Broderickcv2019 2 Complete
Broderickcv2019 2 Complete
Broderickcv2019 2 Complete
Duquesne University
Mellon Hall
Department of Biological Sciences
913 Bluff Street
Pittsburgh, PA 15219 [email protected]
Education ________________________________________________________________________________
Duquesne University, Ph.D in Biological Sciences. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Committee: J. Janecka (Advisor), M. Seamen, C. Welsh, J. Wible In Progress, expected Summer 2019
Thesis: Using Genomics to Explore the Adaptations of Bobcats to Diverse Ecosystems
Signals of Positive Selection in Whole Genome Sequencing of Bobcats Identify Candidate Genes For
Ecological Adaptation. Broderick, J. Sprauer, S. Newbury, R. Horne, W. Janecka, J. (In Preparation).
Contributed Talks
The Wildlife Society 25th Annual Conference. Cleveland, OH. 2018
Exploring the Genomics of a Generalist: Uncovering the Local Adaptations That Allow Bobcats to Thrive in
Diverse Ecoregions. Broderick, J., Sprauer, S., Newbury, R., and Janecka, J.E.
The Three Rivers Evolution Event (T.R.E.E.) Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018
Uncovering the Local Adaptations That Allow Bobcats to Thrive in Diverse Ecoregions. Broderick, J.,
Sprauer, S., Newbury, R., and Janecka, J.E.
The Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies. Burlington, VT. 2018
Local Adaptation in a Generalist Species: Examining Genomic Diversity in Bobcats. Broderick, J., Sprauer,
S., Newbury, R.., Horne, W., and Janecka, J.E.
PA Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society. State College, PA. 2018
Local Adaptation in a Generalist Species: Examining Genomic Diversity in Bobcats. Broderick, J., Sprauer,
S., Newbury, R.., Horne, W., and Janecka, J.E.
PA Chapter Meeting of The Wildlife Society. Entriken, PA. 2017
Draft Reference Genome Sequence of the Bobcat and Comparative Analysis of Genome Wide Patterns in
Polymorphism. Broderick, J., Sprauer, S., and Janecka, J.E.
Felid TAG Meeting. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015
Using Genomics to Explore Diversity and Adaptation Among Tiger Subspecies. Broderick, J. Sprauer, S.,
Davis, B., and Janecka, J.E.
University of California Undergraduate Research Conference. California, PA. 2013
The Public Opinion and Perception of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Broderick, J.
The Wildlife Society 23rd Annual Conference. Raleigh, NC. 2016
Using Genomics and Geometric Morphometrics to Explore the Adaptations of Bobcats to Diverse
Ecosystems. Broderick, J. Sprauer, S. Janecka, J.E.
The Wildlife Society 22nd Annual Conference. Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 2015
Using Genomics to Explore Diversity and Adaptation among Tiger Subspecies. . Broderick, J. Sprauer, S.,
Davis, B., and Janecka, J.E.
Exploring the Adaptations of Bobcats to Diverse Ecosystems by Identifying Genomic Regions Under
Selection. Sprauer, S. Broderick, J. Janecka, J.E.
Duquesne University Graduate Research Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015
Using Genomics to Explore Diversity and Adaptation among Tiger Subspecies. Broderick, J. Sprauer, S.,
Davis, B., and Janecka, J.E.
Robert Morris Undergraduate Research Conference. Moon Township, PA. 2012
Finding Balance in Tragedy: Navajo Culture, the Livestock Reduction, and WWII.
Duquesne University Seminar Series. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018
Local Adaptation in a Generalist Species: Examining Genomic Diversity in Bobcats. Broderick, J., Sprauer,
S., Newbury, R.., Horne, W., and Janecka, J.E.
Workshops and Panels
Center for Teaching Excellence, Duquesne University. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018
Using Active Learning Techniques to Enhance the Pre-Lab. McClelland, S., Broderick, J., Lovelace, T.;
Coordinated by Rentschler, E.
Robert Morris University Career Day. Moon Township, PA. 2016
Going to Grad School Panel.
2018 Annual Pittsburgh BioBlitz. Pittsburgh, PA. 2018
Why Do Scientists Collect Wildlife Samples? Broderick, J. McClelland, S.
2016 Annual Pittsburgh BioBlitz. Pittsburgh, PA. 2016
What Makes subspecies of Tigers Unique? Broderick, J.
Pittsburgh PPG Zoo and Aquarium. Pittsburgh, PA. 2016
Careers In Wildlife: Using Genomics to Help Conservation. Broderick, J.
Phipps Botanical Garden: Meet a Scientist. Pittsburgh, PA. 2015-2018
Exploring Bobcats and other Felids! Broderick, J.
What Makes Subspecies of Tigers Unique? Broderick, J.
Leadership Roles____________________________________________
Duquesne University Pittsburgh, PA
Mentorship Officer BSNES Association of Graduate Students 2017-18
Helped recruit speakers for Lunch and Learn Talks, coordinate events.
President Graduate Student Organization of Biological Sciences 2016-17
Organized events, invited speakers, managed fundraisers, and performed department service.
Founder BSNES Association of Graduate Students 2016-17
Helped create group for science graduate students to network and develop professionally.
Secretary Graduate Student Organization of Biological Sciences 2015-16
Managed meeting minutes, social media, and sent out all emails.
Talk Coordinator Work In Progress Talk Series 2014-15
Recruited students and professionals to give talks, coordinated events, managed series.
Duquesne University, Teaching Assistant Pittsburgh, PA
Anatomy and Physiology II, Lab Instructor 2017-19
5 Sections; 30 students each
iWorxs, EKG Labs, Blood Pressure. Dissections: Cat
Anatomy and Physiology I, Lab Instructor 2015-18
8 Sections; 30 students each
Dissections: Cat, Sheep brain, Cow eye.
Genetics, Recitation Instructor 2016
2 Sections; 20 students each
Created and lead students through weekly quantitative problem sets based on lecture material.
General Biology II, Lab Instructor 2014-15
4 Sections; 30 students each Sections; 30 students each
Dissections: Shark, Fetal Pig, Starfish, Fish, Lobster.
Life Processes, Lab Instructor 2013-14
4 Sections; 30 students each
Introduction to biology for health science majors including physical therapy and nursing students.
Teaching Recommendations
Chuck Welsh PhD, Assistant Professor
Mentor: 2013-Current. Anatomy and Physiology II, General Biology II, Life Processes.
[email protected]
Neil Lax PhD, Assistant Professor
Teaching Colleague. 2013-2018. Anatomy and Physiology I, Life Processes.
[email protected]
Professional Development____________________________________
Center for Teaching Excellence, Duquesne University.
Workshop Series 2013-present
I attend 3-4 workshops a semester on improving my teaching.
Advanced Teaching Certificate 2017
Basic Teaching Certificate 2016
Getting Started with Blackboard Training 2013
Blackboard 9 Grader Training Certificate 2013
Phipps Conservatory, Pittsburgh, PA.
Portal to the Public: Science Communication Workshop 2015
Center for Diversity and Inclusion, Robert Morris University
Breaking Down Barriers: Diversity 101, Diversity 102 2010-12
The Wildlife Society PA Chapter of The Wildlife Society
Cleveland, OH. 2018** State College. PA 2018**
Raleigh, NC. 2016* Entriken, PA. 2017**
Winnipeg, MB, Canada. 2015* State College, PA. 2016
Pittsburgh, PA. 2014 Three Rivers Evolution Event (T.R.E.E.)
Felid TAG Pittsburgh, PA. 2018**
Pittsburgh, PA. 2015** Phipps: One Planet, One Health.
Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Pittsburgh, PA. 2017, 2018, 2019
Burlington, VT. 2018** Pittsburgh Regional Faculty Symposium.
Pittsburgh, PA. 2018,2019
*Poster ; **Talk