Unit6 Security

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Computer Networks and Security

Subject code:310247

Unit VI Security

Instructor: Dr. Salman Baig

Unit VI Security
Introduction to Network Security

• Computer network security consists of measures taken by business or some organizations to

monitor and prevent unauthorized access from the outside attackers.
• Different approaches to computer network security management have different
requirements depending on the size of the computer network. For example, a home office
requires basic network security while large businesses require high maintenance to prevent
the network from malicious attacks.
• Network security is the security provided to a network from unauthorized access and risks.
It is the duty of network administrators to adopt preventive measures to protect their
networks from potential security threats.
• Computer networks that are involved in regular transactions and communication within the
government, individuals, or business require security. The most common and simple way of
protecting a network resource is by assigning it a unique name and a corresponding
Unit VI Security
Introduction to Computer Security

• Privacy: Privacy means both the sender and the receiver expects confidentiality. The transmitted message
should be sent only to the intended receiver while the message should be opaque for other users. Only the
sender and receiver should be able to understand the transmitted message as eavesdroppers can intercept the
message. Therefore, there is a requirement to encrypt the message so that the message cannot be intercepted.
This aspect of confidentiality is commonly used to achieve secure communication.

• Message Integrity: Data integrity means that the data must arrive at the receiver exactly as it was sent. There
must be no changes in the data content during transmission, either maliciously or accident, in a transit. As
there are more and more monetary exchanges over the internet, data integrity is more crucial. The data
integrity must be preserved for secure communication.
Unit VI Security
Introduction to Computer Security

• End-Point Authentication: Authentication means that the receiver is sure of the sender’s
identity, i.e., no imposter has sent the message.

• Non-Repudiation: Non-Repudiation means that the receiver must be able to prove that
the received message has come from a specific sender. The sender must not deny sending
a message that he or she send. The burden of proving the identity falls on the receiver.
For example, if a customer sends a request to transfer the money from one account to
another account, then the bank must have a proof that the customer has requested for the
Unit VI Security
Security Services

• Network security can provide the following services related to a message and entity.
1. Message confidentiality
• It means that the content of a message when transmitted across a network must remain
confidential, i.e. only the intended receiver and no one else should be able to read the message.
• The users; therefore, want to encrypt the message they send so that an eavesdropper on the
network will not be able to read the contents of the message.
Unit VI Security
Security Services
2. Message Integrity
• It means the data must reach the destination without any alterations/modifications
• There must be no changes during transmission, neither accidentally nor
• Integrity of a message is ensured by attaching a checksum to the message.
• The algorithm for generating the checksum ensures that an intruder cannot alter the
checksum or the message.
Unit VI Security
Security Services

3.Message Authentication
• In message authentication the receiver needs to be .sure of the sender’s identity i.e. the receiver has to make sure
that the actual sender is the same as claimed to be.
• There are different methods to check the genuineness of the sender :
1. The two parties share a common secret code word. A party is required to show the secret code word to the
other for authentication.
2. Authentication can be done by sending digital signature.
3. A trusted third party verifies the authenticity. One such way is to use digital certificates issued by a
recognized certification authority.
4. Message non-repudiation
• Non-repudiation means that a sender must not be able to deny sending a message that it actually sent.
• The burden of proof falls on the receiver.
• Non-repudiation is not only in respect of the ownership of the message; the receiver must prove that the
contents of the message are also the same as the sender sent.
• Non-repudiation is achieved by authentication and integrity mechanisms.
5. Entity Authentication
• In entity authentication (or user identification) the entity or user is verified prior to access to the system
resources .
Unit VI Security
Need of Security Services
• The most basic example of Network Security is password protection where the user of the network
oneself chooses
• The network security solutions protect various vulnerabilities of the computer systems such as:
1. Users
2. Locations
3. Data
4. Devices
5. Applications
• There are many layers to consider when addressing network security across an organization. Attacks
can happen at any layer in the network security layers model, so your network security hardware,
software and policies must be designed to address each area.
• Network security typically consists of three different controls: physical, technical and administrative.
These are explained as
▪ Physical Network Security
❖ Physical security controls are designed to prevent unauthorized personnel from gaining physical
access to network components such as routers, cabling cupboards and so on. Controlled access,
such as locks, biometric authentication and other devices, is essential in any organization.
Unit VI Security
Need of Security Services
▪ Technical Network Security
❖ Technical security controls protect data that is stored on the network or which is in transit across,
into or out of the network. Protection is twofold; it needs to protect data and systems from
unauthorized personnel, and it also needs to protect against malicious activities from employees.
▪ Administrative Network Security
❖ Administrative security controls consist of security policies and processes that control user
behavior, including how users are authenticated, their level of access and also how IT staff
members implement changes to the infrastructure

Types of Network Security:

Network Access Control
• To ensure that potential attackers cannot infiltrate your network, comprehensive access control policies
need to be in place for both users and devices.
• Network Access Control (NAC) can be set at the most granular level. For example, you could grant
administrators full access to the network but deny access to specific confidential folders or prevent their
personal devices from joining the network.
Unit VI Security
Need of Security Services
Types of Network Security:
Antivirus and Anti-malware Software
• Antivirus and anti-malware software protect an organization from a range of malicious software,
including viruses, ransomware, worms and trojans.
• The best software not only scans files upon entry to the network but continuously scans and tracks files.

Firewall Protection
• Firewalls, as their name suggests, act as a barrier between the untrusted external networks and your
trusted internal network.
• Administrators typically configure a set of defined rules that blocks or permits traffic onto the network.
Unit VI Security
Need of Security Services
Types of Network Security:
Virtual Private Networks
• Virtual Private Networks (VPNs) creates a connection to the network from another endpoint or site.
For example, users working from home would typically connect to the organization's network over a
VPN. Data between the two points is encrypted and the user would need to authenticate to allow
communication between their device and the network
Unit VI Security
Key Principles of Security
• The protection afforded to an automated information system in order to attain the applicable
objectives of preserving the integrity, availability, and confidentiality of information system
resources (includes hardware, software, firmware, information/ data, and telecommunications).
• This definition of security introduces three key objectives that are at the heart of computer
• Confidentiality: This term covers two related concepts:
• Data confidentiality: Assures that private or confidential information is not made
available or disclosed to unauthorized individuals.
• Privacy: Assures that individuals control or influence what information related to them
may be collected and stored and by whom and to whom that information may be
• Integrity: This term covers two related concepts:
• Data integrity: Assures that information and programs are changed only in a specified
and authorized manner.
• System integrity: Assures that a system performs its intended function in an unimpaired
manner, free from deliberate or inadvertent unauthorized manipulation of the system.
• Availability: Assures that systems work promptly and service is not denied to authorized users.
• These concepts form what is often referred to as the CIA triad
Unit VI Security
Threats and Vulnerabilities

• Threat: A potential for violation of security, which exists when there is a circumstance, capability,
action, or event that could breach security and cause harm. That is, a threat is a possible danger that
might exploit a vulnerability.
• A threat/vulnerability is a potential violation of security.
• Flaws in design, implementation, and operation.
• An attack is any action that violates security.
• Active adversary (actively/continuously getting information)
• An attack has an implicit concept of “intent”
• Router mis-configuration or server crash can also cause loss of availability, but they are not
• Vulnerabilities occur due to Hardware, Software, Network and Procedural vulnerabilities.
1. Hardware Vulnerability:
A hardware vulnerability is a weakness which can used to attack the system hardware through physically or remotely. For Eg:
1. Old version of systems or devices
2. Unprotected storage
3. Unencrypted devices, etc.
Unit VI Security
Threats and Vulnerabilities
2. Software Vulnerability:
A software error happen in development or configuration such as the execution of it can violate the security policy. For
1. Lack of input validation
2. Unverified uploads
3. Cross-site scripting
4. Unencrypted data, etc.
3. Network Vulnerability:
A weakness happen in network which can be hardware or software. For examples:
5. Unprotected communication
6. Malware or malicious software (e.g.: Viruses, Keyloggers, Worms, etc)
7. Social engineering attacks
8. Misconfigured firewalls
4. Procedural Vulnerability:
A weakness happen in an organization operational methods. For examples:
9. Password procedure – Password should follow the standard password policy.
10. Training procedure – Employees must know which actions should be taken and what to do to handle the
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks

• Two generic types of attacks

• Passive

• Active
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks

Active Attacks:
• An Active attack attempts to alter system resources or effect their operations. Active
attack involves some modification of the data stream or creation of false statement. Types
of active attacks are as following:
1. Masquerade • Masquerade attack takes place when one entity pretends to be different
entity. A Masquerade attack involves one of the other form of active attacks.
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks

2. Modification of Messages
• It means that some portion of a message is altered or that message is delayed or
reordered to produce an unauthorized effect. For example, a message meaning “Allow
JOHN to read confidential file X” is modified as “Allow Smith to read confidential file
Modifies the message
and sends to Johns

3. Repudiation
• This attack is done by either sender or receiver. The sender or receiver can deny later that
he/she has send or receive a message. For example, customer ask his Bank “To transfer an
amount to someone” and later on the sender(customer) denies that he had made such a
request. This is repudiation.
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks
4. Replay
• It involves the passive capture of a message and its subsequent the transmission to produce
an authorized effect.

5. Denial of Service
• It prevents normal use of communication facilities. This attack may have a specific
target. For example, an entity may suppress all messages directed to a particular
destination. Another form of service denial is the disruption of an entire network wither by
disabling the network or by overloading it by messages so as to degrade performance.
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks

• Passive attacks: A Passive attack attempts to learn or make use of information from the
system but does not affect system resources.
• Passive Attacks are in the nature of eavesdropping on or monitoring of transmission.
The goal of the opponent is to obtain information that is being transmitted.
• Types of Passive attacks are as following:
1. The release of message content –
Telephonic conversation, an electronic mail message, or a transferred file may contain
sensitive or confidential information. We would like to prevent an opponent from
learning the contents of these transmissions.
Unit VI Security
Types of attacks

2. Traffic analysis –
• Suppose that we had a way of masking (encryption) information, so that the attacker
even if it captures the message, it cannot extract any information from the message.
• The opponent could determine the location and identity of communicating host and
could observe the frequency and length of messages being exchanged.
• This information might be useful in guessing the nature of the communication that was
taking place.
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI

• Defines a systematic way of defining and providing security requirements

• Need for OSI Security Architecture:
1. Defining the requirements for security
2. Characterizing the approaches to satisfying those requirements

The OSI Security Architecture:

• Such a systematic approach is defined by ITU-T (The International Telecommunication
Union- Telecommunication Standardization Sector).
• It is a United Nation (UN) sponsored agency that develops standards, called
Recommendations, relating to telecommunication and to Open System Interconnection
(OSI)) Recommendations X.800, security Architecture for OSI.
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI
• Benefits:
1. The OSI security architecture is useful to managers as way of organization the task of
providing security.
2. Furthermore, because this architecture was developed as international standards, computer
and communications vendors have developed security feature for their products and
services that relate to this structured definition of services and mechanisms.

• The OSI security architecture focuses on security attack, mechanism, and services. These
can be defined briefly as follows:
▪ Security Attack: Any action that compromises the security of information owned by an
▪ Security Mechanism: A process that is designed to detect, prevent or recover from a security
attack. And security mechanism is a method which is used to protect your message from
unauthorized entity.
▪ Security Services: Security Services is the services to implement security policies and
implemented by security mechanism.
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI
• X.800 defines a security service, which ensures adequate security of the systems or
of data transfers
• X.800 Recommendation divides security services into 5 categories:
▪ Authentication
▪ Access control
▪ Data confidentiality
▪ Data integrity
▪ Nonrepudiation
▪ Availability service
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI

• The authentication service is concerning with assuring that a communication

is authentic:
▪ The recipient of the message should ensure that the message came from the source
that it claims to be
▪ All communicating parties should ensure that the connection is not interfered by
unauthorized party.
• Example: Consider a person, using online banking service. Both the user and
the bank should be assured in identities of each other
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI
• The prevention of unauthorized use of a resource (i.e., this service controls who can have access to a
resource, under what conditions access can occur, and what those accessing the resource are allowed to do).
• Example: in online banking a user may be allowed to see his balance, but not allowed to make any
transactions for some of his accounts

• The protection of data from unauthorized disclosure.
▪ Connection Confidentiality
• The protection of all user data on a connection.
▪ Connectionless Confidentiality
• The protection of all user data in a single data block
▪ Selective-Field Confidentiality
• The confidentiality of selected fields within the user data on a connection or in a single data block.
▪ Traffic-Flow Confidentiality
• The protection of the information that might be derived from observation of traffic flows.
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI
• The assurance that data received are exactly as sent by an authorized entity (i.e., contain no modification,
insertion, deletion, or replay).
• Connection Integrity with Recovery
▪ Provides for the integrity of all user data on a connection and detects any modification, insertion,
deletion, or replay of any data within an entire data sequence, with recovery attempted.
• Connection Integrity without Recovery
▪ As above, but provides only detection without recovery.
• Selective-Field Connection Integrity
▪ Provides for the integrity of selected fields within the user data of a data block transferred over a
connection and takes the form of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified,
inserted, deleted, or replayed.
• Connectionless Integrity
▪ Provides for the integrity of a single connectionless data block and may take the form of detection
of data modification. Additionally, a limited form of replay detection may be provided.
• Selective-Field Connectionless Integrity
▪ Provides for the integrity of selected fields within a single connectionless data block; takes the form
of determination of whether the selected fields have been modified.
Unit VI Security
ITU-T X.800 Security Architecture For OSI
• Provides protection against denial by one of the entities involved in a communication of
having participated in all or part of the communication.
• Nonrepudiation, Origin
• Proof that the message was sent by the specified party.
• Nonrepudiation, Destination
• Proof that the message was received by the specified party
• Example: Imagine a user of online banking who has made a transaction, but later denied
that. How the bank can protect itself in a such situation?

• Protects a system to ensure its availability
• Particularly, it addresses denial-of-service attacks
• Depends on other security services: access control, authentication, etc
Unit VI Security
Security Policy and Mechanisms

• A security policy is a statement of what is, and what is not, allowed.

• Security mechanisms are used to implement security services. They include
• Encipherment
• Digital signature
• Access Control mechanisms
• Data Integrity mechanisms
• Authentication Exchange
• Traffic Padding/Bit stuffing
• Routing Control
• Notarization
Unit VI Security
Security Policy and Mechanisms

• Encipherment
• The use of mathematical algorithms to transform data into a form that is not readable. The transformation and
subsequent recovery of the data depend on an algorithm and zero or more encryption keys.
• Digital Signature
• Data appended to, or a cryptographic transformation of, a data unit that allows a recipient of the data unit to
prove the source and integrity of the data unit and protect against forgery (e.g., by the recipient).
• Access Control- A variety of mechanisms that enforce access rights to resources.
• Data Integrity - A variety of mechanisms used to assure the integrity of a data unit or stream of data units.
• Authentication Exchange - A mechanism intended to ensure the identity of an entity by means of
information exchange.
• Traffic Padding- The insertion of bits into gaps in a data stream to frustrate traffic analysis attempts.
• Routing Control - Enables selection of particular physically secure routes for certain data and allows routing
changes, especially when a breach of security is suspected.
• Notarization - The use of a trusted third party to assure certain properties of a data exchange.
Unit VI Security
Operational Model of Network Security
• A Network Security Model exhibits how the security service has been designed over the network to prevent
the opponent from causing a threat to the confidentiality or authenticity of the information that is being
transmitted through the network.

• The network security model presents the two communicating parties sender and receiver who mutually
agrees to exchange the information. The sender has information to share with the receiver.

• But sender cannot send the message on the information channel in the readable form as it will have a threat of
being attacked by the opponent. So, before sending the message through the information channel, it should
be transformed into an unreadable format.
Unit VI Security
Operational Model of Network Security

• The general model shows that there are four basic tasks in designing a particular security
1. Design an algorithm for performing the security-related transformation. The algorithm should be such
that an opponent cannot defeat its purpose.
2. Generate the secret information to be used with the algorithm.
3. Develop methods for the distribution and sharing of the secret information.
4. Specify a protocol to be used by the two principals that makes use of the security algorithm and the
secret information to achieve a particular security service.
Unit VI Security
Operational Model of Network Security

• You are well aware of the attackers who attack your system that is accessible through the
internet. These attackers fall into two categories:
1. Hacker: The one who is only interested in penetrating into your system. They do not
cause any harm to your system they only get satisfied by getting access to your system.
2. Intruders: These attackers intend to do damage to your system or try to obtain the
information from the system which can be used to attain financial gain.
• The attacker can place a logical program on your system through the network which can
affect the software on your system. This leads to two kinds of risks:
a. Information threat: This kind of threats modifies data on the user’s behalf to which
actually user should not access. Like enabling some crucial permission in the system.
b. Service threat: This kind of threat disables the user from accessing data on the
• Well, these kinds of threats can be introduced by launching worms and viruses and may
more like this on your system. Attack with worms and viruses are the software attack that
can be introduced to your system through the internet
Unit VI Security
Operational Model of Network Security
• The network security model to secure your system is shown in the figure below:
• There are two ways to secure your system from attacker of which the first is to introduce
the gatekeeper function. Introducing gatekeeper function means
introducing login-id and passwords which would keep away the unwanted access.
• In case the unwanted user gets access to the system the second way to secure your system is
introducing internal control which would detect the unwanted user trying to access the system by
analyzing system activities. This second method we call as antivirus which we install on our system
to prevent the unwanted user from accessing your computer system through the internet.
Unit VI Security
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography

• Cryptography is associated with the process of converting ordinary plain text into
cipher text and vice-versa.
• It is a method of storing and transmitting data in a particular form so that only those for
whom it is intended can read and process it.

• Fig. shows a sender who wants to transfer some sensitive

data to a receiver in such a way that any party
intercepting or eavesdropping on the communication
channel cannot extract the data.
• The objective of this simple cryptography, is that only the
sender and the receiver will know the plaintext.
Unit VI Security
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography
• Components of a Cryptography
• Plaintext: It is the data to be protected during transmission.
• Encryption Algorithm: It is a mathematical process that produces a ciphertext for any given
plaintext and encryption key. It is a cryptographic algorithm that takes plaintext and an encryption key
as input and produces a ciphertext.
• Ciphertext: It is the scrambled version of the plaintext produced by the encryption algorithm using a
specific the encryption key. The ciphertext is not guarded. It flows on public channel. It can be
intercepted or compromised by anyone who has access to the communication channel.
• Decryption Algorithm: It is a mathematical process, that produces a unique plaintext for any given
ciphertext and decryption key. It is a cryptographic algorithm that takes a ciphertext and a decryption
key as input, and outputs a plaintext. The decryption algorithm essentially reverses the encryption
algorithm and is thus closely related to it.
• Encryption Key: It is a value that is known to the sender. The sender inputs the encryption key into the
encryption algorithm along with the plaintext in order to compute the ciphertext.
• Decryption Key: It is a value that is known to the receiver. The decryption key is related to the
encryption key, but is not always identical to it. The receiver inputs the decryption key into the
decryption algorithm along with the ciphertext in order to compute the plaintext.
Unit VI Security
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography

• Symmetric Key Encryption (Private Key):

Encryption is a process to change the form of any message in order to protect it from
reading by anyone.
• In Symmetric-key encryption the message is encrypted by using a key and the same
key is used to decrypt the message which makes it easy to use but less secure.
• It also requires a safe method to transfer the key from one party to another.
• Private key encryption is also referred to as symmetric encryption, where the same
private key is used for both encryption and decryption
Unit VI Security
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography
• Asymmetric Key Encryption (Public Key Cryptography):
Asymmetric Key Encryption is based on public and private
key encryption technique.
• It uses two different key to encrypt and decrypt the message.
• It is more secure than symmetric key encryption technique but
is much slower.
• is asymmetric because – those who encrypt messages or
verify signatures cannot decrypt messages or create signatures
• A message that is encrypted using a public key can only be
decrypted using a private key, while also, a message
encrypted using a private key can be decrypted using a public
• Security of the public key is not required because it is publicly
available and can be passed over the internet.
• Asymmetric key has a far better power in ensuring the
security of information transmitted during communication
Unit VI Security
Symmetric and Asymmetric key Cryptography-Comparison

Symmetric Key Encryption Asymmetric Key Encryption

It only requires a single key for both encryption and decryption. It requires two key one to encrypt and the other one to decrypt.

The size of cipher text is same or smaller than the original plain text. The size of cipher text is same or larger than the original plain text.

The encryption process is very fast. The encryption process is slow.

It is used when a large amount of data is required to transfer. It is used to transfer small amount of data.

It only provides confidentiality. It provides confidentiality, authenticity and non-repudiation.

Examples: 3DES, AES, DES and RC4 Examples: Diffie-Hellman, ECC, El Gamal, DSA and RSA

In symmetric key encryption, resource utilization is low as compared

In asymmetric key encryption, resource utilization is high.
to asymmetric key encryption.
Unit VI Security
Security in Network

Security in Network Layer

• Any scheme that is developed for providing network security needs to be
implemented at some layer in protocol stack as depicted in the table below −
Layer Communication Protocols Security Protocols
Application Layer HTTP, FTP, SMTP PGP, S/MIME, HTTPS
Transport Layer TCP /UDP SSL, TLS, SSH
Network Layer IP IPSec
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec

• The popular framework developed for ensuring security at network layer is Internet
Protocol Security (IPSec).
• IP Security (IPSec) is a collection of protocols designed by the Internet Engineering Task
Force (IETF) to provide security for a packet at the network level.
• IPSec helps create authenticated and confidential packets for the IP layer
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec

• IPSec can protect our traffic with the following features:

• Confidentiality: by encrypting our data, nobody except the sender and receiver will be
able to read our data.
• Integrity: we want to make sure that nobody changes the data in our packets. By
calculating a hash value, the sender and receiver will be able to check if changes have
been made to the packet.
• Authentication: the sender and receiver will authenticate each other to make sure that we
are really talking with the device we intend to.
• Anti-replay: even if a packet is encrypted and authenticated, an attacker could try to
capture these packets and send them again. By using sequence numbers, IPsec will not
transmit any duplicate packets.
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec
• IPSec operates in one of two different modes: transport mode or tunnel mode.
• IPSec in the transport mode does not protect the IP header; it only protects the
information coming from the transport layer
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec

• IPSec in the transport mode does not protect the IP header; it only protects the
information coming from the transport layer
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec

• IPSec in tunnel mode protects the original IP header.

• Tunnel mode is normally used between two routers, between a host and a router, or between a
router and a host, as shown in Figure.
• The entire original packet is protected from intrusion between the sender and the receiver, as if the
whole packet goes through an imaginary tunnel.
Unit VI Security
Security in Network-Introduction of IPSec

• In transport mode, the IPSec layer comes between the transport layer and the network layer.
• In tunnel mode, the flow is from the network layer to the IPSec layer and then back to the network layer again
• Figure 32.5 compares the two modes
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL

• Two protocols are dominant today for providing security at the transport layer: the Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol and the Transport Layer Security (TLS) protocol.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL
• SSL is designed to provide security and compression services to data generated from the application layer.
• SSL provides security to the data that is transferred between web browser and server.
• Typically, SSL can receive data from any application-layer protocol, but usually the protocol is HTTP.
• The data received from the application is compressed (optional), signed, and encrypted. The data is then passed to a
reliable transport-layer protocol such as TCP.
• The family includes SSL versions 2 and 3 and TLS protocol. SSLv2 has been now replaced by SSLv3, so we will focus on
SSL v3 and TLS.
• SSL provides several services on data received from the application layer.
• ❑ Fragmentation. First, SSL divides the data into blocks of 214 bytes or less.
• ❑ Compression. Each fragment of data is compressed using one of the lossless compression methods negotiated
between the client and server. This service is optional.
• ❑ Message Integrity. To preserve the integrity of data, SSL uses a keyed-hash function to create a MAC.
• ❑ Confidentiality. To provide confidentiality, the original data and the MAC are encrypted using symmetric-key
• ❑ Framing. A header is added to the encrypted payload. The payload is then passed to a reliable transport-layer
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL

Salient Features of SSL

• SSL provides network connection security through −
• Confidentiality − Information is exchanged in an encrypted form.
• Authentication − Communication entities identify each other through the use of
digital certificates. Web-server authentication is mandatory whereas client
authentication is kept optional.
• Reliability − Maintains message integrity checks.
• SSL is available for all TCP applications.
• Supported by almost all web browsers.
• Provides ease in doing business with new online entities.
• Developed primarily for Web e-commerce.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL
Architecture of SSL
• SSL is specific to TCP and it does not work with UDP. SSL protocol is designed to interwork
between application and transport layer as shown in the Figure
• SSL itself is not a single layer protocol as depicted in the image; in fact it is composed of two
• Lower sub-layer comprises of the one component of SSL protocol called as SSL Record Protocol.
This component provides integrity and confidentiality services.
• Upper sub-layer comprises of three SSL-related protocol components and an application protocol.
Application component provides the information transfer service between client/server interactions.
Technically, it can operate on top of SSL layer as well. Three SSL related protocol components are −
• SSL Handshake Protocol
• Change Cipher Spec Protocol
• Alert Protocol.
• These three protocols manage all of SSL message exchanges
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL
Record Protocol
• The Record Protocol carries messages from the
upper layer (Handshake Protocol,
ChangeCipherSpec Protocol, Alert Protocol, or
application layer).
• The message is fragmented and optionally
compressed; a MAC is added to the compressed
message using the negotiated hash algorithm.
• The compressed fragment and the MAC are
encrypted using the negotiated encryption
• Finally, the SSL header is added to the encrypted
message. Figure shows this process at the sender.
• The process at the receiver is reversed.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL

Handshake Protocol
• The Handshake Protocol uses messages to negotiate the cipher suite, to
authenticate the server to the client and the client to the server if needed,
and to exchange information for building the cryptographic secrets.
• The handshaking is done in four phases
Phase I: Establishing Security Capabilities
• In Phase I, the client and the server announce their security capabilities and
choose those that are convenient for both.
• In this phase, a session ID is established and the cipher suite is chosen.
• The parties agree upon a particular compression method.
• After Phase I, the client and server know the version of SSL, the
cryptographic algorithms, the compression method, and the two random
numbers for key generation.
Phase II: Server Authentication and Key Exchange
• In Phase II, the server authenticates itself if needed. After Phase II, the
server is authenticated to the client, and the client knows the public key of
the server if required.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL

Handshake Protocol
• Phase III: Client Authentication and Key Exchange
• Phase III is designed to authenticate the client. After Phase III, the client
is authenticated for the server, and both the client and the server know
the pre-master secret.

• Phase IV: Finalizing and Finishing

• In Phase IV, the client and server send messages to change cipher
specifications and to
• finish the Handshake Protocol.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-SSL
• ChangeCipherSpec Protocol
• SSL mandates that the parties cannot use these parameters or secrets until they have sent or
received a special message “ChangeCipherSpec” message, which is exchanged during the
Handshake Protocol and defined in the ChangeCipherSpec Protocol.
• The sender and the receiver has two states. One state, the pending state, keeps track of the
parameters and secrets other state, the active state, holds parameters and secrets used by the
Record Protocol to sign/verify or encrypt/decrypt messages.
• In addition, each state holds two sets of values: read (inbound) and write (outbound).

• SSL Alert Protocol

• SSL uses the Alert Protocol for reporting errors and abnormal conditions. It uses only one
message that describes the problem and its level (warning or fatal).
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-HTTPS

• HTTPS is an abbreviation of Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure. It is a secure

extension or version of HTTP. This protocol is mainly used for providing security to the
data sent between a website and the web browser. This protocol uses the 443 port number
for communicating the data.
• This protocol is also called HTTP over SSL because the HTTPS communication
protocols are encrypted using the SSL (Secure Socket Layer).
• By default, it is supported by various web browsers.
• Those websites which need login credentials should use the HTTPS protocol for sending
the data
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-HTTPS

When is HTTPS Required?

• When we browse, we normally send and receive information using HTTP protocol. So this
leads anyone to eavesdrop on the conversation between our computer and the web server.
Many a times we need to exchange sensitive information which needs to be secured and to
prevent unauthorized access.
• Https protocol are used in the following scenarios −
o Banking Websites
o Payment Gateway
o Shopping Websites
o All Login Pages
o Email Apps
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-HTTPS
Basic Working of HTTPS
• Public key and signed certificates are required for the
server in HTTPS Protocol.
• Client requests for the https:// page
• When using an https connection, the server responds to the
initial connection by offering a list of encryption methods
the webserver supports.
• In response, the client selects a connection method, and the
client and server exchange certificates to authenticate their
• After this is done, both webserver and client exchange the
encrypted information after ensuring that both are using the
same key, and the connection is closed.
• For hosting https connections, a server must have a public
key certificate, which embeds key information with a
verification of the key owner's identity.
• Almost all certificates are verified by a third party so that
clients are assured that the key is always secure.
Unit VI Security
Security in Transport-HTTPS

Advantages of HTTPS
• Following are the advantages or benefits of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):
• The main advantage of HTTPS is that it provides high security to users.
• Data and information are protected. So, it ensures data protection.
• SSL technology in HTTPS protects the data from third-party or hackers. And this technology builds
trust for the users who are using it.
• It helps users by performing banking transactions.

Disadvantages of HTTPS
• Following are the disadvantages or limitations of a Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS):
• The big disadvantage of HTTPS is that users need to purchase the SSL certificate.
• The speed of accessing the website is slow because there are various complexities in
• Users need to update all their internal links.
Unit VI Security
Review of MIME from Unit V
• Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) is an Internet standard that extends the format of
email to support:

1.Text in character sets other than ASCII

2.Non-text attachments: audio, video, images, application programs etc.
3.Message bodies with multiple parts
4.Header information in non-ASCII character sets

• Virtually all human-written Internet email and a fairly large proportion of automated email is
transmitted via SMTP in MIME format.

• Content-Type This header indicates the Internet media type of the message content, consisting of a
type and subtype

• MIME-Version The presence of this header indicates the message is MIME-formatted. The value is
typically "1.0" so this header appears as MIME-Version: 1.0
Unit V Security
Review of MIME from Unit V
• MIME, a specification for formatting non-ASCII messages so that they can be sent over the Internet.
• Many e-mail clients now support MIME, which enables them to send and receive graphics, audio,
and video files via the Internet mail system.
• In addition, MIME supports messages in character sets other than ASCII.
• There are many predefined MIME types, such as GIF graphics files and PostScript files. It is also
possible to define your own MIME types.
• In addition to e-mail applications, Web browsers also support various MIME types. This enables the
browser to display or output files that are not in HTML format.
• MIME is an extension of the original Internet e-mail protocol that lets people use the protocol to
exchange different kinds of data files on the Internet: audio, video, images, application programs, and
other kinds, as well as the ASCII text handled in the original protocol, the Simple Mail Transport
Protocol (SMTP).
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME

• In e-mail security, the sender of the message needs to include the name or
identifiers of the algorithms used in the message.
• It is obvious that some public-key algorithms must be used for e-mail security
• In e-mail security, the encryption/decryption is done using a symmetric-key
algorithm, but the secret key to decrypt the message is encrypted with the
public key of the receiver and is sent with the message.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME
• S/MIME stands for Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension security service designed for
electronic mail.
• It is based on an earlier non-secure e-mailing standard called MIME.
• The protocol is an enhancement of the Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension (MIME) protocol.
Working of S/MIME
• S/MIME approach is similar to PGP. It also uses public key cryptography, symmetric key cryptography,
hash functions, and digital signatures. It provides similar security services as PGP for e-mail
• The most common symmetric ciphers used in S/MIME are RC2 and TripleDES. The usual public key
method is RSA, and the hashing algorithm is SHA-1 or MD5.
• The whole MIME entity is encrypted and packed into an object. S/MIME has standardized cryptographic
message formats (different from PGP). In fact, MIME is extended with some keywords to identify the
encrypted and/or signed parts in the message.
• S/MIME relies on X.509 certificates for public key distribution.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME
Benefits of S/MIME
• No repudiation: The sender cannot deny having sent the email and its contents. A digital signature is proof that
the email has come from the signer’s email client.
• Protection from in-transit email corruption: No cybercriminal can insert any sort of malicious software such
as viruses, spyware, trojan horses, computer worms, rootkit, etc. while the email is in transit.
• Protection from email spoofing: Digital signature protects the email recipients from email spoofing. No one
can impersonate the digital signature of the company’s official staff members. So, no one can trick the
recipients by sending spoofed emails impersonating the business’s authentic emails. (Or if they try, they’ll be
lacking a signature.)
• Warns recipients: If someone has tampered with the email or digital signature, it immediately alerts the
recipients about the risk. So, the recipients know that something is fishy about the email and can protect
themselves from becoming victims of the cyberattack before it’s too late.
• Prevents data leaks: An S/MIME certificate protects data from eavesdropping and leakage. The company’s
confidential communications with internal and external stakeholders remain secured due
to the encryption functionality.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME

• S/MIME includes two security features:

• Email Encryption - It encrypts the content of the email sent
between two S/MIME enabled users to make it unreadable to
anyone other than the intended recipient.
• Digital Signature - It digitally signs the emails sent between
two S/MIME enabled users to eliminate any risk of spoofing.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME
Email Encryption
How does it work?
• The process starts with the sender and receiver possessing each other's
public key. The steps in Email encryption is as follows:
Encryption process
1. Once the sender clicks on Send, the original unencrypted message is
2. The recipient's public key is used to encrypt the original message. At
the end of the process, an encrypted version of the original message is
3. The encryption message replaces the original message.
4. The email is sent to the recipient.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME

• Decryption process
1. The recipient receives the email.
2. The encrypted message is retrieved.
3. The recipient's private key is used to decrypt the encrypted message.
4. The original message is obtained and displayed to the recipient.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME
• Digital Signature
• Why is it needed?
• S/MIME digitally signs emails in order to validate the sender. Digital Signature provides the following advantages:
• Sender Validation - Digital signatures are unique to each user. Thus, it allows the recipient to verify if the email is
actually sent by the person who it appears from. This eliminates the risk of anyone spoofing of your email address.
• Nonrepudiation - The uniqueness of the digital signature ensures that the author of the email will not be able to deny
ownership of the emails. Claims of impersonation can easily be refuted.
• How does it work?
• The process starts with the sender and receiver possessing each other's public key. Digital signing of an email works as
• Digital signing process
1. Once the sender clicks on Send, the original message is captured.
2. The message hash is calculated.
3. The sender's private key is used to encrypt the hash value.
4. The encrypted hash value is added to the email.
5. The email is sent to the recipient.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME

• Signature verification process

1. The recipient receives the digitally signed email.
2. The original message is obtained and its hash
value is calculated.
3. The encrypted hash is retrieved from the email.
4. The encrypted hash is decrypted using the
sender's public key.
5. The decrypted hash and the hash value
calculated from the original message obtained
are compared. If the values match, the signature
is verified.
Unit VI Security
Security in Application - S/MIME

• Which clients support S/MIME?

• These are some of the many desktop and mobile email clients
that support email encryption certificates:
• Apple Mail
• Gmail (paid version)
• iPhone iOS Mail
• Microsoft Outlook Mozilla Thunderbird
Unit VI Security
Overview of IDS

• An intrusion detection system (IDS) is a device or software application that monitors a network
for malicious activity or policy violations.
• Any malicious activity or violation is typically reported or collected centrally using a security
information and event management system.
• Some IDS’s are capable of responding to detected intrusion upon discovery. These are classified
as intrusion prevention systems (IPS).
• IDS Detection Types
• There is a wide array of IDS, ranging from antivirus software to tiered monitoring systems that
follow the traffic of an entire network. The most common classifications are:
• Network intrusion detection systems (NIDS): A system that analyzes incoming network
• Host-based intrusion detection systems (HIDS): A system that monitors important operating
system files.
Unit VI Security
Overview of IDS
• There is also subset of IDS types. The most common variants are based on signature
detection and anomaly detection.
• Signature-based: Signature-based IDS detects possible threats by looking for specific
patterns, such as byte sequences in network traffic, or known malicious instruction
sequences used by malware. This terminology originates from antivirus software, which
refers to these detected patterns as signatures. Although signature-based IDS can easily
detect known attacks, it is impossible to detect new attacks, for which no pattern is
• Anomaly-based: a newer technology designed to detect and adapt to unknown attacks,
primarily due to the explosion of malware. This detection method uses machine learning to
create a defined model of trustworthy activity, and then compare new behavior against this
trust model. While this approach enables the detection of previously unknown attacks, it
can suffer from false positives: previously unknown legitimate activity can accidentally be
classified as malicious.
Unit VI Security
Overview of IDS
IDS Usage in Networks
• When placed at a strategic point or places within a network to monitor traffic to and from all devices on the network,
an IDS will perform an analysis of passing traffic, and passes the information to the library of known attacks. Once an
attack is identified, or abnormal behavior is sensed, the alert can be sent to the administrator.
• Evasion Techniques- Being aware of the techniques available to cyber criminals who are trying to breach a secure
network can help IT departments understand how IDS systems can be tricked into not missing actionable threats:
• Fragmentation: Sending fragmented packets allow the attacker to stay under the radar, bypassing the detection
system's ability to detect the attack signature.
• Avoiding defaults: A port utilized by a protocol does not always provide an indication to the protocol that’s
being transported. If an attacker had reconfigured it to use a different port, the IDS may not be able to detect the
presence of a trojan.
• Coordinated, low-bandwidth attacks: coordinating a scan among numerous attackers, or even allocating
various ports or hosts to different attackers. This makes it difficult for the IDS to correlate the captured packets
and deduce that a network scan is in progress.
• Address spoofing/proxying: attackers can obscure the source of the attack by using poorly secured or
incorrectly configured proxy servers to bounce an attack. If the source is spoofed and bounced by a server, it
makes it very difficult to detect.
• Pattern change evasion: IDS rely on pattern matching to detect attacks. By making slight adjust to the attack
architecture, detection can be avoided.
Unit VI Security
Overview of IDS

Why IDS systems are important?

• Modern networked business environments require a high level of security
to ensure safe and trusted communication of information between various
• An intrusion detection system acts as an adaptable safeguard technology
for system security after traditional technologies fail.
• Cyber attacks will only become more sophisticated, so it is important that
protection technologies adapt along with their threats.
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall

• A firewall is a network security device that monitors incoming and

outgoing network traffic and permits or blocks data packets based on a set
of security rules.
• Its purpose is to establish a barrier between your internal network and
incoming traffic from external sources (such as the internet) to block
malicious traffic such as viruses and hackers.
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall
• How does a firewall work?
• A firewall system analyzes network traffic based on pre-defined rules. It then filters the
traffic and prevents any such traffic coming from unreliable or suspicious sources. It only
allows incoming traffic that is configured to accept.
• Typically, firewalls intercept network traffic at a computer's entry point, known as a port.
Firewalls perform this task by allowing or blocking specific data packets (units of
communication transferred over a digital network) based on pre-defined security rules.
Incoming traffic is allowed only through trusted IP addresses, or sources.
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall
Functions of Firewall
• As stated above, the firewall works as a gatekeeper. It analyzes every attempt coming to gain access to our
operating system and prevents traffic from unwanted or non-recognized sources.
• Since the firewall acts as a barrier or filter between the computer system and other networks (i.e., the public
Internet), we can consider it as a traffic controller. Therefore, a firewall's primary function is to secure our
network and information by controlling network traffic, preventing unwanted incoming network traffic, and
validating access by assessing network traffic for malicious things such as hackers and malware.
• Generally, most operating systems (for example - Windows OS) and security software come with built-in
firewall support. Therefore, it is a good idea to ensure that those options are turned on. Additionally, we can
configure the security settings of the system to be automatically updated whenever available.
• Firewalls have become so powerful, and include a variety of functions and capabilities with built-in
• Network Threat Prevention
• Application and Identity-Based Control
• Hybrid Cloud Support
• Scalable Performance
• Network Traffic Management and Control
• Access Validation
• Record and Report on Events
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall

Limitations of Firewalls
• Firewalls cannot stop users from accessing malicious websites, making it vulnerable to
internal threats or attacks.
• Firewalls cannot protect against the transfer of virus-infected files or software.
• Firewalls cannot prevent misuse of passwords.
• Firewalls cannot protect if security rules are misconfigured.
• Firewalls cannot protect against non-technical security risks, such as social engineering.
• Firewalls cannot stop or prevent attackers with modems from dialing in to or out of the
internal network.
• Firewalls cannot secure the system which is already infected.
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall
Types of Firewalls
• Packet Filtering Firewalls
• A packet filtering firewall is an essential type of firewall. It facilitates a management program that monitors web traffic and
filters incoming packets based on configured security methods. These firewalls are created to block network traffic IP
protocols, an IP address, and a port number if a data packet does not connect to the established rule-set.
• Application Level Gateway Firewall
• It is also known as Proxy Firewalls. Proxies are mainly used to control or monitor outbound traffic. Some application
proxies cache the data requested. This lower bandwidth requirement decreases the access time for the following user to
access the same data. It also gives unquestionable evidence of what was transferred.
• Circuit-level Gateways
• Circuit-level gateways are another type of firewall that can easily configure to allow or block traffic without significant
computing resources. These types of firewalls typically operate at the OSI model’s session-level by verifying TCP
(Transmission Control Protocol) connections and sessions. Circuit-level gateways are designed to ensure that the regular
sessions are protected.
Unit VI Security
Overview of Firewall
Types of Firewalls (Contd…)
• Next-Generation Firewalls (NGFW)
• These work by filtering traffic, network that is specified by the applications or traffic methods and the ports they are created.
• Stateful Multi-Layer Inspection (SMLI) Firewalls
• Stateful multilayer inspection firewalls contain both packet inspection technology and TCP handshake verification. It can
create SMLI firewalls better than packet-filtering firewalls or circuit-level gateways. These types of firewalls keep track of the
status of established connections.
• Network address translation (NAT) Firewalls
• It allows multiple devices with independent network addresses to connect to the internet using a single IP address, keeping
individual IP addresses hidden.
• Threat-focused NGFW
• Threat-focused NGFW contains all the features of a traditional NGFW. They can also support advanced threat detection and
remediation. These types of firewalls can react against attacks quickly.
• Cloud Firewalls
• Whenever a firewall is created using a cloud solution, it is called a cloud firewall or FaaS (firewall-as-service). Cloud firewalls
are supported and run on the Internet by third-party vendors.

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