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A. The Sign of the Cross:

In the name of the Father

and the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit

B. Act of Contrition

O Jesus Christ, my Lord, True God and true man, my great Redeemer; with the
sublime Love which thou didst profess for human kind, and for which thou didst suffer
humiliations and experiences all sorts of trials and tribulations since thy capture by the
soldiers led by Judas Iscariot, and during Thy painful journey to Calvary on thy
shoulders; as a penitent creature of God, I should appreciate thy supreme sacrifice.
Thy death on the Cross to redeem the world and hereby promise to love Thee ever
Referring to Thee, St. John said, “Greater love hath no man than this, that he lay
down his life for his friends.”
In as much as I love thee above all things, I repent with all my heart and souls for
having committed sins against thee. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no
more and to avoid the occasions of sin. So, help me, I beseech Thee, Jesus Christ, to do
penance, and to give me courage to follow Thee in dolorous way of the Cross.


O Jesus Nazarene, my most sweet Redeemer, I prostrate myself before Thee, with
a heart full of repentance for all the sins I have committed against Thee, especially for my
forgetfulness of the graces which thou have bestowed on me in the past, most particularly
the ineffable grace of the act of redemption. Jesus, I am sorry and deeply grieve my

My Lord, I am sorry for all my sins which have been the cause of Thy carrying of
the cross in the midst of suffering and in bitterness until thou have offered Thy life in Mt
Calvary. This thou hast done for love of me, a sinful creature, and for love of mankind.

Allow me now, my sweet Lord to bring myself face to face with Thee, however
unworthy I am. Forgive me all my sins, since Thou didst not want the condemnation of
the sinner but his conversion and salvation. I come to Thee with firm purpose of
amendment and a resolve not to displease Thee again by sin but to pledge my service to
Thee, unto the hour of my death. Sanctify O God my desires and deign to grant me the
graces which I need, and I call upon the powerful, intercession of Thy Mother, the
Blessed Virgin Mary. Amen.


Jesus Christ was sentence to death. After having been scourged and crowned with
thorns. He was unjustly condemned by Pontius Pilate to die on the Cross.


This day remember how Jesus hears the sentence of death with meekness.
Leaving the house of Caiphas where he had been blasphemed, and the house of Herod
where he had been mocked, Jesus is dragged before Pilate, his back torn with scourges;
His head crowned with thorns; and He who on the last day will judge the living and the
dead, is Himself condemned to a disgraceful death.

It was my sins that condemned thee to die. I beseech thee, by the merits of this
sorrowful journey to assist my soul in its journey thee wholeheartedly. Never permit me
to be separated form thee again, but please, grant that I may love thee always.


The Lord Jesus came to earth not to destroy life but for the salvation of man. Our
Lord Jesus Christ is the greatest doctor, for there is nothing He cannot cure. Indeed, His
power to solve man's problems is well demonstrated in the miracles He has wrought-the
blind made to see; the dead raised to life; the lame walked.

With men, it is impossible, but not with God (Mark 10:27).

If we should find ourselves in the predicament of the suffering and the needy, let
us say with the Lord, "My God, if it pleases Thee, let this chalice pass from my life;
never the less Thy will be done, not mine".

(Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may
ask from Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).


O Jesus Christ, my sins condemned thee to die on the Cross. O Lord, whose
overflowing charity for humanity is required by forgetfulness and negligence, I kneel
before thy Altar with the desire to make up by a special act of homage. I am begging thy
pardon for having been unfaithful to thee. By this Novena, may I have thy inspirations,
and as hereby pledge to love thee with my whole heart, teach me to love thee above all
things. To thee I desire to consecrate all my thoughts, words, actions, and sufferings; and
beseech thee to enlighten my understanding, inflame my will, purify my body and
sanctify my soul.


Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven,

*Have Mercy on us.
God the Son, *
God the Holy Spirit, *
Holy Trinity one God, *
Jesus, the Eternal Wisdom, *
Jesus, sold for thirty pieces of silver, *
Jesus, prostrate on the ground in prayer, *
Jesus, strengthened by an angel, *

Jesus, in Thine agony bathed in a bloody sweat, *
Jesus, betrayed by Judas with a kiss, *
Jesus, bound by the soldiers, *
Jesus, forsaken by thy disciples, *
Jesus, brought before Annas and Caiphas, *
Jesus, struck in the face by a servant, *
Jesus, accused by false witnesses, *
Jesus, declared guilty of death, *
Jesus, spat upon, *
Jesus, blindfolded, *
Jesus, smitten on the cheek, *
Jesus, thrice denied by Peter, *
Jesus, delivered up to Pilate, *
Jesus, despised and mocked by Herod, *
Jesus, clothed in a white garment, *
Jesus, rejected for Barnabas, *
Jesus, torn with scourges, *
Jesus, bruised by our sins, *
Jesus, esteemed as a leper, *
Jesus, covered with a purple robe, *
Jesus, crowned with thorns, *
Jesus, struck with a reed upon the head, *
Jesus, demanded for crucifixion by the Jews, *
Jesus, condemned to an ignominious death, *
Jesus, given up to the will of Thine enemies, *
Jesus, loaded with the heavy weight of the Cross, *
Jesus, led like a sheep to the slaughter, *
Jesus, stripped of Thy garments, *
Jesus, fastened with nails to the cross, *
Jesus, reviled by the malefactors, *
Jesus, promising paradise to the penitent thief, *
Jesus, commending St John to thy mother as her son, *
Jesus, declaring Thyself forsaken by Thy father, *
Jesus, obedient even to the death on the cross, *
Jesus, pierced with a lance, *
Jesus, made a propitiation for us, *
Jesus, taken down from the Cross, *
Jesus, laid in the sepulcher, *
Jesus, rising gloriously from the dead, *
Jesus, ascending into heaven, *
Jesus, our Advocate with the Father, *
Jesus, sending down on the disciples the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete, *
Jesus, exalting Thy mother, above the living and the dead, *

Be merciful
spare us, O Lord,
Be merciful
graciously hear us, O Lord,
From all evil,
*Lord Jesus, deliver us,
From all sin, *
From anger, hatred and avery evil will, *
From war, famine & pestilence, *

From all dangers of mind and body, *
From everlasting death, *
Through Thy most pure conception, *
Through Thy miraculous nativity, *
Through Thy humble circumcision, *
Through Thy baptism and holy fasting, *
Through Thy labors and watching’s, *
Through Thy cruel scourging and crowning, *
Through Thy thirst and tears and nakedness, *
Through Thy precious death on the cross, *
Through Thy glorious Resurrection and Ascension, *
Through Thy sending forth the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete, *
On the day of Judgment, *

We sinners,
*We beseech Thee, hear us
That Thou wouldst spare us, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bring us to true penance, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe mercifully to pour into our hearts the grace of the Holy
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to preserve and increase all societies assembled in Thy
holy name, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to bestow upon us true peace, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to give us perseverance in grace and in Thy holy service, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe deliver us from unclean thoughts and temptations of the
devil, and everlasting damnation, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to unite us to the company of Thy saints, *
That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to graciously hear us, *

Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world

Spare us O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Graciously hear us O Lord,
Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world
Have mercy on us,

V. We adore thee, O Christ and praise Thee.

R. Because of the Holy cross, thou hast redeemed the world.


Almighty and eternal God, who hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son the
Savior of the world and hast willed to be appeased with His blood, grant that we may so
venerate this Price of our salvation, and by it might be so defended upon earth from the
evils of this present life, that in heaven we may rejoice in its everlasting fruit, who live
and reign with thee in the unity of the Holy Spirit, world without end. Amen.



O Mary, Mother laden with sorrows, I humbly ask of thee, through the merits of
thy grief which Thou didst suffer because of the death of thy Son, our Lord and God.

Who was disfigured by bruises and blood for love of me, that thou offer to God my
supplications so that I may obtain the graces which I ask from Him.
O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.


O most sweet Jesus Nazarene, My God and Redeemer, who hast trodden the road
to Calvary with the weight of the cross on thy shoulders: look down on me a sinner who
is now giving praise to Thy sufferings. I also thank Thee for saving me through thy sweet
acceptance of sufferings on the cross.

Forgive me my sins, O Good Jesus. I acknowledge my weaknesses and I trust that

out of the boundless mercy Thou will wash with Thy blood my innumerable sins. I love
Thee above all things, and I promise to be faithful to Thy commandments unto the hour
of my death.
Be with me, Lord and guide my steps so that I may reach the end of this earthly
journey to the kingdom of heaven. Amen


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: At the trial, Jesus, the innocent savior, was declared guilty, and death by crucifixion
was the penalty meted out to Him. Crowned with thorns, and subjected to the cruelty of unjust
men. He now went through sufferings in the difficult journey with a heavy cross on His
Jesus Christ bore all the hardships in this journey with the cross, and offered for us to His
Father the death He was about to face.

Remember this day that a heavy cross is laid upon the bruised shoulders of Jesus Christ.
Most willingly Jesus accepts and patiently bears His cross for my sake. Will I refuse to bear my
cross for His sake? No, my loving Redeemer, I will no longer seek to evade my cross, but with
the help of thy grace I will bear it with Christian patience and resignation and follow Thee
We must learn to follow his example of sacrifice by accompanying Him in His journey
and take up the cross to follow Him and make Him our model. Jesus Himself said “If any man
will come after Me, let him deny himself take up his cross and follow Me.”
We must bear in mind and take into heart the meaning of His words.

In the beginning of creation, God made life and death co-exist. But at the operation, each
is opposed to the other, hence if one exists, the other ceases. Yes, when death comes, life
follows. God created us to know Him, to love Him, to serve Him and to be happy with Him
forever in heaven, Someday, we do not know when, where and how death will overtake us. Life
is everlasting for those who believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and death is endless to those who
will die in mortal sin. To the believers, death is merely the cessation of man's activity.
On this day I promise to make sacrifice for Jesus of Nazareth. I will try to be worthy of
being one of His disciples and followers.

(Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask
from Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, I am most willing to accept the Cross which thou wish me to carry. I beg
help from thee to serve thee faithful and I must always bear in mind that through thy Cross,
salvation of mankind was brought about.





L: Jesus Christ fell under His Cross. Still, he had no alternative but to continue his
journey. He was then treated with more cruelty than a slave. As already stated, he was crowned
with thorns whose pains he suffered and felt through his smallest veins. His flesh was even torn
by the scourges. He lost a great quantity of His precious blood which weakened Him, coupled
with the inhumanity of the violent soldiers, that He could hardly Walk, thereby causing Him to
fall several times in His Journey.

Weakened by torments and the loss of blood, Jesus falls three times. My feeble
resolutions, my often-repeated sins, have crushed Jesus to earth. Such is the malice of sin. O
Jesus, grant me true repentance. Let me die a thousand times rather than have the misfortune to
fall again into mortal sin. Help me to hate all sin.
It was not the weight of the Cross nor, the pains of the thorns but our sins that made thee
suffer so much torment. Though was not permitted to rest even a single moment. The brutal
soldiers did not get tired of whipping and striking Thee. They perpetrated cruelties, indignities
and injustices in response to Thy preaching and compliance with Thy mission of saving
humanity. Thou didst live, love mankind and suffer for sinners. We in turn should express
sorrow for Thy sufferings, and at the same time show gratitude to Thee for Thy goodness, not
only in words but especially in deeds.
O merciful Jesus, help us ponder always on Thy Passion to overcome temptations, and
thus be reminded to love Thee above all things.


Our Lord for a fact did not worry about Himself. Even He hang on the cross, he did not
give much thought to himself but to his creatures. He asked that His enemies be forgiven for they
did not know what they did. The source of man's worry is manifold. A few of them are personal
while a few others are social. Each type of problem is as compelling as the other, and is no less
oppressive. Worry saps the vitality of the man. But we have to trust in God. "Do not therefore be
solicitous for tomorrows, for the morrows will be solicitous for itself. Sufficient for the day is the
evil thereof" (Matthew: 6.34)
A man who has motto in his life, "God first and second the rest," has nothing to worry

Recalling thy fall beneath the Cross, if and when I fall into sin, I’ll try to rise at once and
be restored to grace through the sacrament of confession.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, I am heartily sorry for my sins and of thy favors bestowed upon me
although unmerited. I kneel before thy altar, willing to repair by an act of homage, and fervently
hope for thy grace and aid. Grant me strength I beseech thee, Jesus, to conquer my weaknesses
so that I may not forget the and thus avoid the commission of sins.

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: Jesus Christ, met his afflicted and sorrowful Mother, in His journey. As they looked at
each other, each of them felt the pains within their hearts which they could not express in words,
as if the arrows and daggers were plunged into their chests, wounding the hearts which loved
each other dearly and tenderly. She followed Him in His dolorous journey.


Jesus, the man of sorrows meets Mary, the Queen of Martyrs. Oceans of griefs deluge
their hearts as they face each other. They suffer this for my sins.
O Jesus, O Mary, bathe my sinful soul in the sea of true sorrow for my past offences. In
all temptation, I will say, Jesus, Mary, help me."
Imagine the feeling of the blessed Mother and her Son in those moment. Hera a mother
met her son in a pitiful condition, disfigured, emaciated, weakened almost on the blink of agony,
with blood oozing form his head and body. Lugubrious, the Virgin Mother met Jesus in such a
state. Both Mother and Son experienced inconsolable sorrow. And Jesus was on the way to
Calvary to save mankind.

Nervousness, akin to worry, is like the devil inside the human body. It is more tangible
because it has outward manifestations. St. Paul, however counsels us: "Give not place to the
devil ." (Ephesians 4:27)
Crisis of any kind, whether physical, mental or otherwise, can be met with equanimity,
fortitude and without nervous tension.
Let us believe and have faith in Jesus Christ as the immediate comforter and nearest
available physician, faithful friend and true companion.
Have moral courage in the face of adversities. Also, be calm in sizing up the situation and
use of mind to adopt the measures called for. To learn to smile even in the face of a crisis, to be
cheerful is most refreshing to the body, the mind and the soul.

I hereby resolve to ask the good Lord for religious fervor through intercession of the
Virgin Mother of Jesus, as a fountain of mercy, she helps sinners.

(Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

Blessed Mother, Mary, most holy, our model of virtues, deign to receive the voluntary
offering we make of this Novena. Keep us faithful unto death in our love and duty to our Lord so
that we may be worthy of the glory of heaven, and that through thy intercession, we may enjoy
eternal life.

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”




L: Jesus Christ was helped by Simon of Cyrene. He was so tired and was about to
collapse that He could not rise any longer, much less walk when the Cyrenian helped Jesus, to
carry his cross. He assisted the Lord and walked behind Him and followed. The cross was so
heavy that it made gashes on the Lord’s shoulders, but He had to carry the heavy instrument of
torture. He should pay the cost for redeeming mankind.


Although Jesus seems about to expire, He does not need the help of Simon since he wills
to die on the cross. Yet, he still accepts the help of Simon to teach us the virtues of charity and
O Jesus, I too will carry my cross patiently to the end and strive to lighten the cross of my
To run to the aid of Jesus Christ in carrying His cross was a great honor, for it was a part
in the salvation of mankind. This role of Simon was very important. We ourselves could do this
part in many other ways. Whenever we commit grave sins, we can rise and reform immediately,
when temptations come to us, we can accept the challenge by taking control of ourselves and
courageously fighting them.


Man's greed for material wealth has not infrequently led him to commit crime. Charity
finds no place in the hearts of the wicked.
The immoderate love for material and worldly things can never insure perpetual
enjoyment. The pleasures of the world are fleeting and transitory, quite unlike those of heaven as
our Lord Jesus said:

"Lay not up to yourselves on earth; where the rust and moth consume and where thieves
break through and steal. But lay up to yourselves treasures in heaven where neither the rust nor
the moth doth consume and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where thy treasure
is, there is thy heart also." (Matthew 6:19-21)
More than a Simon of Cyrene, I promise to help thee carry thy cross, my Lord, Jesus and
also help my fellowmen. So help me, I beseech thee, to keep my resolutions and not to give up
trying even if I break any of them sometimes.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, give me grace at least to accompany thee on the way to Calvary and make
me worthy to bear thy cross of adversities in order that by doing so, I’m led to everlasting life
and happiness. Help me to feel my Redeemer, who art infinitely not to forget thee in all my

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: Most of the spectators overlooked the role played by Simon of Cyrene on the difficult
journey of Jesus Christ. A woman named Veronica was not one of them. Seeing that Jesus was
exhausted and battled in sweat and blood, she rushed through the crowd and wiped His face on
the towel she had in her hands. The face could be seen in the exact replica of our Lord’s. and
marks of hardships and sufferings were reproduced on the said towel.

The lady Veronica takes compassion on Jesus and wipes His face with clean towel. Jesus
accepts and returns the towels to Veronica. Upon it is left the impress of His adorable and holy
Alas, my sins have also disfigured Thy holy countenance. O Jesus, grant me efficacious
sorrow so that all my sins may be erased from my soul and that Thy grace and thy divine image
may be stamped upon it forever.
We must consider how our sins made the sacred face of the Lord disfigured. It was our
sins that made Him suffer much on his dangerous and difficult way to Calvary. Hence, we must
reform, we should repent and avoid the least of sins.

The Lord knows the plight of laborers and has therefore said the following:
"Come to me all ye that labor and are burdened and I will refresh you. Take up my yoke
upon you and learn of me because I am meek and humble of heart, and you shall find rest for
your souls, for my yoke is sweet and my burden light." (Matthew: 11:28-30)
Laborers, whether mental or manual, should remember the Lord and His words.
"I am the door; by Me if any man shall enter, he shall be saved and shall go in and find
pasture." (John 10:9)

Let us consider that He is also "the way and the truth and the life," and that "no man
cometh to the Father but by me." (John 14:6).
Neither is there salvation in any other. Let us all have recourse to Jesus in times of
prosperity and want, in joy and in sorrow.
Bearing in mind the wonderful deed of Veronica, I promise to repent for my sins through
confessions and never to offend thee again and to avoid all occasions to help alleviate the
sufferings of my fellowmen.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, grant me the grace to clean my soul from all defilements and imprint deep
in my heart and mind the exact image of thy holy sufferings of Jesus, give me courage to never
commit sins against thee and fill my soul with fortitude and grant me joy and peace. Make me
love thee always and comply cheerfully with God’s will in all things.

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: Jesus Christ continued his painful journey. He fell again on the way. His fall
aggravated the pains of the wounds on his head and other parts of the body. Seeing him in such a
pitiable state, a group of women wept with compassion for his nearing death. But Jesus
confronted them with his words, saying “Daughters of Jerusalem, wept not for Me, but for your
selves and for your children.” He uttered these words, forgetting the fatal approaching hour and
thinking only of the welfare of those women and their children.


When our Lord meets the women of Jerusalem on His way to Calvary, He tells them not
to weep for Him but for their own children-for all sins. How generous Jesus is!
O Jesus, grant that I may understand the true meaning of Thy passion and be so inflamed
with love for thee that I may shed tears over my past transgressions.
These meaningful and thoughtful words that Jesus Christ spoke before the crowd gave us
the lesson that being charitable to other people pleases God. This must be put into action to prove
our loyalty and we must show our fidelity to the Divine Savior and prove ourselves really
devoted to God.


It is well said that the heaviest crosses which any of us carry are the crosses of our own
making. Yes, life in action requires the proper weighing of the pros and cons in a try to
solve a problem.

In man's daily activities, he should take the necessary precaution to scrutinize through
self-inquiry the statements of others, of their motives.
In so doing, we should also overcome any urge of envy by demonstrating love, charity
and sympathy to others. This should be a good norm of conduct for " all men are born brothers."
Hence, if any one suffers, all the brethren feel the same pain.
In like manner, when a finger is cut, the whole body feels the pain of the injury. Thus,
through thick and thin men should be united and work peaceably together. Thus, man can enjoy
contently and peacefully the fruits of his brain and brawn.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, I have often promised to thee to be faithful but I have broken my vows
and have exceedingly sinned in thoughts, words, and deeds. Move my heart, I beseech thee, so
that I may sincerely repent for all evil action and that, hereafter, I may dread nothing so much as
to commit them again. May the Almighty Lord grant me pardon, absolution and remission of all
sins with the help of thy grace. Amen.

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: Jesus Chris, after a long difficult journey reached the scene where in he would be
executed, the place where he would shed the last drop of his precious blood. Jesus, innocent as
he was, would meet death for the sins of the whole world. Our sins caused his death, his
sufferings and agony would be capped by death for the sake of mankind. His most sacred and
holy body was exposed after the brutal soldiers has stripped his clothes, all his pains and
sufferings were in public view, his sacred body was numbered by the blows of violent man, his
skin was bruised and sweat of blood covered his flesh.

When Jesus reaches Calvary, he is stripped of His garments. Then he is ignominiously
nailed to the hard wood of the cross. Blood flows afresh. Ghastly wounds are reopened and all
because of my sins!
O Jesus crucified help me to esteem and practice Christian mortification so that I may
love only Thee and renounce the world, the flesh and the devil. Grant that I may truly be
converted and suffer evil rather than be numbered among ungrateful souls.
Because of our sins, Jesus Christ willingly met death. This must be a shame on our part.
To the smallest vein of our body, we should have felt the pains undergone by Jesus Christ for our

Self-humiliation can cure pride, and I am the most proud of creatures the moment I fail to
acknowledge my weaknesses. Jesus has taught us to be humble. He had chosen to be born in a
stable. This was a supreme act of humility.
When he died, it was before the eyes of contemptuous men. Even when he was in
Nazareth, He was obscured from the attention of the people, working in a humble
carpenter's shop.
Then at the cenacle, He took a basin of water and towel and washed the feet of His
Let me then remember, " The servant is not greater than his Lord." God resists the proud,
but not the humble heart. Indeed, humility is the right pathway to real greatness. And "pride goes
before destruction."
I promise, O innocent and spotless Lamb of God, to avoid in every way the smallest of
sins in appreciation for thy love for humankind.

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).

O Jesus Christ, it was my responsibility that caused thee to suffer a long and difficult
journey and to meet thy death, yet I have ignored thee and have often broken my vow never to
commit sins against thee. I humbly ask thy pardon and I am determined to amend my life. My
Jesus, by the merits of the torment thou hast suffered, help me to divest myself of all sinful,
mundane desires, in order that I may place all my love in thee. In order that I may place all my
love in thee. Who art infinitely good and worthy of my love, I sincerely repent for having
offended thee. Never permit me to drift away from thee and grant that I may love thee always.

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


1. Repeat “A”
2. Repeat “B”
3. Repeat “C”


L: At last, Jesus Christ reached the end of painful journey to Calvary. The brutal soldiers
stretched him on the Cross. They nailed his hands and feet. His blood flowed to the ground. He
died with anguish on the gibbet. Thus, Christ offered to his father the sacrifice of his death for
the salvation of mankind.


Jesus, my God, dies on the cross for us sinners. But what have I done for Him? After a
while, his lifeless body rest in the arms of Mary. Shall I also carry Him in all my life, defend His
teachings unto death?
Like Jesus, I too must die, but die to sin.
O Jesus, have mercy on me, a poor sinner. Grant me the grace to rise to a new spiritual
life, that dying to myself now, I may rise gloriously with Thee on the last day, and enjoy Thy
promised glory in heaven for all time.

Let us go back to the physical pains and suffering of Jesus Christ before and during his
dolorous journey to Calvary. As we call to mind, let us inquire why he should have allowed
maltreatment by the brutal soldiers and suffered so much torment form their hands. Why?
In the meantime, CHRIST uttered these words on the Cross, before expiring “Father,
forgive them, for they know not what they do.”


In this world of chaos, people have learned to come in closer sacred communion with
God, more often through prayers. Our Lord has taught us how to pray, and to pray unceasingly.
By this is meant, that even if we were at work, we should offer this work to God and thus
become ourselves unceasing in prayer.
Our Lord did not only teach, he also set the example. Thus, in His apostolate and in the
garden of Gethsemane, he prayed hard for us.
Prayer is the most important activity of men that helps him solve many problems.
Let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God, believe also in me.
"Every one that asked, received, and he that seek, find." (Matthew 7:8)
On this day, I will kneel before my Crucified Savior and request him to keep me always
under his care. On my part, I will promise to serve him faithfully and comply with the Ten

... (Pray three Hail Mary's in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary so that she may ask from
Jesus her Son the grace which you would like to obtain from Him).


O Jesus Christ, engrave in my heart the lesson and the things that I need most for my life
that will please thee always. May the crucifix be my guide in my daily task and keep myself
close to it to remind me of thy sufferings and let it be my preacher, teacher, and friend to avoid
the commission of sins. Grant me grace to love and serve thee always to the last breath of my
life. Help me keep my vow never to offend thee again. Learn from this, o my soul, great truths.
Your salvation must be a most important affair, if the Son of God had to die on the cross for it,
and if the most innocent Jesus was scourged for sins of other, what will be the punishment in hell
for our sins. O Jesus Crucified, be my salvation.
O Mary Mother of the Divine Redeemer, how great is the goodness of Jesus towards us,
and we, ungrateful for such goodness, have not shown him little love in return, but have also and
often, by our sins, renewed his Passion, and reopened his wounds. Pray for us that we may
despise such ingratitude.
Our dearest Mother Mary, Help of Christians, help me to keep the resolutions I have
made during this meditation; help us to live as good and faithful Catholic, as a devour child of
thine help me to avoid offending thy Divine Son, help me to have a happy death; help me O
Mary, to save my soul so that I may be happy with Jesus Christ forever and ever

4. Repeat “E”
5. Repeat “F”
6. Repeat “G”


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