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ESO 208A: Computational Methods in Engineering

Tutorial 4

System of linear equations

1. For the circuit shown in the figure, find the currents through the elements using (a) Gauss
elimination (b) Gauss Jordan methods.

(Use R1=10 Ohm; R2=20 Ohm; R3=40 Ohm; VA-VC = 200 Volt; VB-VC = 100 Volt)

R1 R2
i1 i2

2. In the above problem, how much will be the change in current in R3 due to unit change in voltage
difference (VA-VC)? Which of the currents is the most sensitive to a change in voltage at B?

Round-errors and partial pivoting

3. Without pivoting, use Gauss elimination method and four-digit floating point arithmetic with
rounding to solve:

0.003x  59.14 y  59.17

5.291x  6.130 y  46.78

Perform calculations more precisely but round-off to 3 significant digits when storing a result, and
use this rounded-off value for further calculations.

4. Solve the previous problem by using Gauss elimination with partial pivoting and four-digit
rounding arithmetic.

Matrix Decomposition

5. Solve the following set of equations using (a) Doolittle and (b) Crout decomposition
4x1 + x2 = 6
x1 + 4x2 + x3 = 12
x2 + 4x3 = 14
Practice Problems

6. Consider the following set of equations:

10−5 10−5 1 𝑥1 2 × 10−5

[10−5 −10−5 1] [𝑥2 ] = [−2 × 10−5 ]
1 1 2 𝑥3 1

a) Solve the system using Gaussian elimination, without pivoting, using 3-digit floating-point
arithmetic with round-off.

b) Perform complete pivoting and carry out Gaussian elimination steps once again using 3-digit
floating-point arithmetic with round-off. Explain the results.

c) Rewrite the set of equations after scaling according to x3 = 105  x3 and equilibration. Solve the
system with the same precision for floating point operations.

7. Consider the following matrix:

9 3 −2
𝑨=[ 3 6 1 ]
−2 1 9

a) Reduce it to an upper triangular matrix using Gauss Elimination Procedure.

b) Synthesize a lower triangular matrix L and an upper triangular matrix U from the steps of (a) above
such that A = LU.

c) Compute A-1 using the LU decomposition obtained in (b).

d) Using the above results, compute the determinant and condition number of A. Use row sum norms
for the matrices.

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