Biography Text of Tsabit Bin Qurrah (Elok Uswatun Khasanah, 190210101100)

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Biography of Thabit Bin Qurrah

Thabit Bin Qurrah or Abul Hasan Thabit bin Qurra 'bin Marwan al-Sabi al-
Harrani, (826-18 February 901) was an Arabic astronomer and mathematician,
and also known as Thebit in Latin. Thabit Bin Qurrah was born in the city of
Harran, Turkey. Thabit studied at Baitul Hikmah in Baghdad at the invitation of
Muhammad ibn Musa ibn Shakir. Thabit translated Euclid's book, Elements and
Ptolemy's book, Geograpia.

Khawarizmi other Muslim figures were very impressed with the

intelligence, genius and intelligence of Thabit bin Qurrah. Khawarizmi then took
Thabit bin Qurrah to Baghdad, the center of the Abbasid empire, to meet the
caliph. The Caliph was very interested in the intelligence and intelligence
possessed by Thabit. As you know, the Caliph had a project to translate Greek
books. Thabit bin Qurrah was later included in the translation group at Baitul

After completing his education, he had returned to his hometown of Harran.

Unfortunately, he had to face a trial because his thoughts were considered
dangerous. To avoid punishment, Thabit left Harran and was appointed court
astronomer in Baghdad. Thabit also received protection from the Caliph Al-
Mu'tadid, one of the leading Abbasid caliphs who ruled in 892–902 AD because
he already knew of his abilities in various fields including astronomy.

Thabit Bin Qurrah did a lot of translation of works by Western scientists

such as Apollonius, Archimedes, Euclid, and Ptolemy. Although tasked with
translating the great works of Thabit bin Qurrah played an important role in the
discovery of integral counts, analytic geometry, calculus, theorem of trigonometry
circles, the concept of real numbers and proposed several theories that led to the
construction of non-Euclidean geometry.

One of Thabit's phenomenal works in the field of geometry is his book

entitled The Composition of Ratios (Composition of ratios). In the book, Thabit
applies arithmetic to the ratio of geometric quantities. This thinking goes far
beyond the discoveries of ancient Greek scientists in the field of geometry. As an
astronomer, Thabit said that the movements of the planets affect the waves of the
earth. Earth waves occur once every 26 years. Since 5,000 years ago, Egyptian
astrologers have discovered a star approaching the north pole, called Alfa Al-
Tanim. In 2100 AD, the star will stay away from the north pole. Only later in
14,000 AD, will the north star emerge again named al-Nasr. This star is the
brightest north star. Thabit determines latitude by measuring polar latitude. He got
the size of two latitudes north and south along 56 miles. Regarding the area of the
earth, he uses the longitude and latitude that inspires sailors, such as Columbus, to
sail around the world.

His discovery is no less important is the sundial (Mazawil al-Shamsiyah),

because it uses sunlight to calculate the time difference, and determine the time of
prayer. by sticking a piece of wood or someone standing in the sun. If the shadow
of the wood or the person, leaning towards the west a little, means it has shown
the arrival of the noon time. The shadow of the wood or the person will not be
seen, when the sun is directly above it when it is at a point 33.5 degrees between
the northern and southern latitudes.

Thabit Bin Qurrah died on February 18, 901 in Baghdad. Even so, his
services and contributions in various sciences are still remembered. The work of
Thabit Bin Qurrah:

1. The composition of Ratios (composition ratio)

2. Concerning the Motion of the Eighth Sphere
3. The book fi'l-qarastun (Book of Beams of Balance) One of his works has
been translated into Latin by Gherard of Cremona

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