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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Implementation of Voice Based Home Automation System Using

Raspberry Pi
Harshada Rajput1, Karuna Sawant2, Dipika Shetty3, Punit Shukla4, Prof. Amit Chougule5
1,2,3,4Student of Graduation, Department of Computer Engineering, G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering and
Technology, Mumbai University, Mumbai, 400098, Maharashtra, India.
5Head of Department, Department of Computer Engineering, G.V. Acharya Institute of Engineering and

Technology, Mumbai University, Mumbai, 400098, Maharashtra, India.

Abstract - Voice Based Home Automation System using chance to operate all the electronic devices using
Raspberry Pi is the project which will be very useful for old age smartphone through voice commands .User may Launch an
people and disabled people, basically for one’s who cannot application of “Home Control” in smartphone and connect to
perform basic activities efficiently. It is the idea which appropriate Wi-Fi for connection with Raspberry Pi then
corresponds to the new era of automation and technology. The he/she may get registered. After successful Registration user
main aim of the home automation system is to make life easier. must Login in to operate the application and give voice
Mobile devices are very common among everyone due to its command accordingly. The process of command matching is
user friendly interface and portability features. In this project done and Raspberry Pi Performs operation of ON/OFF on
we aim to control electrical home appliances by android voice that particular device. This way user gets the flexibility to do
commands using Wi-Fi as communication protocol between this activity easily and efficiently.
Raspberry Pi and Android device. Raspberry Pi 3 becomes a
better option for home automation via internet due to its 2. EXISTING SYSTEM
feature of inbuilt Wi-Fi and Bluetooth. [6]
In traditional method we have switches, switch boards
Key Words: Raspberry Pi, Android, Home Automation System, which are connected through wires to each electronic device.
Voice, Ubuntu. In existing system of Arduino the foremost aim of technology
has been to increase efficiency and decrease effort. [1]It thus
1. INTRODUCTION is of extreme importance to simplify human interfacing with
technology. Automation is one such area that aims that
In today’s day to day life automation can play a major role. achieves simplicity while increasing efficiency. Voice
Automation makes thing simple. The main benefit of any controlled Home Automation System aims to further the
automated system is reducing human labor, efforts, time and cause of automation so as to achieve the goal of simplicity.
errors due to human negligence.[1] A Raspberry Pi is a credit Applications are being developed on Android system that is
card-sized computer which can be used for developing useful to us in various ways. Another upcoming technology is
various applications. This project is based on Internet of natural language processing which enables us to command
Things (IoT). Internet of Things is a network of devices such and control things with our voice. [1] Combining all of these,
as electrical appliances for connectivity which enables these it presents a microcontroller based voice controlled home
devices to connect and exchange data. This project automation system using smartphones. Such a system will
represents a flexible way to control devices. In this project enable users to have control every appliance in his/her
we are working on an android application where a user will home with their voice. An Arduino Uno microcontroller
provide voice commands for controlling devices such as circuit processes commands and perform operations on
“Turn light on” which will be connected to raspberry pi and devices. [1] The connection between the Arduino and the
according to it the required process will work via Wi-Fi. smartphone is achieved by Bluetooth, which is used for
MySQL database and PHP is required for connectivity. This sharing data. [1]
automation can be used majorly not only in home but offices
and hospitals also. User can register and authenticate
himself/herself in android device and after successful login
he/she can give the input commands and operate the
devices. It also provides security from third party users. It
allows controlling number of home appliances
simultaneously. Python is used as the main programming
language which is default, provided by Raspberry Pi. This
system requires micro SD card with an OS (Ubuntu Mate) for
Raspberry Pi. Using this we can say a regular home is
converted to smart home. [6]

Voice Based Home Automation System Using Raspberry Pi is

the hardware and software project in which user get the Fig -1: Workflow of Existing System

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2771
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3. PROPOSED SYSTEM device name on/off. Voice is converted to text in the android
phone itself. Then the Text is transmitted to raspberry pi
The proposed system includes a voice controlled system that from the phone through wireless connection. After this text
will enable users to control basic level home automation. matching is done on successful text matching that appliance
The system includes a Raspberry Pi whose GPIO pins will be is switched on/off. Finally after the use user may Logout
used to transfer signals to a controller based on voice from the app. This is the flow of proposed system that is
commands filtered by the Raspberry Pi’s module. A user voice based home automation using Raspberry Pi
friendly interface is built for the android device that allows technology.
the user to interact with the Raspberry Pi. The overall design
of Home Automation System (HAS) implements wireless
communication between a Raspberry Pi module and an
android based application. The main operating system uses
Wi-Fi to provide remote access from raspberry pi. The Home
Automation project is based on a Raspberry Pi 3 processor.
The android application controls the Raspberry Pi wirelessly
to perform the necessary function. . The connection between
the Raspberry Pi and the controller is established via inter-
connection. The simplification of services would entail a
wider adoption of existing technology and would help people
with varied disabilities access the same technology. Voice
controlled House Automation System leverages the power of
Raspberry Pi to provide a holistic voice controlled
automation system.

Fig -2: Basic Flow of Proposed System

The instructions from the user will be transmitted through

the Wi-Fi network. The raspberry pi board is configured
according to the home system and it will enable the relay
circuit as per user request. The relay circuit is used to
control the Electronic devices and can add additional
security features. The main objectives of the proposed
system is to design and to implement a cheap and open
source home automation system that is capable of
Fig -3: Proposed Flowchart
controlling and automating most of the house appliances
through an android device. 3.1 SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
Proposed System Work Flow The system architecture gives overall flow of the project and
how system components are connected to each other and
In proposed flowchart of voice based home automation using
perform there role of work in this project. Raspberry pi is
the technology of the Raspberry Pi. The system flow starts
main technology used in this project. A 5v power supply is
from the android app first user have to launch the “Home
provided and passed through regulator so that it can be
Control” app in his/her smartphone. Then check for
converted to 3.3v and provided to raspberry pi. The voice
available Wi-Fi modules and connect to particular Wi-Fi
command is given as input to android device which is
which is also connected to the raspberry pi. Once
connected to raspberry pi and the output from raspberry pi
smartphone is connected to the Wi-Fi user has to provide the
is given to relay switch. Relay switch is connected to
IP address of the Raspberry Pi. Then user gets registered.
electronic device which does the main function of switching
After this user Login where users credentials is checked. If it
on/off. [6]
is right user moves to next page where user has to give the
voice command to switch desired appliance on/off. Like

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2772
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

o 1GB RAM.
o 4 USB ports.
o 40 GPIO pins.
o Full HDMI port and Ethernet port.
o Combined 3.5mm audio jack and composite video.
o Camera interface (CSI) and Display interface (DSI).
o Micro SD card slot (now push-pull rather than push-

o Video Core IV 3D graphics core.

Fig -4: System Architecture
Relay is the electromagnetic switch. Relay allows one circuit
1. System: Raspberry Pi 3 model B
to switch another circuit while they are separated. Relay is
2. Ram: 1 GB. used when we want to use a low voltage circuit to turn ON
and OFF the device which required high voltage for its
3. Monitor: 15 VGA Color.
operation. [7] Relay is divided into two parts, one is input
4. SD card: 16GB class 10. and other is output. Input side is nothing but a coil which
generate magnetic field when small input voltage is given to
5. External mouse and keyboard.
6. HDMI to VGA convertor


The Hardware Requirements of the Systems are:


Fig -6: Relay and Relay Driver


The android application is downloaded and installed on the

android device to provide the user with an interface to
interact with the Raspberry Pi. This application allows the
Fig -5: Raspberry Pi
user to control the appliance.
Raspberry Pi is a microcontroller that has potential to work
same as computer. It runs with the Python programming
language, and is a great way to learn about hardware
hacking and coding.

The Raspberry Pi 3 is the third generation Raspberry Pi.

Raspberry Pi 3 has:

o 802.11n Wireless LAN.

o A 1.2GHz 64-bit quad-core ARMv8 CPU.
o Bluetooth 4.1.
Fig -7: Android Mobile App
o Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE).

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2773
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3.3 SOFTWARE REQUIREMENTS the micro- USB port. There’s no power button so the Pi will
begin to boot as soon as power is applied, to turn it off,
1. Operating system: Ubuntu Mate, Windows simply shut down the Pi 3 and then remove power. The four
2. Front-end: Java JDK 1.6 in-built USB ports can give output up to 1.2A which enables
to connect more USB devices that requires more power. This
3. Software’s used: Android Studio, Python, MySQL, PHP. does require a 2Amp micro USB Power Supply. On top of all
that, the low-level peripherals on the Pi make it great for
Software: hardware hacking. The 40-pin GPIO header on the Pi gives
access to 27 GPIO as well as 3.3 and 5V sources.
Software required to develop home automation system
based on the function analysis requirement are as follows:


Raspbian would be the operating system (based on Linux

kernel) of Raspberry Pi.

Fig -10: Raspberry Pi Board

As Studied earlier, Raspberry Pi 3 has major 40 Pins from

Fig -8: Ubuntu Mate OS (Linux) which 27 are General Purpose Input Output Pins (GPIO).
These GPIO Pins are used to perform main task of providing
 PYTHON : output to the Electronic Devices for Automation.in this
project, Electronic Devices can be connected to any of the
Python is a programming language used by Raspberry GPIO and based on that configuration is done.
including execution of GPIO command.

Fig -9: Python Language



Raspberry Pi 3 is an elevation to upcoming future

technologies which improves connectivity with Bluetooth
and Wi-Fi on board. [8] The Raspberry Pi 3 has improved
power management, up to 2.5 Amps, to support more
powerful external USB devices. The Raspberry Pi 3 has four
in-built USB ports helps to provide connectivity for a mouse,
keyboard, or any other USB hub. We can power the
Raspberry Pi 3 by just plugging any USB power supply into Fig -11: Pin Diagram of Raspberry Pi 3

© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2774
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Android devices are used to give input as a voice command Voice Based Home Automation System Using Raspberry Pi
to Raspberry Pi. Were android programming is done using basically used for easy lifestyle. Mainly for old age and
an IDE Android Studio. [6] An App “Home Control” is disabled person. User operates “Home Control” application
developed in which user can give commands according to and Register himself/herself once user get registered he/she
which particular operation is performed. may login by his/her provided login id and password and
voice command is given and according to it, operation is
performed on devices.

Our project uses the technology of Wi-Fi for communication

between android device and raspberry to control devices.
Wi-Fi gives us flexibility of connection and operations .hence
basic necessity for our project is strong Wi-Fi connection.
Voice Recognition of any command would be around 90%
accuracy and depend of clarity of speech of the particular
user also the pronunciation of the particular command. Voice
is recognized and matched with the predefined commands if
command exist then the process will execute accordingly.
The “Home Control” Application runs on minimum sdk
android version of kitkat and supports in all above latest
Fig -12:”Home Control” App Interface versions of android. This App is tested in various versions as
follows Kitkat, Lollipop, Marshmellow and Nougat.
4. IMPLEMENTATION Raspberry Pi is a small powerful device which effectively
performs all the operations using Operating System of
In this project, we developed a “Home Control” Android App Ubuntu Mate.
which will do the process of authentication of the user by
Register and Login. After Successful Login user may give Our Project can provide following changes as per real time
Voice Command for operation and then he/she logout after use.
completion of operation of ON/OFF on specified Electronic
Device.  According to the client the command can be generalized.
 Name can be provided to devices according to client.
A Voice to Text conversion App named “Home Control” is an
android app in which voice command is converted to the  Home Control operation can be effectively performed.
text. Whichever command is given is converted to text and
processed in Raspberry Pi and required operation is 6. CONCLUSION
performed on Electronic Devices. In Fig-13, An App interface
is shown where user command “Lights On” is given and This project covers most important feature, in which it could
Raspberry Pi has received the input. It performed the task provide the complete smart home environment. The voice
and acknowledgement is given back and displayed in the controlled home automation using Raspberry Pi is projected
App interface in Snack bar about the task performed like for the easy use and control of electronic devices by old age
here “All On” is displayed. and disabled people. This project provides a basic system of
home automation which can be easily implemented and used
effectively. This system allow user to take decisions and to
regulate the home appliances with the help of an android
application , thus making one’s life comfortable and at the
same time remotely accessible through portable devices like
android phones. [6]

The future scope of this project is:

1. Authentication: In future use, we can give voice

authentication to provide security. In this only
authenticated person voice can access secured
device (like locker).

2. Sensor: By using sensors we reduce the effort of

Fig -13: Voice Input “Lights On” declaring each and every device a particular name.
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2775
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 05 | May-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

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© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2776

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