1991 Bookmatter OrganicSpectros PDF
1991 Bookmatter OrganicSpectros PDF
1991 Bookmatter OrganicSpectros PDF
Organic Spectroscopy
William Kemp
Senior Lecturer in Organic Chemistry
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
© William Kemp 1975, 1987, 1991
Published by
Houndmills. Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS and
175 Fifth Avenue. New York, N.Y. 10010
Companies and representatives throughout the world
12 11
03 02 01
Supplement 1 11
15.1 Spectroscopy and Computers 11
15.2 Fourier Transforms-Frequency and Time 12
15.3 Spectroscopy and Chromatography-Hyphenated
Techniques 14
15.3 .1 Gas chromatography and spectroscopy 15
15.3.2 Liquid chromatography and spectroscopy 15
Further reading 16
2 Infrared Spectroscopy 19
2.1 Units of Frequency. Wavelength and Wavenumber 22
2.2 Molecular Vibrations 26
2.2.1 Calculation of vibrational frequencies 26
2.2.2 Modes of vibration 27
2.2.3 Quantum restrictions 28
2.3 Factors Influencing Vibrational Frequencies 29
2.3.1 Vibrational coupling 29
2.3.2 Hydrogen bonding 31
2.3.3 Electronic effects 36
2.3.4 Bond angles 37
2.3.5 Field effects 38
2.4 Instrumentation-the Infrared Spectrometer-Dispersive and
Interferometric Instruments 39
2.4.1 Infrared sources 39
2.4.2 Monochromators 40
2.4.3 Detectors 41
2.4.4 Mode of operation---dispersive instruments-optical null and
ratio recording 42
2.4.5 Mode of operation-interferometric instruments-Fourier
Transform infrared spectroscopy 43
2.4.6 Calibration of the frequency scale 48
2.4 .7 Absorbance and transmittance scales 48
2.5 Sampling Techniques 50
2.5.1 Gases 50
2.5.2 Liquids 52
2.5.3 Solids 52
2.5.4 Solutions 53
2.6 Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy-Identity by
Fingerprinting 55
2.7 Applications of Infrared Spectroscopy-Identification of
Functional Groups 56
Correlation Charts 58
2.8 The Carbon Skeleton (Chart 1) 58
2.8.1 Aromatics (Chart l(i)) 59
2.8.2 Alkanes and alkyl groups (Chart l(ii)) 59
2.8.3 Alkenes (Chart l(iii)) 72
2.8.4 Alkynes (Chart l(iv)) 74
2.9 Carbonyl Compounds (Chart 2) 74
2.9.1 Aldehydes and ketones (including quinones) Chart 2(i)) 75
2.9.2 Esters and lactones (Chart 2(ii)) 75
2.9.3 Carboxylic acids and their salts (Chart 2(iii)) 77
2.9.4 Amino acids (Chart 2(iv)) 78
2.9.5 Carboxylic acid anhydrides (Chart 2(v)) 78
2.9.6 Amides (primary and N-substituted) (Chart 2(vi)) 79
2.9.7 Acyl halides (Chart 2(vii)) 82
2.10 Hydroxy Compounds and Ethers (Chart 3) 82
2.10.1 Alcohols (Chart 3(i)) 82
2.lO.2 Carbohydrates (Chart 3(ii)) 82
2.10.3 Phenols (Chart 3(iii)) 82
2.10.4 Ethers (Chart 3(iv)) 83
2.11 Nitrogen Compounds (Chart 4) 83
2.11.1 Amines (Chart 4(i)) 83
2.11.2 Imines and aldehyde-ammonias (Chari 4(ii)) 86
2.11.3 Nitro compounds (Chart 4(iii)) 86
2.11.4 Nitriles and isonitriles (Chart 4(iv)) 86
2.12 Halogen Compounds (Chart 5) 86
2.13 Sulfur and Phosphorus Compounds (Chart 6) 86
Supplement 2 88
25.1 Quantitative Infrared Analysis 88
2S.1.1 Absorbance 88
2S.1.2 Slit widths 90
2S.1.3 Path lengths . 90
2S.1.4 Molar absorptivity 91
25.2 Attenuated Total Reflectance (ATR) and Multiple
Internal Reflectance (MIR) 92
25.3 Laser-Raman Spectroscopy 95
2S.3.1 The Raman effect 95
2S.3.2 Comparison of infrared and Raman spectra 96
Further Reading 98
Supplement 3 202
35.1 Spin-Spin Coupling and Double Irradiation-More Advanced
Theory 202
3S.1.1 Electron-coupled interact ions through bonds 203
3S.1.2 Energy levels-the sign of J 205
3S.1.3 Internuclear double resonance (INDOR) and selective popu-
lation inversion (SPI) 208
3S.1.4 Nuclear Overhauser effect (NOE) 212
35.2 Variable-temperature NMR 214
3S.2.1 The variable-temperature probe 214
3S.2.2 Appl icat ions 214
35.3 Multipulse Techniques in NMR-Nett Magnetization
Vectors and Rotating Frames 215
3S.3.1 CH3, CH2 and CH sub-spectra-spectrum editing-DEPT
spectra 219
3S.3.2 Gated decoupling and the nuclear Overhauser effect 223
3S.3.3 2D NMR-shift correlation spectra-COSY 224
3S.3.4 Magnetic Resonance Imag ing (MRI) 227
35.4 Chemically Induced Dynam ic Nuclear Polarization
(CIDNP) 229
35.5 19F and 31p NMR 230
3S.5,1 1sF NMR 230
3S.5.2 31p NMR 232
Supplement 4 269
45.1 Quantitative Electronic Spectroscopy 269
45.2 Fluorescence and Phosphorescence 271
45.3 Absorption Spectra of Charge-transfer Complexes 274
45.4 Symmetry Restrictions on the Allowedness of Electronic
Transitions 276
45.5 Optical Rotatory Dispersion and Circular Dichroism 277
45.5.1 Definitions and nomenclature 277
45.5 .2 Cotton effect and stereochemistry 278
45.5 .3 The octant rule 279
45.6 Electron Spectroscopy for Chemical Analysis (ESCA) 280
Supplement 5 325
55.1 Alternatives to Electron-impact Ionization 325
5S.1 .1 Chemical ionization 325
5S.1.2 Field ionization and field desorption 326
5S.1 .3 Desorption by lasers, plasmas, ions and atoms-LD and
LIMA, PO, SIMS and FAB 327
55.2 Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MSl and
High-performance Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrome-
try (HPLC-MSl 328
55.3 Isotope Substitution in Mass Spectrometry-Isotope
Ratios 331
55.4 Derivatization of Functional Groups 333
55.5 Alternatives to Magnetic/Electrostatic Focusing-Time-of-
flight, Quadrupole, Ion Cyclotron, FTICR and Tandem Mass
Spectrometers 335
Since the publication of the second edition, the rate of change in the se
various fields of spectroscopy has maintained its pace. Some of the
developments have been in instrumentation rather than in the exploitation
of new spectroscopic phenomena, but this has led to the ready availability
of spectra which were regarded, only a few years ago, as in the exotic class.
As a consequence of these advances, we are witnessing changes in the
emphases which the organic spectroscopist places on particular techniques:
his time will be spent more with the carbon-IS and proton NMR spectra
than with the infrared and ultraviolet.
The publication of a third edition has been centered around three main
themes. The first change acknowledges a need to minimize discussion of
obsolete instruments or techniques, and many more details of spectro-
meter operation have been added; Fourier Transforms and computers are
no longer optional extras in the spectroscopy laboratory.
The second change is in the introduction of almost one hundred new
student exercises throughout the book, in the form of both worked
'examples' (showing the working of a model problem, with a model answer
to the question) and problem 'exercises' for the student to practice, having
seen the method demonstrated in the model ; answers to all of these
self-assessment exercises are given at the back of the book . Several more
difficult problems have also been added .
The third and major change is to the chapter on nuclear magnetic
resonance, which has been considerably extended to take cognizance of its
position as the preeminent method for structural determination in organic
chemistry . This has been done mainly through the use of the Supplements,
so that the beginning student can still come to grips with the simpler ideas
of NMR and thereafter, at his or her own developing pace , tackle the
conceptual complexities of rotating frames, pulse angles, and the like.
For students coming fresh to spectroscopy, it is difficult to anticipate
how each of the methods can help in deducing the structure of an organic
compound, and so an extended introduction in chapter I sets out a
comparison among them; even then, much of this will need to be reread
post hoc before any perspective can be gained . Progress in the develop-
ment of one technique may also downvalue a particular strength of
another; a clear example of this is in the way that NMR has stolen IR
thunder in the analysis of substitution patterns in benzene rings, identifica-
tion of alkyl groups (methyl, ethyl, isopropyl , tert-butyl), differentiation of
aldehydes from ketones from esters , and so on .
In infrared spectroscopy , relatively cheap Fourier Transform infrared
(FTIR) spectrometers have become more readily available and it is quite
probable that all new instruments designed by the major manufacturers
will be based on FTIR, although the dispersive instruments at present in
use throughout the world will expect to live on for a time yet. Because of
this important imminent change, the section on infrared instrumentation
has been completely rewritten, with FTIR spectroscopy brought out from
the Supplement to its proper place in equal prominence with dispersive
instrumentation . In addition to the principal advantages of FTIR instru-
ments (speed and sensitivity), the spectral data are digitized, allowing
many manipulations such as spectral subtraction : an example of this has
been included. To minimize the chore of having to skip back and forth
from text to spectrum, most of the infrared spectra are now annotated with
assignments for the bands.
Only one manufacturer is still producing a low-cost continuous wave
nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometer, all other instruments on the
market being FTNMR machines. Superconducting magnets are now able
to reach 14.1 T , corresponding to 600 MHz in proton frequency, and it is
projected that 700 MHz will be achievable-with a stable magnet-in a few
years' time . Unlike infrared spectra , where the spectrum will often look
the same whether it has been recorded on a grating or on an FTIR
instrument, proton NMR spectra from CW instruments exhibit 'ringing'
and therefore do not look the same as those from FTNMR machines (even
if the field strength is unchanged) . The older literature, and most of the
spectra catalogs, contain only CW spectra, whereas new spectra are
virtually always from the FTNMR mode , and one consequence of this for
the student is the necessity to recognize these differences: the interpreta-
tion of a spectrum from either mode (all other things being equal) poses
the same challenges. Thus, in this third edition, a few of the simple
first-order proton spectra shown in earlier editions at 60 MHz CW have
been retained, but most of the CW spectra have been replaced by FTNMR
spectra, from 80 MHz up to 600 MHz: the additional abilities of FT
instruments to record DEPT spectra and 2-D spectra are also exemplified.
It has been decided to follow IUPAC recommendations and to eliminate
almost completely the use of the terms 'high field' , ' low field ' , 'upfield' and
'downfield' from the book . The fact that almost all new NMR instruments
are FTNMR machines (in which the field strength is constant) means that it
The author wishes to place on record his grateful thanks to the many
people who supplied material , information , spectra and a share of their
valuable time ; comments critical and encouraging were received from
many colleagu es, and changes in this edition reflect these indications.
Th e book, in its third edition, is being jointly published for the first time
by W. H. Freeman, New York, and much advice has been accepted from
chemists in the USA to try and meet the needs of students there. Some
early help came from Dr Donna Wetzel, Rohm and Haas, Bristol,
Pennsylvania; Dr Daniel F. Church, Louisiana State University;
Dr William Closson, State University of New York; Dr John Gratzner,
Purdue University; and Dr Neil Schore, University of California. The
entire manuscript was read by Prof. George B. Clemans, of Bowling Green
State University, and Prof. Harold M. Bell, of Virginia Tech .: their many
suggestions for improvement have been incorporated wherever possible.
Gary Carl son , of W. H. Freeman, was responsible for inviting the whole
project to the USA, and for arranging its review by faculty on that side of
the Atlantic.
CHAPTER I. The portraits of Isaac Newton and Joseph Fourier at the
chapter head are reproduced with the permission, respectively , of The
Royal Society of Chemistry, London, England, and Librairie Larousse,
Paris , France. The music featured in figure 1.6 had Ailsa Boyd on clarinet,
lona Boyd on violin and the author on bagpipes: the recording and
subsequent Fourier Transformation were by Dr Alan Boyd, of Heriot-
Watt University.
CHAPT ER 2. The infrared spectra reproduced in this chapter were recorded
on a Perkin-Elmer Model 700 infrared spectrophotometer, with the
exceptions of figures 2.10 and 2.11, which were recorded, respectively, on
a Perkin-Elmer Modell720-X FTIR spectrometer (by Dr lain McEwan, of
Heriot-Watt University) and a Pye-Unicam Model SP3-100 instrument.
The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by Perkin-Elmer, and
show examples of the Models 1600 and 1700 series. The correlation charts
on pages 60-71 are reproduced with permission from Qualitative Organic
Analysis, by W. Kemp , McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead (2nd edn , 1986).
CHAPTER 3: All of the NMR spectra and all of the spectra simulations
reproduced in this chapter were recorded by Dr Alan Boyd, with the
exceptions of the following . Figure 3.4 is reproduced from High Resolution
NMR Spectra Catalog, with the permission of the publishers, Varian
Associates, Palo Alto, California. The 360 MHz and 600 MHz proton
NMR spectra for menthol in figure 3.30 were recorded by Dr Ian Sadler, of
Edinburgh University. Figures 3.32 and 3.40 are reproduced from NMR
Quarterly , with permission of Perkin-Elmer, the publishers. The photo-
graphs at the chapter head were kindly supplied by Japanese Electronic
and Optical Laboratories, lEaL UK , London. Figures 3.36 , 3.37, 3.38,
3.41,3.42 ,3.43,3.44 and 3.45 are reproduced from NMR in Chemistry: A
Multinuclear Introduction, by W. Kemp , Macmillan, London (1986), with
permission . The MRI brain scan (Figure 3.49) was furnished by Bruker
Spectrospin, Karlsruhe, Germany.
CHAPTER 4. The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by
Perkin-Elmer, Beaconsfield, England. The chromascan in figure 4.3 is
reproduced with permission of Pye-Unicarn, Cambridge. Tables 4.5 and
4.6 are reproduced with permission from Qualitative Organic Analysis, by
W. Kemp, McGraw-Hill, Maidenhead (2nd edn, 1986).
CHAPTER 5. Figure 5.5 is reproduced with permission from Beynon, J . H.,
Mass Spectrometry and its Application to Organic Chemistry, Elsevier,
Amsterdam (1960). The photographs at the chapter head were supplied by
VG Analytical Ltd , Manchester, England, and figure 5.10 is reproduced
with permission from Bruker Spectrospin, Coventry .
CHAPTER 6. The proton NMR spectra reproduced in this chapter arc from
High Resolution NMR Spectra Catalog, with permission of the publishers,
Varian Associates, Palo Alto , California (except figure 6.9(a) , recorded on
a Bruker WM200 spectrometer). The infrared spectra were recorded on a
Perkin-Elmer Model 700 spectrometer, except figure 6.11 (recorded on a
Pye-Unicam Model SP3-100 instrument) .