Non Traditional Methods For Teaching Chemistry at Hich School
Non Traditional Methods For Teaching Chemistry at Hich School
Non Traditional Methods For Teaching Chemistry at Hich School
By Nasir Iqbal Ph.D.
Task Two: Chemistry Connections Through Active Learning
A. Justify the selection of an area of research which is related to teaching and learning in your
Educators are facing ever growing challenge to come up with new pedagogies to improve the
quality of education and student retention (McLaughlin et al., 2014). Active Learning is a popular
progressive educational model that involves students’ active participation and improves the quality of
education and student retention (Sesen, & Tarhan, 2010). Diverging from traditional teacher centered
learning, this model expects students to actively participate in their own education by enhancing their
higher order thinking capabilities (Damianus et al 2017). Active learning pedagogies include strategies
such as mind and concept mapping, cognitive analogies, peer instructions, thematic analysis, field work,
group discussions, and flipped classrooms (Bonds, Bonds & Peach, 1992). A study by Lo & Hew (2017),
analysed flipped classroom of K-12 students and concluded that most of these strategies improved student
learning. Considering the encouraging results of various studies cited here, I am proposing a flipped
B) Design a small practical research activity, justify, analyse and evaluate the research
methodology to be employed:
A flipped classroom model that incorporates active learning could be a solution to teach complex
chemistry topics in a time constrained syllabus (Cormier & Voisard, 2018). Based on the literature
review, my proposed mixed method study will compare student performance in flipped and traditional
lecture classrooms and analyse the correlation between student’s grades and their perception of this
pedagogy. four groups of 20-30 students, each enrolled in general chemistry courses, will be included in
this study. All groups will use the same notes and reading assignments. In class activities will involve
students centered discussions, question answer sessions with instructors, and group work to complete the
worksheets based on what they learned at home and during class (see Appendix 2). End of semester final
grades of both groups will be analysed to compare the difference in learning achievement of flipped vs
Methodology/Research design
I will use mixed methodology in a flipped /collaborative active learning model. This methodology
employs qualitative as well as quantitative research methods within the same research. Table below
Students enlisted from the different sections of 10th grade chemistry course in experimental groups will
study outside the classroom using notes provided. In class students in experimental group will work
collaboratively on the specifically designed activity sheets and learn from group discussions. Students in
traditional class will be given lecture and work collaboratively as well using the same lecture notes.
Students participating in both groups will take in-class graded quizzes and final exams for quantitative
data collection. At the end of semester a survey questionnaire will be administered to collect students
opinion on the effectiveness and perception of flipped/collaborative model (sample questionnaire attached
Appendix 1, for qualitative analysis). Final course grades from flipped (experimental group) and
traditional classes (control group) will be compared. Quantitative Data will be analysed using ANOVA
and t-test for reliability. Responses to open ended questionnaire will be identified by common key words
and coded by themes. Findings from both quantitative and qualitative analysis will be converged together
to conclude the study as suggested by Creswell and Plano (2018). Various scholars assert that integrated
and synergistic effect of both analyses provides better higher understanding and evaluation of the problem
under investigation that can answer a particular research question or a set of questions (Hanson etal, 2005;
Ethics statement
This researcher will follow BERA guidelines to enlist student participants for this research. Third
party teachers, with no involvement in this study, will recruit and collect informed signed consent from
the participating students. The grades of only participating students from all sections who have signed
consent forms will be used for data analysis. All relevant records will be kept in a locked cabinet as per
BERA guidelines. The student grades and corresponding questionnaires will be assigned numbers without
any student identifiers and only student assigned numbers will be used in the study.
C) Critical review of existing literature on active learning, and how it relates to my research proposal.
There are sufficient published studies that support flipped classrooms’ effectiveness in chemistry
education and its pedagogical popularity among students (Christiansen, 2014; Reidsema, Kavanagh,
Hadgra & Smith, 2017 cited in Broman, K. & Johnels, D. p.1). Furthermore, Eichler & Peeples (2016)
and Olakanmi’s (2017) study, which compared the traditional lectures in general chemistry with flipped
classroom modules showed a greater student engagement, fostered active learning, enhanced students’
learning. Olakami (2017) reported that flipped classroom technique enhanced students understanding of
concepts better than the control group taught through traditional classroom. However, there are several
challenges involved in developing and implementing flipped/active learning pedagogies ranging from
faculty training, institutional constraints, and students’ learning limitations. Educational materials must
active learning model is expected to foster active learning, enhanced conceptual understanding, and
D) Building on literature review, refer to at least 2 of the papers to do a comparison of the
methodology/methods, their findings, sample groups used in the articles and critically review the
1- Cormier, C, & Voisard, B. (2018) ‘Flipped Classroom in Organic Chemistry Has Significant Effect on
Students’ Grades’. Frontiers in ICT, (4), p. 30
2- Gok, T. and Gok, O. (2016) ‘Peer instruction in chemistry education: Assessment of student’s learning
strategies, conceptual learning and problem solving’. Asia-Pacific Forum on science Learning and
Teaching, 17(1), Article 9.
Comparison of Methodology
In the first study reviewed. Cormier and Bruno (2018) compared the flipped classroom students’
final grades with students in traditional classrooms followed by a qualitative survey to assess flipped
classroom students’ views on the effectiveness of the pedagogy. Experimental groups were subjected to
flipped classroom model that involved three phases: pre-class phase students watched 3-5 videos before
coming to class. During In-Class phase, instructors addressed students’ homework assignments questions.
Final exam grades of students in these classes were compared with those of the control groups.
Students in flipped classes were also given anonymous qualitative survey to assess their views on the use
of flipped classroom pedagogy. The quantitative and qualitative data were subjected to an additional
The second mixed method study for this assignment, (Gok, & Gok, 2016), utilized two-groups
(control and experimental). The researchers explored if peer learning strategies can help students better
understand difficult concepts, improve their problem solving and cognitive abilities. Pre and post-test,
quasi experimental design compared the effectiveness of peer instructions with just conventional
instruction pedagogy. In this quasi-study design, the researcher had no control to randomize the sample of
two chemistry sections. Although both groups were taught by the same instructor; the control group
received only traditional in-class lectures, whereas the experimental group was provided with additional
peer instruction (intervention). This study collected quantitative data, pre- and post-intervention for
Chemistry Achievement Test composed of multiple-choice questions and the end of term problem solving
test. My proposed methodology will be similar in nature to these two (mixed) quantitative data in the
form of final exam grade as well as student evaluation questionnaire used for experimental group only.
Comparison of Findings
Authors of the first study, Cormier and Bruno (2018) reported that flipped classroom pedagogy
led to students’ deeper understanding during question answer sessions and their active work on exercise
portfolios during and after classes. This improved comprehension resulted in higher grades and lower
withdrawal rates compared to students from traditional sections. It was difficult in Cormier and Bruno
(2018) study to properly establish the effect of peer learning as their research design had a flipped + co-
teaching group but did not include in-class instruction combined with co-teaching since it was a posterioi
The statistical analysis of Gok and Gok’s, (2016) pre-test and post-test data showed a statistically
significant improvement in flipped classroom students’ grades, conceptual learning, and problem-solving
skills as compared to traditional classrooms students. More than 90 % of the respondents had positive
view of flipped classroom learning, but an unspecified number of students felt that the out of class
preparation time was too long. The questionnaire’s method of evaluation was derived from literature
(Nicol & Boyle, 2003, cited in Gok & Gok, 2016, p. 10) which showed similar outcome as Gok & Gok’s
analysis results.
My proposed study intends to benefit from the analysis of two methodologies which show that the
flipped classroom model as well as peer instruction/learning strategies improved student learning in
chemistry courses. These pedagogies promoted an environment of interaction among the learners and the
instructors and supported the transfer of knowledge/skills between learners (Miller-Young, 2013 cited in
The selected two studies compared final grades of flipped classrooms students with traditional in-
class students, which has been a common practice in pedagogical research (O’Flaherty, 2015; Rayan &
Reid 2016, cited in Cormier & Voisard 2018, P. 6). The quantitative tools of this mixed method study
enabled the authors to assess the effects of flipped vs traditional in-class technique on student grades,
while the qualitative survey on students’ opinion provided valuable feedback to improve the flipped
classroom model for future courses. The application of mixed method approach used in the two studies
development, initiation of another question, and expansion as suggested by Greene, Caracelli, & Graham
(1989). The flipped classroom, peer instruction, and the portfolio activities methods used by the
researchers could help other and my students become proficient in difficult chemical concepts as well as
help improve students’ interaction among each other and with instructors (Cormier & Voisard, 2018, p. 1-
This study did receive ethics committee approval since it did not use any identifiable student
information. Grades were obtained from institution’s admissions office database using file numbers rather
than their names. The questionnaires were anonymous, and participation was voluntary. One of the
limitations of this methodology, which I will try to address in my proposed research, is that the
researchers could not correlate each student’s final grade with the questionnaire responses which
indicated their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the flipped classroom or peer instruction.
The second study also used mixed model but a small sample size. The strategy employed peer as well as
conventional instructions. The data was collected using pre-test and post-test. Multiple-choice testing
method used in this study enabled instructors to gauge students’ knowledge of fundamental chemistry
concepts before their participation in the study. The research questions were clearly stated, and research
tools employed were described in an easy-to-follow table format. In order to enhance readers’
understanding of this somewhat complex research methodology, there is step by step description of
quantitative as well as qualitative tools used in the study. The quantitative and qualitative data analysis
leans to support the premises of the study. Both studies analysed here implemented social constructivism
approach where students were given a chance to learn from each other in an engaged student-centered
Educational research in past decades have shown that there is a broader need for active learning
methods employed to teach STEM students. Subject of general chemistry involves the application of
mathematics in the curriculum and co-linking experimental work with theoretical study (Freeman et al,
2014 cited in Cormier & Voisard, 2018, p. 2) & Fautch, J. M. (2015) cited in Cormier & Voisard, 2018,
p. 2). Flipped classroom technique enables instructors to promote students’ higher order thinking as
traditional lectures may not be enough for students to grasp better conceptual understanding of difficult
topics. Following reviewed flipped methodologies, my students will be expected to acquaint themselves
with the topic prior to the class. Collaborative group work in these areas would encourage problem
solving, critical thinking, analytic ability, and group discussions. Moreover, I will create more
opportunities for interaction between instructor and students as well as added peer instruction and
cooperative work to promote enthusiasm and motivation in the learners. It will also promote group
learning by creating a better classroom experience for students of diverse background and cognitive
Encouraging results of the reviewed research paper motivated me to incorporate flipped classroom
pedagogy and active learning strategies in my chemistry classrooms as well as in hands on laboratory
work. In a flipped classroom model student become active learner as they are expected to learn to
familiarize themselves to new content on their own outside the classroom. Students should be able to
apply that conceptual understanding not only in classrooms but also to problems solving in practical
world (Abeysekera and Dawson, 2015 cited in Comier and Voisard 2018, p. 2). I propose to compare the
student outcomes in flipped & traditional instruction classrooms with and without collaborative active
learning. A mixed method will allow not only to compare student grades but will also provide insight
into students’ perception on teaching methodology. This will enable me to improve pedagogies based on
students’ feedback to improve learning in future chemistry classes as suggested by Cohen, Manion, &
If structured and executed properly, active learning pedagogies will lead to development of
improved cognitive capacity and verbal communication, and foster leadership skills. It will also promote
positive teacher student interaction as stated by Cormier and Voisard (2018). Instructors will provide
students working in groups necessary guidance and feedback to help complete their exercise portfolios.
Short videos and lesson plans will be used in the proposed study to preserve students’ interest and
engagement outside the classroom and to address one of the weaknesses reported in reviewed literature
One of the challenges of a flipped classroom method is to have a fine-tuned lesson plans to
address all learning styles, to help students prepare at home and reinforce the concepts in the classroom.
Teachers need to be vigilant to prevent dominating students who could intimidate others in the group
activities and impede their active participation and learning. On the other hand, a positive outcome may
be that students learn to manage and keep up with the pace with their peers. In order to achieve a higher
confidence level, study should be conducted over several semesters with a larger sample size.
Analysis of these studies reveals that active learning strategies positively influenced student’s
ability to become proficient in chemistry concepts leading to better performance in tests. I will
incorporate active learning approaches in my teaching and share my experience with other teachers to
help improve the overall quality of teaching in the institution. A set of worksheets (sample attached in
Appendix 2) will be created for flipped classroom to maximize student participation in small group
collaborative environment. Student group responses to these worksheets will be used for formative
assessment and final exam grades (summative assessment) will provide quantitative data. In addition,
student responses to open ended questionnaire (Appendix 1) will be used for qualitative analysis of their
perception of this pedagogy. The responses may provide valuable information to better align subject level
Article Reviewed.
In this age of technology, it is more effective to teach chemistry using computer-oriented games to
foster learning among students and retain knowledge. The study selected (Srisawasdi and Panjaburee,
2018, p. 155) for this review used self-developed gaming methods, such as “scaffolding and instructions”
to illustrate macroscopic and sub-microscopic phenomena. The study authors observed students’
students to better conceptualise symbolic representation of various molecular structures. My teaching will
include computer-oriented methods used in this study to make it easier for students to grasp unobservable
submicroscopic phenomenon such as “molecular polarity and molecular structure” without using
advanced scientific equipment. The selected study is supported with previous research that games
developed with appropriate discipline specific pedagogies can foster student learning and improve
conceptual understanding of the subject (Bressler and Bodzin, 2016 cited in Srisawasdi and Panjaburee,
2018, p. 153), as well as improved motivation in learning (Hwang et al., 2015 cited in Srisawasdi and
I chose this paper as it employs innovative, computer-oriented digital games in conjunction with
traditional instruction to enhance students’ learning and engagement. Srisawasdi and Panjaburee (2018, p.
152) noted that incorporating computer games into teaching can lead to an increased comprehension of
complex chemical concepts. Thus, transforming scientific knowledge into gaming scenarios can be used
to promote student learning in disciplines such as chemistry. Pedagogical oriented games as a part of
inquiry-based learning that relies on decades of research as well as more recent studies is a hallmark of
Srisawasdi and Panjaburee’s, (2018) teaching improvement endeavor. The study cited Bransford et al.
(2000), who explained the success of inquiry-based learning through its ability to change misconceptions
about scientific phenomena. Some of the recent cited research, Bressler, & Bodzin, (2016, p.153) and
Hwang et al. (2015, p.153) noted useful interactions between teachers’ role and students’ responsibilities
in active learning. These studies also underscored the difference between theory and applied scientific
Srisawasdi and Panjaburee (2018 employed quantitative as well quantitative method in their
study. Creswell (2005) suggested that quantitative methodology is suitable in situations where researchers
are trying to observe trends or relationships between known variables, whereas qualitative methodology is
more pertinent to observing trends or relationships between unknown variables. Several researchers,
Cohen, Manion, & Morrison, (2009), Britten and Fisher (1993), asserted that quantitative and qualitative
methodologies have their own strengths and weakness, and both may have validity and reliability
problems. Quantitative methods are generally reliable but are not always valid, whereas qualitative
methods are generally valid but not always reliable. Srisawasdi and Panjaburee’s (2018) attempted to
counterbalance inherent weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative methods by utilizing mixed
method research. The study’s quantitative part included statistical analysis of pre and post-test quizzes
and questionnaires.
This study’s methodology was designed to measure participants’ motivational, cognitive learning,
and conceptual understanding of various chemistry topics. The qualitative method included result of pre-
experiment questionnaire, using “Mann-Whitney U-test” that analysed students’ pre-existing motivational
level about learning chemistry (Srisawasdi and Panjaburee’s, 2018, p.158-159). Cohen, Manion, &
Morrison, (2009), and Britten & Fisher’s (1993) argument about the reliability resonated in the selected
study where the researchers acknowledged the need for further research to ensure reliability in achieving
students understanding of chemistry is a salient feature of this study. This technique enabled students to
understand not only macroscopic chemical phenomena, but also microscopically observable chemical
reactions such as molecular polarity and molecular structure (Srisawasdi & Panjaburee’s, 2018, p. 155).
The study result revealed a statistically significant increase in student’s conceptual understanding and
main limitation of this focus-group based study is a small sample size of two groups of 31 students from
one high school. Creswell (2005) suggested that a purposeful sample of convenience provides researchers
the flexibility to focus on the population that is most suitable for the phenomenon being explored.
Another limitation of this study is the lack of clarity in the data collection, analysis methods, or
discussion of the findings. The study did not explain how participating students’ motivation level was
Despite the aforesaid limitation, this study employed statistically verifiable cognitive tools to
analyse the quantitative and qualitative data from a small sample size. By using this teaching
methodology, myself and other educators in FE institutions can enhance students’ conceptual
understanding in chemistry. The study Data presented in easy-to-follow tables and graphs and encourages
me and other teachers to use innovative computer-oriented tools as part of their teaching improvement
techniques. Methodology of the technique is clearly described, and authors presented viable solutions and
suggestions for exploring and developing games to implement this pedagogy at a larger scale (Srisawasdi
Analysis of Findings
Statistical analysis found no significant difference between the conceptual and motivational pre-
test score for “Game-transformed, Inquiry-based” learners and conventional Inquiry-based learners.
However, there is a significant difference in the post-test scores of these two groups: demonstrating a
post-test higher score on conceptual understanding as well as motivation survey for “Game-transformed,
Inquiry-based” students. The results of these studies showed that “Game-transformed,” Inquiry-based”
learning students not only performed significantly better, but also had improved motivation to learn
This study supported prior findings that computers-oriented interactive inquiry-based games can
play an important role in enhancing students’ learning in chemistry. These games played an integral role
in the creation of psychomotor skills and cognitive development of students in this computer era
generation. Information processing and cognitive ability significantly improves when students are offered
an opportunity to learn Chemistry, or acquire any other knowledge, by using a more interesting medium
that learners find relatable (Srisawasdi and Panjaburee, 2018, p.153). Based on the encouraging findings
of this and other similar studies, I will incorporate some of the existing web-based chemical
computational and 3-D modelling tools, such as “WebMO”, “Spartan” or “GaussView” into my teaching
whenever possible. These techniques will enable students to gain better understanding of sub-microscopic
chemical concepts, such as molecular polarity as well as 3-D symbolic rendering of molecular structure
and most likely will shorten students’ learning curve (Heads, J., Tran, D., Elechi, N., & Fan, H., 2015).
Learning with such tools and games can contribute to enhanced problem-solving skills and increased
(task 2 and 3)
Abeysekera, L., & Dawson, P. (2015). Motivation and cognitive load in the flipped classroom: definition,
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Appendix 1
Q2. Did you find the videos helpful in understanding the concepts?
Q 5. Was the time given for the problem solving was enough?
Q 10. Based on your experience in this course would you prefer to have all your courses to be offered as
Flipped classroom?
Appendix 2
1. Carbonic acid (H2CO3) is a diprotic acid. 3. Which of the following will produce an
The Kas are as follows: acidic solution in water?
Ka1 = 4.3 x 10-7 X. NH4NO3
Ka2 = 4.7 x 10-11 Y. NaCl
What is the pH of a 0.222 M solution of Z. NaF
phosphoric acid?
A. X and Y
A. 6.37 B. X
B. 7.92
C. 3.57 C. Y
D. 2.46 D. Z
E. 6.53 E. Y and Z
2. Which of these compounds is the stronger 4. Which of the following will produce an
base (the one more likely to become basic solution in water?
protonated?) X. NH4NO3
Y. NaCl
A. Piperidine Z. NaF
B. Piperazine
C. They are the A. X and Y
same. B. X
C. Y
D. Z
piperidine piperazine E. Y and Z
Worksheet 25
5. Which of the following will produce an 8. Consider the acid base reaction below and
neutral solution in water? choose the base-conjugate acid pair from
X. NH4NO3 the list.
Y. NaCl CH3NH2(aq) + H2O(ℓ )⇌
Z. NaF CH3NH3 +(aq) + OH–(aq)
Page 2
CHEM 1412 MWF Spring 2016
Worksheet #25 – pH of Salts and the Common Ion Effect
Name Team
The addition of some salts to water causes a change in pH. Other salts do not cause a change in
pH. Which salts cause changes to the pH and does the pH go up or down? How can you calculate
the pH? What happens to the pH when you add a neutral salt, such as NaNO2 to a dilute solution
of HNO2? Stay tuned.
Learning Objectives
Students should be able to:
● Predict whether a salt solution will be acidic or basic.
● Calculate the pH of salt solutions.
● Predict whether the addition of a salt to an acid-base equilibrium will cause the pH of a
solution to increase or decrease.
● Calculate the pH of solutions in the presence of added salt.
Gilbert, 16.6 and 16.7
No ChemTours today.
pH of Salts
This video summarizes the basic pH effects of salts. 10:12 minutes.
Equilibrium, algebra, Ka, Kb, Kw, conjugate acid, and conjugate base.
Worksheet 25
Common ion effect.
Focus Information
Common Ion Effect
Good news If you have been paying attention, you already know this! The common ion effect is just Le
Chatlier's principle! In the common ion effect, the addition of salts that have a common ion with a weak
acid can change the pH. For instance, consider what happens when you add NaF to the reaction below.
That was easy! By the way, when the [H+] goes down, the pH goes up.
Key Questions
1. What is the pH of a 0.5 M solution of NaCl?
Page 2
Worksheet 25
2. Are solutions of the following salts acidic, basic, or neutral? For acidic or basic solutions
write the appropriate chemical equation.
a. NaNO2
b. NaNO3
c. C5H5NHClO4
d. NH4NO2
Note NH4+ pKa = 9.25, NO2 – pKb = 10.85
e. KOCl
f. CO2
g. SO3
3. Arrange the following 0.10 M solutions in order of most acidic to most basic.
Page 3
Worksheet 25
Kb = pKb =
Kb = pKb =
5. Calculate the pH of a 0.10 M solution of NaOCl. The pKa of HOCl is 3.5 x 10-8.
Page 4
Worksheet 25
6. Calculate the pH of a 0.25 M solution of methylamine chloride (CH 3NH3Cl) in water. The Kb for
methylamine (CH3NH2) is 4.38 x 10-4.
7. For each case below indicate whether the equilibrium shifts to the right or to the left with
the addition of the compound indicated and say whether the pH increases or decreases
after you add the compound.
Page 5
Worksheet 25
Page 6