Zipple Matthew CV

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Matthew N Zipple

Box 90338, Duke University, Durham, NC 27708 | [email protected] | 919-660-7291

Google Scholar | Website

Ph.D. Department of Biology, Duke University, Durham, NC 2015-Present
PI: Dr. Susan Alberts
B.S. Department of Biology, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 2012-2015
Advisor: Karin Pfennig; Graduated with Highest Honors
B.A. Department of Political Science, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 2012-2015


(In Prep) EJ Levy*, MN Zipple*, FA Campos, M Dasari, A Fogel, M Franz, L Grieneisen, L Gesquiere, J
Gordon, B Habig, D Jansen, NH Learn, E McClean, C Weibel, J Altmann, SC Alberts^, EA Archie^.
Comparing proportional and ordinal dominance ranks reveals multiple competitive landscapes in
an animal society. (*, ^^ equal contribution)

(In Prep) EM Caves, PA Green, MN Zipple, Dhanya Bharath, S Peters, S Johnsen, S Nowicki. The match
between signal color and color perception in two Estrildid finches

(In Prep) JH Peniston, PA Green, MN Zipple, S Nowicki. The evolution of categorically perceived, reliable
assessment signals.

(Under Review) EM Caves, LE Schweikert, PA Green, C Taboaada, MN Zipple, S Peters, S Nowicki, S

Johnsen. Higher concentration of carotenoids in avian retinal oil droplets is associated with
increased color discrimination across a perceptual category boundary. Behavioral Ecology and

MN Zipple, S Peters, WA Searcy, S Nowicki. 2020.Sounds of senescence: male swamp sparrows respond
less aggressively to songs of older males. Behavioral Ecology.

MN Zipple. 2020. When will the Bruce effect evolve? The roles of infanticide, feticide, and maternal
death. Animal Behaviour.

K Burnett, MN Zipple, LT Phillips, P Panwar, LP Mcguire, WA Boyle. 2019. Nocturnal reductions in body
temperature in high-elevation Neotropical birds. Tropical Ecology.

MN Zipple, EA Archie, J Tung, J Altmann, SC Alberts. 2019. Intergenerational Effects of Early Life
Adversity in a Wild Primate. eLife

MN Zipple, S Nowicki, WA Searcy, S Peters. 2019. Full Life Course Analysis of Bird Song Reveals
Maturation and Senescence of Highly Repeatable Song Characteristics. Behavioral Ecology

MN Zipple*, EM Caves*, PA Green, S Peters, S Johnson, S Nowicki. 2019. Categorical perception across
non-signaling versus signaling color ranges in a songbird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of
London B: Biological Sciences (*equal contribution)
Covered by: Technology Networks

MN Zipple, EK Roberts, SC Alberts, JC Beehner. 2019. Male-Mediated Pregnancy Termination: Function

and Mechanism. Evolutionary Anthropology: Issues, News, and Reviews.

EM Caves *, PA Green*, MN Zipple, S Peters, S Johnsen, S Nowicki. 2018. Categorical Perception of a

Carotenoid Based Assessment Signal in Zebra Finches. Nature 560. (*equal contribution).
Covered by: Forbes, BBC News, Discover

LT Phillips, MN Zipple, K Burnett, S Zlotnik, TM Doan. 2017. Prevalence of Saurian Malaria in Anolis
Lizards of La Selva, Costa Rica. Herpetelogical Review 48.

MN Zipple, JH Grady, JB Gordon, LD Chow, EA Archie, J Altmann, SC Alberts. 2017. Conditional Fetal and
Infant Killing by Male Baboons. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological
Sciences 284: 20162561.
Covered by: Smithsonian, IB Times, Spiegel

M Zipple. 2014. Thailand's Red Drum Murders through an analysis of declassified documents. Southeast
Review of Asian Studies* 36: 91-111.
*First undergraduate authored manuscript ever accepted in this journal

M Zipple, S Goethals. 2012. Effect of melatonin on trail following pheromone reception in Reticulitermes
flavipes. The Journal of Experimental Secondary Science 1 (4): 4-7.


NSF DDRIG: Biological Anthropology. ($30,000) 2018-2020
Leakey Foundation Research Grant. ($14,080) 2018-2019
Duke Biology Grant in Aid. ($1,000) 2018, 2019
Duke University Center for International Studies Research Award ($1,000) 2018
Duke University International Dissertation Research Award ($3,000) 2018
NSF Graduate Research Fellowship ($148,000) 2017-2020
Animal Behavior Society Conference Travel Award ($500) 2017
Duke University OTS Course Award ($2,900) 2016
Duke University Summer Research Fellowships ($5,500 each year) 2016, 2017


East Carolina University Research in Progress Series (Greenville, NC) 2020
UNC Social Epidemiology Seminar Series (Chapel Hill, NC) 2019
Animal Behavior Society Annual Conference (Chicago, IL) 2019
Pymatuning Laboratory of Ecology Seminar Series (Linesville, PA) 2019
Carolina Population Center Demography Daze (Chapel Hill, NC) 2019
American Association of Physical Anthropologists (Cleveland, OH) 2019
Recipient of the Patricia Whitten Prize
Duke University Population Biology Series (Durham, NC) 2019
Duke University Population Biology Series (Durham, NC) 2017
Animal Behavior Society Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada) 2017
Duke University Program in Ecology Symposium (Durham, NC) 2017
Selected as Best Student Talk
Duke University Population Biology Series (Durham, NC) 2016
Duke University Program in Ecology Thematic Symposium 2019- “Insights from Long-Term Research:
From Individuals to Ecosystems.” ($8,000). Co-organized with A. Loomis and A. Thellman


Instructor of Record
Animal Behavior (Bio438), University of North Carolina at Greensboro Spring, 2019

Teaching Assistant in University Courses:

Genetics and Evolution (Bio202), Duke University, including instruction of lab section 2017
Biological Responses to Climate Change (Bio263), Duke University 2016
Guest Lectures in University Courses:
Sensory Biology (Bio190S) 2017
Animal Signaling First Year Seminar (Bio089S), Duke University 2017
Behavioral Ecology (Bio267), Duke University 2016

Undergraduate/Postbaccalaureate Mentorship:
2020 Aided an undergraduate in designing an analytical approach for her senior honors thesis
on age-related changes in song sparrow song
2019-2020 Aided an undergraduate in her design, execution, and analysis of her senior honors
thesis on zebra finch categorical perception of color
2019 Designed and taught a five-week workshop, “A functional introduction to R,” for four
undergraduates that were working on their senior theses
2018-2019 Trained two postbaccalaureate field assistant to collect, enter, and curate focal data on
mother-infant interactions in wild baboons in Kenya.
2017-2018 One of three graduate student mentors who trained and supervised four undergraduate
students who were collecting behavioral data on captive zebra finches. Personally
oversaw training and data collection for data that was ultimately included in the 2018
Nature publication and the paper currently in revision at Proceedings B.
2017 Worked as a team to design and administer an introduction to statistics for
undergraduates in the Alberts Lab and personally designed and administered an
introduction to R module.
2016-2017 Supervised and worked with undergraduate Jack Grady on an independent study
project. This work eventually led to Jack’s inclusion as an author on my 2017 publication
in Proceedings B.

Professional Service
Reviewer for Current Biology, eLife, Animal Behaviour, American Journal of Physical Anthropology,
Journal of Mammalogy, Mammal Reviews, Scientific Reports

Society Memberships
Animal Behavior Society, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, American Society of
Naturalists, Society for the Study of Evolution

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