ADB Communities Practice
ADB Communities Practice
ADB Communities Practice
Challenge A key challenge for development is how to establish special methods for identifying, creating, storing,
sharing, and using the kind of knowledge that is often unstated.
Strategy As a learning organization, ADB must build communities of practice (CoPs), and leverage them effectively
to improve the quality of our operations. To achieve these goals, the value of our CoPs must be continually
enhanced through internal and external learning to benefit their members, ADB, and the developing member
countries we serve.
Response ADB will enhance the short- and long-term value of CoPs we host. We will also empower them, so they are
better able to upgrade their members’ and peers’ technical skills, promote the exchange of ideas and good
practices, link with relevant sector and thematic networks inside and outside ADB, inform ADB operations,
and become drivers of change.
“ADB’s communities of practice are at the heart of our knowledge generation and sharing
The experiences, perspectives, and insights their members offer help ADB lend smarter.”
—Olivier Serrat, Principal Knowledge Management Specialist
CoPs comprise people who share a passion knowledge solutions. Strategy 2020 calls on ADB
for something they know how to do and who knowledge to be continuously enriched through
interact regularly to learn how to do it better. The internal learning from operational experience
ADB’s Strategy 2020 unparalleled ability of CoPs to generate and share and CoPs, and external learning from strategic
meeting the needs of Asia
and the Pacific knowledge makes them an accepted component of partnerships.
organizational development. Knowledge generation and sharing enable ADB-
Strategic Direction CoPs enhance learning and empower people hosted CoPs to
• Inclusive Economic Growth
in their work. Horizontal and nonhierarchical, • influence development outcomes by promoting
• Environmentally
Sustainable Growth CoPs are able to cross-link organizational units greater and better informed dialogue;
• Regional Integration and organizations. Most comprise a core group, • promote innovative approaches to address
and inner and outer circles, with the core group specific development challenges;
Drivers of Change
managing the CoP based on an agreed coordination • develop, capture, and transfer good practices on
• Private Sector
• Good Governance mandate, e.g., shaping sector and thematic agendas specific topics by stimulating active sharing of
• Gender Equity and developing staff skills. knowledge;
• Knowledge Solutions The core group serves as a steering committee, • link diverse groups of practitioners from different
• Partnerships maintains a formal structure, and meets throughout disciplines with ADB’s organizational structure;
Read more at the year. The inner circle may contact the core group • serve as an ongoing learning venue for members on demand. The outer circle embraces interested (and outside practitioners) who share similar
members, contributors, and interested parties in a goals, interests, problems, and approaches; and
loose network—strengthening effectiveness. • respond rapidly to inquiries from members and
ADB audiences, clients, and partners.
Supporting the role of CoPs In July 2009, President Kuroda approved
Seeing knowledge as a catalyst for change, ADB’s Enhancing Knowledge Management under Strategy
long-term strategic framework for 2008–2020 2020: Plan of Action for 2009–2011 (www.adb.
(Strategy 2020) compels us to assess and meet org/documents/information/knowledgesolutions/
developing member countries’ need to deliver enhancing-knowledge-management-strategies.
pdf). Four pillars formalized the feedback process of CoPs to inform
ADB’s formal communities of practice support it—sharpening the annual development effectiveness reviews
the knowledge focus and work program and budget frameworks. These
• Agriculture, rural development, and food security
in ADB’s operations, guidelines also help assess CoPs’ performance,
• Education
empowering the without duplicating data from the operations
• Energy
• Environment CoPs, strengthening departments, and are flexible to meet the needs of
• Financial sector development external knowledge each sector or theme.
• Gender equity partnerships, and Integrating CoPs further. CoPs have begun
• Social development and poverty further enhancing staff to conduct peer reviews of country partnership
• Public management and governance learning and skills strategies and loan products.
• Health development. Strengthening internal relationships.
• Regional cooperation and integration The third pillar Recent initiatives show increasing collaboration
• Transport highlights CoPs as an between and among CoPs. Activities include
• Urban development instrument to promote joint knowledge-sharing events and projects on
• Water
knowledge management improving pedestrian accessibility, increasing the
and learning in ADB. The viability of water projects through energy efficiency,
plan of action identifies monitoring water tariff and surface water quality
ways to empower the CoPs to drive change; promote in the People’s Republic of China, mainstreaming
exchange of ideas and good practices; engage in gender in projects, and producing a gender checklist
external partnerships; and upgrade and harness on transportation. At year-end gatherings, CoPs
technical knowledge, skills, and experiences among highlight their accomplishments, exchange lessons,
INFOCUS peers. and further explore areas of collaboration
Building knowledge and expertise. CoPs
Reviewing CoP effectiveness were tapped to prepare key ADB documents such as
CoPs first began playing an official role at ADB in the Operational Plan for Sustainable Food Security
2002. Today ADB hosts 13 CoPs across numerous and the Sustainable Transport Initiatives and Action
sectors and themes. The first-ever performance Plan. Regional sector studies continue to build the
review of ADB-hosted CoPs in 2009 revealed that knowledge and expertise of CoPs.
they help build relationships and benefit daily Expanding outreach. Outreach to stakeholders
work. However, outreach to all members must has greatly improved with CoP members providing
be increased, especially to resident missions advice on projects managed by their peers. CoPs
and representative offices. CoP links to country also continue to forge stronger links with ADB
partnership strategies and policy work should also development partners and stakeholders by acting
be integrated further, as they help achieve better as technical experts and focal points on key issues.
results in projects and in economic and sector work. CoPs share good-practice studies on education, tool
Finally, CoP work and mandates should be better kits for urban transport development, e-newsletters
aligned with Strategy 2020 priorities, and budgets and video documentaries on water, and other
for knowledge sharing and sector work increased. engaging and creative materials.