Presentation - IIDF 2019 (ADB) - FF PPP PDF
Presentation - IIDF 2019 (ADB) - FF PPP PDF
Presentation - IIDF 2019 (ADB) - FF PPP PDF
• Create awareness • Develop policy, legal, • Assist in the development • Provide long-term debt
• Invoke leadership regulatory and of pathfinder projects financing including local
• Identify PPP potential in institutional framework to • Provide support (including currency
sector planning and the facilitate, guide and advisory support) • Catalyze commercial
private sector manage the development throughout the process financing by equity, debt
development agenda of PPPs (country and from structuring to bid and guarantees.
• Develop capacity of sector specific) management and • Provide public sector
Government contract award/financial financial support through
• Enhance external close. schemes to ensure
knowledge management viability and cash flow
links sustainability.
Office of Public-Private
Transaction Advisory Services
Technical Assistance through
Regional Department Private Sector
Sovereign Operations Department
- MOF guaranteed Non-Sovereign
senior/subordinated debt - Loan guarantee not
and/or equity injection at required
Project Delivered
project or implementation - Corporate/project debt
agency level - Equity investment
● Tagged as “The Future City” and “The Green ● Evaluation of the master plan of NCC
City”, the New Clark City (“NCC”) is designed
● Screening and assessing the viability of the
and envisioned to be the first smart,
Project: Produce a business case containing
environmentally sustainable and climate
a commercial assessment and PPP/JV
resilient metropolis, developed by the Bases
options analysis based on the proposed
Conversion and Development Authority
water infrastructure including
(“BCDA”) of the Philippines
− Demand analysis and phasing plan
● Situated about 100 km north of Manila in
Tarlac province near Clark International − Risk and benefits
Airport, NCC is an estimated $14 billion − Procurement plan to identify an
project and will cover an area of 9.450 ha optimal structure for the Project which
with buildable area of 3,250 ha is bankable and capable of achieving
development goals
● The New Clark City Water and Wastewater
Infrastructure Project (“Project”) is the − Smart, green and resilient options
development of environmentally ● Structuring and tendering the Project:
sustainable, smart and disaster-resilient
− Legal due diligence
water and wastewater infrastructure and
services in NCC − Preparation of bid documents
● The estimated project cost is $200 million − Market sounding
($114m for water and $86m for sewerage) − Financial analysis and transaction Total Projected Population*
to be funded by a private partner as a joint structure 1.2 Million 800,000
venture (“JV”) partner with BCDA − Running the 2-stage tender process Residents Workers
● Smart features including advanced water under BCDA JV Guidelines
*Upon Full Development
and wastewater treatment, AMI, SCADA,
effluent reuse, centralized control, and
● The project employed an innovative tariff
setting structure ideal for greenfield city or
existing network where asset inventory is
difficult to measure
Office of Public–Private Partnership 12
ADB’s project preparation experiences in urban PPP projects
Dhaka By-Pass PPP –Project and Mandate Overview (BAN)
● The Project is the development of an ● Joint support from the ADB’s Regional
elderly care facility in Hezhou City of Development team, which is
Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region proposing to provide a sovereign loan
(GZAR), which will be procured as a to support delivery of this project
PPP. The Project will be the first case ● Project Preparation
to be supported by international
financial institutions for GZAR to: − Feasibility Study
i. address development − Project Structuring
challenges in adapting to its − Project Approvals
aging population; and ● Tender support: Support during the
ii. promote a PPP model for its tender process including
social infrastructure. − Preparation of tender documents
− Preparation of bid evaluation
The Project criteria
− Answering to questions from
● Transition Care bidders
● Facility design and construction − Review of technical and financial
● O&M – including provision of core proposals
● Support during post-bid negotiations
− Key focus areas for elderly care including:
− Staffing − Negotiations with winning bidder
− Coordination of referrals from − Finalization of contracts
Guangxi-Guidong People’s
− Support commercial award
Hospital and other hospitals