Error Analysis of The Written English Essay at The Third Semester of English Departement
Error Analysis of The Written English Essay at The Third Semester of English Departement
Error Analysis of The Written English Essay at The Third Semester of English Departement
Syarfuni, M.Pd
This study examiners error in a corpus 25 essay written by 25 participant. The participant s are
the third semester of who are studying at the English department; 4 male and 21 females. The
have experienced approximately for one semester in subject writing. All participants are come
form non-English education background and hardly communicate in English out the college. The
instruments used for this study was participants’ written essay. All of error in the essays were
identified and classified into various categorizations. The result of the study show that six
common errors committed by the participants were singular/plural form, verb tense, word
choice, preposition, subject-verb agreement and word order. These aspects of writing in
English pose the most difficult problems to participants. This study has shed light on the manner
in which students internalize the rules of the target language, which is English. Such an insight
into language learning problems is useful to teachers because it provides information on
common trouble-spots in language learning which can be used in the preparation of effective
teaching materials.
6. Word Order 1. The owner don’t know why 1. The owner don’t know why
Disordering/Inversion are students facing these students are facing these
of subject and verb problem problem
2. Although in the room, the 2. Although the rubbish bins in
rubbish bins are not enough the room, are not enough
Most Common Errors were not sure of the complete future tense
Singular and Plural Form forms and application in the English sentence.
Some of the participants did not know that the The suffix ‘ing’ applied is not relevant to the
plural form using the suffix ‘s’ must be applied context given because the context required
to the countable plural noun. A possible reason verb to be written in the future tense form
for the failure to construct plural noun forms instead. This information revealed that the
probably because in Indonesia language, there different tenses rules application was not
is no plural marker for a noun. However, for formed but they have already hypothesized
some participants, they have already that these tenses forms exists in English
hypothesized that English nouns have plural grammar. Examples of wrong application of
and singular forms. However, they were not verb tense are shown below.
sure when they should apply the plural form. 1. I will makingVtense the owner of this room clean
When the subject was in the singular form they it up
applied the plural form to the noun as shown 2. The cupboard’s door is openVtense by the owner
in the examples below: Word Choice
1. We can see many thing sing/plu that messiness Participants lack appropriate vocabulary. One
2. There are tables, carts, and rubbish bin sing/pl participant used the word ‘flour’ instead of
Verb Tense ‘floor’ in sentence no. 1. Another participant
Wrong application of verb tense can be seen uses the word ‘healthy’ instead of ‘safe’ in
when the students did not put the correct tense sentence no. 2.
to the verb in the sentences. In this case, It can 1. Not washing and sweeping the flour Wchoice
be assumed that some of the students are not everyday makes the floor dirty
aware of the different rules for tenses 2. The owners should keep the room clean and
application. Using some suffixes like ‘ing’ and healthy.WChoice
past tense forms showed that these students are Preposition
aware of the rules on different tenses The participants demonstrated confusion for
application and they have already correct usage of preposition. In sentence no. 1
hypothesized that these verbs needed to be the correct preposition is ‘around’ rather than
used with different tense forms and should not ‘at’. In sentence no. 2, the preposition ‘for’
be used in the basic form. This is because should have been used.
some verbs written using different tenses 1. there are lamps, clothes, hats atpreposition a
forms are not written in the basic form of the messiness.
verb. For example, the sentence “I will making 2. the books should put onpreposition the room
the owner of this room clean it up” could be Subject-Verb Agreement
written in the basic form ‘I will make the ‘A large number’ refers to more than one
owner of this room clean it up’. This shows person, i.e. plural subject and requires plural
that they acknowledged the ‘ing’ form but they verb ‘are’. However, one participant uses ‘is’
instead as shown in sentence no. 1. In sentence errors. Such an insight into language learning
no. 2, the correct word should be ‘are’ also problems is useful to lecture because it
because the subject these (plural) . provides information on common trouble-spots
1. A large of the number students isSV agreement
in language learning which can be used in the
absent preparation of effective teaching materials.
SV agreement
2. These is the room of messy person Also, by being able to predict errors to a
Word order certain extent, lecture can be well-equipped to
The act or process of writing, word order is help students minimize or overcome their
one of the problem in writing. For instance In learning problems especially in academic
sentence no.1, “are students” should used in writing.
correct sentence “students are”. While in the
should arrange into correct sentences namely“ REFERENCES
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