Amber Enterprises (India) Ltd. (Aeil) : Aeil'S Rac Sales Volumes Rose by A Robust 127% Yoy To 0.4 MN Units
Amber Enterprises (India) Ltd. (Aeil) : Aeil'S Rac Sales Volumes Rose by A Robust 127% Yoy To 0.4 MN Units
Amber Enterprises (India) Ltd. (Aeil) : Aeil'S Rac Sales Volumes Rose by A Robust 127% Yoy To 0.4 MN Units
Air Conditioner
On a consolidated basis, Revenue rose 89% YoY to INR 6,232mn with revenue from subsidiaries (including recent acquisitions)
contributing INR 2,298mn (up 122%). Consolidated EBITDA margin rose 172 bps to 5.9% and PAT stood at INR 121mn compared to a loss
of 25mn in Q2FY'19. On a standalone basis, Revenue rose by a robust 74% YoY to INR 3,934mn on the back of strong volume growth
in RAC industry, addition of new customers and increasing share of wallet from existing customers. Room Air-conditioner(RAC) sales
volumes increased by a whopping 127% YoY to 0.4 mn units outperforming industry growth by a wide margin. EBITDA margins were
up 41 bps to 4.3%. PAT stood at INR 46mn as compared to a loss of INR 17mn during corresponding quarter last year with the company
availing MAT credit. Though at a PBT level, there was a loss of INR 55mn vs INR 39mn loss (Q2FY'19).
AEIL's RAC Sales Volumes rose by a robust 127% YoY to 0.4 mn units get delayed and get completed by FY'22 as its customers are
On a standalone basis, Revenue rose by a robust 74% YoY to INR delaying their plans. Total capex estimated for Greenfield
3,934mn on the back of strong volume growth in RAC industry, capacity expansion in South India is estitmated to be INR
addition of new customers and increasing share of wallet from 1,000mn to be spread over FY'21 & '22 to set up production
existing customers. Room Air-conditioner (RAC) sales volumes capacity of 1mn units.
increased by a whopping 127% YoY to 0.4 mn units during Q2FY'20.
• Working capital cycle shrunk to 45 days during the quarter
In H1FY'20 AEIL's RAC sales volume rose 99% YoY to 1.45mn units
compared to 57 days in Q2FY'19.
outperforming industry growth by a wide margin. RAC industry
sales volume during H1FY'20 rose in the range of 15-17%. On a • Consolidated net debt stood at INR 3,400mn& is targeted to
consolidated basis, Revenue rose 89% YoY to INR 6,232mn with further reduce to INR 3,200mn by FY'20 end.
revenue from subsidiaries (including recent acquisitions)
• AEIL has started bulk production of RACs for e-commerce
contributing INR 2,298mn (up 122%).
biggies like Amazon &FlipKart and has supplied 80,000 units
Consolidated EBITDA rose 167% Yoyto INR 366mn during H1FY'20.
Consolidated EBITDArose to INR 366mn, up 167% YoY. Cumulative
• ~ 25/30% of IDUs are still being imported into India from China
EBITDA of 4 subsidiaries (PICL, ILGIN, EVER & SIDWAL) stood at
even after increase in customs duties. However, imports of
INR 232mn during the quarter. On a standalone basis, Gross
ODUs have been significantly impacted.
Margins dropped 297 bps to 14.8% primarily due to revenue mix
witnessing change i.e. increase in number of customers opting • Order Book of Sidwal Refrigeration stood at INR 4,800mn
to source compressors from AEIL rather than sourcing at the end of the quarter with an average execution period
themselves. However, EBITDA margin rose 41 bps to 4.3% with of 18 months.
operating leverage playing out. Outlook & Valuation
Concall Highlights We continue with our Revenue and PAT estimates of 29% &39%
• AEIL is likely to outperform RAC industry growth by 4-5% points CAGR respectively during FY'19-'21 and continue to maintain BUY
in FY'20. It added Samsung as a customer during the quarter & with PT of INR 1,170 (20x FY'21 E EPS). AEIL's continuous efforts to
started supplying for 2 of its RAC models. expand customer base and increase share of wallet from
• Consolidated CAPEX is estimated to be INR 1,250mn for FY'20. customers should enable the company to remain an outperformer
Its planned geographic capacity expansion in South India may to industry growth.
100 Mcap (INR bn) 30.5 P/E(x) 48.5 32.2 18.2 16.6
Mehul Mehta
[email protected] 1
Ph. No. 91 22 4289 5600/ Ext. 605
Air Conditioner
EBITDAM Excl Other Income (%) 5.9% 4.2% 9.4% 171.9 -353.7
PATM (%) 1.9% -0.8% 5.2% 269.9 -325.9
Air Conditioner
Income Statement Balance Sheet
Y/E (INR mn) FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E Y/E (INR mn) FY18 FY19 FY20E FY21E
Net Sales 21281 27520 39303 45746 Source of Funds
Net Sales Growth(%) 28.8 29.3 42.8 16.4 Share Capital 315 314 314 314
Cost of Goods Sold 17688 23132 32848 38108 Reserves and Surplus 8613 9547 11175 12961
Employee Cost 469 588 877 1092 Total Networth 8928 9861 11489 13275
Other Optg. Exps. 1282 1672 2168 2547 Minority Interest 0 190 190 190
Total Optg. Exps. 19439 25392 35893 41747 Long Term Borrowings 433 1433 3844 3594
EBITDA(excl OI) 1842 2128 3411 3999 Short Term Borrowings 622 894 894 894
Total Debt 1055 2327 4738 4488
EBITDA Growth(%) 41.1 15.6 60.3 17.3
Deferred Tax Liability 352 452 452 452
EBIDTA Margins(%) 8.7 7.7 8.7 8.7
Other Non-Current Liabilities 293 304 304 304
Dep./Amortization 490 623 765 1011
Total Liability 10627 13134 17173 18709
EBIT 1351 1505 2646 2988
EBIT Margins(%) 6.3 5.5 6.7 6.5
Application of Funds
Interest Expense 538 246 485 630
Net Block 7100 8343 10011 10219
Other Income 87 99 221 257
CWIP 297 89 89 89
Exceptionals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Investments 144 460 2630 2630
EBT 900 1358 2382 2616 Other Non-Current Assets 104 0 0 0
Tax Expenses 271 412 710 779 Current Assets 9640 14828 17297 20655
PAT 629 946 1672 1837 Current Liabilities 6658 10586 12853 14884
PAT Growth(%) 183.9 50.3 76.7 9.9 Net Current Assets 2982 4242 4444 5771
PAT Margins (%) 3.0 3.4 4.3 4.0 Total Assets 10627 13134 17173 18709
Air Conditioner
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