Tleg10 Curriculum Map

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Curriculum Map

Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (DRESSMAKING) Grade Level: Grade 10

Quarter: FIRST
Time Content Content Performance Learning Activity Assessment Learning Core Values
Frame Standards Standards Competencies Resources
August Introduction The learner The learner 1. Explain core concepts -TLE Books
demonstrates independently in -DepEd Modules
1. Core concepts in understanding of demonstrates dressmaking
dressmaking core concepts core 2. Discuss the relevance
2. Relevance of the and theories in competencies of
course dressmaking. in dressmaking the course
3. Career opportunities as prescribed in 3. Explore on
the TESDA opportunities
Training for dressmaking as a
Regulation. career
August LESSON 1: PRODUCE The learner The learner 1. Draft and cut pattern -The students  Written -TLE Books
LADIES’ SKIRTS (SK) demonstrates plan, design for are going to reports -DepEd Modules
September 1. Principles and understanding on and sew ladies ladies skirts follow the  Answer
elements of design the principles of skirts. steps given in Sheets
October 2. Types of fabrics designing and 1.1.Plan garment design the video to  Modules
suited for ladies skirt sewing of ladies 1.2.Take client’s body make a
3. Fabric Properties skirts. measurement pattern for
4. Body measurements 1.3.Draft basic/ block skirts
for ladies skirt pattern
5. Procedure in taking 1.4.Manipulate Pattern -The students
body measurement for 1.5.Cut final Pattern are going to
ladies skirts follow the
6. Types of ladies skirts 2. Prepare and cut steps given in
7. Types of facing and materials for ladies skirts the video in
interfacing 2.1 Prepare materials preparing the
8. Procedures in 2.2 Lay- out and mark sewing tools
drafting ladies skirts pattern on material and materials
9. Drafting basic/block 2.3 Cut materials
pattern - The students
10. Manipulating 3. Assemble garment are going to
basic/block pattern parts for follow the
11. Techniques in ladies skirts steps given in
cutting final pattern the video in
12. Characteristics of 3.1 Prepare cut parts assembling
fabrics 3.2 Sew and assemble the cut parts
13. Selection of athletic of the
accessories suited on ladies skirts garment
fabric types and 3.3 Alter completed
designs garment - The students
14. Principles of laying are going to
out the fabric 4. Apply finishing touches follow the
15. Laying out pattern on steps given in
pieces ladies skirts the video in
16. Transferring of applying
marks onto the fabric 4.1 Apply finishing finishing
17. Pre-assembling touches touches of
procedure 4.2 Press finished the sleeping
18. Pressing techniques garment garment.
19. Procedure in 4.3 Pack finished garment
assembling ladies
20. Preparing parts for
21. Unit method of
ladies skirts
22. Characteristics of a
ladies skirts
23. Evaluation of
finished ladies
24. Finishing touches
25. Trimming
techniques for ladies
26. Procedure in
pressing ladies skirts
27. Application of heat
and pressure on ladies
28. Labeling of
29. Kinds of packaging
materials 30.
Procedures in
packaging finished
Curriculum Map
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (AGRI-CROP) Grade Level: Grade 10
Quarter: SECOND
Time Content Content Performance Learning Activity Assessment Learning Core Values
Frame Standards Standards Competencies Resources
November Introduction The learner The learner 1. Explain the cultural -TLE Books
demonstrates an independently methods and -DepEd Modules
1. Support agricultural understanding of demonstrates practices in crop
crop work concepts, common production
2. Support nursery principles, competencies 2. Formulate adaptive
work underlying in crop cultural
3. Career opportunities theories, and production and practices in the care and
actual application nursery work as maintenance of a school
in crop prescribed by nursery
production and TESDA Training 3. Explore career
nursery work. Regulations. opportunities in
agricultural crop
November LESSON 1. The learner The learner 1. Identify the required -The students  Written -TLE Books
SUPPORT demonstrates an uses farm materials, tools and will write TRUE reports -DepEd Modules
December HORTICULTURAL understanding of materials, equipment according to if the statement  Answer
CROP WORK concepts, tools, and lists provided and/or is true and Sheets
January 1. Types and selection underlying equipment and authority instructions. FALSE if not  Modules
of materials, tools, and theories and applies
equipment principles in the occupational 2. Check materials, tools -The students
2. Routine check-up of preparation of health and and equipment for will list all the
tools and equipment farm materials, safety practices sufficient quantity, tools, materials
3. Manual handling tools and in crop faults/defects based on and equipment
procedures and equipment and production. manufacturer’s lists and found in your
techniques occasional health pre -operating house or in your
4. Personal protective and safety procedures school
equipment and operations in
occupational health crop production. 3. Demonstrate correct -The students
and safety manual handling will create a
requirements procedures and video
5. Common OHS techniques when loading demonstrating
hazards, risks and its and unloading materials the right
control to minimize damage to handling of
the load to the materials, tools/equipment
LO 2. Undertake tools and equipment using the
agronomic crop work available
as directed 4. Select and check tools/equipment
1. Common suitable personal in their home
horticultural protective equipment
production work (PPE) prior to use -The student will
2. Safe work practices according to job draw a person
3. Proper use of requirements wearing PPE on
horticultural tools and a specific
equipment 5. Provide cropping task/scenarios
4. Procedures for land support according to given based on
preparation, OHS requirements and farming
sowing/planting, crop workplace information
maintenance, -The students
fertilization, loading 6. Follow and clarify will answer a 15-
and unloading, instructions and item-multiple
harvesting/picking, directions based on choice test
sorting and packing supervisor’s stating OHS
5. Planting, picking, requirements and requirements
packing, loading and workplace procedures and others.
techniques 7. Undertake cropping -The students
6. Environmental work in a safe and will answer a 15-
aspects of horticultural environmentally item-multiple
production work -responsible manner choice test
7. Interpersonal according to enterprise stating authority
relationships and guidelines requirements
communication (oral and others.
and written) 8. Interact with other
staff and customers in a -The students
positive and professional will watch a
manner as specified in video about
the employee manual work in a safe
9. Observe good environmentally
workplace practice in -sound manner
handling and disposing and write an
of materials following essay about
enterprise policy and their
procedures observation
-The students
will conduct
research about
between staff
and costumer in
a workplace

-The students
will interview a
person who is a
worker for a
week and record
what happens in
their workplace
on a daily basis
Curriculum Map
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (EIM) Grade Level: Grade 10
Quarter: THIRD
Time Content Content Performance Learning Activity Assessment Learning Core Values
Frame Standards Standards Competencies Resources
January Introduction The learner The learner 1. Explain basic -TLE Books
demonstrates an independently concepts in electrical -DepEd Modules
1. Basic concepts in understanding of demonstrates installation and
electrical installation the basic common maintenance
and maintenance concepts and competencies 2. Discuss the
2. Relevance of the underlying in electrical relevance of the
course theories of installation and
3. Career opportunities electrical maintenance as
3. Explore career
installation and prescribed by
maintenance. TESDA Training opportunities in
Regulations. electrical
installation and
January LESSON 1: PREPARE The learner The learner 1. Choose appropriate -Match the  Written -TLE Books
ELECTRIC AND demonstrates an independently lighting fixtures for statements in reports -DepEd Modules
HYDRAULIC TOOLS understanding of prepares specific tasks column A to the  Answer
(40) (ET) the principles in electric and images in column Sheets
1. Standard application the preparation hydraulic tools 2. Differentiate type of B  Modules
of electric and hydraulic of electric and for the task. fluorescent lamp -Look at the
tools hydraulic tools. images provided
2. Types of electrical 3. Identify the parts and Identify the
tools, instruments, and discuss the different types of
materials and their functions of other fluorescent lamp.
specifications lamps -Draw Label and
3. Hand tools write the function
4. Proper maintenance 4. Discuss parts of of the parts of
of electric and hydraulic incandescent lamp the lamp.
tools and its function -Draw an
5. Specification of incandescent
electric and hydraulic 5. Troubleshoot lamp and explain
tools defective fluorescent the functions of
6. Electric and hydraulic lamp assembly each parts.
tools safety practices -Watch a video on
7. Electrical symbols 6. Prepare an electrical how to
used in electrical plan wiring plan of a troubleshoot
bungalow residential defective
building based on the fluorescent lamp
Philippine Electrical and write a
Code requirements report
-Draw an
7. Estimate the electrical lay-out
materials needed for plan and label
the job each part
according to PEC
- Write a purchase
containing tools
equipment and
materials needed
for a specific job
February LESSON 2: INSTALL The learner The learner 1. Select appropriate -Write a list of  Written -TLE Books
ELECTRICAL LIGHTING demonstrates an independently electrical tools, selected reports -DepEd Modules
March SYSTEMS, AUXILIARY understanding of installs equipment and tool/equipment  Answer
OUTLETS AND the underlying electrical materials for specific and explain why Sheets
LIGHTING FIXTURES principles in the lighting tasks the specific tool is  Modules
(60) (EL) installation of systems, needed.
1. Lighting fixtures and electrical lighting auxiliary outlets 2. Apply suitable
accessories 1.1 Lamp systems, auxiliary and lighting wiring method for the -Watch a video
holders 1.2 Reflectors outlets and fixtures based job about suitable
1.3 Shades and shields lighting fixtures. on the wiring method
2. Incandescent lamp Philippine for a specific job
3. Fluorescent lamp (20 Electrical Code and write a
and 40 watts tubular (PEC) standards 3. Install electrical report.
type) and Local wiring systems using
4. Types of fluorescent Code/Utility different types of -Watch a video
lamp Company wiring methods: about Installing
5. Light emitting diode Regulations. electrical wiring
(LED) lamp system using
6. Other lamps: different types of
7. Electrical wiring plan wiring methods
8. Electrical tools, and write a
equipment and report
materials for specific
job order
9. Different types of
wiring methods
approved in the
Philippine condition.
9.1 Open wiring on
9.2 Concealed wiring
9.3 Non-metallic
sheathed cable
9.4 Flexible conduit
(metal & non-metal)
9.5 Surface raceway
(metal and non-metal)
10. Basic electrical
wiring installations
10.1 Circuit with one
LESSON 3 The learner The learner 1. Interpret -Draw an  Written -TLE Books
INSTALLING WIRING demonstrates an independently plan/drawings for the electrical lay-out reports -DepEd Modules
DEVICES FOR FLOOR understanding of installs wiring selection of wiring plan and label  Answer
AND GROUND FAULT the underlying devices for devices based on the each part Sheets
CURRENT principles in floor and job requirement according to the  Modules
INTERRUPTING installing wiring ground fault job requirement.
OUTLETS devices. current 2. Identify the correct -Using the lay-out
1. Standard application interrupter. quantity of wiring drawn, write the
of tools, materials and materials and devices correct quantity
equipment in to be used based on of wiring
accordance with PEC job requirement materials and
(Philippine Electrical devices to be
Code) /NEMA 2. 3. Select tools and used.
(National Electrical equipment to be used -Write a list of
Manufacturers based on job selected
Association) requirement tool/equipment
3. Safety procedure for and explain why
handling electrical 3. Select appropriate the specific tool is
materials and devices Personal Protection needed.
4. Specifications of Equipment (PPE) -Draw a picture of
electrical supplies and a person wearing
materials complete PPE
working in a
wiring system
LESSON 4 The learner The learner 1. Interpret -Draw an  Written -TLE Books
INSTALL THE WIRING demonstrates an independently plan/drawings based electrical lay-out reports -DepEd Modules
DEVICES FOR FLOOR understanding of installs wiring on the job plan and label  Answer
AND GROUND FAULT the underlying devices for requirement each part Sheets
CURRENT principles in floor and according to the  Modules
INTERRUPTER BASED installing wiring ground fault 2. Install the wiring job
ON PEC STANDARDS devices. current devices for floor and -Watch a video
5. Standard application interrupter. ground fault current about Installing
of tools, materials and interrupter in electrical wiring
equipment in accordance with PEC system using
accordance with different types of
PEC/NEMA 3. Observe safety wiring methods
6. Basic methods and procedure in installing and write a
requirements for the the wiring devices for report
installation floor and ground fault -Watch a video
7. Specifications of current interrupter in about electrical
electrical supplies and accordance with OHS installation safety
materials procedures procedures and
write a report.
Curriculum Map
Subject: Technology and Livelihood Education (TECH. DRAFT) Grade Level: Grade 10
Quarter: FOURTH
Time Content Content Performance Learning Activity Assessment Learning Core Values
Frame Standards Standards Competencies Resources
March Introduction The learners The learners The learners… -TLE Books
demonstrate an shall be able to 1. Discuss the relevance -DepEd Modules
1. Relevance of the understanding of create/provide of the
course basic concepts, quality and course
2. Core concepts of theories, and marketable 2. Explain the core
Technical Drafting core product and/or concepts of
3. Career opportunities competencies in service in terms
Technical Drafting
Technical of Technical
3. Explore job
Drafting Drafting as
prescribed by opportunities for a
the TESDA career in Technical
Training Drafting
March LESSON 1: PREPARING The learners The learners 1. Identify CAD software -Match the  Written -TLE Books
COMPUTER-AIDED demonstrate an shall be able to features according to the features in reports -DepEd Modules
DRAWING understanding of prepare CAD software provider column A to  Answer
1. Basic CAD concepts concepts and based on the images in Sheets
2. Operational underlying established 2. Explore CAD working column B  Modules
definition/ principles in the industry and/or environment
terminologies on floors preparation of job -Write a report
and roof framing plans CAD. requirements 3. Manipulate CAD about the
3. CAD working features as per job special
environment requirement features of
4. CAD Features CAD
5. Occupational Health 4. Observe OHS policies
and Safety (OHS) and procedures in when -Manipulate
policies and preparing plan using CAD CAD features
procedures OHS laws as per job
5.1 Personal safety 5.2 5. Set up drawings requirement
Workplace hazards 5.3 according to standard
Environment laws 6. drawing scale and paper -The students
Title block 7. Plates 8. size will watch a
Scale 9. Building video on OHS
standards 6. Prepare working policies in
drawings using CAD preparing plan
software as per building using CAD
- Set up
according to
drawing scale
and paper size

-Write true if
the statement
is true and
false if no
April LESSON 2: DRAFTING The learners The learners 1. Indicate the locations -Indicate the  Written -TLE Books
STRUCTURAL LAYOUT demonstrate an shall be able to of wall footings, locations of reports -DepEd Modules
AND DETAILS (SL) understanding of draft structural footings, and columns in wall footings,  Answer
1. Definition of concepts and layout and drafting the floor plan footings, and Sheets
structural terms principles in details columns in  Modules
2. Different structures drafting following the 2. Draw on a larger scale drafting the
and details structural layout job details of wall footings, floor plan
3. Structural drawing and details requirements footings, and columns
standards -Draw on a
4. Operational 3. Draft structural floor larger scale
definition/ terminology and roof framing plans details of wall
of floors and roof based on floor and footings,
framing plans foundation plans using footings, and
5. Structural drawing timber, concrete, or steel columns
standards construction
5.1 timber -Draft
5.2 concrete 4. Draft structural floor structural floor
5.3 steel and roof beams and roof
6. Structural floor plans showing sizes, shapes, framing plans
and standards and detailed based on floor
7. Roof-framing plan connections and foundation
standards plans using
concrete, or
structural floor
and roof
showing sizes,
shapes, and
April LESSON 3: DRAFTING The learners The learners 1. Draft lighting and -Draft lighting  Written -TLE Books
ELECTRICAL AND demonstrate an shall be able to power layouts according and power reports -DepEd Modules
ELECTRONIC LAYOUT understanding of draft electrical to electrical drafting layouts  Answer
AND DETAILS (EL) concepts and and electronic standards according to Sheets
1. Operational principles in layout and electrical  Modules
definition/ terminology drafting electrical details 2. Place riser diagram and drafting
of electrical and and electronic following the circuiting symbols in standards
electronic layout and layout and details job electrical plans and -Place riser
details requirements layouts according to diagram and
2. Electrical drawing Electrical Code circuiting
standards symbols in
3. Philippine Electrical 3. Indicate legend and electrical plans
Code general notes according and layouts
4. National Building to local power service according to
Code provider Electrical Code
5. Fire Code -Indicate
6. Auxiliary systems 4. Layout fire alarm and legend and
equipment protection system general notes
7. Philippine Electrical symbols in the auxiliary according to
Code system and layout plan local power
8. National Building according to Fire Code service
Code provider
9. Fire Code 5. Layout electronic and -Layout fire
communication devices alarm and
according to electrical protection
drafting requirements system
symbols in the
system and
layout plan
according to
Fire Code
electronic and
according to
April LESSON 4: DRAFTING The learners The learners 1. Draft hot and cold -Draft hot and  Written -TLE Books
SANITARY AND demonstrate an shall be able to water distribution cold water reports -DepEd Modules
PLUMBING LAYOUT understanding of draft sanitary systems according to distribution  Answer
AND DETAILS (SP) concepts and and plumbing Plumbing and Water systems Sheets
1. Plumbing Code principles in layout and Codes according to  Modules
2. Plumbing fixtures drafting sanitary details Plumbing and
and fittings and plumbing following job 2. Indicate signs and Water Codes
3. Plumbing symbols Layout and requirements symbols according to -Indicate signs
4. National Building details sanitary and plumbing and symbols
Code requirements according to
5, Clean water act sanitary and
3. Draw sewerage plan plumbing
layout according to requirements
Plumbing Code -Draw
sewerage plan
4. Draft storm drainage layout
plan according to according to
Plumbing Code Plumbing Code
-Draft storm
5. Draw details and drainage plan
symbols according to according to
sanitary and plumbing Plumbing Code
requirements -Draw details
and symbols
according to
sanitary and
May LESSON 5: DRAFTING The learners The learners 1. Draft HVAC systems -Draft HVAC  Written -TLE Books
MECHANICAL LAYOUT demonstrate an shall be able to according to Mechanical systems reports -DepEd Modules
AND DETAILS (ML) understanding of draft Code according to  Answer
1. Mechanical Code concepts and mechanical Mechanical Sheets
2. National Building principles in layout and 2. Indicate signs and Code  Modules
Code drafting details symbols according to -Indicate signs
3. Heating, ventilating, mechanical following job mechanical layout and and symbols
and airconditioning layout and details requirements detail requirements according to
(HVAC) layout mechanical
standards 3. Draw elevator, layout and
4. Conveyor system escalators, dumbwaiter, detail
standards and moving ramp requirements
systems according to -Draw elevator,
5. Fire Code Mechanical Code escalators,
6. National Building dumbwaiter,
Code 4. Draw details of and moving
7. Fire protection mechanical conveyor ramp systems
equipment and system according to according to
Installations mechanical layout and Mechanical
detail requirements Code
-Draw details
of mechanical
according to
layout and

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