CMS Application Note 2

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Application Note #2 www.custommachinerysolutions.


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Rotor Balancing Over Hung, Two Plane, Influence Coefficient Method


Two-plane balancing of overhung rotors such as fans, Data measured with non-contact probes will require the
blowers, air and process compressors, etc., is required use of probe track run out compensation.
both during manufacturing and often while the rotor is
installed in-situ. The original procedure was described by There are conditions which may complicate the balancing
Thearle (1934)Ref 2 using a semi-graphical method to solve process such as a skewed disc. Extensive work was done
the two plane balance corrections Ref 1. This method was on this problem by Salamone and Gunter, 1978 Ref 3.
replaced in the 1970s by two-plane balancing solution on
handheld programmable calculators (see Jackson, 1979). The ISO 1940/1 1998 provided equations for calculating
the static and couple unbalance tolerances for overhung
Balancing using the influence coefficient method does not and narrow rotors. For the modified unbalance tolerance
require that the bearing properties or the rotor mass be to apply, the distance between correction planes on the
known. The vibration measurements must be taken at two rotor were defined as less than 1/3 the distance between
planes of motion with sufficient spatial separation to the bearings. However, in ISO 1940/1 2003 the tolerance
produce valid sets of data. The balance correction planes for couple unbalance was not addressed. It is left to the
do not have to correspond to the data measurement planes. reader to investigate this in more detail.

For the two plane overhung balancing project in this

application note, vibration measurements are recorded at
the near and far bearings along with once per revolution
phase data. The process is as follows:

1. Run the rotor and record vibration amplitude and

phase data at the near and far bearing.
2. Install a trial weight in plane 1, run the rotor and
record the vibration amplitude and phase data.
Either leave the trial weight in plane one or
remove it depending on the type of rotor being
balanced. For turbo-machinery where it may take
a long time between runs, if the vibration was
reduced, the trial weight would be left in.
3. Install a trial weight in plane 2, run the rotor and
record the vibration amplitude and phase data. The
Figure 1: Rotor-Kit Setup for 2 Plane Overhung Balancing.
trial weight may be left in or removed similar to
step 2.
4. Solve the equations. This is typically done using a In this application note, the CMS Rotor-Kit was setup
computer or programmable calculator. with two discs overhung as shown in Figures 1 & 2.
Vibration data were measured using accelerometers at
each bearing pedestal in the horizontal and vertical

Copyright 2008 by Custom Machinery Solutions L.L.C.

directions. The standard two-plane influence coefficient Step 2: The CMS Rotor-Kit was brought to a speed of
method was used as implemented in IOtechs eZ-balance 2820 RPM and the initial vibration and phase lag angles
software. Data from the accelerometers used lagging measured. The data are listed in Table 1.
phase convention. Weight placement used leading phase
convention, i.e., holes are numbered against the direction Data Location Initial Run
of rotation. The leading edge of the reflective tape sensed Amplitude Phase Lag
by the optical tachometer was located at hole #1 or 0 deg. in/sec pk Angle
Far Bearing Hor 0.111 187
Far Bearing Ver 0.102 131
Near Bearing Hor 0.160 200
Near Bearing Ver 0.073 93

Table 1: Initial Run.

Step 3: With the CMS Rotor-Kit stopped, a trial

weight of 1.11 grams was installed in Hole 12 in Plane 1.

Step 4: The CMS Rotor-Kit was brought back to the

same speed as the initial run and the vibration and phase
lag angles measured. These data are listed in Table 3.

Note that the trial weight should cause a significant

Figure 2: Rotor-Kit Setup For 2 Plane Overhung change in vibration amplitude and/or phase lag angle at
Balancing. the near bearing pedestal since this pedestal is more
sensitive to static unbalance in the overhung discs.
Step 1: The CMS Rotor-Kit was setup as shown in
Figures 1 & 2. The dimensions are shown in Figure 3. Initial Run Trial Run 1

a = 14 inch b = 16 inch c = 12 inch Data Location Amp Phase Amp Phase

d= 2 inch in/sec Lag in/sec Lag
pk Angle pk Angle
Pl 1 Pl 2 Far Bearing Hor 0.111 187 0.101 144
Far Bearing Ver 0.102 131 0.120 89
Near Bearing Hor 0.160 200 0.195 157
Near Bearing Ver 0.073 93 0.091 41

a d
Table 3: Initial Run & Trial Run #1,

Step 5: With the CMS Rotor-Kit stopped, the trial
weight was removed from Plane 1 and installed in Balance
Plane 2 in Hole 10.

Step 6: With the guards installed, the CMS Rotor-Kit

was brought back to the same speed as the initial run and
the vibration and phase lag angles measured. These data
are listed in Table 4.
Figure 3: Over Hung Rotor Diagram

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Copyright 2008 by Custom Machinery Solutions L.L.C.
Application Note #2

Initial Run Trial Run 1 Trial Run 2 Final Run

(Weight in Plane 1) (Weight in Plane 2)
Data Location Amp in/sec Phase Lag Amp in/sec Phase Lag Amp in/sec Phase Lag Amp in/sec Phase Lag
pk Angle pk Angle pk Angle pk Angle
Far Bearing Hor 0.111 187 0.101 144 0.047 192 0.022 229
Far Bearing Ver 0.102 131 0.120 89 0.062 71 0.015 118
Near Bearing Hor 0.160 200 0.195 157 0.114 135 0.025 118
Near Bearing Ver 0.073 93 0.091 41 0.036 4 0.025 197

Table 4. Initial Run, Trial Runs 1 & 2 and The Final Run.

Step 7: The trial weight was removed from Plane 2. REFERENCES

The influence coefficient equations were solved using eZ-
balance software and the correction weights calculated as 1. Enrich, Fredric F., Handbook of
follows: Rotordynamics, Chapter 3, Balancing Of Rigid
And Flexible rotors, Gunter, Dr. Edgar J., Jackson,
Plane 1 0.36 gr @ 225 Deg Hole 11 Charles, P.E., ISBN 0-07-019330-4.
Plane 1 0.43 gr @ 248 Deg Hole 12 2. Thearle, E. L., 1934, Dynamic Balancing of
Rotating Machinery in the Field, Transactions of
Plane 2 0.13 gr @ 113 Deg Hole 6 ASME, 56: 745-753.
Plane 2 0.10 gr @ 135 Deg Hole 7 3. Salamone, D. J., and Gunter, E.J., 1978, Effect of
Shaft Warp and Disc Skew on Synchronous
The correction weights were carefully weighted and Unbalance Response of a Multi-Mass Rotor in
installed. The final run vibration is shown in Table 4. Fluid Film Bearings, Topics in Fluid Film
Vibration reductions calculated as follows: Bearings and Rotor Bearing Systems Design and
Optimization, ASME, New York, pp 79-107.
Far Bearing Hor 79.28%
Far Bearing Ver 77.45%
Near Bearing Hor 83.75%
Near Bearing Ver 72.60%

There is always some error in weight amount and

placement. If this were an actual machine and it was
desired to further reduce vibration after the balance
weights were installed, additional runs could be made.
Note that if there was a significant reduction in vibration
from the initial data, one should consider taking this final
run set of data and using it as the initial run for trim
balancing. The influence coefficient method assumes that
the rotor system responds in a linear manner. If there was
a significant reduction in vibration then it is likely that the
original influence coefficients are no longer valid.
Therefore, a new set of influence coefficient data should
be measured which will assure more accurate results for
the trim.

Copyright 2008 by Custom Machinery Solutions L.L.C.

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