TRUE. Independently of the
processing pulse, the manual setpoint is written to the Correcting Variable
output in each program cycle. The P, I and D components in the control
algorithm are set to 0. The value of the correcting variable present at the
time of the changeover is saved as the new initial correcting variable Yo.
The controller is switched back to Auto with FALSE, and the correcting
variable is calculated by the control algorithm on the basis of the new Yo

14.4.13 TRUE Manual compensating

Type: BOOL
The controller is changed over to manual with TRUE. Independently of the
processing pulse, the manual setpoint is written to the Correcting Variable
output in each program cycle. If the controller has an I component, the P
and D components are calculated again. The I component is calculated by
correcting variable - (P component) - (D component). For a bumpless
changeover the Position Display output must be brought back externally
to the Manual Setpoint Correcting Variable input.
The controller is switched back to Auto with FALSE. A bumpless
changeover is achieved by calculating the I component. Because of the
high computing load, it is advisable to trigger the input with pulses to opti-
mise the cycle time.

14.4.14 Min. correcting deviation

Type: UINT
This value defines a neutral zone for the correcting variable. The new cor-
recting variable is not written to the Correcting Variable output until the
computed value becomes greater or less than the last output correcting
variable ± neutral zone. This reduces the amount of correction.

14.4.15 Max. correcting variable

Type: UINT
This value determines the upper limit of the correcting variable. If the in-
ternal correcting variable exceeds the limit, then only the limit is written to
the Correcting Variable output.

HA-PID-3 (9832)

14.4.16 Max. correcting deviation

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned
This value determines the upper limit between the last output correcting
variable and the new correcting variable. This can affect the correcting
rate of the controller. If the internal correcting variable exceeds this limit,
then only the limit is output as the correcting deviation.

14.4.17 Correcting variable

Type: UINT
The correcting variable can assume values between 0 and 65535 depend-
ing on the inputs Min., Max. Correcting Deviation and Max. Correcting
Auto mode: Value depends on control algorithm
Manual mode: Value depends on the inputs for Manual.

14.4.18 Position display

Type: UINT
This output always shows the opening of the actuator. The output value is
influenced by the correcting variable and the input correcting parameter.
See the table under Correcting Parameter

14.4.19 Correcting deviation sign

Type: BOOL
This output indicates the sign of the correcting deviation of the next output.
TRUE is +, FALSE is -.

14.4.20 Correcting deviation value

Type: UINT
The correcting deviation is the difference in the correcting variable be-
tween the last two processing pulses. It indicates the change in correcting
variable between the current and the previous value.

14.4.21 System deviation sign

Type: BOOL
This output indicates the sign of the system deviation of the next output.
TRUE is + or 0, FALSE is -.

14.4.22 System deviation value

Type: UINT
The system deviation is the difference between the reference variable
(setpoint) and the controlled variable (actual value).

14.4.23 P component sign

This output indicates the sign of the P component of the next output.
TRUE is + or 0, FALSE is -.

HA-PID-3 (9832)

14.4.24 P component value

Type: UINT
This output indicates the value of the P component according to the con-
trol algorithm.

14.4.25 I component sign

Type: BOOL
This output indicates the sign of the I component of the next output. TRUE
is + or 0, FALSE is -.

14.4.26 I component value

Type: UINT
This output indicates the value of the I component according to the control

14.4.27 D component sign

Type: BOOL
This output indicates the sign of the D component of the next output.
TRUE is + or 0, FALSE is -.

14.4.28 D component value

Type: UINT
This output indicates the value of the D component according to the con-
trol algorithm.

14.4.29 Max. correcting variable achieved

Type: BOOL
TRUE at this output indicates that the maximum value of the correcting
variable has been reached. The maximum value is entered at the Max.
Correcting Variable input.

14.4.30 Max. correcting deviation achieved

Type: BOOL
TRUE at this output indicates that the maximum value of the correcting de-
viation has been reached. The maximum value is entered at the Max. Cor-
recting Deviation input.

HA-PMU-3 (9832)

Conversion of values of analog (word) I/O modules

Inputs Type
Input value 1...8 UINT
1=4...20; 0=0...20 mA BYTE
1=analog value; 0=per mil value BYTE
8=8 bit; 12=12 bit analog value UINT
Damping (0=none; 1=damping) BYTE
Output value 1...8 UINT
Error 1...8 BOOL
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 20: Input and output specification

15.1 Function information

Measuring transducer for digitised analog values and per mil values
Digitised 12 bit analog value to per mil value (0...20 mA and 4...20 mA)
Per mil value to digitised 12 bit analog value (0...20 mA and 4...20 mA)
Per mil value to digitised 8 bit analog value (0...20 mA and 4...20 mA)

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 103

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HA-PMU-3 (9832)

15.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change of Permitted
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test
Assignment rule If one input is assigned, the follo-
wing inputs must be assigned:
1=4...20mA; 0=0...20 mA
1=analog value; 0=per mil value
8=8 bit; 12=12 bit analog value
table 21: General block information

This block converts digitised analog values (0, 768...4095) of analog
(word) input modules to per mil values (0..1066, 1083). The conversion is
from 0...4095 (see Value table 1) or 768...4095 (see Value table 2) de-
pending on the defined input range.

The block also converts per mil values to digitised analog values for ana-
log output modules. Depending on the defined output range the conver-
sion is to 0...4095 with 12 bit resolution, 0...255 with 8 bit resolution or
768...4095 with 12 bit resolution, 51...255 with 8 bit resolution..

Analogva- Digitised value Per mil

lue (decimal) value
12 bit 8 bit
0 0 0 0
1 192 13 50
2 384 26 100
3 576 38 150
4 768 51 200
5 960 64 250
6 1152 77 300
7 1344 89 350
8 1536 102 400
9 1728 115 450
table 22: 0...20 mA, shown in 1 mA increments

HA-PMU-3 (9832)

10 1920 128 500

11 2112 140 550
12 2304 153 600
13 2496 166 650
14 2688 178 700
15 2880 191 750
16 3072 204 800
17 3264 217 850
18 3456 230 900
19 3648 242 950
20 3840 255 1000
table 22: 0...20 mA, shown in 1 mA increments

Analog Digitised value Per mil

value (decimal) value
12 bit 8 bit
4 768 51 0
5 960 64 63
6 1152 77 125
7 1344 89 188
8 1536 102 250
9 1728 115 313
10 1920 128 375
11 2112 140 437
12 2304 153 500
13 2496 166 563
14 2688 178 625
15 2880 191 688
16 3072 204 750
17 3264 217 813
18 3456 230 875
19 3648 242 938
20 3840 255 1000
21.2 4095 - 1083
table 23: 4...20 mA, shown in 1 mA increments

HA-PMU-3 (9832)

The function of the block is determined by the block’s last 4 inputs and is
valid for all 8 input values.

15.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

15.4.1 Input value 1...8

Type: UINT
Depending on whether an analog value or a per mil value is being defined,
the inputs must be assigned a per mil value to define a per mil value or a
digitised analog value to define an analog value.

15.4.2 1=4...20mA; 0=0...20mA

Type: BYTE; Values 1 and 0 only are permitted, this input must be as-
1.: Conversion of digitised analog values (768...4095) to
per mil values or per mil values to digitised analog valu-
es (51...255 with 8 bit, 768...4095 with 12 bit according
to Table 4 depending on the assignment of the next two
0: Conversion of digitised analog values (0...4095) to per
mil values or per mil values to digitised analog values
(0...255 with 8 bit, 0...4095 with 12 bit according to Table
3 depending on the assignment of the next two inputs.

15.4.3 1=analog values; 0=per mil value

Type: BYTE; Values 1 and 0 only are permitted, this input must be assi-
1: Input values 1...8 must be assigned a digitised analog
value (0, 768...4095)
0: Input values 1...8 must be assigned a per mil value
(0...1000 with 8 bit resolution; 0...1066 or 1083 with 12
bit resolution).

15.4.4 8=8 bit; 12=12 bit analog value

Type: UINT; Values 8 and 12 only are permitted, this input must be
8: Conversion of the per mil values (0...1000) of input valu-
es 1...8 to a digitised analog value (0, 51...255). If the va-
lue 8 is selected, the preceding input must be assigned
0. Otherwise all 8 output values carry the value 0 and the
corresponding error outputs carry TRUE.
12: Conversion of the per mil values (0...1066, 1083) of in-
put values 1...8 to a digitised analog value (0,
768...4095) or vice versa depending on the definition of
analog values and per mil values.

If this input carries a value that is not 8 or 12, all output values are as-
signed 0 and the error outputs are set (TRUE).

HA-PMU-3 (9832)

15.4.5 Damping (0=none; 1=damping)

Type: BYTE; Values 1 and 0 only are permitted.
1: The value is damped on the input side, i.e. transient mi-
nor input fluctuations within 3 per mil are not passed to
the block output. The block output is compensated if the
input is changed permanently. The function is only per-
formed when converting from digitised analog value to
per mil value.
0: There is no damping.

The value “0” is valid if the input is not assigned.

15.4.6 Output values 1...8

Type: UINT
Carries per mil values 0...1066, 1083 (see Tables 1 and 2) that correspond
to the input value if the input values are configured as analog values.
Carries digitised analog values that correspond to the input value if the in-
put values are configured as per mil values. 0...255 with 8 bit resolution or
0...4095 with 12 bit resolution (see Tables 3 and 4).

15.4.7 Error 1...8

Type: BOOL
Error output of the relevant input value
Carries FALSE when the input value is inside the input value range.
Carries TRUE when the input value is outside the input value range, i.e.
the input value is outside the valid range of values or the block is incorrect-
ly configured at the 8=8 bit; 12=12 bit Analog Value input. See table be-
low for valid ranges of values:

Input assignment Range Kind of conversion

4...20 mA Value Resolu-
no yes 12 0...4095 digitised analog
value to per mil
value, 12 bit
yes yes 12 768..4095 digitised analog
value to per mil
value, 12 bit
no no 12 0...1066 per mil to digitised
analog value, 12
yes no 12 0...1083 per mil to digitised
analog value, 12
no no 8 0...1000 per mil to digitised
analog value, 8 bit
yes no 8 0...1000 per mil to digitised
analog value, 8 bit
table 24: Conversions

HA-PMU-3 (9832)

If the block is configured differently from the options listed above, then all
error outputs carry TRUE.

If an error output carries TRUE, then the corresponding output carries the
value 0.

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

Watchdog for analog (word) testable input modules

Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305) UINT
Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module UINT
Assigned channels BYTE
Permitted difference red. values in UINT
per mil
0=no Damping; 1=Damping BYTE
Permitted time difference red. UINT
inputs in ds
Module test switch MOS_A
Red. module test switch MOS_A
Max. test time min UINT
Test 4 channels with 1 switch BYTE
0=available, 1=safe reaction BYTE
Output in event of error UINT
1=4...20 mA, 0=0...20 mA BYTE
0=conversion to per mil, 1=no BYTE
table 25: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 109

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HA-RTE-3 (9832)

Max. underflow in per mil UINT

(1000=20 mA)
Value 1...4 UINT
Error value 1...4 BOOL
Change error code, pulse BOOL
Error BOOL
Error code, module UINT
Error code, red. module UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 25: Input and output specification

16.1 Function information

Conversion of input values of F6213 and F6214 to per mil values

Configuration of error reaction and error display

Value calculation with redundant input modules

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

16.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change The two first inputs cannot be
the input and output assignment changed with reload.
Use for safety controllers with Must be used precisely once in
TÜV test the project for each F 6213 or F
6214 module
Assignment rule The following inputs must be assi-
Bus No. BT Pos. (e.g. 1305)

Assigned channels

1=4...20 mA; 0==...20 mA

0=conversion to per mil, 1 no con-

table 26: General block information

Monitoring of analog (word) testable input modules

This block is used to process values and to evaluate and display errors in
the analog (word) testable input modules F6213 and F6214 during single-
channel or redundant operation of these modules. Value processing in-
cludes converting the input values of the module into per mil values. The
block can be used for one single or two redundant F6213 or F6214 mod-
ules. Integrating input value smoothing is carried out within the accuracy
range of the modules.

16.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

16.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned
The position of module F 6213 or F 6214 is shown here as 4-digit decimal
numbers according to the position of the board in the CABINET program

Example: Cabinet (1- 2): 1

Subrack (1- 8): 3
Board position (1-16): 5
Position: 1305

If the position of another module is given here, then the output values are
set to 0 and code 2 is output as a error code at the module error code BG

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

The assignment must be checked for correctness on commissioning. If the

next input (Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module) is not assigned and no errors
are present within the module and input circuits, then the block is only
used to process values and display module errors. The values are passed
to the corresponding outputs.

16.4.2 Bus No. BT Pos. red. module

Type: UINT
The position of the redundant module is displayed here as a 4-digit deci-
mal number - see above.

If the position of another module is given here, then the output value is set
to 0 and code 2 is output as the error code at output Error code red. mod-
ule. Here again, the assignment must be checked for correctness on com-

If the input is not assigned, the value 0 is output as the error code of mod-
ule 2.

16.4.3 Assigned channels

Type: BYTE; This input must be assigned.
Assigned channels are represented by the 4 lowest bits. This means bit 0
= channel 1, bit 1 = channel 2, bit 2 = channel 3 and bit 3 = channel 4.
When the complete board is assigned the value is 15 or 0F H.

If the input is not assigned, a value of 15 (0F H) is the default. (Input ac-
cording to IEC 1131-3: 16#0F or 2#00001111)

16.4.4 Permitted difference red. values in per mil

Type: UINT
When operating with two redundant modules, this indicates how great the
difference between the two redundant channels may be before an error is
displayed. The input in per mil refers to the measurement range 0...20 mA.

16.4.5 0=none; 1=attenuation

Type: BYTE; values 0 and 1 only are permitted.
With attenuation (1, with redundant operation only), a difference is com-
puted from the current measurement and the value of the previous cycle
for each of the four channels of both modules in each program cycle; this
is added to the permitted difference (input according to IEC 1131-3: 16#01
or 2#00000001).

16.4.6 Permitted time difference red. input in ds

Type: UINT
When operating with redundant modules, the maximum time difference in
deciseconds (0.1 s) which can be caused by different measurements at
two transmitters, for example, is entered here. An error message is sup-
pressed during this time. This time has no effect on the output of the value
at the outputs.

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

16.4.7 Module test switch

Type: MOS_A, see ELOP_LIB
The field of the service bypass switch that is used to test the transmitters
of the input in module 1 is entered here. Depending on the configuration
of input Test 4 channels with 1 switch (1,0), all 4 channels are tested to-
gether when one of the 4 service switch is operated, or each channel is
tested separately. The values of the associated block outputs are held
during the defined test time. The inputs of the test switches must be as-
signed to the individual field elements. If the service bypass switch signal
is still present after the test time has timed out, then the current value is
output again, and the Error code, module output displays a correspond-
ing error code.

16.4.8 Test switch red. module

Type: MOS_A, see ELOP-LIB
Function is as for the previous input for the redundant module; output of
the error code at output Error code, red. module.

16.4.9 Maximum test time in min

Type: UINT
The test time is given in minutes for the four channels together. Each
channel has a separate timer that is activated by the assigned service by-
pass switch. If TRUE is still present at the test switch outputs when the test
time times out, then the current value is converted and output again, and
the outputs for the error code display a corresponding error code.

16.4.10 Test 4 channels with 1 switch (1,0)

Type: BYTE; Values 0 and 1 only are permitted.

Value input 1: When a service bypass switch is operated all four chan-
nels are tested together.
Value input 0: If one of the four service bypass switches is operated,
only the corresponding channel is tested.

If the input is not assigned, a value of 0 is the default. (Input according to

IEC 1131-3: 16#01 or 2#00000001)

16.4.11 0=available, 1=safe reaction

Type: BYTE; Values 0 and 1 only are permitted.
The response of the four Value n outputs is defined according to the fol-
lowing table by entering 0 (highly available) or 1 (safety oriented):

Operating status 0 1
1-channel Normal AW AW
Test LG LG
Error WF WF
table 27: Error response

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

2-channel Normal AW AW
Channel 1 under test RW RW
Channels 1 and 2 under test LG WB
Channel 1 under test and error in 1 RW RW
Channel 1 under test and error in 2 LG WF
Error in channel 1 RW WF/
Error in channels 1 and 2 WF WF
table 27: Error response

*in AK6 RW if single-channel operation is permitted with BS V6.0-6

RW with BS V7.0-7

Key to abbreviations:
AW Current value
RW Current value of redundant channel
LG Last value (held), only valid for the permitted test time
WF Value in event of error, according to configuration of out-
put in event of error
WB Value as for module error, according to configuration of
output in event of error

If the input is not assigned the default value is 0.

16.4.12 Output in event of error

Type: UINT
The response of the block in the event of an error is configured for each
channel by entering a 4-digit number:

>21,3 mA Priority < min. error or Module error

1 channel error Priority 3
Priority 2
Bit Value Bit Value Bit Value
1 TRUE max. TRUE 0 TRUE 0
2 TRUE max. TRUE max. TRUE 0
3 FALSE max. TRUE 0 TRUE 0
5 TRUE 0 TRUE 0 TRUE max.
6 TRUE max. TRUE 0 TRUE max.
7 TRUE max. TRUE max. TRUE max.
8 FALSE max. TRUE 0 TRUE max.
table 28: Response in event of error

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

Error priority: If different errors occur in two redundant inputs simulta-

neously, the block responds according to the configuration with the high-
est error priority (1 = highest priority).

The simultaneous entry of four digits defines the response for each chan-
nel separately.

Example: 5 0 1 8
Configuration 8 for channel 4
Configuration 1 for channel 3
Configuration 0 for channel 2
Configuration 5 for channel 1

If the input is not assigned the default value is 0000.

If the number entry is not valid (more than four digits or prohibited values)
the value outputs are set to 0 and the error outputs are set to TRUE; the
error code outputs display error code 99.

16.4.13 1=4...20 mA, 0=0...20 mA

Type: BYTE; Values 0 and 1 only are permitted, this input must be as-
1: Measurement with suppressed zero (4...20 mA)
0: Measurement without suppressed zero (0...20 mA)
(Input according to IEC 1131-3: 16#01 or 2#00000001)

16.4.14 0=conversion to per mil, 1=no conversion

Type: BYTE; Values 0 and 1 only are permitted, this input must be as-
0: The measurements are output in per mil at the value n
1: The numerical values of the A/D converters are output
as measurements at the Value n outputs (12 bit resolu-
(Input according to IEC 1131-3: 16#01 or 2#00000001) The input values
are converted linearly.
0...20 mA = 0...3840 = 0...1000, 21.3 mA = 4095 = 1066
4...20 mA = 768...3840 = 0...1000, 21.3 mA = 4095 = 1083

16.4.15 Max. underflow in per mil (1000 = 20 mA)

Type: UINT
The underflow can be freely selected by entering a per mil value. If the in-
put is not assigned, the default values are 0 (without suppressed zero) and
150 (with suppressed zero, equivalent to 3 mA).

16.4.16 Value 1...4

Type: UINT
The measurements are output as shown in the following table:

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

Operating status Output

1-channel Normal Value of the channel
Fault Parameterised value
2-channel < Difference Mean value of both chan-
> Difference < time diffe- Mean value of both chan-
rence nels
> Difference > time diffe- Mean value / parameteri-
rence sed value (safe)
One channel faulty Value of the red. channel /
parameterised value
Both channels faulty Parameterised value
table 29: Value output

16.4.17 Error value 1...4

Type: BOOL
Errors in the event of a fault are displayed as shown in the following table:

Operating status Output

1-channel Normal FALSE
Fault Parameterised signal
2-channel < Difference FALSE
> Difference < time diffe- FALSE
> Difference > time diffe- TRUE
One channel faulty FALSE /
Paramet. signal (safe)
Both channels faulty Parameterised signal
table 30: Error bit output

16.4.18 Change error code pulse

Type: BOOL
With every value change of the error codes this output carries TRUE for
the duration of one program cycle.

16.4.19 Error
Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE, when an error code >0 is present at one of the

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

Module or Red. Module error code outputs.

16.4.20 Module error code

Type: UINT
Output of the error code for the first defined module:

Code Description
0 No error
1 Component error
2 Invalid module position
4 Test time of the module is exceeded
n1 Difference between the redundant channels of two modules
is more than permitted
n2 Input value at channel n is 4095, no output when ëOutput in
event of errorí input is assigned 3 or 8
n3 Value at channel n less than permitted
n4 Test time of channel n exceeded
n5 Channel error
99 Invalid number entry at Output in event of error input
table 31: Error codes

Error codes are reset immediately without an acknowledge as soon as the

fault is cleared, except error codes 1 (component error) and n5 (channel
If several error codes are present, they are displayed according to the fol-
lowing priorities:
2 > 1 > 99 > 4 > error channel 4 > error channel 3 > ... > error channel 1
An error in channel n is only detected when the associated channel is as-
signed according to the ëAssigned channelsí input.

16.4.21 Error code red. module

Type: UINT
Output of the error code for the redundant module:
Function as above.

HA-RTE-3 (9832)

HB-BLD-3 (9832)

Testable module, line diagnostic, mono operation

Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305) UINT
Mode channel 1...8 UINT
Max. time inrush current in ms UINT
Error channel 1...8 BOOL
Pulse on error BOOL
Error BOOL
Error code UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 32: Input and output specification

17.1 Function information

Error evaluation and display for the digital (boolean) testable output mod-
ules F3323, F3331 and F3334.

Error detection for the function of the module, open circuit and short circuit.

3 modes: no error evaluation, normal mode and inverse mode.

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 119

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HB-BLD-3 (9832)

Time setting for open circuit detection, tolerancing the current limiter

17.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS 41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change of All inputs/outputs can be changed
the input and output assignment by Reload except input Bus No.
Rack Pos.
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test
Assignment rule Input Bus No. Rack Pos. must be
table 33: General block information

This block is used to evaluate and display errors for the digital (boolean)
testable output modules F3323, F3331 and F3334. It may only be used
once per module. Error detection is provided for the module function and
for open circuit and short circuit in the output circuits.
The block must be programmed precisely once for each F3323, F3331
and F3334 module when channel errors are processed depending on the
MODE. The module must not be used on several blocks (HB-BLD-3, HB-
BLD-4). This block is not required for pure error detection because faults
are also displayed at the central module and by the system variables.

The MODE of a channel can be switched between the 3 permitted values

at any time. Transitions 2-0-1 and 1-0-2 are recommended. The interme-
diate step via MODE 0 suppresses all error displays during changeover.
MODE 1 or MODE 2 must remain valid as values for at least 2 PES cycles
after changeover.

The Max. time inrush current in ms input can be used to configure the
time for tolerancing the current limiter for the module. This is essential
when high lamp loads are switched with module F3334.

The normal group shutdown block is used to configure group shutdown

with module F3323, F3331 or F3334.

17.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

17.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g.1305)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.
The position of module F3323, F3331 or F3334 is entered as a 4-digit dec-

HB-BLD-3 (9832)

imal number here, depending on the position of the board in the program
section CABINET:

Cabinet (1-2): 1
Subrack (1-8): 3
Board position(1-16): 5
Position 1305

If the position of another module is entered here, then all 8 error outputs
are set to TRUE and the error code output displays error code 2.

The user must verify the validity of the position himself when commission-
ing; if error code 2 appears the position is not correct.

17.4.2 Mode channel 1...8 (0/1/2)

Type: UINT; Values 0, 1 and 2 only are permitted.
Setting the error display and evaluation in the event of an open circuit.

Value 0: No error evaluation for this channel, error messages are

Value 1: Normal mode, the output circuit of the output module
closed, a detected error is reported by TRUE at the as-
sociated Error channel n output.
Value 2: "Inverse" mode, i.e. the output circuit should be open.
Example: an open contact in the output circuit of the mo-
dule is required to prevent through-switching of the out-
put signal at certain times. The open contact is detected
as an open circuit, but this is OK and is not displayed. In
this case a closed contact is reported as an error by Er-
ror channel n. If the output signal is switched through,
i.e. the contact in the output circuit is closed, then the
mode must be changed to 1.

Unassigned inputs are treated as mode 0.

Value > 2: The channel is interpreted as faulty (TRUE at the output)

and a channel-related error message is output.

With the 4-channel output module F3334 the inputs for channels 5...8
must be kept free or be assigned 0.

17.4.3 Max. time inrush current in ms

Type: UINT
Defines the delay for detecting open circuit, or the time for tolerancing the
current limiter.

not assigned: 0 µs (default)

1...50 valid value in ms
Value > 50 The maximum value of 50 ms is used

A time setting is essential when high lamp loads are switched, and is used
to suppress the error display during switch-on.

Extending the delay also increases the cycle time, especially during mode
HB-BLD-3 (9832)

changeover. To keep the cycle time as short as possible, measures

should be implemented to ensure that a mode changeover only takes
place on one block in a cycle.

17.4.4 Error channel 1...8

Type: BOOL
FALSE indicates correct function, TRUE means an error in the associated
output circuit depending on the mode set at the inputs for channel 1...8.

17.4.5 Pulse on error

Type: BOOL
Positive pulse of one cycle timeís duration if the error code changes at the
Error Code output.

17.4.6 Error
Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE when the error code at the Error Code output is
not equal to 0.

17.4.7 Error code

Type: UINT

Code Meaning

0 No error
1 Component error (faulty module)
TRUE is output at all error channels. The component fault can
only be cleared by ACK or restart. If the board is pulled during
operation then an error (TRUE) is reported for all error chan-
nels assigned mode 1 until the component fault is detected.
The component fault is detected immediately when the out-
puts of the module are triggered, otherwise detection is
delayed slightly by test routines.
2 Invalid position at Bus No. Rack Pos. input. All error outputs
are set to TRUE. The error display of the actual controller is
unaffected, i.e. the diagnostic display does not show any error
for the module belonging to this block. Because the error is a
programming error, it can only be cleared by modifying the
user program and recompiling (code generator) and loading.
3 Module dead through group shutdown. The module is de-
energised following a group shutdown. It is not necessarily
faulty however. Output is FALSE at all error channels.
n1 Input value of the mode input of Channel n is > 2. Example:
Error code 51 shows that an invalid mode has been entered
for channel 5 at the block input.
table 34: Error codes

HB-BLD-3 (9832)

n2 Channel error (open circuit) in Channel n. Example: Error

code 62 means open circuit in the output circuit of channel 6.
n3 Channel error (short circuit) in Channel n. Example: Error
code 13 means a short in the output circuit of channel 1.
table 34: Error codes

If there is more than one error, the error code of the error which occurred
last is always displayed.

If several errors occur simultaneously for error codes n1, n2 and n3, the
channel with the highest number is displayed. When this error is cleared,
the next highest faulty channel appears. Outgoing channel errors (open
circuit only) are detected and cleared automatically. Shorts and compo-
nent faults must be acknowledged.

A short circuit is safely detected for short circuit currents greater than 1.5
A. In rare cases it is possible for an open circuit to be reported first. The
line error is correctly reported.
The response range for an open circuit is 0.5...9.5 mA.

HB-BLD-3 (9832)

HB-BLD-4 (9832)

Testable module, line diagnosis, redundant operation

Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305) UINT
Mode channel 1...8 UINT
Max. time inrush current in ms UINT
Max. time inrush current in ms UINT
red. module
Error channel 1...8 BOOL
Pulse on error BOOL
Error BOOL
Error code module UINT
Error code red. module UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 35: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 125

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HB-BLD-4 (9832)

18.1 Function information

Error evaluation and display for the digital (boolean) testable output mod-
ules F 3323, F 3331 and F 3334 with redundant use.

Error detection for the function of the module, open circuit and short circuit.

3 modes: no error evaluation, normal mode and inverse mode.

Time setting for open circuit detection, tolerancing the current limiter

18.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS 41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change of All inputs/outputs can be changed
input and output assignment by reload except the inputs for
the positions
Use for safety controllers with permitted
TÜV test
Assignment rule Inputs Bus No. Rack Pos. and
Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module
must be assigned
table 36: General block information

This block is used to evaluate and display errors for the digital (boolean)
testable output modules F3323, F3331 and F3334 with redundant use. It
may only be used once per module. Error detection is provided for the
module function and for open circuit and short circuit in the output circuits,
with the short being displayed only.
The block must be programmed precisely once for each F3323, F3331
and F3334 module when channel errors are processed depending on the
MODE. The module must not be used on several blocks (HB-BLD-3, HB-
BLD-4). This block is not required for pure error detection because faults
are also displayed at the central module and by the system variables.

The MODE of a channel can be switched between the 3 permitted values

at any time. Transitions 2-0-1 and 1-0-2 are recommended. The interme-
diate step via MODE 0 suppresses all error displays during changeover.
MODE 1 or MODE 2 must remain valid as values for at least 2 PES cycles
after changeover.

Input Max. time inrush current in ms module and Max. time inrush
current in ms red. module can be used to configure the time for toleranc-
ing the current limit for the modules. This is essential when high lamp
loads are switched with module F 3334.

The normal group shutdown block is used to configure group shutdown

HB-BLD-4 (9832)

A short circuit is safely detected for short circuit currents greater than 1.5
A. In rare cases it is possible for an open circuit to be reported first. The
line error is correctly reported.
The response range for an open circuit is 0.5...9.5 mA.

18.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

18.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned
The position of module F 3323, F3331 or F 3334 is entered as a 4-digit
decimal number here, depending on the position of the board in the pro-
gram section CABINET:

Example: Cabinet (1-2): 1

Subrack (1-8): 3
Board position(1-16): 5
Position 1305

If the position of another module is entered here, then all 8 error outputs
are set to TRUE and the error code output displays error code 2. The user
must verify the validity of the position himself when commissioning; if error
code 2 appears the position is not correct.

18.4.2 Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module

Typ: UINT; This input must be assigned.
The position of redundant module F 3323, F3331 or F 3334 is entered as
a 4-digit decimal number here, depending on the position of the board in
CABINET, see above:

18.4.3 Mode channel 1...8 (0/1/2)

Type UINT, Values 0, 1 and 2 are permitted.
Setting the error display and evaluation in the event of an open circuit.

Value 0: No error evaluation for this channel, error messages are

Value 1: Normal mode, the output circuits of the output modules
are closed, a detected error (in both output circuits) is re-
ported by TRUE at the associated Error channel n out-
Value 2: "Inverse" mode, i.e. the output circuits should be open.
Vaue >2 The channel is interpreted as faulty and a channel rela-
ted error message is output.

Example: an open contact in the output circuits of the module is required

to prevent through-switching of the output signal at certain times. The
open contact is detected as an open circuit, but this is OK and is not dis-
played. In this case a closed contact (in both output circuits) is reported as
an error by Error channel n. If the output signal is switched through, i.e.
the output circuit is closed, then the mode must be changed to 1.

HB-BLD-4 (9832)

Unassigned inputs are treated as mode 0.

With the 4-channel output module F 3334 the inputs for channels 5...8
must be kept free or be assigned 0.

18.4.4 Max. time inrush current in ms, module ; red. module

Type: UINT
Defines the delay for detecting open circuit, or the time for tolerating the
current limit of modules 1 and 2.

not assigned: 0 ms (default)

1...50 valid value in ms
Value > 50 The maximum value of 50 ms is used

Extending the delay also increases the cycle time, especially during mode
changeover. To keep the cycle time as short as possible, measures
should be implemented to ensure that only one mode changeover takes
place in a cycle.

18.4.5 Error channel 1...8

Type: BOOL
Error output of the particular channel as defined in the table below.

Channel Channel Module Error rror Error

1st 2nd Mode 0 Mode 1 Mode 2
module module
okay okay okay FALSE FALSE TRUE
okay open cir- okay FALSE FALSE TRUE
okay - faulty FALSE FALSE TRUE
open cir- okay okay FALSE FALSE TRUE
open cir- open cir- okay FALSE TRUE FALSE
cuit cuit
open cir- - faulty FALSE TRUE FALSE
- okay faulty FALSE FALSE TRUE
- open cir- faulty FALSE TRUE FALSE
- - faulty TRUE TRUE TRUE
table 37: Output in the event of an error

HB-BLD-4 (9832)

-: see Module column

Module faulty means that the module is dead following a group shutdown,
or that there is a component fault or a short circuit.

18.4.6 Pulse on error

Type: BOOL
Positive pulse of one cycle timeís duration if the error code changes at one
of the two Error Code outputs.

18.4.7 Error
Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE when the error code at one of the Error Code
outputs is not equal to 0.

18.4.8 Error code module or red. module

Type: UINT
Error code of the 1st or 2nd module

Code Meaning
0 No error
1 Component error (faulty module)
TRUE is output at all error channels (see error output table)
when both modules are faulty. The component fault can only
be cleared by ACK or restart. A component fault is detected
immediately when the outputs of the module are triggered,
otherwise detection is delayed slightly by test routines.
2 Invalid position for one or both modules. All error outputs are
set to TRUE. The error display of the actual controller is unaf-
fected, i.e. the diagnostic display does not show any error for
the module belonging to this block. Because the error is a pro-
gramming error, it can only be cleared by modifying the user
program and recompiling and loading.
3 Module dead through group shutdown. The module is de-
energised following a group shutdown. It is not necessarily
faulty however. If both modules are dead following a group
shutdown, then FALSE is output at all error channels (see
error output table).
n1 Input value of the mode input of Channel n is > 2. Example:
Error code 51 shows that an invalid mode has been entered
for channel 5 at the block input.
n2 Channel error (open circuit) in Channel n. Example: Error
code 62 means open circuit in the output circuit of channel 6.
n3 Channel error (short circuit) in Channel n. Example: Error
code 13 means a short in the output circuit of channel 1.
table 38: Error Codes

HB-BLD-4 (9832)

If there is more than one error, the error code of the error which occurred
last is always displayed.

If several errors occur simultaneously for error codes n1, n2 and n3, the
channel with the highest number is displayed. When this error is cleared,
the next error with the highest channel appears. Outgoing channel errors
(open circuit only) are detected and cleared automatically. Shorts and
components faults must be acknowledged.

HB-RTE-3 (9832)

Watchdog for digital testable input modules

Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305) UINT
Bus No. Rack Pos. red module UINT
Assigned channels BYTE
1=1of2; 2=2of2 shutdown BYTE
Permitted error time in min UINT
Permitted time difference red. UINT
inputs in ds
Output 1...8 BOOL
Channel error mask WORD
Error code change, pulse BOOL
Error BOOL
Error code module UINT
Error code red. module UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 39: Input and Ouput specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 131

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HB-RTE-3 (9832)

19.1 Function information

Evaluation and display of errors in the digital (boolean) testable input mod-
ules F 3235, F 3237 and F 3238.
Distinguishes between component faults, short circuit and open circuit; se-
lection of error response with redundant operation (1of2, 2of2 shutdown)

19.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS 41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change The positions of the modules, the
the input and output assignment number of assigned channels, the
shutdown and the outputs cannot
be changed by Reload. All other
inputs/outputs can be changed by
Use for safety controller with TÜV Must be used precisely once for
test each module F 3235, F 3237 and
F 3238.
Assignment rule Inputs Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g.
1305), assigned channels and
1=1of2; 2=2of2 shutdown must
be assigned. In single-channel
mode the input must be assigned
0. If Bus No. Rack Pos. red.
module is assigned, then input
Permitted time difference red.
inputs in ds must also be assi-
table 40: General block information

Monitoring of digital (boolean) testable input modules

The block is used to evaluate and display errors in the digital (boolean)
testable input modules F3235, F3237 and F3238 during single-channel or
redundant operation.

The error detection feature distinguishes between components faults on

the module, short circuits and open circuits in the input circuit.

Two modes can be selected for redundant operation: the ‘1 of 2’ shutdown

or the ‘2 of 2’ shutdown.

The block can be used for one single or two redundant modules F3235,
F3237 or F3238. It may only be used once per module. Combining mod-
ules is not permitted.

HB-RTE-3 (9832)

19.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

19.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1305)

Type: UINT; This input must be assigned.

The position of module F 3235, F 3237 or F 3238 is shown here as 4-digit
decimal numbers according to the position of the board in the CABINET
program section.

Example: Cubicle (1- 2): 1

Subrack (1- 8): 3
Board position (1-16): 5
Position: 1305

If the position of another module is given here, then the output values are
set to 0 and code 2 is output as a error code at the module error code out-

The assignment must be checked for correctness on commissioning; if er-

ror code 2 appears the position is not correct.

If the Bus No. Rack Pos. red. module input is not assigned and no errors
are present within the module and input circuits, then the input signals of
channels 1...8 of the module are passed to the corresponding block out-

When an error occurs in a channel the last status at the corresponding

block output is held and reset to FALSE when the defined error time times
out, if the error is still present.

19.4.2 Bus No. BT Pos. red. module

Type: UINT
The position of the redundant module F 3235, F 3237 or F 3238 is given
here, See above.

The type of shutdown (1of2 or 2of2) must also be configured and the per-
mitted time difference must be defined for redundant operation.

If the input is not assigned, the value 0 is output at the Error code red.
module output.

19.4.3 Assigned channels

Type: BYTE; This input must be assigned.
Assigned channels are represented by the lowest 8 bits. This means bit 0
= channel 1, bit 1 = channel 2, bit 2 = channel 3, bit 3 = channel 4, bit 4 =
channel 5, bit 5 = channel 6, bit 6 = channel 7 and bit 7 = channel 8. The
value is therefore 255 (0FF H) when the complete board is assigned (input
according to IEC 1131: 16#FF or 2#11111111).

If it is not assigned the value 0 is used, i.e. the block always sends FALSE
to the outputs whatever the input signals.

Unused channels should be terminated with a resistor.

HB-RTE-3 (9832)

19.4.4 1=1of2; 2=2of2 shutdown

Type: BYTE; Values 1 and 2 only are permitted, this input must be as-
signed if redundancy is used.
The input is only read in once during a cold restart of the system. Changes
cannot be made during ongoing operation.

Value input 0 (assignment for single-channel operation)

In single-channel operation the input must be assigned 0.

Value input 1 (1 of 2 shutdown, equivalent to ANDing):

With the 1 of 2 shutdown the redundancy of the modules is used to en-
hance safety.

If no errors of the input modules and input circuits are present, the input
signals of channels 1...8 of the modules are sent ANDed to the corre-
sponding outputs of the block.

When an error occurs in a channel the last status at the corresponding

block output is held and reset to FALSE when the defined error time times
out, if the error is still present. If FALSE is at the other error-free input or if
errors occur simultaneously in both channels (double error) the block is set
to FALSE without a delay.

Value input 2 (2 of 2 shutdown, equivalent to ORing):

With the 2 of 2 shutdown the redundancy of the modules is used to en-
hance availability.

If no errors of the input modules and input circuits are present, the input
signals of channels 1...8 of the modules are sent ORed to the correspond-
ing outputs of the block.

If an error occurs in one channel the input signal of the other channel is
passed to the block output.

Only when errors occur simultaneously in both channels (double error) is

the last status at the corresponding block output held and reset to FALSE
when the defined error time has timed out, if the double error is still

19.4.5 Permitted error time in min

Type: UINT
Do not assign. Shutdown is performed directly.

19.4.6 Permitted time difference red. inputs in ds

Type: UINT, This input must be assigned if redundancy is used.

When operating with redundant modules, the maximum time difference

that can be caused by different switching instants in two sensors is en-
tered here in deciseconds (0.1 s). An error message is suppressed during
this time.

HB-RTE-3 (9832)

19.4.7 Output 1...8

Type: BOOL
Usable outputs are defined by the Assigned channels input:

Table 3: Output circuits

Operating status Status at output n

1-chan- Normal Current signal
Fault Last status, after error time: FALSE
2-chan- Parameter 1 v 2 Parameter 2 v 2
Normal Current signal Current signal
One channel Last status, after Signal of the undi-
disturbed error time FALSE* sturbed channel
Two channels FALSE Last status, after
disturbed error time: FALSE
table 41: Output circuits

*)BS V6.0-6: If single-channel operation in AK6 is permitted, the si-

gnal of the undisturbed channel is processed
BS V7.0-7: The signal of the undisturbed channel is processed

19.4.8 Channel error mask

Type: WORD

Bit 0 ... Bit 7: Channel 1 ... Channel 8 1st module

Bit 8 ... Bit 15: Channel 1 ... Channel 8 2nd (redundant) module

‘Bit set’ means channel error. If there is no redundant module, bits 8...15
= 0. This means that only values between 0 and 255 are possible with sin-
gle-channel operation.

A channel error is only displayed for the input channels that are also pro-
cessed by the block. Errors are defined with the Assigned channels in-
put. The 8x channel error and component error are exceptions; bit 0...7 is
set for the 1st module (value = 16#00 FF = 255) and bit 8...15 is set for
the 2nd (redundant) module (value = 16#FF 00 = 65280) irrespective of
the Assigned channels input. Remember that the value at the block out-
put is always a combination of all errors.

19.4.9 Error code change, pulse

Type: BOOL
With each change of the error code this output carries TRUE for the dura-
tion of a program cycle.

19.4.10 Error
Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE when an error code > 0 is present at one of the
two error code outputs.

HB-RTE-3 (9832)

19.4.11 Error code module

Type: UINT
Output of the error code for the first defined module:

Code Meaning
0 No error
1 Component error
2 Invalid input name at Bus No. BT Pos. input
n1 Difference between the two channels n (1...8) of two redun-
dant modules; is only output for both channels when no
other error is present
n2 Line short in input circuit channel n (1...8)
n3 Open circuit in input circuit channel n (1...8)
table 42: Error codes

If some channels are not used and line faults occur in all other channels
simultaneously, then error code 1 (component fault) is output. This also
happens when line faults occur simultaneously in each eight used chan-

Error codes are reset after the fault is cleared and acknowledged. Error
code n1 is an exception to this rule - it is only output when no other error
is present and is reset when cleared but without acknowledgment.

The error code of the error that occurred last is output. If this has been
cleared and acknowledged and other faults are still present, then the sys-
tem displays the error with the highest channel number.

19.4.12 Error code red. module

Type: UINT<R>
Output of the error code for the redundant module:
Function as described above.

HK-AGM-3 (9832)

PES Master Watchdog

Inputs Type
Central module (1,2) BYTE
Coprocessor module (1, 2, 3) BYTE
0=no func. 1=DC 2=safety-ori. BYTE
Current function coprocessor UINT
Error in coprocessor module BOOL
Function counter UINT
Bus cycle time in ms UINT
Error mask bus 1, BTN 1-16 WORD
Bus 1, BTN 17-31 WORD
Error mask red. bus, BTN 1-16 WORD
Red. bus, BTN 17-31 WORD
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 43: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 137

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HK-AGM-3 (9832)

20.1 Function information

Monitoring the PES masters for operation reliability

Monitoring connections between the PES master and the PESs on the HI-
BUS (normal bus) and reserve bus

Function display of the PES master

Displays of current bus cycle time

20.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change Permitted
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test
Assignment rule If the Central module (1,2) input
is assigned then the associated
inputs Coprocessor module
(1,2,3) 0=no func. 1=DC
2=safety-ori., 3=DC+safety-ori.
must also be assigned.
table 44: General block information

Block HK-AGM-3 is used to monitor the operation and configuration of a
coprocessor module (F 8621) in PESs of the type H51, H51q. The block
can monitor 2 coprocessor modules and can be called several times in the
user program.

The block outputs the current function of the coprocessor module. If this
deviates from the block’s configured function, an error output is set.

It also displays the current connections of the PES master to the slaves for
the HIBUS (normal bus) and the reserve bus.

The current bus cycle time is also displayed.

HK-AGM-3 (9832)

20.4 Notes on assigning the inputs/outputs

20.4.1 Central module (1,2)

Type: BYTE; Values 1 and 2 only are permitted.
Value 1 or 2 defines the central module to which the tested coprocessor
module belongs.
1: left central module
2: right central module

20.4.2 Coprocessor module (1, 2, 3)

Type: BYTE; Values 1, 2 and 3 only are permitted. This input must be
assigned if the Central module (1,2) input is assigned.
The position of the coprocessor module is defined at this input; the copro-
cessor modules are numbered in sequence from left to right (1, 2, 3).

20.4.3 0=no func. 1=DC 2=safety-rel. 3=DC+safety-rel.

Type: BYTE; Values 1, 2 and 3 only are permitted. This input must be
assigned if input Central module (1,2) is assigned.
The function of the PES master must be entered here.

0 The selected coprocessor module contains no PES ma-

ster project
1 PES master as data centre
2 PES master for starting safety-related transmissions
3 PES master both as a data centre and for starting safe-
ty-related transmissions.

20.4.4 Current. funct. copro. mod.

Type: UINT
The output carries the value of the current function of the coprocessor
module (see above). If the coprocessor module fails the value is 0.

20.4.5 Error in coprocessor module

Type: BOOL
The output carries FALSE if the current function is the same as the func-
tion present at inputs 0=no.func. 1=DC 2=safety-rel. 3=DC+safety-rel.
(including connection failures). If the current function is not the same or if
the coprocessor module has failed (e.g. faulty or not present), the output
carries TRUE.

20.4.6 Function counter

Type: UINT
The function counter is incremented by 1 each time the PES master per-
forms a read or write transmission or starts a safety-oriented data transfer.
Value range: 0...65535, after 65535 the counter starts again from 0.

If a connection between the coprocessor module and the HIBUS fails, the
output holds its last value. If the coprocessor module fails, the output is set
to 0.

HK-AGM-3 (9832)

20.4.7 Bus cycle time in ms

Type: UINT
The current bus cycle time is output here. If the coprocessor module has
no master project or if it has failed, the value 0 is output.

If a connection between the coprocessor module and the HIBUS fails, the
output holds its last value.

20.4.8 Error mask bus 1, BTN 1 - 16

Type: WORD
Output of the status of the connection from the PES master to the PESs
with bus station numbers 1...16 via the HIBUS, in which

1st bit (lowest significance) = PES with bus station number 1

16th bit (highest significance) = PES with bus station number 16

The corresponding bit of the status mask carries FALSE if the PES master
has a connection to the PES with the corresponding bus station number
via the HIBUS, or no slave with this bus station number has been config-
ured in the bus configuration. If there is no connection via the HIBUS, then
the corresponding bit of the status mask carries TRUE. If the coprocessor
module has no master project or has failed, the value set to 0.

20.4.9 Bus 1, BTN 17 - 31

Type: WORD
Output of the status of the connection from the PES master to the PESs
with bus station numbers 17...31 via the HIBUS, in which:

1st bit (lowest significance) =PES with bus station number 17

15th bit =PES with bus station number 31
16th bit (highest significance) =always 0 (no meaning)
The output is as described above.

20.4.10 Error mask red. bus, BTN 1 - 16

Type: WORD
Output of the status of the connection from the PES master to the PESs
with bus station numbers 1...16 via the reserve bus.

Function as for Bus 1.

20.4.11 red. Bus, BTN 17 - 31

Type: WORD
Output of the status of the connection from the PES master to the PESs
with bus station numbers 17...31 via the reserve bus.

Function as for Bus 1.

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

Configuring LgP

Inputs Type
Stop event printout BOOL
Output emergency message texts BYTE
Response to day change (0, 1, 2) UINT
Printer error BOOL
Printer offline BOOL
Printer buffer overflow BOOL
No paper BOOL
Printer cover open BOOL
Printer conn. lost BOOL
Event in buffer BOOL
Buffer overflow BOOL
Printout active BOOL
Message counter UINT
Function information Short information
table 45: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 141

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HK-LGP-3 (9832)

Block information General block information

General Description of block function
Programming example Several controllers, one printer
table 45: Input and output specification

21.1 Function information

Evaluation and configuration of logic plan controlled reporting in systems
H11, A1, H41, H51, H41q, H51q.

Issue of print enable when several controllers use a common printer

Output of emergency message texts

Setup of page numbering on day change

21.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS11 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Special features Can only be used once, block
may only be used in the program
Reload (load program), change of Permitted
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test
table 46: General block information

Block HK-LGP-3 is used to evaluate and configure logic plan controlled re-
porting in the H11, A1, H41, H51, H41q and H51q systems. Printer feed-
back is evaluated by means of this block.
It also enables the printer where several PESs are accessing a common
printer. PESs are coupled to the printer by the interface converter H 7505.

Planning guidelines
Logic plan controlled reporting is carried out on SIO channel 2 of the cen-
tral module (A1,H41, H51, H41q, H51q) or interface 2 (plug connector 1
pins) with the H11. The interface is always occupied by the LgP.

In the resource type the variables must be assigned the attribute LgP (HW
assignment) and the appropriate printer text.

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

Reporting only takes place in the RUN and MONO modes.

Suitable printers and printer settings are given in the printer data sheets.

The printer is connected with interface converter H 7505. The settings of

application 10 must be made on the H 7505.

This block is needed when a number of PESs are accessing a common

printer or when feedback from the printer is evaluated, or for changeovers
between Modbus and LgP.

A redundant connection of the printer with HIMA PES H41, H51, H41q and
H51q with 2 central modules is possible.

21.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

21.4.1 Stop event printout

Type: BOOL
TRUE stops the printout at the printer. Stopping is necessary in order to
enable the print authorization to be passed to other controllers.
Non-assignment is identical to FALSE and means ‘printer is enabled’.


Type: BOOL
TRUE activates event polling via Modbus (an additional interface is re-

LgP is active with FALSE or non-assignment.

21.4.3 Output emergency message texts (1,0)

Type: BYTE; Values 0 and 1 only are permitted.
1: Output of "emergency message texts" for events with no
defined output text on the printer
0: No output of "emergency message texts” (or no assign-

Format of emergency message text: n: E.xxxx <<time>> <<value>>

n: Bus station number
E.xxxx Event number
<time> Time of event
<value> TRUE or FALSE

The event number is the sequence number of the event. See the event list

21.4.4 Response to day change (0,1,2)

Type BYTE; Values 0, 1 and 2 only are permitted.
This input determines the response of the printout to day changes. The fol-
lowing values are possible at input 4:
0 No new page at day change, page numbering continu-

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

es. Range 1...65535, then start at 1.

1 New page at day change, page numbering continues.
Range 1...65535, then start at 1.
2 New page at day change and page number 1.

If the input is not assigned or is assigned a value > 2, then the statements
re value 0 apply.

21.4.5 Printer error

Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE if the printer is in a fault condition. FALSE means
‘printer OK’. Details of the fault are given in the following outputs provided
the printer supplies detailed information about the cause of its faults.

21.4.6 Printer offline

This output carries TRUE if the printer is not ready. FALSE means ‘printer

21.4.7 Printer buffer overflow

Type: BOOL
This output caries TRUE when the printer buffer has overflowed. FALSE
means no overflow is present.

21.4.8 No paper
Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE when no paper is present. FALSE means paper
is present.

21.4.9 Printer cover open

Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE when the printer cover is open and printing is
therefore interrupted. FALSE means the printer cover is closed.

21.4.10 Printer conn. lost

Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE when the connection between PES and printer
is faulty or interrupted. FALSE means that the connection between PES
and printer is present.

21.4.11 Event in buffer

Type: BOOL
FALSE means that there is no event in the buffer. TRUE means that the
buffer contains events.

This signal can be used to enable the printer when a number of controllers
use a common printer.

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

The signal must not be defined as an event.

21.4.12 Buffer overflow

Type: BOOL
This output is TRUE when the event buffer is full.

21.4.13 Printout active

Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE while data are being sent to the printer. If the
"Stop event printout" input is triggered, the TRUE remains present until the
current message has finished. FALSE means that the printer is not trig-

21.4.14 Message counter

Type: UINT
The counter increments by 1 with each successful printer output. It goes
back to 1 when it has reached 65535.

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

21.5 Program example

Printer for 3 PESs with a maximum print time of 15s per PES. Printer en-
able is generated in a central PES.

1st PES (Master)

Block LGP_W

The EVENT signals must be transmitted from the slave systems to the
master system. The STOPP1 and 2 signals must be transmitted from the
master system to the individual slave systems. Transmission can be via

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

HIPRO or via input and output modules. Block HK-LGP-3 must be used
in each PES and assigned the appropriate signals.

e.g. PES 1:

HK-LGP-3 (9832)

HK-MMT-3 (9832)


Inputs Type
Central module interface UINT
Telephone number PHONE_A
Slave number (target bus stn.) UINT
Modbus function code UINT
Relative address 1st.var. master UINT
No. 1st event master UINT
Number var. (BOOL) UINT
Relative address 1st var. slave UINT
Modbus function code UINT
Relative address 1st var. master UINT
Number var. (UINT) UINT
Relative address 1st var. slave UINT
Max. slave answer time in ms UINT

Establishment delay in s UINT
table 47: Input and output specification

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 149

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HK-MMT-3 (9832)

Modem error code UINT

Error code transmission UINT
Modbus error code transmission UINT
Error code transmission (UINT) UINT
Modbus error code transmission UINT
No connection BOOL
Task active BOOL
Task counter UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
Time consideration
table 47: Input and output specification

22.1 Function information

MODBUS Master Block

Call establishment by telephone

Error monitoring of the MODBUS

22.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS11 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
Reload (load program), change of Permitted
the input and output assignment
Use in safety controllers with TÜV Yes (but not suitable for safety-
test oriented data transmission!)

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

Assignment rule The following inputs must be assi-

Central module interface (1,2)
Telephone number
Release, TRUE
Slave number (target bus station)
Max. slave response time in ms,
plus one of the ‘Modbus function
code’ inputs.
If the ‘Modbus function code’ input
is assigned, the next three inputs
must also be assigned.
table 48: General block information

This block allows an H11, H41 or H51 PES to be used as a MODBUS mas-
ter. MODBUS masters can send data to MODBUS slaves or request data
from MODBUS slaves independently.
The MODBUS master function is implemented for both interfaces of the
central module. If the master function is not active, the corresponding in-
terface is available as a MODBUS slave, i.e. master and slave functions
are possible on the same interface.
Only one MODBUS master can be active on any one bus. However with
the use of suitable logic it is possible to switch between several MODBUS
masters on the bus.
With appropriate configuration the block can also be used for automatic
connection (call) establishment with a suitable telephone modem. The
block is not suitable for safety-oriented data transfers; safety-oriented
HIPRO communication is provided for this purpose.

Block functions
The block is designed for the serial interfaces of the central module. Un-
less you intend to use standard interface parameters (9600 bps or 57600
bps depending on the setting of DIP switches S1-8 on the central module),
you can configure the interfaces with the SIO parameter setup window,
and the settings will then be valid for all MODBUS master blocks that use
that interface. One boolean and one unsigned integer MODBUS master
transmission can be configured and initiated per block. It is executed when
the block is enabled (see the Enable, TRUE input).
If both the boolean and the unsigned integer task are configured on a
block, the boolean task is executed first, followed by the unsigned integer
task. The block can be called more than once in the program for other
send/request tasks. If all the used blocks are enabled, the tasks will be ex-
ecuted in the order of the block calls.

22.3.1 Potential applications Direct connection:

Data interchange between HIMA PESs if the HIMA coprocessor module
F8621 cannot be used as a PES master (e.g. H41 as master) or HIMA
PES and external systems (external system as the slave).

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

A modem link is also possible:

A dedicated line can be used as a transmission link, but a telephone mo-
dem can also be used. The MODBUS master can itself dial and establish
the connection. Bus connection:

A HIMA PES as a master reads data and writes data in slaves on the bus.
This configuration is advisable when coprocessor module F 8621 cannot
be used as the PES master (e.g. H41 as master or external system as

A modem interface is also possible (dedicated line or telephone modem).

The system only supports modems with AT syntax. The block uses a sub-
set of the AT command set:

ATDx..xDial a telephone number, x..x = telephone number

ATE0Echo off: Commands are not sent back
ATX0Messages 0 - 4, where 0 = OK
ATQ0Return of result messages
ATQ1No return of result messages
ATV0Output modem answerbacks in short form
ATHHang up: Clear a connection
ATS2=43Sign for mode change Data transmission

Data are transmitted using the Gould MODBUS protocol. The following
MODBUS function codes are implemented in the HK-MMT-3 block:



For a detailed description of the function codes and the protocol please re-
fer to the Gould MODBUS Reference Manual.
The MODBUS master can import variable types BOOL and UINT from a
slave controler; in the PES which holds the master the attribute ’BUSCOM
Import’ must be assigned to the variables. It can also export these variable
types to a slave controler; in the PES which holds the master the attribute
’BUSCOM Export’ must be assigned to the variables.
With HIMA slave systems the variables exported to the master must have
the attribute ’BUSCOM Export’ and variables imported from the master
must have the attribute ’BUSCOM Import’.

You will find the corresponding addresses for individual variables with
HIMA in the MODBUS lists in the ELOP II-NT software package. They can
be printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource documentation.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

Please refer to the ‘Functions of the Operating System’ manual for the ad-
dresses with connections to earlier H41, H51 systems (pre-version 6.0-6). Transmitting events

Events are boolean signal changes with a time stamp. They are stored in
the PES in a special event buffer. These events can be transmitted by
The MODBUS master can therefore read events from MODBUS slave
systems. In conjunction with event evaluation by LcL (Logic controlled
Logging) and PLESY II, this means that events from different MODBUS
slaves can be collected by a MODBUS master and printed out centrally
(see Application).

22.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

22.4.1 Central module interface (1,2)

Type: UINT, Values 1 and 2 only are permitted, this input must be as-
Number of the serial interface of the central module across which the com-
munication takes place. Only the central module interfaces are supported.
Caution: If you wish to use the MODBUS master block together with LGP,
only interface 1 on the central module can be used because interface 2 of
the central module is occupied by the report printer terminal.

22.4.2 Telephone number

Type: PHONE_A, This input must be assigned.
In the case of an existing connection (established phone link, dedicated
(leased) line, bus system) the input with a PHONE_A type field is seized
and an Underscore (value 95) or Blank (value 32) assigned to the first el-
ement of the field. If you wish to establish an automatic modem link before
the MODBUS communication however, the PHONE_A type field must
contain the phone number to be dialed. The end of the phone number
must be marked by the Underscore or Blank.
See Application for entering a telephone number.

22.4.3 Type of call establishment (0,1,2)

Type: UINT; Values 0, 1, 2 only are permitted.
This input can be used to determine the response of the block to a call

0 an existing call is cleared immediately if no task is pre-

1 an existing call is cleared after one minute if no task is
2 an existing call is not cleared.

If the input is not assigned the default response is as 0.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

22.4.4 Enable, TRUE

Type: BOOL, This input must be assigned.
TRUE at this input initiates a task provided the block is ready to receive.
The block is ready to receive when a connection is established and any
previous tasks have been executed (‘Task active‘ [Auftrag aktiv] output =
If there is no connection, the block tries to establish one, and the task is
executed when the call is successfully established. If the block is still busy
with a task, the TRUE of the enable is ignored for this period.

22.4.5 Slave number (target bus stn.)

Type: UINT, This input must be assigned.
This input contains the address of the addressed MODBUS slave. Values
from 0 to 255 are possible.
Address 0 is used for broadcast messages. Broadcast messages are
transmissions to all slaves simultaneously. The slaves do not send an an-
swer to the master in this case. Broadcast transmissions are possible with
MODBUS function codes 5, 6, 15 and 16.

22.4.6 Modbus function code

Type: UINT, Values 1, 2, 3, 5 and 15 only are permitted. This input
must be assigned for boolean tasks.
Function code for write or read transmissions of boolean variables. The
following codes can be used:
with HIMA, read from:
boolean variables with attribute BUSCOM Export
status of events (without time stamp)
with HIMA, read from:
boolean variables from earlier H41, H51 systems (pre
with HIMA, read from:
Events with a time stamp
with HIMA, write from:
boolean variables with attribute BUSCOM Export
with HIMA, write from:
several boolean variables with attribute BUSCOM Ex-

22.4.7 Relative address 1st var. master

Type: UINT
Address of the variable in the master system. See BUSCOM list of ELOP
II-NT. This list is printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource doc-
When events are transmitted, event number 0000 corresponds to relative
address 2048 (master).

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

22.4.8 No. 1st event in master

Type: UINT
The number in the master for the 1st event exported from the slave. The
event number can be taken from the BUSCOM list of ELOP II-NT. The list
is printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource documentation.
Please refer to the ‘Functions of the Operating System’ manual for the ad-
dresses with connections to earlier H41, H51 systems (pre-version 6.0-6).

22.4.9 Number var. (BOOL)

Type: UINT
The number of boolean variables that are to be imported or exported.

Special cases:
Function code 5: Precisely one value is processed whatever the number
entered here.
Caution: Number = 0 causes an error code.
Function code 3: because an event with a time stamp consists of several
bytes, the number must be calculated (see Application).

22.4.10 Relative address 1st var. slave

Type: UINT
The target address or source address in the slave starting from which data
are to be imported or exported. If the slave is a HIMA system, the assign-
ments of the addresses to the individual names will be found in the BUS-
COM list of ELOP II-NT. The list is printed out (generated) with the Res-
Docu resource documentation.
Please refer to the ‘Functions of the Operating System’ manual for the ad-
dresses with connections to earlier H41, H51 systems (pre-version 6.0-6).
If the system is an external system, you should consult its documentation.

22.4.11 Modbus function code

Type: UINT, Values 3, 4, 6 and 16 only are permitted, this input must
be assigned for unsigned integer tasks.
Function code for write or read transmissions for integer data.
The following codes can be used:


with HIMA, read from:
Variables (UINT) with attribute BUSCOM Import
with HIMA, read from:
Variables (UINT) of earlier H41, H51 systems
with HIMA, write from:
individual variables (UINT) with attribute BUSCOM Im-
with HIMA, write from:
several variables (UINT) with attribute BUSCOM Import

22.4.12 Relative address 1st var. master

Type: UINT
HK-MMT-3 (9832)

The address of the variable in the master system. See MODBUS list of
ELOP II. The list is printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource

22.4.13 Number var. (UINT)

Type: UINT
Number of unsigned integer variables to be imported or exported.
Special case:
Function code 6: precisely one value is processed whatever the number
entered here.
Caution: Number = 0 causes an error code.

22.4.14 Relative address 1st var. slave

Type: UINT
The target address or source address in the slave starting from which data
are to be imported or exported. If the slave is a HIMA system, the assign-
ments of the addresses to the individual names will be found in the MOD-
BUS list of ELOP II. The list is printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu
resource documentation.
Please refer to the ‘Functions of the Operating System’ manual for the ad-
dresses with connections to earlier H41, H51 systems (pre-version 6.0-6).
If the system is an external system, you should consult its documentation.

22.4.15 Max. slave answer time in ms

Type: UINT, This input must be assigned.
The maximum time within which the master must have received the an-
swer from the slave must be entered here. If no answer is received inside
the time, the transmission is repeated twice, i.e. an error is output at the
No connection output after a total of three time-outs. Time monitoring
starts when the first character in the master transmission is sent, i.e. in the
case of modem communication, after the call is established. The answer
time (TA) consists of the actual transfer time (TÜ) and the processing
times in the master and slave. The transfer time can be seen from the ta-
ble below - it is calculated on the basis of 11 bits per character transmitted
(1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity and 1 stop bit) and a maximum message
length of 256 characters.

Calculation of answer time:

HIMA PES as slave:

Read task: TA = TÜ + ZZM

Write task: TA = TÜ + ZZM + ZZS

External system as slave:



TA = answer time in ms
TÜ = transfer time according to table
ZZM = cycle time of master in ms

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

ZZS = cycle time of HIMA slave in ms

TX = processing time of external system in
ms (see documentation of external system)

b 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 57600

ms 9600 4800 2400 1200 600 300 150 50

table 49: Transfer time TÜ in ms for baud rates 300 to 57600

Entered values over 60 000 are limited to 60 000. If both tasks (BOOL and
UINT) of the block are used, the longer answer time must be entered if ap-

22.4.16 Establishment delay in s

Type: UINT
This output is only active when a telephone number is specified (‘Tele-
phone number’ input). It outputs the time that is needed to establish the
connection. If no telephone number is configured (Blank or Underscore as
the 1st character), the output carries 0.

22.4.17 Modem error code

Type: UINT
This output carries the error code that is output by the modem in the case
of errors. The error codes are explained in the Modem Manual.

22.4.18 Error code transmission

Type: UINT
Error code for block errors (1-digit) and errors in boolean task processing.
0= no error
1= incorrect interface (only 1 or 2 possible)
2= incorrect slave number (number >255)
3= incorrect dialing response (value >2)
4= address of an exported event exceeds the event range
of the master (not enough event names defined in the
11= incorrect function code with BOOL task
12= incorrect number or incorrect relative address in the ma-
ster with BOOL task
13= incorrect relative address, address in safety-oriented
range with BOOL task
15= unexpected answer from slave with BOOL task

22.4.19 Modbus error code transmission

Type: UINT
Output of the error code as supplied in the answer message from the
slave. Please refer to the MODBUS Manual and the description of the ex-
ternal system for an explanation and interpretation of the error code (for
HIMA see ‘Functions of the Operating Systems’ manual).

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

22.4.20 Error code transmission

Type: UINT
Error code for block errors (1-digit) and errors in UINT task processing.

0= no error
1= incorrect interface (only 1 or 2 possible)
2= incorrect slave number (number >255)
3= incorrect dialing response (value >2)
21= incorrect function code with UINT task
22= incorrect number or incorrect relative address in the ma-
ster with UINT task
23= incorrect relative address, address in safety-oriented
range with UINT task
24= incorrect diagnostic code with MODBUS Code 8
25= unexpected answer from slave with UINT task.

22.4.21 Modbus error code transmission

Type: UINT
Output of the error code as supplied in the answer message from the
slave. Please refer to the MODBUS Manual and the description of the ex-
ternal system for an explanation and interpretation of the error code (for
HIMA see ‘Functions of the Operating Systems’ manual).

22.4.22 No connection
Type: BOOL
The output carries TRUE when a master transmission has not been an-
swered or has been incorrectly answered after the third request. If there is
no connection between master and slave, the output carries TRUE after
three times the time specified at the Max. slave answer time in ms input.
The output also carries TRUE after an existing call is cleared according to
the dialing response configured at the Type of call establishment (0, 1,
2) input.
Irrespective of the dialing response (see Type of call establishment (0,
1, 2) input) the call is cleared after the third incorrect answer in succession.
The output is reset after the next correct task execution. The cause of the
error may be a faulty or cleared link between the two modems or a fault in
the connection between modem and slave.

22.4.23 Task active

Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE when the task is being processed (with repeat
attempts if required) or when several blocks are waiting for the enable and
a task has been accepted. While the output is carrying TRUE no input is
read in, i.e. not even the enable signal.

22.4.24 Task counter

Type: UINT
The counter increments by 1 for each executed task. It is set to 0 on cold
start with initialising and without initialising.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

22.5 Applications

22.5.1 Input of the telephone number

The telephone number can be up to 32 characters long. Shorter numbers
must end with a terminating character. The terminating character is either
a Blank (ASCII code 32) or an Underscore (ASCII code 95).
As well as the digits, the telephone number may contain other special
characters which have the following meanings:

P = pulse dialing from here

T = frequency dialing from here
W = waiting for dialing tone
> = press earth button (the b-contact of the line is connec-
ted to earth for 300 ms to get a line from outside into the
PABX. Must be given as the first character if necessary)
! = Flash (the line is interrupted for 80 ms to get a line from
outside into the PABX. Must be given as the first charac-
ter if necessary)
_ (Underscore) or Blank: = terminating character to end
the telephone number

See also ‘ATD Command’ in the Modem Manual for the use of special

The telephone number can be entered in the PES as follows:

Configuration in ELOP II-NT

In ELOP II-NT the telephone number is entered by assigning it to the field

variables. The digits are entered as digits, characters and terminating
characters are entered as ASCII code.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

Character P T W > ! _ ""

Entry 80 84 87 62 33 95 32
table 50: Extract from ASCII Table (Special characters)

22.5.2 Entering events

Events are digital (boolean) signal changes with a time stamp. They can
be exported by the MODBUS master from slave PESs (HIMA).
In the PES events are stored in an event buffer. By reading with function
code 1 or 3 starting from certain <->relative addresses, the status of the
events or events with time stamp can be exported from the slave.
The relative addresses to be used can be taken from the ‘Functions of the
Operating Systems’ manual or from MODBUS list ELOP II. The list is print-
ed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource documentation.
The following application assumes a slave of a PES H41 or H51 with H41/
H51 V6.0-6 as the operating system. The task is to export events with a
time stamp from this PES.

Configuring in the slave

In the slave the individual variables are assigned the attribute “event-driv-
en” out of the properties during hardware assignment.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

In case of an overflow in the slave PES, a certain event is generated that

can be evaluated in the master:
The event number is 0 (very first event), the event value is TRUE (coming
event) and the time is 99.99.99.xxx, with xxx representing the bus station
number of the slave from which the overflow label came. If this overflow
event also defined in the master, then defined text can be output about it
with LGP. PLESY II masks out the overflow event from the slave automat-
ically and outputs a system message. That is why these overflow events
do not need to be explicitly agreed for PLESY II.

Configuring in the master

In the master the individual variables are assigned the attribute “event-
driven” out of the properties during hardware assignment.

To allow new events to be exported from the slave, the master must inter-
rogate with varying addresses. If the master always interrogated the same
address, the slave would interpret this as if the previous events had not
been received and the old events would be repeated.
Interrogation with varying addresses must be programmed with a small
pre-logic. The following logic makes use of the fact that the task counter
on the block increments following the correct execution of the task. This
ensures that the address is only changed when the previous events have
been received, thus allowing new events to be fetched.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

• 1. Exporting alternately from addresses 3072 and 3073 is sufficient
for new events to be read, as implemented in the above logic.
• 2. An event consists of a total of 8 bytes (address + signal change +
time information). Because a UINT variable has two bytes, four
variables are required per event.
• In the example above, the number given is the maximum number
for events (124 = 31 events) per transmission; this is a function of
the maximum message length of 256 bytes in the MODBUS report.
A smaller number can be exported if there are fewer events; this
makes the messages shorter and saves on transfer time. This
should be tried out by tests in individual cases.
• 4. Variable values in the report text are added with their current
value at the time when the event is entered in the master PES.
Variable values from the slaves are not transferred automatically, if
necessary they should be transferred in advance by the MODBUS
to the master.
• Transferring additional gates is not possible.½hlung2

Reading events from several slaves

The appropriate number of event-driven boolean variables (hardware as-

signment) must be provided sequentially numbered and for each slave in
the master. The event number can be taken from the MODBUS list of
ELOP II. The list is printed out (generated) with the Res-Docu resource

A Modbus master block must be provided for each slave, also the logic for
the address changeover.

The event number of the boolean variables that corresponds to the 1st
event in the slave must be entered in the master at the Event No. 1 event
in the master input.

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

22.5.3 Time consideration

The bus cycle time and response time can be calculated approximately
using the following information (assuming a trouble-free transfer!).
If the master is continuously processing all tasks (the ENABLE [FRE-
IGABE] input is always TRUE), then the average cycle time is the time
needed to process all tasks once. The response time indicates how much
time is needed until inputs of one system (master or slave) become effec-
tive as outputs in the other system.

The new transfer time should be calculated first with Table 3. The transfer
time is the net transmission time needed for the master’s transmission and
the slave’s answer. The two most common baud rates, 9600 bps and 57
600bps, are used, the factors given (1.15 and 0.19) relate to 11 bits per
transmitted character (1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 parity bit and 1 stop bit).
Corresponding factors for other baud rates are given in the table below.

The following abbreviations are used:

TÜ Transfer time, includes time for master transmission

and answerback from slave
TX Time until slave answers
ZZM Cycle time of master
ZZS Cycle time of slave
TR Response time between export inputs and import
outputs on the other controller
BZZL Bus cycle time with a read transmission of the master
BZZS Bus cycle time with a write transmission of the master
BZZG Total bus cycle time with several tasks

Typ Code Value No. of TÜ at TÜ at

characters 9600 57600

BOOL 1 n x = n : 8 + 13 x . 1,15 x . 0.19

BOOL 2 n x = n : 8 + 13 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
Event 3 n x = n . 2 +13 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
UINT 3 m x = m . 2 + 13 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
UINT 4 m x = m . 2 +13 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
BOOL 5 1 x = 16 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
UINT 6 1 x = 16 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
BOOL 15 n x = n : 8 + 17 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
UINT 16 m x = m . 2 + 17 x . 1,15 x . 0.19
table 51: Calculation of transfer time

bps 300 600 1200 2400 4800 9600 19200 57600

ms 36.7 18.3 9.2 4.6 2.3 1.15 0.57 0.19

table 52: Transfer time per character

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

Bus cycle time (one task)

BZZ =TÜ + TX +2 . ZZM

The processing time TX in the slave is not known and must be taken from
the relevant documentation.
Where a HIMA PES (H41 or H51) is used as the slave, TX is known, so
the bus cycle time can be calculated as follows:

Bus cycle time for a read transmission from the master:

BZZL = TÜ + 5 ms + 2 . ZZM

Bus cycle time for a write transmission from the master:

BZZS = TÜ + 0.5 . ZZS + 2 . ZZM

Total bus cycle time

The total bus cycle time for several tasks is the sum of the bus cycle times
for each task. With several tasks however the next task is started immedi-
ately, whereas with a single task the system must wait for the beginning of
the next cycle. This shortens the total time by a certain amount:

Number of tasks: n
Reduction in total time: (n- 1) . ZZM
2 read tasks and 2 write tasks are processed:

BZZG = BZZL1 + BZZL2 + BZZS1 + BZZS2 - 3 . ZZM

Response time

The processing times in external systems used as slaves are not known,
so the following statements refer to HIMA PESs (H41, H51) only. Different
times of external systems must be adjusted accordingly.
Specifically, these are:

• Export inputs of the slave

• Receive by slave and response
• Receive by slave and acknowledge
• Write the outputs in the slave

Export slave inputs, import master outputs

The task is to export the inputs of the slave controller and set the outputs
of the master controller.

Complete time sequence:

Export inputs of slave: 0.5 ZZS
Master waits for transfer: 0.5 BZZL
Message transfer time: TÜ
Slave receives and responds: 5 ms
Master receives answer:0.5 ZZM
Write the outputs: ZZM


HK-MMT-3 (9832)

TR = 0.5 ZZS + 0.5 BZZL + TÜ + 5ms + 1.5 ZZM

Export master inputs, import slave outputs

The task is to export the inputs of the master controller and set the outputs
of the slave controller.

Complete time sequence:

Export inputs of master: 0.5 ZZM

Master waits for transfer: 0.5 BZZS
Message transfer time: TÜ
Slave receives and responds: 0.5 ZZS
Write the outputs in the slave: ZZS


TR = 0.5 ZZM + 0.5 BZZS +TÜ + 1.5 ZZS

HK-MMT-3 (9832)

HZ-DOS-3 (9832)

Diagnosis without safety

Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. UINT
Error code UINT
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
table 53: Input and output specification

23.1 Function information

Diagnostic mode call for modules F3235, F3236, F3237, F3238, F3330,
F3331, F3333, F3334, F6213, F6214, F6217 and 6705.

Displays all faulty modules without shutdown

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 167

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HZ-DOS-3 (9832)

23.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS 41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737)
table 54: General block information
Special features Block may only be used in the
program type
Reload (load program), change Permitted, acknowledge required
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted, but not for modules
TÜV test in safety circuits, and block
outputs may not be used for
safety-relevant logic

This block defines the input and output modules that are operated in diag-
nostic mode. The modules F3235, F3236, F3237, F3238, F3330, F3331,
F3333, F3334, F6213, F6214, F6217 and 6705 can be set in diagnostic

Diagnostic mode means that faulty modules are reported, even if the fault
is caused by a short circuit, but are not turned off. Input values are not set
to 0 therefore. The input values and the channel error information that is
actually read is processed. Output modules are not turned off.

The block is used to optimise the availability of non-redundant modules in

non-safety relevant circuits.

The following points should be remembered when using the diagnostic

• Modules in the diagnostic mode must not be used in safety-relevant
• The block outputs must not be used for safety-relevant logic.
• Use is only possible for modules in I/O subrack B 9302.
• Faulty modules are only reported, they are not shut down.
• Input values are not set to 0.
• All the read values of faulty modules can be corrupted.
• Faulty output modules are not turned off by the integrated safety
shutdown in the diagnostic mode; there is no shutdown by the con-
necting module in the event of an internal double error.
• The diagnostic mode precludes the redundant processing of input
values with blocks HA-RTE-3 and HB-RTE-3.
• A group shutdown using block H8-STA-3 is not possible for modu-
les in the diagnostic mode.

HZ-DOS-3 (9832)

23.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

23.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1306)

Type: UINT
Defines the testable modules that will be operated in the diagnostic mode.
The position of the module is a 4-digit decimal number corresponding to
the position of the board in the CABINET program section.
Example: Cabinet (1-2): 1
Subrack (1-8): 3
Board position (1-16): 6
Module position: 1306

The user must check whether a module is defined and testable at the po-
sition indicated.

23.4.2 Error code

Type: UINT
Displays the error status of the channels of the testable input and output
module as an 8 bit value:

Bit 1...8 Value Meaning

00 000 000 0 No error
00 000 001 1 Channel 1 of testable I/O module faulty
00 000 010 2 Channel 2 of testable I/O module faulty
00 000100 4 Channel 3 of testable I/O module faulty
00 001 000 8 Channel 4 of testable I/O module faulty
00 010 000 16 Channel 5 of testable I/O module faulty
00 100 000 32 Channel 6 of testable I/O module faulty
01 000 000 64 Channel 7 of testable I/O module faulty
10 000 000 128 Channel 8 of testable I/O module faulty
11 111 111 255 Testable I/O module faulty
11 111 111 65535 Invalid position at Bus No. RACK Pos. input
11 111 111
table 55: Error code

Where several channel errors exist, the decimal value which corresponds
to the dual code is output. With modules which have no channel error de-
tection, only the decimal values 0, 255 and 65535 are output if the assign-
ment is incorrect.

HZ-DOS-3 (9832)

HZ-FAN-3 (9832)


Inputs Type
Bus No. Rack Pos. UINT
Error code UINT
Error BOOL
Function information Short information
Block information General block information
General Description of block function
Programming example
table 56: Input and output specification

24.1 Function information

Error display for testable I/O modules

Alle Rechte und technische Änderungen vorbehalten: 171

HIMA Paul Hildebrandt GmbH + Co KG, Postfach 1261, 68777 Brühl
HZ-FAN-3 (9832)

24.2 General block information

Valid from operating system BS41/51 V6.0-6 (9636)

BS51-M, H, HR V6.0-6 (9636)
BS51 A1 V6.0-6 (9636)
BS41q/51q V7.0-7 (9737
Reload (load program), change Permitted
the input and output assignment
Use for safety controllers with Permitted
TÜV test
Assignment rule One of the input must be assigned
table 57: General block information

This block is used to detect faulty testable I/O modules. Specifically, it is
needed for the redundant use of testable analog module F 6705 to detect
the faulty module and to be able to drive the serviceable channel with
100% of the analog value (otherwise 50%, see also the data sheet for the
F 6705). The changeover to 2 channels must be delayed by one cycle.
The error output can also be used to isolate the supply voltage in the cur-
rent sink mode, an option that is absolutely essential in safety-oriented
(fail-safe) systems. See the Safety Manual.

Up to 8 I/O modules can be monitored with 1 block. The block can be used
more than once in the ELOP program.

24.4 Notes on the assignment of inputs/outputs

24.4.1 Bus No. Rack Pos. (e.g. 1306)

Type: UINT
The positions of the testable I/O modules are entered as 4-digit decimal
numbers according to the position of the board in the CABINET program

Example: Cabinet (1-2): 1

Subrack (1-8): 3
Board position (1-16): 6
Position of the unit: 1306

24.4.2 Error code

Type: UINT
Displays the channels of the corresponding testable I/O module on the in-
put side as an 8 bit value (1...255) if faults are detected in the external cur-
rent circuits of the channels (e.g. open circuit, line short). The set error bits
are displayed as integers. Each bit corresponds to one channel, as the fol-
lowing table shows:

HZ-FAN-3 (9832)

Bit 1...8 Value Error location

00 000 000 0 No error
00 000 001 1 Fault in external circuit in channel 1
00 000 010 2 Fault in external circuit in channel 2
00 000 100 4 Fault in external circuit in channel 3
00 001 000 8 Fault in external circuit in channel 4
00 010 000 16 Fault in external circuit in channel 5
00 100 000 32 Fault in external circuit in channel 6
01 000 000 64 Fault in external circuit in channel 7
10 000 000 128 Fault in external circuit in channel 8
11 111 111 255 Module faulty
table 58: Error code

If more than one external circuit is faulty, a decimal value is output that cor-
responds to the dual code.

Example: Decimal value 18 corresponds to bit pattern 00 010 010; this

means that the external circuits in channels 2 and 5 are faulty.

If 255 is displayed, then the actual module is faulty (modules without line
diagnosis), not plugged in, not supplied with voltage or all the external cir-
cuits are faulty.

Faults in external current circuits can only be displayed when you use
modules that have suitable integrated measuring stages for open circuit
and short circuit, and when their software blocks for the I/O modules are
used in the program.

24.4.3 Error
Type: BOOL
This output carries TRUE when there is an error in the corresponding
When negated, this block can be used to supply voltage for current loop F
6705 in the current-sink mode, in which case it is output by a testable out-
put module. Alternatively it can be used to drive a fail-safe relay with which
the voltage supply is switched.

HZ-FAN-3 (9832)

24.5 Applications
Redundant used of the F 6705

With the redundant use of the F 6705, each of the two output channels
sees 50% of the analog value (see the F 6705 data sheet). In the event of
an error therefore it is necessary to switch the serviceable channel over to
100%. This can be done with the following logic.

Analog output 1 of the first analog output module

Analog output 1 of the redundant analog output module (redundant chan-
nel for output1)

Resource Types Lists and References

Lists and References

25 Resource Types
The selection of resource types is called from the resource context menu.
Find the RT Assignment option if no resource is assigned yet. If a resource
is already assigned, this option is replaced by the Hardware Change op-

25.1 Current Resource Types

The following current resource types are available:

• A1
• A1dig
• H41q-H
• H41q-HR
• H41q-HRS
• H41q-HS
• H41q-M
• H41q-MS
• H51q-H
• H51q-HR
• H51q-HRS
• H51q-HS
• H51q-M
• H51q-MS

Lists and References Subracks

First selection in the RT assignment or with Hardware Change

25.2 Predecessor Resource Types

After the entry H51 you will find all the H41 and H51 systems that are op-
erated with the V 6.0-6 operating system. They are:

• H11
• H41-H
• H41-HR
• H41-HRS
• H41-HS
• H41-M
• H41-MS
• H51-H
• H51-HR
• H51-HRS
• H51-HS
• H51-M
• H51-MS

26 Subracks
When using H51 or H51q systems, you must also define the required I/O
subracks. This is done in the Edit Cabinet option of the resource.

Subracks Lists and References

Edit cabinet

In the H11, H41, A1, A1dig and H41q systems there is no need to assign
an I/O subrack because here the I/O modules belong to the central module
or in the central subrack. No further extension is possible in these sys-

We distinguish between Subracks and Old Subracks.

26.1 Current subracks

The I/O subrack B 9302 is available for the H51q and H51 systems.
To insert the subrack, Drag & Drop it to the left onto the grey box with the
desired position.

You must use this subrack with new systems.

26.2 Old subracks

The B 9301 subrack is still available for H51 systems. This subrack cannot

Lists and References Modules

be used in the H51q system.

27 Modules
As with the subracks, we distinguish between Modules and Old Modules.
Only the current modules in the Modules directory are used with new sys-
tems, of course.

27.1 Current modules

The current modules include:
• F 3221, 16x input module, digital (bool)
• F 3222, 8x input module, digital (bool) for proximity switches
• F 3223, 4x input module, digital (bool) for proximity switches in
intrinsically safe circuits
• F 3224, 4x input module, digital (bool) for proximity switches in
intrinsically safe circuits, with open-circuit monitoring
• F 3236, 16x input module, digital (bool), testable
• F 3237, 8x input module, digital (bool), testable, for proximity
• F 3238, 8x input module, digital (bool), testable, for proximity
switches in intrinsically safe circuits, with line diagnosis
• F 3322, 16x output module, digital (bool), 500 mA (12 W)
• F 3330, 8x output module, digital (bool), testable, 500 mA (12 W)
• F 3331, 8x output module, digital (bool), testable, 500 mA (12 W),
with line diagnosis
• F 3332, 4x output module, digital (bool), 2 A (48 W)
• F 3333, 4x output module, digital (bool), 2 A (48 W), testable
• F 3334, 4x output module, digital (bool), 2 A (48 W), testable, with
line diagnosis
• F 3422, 8x relay module, switching voltage 60 V =/~
• F 6208, signal converter (Ex)i analog (word)
• F 6213, 4x input module, analog (word), testable
• F 6214, 4x input module, analog (word), testable, for transmitter
• F 6215, 8x input module, analog (word)
• F 6216, 8x input module, analog (word), for transmitter
• F 6217, 8x input module, analog (word), testable
• F 6705, 2x output module, analog (word), testable
• F 6706, 2x output module, analog (word)
• F 7126, power supply for H51, H51q, 24V/5V
• F 7130, power supply for H41, H41q, 24V/5V
• F 7131, power supply monitor for H51, H51q

Modules Lists and References

• F 7132, 4x distribution board

• F 7133, 4x distribution board with fuse monitor
• F 7553, connecting module I/O bus for 9302
• F 8621, communication module, left CPU
• F 8621x, communication module, right CPU
• F 8625, ethernet module, left CPU
• F 8625x, ethernet module, right CPU
• F 8626, Profibus-DP module, left CPU
• F 8626x, Profibus-DP module, right CPU

Move the required module to the desired position in the desired subrack
with Drag & Drop.

You do not need to define central modules, they are defined by their re-
source type assignment.

27.2 Old modules

These modules can only be used in H51 systems. They cannot be used in
the H51q.
The following modules are available:
• F 3225, 16x input module, digital (bool), testable
• F 3227, 8x input module, digital (bool)
• F 3228, 16x input module, digital (bool)
• F 3235, 8x input module, digital (bool), testable, with line diagnosis
• F 3311, 16x output module, digital (bool), 200 mA
• F 3312, 4x output module, digital (bool), 1 A
• F 3313, 8x output module, digital (bool), testable, 400 mA
• F 3314, 4x output module, digital (bool), testable, 1 A
• F 3321, 16x output module, digital (bool), 500 mA
• F 3323, 8x output module, digital (bool), testable, 500 mA, with line
• F 3412, 8x relay module
• F 3413, 8x relay module
• F 5202, 14 bit ring counter
• F 5203, 14 bit ring counter
• F 6103, input module, analog (word), for PT100 (Ex)i
• F 6204, input module, analog (word), (Ex)i
• F 6207, input module, analog (word), (Ex)i, for thermocouples
• F 6701, 2x output module, analog (word)
• F 7105, 6x distribution board with fuse monitor
• F 7129, 4x distribution board with fuse monitor
• F 7531, 6x distribution board
• F 7541, connecting module for B 9301
None of the old modules has integrated safety shutdown; they can only be
used in subrack B 9301.

Use current modules only for new projects.

Lists and References Supported IEC Functions and Data Types

28 Supported IEC Functions and Data Types

IEC 61131-3 contains standard functions and standard blocks but they are
not all supported. The level of support depends on the PES operating sys-
tem that is used.

28.1 Supported data types

A distinction is made between operating systems with versions 6.0-6 and
All HIQUAD systems, i.e. H41q and H51q, have OS version 7.0-7, all other
systems have OS version 6.0-6.

Type Version 6.0-6 Version 7.0-7

REAL available available
SINT available available
INT available available
DINT available
USINT available available
UINT available available
UDINT available
BOOL available available
BYTE available available
WORD available available
DWORD available
TIME_OF_DAY available
DATE available
Tabelle 59: Supported data types

Supported IEC Functions and Data Types Lists and References

DATE_AND_TIME available
TIME available available
Tabelle 59: Supported data types

Empty boxes mean not available

28.2 Supported functions and function blocks

A distinction is made between operating systems with versions 6.0-6 and
All HIQUAD systems, i.e. H41q and H51q, have OS version 7.0-7, all other
systems have OS version 6.0-6.

Function Version 6.0-6 Version 7.0-7

ANY_TO_BOOL available
ANY_TO_BYTE available
ANY_TO_WORD available
ANY_TO_SINT available
ANY_TO_INT available available
ANY_TO_USINT available
ANY_TO_UINT available available
ANY_TO_REAL available available
TRUNC_SI available
Tabelle 60: Supported functions and function modules

Lists and References Supported IEC Functions and Data Types

TRUNC_I available available

TRUNC_US available
TRUNC_UI available available
BCD_TO_INT available
BCD_TO_USINT available
BCD_TO_UINT available
BCD_TO_UDINT available
INT_TO_BCD available
USINT_TO_BCD available
UINT_TO_BCD available
UDINT_TO_BCD available
ABS available
MOVE available available
ADD available available
MUL available available
SUB available available
DIV available available
MOD available
SQRT available available
LN available available
EXP available available
SHL available
Tabelle 60: Supported functions and function modules

Supported IEC Functions and Data Types Lists and References

SHR available
ROL available
ROR available
AND available available
OR available available
XOR available available
NOT available available
SEL available available
LIMIT available
MUX available
GT available available
GE available available
EQ available available
LE available available
LT available available
LE available available
ADD_TOD_T available
ADD_DT_T available
ADD_T_T available
SUB_TOD_T available
SUB_DT_T available
SUB_T_T available
SUB_TOD_TOD available
Tabelle 60: Supported functions and function modules

Lists and References System Variables

SUB_DT_DT available
SUB_T_T available
MUL_T except REAL
DIV_T except REAL
CONCAT_D_TOD available
SR available available
RS available available
SEMA available available
R_TRIG available available
F_TRIG available available
CTU available
CTD available
CTUD available
TP available available
TON available available
TOF available available
RTC available
Tabelle 60: Supported functions and function modules

29 System Variables
The system variables provide information from the system and are used
to transfer information to the system. The following system variables are
• UINT SIO.ZB1: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZB1: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB1: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB1: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB2: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB2: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB3: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG1/CB3: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZB2: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZB2: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB1: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB1: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB2: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB2: SIO2 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB3: SIO1 receive counter
• UINT SIO.ZG2/CB3: SIO2 receive counter

System Variables Lists and References

• BOOL I/O.error acknowledgment

• UINT I/O.error code 2nd I/O bus
• UINT I/O.error position 2nd I/O bus
• UINT I/O.error code 1st I/O bus
• UINT I/O.error position 1st I/O bus
• BOOL I/O.error
• BOOL SYSTEM.Logic-Emergency stop
• UINT SYSTEM.Runversion
• UINT SYSTEM.Codeversion
• BOOL SYSTEM.Force individual switch outputs
• BOOL SYSTEM.Force individual switch inputs
• BOOL SYSTEM.Force main switch outputs
• BOOL SYSTEM.Force main switch inputs
• UINT SYSTEM.Number of prohibited accesses
• BOOL SYSTEM.Prohibited access
• BOOL SYSTEM.Single-channel
• UINT SYSTEM.Errormask2
• UINT SYSTEM.Errormask1
• UINT SYSTEM.Errorcode
• BOOL SYSTEM.normal
The system variables of the type UINT can also be assigned to a variable
of the type WORD.

29.1 READ System variables of the BOOL type

READ system variables provide you with information from the operating

29.1.1 I/O Error

This system variable is TRUE when the operating system has detected
one or more testable I/O modules as faulty. Use this system variable to
display an I/O error.

29.1.2 HIBUS.Resource-Name.error
The system variable exists for each resource with safety-related commu-
nication via HIPRO. ´Resource-Name´ is replaced by the original resource
The variable is TRUE, if the resource does not receive any data inside the
entered supervision time.

29.1.3 SYSTEM.Force individual switch outputs

This system variable is TRUE when at least one output variable is forced.
An output variable is a variable to which an I&C name is assigned, i.e. it is
assigned to an output module.

Lists and References System Variables

29.1.4 SYSTEM.Force individual switch inputs

This system variable is TRUE when at least one input variable is forced.
An input variable is a variable to which an I&C name is assigned, i.e. it is
assigned to an input module.

29.1.5 SYSTEM.Force main switch outputs

This system variable is TRUE when the FORCE main switch for outputs is

29.1.6 SYSTEM.Force main switch inputs

This system variable is TRUE when the FORCE main switch for inputs is

29.1.7 SYSTEM.Prohibited access

This system variable is TRUE for a cycle when an attempt has been made
to run a prohibited function.
It is configured in the properties (safety) of the resource.

29.1.8 SYSTEM.Single-channel
This system variable is TRUE when one central module has failed in a sys-
tem with two central modules.

29.1.9 SYSTEM.normal
This system variable is TRUE when no errors are present in the system.
Use this system variable for a general status display of the system.

29.2 WRITE System variables of the BOOL type

You use WRITE system variables to transfer information to the operating

29.2.1 I/O Error acknowledgment

When this system variable is set to TRUE the I/O error is acknowledged.
The following functions are performed:
• Acknowledge a displayed I/O error.
Error display is reset and the system is checked again. If the sys-
tem finds the error again, the position of the faulty module is dis-
• Restart the test routines of the testable I/O modules that were shut

29.2.2 SYSTEM.Logic emergency stop

When this system variable is TRUE there is a general system shutdown.
All outputs are de-energized and the system immediately enters the safe

System Variables Lists and References

The system variable can be wired with an external signal or with a signal
generated from the logic.
The system is set to RUN again by pressing the ACK button on the central

29.3 READ System variables of the UINT/WORD type

READ system variables provide you with information from the operating
You can use either the UINT or WORD data type for the following system
variables. Depending on the data type used, the value will subsequently
be displayed in decimal or hexadecimal in the OLT field.

29.3.1 HIBUS.Resource-Name.Receive counter

The system variable exists for each resource with safety-related commu-
nication via HIPRO. ´Resource-Name´ is replaced by the original resource
The counter will be increased with each received transmission. The value
has the range of 0...65535. After the value has reached the end value, the
value starts again with 0.

29.3.2 SIO Receive Counter

All receive counters work as follows:
The receive counter is increment by 1 for every transmission received at
this interface. The value range is from 1 to 65535, or 0001 to FFFF. The
counter is reset to 1 when the maximum value is reached. SIO.ZB1: SIO1-receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the left hand central module. SIO.ZB1: SIO2-receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the left hand central module. SIO.ZG1/CB1: SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the first coprocessor module that is as-
signed to the left hand central module. SIO.ZG1/CB1: SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the first coprocessor module that is
assigned to the left hand central module. SIO.ZG1/CB2: SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the second coprocessor module that is
assigned to the left hand central module.

Lists and References System Variables SIO.ZG1/CB2: SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the second coprocessor module that
is assigned to the left hand central module. SIO.ZG1/CB3: SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the third coprocessor module that is as-
signed to the left hand central module. SIO.ZG1/CB3: SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the third coprocessor module that is
assigned to the left hand central module. SIO.ZB2: SIO1-receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the right hand central module. SIO2-receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the right hand central module. SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the first coprocessor module that is as-
signed to the right hand central module. SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the first coprocessor module that is
assigned to the right hand central module. SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the second coprocessor module that is
assigned to the right hand central module. SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the second coprocessor module that
is assigned to the right hand central module. SIO1 Receive counter

Receive counter first interface of the third coprocessor module that is as-
signed to the right hand central module. SIO2 Receive counter

Receive counter second interface of the third coprocessor module that is
assigned to the right hand central module.

29.3.3 I/O.Error code 2nd I/O bus

Displays the faulty channels of the module shown in system variable I/

System Variables Lists and References

O.Error position 2nd I/O bus. A display is only possible when the module
has line diagnosis.
Value output:

Bit No. 1...8 Dec. Hex Error

00 000 000 0 0 No error

00 000 001 1 1 Error in circuit channel 1
00 000 010 2 2 Error in circuit channel 2
00 000 100 4 4 Error in circuit channel 3
00 001 000 8 8 Error in circuit channel 4
00 010 000 16 10 Error in circuit channel 5
00 100 000 32 20 Error in circuit channel 6
01 000 000 64 40 Error in circuit channel 7
10 000 000 128 80 Error in circuit channel 8
11 111 111 255 FF Faulty module
Tabelle 61: Faulty channel display

If several external circuits are faulty then a corresponding value is dis-


29.3.4 I/O.Error position 2nd I/O bus

This system variable contains the position of a faulty I/O module of the
second I/O bus. The value corresponds to the bus number, the subrack
and the position of the module. If there is more than one faulty module the
module with the lowest position is always displayed.
1405 means: bus 1, subrack 4, position 05.

You should use the UINT data type so the value is displayed in this format.

29.3.5 I/O.Error code 1st I/O bus

Displays the faulty channels of the module shown in system variable I/
O.Error position 1st I/O bus. A display is only possible when the module
has line diagnosis.
Value output:

Bit No. 1...8 Dec. Hex Error

00 000 000 0 0 No error

00 000 001 1 1 Error in circuit channel 1
00 000 010 2 2 Error in circuit channel 2
00 000 100 4 4 Error in circuit channel 3
00 001 000 8 8 Error in circuit channel 4
Tabelle 62: Faulty channel display

Lists and References System Variables

00 010 000 16 10 Error in circuit channel 5

00 100 000 32 20 Error in circuit channel 6
01 000 000 64 40 Error in circuit channel 7
10 000 000 128 80 Error in circuit channel 8
11 111 111 255 FF Faulty module
Tabelle 62: Faulty channel display

If several external circuits are faulty then a corresponding value is dis-


29.3.6 I/O.Error position 1st I/O bus

This system variable contains the position of a faulty I/O module of the first
I/O bus. The value corresponds to the bus number, the subrack and the
position of the module. If there is more than one faulty module the module
with the lowest position is always displayed.
1405 means: bus 1, subrack 4, position 05.

You should use the UINT data type so the value is displayed in this format.

This system variable displays the type, the memory used for the resource
and the memory mapping.

Value Redundant System

Hex Dec left central module right central module

Tabelle 63: RAM/EPROM Mapping

29.3.8 SYSTEM.Runversion
This system variable displays the current RUN version of the resource.
You must use the WORD data type for this variable so that the display is
identical with the representation on the diagnostic display of the central

System Variables Lists and References


29.3.9 SYSTEM.Codeversion
This system variable displays the current Code version of the resource.
You must use the WORD data type for this variable so that the display is
identical with the representation on the diagnostic display of the central

29.3.10 SYSTEM.Number of prohibited accesses

This system variable shows how often an attempt has been made to call
a prohibited action or function.

29.3.11 SYSTEM.Errormask2
Error mask 2 displays general faults in the power supply, faults in copro-
cessor modules, active fault blanking, and the allocation of faults to the
central modules. The set error bits have the following meaning:

Error bit 1...16 Hex Dec Fault type

0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 No fault

0000 0000 0000 0001 1 1 Backup battery F 71xx
0000 0000 0000 0010 2 2 Backup battery F 71xx
0000 0000 0000 0100 4 4 Power supply 1
0000 0000 0000 1000 8 8 Power supply 2
0000 0000 0001 0000 10 16 Power supply 3
0000 0000 0010 0000 20 32 Fault blanking active
0000 0000 0100 0000 40 64 Fault ZB1
0000 0000 1000 0000 80 128 Fault ZB2
0000 0001 0000 0000 100 256 Copr. module 1 ZB 1
0000 0010 0000 0000 200 512 Copr. module 2 ZB 1
0000 0100 0000 0000 400 1024 Copr. module 3 ZB 1
0000 1000 0000 0000 800 2048 Copr. module 1 ZB 2
0001 0000 0000 0000 1000 4098 Copr. module 2 ZB 2
0010 0000 0000 0000 2000 8192 Copr. module 3 ZB 2
0100 0000 0000 0000 4000 16384 Backup battery on ZB 1
1000 0000 0000 0000 8000 32768 Backup battery on ZB 2
Tabelle 64: Error mask 2

If several faults occur simultaneously, a value is output that shows the fault
bits at their corresponding positions. This means that several bits can be

Lists and References System Variables

set at the same time.

Faults for the coprocessor modules are only output when they are defined
in the cubicle.

29.3.12 SYSTEM.Errormask1
Error mask 1 displays faults detected in the central modules and in the I/
O bus. The set error bits have the following meaning:

Error bit 1...16 Hex Dec Fault type

0000 0000 0000 0000 0 0 No fault

0000 0000 0000 0001 1 1 CPU
0000 0000 0000 0010 2 2 CTC (time-IC)
0000 0000 0000 0100 4 4 Hardware watchdog
0000 0000 0000 1000 8 8 Memory fault
0000 0000 0001 0000 10 16 Program crash
0000 0000 0010 0000 20 32 Time-out
0000 0000 0100 0000 40 64 Dev. CTXC/hardware
0000 0000 1000 0000 80 128 Hardware clock
0000 0001 0000 0000 100 256 Connection to I/O level
0000 0010 0000 0000 200 512 Power supply monitor
0000 0100 0000 0000 400 1024 Address test I/O BT
0000 1000 0000 0000 800 2048 Time delay other ZB
0001 0000 0000 0000 1000 4098 Outputs not 0 on start-up
0010 0000 0000 0000 2000 8192 Dev. CTC/hardware clock
can be tolerated
0100 0000 0000 0000 4000 16384 Not used
1000 0000 0000 0000 8000 32768 Memory unequal
Tabelle 65: Error mask 1

If several faults occur simultaneously, a value is output that shows the fault
bits at their corresponding positions. This means that several bits can be
set at the same time.
Faults for the coprocessor modules are only output when they are defined
in the cubicle.

29.3.13 SYSTEM.Errorcode
The display of the error code is used for a detailed analysis of a fault that
has occurred. The meaning of the error code can be taken from the de-
scription of the appropriate operating system.



3964R base addresses ...........................................29
3964R communication ............................................45
3964R variables ......................................................35

Address conflicts ....................................................26

Building an application ............................................72
BUS docu ...............................................................63
Bus documentation .................................................64
BUSCOM ................................................................43
BUSCOM variables ................................................34
BUSCOM, MODBUS base addresses ....................28

C-code comparator .................................................71
CFG docu ...............................................................63
CFG documentation ...............................................66
Code generator .................................................25, 49
Code generator settings .........................................26
Compiling program code ........................................49
Configuration ............................................................1
Control panel ..........................................................51
Creating a configuration ...........................................1
CRF Docu ...............................................................67
CRF docu ...............................................................66
CRF documentation ................................................67
CU, CM configure interfaces ..................................14

Data types ............................................................180
Documentation configuration ..................................63
Documentation resource ........................................66

Edit cabinet .............................................................13
Editing modules ......................................................14
ELOP II bus ..............................................................1
ELOP II bus assignment ...........................................2
ELOP n-file .............................................................42
Event creating .........................................................31


fieldbuses ...............................................................43
Force image, graphic ..............................................60
Forcing I/Os ............................................................58
Forcing in force image ............................................59
Forcing variables ....................................................58
Function check of the PES ...............................72, 74

H8-STA-3 ................................................................77
H8-UHR-3 ...............................................................81
HA-LIN-3 .................................................................87
HA-PID-3 ................................................................95
HA-PMU-3 ............................................................103
HA-RTE-3 .............................................................109
HB-BLD-3 .............................................................119
HB-BLD-4 .............................................................125
HB-RTE-3 .............................................................131
HIBUS .......................................................................2
HIBUS parameter .....................................................4
HIMA Standard blocks ............................................75
HIPRO ....................................................................37
HIPRO edit ...............................................................3
HIPRO Hardware ....................................................37
HIPRO redundancy ................................................38
HIPRO stations .........................................................4
HIPRO-N ................................................................37
HIPRO-N variables ...........................................32, 39
HIPRO-N/-S variables ............................................31
HIPRO-S ...........................................................27, 37
HIPRO-S add resource ...........................................39
HIPRO-S PES master ............................................38
HIPRO-S variables .................................................33
HK-AGM-3 ............................................................137
HK-LGP-3 .............................................................141
HK-MMT-3 ............................................................149
HZ-DOS-3 .............................................................167
HZ-FAN-3 .............................................................171

I/O parameters ........................................................19
IEC functions ........................................................181
Instancing program type .........................................11

Lcl page header ......................................................24
Lcl page header editing ..........................................24

MODBUS ................................................................43


Mode configuring serial interface ............................15

Modification of an application .................................73
Modules current ....................................................178
Modules old ..........................................................179

OLT field .................................................................57
OLT panel ...............................................................54
Online Test .............................................................53
Online test ..............................................................57
OPC ........................................................................43
OS download ..........................................................53

PADT bus ...............................................................23
PES master ..............................................................7
PES master compiling ........................................7, 49
PES master CRF ......................................................9
PES master docu ....................................................63
PES master documentation ....................................65
PES master download ........................................7, 50
PES master functions .............................................32
PES master update ..................................................8
Program download/reload ......................................52
proven GNU-C-compiler .........................................71

Redundancy parameters ........................................20
RES docu (current) .................................................66
RES docu (generated) ............................................66
RES docu (loaded) .................................................66
Res documentation .................................................68
Res documentation generated ...............................69
Res documentation loaded .....................................70
Resource ..................................................................9
Resource hardware change ...................................10
Resource properties .........................................12, 19
Resource type assignment .......................................9
Resource types current ........................................175
Resource types predecessor ................................176

Safety parameters ..................................................21
Saftey related functions ..........................................71
Special interface settings ........................................16
Subracks ...............................................................176
Supported functions and function blocks ..............181
System variables ..................................................184
System variables assignment .................................30


Tag name editing ..............................................16, 17
target code comparator ..........................................71


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