Safe Manhole First Report IOT New

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T. E. Information Technology




Manholes are chambers along the sewer lines for providing

access into them. They are used to carry out inspection, cleaning
and removing obstruction in the sewer line.

Manhole covers are round in shape because of the following

 A round manhole cover cannot fall through its circular
 Round covers don’t need to be rotated or precisely aligned
when placed them on the openings.
 It is easily rolled and moved.
 It is easier to dig a circular hole.

In recent years, the theft of manhole covers for financial

reasons has become more common. This has led to many
problems such as car damages, possible terrorist attack, toxic
substances etc.

Every year many people die because of open manhole

especially small children.Our project aims to rescue people who
have fallen in the manhole at the earliest by informing
concerned authorities.

Literature Review

Manhole management is very important and secure management

of manhole is necessary in smart cities. In this literature review, study
of research papers related to smart manhole is presented.

Muragesh SK and Santhosha Rao [1] System Created by them

adopts three way alert systems at the managing station, which include
LCD display, route map and speaker. They monitored manholes using
sensors. If drainage gets blocked and water overflows, and if manhole
lid is opens, it is sensed by the sensors, then that sensor sends
information via transmitter which is located in that area to the
corresponding managing station.
Sowndharya Vadivelu et al [2] This paper is proposed to design an
effective accident avoid system by preventing open man-hole in major
cities. The sensors like tilt sensor and weight sensor used to detect the
crack and the damage in the man-hole cover and then the information
will be sent to the authority of the corporation department and the
councilor of the area where the manhole is present. The control and
the maintenance is made through Internet of Things. Further they are
planning to make a unique sensor which measures all the parameters
at the same time.

Hesham H. Aly, Abdel Hamid Soliman, Mansor Mouniri [3] This

paper proposes step towards design a fully automated monitoring
system for MC taking into consideration the development in the SC
and IOT solutions. It aims towards smart manhole monitoring using
sensors for safety of the people.

Shruthi Shri A. S. [4] This system provides a smart way of detecting

the drainage clogs, which can be implemented in all the smart cities to
reduce time, money and human intervention. This is one another
initiative to maintain the city clean and safeguard the cleanliness that
already prevails in the city.


NIKALE , YOGITA DALVI [5] This paper addresses all about
smart and real-time Drainage monitoring system through IoT
applications for metropolitan cities. By using various sensors such as
gas detection, water level as well as blockage detection we can
monitor the real time scenario of drainage system by for detecting the
problems in drainage system. By doing this we can able to take
particular action on the problems as we will receive the early alerts of
blockage as well as increase.

North China Electric Power University [6] This system established

the integration of urban drainage manhole cover intelligent
monitoring system to safeguard people's travel safety and improve
urban management capacity. This system has real-time monitoring,
alarm timely, accurate positioning, rapid processing. In this paper, the
combination of intelligent detection technology and Internet
technology, through the system design, development, testing and etc
stage realizes the real-time monitoring on the covers. When a thief
stealing manhole covers or covers damage occurred, etc., on the one
hand through the light alarm, warning signs remind reminder
pedestrian detour, on the other hand to alert the monitoring center,
enabling managers to quickly carry out repairs on the covers. Not
only to protect the life and property safety of the public, but also for
digital infrastructure, intelligent management of attempt reliability.

Paper Advantages Disadvantages Future Scope

1. Sensor senses all the It is increasingly It can be used to
physical parameters difficult to define guide the
like temperature, common specification,
water overflow, requirements for optimization and
manhole lid open or the WSN nodes development of
closed and rings and platforms. sensor network
buzzer on some event. platforms for IoT
2. It monitors the It deals only with They plan to
manhole cover 24x7. sensors and no make a unique
Most of the accidents actuators. sensor which
are reduced. There is measures all the
advancement in safety parameters at the
protection. same time.

3. It traced origins of the The design It will consider

MC issues and challenges like design challenges
presented a statistical harsh like cost, harsh
analysis showing the environment, environment, and
gaps found in the network, etc was memory and
current automated not considered. network
monitoring system for requirements are
the MC. still in progress.

4. This system detects The clog can be Chemicals can be

the drainage clogs, to removed by used in drainage
reduce time, money increasing the pipes, so that the
and human pressure of the clog is split into
intervention. sewage-water, small particles
which was not and thus releases
done. the blockage in
that place.

Paper Advantages Disadvantages Future Scope

5. Protect the life and No problem as
property safety of the there is total
public, but also for security provided.
digital infrastructure,
management of
attempt reliability.
Problem Statement

This mini-project aims to develop an IOT based safe manhole

system which will rescue people who have fallen in the manhole at
the earliest by generating an alarm through the buzzer as well as
sending sms to the concerned authorities.
System Design
Circuit Design
System Requirements

• Hardware requirements:
– Arduino Uno
– Ultrasonic Sensor
– Buzzer
– Breadboard
– Wires
• Software requirements:
– Arduino IDE
– Android App
Cost of Components

Arduino Uno Board Rs 450-Rs 600

Ultrasonic Sensor Rs 70-Rs 90

Buzzer Rs 20-Rs 50

Breadboard Rs 50-Rs 120

Wires Rs 100-Rs 200

Total Rs 690- Rs1,060


[1] Automated Internet of Things for Underground Drainage and

Manhole Monitoring System for Metropolitan Cities : Muragesh SK
and Santhosha Rao

[2] Smart Manhole Coverage System Using IOT: Sowndharya

Vadivelu ,Prakashraja, Sahana Raga Saini, Malavika Ramaiyan

[3] Towards a fully automated monitoring system for Manhole Cover:

Smart cities and IOT applications : Hesham H. Aly ; Abdel Hamid
Soliman ; Mansour Mouniri
Published in: Smart Cities Conference (ISC2), IEEE International

[4] Smart Drainage Monitoring and Clog Identification Using IOT

Shruthi Shri A. S.

[5] Smart Real-Time Drainage Monitoring System Using Internet of

[6] Manhole Cover Intelligent Detection and Management System,
North China Electric Power University

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