Error Analysis of The Written English Essay at The Third Semester of English Departement

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Syarfuni, M.Pd


This study examiners error in a corpus 25 essay written by 25 participant. The participant s are
the third semester of who are studying at the English department; 4 male and 21 females. The
have experienced approximately for one semester in subject writing. All participants are come
form non-English education background and hardly communicate in English out the college. The
instruments used for this study was participants’ written essay. All of error in the essays were
identified and classified into various categorizations. The result of the study show that six
common errors committed by the participants were singular/plural form, verb tense, word
choice, preposition, subject-verb agreement and word order. These aspects of writing in
English pose the most difficult problems to participants. This study has shed light on the manner
in which students internalize the rules of the target language, which is English. Such an insight
into language learning problems is useful to teachers because it provides information on
common trouble-spots in language learning which can be used in the preparation of effective
teaching materials.

Keywords: error analysis, writing, essay

INTRODUCTION in appropriate manner for particular purpose.
Those requirements are importance in
This research conducted on the error the process of writing sequence of sentences.
analysis of English writing of the third This sequences of sentence linked by using
semester students at English department. transition signals and conjunctions such as
This area holds significant importance to ideas in addition, however, although, etc. this
English language teachers for providing implies that writing is seen as activity to
students learning feedback along with the produce a group of sentences that are logically
learning complexities that manifest the arranged.
developmental process of foreign language. Writing is an activity of creating a text
Therefore, the study examines the common or writing discourse deals with how humans
errors that students commit in their English use language to communicate through the
writing. Writing is a highly complex task written language and, in particular, how
and writing in foreign language makes the addressers construct linguistic messages for
task further complicated as it requires addressees and how addressees work on
sufficient command over the foreign linguistic messages in order to interpret it.
language to fulfill all the formalities; Brown and Yale (1994). Thus, in the process
composing, developing logical ideas, which of writing the learners are not only required to
are essential for a written text to be have idea and to be able to write but they are
comprehensible. While writing, a writer also required to know how they express those
engages into the cognitive process of ideas using good grammar, appropriate
formulating ideas into target language. diction, and rhetoric. As a form of
communication, writing, like speaking, has
DISCUSSION audience. The audience is the readers. In the
The Definition of Writing classroom context, the audience is either the
Writing might be said as putting ideas teacher or student’s peer. Through writing, the
into writing form. According to Hornby (2003) students try to communicate their ideas,
writing is ‘the process of expressing ideas’. thoughts or intentions to their friends. Eric and
However, it is not simple process for it Helen (1996) stated that good writing involves
because it requires mastery not only of not only the accurate use language but also the
grammatical and rhetorical devices but also of effective organization of information. This
conceptual and judgmental by element. It information brings with it purposes such as to
requires various skills such as the ability to describe a place or person, to explain
write correct and appropriate sentences, the something to the readers, and to persuade the
ability to use special convention to the written readers to do something. Although writing
language. The ability to creatively and exclude shares some important similarities with
all irrelevant information, the ability to write speaking, it should not be considered be the
same. Brown (2001) stated, the process of explain opinion or contain facts. These are
writing requires an entirely different set of connected by using transition signals.
competencies and is fundamentally different A paragraph can stand alone on its
for speaking. In speaking, the speaker gets own and tell what the writers intend to tell in a
immediate feedback from his interlocutor but whole. Besides, it can also function as a part of
in writing, the writer does not. Writing has its an essay that develops each idea of the essay.
own characteristics. According to Brown In this sentence, the use of paragraph is
(2001), writing covers many sub skills such as beneficial both for the writer and the readers.
producing grapheme and orthographic pattern For the writers, the paragraph helps them to
of English, using acceptable grammatical organize and present ideas in manageable
system (e.g tense, agreement, pluralization), segment of prose. For the readers, the
expressing a particular meaning in different paragraph helps them follow the writer’s
grammatical form, using cohesive devices in reasoning more readily, grasp the key points
written discourse, etc. and avoid boredom.
These characteristics make writing Regarding to its kinds, paragraph can
useful. It is a tool for learning that is learning be divided into two: Special and topical
to communicate their ideas. It also helps paragraph. Special paragraph is the one that
students reflect how much they already know function as an introduction of an essay.
about a topic, encourages student to assess Besides, special paragraph also function as the
how well they understand new information and one that concludes the essay. Thus it is usually
allow them to integrate new information with at the beginning or at the end of an essay.
their prior knowledge Different from special paragraph,
topical paragraph is the one those elements
Paragraph Writing work together to carry out certain purpose in a
The Nature of Paragraph given a piece of writing. A topical paragraph is
A paragraph is a unit of information said good and effective if it fulfils the
unified by a central, controlling idea of them. following criteria:
This central idea is expressed at some points in 1. Topic sentences
the paragraph by a sentence. This sentence is A good an effective paragraph should have
most frequently found at the beginning of the one main idea formulated in the form of topic
paragraph but can come at the end or in the sentences. Topic sentence is a statement that
middle of the paragraph. Paragraph consists of summarizes the idea being developed in a
related sentences that work together to develop paragraph. It is usually expressed in single
the main idea. It is a completed unit since it sentences either in the beginning or at the end
expresses an idea. The idea is expressed of paragraph.
through the use of sentences that are closely
connected one to another. These sentences
2. Unity  The whole to parts order does not function to
A paragraph is considered in unity if it has a explain an idea. However, it is only intended
focus. It means that the development of the to show the parts of division of the topic.
paragraph consists of and points at the main  Question to answer or effect to cause
idea, that is, the topic sentence. Thus, a paragraph begin with either question or effect
paragraph that has unity possesses sentences and ends with the answer or the cause.
that focus on the topic sentences of the The Process of Paragraph Writing.
paragraph. In writing a paragraph requires a lot of
3. Completeness the same composition process as a whole essay
Completeness is another criterion for a good through in similar scope. An essay requires the
and effective paragraph. A paragraph is writer to do some stages to produce a good
complete if it covers necessary ideas and facts. piece of writing; so does a paragraph.
These ideas are called supporting details. Such However, the process of writing a paragraph
details may be explanatory, descriptive, especially in making an outline is shorter than
narrative or persuasive. Beside supporting that of writing an essay. There are five steps in
details, examples and comparison and contrast writing paragraph namely prewriting, drafting,
can be use to reach completeness. revision, and editing.
4. Coherence  Free writing is getting ready to write stages, it
A paragraph is coherent if the sentences are is closely related with series of strategies
interwoven together in such a way that the designed to find, gather and produce
readers can move easily from one sentence to information about a certain topic in writing. To
the next sentence and read the paragraph an most experiences writers, pre writing or
integrated whole. Several ways can be planning means jotting all ideas that come up
conducted in order to achieve coherence into their mind
within paragraph. Firstly, coherence can be  Drafting is the time to poor out with the little
obtained through the use of proper order or concern about spelling \, punctuation, and
organization. The order can be divided into other mechanical errors. It is process for
four namely general to particular, particular to determining whether information the students
general, whole to parts, and question to answer discovered during planning ca n be planned
or effect to cause. into a successful piece of writing. In other
 In the order of general to particular, the word during the initial version, students do the
function of the paragraph is to make the exercises of examining the information,
readers clear the meaning of the general arranging and rearranging it so that they can
statements. As the readers are in the progress shape it into a coherent draft.
reading the paragraph, the meaning of the  Revision is the time for students to add, to
general statement is clarified. delete, and/or change the ideas in their writing.
It is a process of re-vision or seeing again of another example and furthermore) to show
discovering a new vision produced during how one idea is related to the next. The second
planning and during. It does not take place one way is to arrange the sentences in logical
or the end of writing activity, but it takes place order. In this sense, some common patterns
by the time the students write. such as order of importance and order of time
According to Mc Crimmon (1984), are used to list supporting sentences.
revision is an intuitive process because the
writers sometime feel a sudden impulse to Paragraph Development by Time
realign the parts of sentence. Revision is also a Paragraph development by time
recursive process because it requires the commonly called chronological paragraph is
writers to steps back from the writing to see organized according to sequence of event. The
their writing. By this process, the writers logical arrangement of ideas and sentences is
sometimes find many things need revising. chronological, that is according to time order.
The things that need revising range from the For example when describing learning
difficult to the simple problems. teaching process, it is started by explaining
 Editing is the time it put the piece into its final what to do first and finished by explaining
from (Tompkins and Kenneth,1991) editing is what to do last.
carried out the basis of suggestion made is Paragraph Development by Space (Spatial
revising process. it is a process of polishing Paragraph)
before the draft is submitted. The activity that The word ‘spatial’ come from the
precedes editing is proofreading. The students word ‘space’. Spatial development means
proofread each other to identify, analyze and listing the things to be written in the order in
correct their mistakes on punctuation, spelling which they appear in space. Sentences are
and grammar. In order word, the students will arranged according to where the subjects being
make a list of errors and put them in categories described are located. For example in
according to error stimulate thinking and to describing a room, it is not necessary to begin
produce an extended answer. with one area and then produced to another
Types of Paragraph Development one. Nevertheless, the sentence should not be
Paragraph Development by Example randomly arranged. The description must be
Example paragraph is a paragraph of organized so that the reader can vividly
which supporting sentences consist of arrange the sentence. This kind of paragraph
examples to support the topic sentences; should have topic sentences with strong
Examples can be the names of the people, controlling ideas to describe what is included
place, etc. Like other paragraph, example and how the object is described.
paragraph should be coherent. There are two This paragraph belong to descriptive
ways to achieve coherence. The first way is paragraph. Detail in descriptive paragraph are
using transitional signals (such as for example, organized to make the reader a clear of the
scene being described. Clarifying the spatial degree consist of two types of generalizations,
relationship helps to achieve coherence. These as does the comparison based of differences in
spatial expressions are called adverbs of place, kind, but the types of generalizations used in
most of them are relating to phrase. Such these comparison differ. For example subject
expressions as on the second floor, under the A has a certain characteristic while subject B
window, and above the bookcase are used to does not. The last is comparison of
clarify space relationship. relationship or analogy. Analogy is defined as
The detail in descriptive paragraph a comparison of two whole subjects, unlike in
should not only be logically arranged but vivid kind, which have parts related in the same
as well. To make the detail more vivid, way.
modification is needed. Nouns can be Information in comparison is
modified in three ways; by adding adjectives, organized systematically. There are two basic
by adding adjective and prepositional phrases, ways in which information in comparison and
and by adding clauses. contrast paragraph is organized. The first one
Paragraph Development by Comparison is point approach and the second is the block
and Contrast approach. When using the point approach, the
Comparison and contrast paragraph is writer makes a point about topic A, then
one of common writing patterns. Comparing immediately compares or contrast, those points
and contrasting means showing that two with topic B. The writer then makes another
similar things are in fact quite different in point about topic A and compares it with topic
important ways showing that two dissimilar B. The pattern is followed until the writer
things are quite similar in significant ways. compares and contrasts one by one, all the
This pattern is also used to show something or points about topic A and topic B. When using
someone has changed such as ‘Aceh’ before the block approach, in contrasts, the writer
and after to the Tsunami. explains all the points about topic A and then
Dealing with the type, comparison is explains all the point about topic B. In other
divided into three types; comparison is kind, word, the writer gives blocks of information
comparison is degree, and comparison in about each item. Like in other
relationship. In first type, subject compared in paragraph, comparison and contrasts
kind must be on the same level of paragraph use transitional expression to help to
generalization for example ballpoint pen is smoothly from ideas to the next. These
compare to the quill. In comparison in degree, transitional are varied such as transitions in
similar but non identical corresponding parts phrases (similar to, like, different from)
(aspects, classes, steps, and periods of time) transitional expression between sentence
are compared because they are different in (moreover, in addition) and coordinating
degree is larger or more efficient. The central conjunctions as transition (but, yet).
idea in a comparison based on differences on
Paragraph Development by Cause and emphasizes “the significance of errors in
Effect learners’ interlanguages system” (Brown 1994:
The cause and effect paragraph tries to 204). The term interlanguages introduced by
explain why something happened (cause) or Selinker (1972), refers to the systematic
what the consequences were of something knowledge of an second language which is
happening (effect). Causal analysis is well independent on both the learner’s first
suited for writing about scientific subjects. But language and target language. Nemser (1974:
it usefulness as a mode of development extend 55) referred to it as the Approximate System,
far beyond the science classroom into every and Corder (1967) as the Idiosyncratic Dialect
area of expository composition. or Transitional Competence. According to
The cause and effect idea can be Corder (1967), Error analysis has two objects:
organized into four basic ways. Firstly, one one theoretical and another applied. The
cause and effect in used in a paragraph. theoretical object is to understand what and
Second, there can be many causes lead so how a learner learns when he studies an
many effects. second language. The applied object is the way
Error Analysis to enable the learner the knowledge more
The field of error analysis in Second efficiently for pedagogical purposes. At the
Language Acquisition (SLA) may be defined same time, the investigation of errors can serve
as dealing with the differences between the two purposes, diagnostic (to in-point the
people learning a language speak and the way problem) and prognostic (to make plans to
adult native speaker of the language use the solve a problem). Corder (1967) said that it is
language (Richard 1971:33). A key finding of diagnostic because it can tell us the learner's
error analysis is found by the learners who grasp of a language at any given point during
were produced the language with the learning process. It is also prognostic
misunderstanding the rules of the new target because it can tell the teacher to modify
language. Error analysis is a type of linguistic learning materials to meet the learners'
study that focuses on the errors learners make. problems. Error anlysis has limitations of
It consists of a comparison between the errors providing only a partial picture of learner
made in target language and within that target language; and having a substantive nature in
language itself. Corder is the father of error that it does not take into account avoidance
analysis. It was showed in his article entitled strategy in second language acquisition, since
“The significance of learner errors” that error error analysis only investigates what learners
analysis took a new turn. Errors in language do. Learners who avoided the sentence
used need to be eradicated. systematically structures which they found difficult due to the
analyzing errors made by language learners differences between their native language and
makes it possible to determine areas that need target language may be viewed to have no
reinforcement in teaching. Error analysis difficulty. This was pointed out by Brown
(1994) and Ellis (1996). Table 2: Analysis of Errors
RESEARCH METHOD Type of Number of Percenta
Error Errors ge (%)
Setting and Subjects
The location of this study was the third 1. 401 12.5
semester of English department at STKIP Bina Word
2. 350 10.7
Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh which is Verb
3. 300 10.2
approximately two kilometers away from the Tense
Banda Aceh city. The subjects of this study 4. 285 8.7
were 4 male and 21 female students of the Word
5. 270 8.5
third semester at English Department in Subject/
academic years 2012-2013. Verb
6. 204 7.5
All of the 25 subjects were administrated a Missing
7. 195 6.5
writing assignment that involved essay 8. Spelling 195 6.5
writing. The were required to write an essay Word
9. 190 6.3
writing entitled “The unity room “ within a 10. Article 160 5
period of 80 minutes and minimum of 250-300 Verb
11. 160 4.9
words. This essay follow the English format of
12. 156 4.5
academic writing. in which every student will word
have to take when they are in writing I. In 13. 148 4.2
writing they were asked to include specific Capitali
14. 124 4
details in their responses. All 25 essays were zation
Total 2387 100.0
typed using Microsoft Word 2007 so that they
were computer readable. After that, the three Taking the mean values of errors, the results
steps of error analysis specified by Ellis and show that six most common errors that the
Barkhuizen (2009) for conducting error participants made were in Singular/Plural
analysis taking into Corder (1974) : collection Form (12.5%), Word Choice (10.7), Verb
of sample errors, identification of errors and Tense (10.2%), Preposition (8.7%), Word
description of errors, explanation error and Form (8.5%), Subject-Verb Agreement
error evaluation. (7.5%). The six most common errors and
examples of errors from the corpus are shown
DATA ANALYSIS in Table 2. The next noticeable error was
RESULT AND ANALYSIS missing space (6.5%) Spelling (6.5%) , word
Table 1 shows the analysis of errors based on order (6.3%), article (5%), Verb Form (4.9%)
type of error, number of errors, and percentage Missing Word (4.5%) Redundancy (4.2). and
committed by the participants. Capitalization (4%)
Table 3: Most Common Errors and Examples of Errors
Definition and Identification of errors Correct sentences and
Error classification explanation of rule
1. Singular/Plural 1. We can see many thing 1. We can see many things that
A mistake with that messiness messiness
number (singular and2. There are tables, carts, and
plural) rubbish bin sing/pl 2. There are tables, carts, and
rubbish bins
2. Verb Tense 1. I will makingVtense the owner of
a) A mistake this room clean it up 1. I will make the owner of this
with the verb 2. The cupboard’s door is room clean it up
2. The cupboard’s door is
tense open by the owner
opened by the owner
Verb Tense 1. They are owningV tense on us a 1. They are owe on us a good
b) Inappropriate good service service
verb 2. The cupboard is hungging 2. The cupboard is hunging
construction four pull over. four pull over.
3. Word Choice 1. Not washing and sweeping 1. Not washing and sweeping
the flour Wchoice everyday the floor everyday makes the
makes the floor dirty floor dirty
2. The owners should keep the 2. The owners should keep
room clean and healthy.WChoice the room clean and safe
4. Preposition 1. there are lamps, clothes, hats 1. There are lamps, clothes, hats
atpreposition a messiness. in a messiness
2. the books should put on 2. the books should put in the
the room room
5. Subject-Verb 1. A large of the number students1. A large of the number
Agreement isSV agreement absent students are absent
SV agreement
Wrong combination 2. These is the room of 2. These are the room of messy
of subject and verb messy person person

6. Word Order 1. The owner don’t know why 1. The owner don’t know why
Disordering/Inversion are students facing these students are facing these
of subject and verb problem problem
2. Although in the room, the 2. Although the rubbish bins in
rubbish bins are not enough the room, are not enough
Most Common Errors were not sure of the complete future tense
Singular and Plural Form forms and application in the English sentence.
Some of the participants did not know that the The suffix ‘ing’ applied is not relevant to the
plural form using the suffix ‘s’ must be applied context given because the context required
to the countable plural noun. A possible reason verb to be written in the future tense form
for the failure to construct plural noun forms instead. This information revealed that the
probably because in Indonesia language, there different tenses rules application was not
is no plural marker for a noun. However, for formed but they have already hypothesized
some participants, they have already that these tenses forms exists in English
hypothesized that English nouns have plural grammar. Examples of wrong application of
and singular forms. However, they were not verb tense are shown below.
sure when they should apply the plural form. 1. I will makingVtense the owner of this room clean
When the subject was in the singular form they it up
applied the plural form to the noun as shown 2. The cupboard’s door is openVtense by the owner
in the examples below: Word Choice
1. We can see many thing sing/plu that messiness Participants lack appropriate vocabulary. One
2. There are tables, carts, and rubbish bin sing/pl participant used the word ‘flour’ instead of
Verb Tense ‘floor’ in sentence no. 1. Another participant
Wrong application of verb tense can be seen uses the word ‘healthy’ instead of ‘safe’ in
when the students did not put the correct tense sentence no. 2.
to the verb in the sentences. In this case, It can 1. Not washing and sweeping the flour Wchoice
be assumed that some of the students are not everyday makes the floor dirty
aware of the different rules for tenses 2. The owners should keep the room clean and
application. Using some suffixes like ‘ing’ and healthy.WChoice
past tense forms showed that these students are Preposition
aware of the rules on different tenses The participants demonstrated confusion for
application and they have already correct usage of preposition. In sentence no. 1
hypothesized that these verbs needed to be the correct preposition is ‘around’ rather than
used with different tense forms and should not ‘at’. In sentence no. 2, the preposition ‘for’
be used in the basic form. This is because should have been used.
some verbs written using different tenses 1. there are lamps, clothes, hats atpreposition a
forms are not written in the basic form of the messiness.
verb. For example, the sentence “I will making 2. the books should put onpreposition the room
the owner of this room clean it up” could be Subject-Verb Agreement
written in the basic form ‘I will make the ‘A large number’ refers to more than one
owner of this room clean it up’. This shows person, i.e. plural subject and requires plural
that they acknowledged the ‘ing’ form but they verb ‘are’. However, one participant uses ‘is’
instead as shown in sentence no. 1. In sentence errors. Such an insight into language learning
no. 2, the correct word should be ‘are’ also problems is useful to lecture because it
because the subject these (plural) . provides information on common trouble-spots
1. A large of the number students isSV agreement
in language learning which can be used in the
absent preparation of effective teaching materials.
SV agreement
2. These is the room of messy person Also, by being able to predict errors to a
Word order certain extent, lecture can be well-equipped to
The act or process of writing, word order is help students minimize or overcome their
one of the problem in writing. For instance In learning problems especially in academic
sentence no.1, “are students” should used in writing.
correct sentence “students are”. While in the
should arrange into correct sentences namely“ REFERENCES
Although the rubbish bins in the room, are not Arikunto, Suharsimi. 1997. Prosedur
enough” Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktis.
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enough school in Kuala Lumpur.
Unpublished Masters thesis.
CONCLUSION Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
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