Rancangan Pelajaran Harian / Daily Lesson Plan / 每日教学计划

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Lesson: 1 Week: Day : Wednesday Date:

Time : 7.30 am – 8.30 am Class : 4 Subject : English language

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends Topic :


Language Present simple for personal information (All persons)

Skills Main: Listening Complementary: Listening
Content 1.2 Understand meaning in a variety of familiar contexts 1.1 Recognise and reproduce target language sounds
Learning 1.2.2 Understand with support specific information and details
of longer
reproduce with support a wide range of target langu
By the end of the lesson, most pupils will be able to:
Main: listen to the song ‘Friends from around the world’ and write at least 2 out of 4
Objectives children’s names correctly based on the flags shown in the world map.
Complementary: listen and categorise at least 3 words correctly into their respective
groups based on initial ‘m’ and ‘b’ sounds.
Teaching aids Textbook (pg. 5), Eco-Smart, Flashcards (flag), Worksheets
CCE: Values (Respect other cultures) HOTS: Application
Differentiation Strategies: 21 CL:
Outcome Rhyming / Singing & Pair / Group discussion

1. Pupils play puzzle game.
2. Pupils look at the flag flashcards and repeat after teacher.
3. Pupils take turns to say the name of each country based on the picture pasted on
the board.
4. Pupils listen to the song and point to the flags of the countries mentioned.
5. Pupils listen to the song again and write the children’s names as mentioned in the
6. Pupils check their answers while listening to the song.
7. Pupils sing the song in choral.
8. In groups, pupils listen to names of countries and categorise the words into initial ‘m’ or
Post Lesson ‘b’ sounds.
9. Teacher checks answers with the class.
Assessment Task

Main Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :
Reflection: Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.
Complementary Skill
The number that achieved the stipulated skill is :

Non-achievers were given extra guidance/enrichments/consolidation by teacher.

Remarks The lesson was carried out successfully.

1 Week / Day / Date Week 1 / Wednesday / 01-01-2020
2 Class / Time / Subject Year 6 / 0900 – 1000 / English
3 Theme / Topic World of Self, Family and Friends / Unit 1: All About Feelings
4 Content Standard(s) 1.1 Pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and
1.3 Understand and respond to oral texts in a variety of contexts.
5 Learning Standard(s) 1.1.1 Able to speak with correct pronunciation, stress and intonation.
1.3.1 Able to listen to and demonstrate understanding of oral texts by:
(a) giving main ideas and supporting details
6 Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen to the rap ‘Talk to Mama’ and
say what people should not do when they are angry, hurt or lonely.
7 Activities 1. Pupils say play puzzle game and give their responses based on the pictures
2. Teacher pre-teaches the vocabulary to pupils.
3. Pupils listen to the rap and repeat after teacher.
4. Teacher discusses the meaning of the rap with pupils.
5. Pupils answer orally some questions asked by teacher based on the rap.
6. In groups, pupils discuss and talk about what people should not do when they are
angry, hurt or lonely.
7. Teacher elicits pupils’ response regarding the lesson learnt from the rap.
8 Cross Curriculum Knowledge: Moral Moral Value: Manage our EMK: CCTS, ICT
Element studies feelings well
9 Teaching Aids Textbook (Page 1), Eco-Smart
1 Assessment Task
1 Evaluation TP 4: Listen to the rap ‘Talk to Mama’ and say what people should not do when they
1 are angry, hurt or lonely
1 Reflection / pupils were able to achieve the objective. pupils needed guidance.

1 Week / Day / Date Week 1 / Wednesday / 01-01-2020

2 Class / Time / Subject Year 5 / 1130-1230 / English
3 Theme / Topic World of Self, Family and Friends / Unit 1: Feel Good About Yourself
4 Content Standard(s) 1.1 Pronounce words and speak confidently with the correct stress, rhythm and
5 Learning Standard(s) 1.1.3 Able to listen to and respond to a given stimulus by using appropriate words,
phrases and expressions with guidance.
1.1.4 Able to speak on related topics with guidance.
6 Learning Objective(s) By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to listen to teacher’s instruction and
talk about the pictures with guidance.
7 Activities 1. Teacher asks pupils if they feel good about themselves and elicit responses from
2. Teacher shows pupils the pictures and guide pupils to talk about the pictures.
3. In groups, pupils talk about other situations that make them feel happy about
4. Pupils work on the exercise.
5. Teacher discusses answers with the class and concludes the lesson.
8 Cross Curriculum Knowledge: Moral Studies Moral Value: Positive thinking EMK: CCTS, ICT
9 Teaching Aids Textbook (page 1), Eco-Smart, Worksheet
1 Assessment Task
1 Evaluation TP 4: Listen to teacher’s instruction and talk about the pictures with guidance
1 Reflection / pupils were able to achieve the objective. pupils needed guidance.

1 周次 / 星期 / 日期 第 1 周 / 星期三 / 01-01-2020
2 班级 / 时间 / 科目 五年级 / 1230-1300 / 道德
3 课题 信奉上苍 / 单元一:祥和村
4 内容标准 1.1 尊重社区族群的宗教信仰
5 学习标准 本堂课结束后,学生能够:
1.1.1 说明尊重社区族群宗教信仰的重要性。
6 学习目标 本堂课结束后,学生能够:
7 教学步骤 1. 教师播放有关各种宗教场所的影片。
2. 学生观赏后发表意见。
3. 学生阅读课文,并与教师讨论课文里所含有的社区居民宗教信仰的方
4. 学生分组讨论社区居民宗教信仰的重要性。
5. 各组分别说出一些社区居民宗教信仰的重要性。
6. 教师总结。
8 跨课程元素 知识 : 尊重社区族群宗教信仰
价值 : 信奉上苍
增加元素 : 创造与革新元素
9 教具 课本(第 1-2 页),Eco-Smart
1 教学评估 项目
1 教学评价 TP 1: 说出尊重社区居民宗教信仰的重要性
1 反思 位学生能达到教学目标, 位学生需要辅导及引导。

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