CMS Application Note 2
CMS Application Note 2
CMS Application Note 2
Two-plane balancing of overhung rotors such as fans, Data measured with non-contact probes will require the
blowers, air and process compressors, etc., is required use of probe track run out compensation.
both during manufacturing and often while the rotor is
installed in-situ. The original procedure was described by There are conditions which may complicate the balancing
Thearle (1934)Ref 2 using a semi-graphical method to solve process such as a skewed disc. Extensive work was done
the two plane balance corrections Ref 1. This method was on this problem by Salamone and Gunter, 1978 Ref 3.
replaced in the 1970s by two-plane balancing solution on
handheld programmable calculators (see Jackson, 1979). The ISO 1940/1 1998 provided equations for calculating
the static and couple unbalance tolerances for overhung
Balancing using the influence coefficient method does not and narrow rotors. For the modified unbalance tolerance
require that the bearing properties or the rotor mass be to apply, the distance between correction planes on the
known. The vibration measurements must be taken at two rotor were defined as less than 1/3 the distance between
planes of motion with sufficient spatial separation to the bearings. However, in ISO 1940/1 2003 the tolerance
produce valid sets of data. The balance correction planes for couple unbalance was not addressed. It is left to the
do not have to correspond to the data measurement planes. reader to investigate this in more detail.
a d
Table 3: Initial Run & Trial Run #1,
Step 5: With the CMS Rotor-Kit stopped, the trial
weight was removed from Plane 1 and installed in Balance
Plane 2 in Hole 10.
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Copyright 2008 by Custom Machinery Solutions L.L.C.
Application Note #2
Table 4. Initial Run, Trial Runs 1 & 2 and The Final Run.