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06th June 2017

College of Engineering
Electrical, Computer and Telecommunications Department

Assignment 01

Covers material for week 10 to 15

Question 1.
Question 9
A voltage, v = 150 sin(314t + 30°) volts, is maintained across a circuit consisting of a 20 Ω
non-reactive resistor in series with a loss-free 100 µF capacitor. Derive an expression for the
r.m.s. value of the current phasor in:
(a) rectangular notation; [2 marks]
(b) polar notation. [2 marks]
Draw the phasor diagram. [1 marks]

(a) (0.1217  j2.82)
A; (b) 2.8287°53A

Question 2.
The current in a circuit is given by 4.5 + j12 A when the applied voltage is 100 + j150 V.
(a) the complex expression for the impedance, stating whether it is inductive or
capacitive; [2 marks]
(b) the active power; [2 marks]
(c) the phase angle between voltage and current. [1 marks]

(a) (13.7  j3.2) ,
capacitive; (b) 2250 W;
(c) 13°9

Question 3.
A network consists of three branches in parallel. Branch A is a 10 Ω resistor, branch B is a
coil of resistance 4 Ω and inductance 0.02 H, and branch C is an 8 Ω resistor in series with a
200 µF capacitor. The combination is connected to a 100 V, 50 Hz supply.

Find the various branch currents and then, by resolving into in-phase and quadrature
components, determine the total current taken from the supply. [3 marks]

A phasor diagram showing the relative positions of the various circuit quantities should
accompany your solution. It need not be drawn to scale. [2 marks]


V 100
I    10 A i.e.100 A
R 10
V 100
IB 
(R2  X 2L )  [42  (314  0.02)2 ]

V 100
  7.45  13.43 A
(42  6.282 )
  cos1 4
B  cos1  57.5
ZB 7.45
IB  13.4357.5° A

IC 
V 100
(R2  X 2C )   2  10 6 
8   

  314  200  

100 100  5.61A

 
(8  15.92
2 2
  cos1 8
C  cos1  63.3
ZC 17.82
IC  5.6163.3° A
Ip  10  13.43 cos 57.5°  5.61 cos 63.3°  19.74 A
Iq  0  13.43 sin 57.5°  5.61 sin 63.3°  6.31 A

I  I 2 pqI 2  20.8 A
cos  = = 0.95 lag

Question 4.

For the following circuit in figure 3:

a) Find the number of (essential) nodes, (essential) branches and meshes. [1 marks]
b) How many unknown currents are there in this circuit? [1 marks]
c) How many independent KCL equations can be found? Why? [1 marks]
d) How many KVL equations can be found? Why? [1 marks]
e) Which mesh should be avoided when applying KVL in the circuit of Figure 1? Why? [1
f) Deduce all the equations which permit to find all the currents in the circuit. [2 marks]
g) Solve the equations. [1 marks]
h) Put these equations in the matrix form where A is a square matrix, I the currents and a vector
of constants. Solve the equations using Matlab to check your results. [1 marks]
i) Conclusion about the use of Kirchhoff’s laws [1 marks]

Figure 4


a) Find the number of (essential) nodes, (essential) branches and meshes. [1 marks]
essential nodes = 3
essential branches = 6
essential meshes = 4
b) How many unknown currents are there in this circuit? [1 marks]
6 unknown currents
c) How many independent KCL equations can be found? Why? [1 marks]
3-1 = 2 KCL
d) How many KVL equations can be found? Why? [1 marks]
6-2 = 4 KVL
e) Which mesh should be avoided when applying KVL in the circuit of Figure 1? Why? [1
f) Deduce all the equations which permit to find all the currents in the circuit. [2 marks]

Simplify the circuit first:

Find the equations. Only three equations required now:
I1 = I2 + I3

25 = I1 + (3.8462 + j15.7692)I3

12 = I2 — (3.8462 + j15.7692)I3

g) Solve the equations. [1 marks]

Insert the other equations into equation 01:
25 — (3.8462 + j15.7692)I3 = 12 + ((3.8462 + j15.7692))I3 + I3

13 — I3 (3.8462 + j15.7692) = I3

I3 = 0. 105586 — j0. 383095 = 0. 397379 A ∠ 74. 591°

Find I1:

25 = I1 + (3.8462 + j15.7692)I3

25 = I1 + (3.8462 + j15.7692)(0.105586 — j0.383095)

I1 = 18. 55279 — j0. 191547 = 18. 55378 A ∠ 0. 591525°

Find I2:

I1 = I2 + I3

I1 — I3 = I2

I2 = 18.55279 — j0.191547 — (0.105586 — j0.383095)

I2 = 18. 447204 + j0. 191548 = 18. 448198 A ∠ 0. 59491°

To get the other currents (I4, I5, I6) we need to use the original circuit:

Using loop 2:
12 + j15I3 = I2 + 6I4

12 + j15(0.105586 — j0.383095) = 18.447204 + j0.191548 + 6I4

I4 = —0. 1167965 + j0. 23204 = 0. 259777 A ∠ — 63.

Using loop 3:
28177° 6I4 + j20I6 = 0

6(—0.1167965 + j0.23204) + j20I6 = 0

I6 = —0. 0696121 — j0. 03503895 = 0. 077933 A ∠ 26.

Using loop 4: 7182°
12I5 = j20I6

12I5 = j20(—0.0696121 — j0.03503895)

I5 = 0. 058398 — j0. 20 = 0. 129888 A ∠ — 63. 28186°

h) Put these equations in the matrix form where A is a square matrix, I the currents and a vector
of constants. Solve the equations using Matlab to check your results. [1 marks]
1 —1 —1 I1 0
[1 0 3.8462 + ] [I2] = [25]
0 1 —(3.8462 + j15.7692) I3 12
Same answers as before:
I1 = 18. 55279 — j0. 191547 = 18. 55378 A ∠ 0. 591525°
I2 = 18. 447204 + j0. 191548 = 18. 448198 A ∠ 0. 59491°
I3 = 0. 105586 — j0. 383095 = 0. 397379 A ∠ 74. 591°
I4 = —0. 1167965 + j0. 23204 = 0. 259777 A ∠ — 63. 28177°
I5 = 0. 058398 — j0. 20 = 0. 129888 A ∠ — 63. 28186°
I6 = —0. 0696121 — j0. 03503895 = 0. 077933 A ∠ 26. 7182°

i) Conclusion about the use of Kirchhoff’s laws [1 marks]

Kirchhoff’s laws lead to long computations due to many equations. Whereas, a method like
nodal analysis requires only 3 equations for this particular example.

Question 5.

The circuit of Figure 4:

a. Use the node voltage method to find the current in each branch [5 marks]
b. Test your results by comparing the power dissipated to the power developed [5

marks] Answer:
Using the simplified circuit, solve it using nodal analysis:

There is only one equation:

VÆ — 12 VÆ VÆ + 25
1 3.8462 + j15.7692+ 1 =0

Solve for VA:

2VÆ + 13 + =0
3.8462 + j15.7692

+ 13 =
3.8462 + j15.7692

(2VÆ + 13)(3.8462 + j15.7692) = —VÆ

50.0006 + j204.9996 = —VÆ — 7.6924VÆ — j31.5384VÆ

50.0006 + j204.9996 50.0006 + j204.9996 —8.6924 +

V= = ×
—8.6924 — j31.5384 —8.6924 — j31.5384 —8.6924 + j31.5384
—6899.98459 — j204.9996
VÆ = 1070.22849
= —6.4472 —

Solve for the currents:

VÆ + 25 —6.4472 — j0.191548 + 25
I1= = = 18.55279 — j0.191548
1 1
= 18. 55378 A ∠ 0. 591525°

VÆ — 12 —6.4472 — j0.191548 — 12
I2= = = —18.447204 — j0.191548
1 1
= 18. 448198 A ∠ 0. 59491°

VÆ —6.4472 — j0.191548
I = = = —0.105586 +
3 3.8462 + j0.383095 3.8462 + j15.7692
= 0. 397379 A ∠ 74. 591°
Solve for the other currents:
To get the other currents (I4, I5, I6) we need to use the original circuit:

Using loop 2:
12 + j15I3 = I2 + 6I4

12 + j15(0.105586 — j0.383095) = 18.447204 + j0.191548 + 6I4

I4 = —0. 1167965 + j0. 23204 = 0. 259777 A ∠ — 63. 28177°

Using loop 3:
6I4 + j20I6 = 0

6(—0.1167965 + j0.23204) + j20I6 = 0

I6 = —0. 0696121 — j0. 03503895 = 0. 077933 A ∠ 26.

Using loop 4:
7182° 12I5 = j20I6

12I5 = j20(—0.0696121 — j0.03503895)

I5 = 0. 058398 — j0. 20 = 0. 129888 A ∠ — 63. 28186°

b. Test your results by comparing the power dissipated to the power developed [5 marks]

Power developed:
P12V = VI = 12V × 18.448198 = 221.378376 VA

P25V = 25 × 18.55378 = 463.8445 VA

Power developed = 221.378376 VA + 463.8445 VA = 685. 222876 VA

Power dissipated:
P1Ω = I 2 R = (18.448198 )2 × 1 = 340.336 VA

Pj15Ω = I 2 R = (0.397379)2 × 15 = 2.368651 VA

P1Ω = I 2 R = (18.55378 )2 × 1 = 344.24275 VA

P6Ω = I 2 R = (0.259777 )2 × 6 = 0.4049045 VA

Pj20Ω = I 2 R = (0.077933 )2 × 20 = 0.12147 VA

P12Ω = I 2 R = (0.129888 )2 × 12 = 0.20245 VA

Power dissipated = 340.336 VA + 2.368651 VA + 344.24275 VA + 0.4049045

VA + 0.12147 VA + 0.20245 VA = 687. 67622 VA

The values are the same.

Question 6.

For the circuit of Figure 6:

a. Use the superposition method to find Vo and Io. [5 marks]
b. Deduce the power delivered by the voltage source [5 marks]

Figure 6


Start by solving the two parallel resistors.

j45 × 60
j45Ω//60Ω = = 21.6 + j28.8Ω
j45 + 60

Solve the two (2) delta-star transformations:

Simplify further:
Solve for the unknown currents:
10.55898 + j1.1996
Io = 10.55898 + j1.1996 + 59.5359 + ×2=A

Io = 0. 30199 + j0. 008395959 A = 0. 3021067 ∠ 1.

5925° 2 = Io + I2

I2 = 2 — (0.30199 + j0.008395959 A) = 1.6980057 — j0.008386314 A

Simplify the circuit to a single source and single load:

Having this source voltage, we can now solve for all currents:

Vo = 20I20 = 28. 34

I20 = 1.417 A

b. Deduce the power delivered by the voltage source [5 marks]

There is no voltage source but current source:

Power = VI = 2A × 43.21 V = 86. 42 VA

Question 7.
A constant voltage at a frequency of 1 MHz is maintained across a circuit consisting of an
inductor in series with a variable capacitor. When the capacitor is set to 300 pF, the current
has its maximum value.
When the capacitance is reduced to 284 pF, the current is 0.707 of its maximum value. Find
(a) the inductance and the resistance of the inductor and [2 marks]
(b) the Q factor of the inductor at 1 MHz. Sketch the phasor diagram for each condition. [3


(a) 1 1
fr  106 
2  LC)  (L  300  1012 )

 L  84.4 H
For current to reduce to 0.707 of maximum, R  X
(b) X  XL  XC  2fL 
2f  530.52  560.40

 29.9 
R  29.9 
 L 2106  84.4  106
Q 1   17.7
R 29.9

Total marks of assignment: 50 marks

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