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Mathematics and Statistics

MAS162 Foundations of discrete mathematics

Semester 1 2022

Tutorial Worksheet 7

1 2 0
1. * Consider the matrix A = .
2 1 −1
(a) Calculate AAT . Is it symmetric? Is it invertible?
(b) Calculate AT A. Is it symmetric?

2. Let  
1 2 0
B = −1 1 3
4 2 2
and let D be the 3×3 diagonal matrix with diagonal (1, 2, 3). Do B and D commute?

3. Let A and B and C be n × n invertible matrices and I the n × n identity matrix. Use
the properties of matrix addition, multiplication, inversion and transposition (Tables
5.1, 5.2, 5.3 and 5.4 in the unit notes) to simplify the following matrix expressions.
(a) A(A−1 + 2B) − I
(b) A(IBA)−1 B
(c) (2B T AT )T
1 2 0
4. Enter the matrix A = into matlab and compute AT A. Can you find
2 1 −1
(AT A)−1 ?

5. Use matlab to solve the system of equations:

x + 2y = 1
−x + y + 3z = 1
4x + 2y + 2z = 0

6. Describe (in words) the effects of the linear transformations with the following ma-
1 5 1 0 0 1
(a) (b) (c)
0 1 3 0 −1 0

7. Write down the 2 × 2 matrices which represent the following linear transformations
of the plane. Also draw the image of the (first quadrant) unit square 1 under
each transformation. You can check your answers using the MATLAB program
linear_image_trans.m (available on the LMS).
(a) A horizontal dilation with factor 3/2 and a vertical dilation with factor 2/3.
(b) A horizontal shear with factor 1/2.
(c) A vertical shear with factor −2.
(d) Rotation through 60◦ anticlockwise.
(e) Rotation through 45◦ clockwise.
(f) Reflection across the line y = −x.
(g) Reflection across the y axis.

8. Write down the matrices corresponding to clockwise and anticlockwise rotations

through 45◦ , and verify that they are inverses of one another. Give a geometric
interpretation of this fact.

9. Consider the matrices

0 1 0 −1
B= and C = .
1 0 1 0

(a) Give geometrical descriptions of the transformations of the plane which are
determined by the matrices B and C.
(b) Calculate BC and CB and interpret your results in terms of linear transforma-

10. Consider the transformations T1 =‘reflection across the x-axis’ and T2 =‘reflection
across the line y = x’.
(a) Find the matrices A1 and A2 corresponding to T1 and T2 , respectively.
(b) Show that (A1 )2 = I, and give a geometrical interpretation of this.
(c) Use matrix multiplication to find the geometric effect of T1 followed by T2 ,
showing all your reasoning.
(d) The product T (θ) T (φ) of any two reflections T (θ) and T (φ) with angles θ and φ,
respectively, is a rotation, with angle c(θ − φ) for some constant c. Based on
your results in earlier parts, what can you say about the angle of the rotation,
i.e., what is the value of the constant c? Use MATLAB to verify your answer
for θ = 60◦ and φ = 50◦ (remember to convert these angles from degrees to
radians for use in MATLAB).

11. (Challenge) Let f : R2 → R2 be a linear map. Using the algebraic definition of a

linear map show that for any (x, y) ∈ R2 :

f (x, y) = xf (1, 0) + yf (0, 1)

and hence conclude that f (x, y) = (ax + by, cx + dy) for some constants a, b, c, d.

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