Module 1 Assignment Questions PDF
Module 1 Assignment Questions PDF
Module 1 Assignment Questions PDF
4. A circular steel rod of length L and diameter d hangs in a mine shaft and holds
an ore bucket of weight W at its lower end (see figure). (1) Obtain a formula
for the maximum stress σ max in the rod, taking into account the weight of the
rod itself. (2) Calculate the maximum stress if L = 40 m, d = 8 mm, and W =
1.5 kN.
5. A thin, triangular plate ABC is uniformly deformed into a shape ABC', as
shown by the dashed lines in the figure. Calculate (1) the normal strain along
the center line OC; (2) the normal strain along the edge AC; and (3) the
shearing strain between the edges AC and BC.
8. A punch for making holes in steel plates is shown in Fig. a. Assume that a
punch having a diameter of 19 mm is used to punch a hole in a 6-mm plate,
as shown in the cross-sectional view (see figure (b)). If a force P =125 kN is
required, what is the average shear stress in the plate and the average
compressive stress in the punch?
9. A bearing pad of the kind used to support machines and bridge girders
consists of a linearly elastic material (usually an elastomer, such as rubber)
capped by a steel plate (see figure (a)). Assume that the thickness of the
elastomer is h, the dimensions of the plate are a ×b, and the pad is subjected
to a horizontal shear force Q. Obtain formulas for the average shear stress τ
aver in the elastomer and the horizontal displacement d of the plate (see
figure (b)).