Hyperloop Train of Future

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International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017

ISSN 2229-5518


Hyperloop, Train of Future

Vinay Pandey, Shyam Sasi Pallissery

Abstract—In today’s date travelling is defined by rail, road, air and water. These are
mostly available in world with very common sets of problem like safety, security of
structure, environmental crisis, space, time for travelling, etc. And most important
problems is that even best of these has high cost or slow speed or in sad cases both of
them. Hyperloop is a concept that is believed to be originated from 20 th century’s sci-fi,
which shifts paradigm of transport. Hyperloop is theoretically most safe, eco-friendly,
relatively cheap, and the future face of transportation .

Keywords— Transportation, Effectiveness, Development, Modern Tech, Hyperloop

Train, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamic, Electromagnetism, Safety, Quality,
Inexpensive, Compressor fans, Air bearings, Suspensions

__________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __

I. INTRODUCTION iii. Railways (not cheap, time

W heel being the most important initial

invention of human significates the
consuming, relatively much more
eco-friendly than others).

elevation of standard of human being since Present condition demands for alternate
ancient times, as we have progressed in travelling means which could nullify
science and technology and entered the era negative aspects of above system with
of microprocessor we gained transportation following requirements-
means like car, trucks, airplanes, ships, etc. i. Which is comfortable with
We have brought such a huge change in passenger schedule.
these means by upgrading them time to time
but since time is moving ahead we must race ii. Cheap as Road ways
with it by bringing up more advance means
of transportation which can be face of iii. Time saving as air ways
Today’s transportation majorly includes- iv. Eco-friendly
i. Roadways (cheap, time
consuming, not so eco-friendly) v. More secure

ii. Airways (not cheap, time saving, II. LITERATURE SURVEY

not eco-friendly) Earlier, in all types of transportation mode,
we have encountered many accidents, cost
———————————————— issues, comfort issues, affordability,
conservation issues and environmental
 Vinay Pandey and Shyam Sasi Pallissery are currently
pursuing bachelors degree program in mechanical issues. Hyperloop confront all the above
engineering in Thakur College of Engineering and point issues to provide better way to future
Technology, Mumbai, India.

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518


with help of modern science and engineering There are two tubes welded side by side,
solutions. both unidirectional and opposite to each
III. HYPERLOOP other, acting just like highway. These tubes
TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM were theoretically meant to have vacuum
inside them which should remove any
resistance offered by air in direction where
train is travelling, but still practically
vacuum cannot be achieved for such a long
track. Thus, capsule consist of very low
pressure air which offers very negligible
resistance. (figure 2)
But low pressure air doesn’t solve the
problem wholly. While capsule is travelling
the air ahead of it get compressed and
increase pressure offering resistance to
capsule giving rise to Kantrowitz limit [2],
Fig 1: Hyperloop which can eventually stop the train but this

problem was solved by adding compressor
Hyperloop is basically a train inside tube
fan on bow(front) of train.
with low pressure. (figure 1)
Hyperloop is answer to the modern human
transportation needs BUT this unique
answer gives rise to many questions which
basically asks one question, how can this
dream come true, some initial problems
where Kantrowitz limit [2], friction and
power source which were answered very
smartly by components and mechanism of Fig 3: Hyperloop capsule
Some of major components and
ii. Capsule
characteristics which answers the questions Just like train have bogeys and engine
are chalked out below. hyperloop have capsules, there are two type
of capsules
1. Hyperloop passenger capsule
2. hyperloop passenger with capsule
For increasing speed and efficiency of
capsules certain geometrical changes are
brought in capsule design by minimizing
frontal surface area which makes it more
comfortable for passengers. (figure 3)
The vehicle is streamlined to reduce drag.
Interior design was highly concentrated for
Fig 2: Hyperloop Tube comfort of passengers. The seats are design
i. Tube as to nullify high speed acceleration

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518


discomfort produced during he travel.

Entertainment of passengers are kept in
mind and modern accessories are equipped
to suffice also passengers will be provided
with access to landscape scenery. [4]

Fig 5: Air bearings

iv. Air Bearings
Fig 4: Compressor Fan and Air bearing Friction was another major hurdle of
hyperloop, which had only one solution to
remove any surface contact between capsule
iii. Compressor Fans

Since need of vacuum was not sufficed in and tube i.e. capsule should be levitating i.e.
tube, capsule travelling in low pressure tube it should float in air.
accumulates air on its front side, which is Air bearings are installed on surface of
further compressed by motion of capsule, capsules, the air inhaled by front of
this compressed air will resist motion of capsule’s compressor fan is exhaled by air
capsule decreasing its velocity, forming a bearing providing it hovering and levitation.
choke inside the tube and eventually (figure 5)
stopping it. Air bearing also provide suspension to
Thus, hyperloop demands new innovation to capsules so traveling is more smooth in
solve this problem known as Kantrowitz hyperloop.
limit [2].
Compressor fans were introduced to nullify v. Propulsion
effect of Kantrowitz limit. (figure 4) Finally, hyperloop requires a propelling
Compressor fans are installed on front of machine. And thus, linear induction motor is
capsules. These fans suck the accumulated used in hyperloop, the same motor used in
compressed air from front of train and tesla cars which in hyperloop can produce
exhale it to air bearings. Thus, resistance is velocity of 20000 meter per second. The
removed and no further choking because of moving motor element (rotor) will be
Kantrowitz limit is caused. located on the vehicle for weight savings
and power requirements while the tube will
incorporate the stationary motor element
(stator) which powers the vehicle. [1]

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518


Fig 6: Hyperloop Solar Panel

vi. Power Source

Hyperloop uses modern technology to solve Fig 7: Hyperloop Cost
problems but this tech requires abundant
power. The Tube’s roof is covered with
And another version i.e. passenger plus
solar panel throughout the track which
vehicle version is estimated to be $7.5
produces more energy than needed by whole

billion USD.
hyperloop setup without consuming a drop
of petrol, diesel or kerosene. It is self-
sufficient environment friendly technology.
(figure 6)
Presently the idea of hyperloop was
vii. Safety and Reliability proposed for route between San Francisco,
Since levitation of air bearing produces California and Los Angeles in 35 minutes.
excellent suspension, earthquakes cannot
produce any damage to capsules. The
supporting structures of tubes have foot print Hyperloop is a newborn technology since it
of size of telephone pole so they can sway in is nothing like anything the design for
worst case and again without any possible everything inside it is like invented for even
damage to capsule. a smaller entity. Thus, Technology
Besides, statistically, it is known that most welcomes further development for inventors.
of accident are caused by human factor but Hyperloop also conducted a worldwide
there is no human factor in hyperloop since competition for building it which would
everything is managed by computer system award by building hyperloop in winning
so accidents are next to impossible. nation.

viii. Cost
The total cost of hyperloop passenger only VI. RESULT AND CONCLUSION
version is as follows (figure 7)- The Train of future is reviewed in this paper.
Hyperloop has two versions namely
passenger only and passenger plus vehicle
hyperloop. This technology can reduce
travel time between Los Angeles and San
Francisco up till 35 minutes. The price of

IJSER © 2017
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 8, Issue 2, February-2017
ISSN 2229-5518


one way trip would be as less as $20.

Hyperloop is much cheaper compared to
railway between Los Angeles and San
On other hand passenger plus vehicle
version would just cost more 25%. This
version would be capable of transporting
passengers, vehicles, freight, etc. this
version is 11% more cheaper than proposed
by rail system between Los Angeles and San
Francisco. Furthermore the hyperloop is at
development stage in future the price will be
much lower than present price.

[1] Musk, Elon (August 12, 2013).
“Hyperloop” Tesla. Retrieved

August 13, 2013
[2] A. Kantrowitz, “Proceeding of
International Conference of lasers
‘87” F. J. Duarte, Ed. (STS Press,
Mc Lean, VA, 1988).
[3] “Hyperloop One”. Hyperloop One.
Retrieved November 25, 2016.
[4] Chin, Jeffrey C.; Gray, Justin S.;
Jones, Scott M.; Berton, Jeffrey J.
(January 2015). “Open source
conceptual design for Hyperloop
passenger pod”. 56th
Structural Dynamics, and Materials
Conference. January 5–9, 2015.
Kissimmee, Florida.

IJSER © 2017

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