IENG/Mane 332 Lecture Notes: Reference: PRODUCTION, Planning, Control, and Integration by SIPPER & Bulfin
IENG/Mane 332 Lecture Notes: Reference: PRODUCTION, Planning, Control, and Integration by SIPPER & Bulfin
IENG/Mane 332 Lecture Notes: Reference: PRODUCTION, Planning, Control, and Integration by SIPPER & Bulfin
1 Global production
spurred by renaissance in 1600s and continued with Britain’s initiation of the first industrial
revolution, Europe was the the center of economic power in the nineteenth century; the United
States, however, became the focus of the second industrial revolution, dominating twentieth
century industry. Consequently, management theory and early techniques were the products
of western developments. The concepts of the factory production line, division of labor, and
functional management structure all matured in Europe and America. The post-world war II
emergence of export-oriented southeast Asia, particularly Japan, as a new industrial power
has resulted in an open trading system in which we can no longer ignore international
competition. The emergence of this global marketplace is the subject of this first section. We
first present the evolution of production systems, followed by a discussion of the new
competitive environment.
1.1.1 History:
Four major types of production system have evolved historically: ancient, feodal, European,
and American.
We can trace the begining of Ancient systems to 5000 B.C when sumerian prisets started to
records of inventories, loans, and tax transactions. Around 4000 B.C Egyptians were using
the basic management concepts of planning, organizing, and control in their large projects
such as the pyramids and similar structures. This period of time continued by Hebrews and
Chinese for developing basic concepts on production system such as qualification of workers
and initial steps over time and motion study.
During the middle ages, the Feudal system evolved, in which the emperor, king, or queen had
total power over the country. Nobles were given power over regions in exchange for loyalty
to the ruler. The nobles in turn might delegate lands and authority to lesser lords and so on.
Down to freemen and surfs. The production system in existence at this time are best described
as domestic. Typically, the family members were the owners as well as the workers, and they
did the work at home. Land and labor were the major production factors of the time, which
remained the case until the middle of the fifteenth century.
Production Planning I Prepared by Faramarz Khosravi
The European system started evolving during the Renaissance. Although we normally think
of the renaissance for cultural development, much was happening, particularely in Italy, that
would affect industrialization and production systems. Double entry bookkeeping and cost
accounting were practiced there in the 1300s. After some developments in Italy and England,
in 1776 Adam Smith publicized the division of labor in his book, The Wealth of Nations.
Rather than have one person complete a product, he suggested each be responsible for only
one part of the completed job. By this way he increased the number of pins manufactured per
person from 20 to 48,000 per day. After 50 years, Charles Babbage worked on specialization
of labor that caused increasing market size in all areas.
The beginning of the American system can be traced to the development of the modern lathe
by Maudslay around 1800. The most important aspect of Maudslay’s development was that
now some machines were capable of reproducing themselves, which started the machine tool
industry and had a great impact on later developments in production systems.
Across the Atlantic Ocean in America, other exciting events were happening. Eli Whitney,
invertor of the cotton gin, promoted manufacturing with interchangable parts. Widely
credited as the first to use this idea. Whithney used jigs and fixtures to orient and hold the
parts, which could be made by less-skilled machinists. This system of manufacture –called
American System – was adopted by many factories.The convergence of interchangeable parts ,
specialization of labor, steam power, and machine tools resulted in the emergence of the
American system, which was the precursor of mass production as we know it today.
In 1903 Oldsmobile Motors created a stationary assembly line to produce their cars. The
Assembly line is is the logical outgrowth of specialization of labor and the use of capital to
replace labor.
Fredrick Taylor is often called the father of scientific management. Starting as a common
laborer at Midvale Steel, He held a variety of jobs, working his way through the ranks until he
became chief plant engineer. From his work experience, Taylor knew improvement must start
with the workers. He felt the solution was not to make them work harder but to manage them
better. Management should develope proper work methods, teach them to the workers, and
see that they follow them.
As scientific management gained acceptance in the United States, Henry Fayol developed his
theories in France. He was an engineer and later he became managing director of a large
mining company. He viewed problems from the topdown rather than from the shop floor, as
Taylor did. Fayol beleived a firm had six functions: technical (the actual production),
commercial (buying and selling), financial (getting and allocating money), security
(protection of people and property), accounting (keeping records), and managerial (planning,
organizing, command, coordination, and control).
Academia’s contribution to developing management theory came later. Between 1924 and
1927, production levels of a small group of workers at the Hawthorne works of western
electric were studied. The idea was to change working conditions one at a time and measure
Production Planning I Prepared by Faramarz Khosravi
the workers’ output. They first increased the lighting level, and as xpected, production
increased. The unexpected happened when production still increased as the lighting level was
lowered. The increase continued, even when the available light was only as bright as moon
light. At this light, they judged the problem more complicated than originally and called in
Elton mayo, a Harvaed professor and the first academic to make major contributionsto
production system management. The people discussed previously were all practitioners. Mayo
concluded that logical factors are far less important than social factors in motivating workers.
In essence the attention the workers got made them feel special, and they worked harder. The
lesson is that the human factor is critical in production systems.
2 Production systems:
In the broadest sense a production system is anything that produces something. However, we
will define it more formally to be anything that takes inputs and transforms them into outputs
with inherent value. A good example of a production system is a firm that manufactures
simple pencils. Raw materials such as wood, graphite, and paint are the inputs. The
transformation consists of cutting the woods in sheets, sanding it, grooving the wood, adding
the lead, joining the sheets, cutting the pencil shape, and finally painting the finished pencil.
The pencil is the output. We think of large manufacturing operations as production systems,
but many other examples are quite different. For example your university is a production
system. Freshmen are input, acquisition of knowledge is the transformation, and the output is
an educated person. We can break production systems into two classes: manufacturing and
service. In manufacturing, the inputs and outputs are usually tangible, and the transformations
are often physical. On the other hand, service-oriented production systems may have
intangible inputs/outputs, such as information. Transformation may not be physical, as in
education. Another difference is that manufacturing goods may be made in anticipation of
customer need, which is often not possible for services. Education is a good example of this;
students can not be taught before they enroll. For simplicity, we limit our discussion to for-
profit manufacturing systems.
With production systems, we normally think of the portion we can see, usually the
transformation processes. However, most moderm production systems are like icebergs- the
visible portion is a smll part of the whole system. The study of prosuction systems requires us
to consider many of its components, which include the products, customers, raw materials,
transformation processes, direct and indirect workers, and formal and informal systems that
organize and control the entire process. These components lead to issues and decisions that
must be addressed for the production system to operate properly.
We structure our discussion of production systems around four different components:
production flow, building blocks of the system, technology, and system size.
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traverse the same route each time. Material on the production floor is called work-in-process
inventory (WIP). From the production floor the material flows to a location where it becomes
finished goods inventory. From there it flows to the customer, sometimes through
intermediaries such as distribution centers or warehouses. Note that this discussion of physical
production system flow includes both the supplier and customer. We elaborate on this concept
in the following chapter.
Production Floor
Figure 1-2 shows a generic production information system common database services all
functions and activities of the production system, in whatever location. The leading principle
is information integration. The outcome of information flow is seen on terminals throughout
the production system.
Forecasting Production
& Receiving
Production Planning I Prepared by Faramarz Khosravi
standard model. The manufacturer must decide when and how many of each TV model to
make. Once this decision is made the company must procure a variety of inputs, which may
be unprocessed raw materials (wood or plastic for the cases) or sophisticated components
made separately (picture tubes). They must order the correct quantity and quality of these
inputs and arrange for timely delivery and proper storage. People, processes, and materials are
coordinated to ensure a quality product completed in a timely, cost-effective manner. Finally,
the finished product is packed and shipped to the customer. Although giving a glimpse of
system complexity, this simplified description ignores other functions of a production system,
such as the choice of technology, maintenance of physical equipment, financial matters,
advertising and marketing, and distribution.
Production Planning I Prepared by Faramarz Khosravi
A flow shop produces a high-volume standardized product. The automobile industry is a good
example of a flow shop. An assembly line maintains the material flow, hundreds of thousands
of a given model of car may be made, and production may last for a year. Workers use special
purpose equipment, need little skill, and are able to do fewer tasks than job shop workers.
Each product in a flow shop follows the same sequence of operations. The manufacturing
sequence or assembly operations required by the product determine the layout. A flow shop
uses a product layout. Equipment is arranged so that the product always follows the same
routing through the layout (figure 1-4). In addition, to the car industry, manufacturers of home
appliances and electronic products use flow shops. Managing a flow shop differs from a job
shop. Rather than daily scheduling, the critical problem is setting up and balancing tasks
along the assembly line to ensure a smooth operation.
Between the extremes of job shops and flow shops is a hybrid of the two, the batch shop.
Product 1
Raw C A B D Finished
Material Goods
Raw C A B C B Finished
Material Goods
Product 2
FIGURE 1-4 Product layout
Sometimes, a single, customized product must be made. This production system is a project
shop; its output is a one-time-only job. This layout is an extreme case of a job shop making a
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highly customized, unique product. A project shop uses a fixed-position layout. The product
(ship, aircraft) stays in one place while the material and equipment are brought to it.
As the project shop is an extreme version of a job shop, the continuous shop is a radical
extension of the flow shop.the continuous shop is characterized by continuous flow, as in
petroleum and chemical industries. Discrete units are not produced, but liquids flowing
through pips are chemically transformed into the final products. Because we deal only with
discrete production, continuous shops receive no further discussion.
The final physical layouts encountered are the modern shops. Modern shops fall into the
class of Integrated Production Systems (IPS), and include three major types: Cellular
Manufacturing Systems (CMS), Flexible Manufacturing Systems (FMS), and Computer
Integrated Manufacturing (CIM). We discuss modern shops in Chapter 2.
Divisional structure is built around the outputs generated by the organization. The most
common is to structure the organization around its products. However it could be built around
projects, services, programs, clients, specific markets, or geographical locations. Today, a
divisional structure is called the strategic business unit (SBU). İn figure 1-6 we show a
divisional organization by product. Each strategic business unit has separate engineering,
marketing, and control functions. The control function is most important to a strategic
business unit. Other functions such as production or purchasing may or may not be
centralized. Managers in a functional organization have authority commensurate with
responsibility. İn a SBU structure, they tend to have more responsibility than authority. On the
other hand, a SBU organization is more customer oriented, and therefore more popular in
market driven systems.
Production Planning I Prepared by Faramarz Khosravi
Both functional and divisional structures are designed around a single focus of either inputs or
outputs, which maintain a “one person” , “one boss” hierarchy throughout the organization. A
Matrix organization is structures around two or more central design concepts. One person
can have more than boss, leading to ambiguity within the organization. In a matrix
organization, a project or product managers responsible for project completion or for
successful development and sales of the product.The project manager does not directly control
resources and must contract with other functions in the organization to complete project
components. In Figure 1-7 we show a production matrix organization. It illustrate how a two
boss situation arises. An employee of a functional department also is responsible to the project
manager; in effect, the employee has two bosses. Matrix organization are difficult to manage
and are commonly found in research and development (R &D) organization.
Other Services
Cost Centers
Marketing Engineering Production Purchasing Finance
Product A
Profit Centers
Other Products
Product B
Product C
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2.3 Technology
In section 1-2 we discussed the emergence of market-driven systems also appeared a new
production paradigm: the so-called high-tech products or industries. İn this section we further
explore this paradigm and its impact on production systems.
Although it is difficult to agree on the definition of a high-tech industry, the continuously
increasing rate of technological advancement is obvious. Just as clear is that this rate of
advancement causes basic changes in products, processes, and managerial techniques. To
incorporate and use these technological advances and center the high-tech domain, industry
must accept two realities:
- These advances are major and involve a shift in capital and complementary skills.
- These advances inherently involve a commitment to continuous change.
Today certain products or industries are organized as high-tech;e.g., aircraft and space
industries, electronics, telecommunications, computers, pharmaceuticals, optics, and
composite materials. Further study requires us to be more specific in our definition.
Researchers identify three criteria used to classify industries as high-tech.
- Research and development expenditures are above a minimum percentage of sales.
- The proportion of scientific and technological personnel to total employment is above
a certain level.
- The product has a certain perceived degree of technological sophistication.
The third criterion is subjective and is the reason for including some industries on our earlier
list. Numbers one and two are more objective and do not depend on the product.
No matter the size of organizations, the physical process in each production system is
similar in nature. The generic physical flow (Figure 1-1) and the ensuring layouts how much
in common in any size industrial organization. The difference lies in relative complexity.
Small organizations have straight forward material flow, as product volume and variety are
limited. Large organizations, usually with a broader product mix, can have many flow routes
through the production system. Although the physical locations may differ, each specific flow
follows the general the general pattern described previously.
Before, we noted that organizational structures vary. the Management process is different in
large organizations as opposed to that of smaller ones. Each organization has a different
managerial process, even though the physical flows are essentially the same. The major
dissimilarity arises in the information flow and the related decision-making process. In a
functional organization decisions are more centralized but are more decentralized in a
strategic business unit. Because of size, decisions in a small organization are more
The production management decisions are another element of interest. In content, these
decisions are virtually the same in any type of organization. Generating a forecast for future
demand, preparing production plans, and purchasing material are generic decisions made in
all size companies. Furthermore, the same types of production management tools are used.
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Again, the difference lies in complexity and scope. For a small organization a forecast or
production plan can be generated by using a PC and simple software. A big organization may
need sophisticated software and hardware for the same activities.
The major difference between small and large industrial organizations is not the nature of the
physical flow, but the information flow and the decision-making processes used.
3.1 Evolution
Previously, we discussed the contribution of management pioneers such as Taylor and Fayol.
Taylor laid the groundworkfor operations-oriented analysis. Gantt, a contemporary and
associate, added another dimension to taylor’s work by recognizing that a process is a
combination of operations. He developed a rudimentary method of scheduling operations, the
Gantt Chart. These charts are used today and deal with scheduling problems and project
About the same time, Frank and Lillian Gilbert led a team that further developed the field of
operation analysis. They originated the idea that operations are broken down into independent
components, such as grasp, search, and release. Putting these components together in different
ways create different operations. Their work is a basis for predetermined time standards used
to estimate operation time, important data for a production planning and control.
Shewhart proposed one of the first quantitative approaches to PPC. In the 1920s he developed
an organized theory of statistical quality control as applied to manufacturing operations. His
rationale for dealing with variation was a breakthrough, replacing the deterministic
approaches previously used.
We position these elements at different places along the physical flow route and interaction
between the elements is not shown. The PPC function integrates material flow using the
information system. Integration is achieved through a common data base (Figure 1-2).
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Product planning is the development stage, in which both product design and production
process are determined. There are no sales during this stage.
Introduction represents a period of low-volume sales. The product is refined, and marketing
efforts are beginning.
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The growth stage has rapid product growth and a fast increase in sales. This period is difficult
for the manufacturing organization, which has to keep up with the increasing sales volume.
At maturity, we see a tapering off in the growth rate as the market becomes saturated.
Demand is stable and may decline slowly. A wise producer in this stage, must think about
designing and planning for the next product.
A drop in product demand is seen in the decline phase. The product has been replaced by new
products. Sales and profits decrease, and at same point, production is halted.
Neither life cycles nor the length of the individual stages are the same for all products. For
some products the life cycle may be short- several years for high-tech products or a season for
fashion goods. Other products may be survive for years. By modifying a product, its life cycle
may be extended.
By now production systems, their evolution, organization, technology, and the tools required
to manage them should be familiar. However, neither management tools for computers run an
organization. Organizations are run by people who make decisions that keep the organization
moving toward its objectives. İn the following section we address decision making in
production systems. We discuss the notion of a planning horizon, present types of decisions,
and introduce the implementation cycle.
A Long planning horizon, sometimes called strategic planning, covers a horizon of one to
several years into the future. The decisions made for this horizon are called strategic
decisions. They have a long-range impact on the direction of production systems and should
be consistent with long-term organizational goals.
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A medium planning horizon covers any period from one month to one year and is called
tactical planning. Decisions made for this time frame, known as tactical decisions, are
oriented towards achieving the annual goals set for the production system.
A time frame ranging from days (sometimes hours) to weeks or one month is the short
planning horizon, also known as operational planning. Operational decisions are concerned
with meeting the targets of the monthly production plan. In figure 1-10 we show the three
planning horizons on a time scale.
Tactical planning
Hour Day Week Month Year Years
Operational planning Strategic planning
FIGURE 1-10 Planning horizons
All planning is future oriented, implying that present decision will determine future results.
The three types of horizon planning are often interrelated. There is a hierarchical relationship
among the three; in the sense that each planning phase has to be coordinated with that above
or below.
Obviously the nature of decisions made by top management is different from those made by
production line managers. Typically, strategic decisions are made by top management, tactical
decisions are made by middle management, and operational decisions are made by operations
managers. A strategic decision might involve capacity expansion. Its derived tactical decision
would be the choice of equipment to increase capacity. How to install the equipment would be
an operational decision.
Classification by time was covered in the discussion of planning horizons. A definite
relationship exists between time and hierarchical classifications. Typical top management
decisions are long term, whereas operational decisions are short term by nature.
Lastly, we include the topical content of different discussions. A decision might deal with
production issues, a financial aspect, quality, or material. Some decisions will relate to more
than one topical area.
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In table 1-1 we illustrate these decisions relative to production planning. As seen in the table
the units used inj defining production decisions may vary along the time/hierarchy axis.