Unit Plan On A Unit of Measurement

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Class: Form 1
Duration: 12 lessons
Unit Objectives: At the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Define perimeter of a plane shape
2. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a square
3. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a square
4. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a rectangle
5. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a rectangle
6. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a triangle
7. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a triangle
8. Define area of a plane shape
9. Deduce formula to calculate area of a square
10. Use formula to calculate area of a square
11. Deduce formula to calculate area of a rectangle
12. Use formula to calculate area of a rectangle
13. Deduce formula to calculate area of a triangle
14. Use formula to calculate area of a triangle
15. Define a compound shape
16. Calculate perimeter of a compound shape
17. Use formulae of plane shapes to calculate area of a compound shape
18. Solve problems involving perimeter and area of plane and compound shapes
19. Recognise the occurrence and importance of perimeter and area of plane and compound
shapes in everyday life.

Session / Lessons

Session 1 / Lesson 1: Perimeter

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify the properties of perimeter of a plane shape
2. Define perimeter plane shape
3. Differentiate between examples and nonexamples of perimeter
4. Discuss the importance of perimeter of plane shapes in everyday life

Lesson resources: physical manipulatives – projector, laptop, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Inductive inquiry, Cooperative learning (think, pair, share), Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher shows students examples and nonexamples of perimeter of plane shapes,
students are to use information to identify properties of the perimeter of a plane shape. Students
use Think, Pair, Share to define perimeter of a plane shape. Students participate in group discussion
to identify two important uses of perimeter of plane shapes in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on identifying perimeter of plane shapes.

Session 2/ Lesson 2: Perimeter of a square

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a square
2. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a square
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of perimeter of a square in everyday life

Lesson resources: squares of varying sizes, metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using squares, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using squares and a metre rule, students are to
use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the perimeter of a
square. Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various squares and calculate its
respective perimeters. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of
calculating the perimeter of squares in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the perimeter of squares.

Session 3/ Lesson 3: Perimeter of a rectangle

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a rectangle
2. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a rectangle
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of perimeter of a rectangle in everyday life

Lesson resources: rectangles of varying sizes, metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using rectangles, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using rectangles and a metre rule, students are
to use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the perimeter of a
rectangle. Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various rectangles and calculate its
respective perimeters. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of
calculating the perimeter of rectangles in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the perimeter of rectangles.


Session 4/ Lesson 4: Perimeter of a triangle

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate perimeter of a triangle
2. Use formula to calculate perimeter of a triangle
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of perimeter of a triangle in everyday life

Lesson resources: various types of triangles of varying sizes, metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using triangles, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using triangles and a metre rule, students are to
use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the perimeter of a
triangle. Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various triangles and calculate its
respective perimeters. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of
calculating the perimeter of triangles in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the perimeter of triangles.


Teacher constructed test on the use of the formulae to calculate the perimeter of squares,
rectangles, triangles.
This test is made up of one section which contains six questions. It is 20 minutes long and worth
12 marks. It comprises of three problem solving questions (numbers 1 -3), and three algorithmic
thinking questions (numbers 4-6).

Session 6/ Lesson 5: Area

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify the properties of area of a plane shape
2. Define area of a plane shape
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of area of plane shapes in everyday life

Lesson resources: shapes (rectangle, square, triangle), 1cm2 blocks, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using shapes, Cooperative learning (think, pair, share),
Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using shapes and 1cm2 blocks, students are to
use demonstration to identify properties of area of a plane shape. Students use Think, Pair, Share
to define area of a plane shape. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important
uses of area of plane shapes in everyday life

Assessment: Worksheet on identifying area of plane shapes.


Session 7/ Lesson 6: Area of a square

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate area of a square
2. Use formula to calculate area of a square
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of area of a square in everyday life

Lesson resources: squares of varying sizes, 1cm2 blocks, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using squares, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using squares and 1cm2 blocks, students are to
use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the area of a square.
Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various squares and calculate its respective
areas. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of calculating the
area of squares in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the area of squares.

Session 8/ Lesson 7: Area of a rectangle

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate area of a rectangle
2. Use formula to calculate area of a rectangle
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of area of a rectangle in everyday life

Lesson resources: rectangles of varying sizes, 1cm2 blocks, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using rectangles, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using rectangles and 1cm2 blocks, students are
to use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the area of a
rectangle. Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various rectangles and calculate its
respective areas. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of
calculating the area of rectangles in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the area of rectangles.

Session 9/ Lesson 8: Area of a triangle

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce formula to calculate area of a triangle
2. Use formula to calculate area of a triangle
3. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of area of a triangle in everyday life

Lesson resources: various types of triangles of varying sizes, metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using triangles, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using rectangles and metre rule, students are to
use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce formula to calculate the area of a triangle.
Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various triangles and calculate its respective
areas. Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of calculating the
area of triangles in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the area of triangles.



Teacher constructed test on the use of the formulae to calculate the area of squares, rectangles,
This test is made up of one section which contains six questions. It is 20 minutes long and worth
12 marks. It comprises of three problem solving questions (numbers 1 -3), and three algorithmic
thinking questions (numbers 4-6).

Session 11 / Lesson 9: Compound shapes

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Identify the characteristics of a compound shape
2. Define a compound shape
3. Differentiate between examples and nonexamples of compound shapes
4. Discuss the occurrence and importance of compound shapes in everyday life

Lesson resources: compound shapes, worksheet, laptop projector

Teaching Strategy: Inductive inquiry using laptop and projector, Cooperative learning (think, pair,
share) using laptop and projector, Individual practice, Cooperative learning (think, pair, share)

Student Activity: Students are shown examples and nonexamples of compound shapes to identify
properties of a compound shape. Students use Think, Pair, Share to define a compound shape.
Students use Think, Pair, Share to identify two appearances of compound shapes in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on identifying compound shapes.

Session 12/ Lesson 10: Perimeter of a compound shape

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Use concept of perimeter to deduce method to calculate perimeter of a compound shape
2. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of calculating perimeter of a compound
shape in everyday life

Lesson resources: various compound shapes (comprising of squares, rectangles and triangles),
metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery using compound shapes, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration using a compound shape and a metre rule,
students are to use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce method to calculate the
perimeter of a compound shape. Students work in groups to measure the lengths of various
compound shapes and calculate their respective perimeters. Students participate in group
discussion to identify two important uses of calculating the perimeter of compound shapes in
everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the perimeter of compound shapes


Session 13/ Lesson 11: Area of a compound shape

Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Deduce method to calculate area of a compound shape
2. Discuss the occurrence and importance of calculating area of a compound shape in
everyday life.

Lesson resources: laptop, multimedia projector, whiteboard, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Guided discovery, Group activity, Group discussion.

Student Activity: Teacher performs demonstration of calculating the area of a compound shape,
students are to use demonstration and engage in “quiet time” to deduce method to calculate the
area of a compound shape. Students work in groups to calculate the area of a compound shape.
Students participate in group discussion to identify two important uses of calculating the area of
compound shapes in everyday life.

Assessment: Worksheet on calculating the area of compound shapes.

Session 14 / Lesson 12: Perimeter and Area of plane and compound shapes
Session Objectives: At the end of this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Solve problems involving perimeter and area of plane and compound shapes
2. Discuss the use, occurrence and importance of solving problems involving perimeter and
area of plane and compound shapes in everyday life

Lesson resources: various plane and compound shapes, metre rule, worksheet

Teaching Strategy: Group activity/discussion using shapes

Student Activity: Students work with the shapes to solve problems involving the perimeter and
area of plane and compound shapes.

Assessment: Worksheet containing a real-life perimeter and area problem that requires the students
to produce firstly a drawing/sketch and then its perimeter and area.


Teacher constructed test on the use of the formulae to calculate the perimeter and area of squares,
rectangles, triangles and compound shapes comprising of squares, rectangles and triangles.
This test is made up of one section which contains five questions. It is 40 minutes long and worth
25 marks. It comprises of three problem solving questions (numbers 1 -3), one knowledge question
(number 4) and one algorithmic thinking question (number 5).

Table of Specification for Summative Assessment Test

Skills / Concept

Knowledge Algorithmic Problem Item # Total

Thinking Solving Marks
Identify Area of a rectangle 1 1(a) 7
Accurate 1,1 5(b)(ii)
Formula Area of a square 1 1(b)
For 1 5(a)(ii)
Calculating: Area of a triangle 1 3
1 5(a)(ii)
Identify the accurate formula for calculating 1 2 1
the perimeter of a rectangle
Define a compound shape 1 4 1
Apply concept of perimeter of a compound 1 5(a)(i) 2
shape 1 5(a)(ii)
Computing Area of a rectangle 1 1(a) 7
1,1 5(b)(ii)
Area of a square 1 1(b)
1 5(a)(ii)
Area of a triangle 1 3
1 5(a)(ii)

Compute the perimeter of a rectangle 1 2 1

Compute the perimeter of a compound shape 1 5(a)(i) 2
1 5(a)(ii)
Identify the use of division is required 1 1(c) 1
Performing division 1 1(c) 1
Performing addition 1 5(a)(ii) 2
1 5(b)(ii)
TOTAL 1 13 11 25

Summative Assessment on Perimeter and Area of plane and compound shapes

STUDENT NAME: _________________________________________

1) a) Martha’s back porch floor is rectangular in shape and has dimensions 162 m in length
and 15m in width. Determine the area of the floor of Martha’s back porch.

(2 marks)
b) Martha decides that she wants to tile the back porch floor. The tiles are square in shape
with side 9m. Determine the area of one tile.

(2 marks)
c) How many tiles would Martha be required to purchase?

(2 marks)
2) Having tiled her back porch, Martha decides to fence her property. How many metres of wire
would Martha be required to purchase if her rectangular property has dimensions 110 m in length
and 50 m in width.

(2 marks)

The shape on the left is a plot in the yard that Martha

3) wants to place turf. How many 1cm2 blocks of turf
must Martha purchase? (2 marks)



4) Define a compound shape.

(1 mark)

5) Determine: i) the perimeter and ii) the area of the following respective compound shapes.




Perimeter = _____________ (2 marks)



Area=_________________ (5 marks)



4cm Perimeter = ____________ (2 marks)



Area = _______________ (5 marks)

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