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Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics

For Grade 1
A. Content: Mathematics 1 First Quarter: Measurement and Geometry (MG) & Number and Algebra (NA)

B. Content The learners should have knowledge and understanding of simple 2-dimensional shapes and their
Standards features.

C. Performance By the end of the quarter, the learners are able to identify and distinguish simple 2-dimensional
Standards shapes. (MG)

D. Learning The learner composes and decomposes triangles, squares, and rectangles.

E. Learning At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to compose triangles, squares and rectangles.
What shapes do you see for the following objects?

Activating Prior a. Umbrella

Knowledge b. Handkerchief
c. Ice cream cone
d. Box of crayons
e. Sharpener

Box the name of the shape in the left.


a. square triangle rectangle

b. rectangle square circle

c. square rectangle triangle

d. circle square rectangle

Motivation The teacher joyfully asks the pupils to sing a song entitled: “Square and Circle”

Square and Circle (2x)

Triangle (2x)
Rectangle and Oblong (2x)

Heart and Star (2x)

Lesson Purpose Tell the learners that the lesson is about the composing triangles, squares and rectangles.
Lesson Language Group yourselves in 4 groups of 5 in each group (or it depends on the number of learners in the
Practice class). Each group will fall in line facing at the board. As the teacher flashes each word with a picture
clue in it, the first learner standing in front of the line in every group shall race to raise their hands.
(Guessing Game: The first one who raises his/her hand, shall be the first one to answer. If he/she got the correct
What is this?) answer, the group will be given “1” point. If not, the other group whose representative is second in
raising their hands will be the one to answer. This mechanics will be repeated until such time that all
the words are being read and describe correctly.

Compose Form Square

Rectangle Corner
Reading the Key The triangles, squares and rectangles will be formed by the learners by using matchsticks or pop
Idea/Stem sickle sticks or any similar localize materials.

The pupils will be able to create triangles, squares and rectangles using matchsticks or pop sickle
sticks or any similar localize materials

Presentation of The teacher explicitly discusses the processes on how to create a triangle, square and rectangle by
Lesson/Developin using different learning materials such as Match Sticks, Pop Sickle Sticks, Cut Outs, etc.
g Understanding
of Key Idea or (Note: The teacher here has to guide the learners in manipulating the materials in order for them to
Stem create the different kinds of triangles in terms of sides and corners.)

(Note: link to Powerpoint presentation in discussing explicitly the creation of Triangle)

And, let them discover more on how to compose several sizes and orientation of a triangles, squares,
and rectangles by using the same materials mentioned. (They may compose and decompose these
shapes by using sticks, cut outs and by using scissors and papers in order to form several shapes
similar to triangles, square and rectangle. Emphasizing that all triangles are similar with 3 sides.
However, with different sizes and kinds or characteristics. Like the shapes of squares and rectangles.)

Here, the teacher integrates the lesson to GMRC by emphasizing the values of Cooperation. Relating
it to the concepts that they need to work together and help each other in order to achieve the common
objectives set for every activity assigned to them.
Deepening Tell the learners to group themselves into 3 or in accordance to the plan of the teacher. They will be
Understanding of named, “A group of Triangle”, “A group of Square”, and “A group of Rectangle.”
Key Idea/Stem
Each group shall be given worksheet containing the following procedures: (with the guidance of the
1. Select your leader, reporter, secretary, time keeper, and a keeper of materials used. (Note: as much
as possible all members in the group should have role to play. And, after a week or 2, their roles will
be reshuffled. So that all of them will have the chance to become a leader, a reporter, etc.)
2. For “Group Triangle,” they will be asked to form 5 big and 5 small triangles by using Match
3. For “Group Square,” they will be asked to form 5 big and 5 small squares by using papers and
4. For “Group Rectangle,” they will be asked to form 5 big and 5 small rectangles by using thread.
5. Each group will be given 10 minutes to work.
6. Also, each group will be given 3 minutes to report.

(Note: Here, the teacher will process the output of each group. Bringing and leading them to achieve
today’s objective using the following guided questions.)

Why did you combine the match sticks? (Possible answer: To form a Triangle.

What makes it a triangle? Possible Answer: The outline around the shape makes it a triangle

From the cut outs of Group Square, what makes it a square? (Possible answer: the edge or the outline
of the cut out shape makes it a square). (For

From the cut outs of Group Rectangle, what makes it a Rectangle? (Possible answer: the edge or the
outline of the cut out shape makes it a Rectangle). For Group Square)

What is the difference between the shapes of the first group with other shapes?

Making To summarize the lesson, ask the learners “how they have composed the shapes of triangles, squares,
Generalization and rectangles.” And, emphasize also how we can help others in need.

Evaluating Ask the learners to do Worksheet No. 2:

Follow the instructions below.

1. Create 2 triangles, 2 squares and 2 rectangles of different sizes. By using these materials: thread,
match sticks, paper scissors, glue and scotch tape. See to it that each shape will be formed by using
the different materials mentioned above.
2. Paste your output on a bond paper.

Assignment or Give the learners the following problem:

Activities for RRE
(if applicable) For Remediation (if applicable):

Draw 3 different kinds of triangles, 3 different kinds of squares, and 3 different kinds of rectangles.
Put it on an A4 bond paper.

For Reinforcement (if applicable)

Make 3 shapes of triangles, 3 shapes of squares and 3 shapes of rectangles by cutting the bond papers
with scissors.

For Enrichment

By using the set of cut outs of triangles, squares, and rectangles, you have to create another shape.


A. References Matatag CG M1MG.I.3.1-3.3; Lesson Exemplar; other learning materials

1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s
3. Textbook
4. Additional
Materials from
Learning Resource
(LR) Portal
B. Other LearningLCD Projector, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation, Worksheets, pictures, containers, cartolina,
Resources scissors, glue, scotch tape, manila paper, bond paper, Matchsticks/Pop sickle stick, Coconut leaf
midrib, and thread.

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