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IOSR Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IOSR-JEEE)

e-ISSN: 2278-1676,p-ISSN: 2320-3331, Volume 11, Issue 3Ver. I (May. – Jun. 2016), PP 09-18

Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control

N.Sivasankari, 2M.Parameswari, 3Dr.K.Anbarasan, 4Dr.M.Balasingh Moses
PG Student - Embedded System Technologies, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College, Perambalur,
Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan
Engineering College, Perambalur, India.
HOD, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Engineering College,
Perambalur , India.
HOD, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Anna University, Trichy, India.

Abstract: Now a days health monitoring is essential for all human beings. In recent years several technique is
used for health monitoring purpose. Here I proposed a Wi–Fi based wireless sensor network for monitoring
purpose. Because, it has both data acquisition and data transmission principle. Each of us requires a periodic
monitoring of vital parameters and correct treatments based on this data. These processes become even more
crucial when people reach a certain age and are not capable to follow their health condition properly without a
special medical personnel or sophisticated equipment to perform the monitoring. Therefore, a particular
interest is focused on continuous monitoring techniques. For continuous monitoring, Atmega328
microcontroller is used. In this case several sensor unit is considered. Namely, Temperature sensor, Heart beat
rate sensor, human Blood pressure sensor. All of sensors are used only for sensing purpose. If the sensed value
is equal to normal value, it stops further process. Otherwise it sends control signals to patient via Actuator.

Index Terms: Atmega328 microcontroller, sensor unit, data acquisition, data transmission.

I. Introduction
Many architectures for remote health monitoring procedures were developed in the recent years such as
smart phone based remote health monitoring application. In remote health care monitoring application we
cannot make use of the available bandwidth successfully, if we use the traditional mode of transmitting the data
continuously. It reduces the node life time, even leads to failure of data due to delay and buffer overloading,
which is not acceptable particularly in the health care application.
The problems that occur due to the improper data association collected from patients have been
discussed. The architecture proposed is consists of a central gateway which gathers the data from all the users
and transmit it to the central server periodically, where clinicians can classify the user‟s health status.
Therefore, a particular interest is focused on continuous monitoring techniques. Unlike the spot
checking, this type of monitoring is able to providing a long term information about the patient, helps to record
emergency situations and react effectively to any significant change in person‟s health conditions in a real time.
Health care is an important part of everyday life for all human beings on the planet. Each of us requires
a periodic monitoring of imperative parameters and right treatments based on this data. These processes become
even more crucial when people attain a certain age and are not able to follow their health condition properly
without a special medical recruits or sophisticated equipment to perform the monitoring
The older person gets, the wider spectrum of possible diseases and unexpected emergency situations
might occur. In order to avoid this, he or she needs to be elated to the hospital, observed by medical staff and
provided with immediate help if some of the parameters are abnormal.

II. Literature Review

A smart phone based platform offers comprehensive, secure and modular patient monitoring clinical
environment. Using both virtualization of the phone OS and virtual mobile networks of sensors with full
Internet Protocol (IP) connectivity, we allow real-time remote sensor readings of patient Body Area Networks
(BANs) to be stored, processed and forwarded securely to healthcare practitioners [1].
Pervasive healthcare using remote health monitoring offers solutions to many of today‟s healthcare
challenges, including chronic diseases and an ageing population [2]. Reliability of such remote medical
monitoring systems depends on reliable data association. This article first identifies and characterizes the data
association problem, it sets the requirements for correct data association, and it presents a taxonomy for the
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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

The intelligent indoor positioning algorithm that fuses a PDR system and an RSS-based Wi-Fi
positioning system is proposed without requiring the initial user location and initial user moving direction
information in advance. In this case, the initial user location and moving direction are determined sequentially
[3]. A tradeoff between the locations estimated by the Wi-Fi and the PDR positioning systems.
Existing space suits use conventional wired sensors that collect very limited physiological data to
monitor health of astronauts during missions[4]. Adding more wired sensors would involve significant
modifications and complexity to the suit. Deploying a wireless body area network (WBAN) is preferred and
would provide a number of advantages such as flexibility in sensor complement and positioning.
The application area we consider is that of remote cardiovascular monitoring, where continuous
sensing and processing takes place in low-power, computationally constrained devices, thus the power
consumption and complexity of the processing algorithms should remain at a minimum level [5]. Experiments
carried out on ECG signals from publicly available databases, covering both standard 12-lead and ambulatory
recordings, as well as on a non-commercial data base show that the performance is very close to the state of the
art ECG delineators
. The collected medical data from bio-medical sensors should be transmitted to the nearest gateway for
further processing. Transmission of data contributes to a significant amount of power consumption by the
transmitter and increase in the network traffic. In this paper we propose a low complex rule engine based health
care data acquisition and smart transmission system architecture, which uses IEEE 802.15.4 standard for
transferring data to the gateway. In this paper, ECG data acquisition and transmission architecture is considered
[6]. The metrics used for performance analysis are the amount of power saving and reduction in network traffic.
It is shown that the proposed rule engine gives a significant reduction in energy consumption and network traffic
Frequency overlap across wireless networks with different radio technologies can cause severe
interference and reduce communication reliability. The circumstances are particularly unfavorable for ZigBee
networks that share the 2.4 GHz ISM band with Wi-Fi senders capable of 10 to 100 times higher transmission
power [7]. Our work first examines the interference patterns between ZigBee and Wi-Fi networks at the bit-level
Smart grid is an intelligent power generation, distribution, and control system. ZigBee, as a wireless
mesh networking scheme low in cost, power, data rate, and complexity, is ideal for smart grid applications, e.g.,
real-time system monitoring, load control, and building automation. Unfortunately, almost all ZigBee channels
overlap with wireless local area network (WLAN) channels, resulting in severe performance degradation due to
interference [8].
Energy consumption is the core issue in wireless sensor networks (WSN). To generate a node energy
model that can accurately reveal the energy consumption of sensor nodes is an extremely important part of
protocol development, system design and performance evaluation in WSNs [10]. In this paper, by studying
component energy consumption in different node states and within state transitions, the authors present the
energy models of the node core components, including processors, RF modules and sensors. Furthermore, this
paper reveals the energy correlations between node components, and then establishes the node energy model
based on the event-trigger mechanism.
The attached sensors on patient‟s body form a wireless body sensor network (WBSN) and they are able
to sense the heart rate, blood pressure and so on. This system can detect the abnormal conditions, issue an alarm
to the patient and send a SMS/E-mail to the physician [11]. The system is able to carry out a long-tem
monitoring on patient‟s condition and is equipped with an emergency rescue mechanism using SMS/E-mail.
The application area we consider is that of remote cardiovascular monitoring, where continuous
sensing and processing takes place in low-power, computationally constrained devices, thus the power
consumption and complexity of the processing algorithms should remain at a minimum level [12]. Experiments
carried out on ECG signals from publicly available databases, covering both standard 12-lead and ambulatory
recordings, as well as on a non-commercial database show that the performance is very close to the state of the
art ECG delineators.
The interference effect of the Wi-Fi signals on ZigBee channels has been investigated based on real
experiments in different noisy wireless environments [13]. The collected medical data from bio-medical sensors
should be transmitted to the nearest gateway for further processing. Transmission of data contributes to a
significant amount of power consumption by the transmitter and increase in the network traffic [14]. In this
paper we propose a low complex rule engine based health care data acquisition and smart transmission system
architecture, which uses IEEE 802.15.4 standard for transferring data to the gateway. In this paper, ECG data
acquisition and transmission architecture is considered. The metrics used for performance analysis are the
amount of power saving and reduction in network traffic. It is shown that the proposed rule engine gives a
significant reduction in energy consumption and network traffic generated.

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

We aim to develop practical ZigBee deployment guideline under the interference of WLAN. We
identify the “Safe Distance” and “Safe Offset Frequency” using a comprehensive approach including theoretical
analysis, software simulation, and empirical measurement. In addition, we propose a frequency agility-based
interference avoidance algorithm [15]. The proposed algorithm can detect interference and adaptively switch
nodes to “safe” channel to dynamically avoid WLAN interference with small latency and small energy

III. Existing System

In existing system, FPGA based ubiquitously connected remote health monitoring applications with
smart transmission mechanism was introduced. This FPGA based hardware architecture of adaptive rule engine
is requires two 16 bit comparators, two 3 bit adders, one 3 bit comparator and one 16 bit subtractor. The 16 bit
subtractor serially calculates the PR, QRS and QT data intervals of ECG signal from their respective start and
end points from the input data. For monitoring purpose, the signal acquisition acquire ECG data from patient.
ECG data of 20 patients with different age groups were monitored and then the evaluated results are compared
with original values.
IV. Proposed Hardware Architecture

Fig: 1 Block diagram of health monitoring and control system

The proposed system architecture consist of three main units namely monitor unit, sensor unit, and
control unit. The sensor unit acquires the multi parametric medical data such as Electro Cardiogram (ECG),
body temperature, glucose levels, heart beat etc. from different sensors using various signal processing
techniques. Better proactive analysis can be given only if the data collected from the patient is classified
The collected parameters are given to controller unit.It compares collected data values to original
values.If any deviation occur, it produce control signal to patient via actuator.For monitoring purpose LCD
display is used.

Fig:2 Typical health monitoring system

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Other issue, the Internet of Things (IoT) architectures face is the anywhere or ubiquitous connectivity,
especially in Wireless Body Area Networks (WBAN) applications where the patient is needed to be under
constant supervision of the clinicians for proactive diagnosis. Bluetooth, ZigBee and Wi-Fi are the primary suite
of high level communications used in WBANs. WBAN systems would have to ensure seamless data transfer
across standards such as Bluetooth LE, ZigBee and Wi-Fi etc. to promote information exchange, plug and play
device interaction. ZigBee and Bluetooth LE assists in a low energy consumption with low data rate but offers
very low range compared to Wi-Fi. Being a non-static user under monitoring, the chances of user loosing
connectivity by crossing the range is very high which makes the delivery of proactive diagnosis a difficult

Sensor unit
A sensor is a transducer whose purpose is to Sense some characteristic of its environments. It detects
events or changes in quantities and provides a corresponding output, generally as an electrical or optical signal.
A sensor is a device that detects and responds to some type of input from the physical environment. The specific
input could be light, heat, motion, moisture, pressure, or any one of a great number of other environmental
phenomena. The output is generally a signal that is converted to human-readable display at the sensor location
or transmitted electronically over a network for reading or further processing.
A sensor's sensitivity indicates how much the sensor's output changes when the input quantity being
measured changes. For instance, if the mercury in a thermometer moves 1 cm when the temperature changes by
1 °C, the sensitivity is 1 cm/°C (it is basically the slope Dy/Dx assuming a linear characteristic). Some sensors
can also have an impact on what they measure; for instance, a room temperature thermometer inserted into a hot
cup of liquid cools the liquid while the liquid heats the thermometer.
The sensor unit consist of three sensors namely, Temperature sensor, Heart Beat sensor and blood
pressure sensor. It acquires body temperature, heart beat rate and blood pressure level from patient.

A. Temperature Sensor
LM35 is one of the most precision IC temperature sensor. Temperature measurement is more
accurately than a thermistor. The range of operating temperature is from -55°C to 150°C. The sensor circuitry is
fully sealed and there is no oxidation and other processes. The output voltage is proportional to ambient
temperature varies by 10mV in response to every oC rise/fall in temperature.

Fig: 3 LM35 temperature sensor

B. Heart Beat Sensor
In this project TCRT1000 sensor is used, which is a reflective optical sensor with both the infrared
light emitter and phototransistor located side by side and are enclosed inside a leaded package so that there is
minimum effect of surrounding visible light. A fingertip placed over the sensor will act as a reflector of the
incident light. The quantity of light reflected back from the fingertip is monitored by the phototransistor.

Fig: 4 Heart beat sensor

C. Blood Pressure Sensor
The purpose of Vernier Blood Pressure Sensor is used to measure systemic arterial blood pressure in
humans (non-invasively). it can measure arterial blood pressure and estimate both the systolic and diastolic

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

blood pressure using the oscillometric method. The dynamic sensor in this unit is the SenSym SDX05D4
pressure transducer. It has a membrane which flexes as pressure changes. This sensor is prearranged to measure
differential pressure. It includes special circuitry to minimize errors caused by changes in temperature. We offer
an amplifier circuit that conditions the signal from the pressure transducer. In this circuit, the output voltage
from the Blood Pressure Sensor will be linear with respect to pressure.

Fig: 5 Blood pressure sensor

Controller Unit
D. Atmega328 Microcontroller
The ATmega328 is a single chip miniature size controller produced by Atmel and belongs to the mega
AVR series. The controller voltage range 1.8-5.5 V. The controller achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS
per MHz; A common option to the ATmega328 is the " Pico Power " ATmega328P. The ATmega32 provides
the following features: 32Kbytes of In-System Programmable Flash memory with Read-while-Write facilities,
1024bytes EEPROM, 2Kbyte SRAM, 32 general purpose I/O lines.

Fig: 6 Atmega328 microcontroller

Monitoring unit
E. LCD Display
A liquid-crystal display is an electronic display, even panel display, or video display. Liquid crystals
don‟t turn out light directly. Liquid crystal displays are accessible to display random images (as in a general-use
computer display) or fixed images which can be showed or hidden, such as preset words, digits, and seven-
segment displays as in a digital clock. LCD displays are used for many more applications including computer
monitors, instrument panels, aircraft cockpit displays, televisions, and signage. They are proverbial to end user
devices such as DVD players, clocks, watches, calculators, gaming devices, and telephones.

Fig: 7 LCD Display

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Wi-Fi is the name of a popular wireless networking technology that uses radio waves to provide
wireless high-speed Internet and network connections. A common misconception is that the term Wi-Fi is short
for "wireless fidelity," However this is not the case, Wi-Fi is simply a trademarked phrase that means IEEE
The Wi-Fi Alliance, the organization that owns the Wi-Fi registered trademark term specifically
defines Wi-Fi as any "wireless local area network (WLAN) products that are based on the Institute of Electrical
and Electronics Engineers' (IEEE) 802.11 standards."
Initially, Wi-Fi was used in place of only the 2.4GHz 802.11b standard, however the Wi-Fi Alliance
has expanded the generic use of the Wi-Fi term to include any type of network or WLAN product based on any
of the 802.11 standards, including 802.11b, 802.11a, dual-band, and so on, in an attempt to stop confusion about
wireless LAN interoperability.
Many devices can use Wi-Fi, e.g. personal computers, video-game consoles, smart phones, digital
cameras, tablet computers and digital audio players. These can connect to a network resource such as the
Internet via a wireless network access point. Such an access point (or hotspot) has a range of about 20 meters
(66 feet) indoors and a greater range outdoors. Hotspot coverage can be as small as a single room with walls that
block radio waves, or as large as many square kilo metres achieved by using multiple overlapping access points.
Depiction of a device sending information wirelessly to another device, both connected to the local network, in
order to print a document.

Fig: 8 Wi-Fi module

Fig: 9 Flow chart

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Fig: 10 Graphical representation

V. Software Requirement
A. Arduino
Arduino is a type of computer software and hardware company that offers open-source environment for
user project and user community that intends and fabricates microcontroller based inventions for construction
digital devices and interactive objects that can sense and manage the physical world. For programming the
microcontrollers, the Arduino proposal provides an software application or IDE based on the Processing project,
which includes C, C++ and Java programming software. It also support for embedded C, C++ and Java
programming software.
Arduino is an open-source computer hardware and software company, project and user community that
designs and manufactures microcontroller-based kits for building digital devices and interactive objects that can
sense and control the physical world.The boards feature serial communications interfaces, including USB on
some models, for loading programs from personal computers. For programming the microcontrollers, the
Arduino platform provides an integrated development environment (IDE) based on the Processing project,
which includes support for C, C++ and Java programming languages.
An Arduino board consists of an Atmel 8, 16 or 32-bit AVR microcontroller with complementary
components that facilitate programming and incorporation into other circuits. An important aspect of the
Arduino is its standard connectors, which lets users connect the CPU board to a variety of interchangeable add-
on modules known as shields . Some shields communicate with the Arduino board directly over various pins,
but many shields are individually addressable via an I²C serial bus so many shields can be stacked and used in
parallel. Official Arduinos have used the mega AVR series of chips, specifically the ATmega8 , ATmega168.
An Arduino's microcontroller is also pre-programmed with a boot loader that simplifies uploading of
programs to the on-chip flash memory, compared with other devices that typically need an external programmer.
This makes using an Arduino more straightforward by allowing the use of an ordinary computer as the
programmer. Currently, opti boot loader is the default boot loader installed on Arduino UNO.
An Arduino's microcontroller is also pre-programmed with a boot loader that simplifies uploading of
programs to the on-chip flash memory, compared with other devices that typically need an external programmer.
This makes using an Arduino more straightforward by allowing the use of an ordinary computer as the

Fig: 11 Arduino software

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Fig: 12 Program Compilation

B. Proteus isis7 simulator
Proteus is design software urbanized by Lab center Electronics for electronic circuit simulation,
schematic capture and PCB design. Its plainness and user friendly design made it popular among electronics
hobbyists. Proteus is commonly useful for digital simulations such as microcontrollers and microprocessors. It
can simulate LED, LDR, and USB Communication etc...
C. Embedded C
An embedded system is an application that contains at least one programmable computer (typically in
the form of a microcontroller, a micro processor, digital signal processor chip) and which is used by individuals
who are, in the main unaware that the system is computer-based.
Computers (such as microcontroller, microprocessor or DSP chips) only accept instructions in
„machine code‟ („object code‟). Machine code is, by definition, in the language of the computer, rather than that
of the programmer. Interpretation of the code by the programmer is difficult and error prone.
All software, whether in assembly, C, C++, Java or Ada must ultimately be translated into machine
code in order to be executed by the computer. There is no point in creating „perfect‟ source code, if we then
make use of a poor translator program (such as an assembler or compiler) and thereby generate executable code
that does not operate as we intended.
Embedded processors like the 8051 have limited processor power and very limited memory available:
the language used must be efficient. To program embedded systems, we need low-level access to the hardware.
This means, at least, being able to read from and write to particular memory locations(using „pointers‟ or an
equivalent mechanism).

VI. Simulation Results

Proteus ISIS7 simulator is used for simulation purpose. For program computing purpose, Arduino IDE
tool is used. The simulation results are given below:

Fig: 13 Typical simulation module

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Fig: 14 Simulation output

Fig: 15 Circuit diagram

Fig: 16 Detection of low heart beat

Fig: 17 Glow of LED

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Arduino Based Human Health Care Monitoring And Control System

Fig: 18 Control action

VII. Conclusion And Future Work

In this paper, we proposed a Wi-Fi based remote health monitoring and control system using
atmega328 microcontroller, which is capable to continuously monitor the patient‟s heart beat, blood pressure
and other critical parameters in the hospital. We also proposed a continuous monitoring and control mechanism
to monitor the patient condition and store the patient statistics in server. For the performance valuation,
simulation results are taken by using PROTEUS 7 simulation tool.
Our future work is to explore the hardware multiplexing between the two radios and achieve a
significant area reduction in the development of multiple radios based communication devices like an “IoT
chipset”. Envisaged IoT chipset will have features like adaptive rule engine based smart transmission technique
to achieve low power and seamless hand-off controller (SHC) integrated for seamless hand-off between multiple
on-chip radios to enable ubiquitous connectivity.

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